painroulette · 3 months
heyyyyy reminder for other cane users.
don't forget that cane tips need to be replaced.
i've been using my cane for almost two years on a near daily basis and i JUST switched out the tip and
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the new tip versus the old tip. i'm not sure how clear it is but, YEAH, there's like. half a millimeter of tread left on the old tip, if that
the replacement was LITERALLY 2 dollars. i bought two to justify the four dollar shipping but. TWO BUCKS.
i had noticed that i was having slipping issues on linoleum recently, but i did not realize how bad the issue had gotten until the new tips came so. PLEASE check your cane treads and if they're notably worn out PLEASE get yourself a new tip they're SO cheap and the grip i get on the new one is INSANE
please don't forget to replace your cane tips!
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painroulette · 4 months
Physio therapy worked too good, I got cocky, and here I am again. Bed bound by stairs. My arch rivals.
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painroulette · 5 months
me when the disability disables me: oh what the fuck? this sucks. what the hell man!
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painroulette · 5 months
One morning a bit under 9 years ago I woke up without knowing that was the last time I'd wake up feeling rested. I'd never feel that again. It Feels like I took that for granted really
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painroulette · 5 months
i don’t know if i’m mad or just amused bc i recently saw a tiktok about a disability aid for the kitchen, like a modified tool for cooking.
and someone duetted and was like “that is so unnecessary just use it like normal”,
and someone rightfully commented “that’s a bit ableist, there are disabled people who need these things.”
and person 1 fucking said “bestie i’m disabled, i just mobility aids for cooking too and it’s still unnecessary”.
MOBILITY AIDS FOR COOKING??? do u know what a mobility aid is???? like yes you might use your wheelchair while cooking or hold your cane while cooking but you can’t use it FOR cooking???
if you don’t know the difference between a mobility aid and a disability aid & are also gonna throw other disabled people with different needs than you under the bus, shut up!!!!!!
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painroulette · 6 months
Maybe this is a hot take, but as someone who literally went to a film school for a masters degree and is an avid video game fan, I feel like there’s just too much media out there that uses things like flash warnings to cover their ass for effects they like, don’t even need?
Like, every music video does not need strobe lighting. Games with blinding effects don’t need that effect to be bright fucking white. I’m sick of living in a world where giving a warning is enough to lock an entire group of people of enjoying art and stories for the fucking aesthetic. There are other ways to make things visually interesting I swear.
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painroulette · 6 months
Maybe this is a hot take, but as someone who literally went to a film school for a masters degree and is an avid video game fan, I feel like there’s just too much media out there that uses things like flash warnings to cover their ass for effects they like, don’t even need?
Like, every music video does not need strobe lighting. Games with blinding effects don’t need that effect to be bright fucking white. I’m sick of living in a world where giving a warning is enough to lock an entire group of people of enjoying art and stories for the fucking aesthetic. There are other ways to make things visually interesting I swear.
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painroulette · 6 months
yemen is the poorest nation in the arab world. but in two weeks time, it did what no oil or gas- rich arab nation could do. by seizing three ships and costing i****l more than 2 billion by forcing its ships to go around africa, yemen showed up.
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painroulette · 6 months
So the US government is trying to redefine what disability means on the new US cenus and it would cut what qualifies as a disability significantly. If this happens, it will further limit access and funding for necessary disability services. This will impact millions. The government is accepting feedback on the census changes. This link allows you to send an email (already written but you can add what you'd like) explaining why this is not acceptable.
It takes less than a minute and all you need is your email, name, and city. Please do this if you're in the US. This could harm millions of disabled Americans.
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painroulette · 6 months
I’ve had a lot of great replies in the comments, but just wanted to reblog this for more of my followers to see! I’m sure plenty of my followers have a similar problem to me.
Someone also recommended ear protectors, or something similar, which should make ones that do go around your ears a little more comfortable.
I’ve been curious about something for a while and was wondering if I could get some opinions about me? Feel free to drag me if I’m just being an ass.
I very much agree that we should still be wearing masks. I see posts all the time talking about why they should still be common place and frustrated as to why they’re not.
Yet I don’t wear one myself. Which I’m technically capable of - I don’t have any sort of breathing issue that prevents it - but wearing it too long can start to hurt due to the constant pressure around my ears triggering my fibromyalgia. I also have some trauma related to breathing, and had full on panic attacks the first few weeks I wore masks every time I wore them.
But the pain has never been unbearable, and while I still don’t feel comfortable with how masks tend to restrict my breathing, I did eventually stop having the panic attacks.
So should I still be making the effort to wear them? Or would I in any way be seen as exempt?
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painroulette · 6 months
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painroulette · 6 months
I’ve been curious about something for a while and was wondering if I could get some opinions about me? Feel free to drag me if I’m just being an ass.
I very much agree that we should still be wearing masks. I see posts all the time talking about why they should still be common place and frustrated as to why they’re not.
Yet I don’t wear one myself. Which I’m technically capable of - I don’t have any sort of breathing issue that prevents it - but wearing it too long can start to hurt due to the constant pressure around my ears triggering my fibromyalgia. I also have some trauma related to breathing, and had full on panic attacks the first few weeks I wore masks every time I wore them.
But the pain has never been unbearable, and while I still don’t feel comfortable with how masks tend to restrict my breathing, I did eventually stop having the panic attacks.
So should I still be making the effort to wear them? Or would I in any way be seen as exempt?
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painroulette · 6 months
Fibromyalgia is bad when it causes a lot of pain for no reason when I'm trying to sleep.
But sometimes it just sends a buzzing-rumble feeling through my body, like sitting on a laundry machine, shaking full force when I'm trying to sleep.
Which can be equally unpleasant but in a different, unexplainable way.
Either way, I can't sleep.
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painroulette · 6 months
Love going to my doctor to ask about any possible medication to assist with my not being able to sleep and just being told to ‘nap less’.
My Brother in Christ, regardless of whether I nap or not sleep evades me. And you have given me a weeks worth of non-repeating medication to ‘fix my sleep schedule’, which literally never works.
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painroulette · 6 months
Love going to my doctor to ask about any possible medication to assist with my not being able to sleep and just being told to ‘nap less’.
My Brother in Christ, regardless of whether I nap or not sleep evades me. And you have given me a weeks worth of non-repeating medication to ‘fix my sleep schedule’, which literally never works.
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painroulette · 6 months
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this is the reality of the situation in gaza.
this truce is not even the bare minimum of what israel could do. they stopped actively murdering palestinians but left enough destruction so they wouldn’t be able to recuperate. put enough restrictions to still oppress and torture them.
there are decaying bodies in the streets. there aren’t enough medical supplies to help treat the victims. there isn’t enough space in hospitals in the south of gaza (according to a spokesman of the MoH, as reported by QudsNetwork).
people who want to return home are being shot down since the idf is still around the area despite the ceasefire (Al Jazeera). there are also israeli drones in south of gaza (journalist Muhammad Smiry)
this fight is not over. this cause is not over. we are not done until palestinians get liberated completely and their land and rights are returned to them.
please do not get complacent. please do not stay silent. please keep speaking up. please keep contacting your representatives. please keep protesting and raising awareness.
your voices and support matters. it’s exactly why israel is trying so hard to spread propaganda and even organising phishing scams on their official social media. they’re using every ridiculous, callous, deceptive trick in the book to sway public opinion. but do not let them!
palestinian liberation is humankind’s liberation. none of us are free until oppressive and colonial forces around the world are brought to justice and charged for their crimes. do not stop speaking up. if this is a lifelong battle, so be it! we will speak up and amplify voices of the marginalised and oppressed until the very end.
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more stories from the 4-day truce
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painroulette · 6 months
I feel like we don’t talk enough about how having chronic illness and/or chronic pain makes you irritable. It makes you grumpy. It can make you a not very fun person to be around. 
We don’t talk enough about the ugly sides of chronic illness/pain. The parts where you feel like a bad person not because of the pain in of itself but because everyone else thinks you are pushing them away. The times when you don’t bear it like a saint and the roughest edges of your personality come out. Where maybe you do hurt other people’s feelings. Its a complicated side of the experience thats resists an easy answer. 
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