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Rest in Peace, Anton Yelchin
March 11th, 1989 - June 19th, 2016
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Shout out to the people with mediocre talents
The people who can carry a tune but don’t have a remarkable voice
The people who can draw more than stick figures but can’t develop their own style
The people who have a decent imagination but no idea how to write it all out (or vice versa)
The people who can play covers of songs but can’t write their own music
The people who can dance with choreography but not freely
The people who can do sports but never make the team
The people who are good- that just don’t feel good enough
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It's been a fiasco lately. I feel like I'm on a tv show with all the drama and news and life changing events going on. Like my life has been scripted for maximum drama. And my health is failing again. Almost like I had used all my mana to survive the past two months and I'm trying to do a boss battle on empty. No more excuses. Time to buy that gym pass and make dates at the gym instead of the beach. Treadmill, I'm coming back for you!
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Do you ever just wanna pull a Luke Skywalker and disappear to an island in the middle of nowhere and dramatically stare at the ocean for awhile
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my mind says college but my heart says isolated sheep herder in Iceland
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Playing some basketball with my sisters. We don't believe in mercy so there were many bruises by the end. @little_keii @ashley.gerk #family #basketball #bball
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Playing some of the classics with @little_keii. Pajama Sam and Indiana Jones. #indianajones #fateofatlantis #PajamaSam #gaming #pcgaming #indianajonesfateofatlantis
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My partner in crime, Simone, joined me today at the zip. Definite highlight to the start Of my summer.
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As I train my liver for convention season I'm also taking a little extra time to work out all my rage issues in the gym. #nerdworkout #gym #plankitup #plank #workout
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First rule of work at the Zipline: always bring snacks.
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This is the most Canadian thing I’ve ever fucking seen and I can’t even be angry about it because I’m too excited to go try both of these fuckers
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You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving, you need a parachute to go skydiving more than once.
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sometimes i forget that morbid, playfully self-deprecating jokes about my mental health are not always appropriate…?? especially around neurotypical people who don’t know how to react. like there’s this awkward pause, this unspoken ‘do i laugh, or…??’, this sort of ‘…dude are u ok’ look they give. and it’s just like, it’s ok, i cope with existential dread through deadpan and/or nonsensical shitpost-esque humor. [thisisfine.jpg]
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you know when you’re motivated but like, in the wrong way?? like “i’m ready to do all my laundry and clean the whole apartment and do dishes and vacuum and -” like ok champ that’s great but why don’t we focus on those two projects due monday first
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Theres a new RPG Running App coming Out!!!
Its called Fit for Battle… Think Zombies Run… with Dragons, orcs and a full on fantasy world, using the principles of HIIT to train either on a treadmill or outside. It launches in April!
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It looks like a lot of fun, its launching in April. I just signed up for beta testing, I so want to play this on launch! Heres the blurb
Fit for Battle makes running fun and keeps you motivated to achieve your fitness goals
You feel like a hero running in an epic movie; battling orcs, goblins and dragons! Winning or losing challenges changes the course of the story and random encounters keep every run different from the last.
The immersive sound effects and story keep you entertained while keeping your mind off the actual run. Your companions let you know what’s happening in the game and when to increase your speed.
Fit for Battle is suitable for all fitness levels and is easy for anybody to pick up and play. You can run outdoors or indoors and set your difficulty and duration. Run for 20 minutes, or up to an hour!
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I Am excited!!! Does anyone else think this looks fun?
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My theme song.
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#TrainLikeBatman because we can't all be superpowered aliens from another planet. And train like #Batman because we all want to be rich millionaires with a Batcave. #nerdworkout #nerd #geek #workoutapparel #nerdgear
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