Coming out of my hiatus to announce that Chapter 13 of Crumbling Worlds, after a whole year, is finally done and posted👀👍
CW be like:
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Yeah that's right, despite my dwindled interest in OP and busy college schedule I still managed to squeeze in some time to work on my dumb little fanfic x"D But tbh I actually enjoy writing now that it's more of a hobby again, and I still have hopes of finishing this project one day 🙏
So with that in mind, feel free to check out the new chapter! Or not, it's your choice after all lol *disappears back into hiatus*
Taglist: @star-doll-universe (if you still want to be tagged lol I don't know it's been like a year xD)
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Just finished watching the Uncharted trailer and... I seriously can't be the only one who thinks Tom Holland looks more like he should be playing a young Rafe Adler rather than Nathan Drake, right 😭✋?
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Hi M, it's me weird anon. I hope u r doing ok and ur health is good! Sorry they cut of our internet here so I was at loose. Im ok and will start op soon! Will keep u update ok :). Stay safe and we looove
Heyho weird anon, nice to hear from you again💕
I'm not active on Tumblr rn so I probably saw this way too late tho fsfsffgwgwhw
Well well well I'm actually doing so good atm it almost feels surreal👁👄👁 I just started college a few weeks ago and so far I'm having a blast, even if most of my freetime is now dedicated to studying and reading boring textbooks to prepare myself for the upcoming lectures xD But I also started to do a lot of things with other people again, my social life and overall health really went📈 ↗️and it makes me so happy ;_; I used to think I was an introvert but in reality I think one of the reasons why I was constantly depressed these past years is because I didn't do anything engaging and just kept to myself, now that I'm back to having lots of irl friends I feel constantly excited and??? am actually looking forward to socializing, wow xD
I also live in this huge apartment now and it's STUNNING I'm still decorating the place because it's so big but it truly does feel like my own home already<3
So yeah basically is my life is going great (all I'm missing is my own pet tarantula but that's also in the works already) and I couldn't be happier atm💖
I'm sorry to hear that your internet got cut, Idk why they did it but I can imagine that it must have been super frustrating/annoying :( Ohoho, but I'm excited for you to start OP soon, I promise you won't regret it👀 Take care and stay safe dear, lots of love to you as well❤💕
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Nico Robin at 40 and 60 years as a pirate vs if something went wrong from SBS 100
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My Yamato figurine has finally arrived and as expected it is absolutely 💫✨STUNNING✨💫
...But me being the clumsy fuck that I am I of course ended up breaking part of the club almost right away💀 It's a very weird and brittle mechanism, you basically need to "unscrew" the ring at the very top bit so the club can slide into Yamato's hand, and unfortunately I screwed it a little too hard 'cause it completely broke off😫 ...Oh well, time to get out the ol' hotglue gun and see if I can fix this😂
Also, my gremlin husband bookmark came with it and- 🥺
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It's smaller than I thought but I'm ok with that since it's really pretty and cute😭 I showed it to my gf and her exact words were: "yeah, that's him alright" LIKE, SO TRUE BESTIE, I LITERALLY COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF🥺🙏💖💗💖
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I kinda hate to say this but I'm already halfway to drunk and I actually promised myself to never like One Piece for nostalgia's sake, so: I actually really dislike the whole "fated destiny" route One Piece has been going on for the past few years and imo it makes the overall work so much weaker
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Pre-Orders are OPEN!!!
PreOrders will remain open from Aug 30th to Sept 30th
This zine includes 48 contributors with over 100+ pages of beautiful artwork and breathtaking written work all dedicated to the thief, the queen, Nami.
You can order your copy HERE
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Also since we're currently talking about spending a lot of money on rare merch.... as I was scouting through japanese Yahoo Auctions I also found that someone was selling the super rare 1-in-100 character popularity poll Cracker bookmark that you can only get as a random reward for spending a certain amount of cash in the shonen jump online store for "only" 15$ (most ppl are selling these for 50€+ wtf) and well, ya girl pounced once again👍👌
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treat yourself. get the bf (boy figurine)
Yup💖 sometimes you just gotta feed the thirst, even if it means spending more money on a piece of merch than you're usually willing to😔🙏💫
Now if only they had a official Cracker figurine of that detail and size,,,, I don't even wanna imagine how much I'd pay for that😭😭😭
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Guys guess who just spend 105€ on the new Ichiban Kuji Yamato figurine-
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...That's right, this horny clown right here😔✋
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Love the Tobi Roppo😘❤
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X Drake
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Page One
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Black Maria
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Who's Who
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my icons🥰🥰🥰
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Heyo!~ Are you still taking requests? I love how you drew Kaido 😂
Can you draw Kaido taking care of a baby Yamato?
Draw grumpy old man is hard... But sure! Here we go.
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Yamato being confirmed as a cis-woman around the same time the most homophobic Shokugeki no Sanji chapter drops is NOT what I meant when I said "I wish OP would be more consistent again" lmao
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some days, i choose violence. <3 love all you fellow magical girl fans!!/gen
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redraw of my piece from a few years ago, Katakuri is still sweating like hell in his outfit
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A little AU that wouldn’t leave my brain
Follow-up tweets from Twitter:
NOT CLICKBAIT! These two dads HATE each other but their daughters are besties at pre-school 👋😔 They absolutely get into pissing contests over milestones, the latest/best baby gear, Whose Kid Is Cutest, etc. But they also actually help each other out a lot where they struggle.
Sanji is really good at the technical aspects, like schedules, appointments, NUTRITION (obv), education, etc. But he panics a lot with social/emotional aspects, which Zoro just rolls with. Also he has a lot of “x is for boys y is for girls-” that Zoro beats out of him w/ a broom
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as per tradition i am mihawkposting in atrocious hours of the night except it's on twitter so i need to put it on here for my mihawkposting tag
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