pdlussier · 6 months
(via Bill Frisell Trio - Live at Jazzaldia)
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pdlussier · 6 months
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pdlussier · 6 months
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(via Putin Put In Propaganda)
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pdlussier · 6 months
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pdlussier · 2 years
Only neocons brainwashed into seeing half the world as foes, doing so, boiled down to core, due to the 'evil' these may present to Western banks and the USD, and the threat this presents to the complete dominance....
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pdlussier · 2 years
Two herds. The new crop of progressives, primarily, those now referred to as 'The Squad', weren't introduced into current politics and propelled to 'stardom' as part of a covert Commie plot to take over the US...
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pdlussier · 2 years
Big missiles. I'm so very relieved to see all parties adopt the path of good sense on this event — the same can't be said in regard to any other facets of the conflict so far.
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pdlussier · 2 years
Tribes. I employ the label 'tribe' to conjure colloquial notions of the word, which brings to mind a bound, more primitive social collective whose activities are determined per the competitive challenge or...
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pdlussier · 2 years
Cosmically Screwed. Otherwise, what's the goal? Why obsess over presenting a BS version of reality that only supreme navel gazers still obsess over? Being true Americans and unconsciously trying to incite a coup?
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pdlussier · 2 years
Imperial Impressions. We've had the 'proper' narrative pummeled into us, the headlines, numerous, loud and bold, assaulting our senses with the same 'West is Great, Russia is vile toilet residue' version of events
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pdlussier · 2 years
That question asked in that manner seems manufactured, offering a perfect take off point from which to attack the protestors to obliquely discredit their claims and avoid dealing with the topic head on.
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pdlussier · 2 years
Euro-Dom.. Finally, Western leaders aren't pussyfooting pathetically around the bigger questions that can't be satisfied by their usual and rehearsed 'Putin bad' responses...
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pdlussier · 2 years
Still... free speech, and blah, blah, blah. And I agree, but, things may not be so simple given the circumstances, and there's an interesting discussion to be had on that topic, for sure, as pertains to times of
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pdlussier · 2 years
Vijay Prashad. Two videos worth watching. The second is so very accurate, and made in front of those who need to admit those truths, to themselves and the world, which earned the speaker a suspension...p
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pdlussier · 2 years
Xipudi Motinping. It may surprise you to learn that this world conceals a monster, one that the Establishment folks have carefully hidden in plain sight, dressing it up as...
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pdlussier · 2 years
Bendable Buddies. When one thinks of an evil US administration, there’s little doubt that Bush Jr. and his lot come to mind, which was pretty much Senior’s cabinet, but with even more...
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pdlussier · 2 years
First off, I’ve no personal beef with any of them and any critique I make toward them isn't meant to showcase that they’re bad people — I don't think they are. If I've called them...
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