oryu404 · 17 hours
PROMPTS FOR ACCIDENTALLY RUNNING INTO A ONE NIGHT STAND YOU THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER SEE AGAIN *  assorted dialogue for that specific scenario where your muse slept with someone and then they parted ways, never expecting to run into each other until that amazing "oh my god, it's you" moment, adjust as necessary
please don't tell me you work here.
admit it. you still think about me.
that was the best night of my life.
i tried finding you, tried tracking you down.
you never told me your name.
well... this is awkward.
we could go for a round two later.
could i take you out for drinks?
this cannot be happening.
there were no feelings involved.
they're asking how we know each other. what do we say?
i never thought i'd ever see you again.
did you ever tell anyone about us?
maybe we could try going on a proper date this time.
you didn't even give me a chance to talk to you the next morning.
by the time i woke up, you were gone.
you didn't even leave me your number.
i never got your name.
can we just start over and try this all again? pretend like we never met?
so... wait. we're going to be coworkers?
they're very strict about fraternization.
there is no "us." we were never anything.
i cannot mix my professional life and my personal life.
act like you don't know me.
it was just a one night stand.
we should start over.
you can't flirt with me anymore.
i should have spent the night.
can we just act like it never happened and carry on like normal?
i thought about you every night.
no, i've never met you before in my life.
i didn't have time to get involved in anyone.
i never promised i'd stay the night.
i'll admit, it was great.
so it was a night of great sex. big whoop.
they can't know we slept together, okay?
i've moved on, and so should you.
keep this between us.
did you tell anyone we hooked up?
don't give me that look.
so you do think about me.
i wish i stayed overnight.
if they find out we slept together, we're in big trouble.
of course i think about you.
you were honestly the best i've ever had
it was a mistake to hook up like that.
it was just for fun.
we never should have crossed that line.
let's just put that in the past and forget it even happened.
i have to focus on my work now and not think about you.
pretend like we just met.
will you finally give me your name?
so... what should i call you?
i'm not used to seeing you with clothes on.
you look different in daylight.
you can't flirt your way into my pants this time.
it was amazing, i'll admit, but we can't go back.
please don't tell them what happened.
to tell you the truth, i missed you.
i haven't been with anyone since.
we could try being friends.
admit it. you loved it.
please don't mess this up for me.
you've always been on my mind.
i can't believe i finally found you.
if we're going to work together, we need to put everyone aside and focus.
don't smile at me like that.
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oryu404 · 24 hours
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Smiling Rogue Cheney
I wish you a Happy Rogue Day!!!
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oryu404 · 1 day
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Rogue Day - 06/09/24
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oryu404 · 2 days
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Happy Rogue Day 🖤🐸
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oryu404 · 7 days
Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese
Side note: for some of these languages I can say it but not write it
Please reblog, I'm curious
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oryu404 · 8 days
Writing Description Notes:
Updated 30th May 2024 More writing tips, review tips & writing description notes
Facial Expressions
Masking Emotions
Eye Contact/Eye Movements
Body Language/Idle Movement
Speechless/Tongue Tied
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oryu404 · 14 days
What's your take on this idea? I'm struggling with the execution. Good and Evil are actual entities/personifcations, not characters simply representing them. These two get separated - split into two worlds. The plot is to reunite them and restore balance. But I don't want to get stuck with a Utopian Society, or Dystopian... I just hate the idea of a world that's overly light and good or overly dark and evil. But if Evil is absent, then how can it exist in Good's world?
Is there anyway to work with this or should I discard Good and Evil as characters entirely?
Story Ideas for Good vs. Evil Societies
Hey there! Sorry for the long wait and no, your question was safely in my inbox :)
Here are some ideas about how you can introduce Evil back into the land of the Good
Good and Evil as Parallel Universes
I'll just throw some ideas for linking the good and evil worlds structually. These ideas assume that although Good and Evil were separated, they can never truly stand on their own.
When someone evil pops up in the good world, they are immediately whisked away to the land of the Evil through some sort of magic. One day, this magic stops working.
Good and Evil are actually parallel universes with the exact same people, economy, buildings, etc. The only difference is that Person A in the Good world will always make the right decisions while Person A' in the Evil world will make the bad ones. So, people in the good world doesn't know hardship or failure, and they lead a relatively boring life (they will ALWAYS choose to eat salad rather than cholocate cake for dinner, how boring is that?). Evil "creeps in" to the good world when a person chooses to eat...(gasp)...a whole pack of Oreos at midnight.
The way this "separation" works is Good and Evil divides the newborns entering the world by foreshadowing their predetermined fates. One day, a baby is born and none of them can see their future...would this baby grow up to be a saint or murderer?
Bad As the Shadow of Good
Shadows and darkness are long-standing analogies for the evil. So the "Good" world is the world in the light, while shadows are in fact the world of the Evil, living a life of their own (think your shadow moving and having a life of its own).
The Light World and Shadow world don't mix (You can't touch or hug your shadow, right? Your shadow cannot harm you physically)
The Shadows and Light People can't talk to each other
A woman falls in love with a Shadow man and she somehow manages to give him a proper body rather than being a shadow on the wall...what next?
None of the people in the "Good World" have shadows, which means they are transparent (think Invisible Man). Now, one of them happens to figure out that if they get a shadow, they can see themselves in the mirror...
Twisting the Concepts of Good and Evil
How do you define good and evil? The yardsticks of morality have changed with time and cultural development, and it truly isn't easy to draw a clear line on what each of your societies would have.
Instead, try working with other concepts of good and evil.
Good = Love for self and others vs. Bad = No Love. The "Bad" society will comprise of people who have no love whatsoever, not even for themselves. Thus, all of them would end up committing suicide. When a child is born, Good and Evil can foresee how the child would die - if they're destined for suicide, Evil takes the child. When the two worlds are combined, the good people bring love into the lives of those who had none. Problem solved and balance restored.
The Banality of Evil. This concept is based on Hannah Arendt's book, Eichmann in Jerusalem. She argued that the average person is capable of horrible deeds if they don't "think for themselves" and "mindlessly follow instructions" of bad leaders like Hitler. You can show a world where Evil rules over such mindless people who does anything Evil will say while people in the Good world will act under their own values.
Good = Balance. Evil = No balance. This is based on Virtue Ethics. The sheer fact that there is no balance is in fact a bad thing. Thus, Good will lead its people to strike a balance between two values while Evil would encourage his people to always do too much of everything.
I hope this helps!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
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oryu404 · 18 days
i think what’s on a person’s nightstand is very telling so reblog this and put in the tags the things you have on your nightstand
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oryu404 · 20 days
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More train than dragon but I fold, metro train from the DC area cause public transit is cool
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oryu404 · 22 days
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He tried his best 😔
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oryu404 · 25 days
can't stop listening to this
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oryu404 · 26 days
My gender is a big fancy thing that caught up with me.
.....Sure. I'll take it.
Type "my gender is" on your phone and let your phone finish the sentence, then tag your moots to keep the chain going, I'll go first.
My gender is a little bit more intense than I thought I could have done
@mirukosbitchywife @get-junpeid
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oryu404 · 26 days
Writing Dialogue 101
Crying-Yelling Dialogue Prompts
⛰️Words to Use Instead Of...
Synonyms for "Walk"
Synonyms for “feeling like”
Words To Use Instead of "Look"
Words to Use Instead Of...(beautiful, interesting, good, awesome, cute, shy)
🔠Vocab Lists
Nervous Tension Vocab
Kiss Scene Vocab
Fight Scene Vocab
Haunted House Inspo & Vocab
👁️‍🗨️Setting & Description
Common Scenery Description Tips
2012 School Setting Vibes - follower question
Describing Food in Writing
Describing Cuts, Bruises and Scrapes
Using Description and Setting Meaningfully
How Different Types of Death Feel
🗡️Weapons & Fighting Series:
Writing Swords
Writing knives and daggers
Writing Weapons (3): Staffs, Spears and Polearms
Writing Weapons (4): Clubs, Maces, Axes, Slings and Arrows
Writing Weapons (5): Improvised Weapons
Writing Weapons (6): Magical Weapons and Warfare
Constructing a Fictional Economy
Homosexuality in Historical Fiction
Writing Nine Circles of Hell
Writing Seven Levels of Heaven
Master List of Superpowers
Magic System Ideas 
A Guide to Writing Cozy Fantasy
Dark Fantasy How-To
Dark Fantasy Writing Prompts
Dark, Twisted Fairytale Prompts
Fantasy World Cultural Quirks 
Fantasy Nobel Ranks: A List
🌠Symbolism in Writing
Plant Symbolisms 
Weather Symbolisms
Symbols of Death
List of Fantasy Subgenres
Beauty is Terror: A List
The Pirate's Glossary
Storyediting Questions to Ask
Writing Multiple WIPs Simultaneously
Idea Generation Exercises for the Writer
Book Title Ideas
Picking the Right Story For You
What If God Dies in Your Story 
International Slang, Slang, Slang!
10 Great Love Opening Lines 
How to Insult Like Shakespeare
Serial Killer Escape Manual
Best Picrew Character Generators for Your Characters!
How to Write Faster
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oryu404 · 27 days
For @yugiohrox I’m sorry it’s a bit late!
“It’s new years eve Rogue, come on.” Sting said, pushing the dark haired dragon slayer through the crowded guild hall. They had spent the entire night with their guild mates without a single moment alone.
He glanced at the clock on the hall. “Technically, it’s new years day and you have a lot of things to do tomorrow.” Rogue replied. As much as he wanted time with his boyfriend, it was getting late.
“It’s only 3 a.m. I’ll have plenty of time.” Sting said, grabbing a hold of his hand. “Let’s go get a bit of privacy.” He paused, his blue eyes meeting Rogue’s. “Please?”
“Not that I wouldn’t like that, but you have a meeting at 8 in the morning.” Rogue said, giving his hand a tight squeeze none the less. It was hard for him to say no to Sting, especially when he pleaded.
“Who the hell schedules a meeting at 8 on new years day?”
“The magic council.”
“Come on, it’s our first new years as a couple.” Sting whined, grabbing the mage’s other hand. He gently pushed him into the wall, his hands and body pinned against it.
“You are going to make yourself sick running yourself too hard.” He said, giving in to the light mage’s advances. Their lips met in a soft kiss, much like the one they had shared at the strike of midnight.
“It’s okay.” Sting said, pulling back to stare into the other’s eyes. “I’ll pull an all nighter tonight and crash when I get done with work tomorrow.”
“That’s a terrible idea. You should-” He was silenced by the blond’s lips again, their bodies pressed together.
“Stop worrying about me. I can take care of myself.”
“I told you you were going to make yourself sick.” Rogue said, a small smirk playing across his face. The smile faded as he pressed his hand against the dragon slayer’s forehead. He was even sicker than Rogue had realized. “You’re burning up.”
“It’s not my fault.” Sting mumbled, his words coming out a garbled mess as he turned to bury his head in the pillow.
Rogue pulled back one of the blankets covering him and cast it aside.
“Give that back.” Sting demanded, glaring at him.
“No.” He replied, showing no sympathy. “You’ve got two others and you’re way too hot.”
“So are you.” The dragon slayer quipped before coughing violently.
“I’m serious Sting. You’ve probably got the flu or something.”
“It’s just a cold.” He decided, rolling over to face him. “I never really get sick.”
“I’m going to have to say you’re wrong on this one.” He sighed, pushing the blond hair back out of Sting’s face. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” Sting asked, what was left of his normal cocky expression falling from his face.
“To tell Lector and Frosch to stay away today. We can’t have them getting sick too. You’re a bad enough patient without adding those two to the mix.”
“I’m not a bad patient.” He pouted.
A small laugh left the shadow dragon slayer’s throat. He leaned over and planted a small kiss against his forehead. “Get some rest Sting. I’ll make you some chicken soup and you’ll feel better.”
“With extra noodles?”
“With extra noodles.” He said, standing up. “You’ve been too busy lately. Take the day off and get some sleep.”
“But I have a busy day today too.” He argued, crossing his arms.
“Just let me take care of it for today. Let me take care of you.” Rogue pressed his lips against his, offering just a hint of a kiss. It was enough to soothe him into compliance.
“Don’t do that or you’ll get sick too.”
Rogue smiled. “Then you can take care of me.”
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oryu404 · 28 days
Often times when Rogue needs to focus/ concentrate specifically on something he'll go off to a corner so he won't be distracted by anything and can make his decisions easier.
The problem is that every time he does this he ends up reccreatin the ending scene of The Blair Witch Project when he's thinking.
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oryu404 · 29 days
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worst maids I've ever hired
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oryu404 · 29 days
Come One, Come All - It is time to get some spice on with:
Fairy Tail's Hot & Steamy Smut Week!
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—Dom Prompts—
Praise Kink
Something New/Experiment
Wine & Dine
Double Penatration
Degration Kink
Choking Kink
AU Setting
Bound Hands/Feet
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Noisy Neighbors
Mutual Pining
Power Bottom
—Written Prompt— "Warm...their body simmered and boiled, sweat cooling over heated skin. Back arching, hands grasping, they fought for a piece of control, even just the semblance of it. Too much...this would be their final mark in the world, an expiration date date too early. A keening sound rang in their ears, deafening them. When they realized they were gasping, desperate and yearning for the fresh air around them, they finally realized the cry came from them. And the lasting pleasure rolled over them as mind and body finally reconnected."
How Does This Work?
—Dom Prompts— The main prompts, or the Dom Prompts, are the main topics set for the week to use. There are seven there for the seven days the event will be going on.
If one of the Dom Prompts makes you uncomfortable or you cannot come up with something on the prompt, any option from the Sub Prompts can be used.
—Sub Prompts— These are additional items you can choose from to add to your story. Sprinkle in a bit of extra spice, or just use the first prompt alone. Mix and match to your hearts desire!
These prompts, as mentioned above, can also be used as substitutions for any of the Dom Prompts that just don't work for you.
Rules / Event Information
—Submissions— Smut Week is to showcase the works of content creators who make the spicier content. To make things easier for readers and those interested, please ensure the following: At least ONE (1) Dom Prompt, or a substitute from the Sub Prompt list, should be used as the Main Prompt and mentioned. After that, any additional Sub Prompts can be used and mentioned.
—Posting— Please mention ( @ftsmutweek ) the blog to help ensure the post is visible and it will be reblogged. Include the tag #ft Hot & Steamy Smut Week 2024 or #ft Smut Week 2024 within the first five tags as well. ALL SUBMISSIONS NEED TO PUT content warnings in the tags accordingly. While many might not see issue with adult-fun stuff, there are many who are either: - Minors - Have Triggers to certain topics - Are uncomfortable with this topic - Or generally might not be interested in it Due to the subject of this week, please ensure all submissions - here and on AO3 - are properly tagged. This also helps those who are looking for certain topics to read about - so it is a win-win for everyone!
—AO3 Collection— Fairy Tail's Hot & Steamy Smut Week 2024
—Generic Rules— - Please, keep it friendly between submitters, and no blatant character bashing. - Any and all ships with characters of age are welcomed, even Poly ships are welcomed! - ABSOLUTELY NO ships involving adult/child. This is illegal. Let's not. - If the subject matter has or is part of a non-consensual relationship, please ensure this is in the tags and addressed in warnings.
If there are any questions, please feel free to send an ask!
Art by @phoenix-before-the-flame Designed by @genavere Thank you @pencilofawesomeness for posting their event before mine so I could copy and paste some of your event rules (otherwise, I would have totally forgot)!
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