percyscourt · 4 years
Drew Tanaka Headcanons
drew is amazing at writing poetry. everynight until ninth grade, her dad would read poems out of a love poetry book. she loved the way the words strung together, loved the hidden messages in each sentence, loved the way her dad smiled when a poem reminded him of her mom. she first started her own poetry when she was in first grade. her first poem was about the color pink, and she won the class contest. ever since, she started keeping poetry journals, buying new ones every time she ran out. occassionally, she would write down poems and give them to the apollo kids to sing at the fire, as long as they promised to tell nobody that she wrote it. one of her best memories is winning the city-wide Brooklyn Teen Poetry Contest after submitting a poem about her mom, titled "Oh My, His Aphrodite."
she hates feeling stupid. it's a commom misconception that Aphrodite kids are stupid. most people credit piper as the one to clear this up, but drew always thought that silena was the smartest of all of them. that was one of the things Drew equally loved and hated about silena; she was the smartest in the cabin; smarter than drew. drew wasn't stupid, necessarily, but silena just always seemed to be smarter...better. and, of course, drew's mean girl attitude doesn't help her at school either. she's one of the highest in the class, but nobody even cares; they probably don't even know. and she hates that.
her favorite season is winter. during winter is when she has the most inspiration. it's the perfect time for her to write poetry, make up dances, and read. it's also one of the only times she gets to hang out with her dad as he usually spends time at the university he teaches at. they'll watch christmas movies everyday leading up until the 25th, and on the night of Christmas, they watch their ultimate favorite; How The Grinch Stole Christmas. she loves ice skating, drinking hot chocolate, and just all the buildup to christmas and the new year. of course, she also loves the presents.
she wants to be a writer when she gets older. drew plans to be just like her dad; go to college for english, become a professor, then release a series or two. she knows she wants to write poetry, either romance or self-care. she hasn't anybody about this though, not even her dad. she assumes her mom knows, her being an olympian and all, but drew is afraid of mentioning it to her. afraid of her being disappointed in her.
she falls in love very easily and very fast. most people think drew just randomly hits on any and every guy just because, but really, she can't help it. a guy could walk past her, and she wouldn't think anything of it at first, but if he said hey or complimented her as he passed, she would swear it was love at first sight. she mostly blames her dad for this as he raised drew on classic fairytales and stories about him falling in love with Aphrodite. after breaking up with her ninth boyfriend- when he cheated on her- drew asked her mom for advice. aphrodite promised drew her love was just around the corner. so, the next month when jason came to camp, drew was positive it was him, positive he was the one. but he wasn't. he chose piper instead. and drew knew she shouldn't have, but she hated piper for it.
her favorite singer is lana del ray. drew first heard lana from sadie kane. she was skeptical at first; how good could a singer really be if sadie liked her? but, as soon as she heard Diet Mountain Dew, drew was sold. she loved lana so much that she even one of her birthdays after her; everybody had to come dressed in an outfit that represented a lana song. drew wore a muted, light yellow summer dress to represent Video Game. it was probably drew's favorite birthday yet.
drew was insanely jealous of Silena. silena was everyhing drew wanted to be. smart, loved, pretty, strong, kind. drew hated standing next to her. hated staying in the same cabin with her. hated her. but also loved her so, so much. everything silena did, drew hoped she would be able to learn to do that too. after silena betrayed camp by joining luke- or at least, that's how drew saw it- drew took that as a final straw. it wasn't even the fact that she betrayed them, it was more so the fact that drew didn't see it coming. that drew could be so dumb as to get fooled by silena. drew hated silena for that, but she hated herself too.
she likes reading comics. it all started when she saw an edition of X-Men that featured Emma Frost on the cover. drew instantly fell in love with everything about frost; her outfit, her hair, everything just screamed BEAUTY. after reading that comic, drew found out she actually enjoyed it, not just the costumes. she first started at the beginning of the X-Men comics, then moved on to Spider-Man, Iron-Man, Hawkeye, then a series of random ones. her current read is ALPHA FLIGHT and her favorite character is Aurora.
she's done dance since she was three years old. her first dance class was tap but she soon switched to ballet. she loves dance, and really wishes she could do it more often. she's actually very good, one of the top of her class. it's one of the only things she's never felt the need to charmspeak her way in to. she does dance her half-sister, Lacy, and they usually do duos together. it's probably the only time they get along. drew would never directly tell her, but she thinks lacy is talented enough to go to school for it.
she very good at hiding her feelings. drew's so good, even she doesn't know what's she's really feeling somtimes.
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percyscourt · 4 years
Zoë Nightshade Headcanons
she was afraid of water. zoë wasn't born afraid of water. in fact, as a young girl you couldn't keep her away from water. but, after she betrayed her stepmother, a water nymph, she became terrified of water. anytime she was near a body of water, she'd be overwhelmed by horrible visions of death and destruction, courtesy of the local water nymphs. whenever they camped out by a lake, she would always experience a drowning dream of some kind; usually, she was the one drowning, but once or twice it was artemis in her place. though it wasn't really his fault, zoë began to be wary of poseidon and his kids as well; "rather to be safe than sorry." that changed when she let herself get close to percy. she was still terrified of water though.
the only movie she ever watched was Twilight. the stolls told her it was a movie about the hunters of artemis. she watched it all, waiting for the hunters to come in, until she fonished the movie and realized the stolls were lying. she swore two things on the river styx; one, she would get the stolls back and two, she would never EVER watch Twilight again. long story short, the stolls somehow ended up with an arrow through their TV screen, and zoë developed a disliking of vampires, werewolves, and girls named bella.
whenever she was at camp, zoë would sleep on the roof. whenever somebody asked why, she simply said she couldn't explain it. really, it just reminded her of her home, reminded her of first joining the hunters. sometimes, if she was with them, artemis would join her on the roof. occasionally, they'd go over old quests and accomplishments, smiling andad laughing together. mainly, though, they'd stay completely silent, just watching the stars. and that was enough for the both of them.
zoë never really liked music. she got into a fight with mozart once. enough said.
she dreamed of hercules every night. whenever artemis asked about this, zoë would clarify; not dreams...nightmares. zoë dreamed about her father killing her, killing hercules, killing artemis. zoë dreamed about her sisters all dragging her underwater and drowning her. she dreamed of herself running away with hercules as artemis cried. she always dreamed, but they were never good dreams.
ambrosia to her tasted like golden apples. everytime she had ambrosia, it tasted like golden apples, occasionally apple cider. the first time she had ambrosia after leaving the garden, she cried. suddenly, she was back at the Garden of Hesperides with her sisters and Ladon. she could practically feel the breeze in the garden, she could smell the flowers in bloom. because of this, zoë would usually put off taking ambrosia until she desperately needed it.
her favorite thing to do was watch the stars with artemis. she liked watching the stars with artemis because she could be herself. she could talk a million words a minute or she could not say a word, and artemis would be okay with anything. zoë loved the way artemis made her feel important, like somebody worth trusting. zoë had never felt that with her sisters. but she never told artemis this. partly because she didn't really know how to say everything, but mostly because, she knew artemis knew. and she was pretty sure artemis loved watching the stars with her too.
she collected coins from every place they went. there really never was a reason besides pleasure. she had a jar full of coins from almost everywhere; greece, america, france, uk, etc. most, she would keep in this jar and shine almost weekly. others, she would melt down into arrowheads "for fun." whenever thalia poked fun at her "hobby" zoë just insisted she liked to be prepared in new places. that didn't stop her from smiling ear to ear when thalia brought her a Washington D.C. 1947 coin, though.
her favorite book was The Grimm Brothers Book of Fairytales. she would bring it on every trip they took. when everybody was asleep and she had night watch, she'd take out a lantern and read page after page of gory; "realistic" she called it; fairytales. her favorite one definitely had to be Cinderella. zoë herself never really knew why, but she had her suspicions. most of them led back to her sisters in one way or another.
she thought thalia was the bravest huntress she ever met. she never told thalia straight up, but zoë thought she was the bravest, most selfless zeus demigod there ever was. before thalia became a hunter, zoë would try to recruit her everytime they met; and everytime, thalia would decline. zoë never gave up though. when zoë died and became apart of the sky, she had her first good dream. she dreamed of thalia accpeting her spot in the hunt, and growing to become lieutenant. as she died, smiling, zoë knew it wasn't just a dream; it was the future. she also knew one other thing: she would do anything to see that dream come true.
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percyscourt · 4 years
Ethan Nakamura Headcanons
ethan hated the police. ethan grew up in Baltimore, where there seemed to be so many police but rarely ever a rightful arrest. ethan hated how unbalanced it all was, and believed that the police needed to get their act together. he always dreamed of seeing justice.
ethan's favorite show was criminal minds. when criminal minds first came out, ethan was still fairly young, but he loved and understood (most of) it. he first saw it on the stolen tv the stolls had set up. it would play every froday night and every night ethan would be there, the only one (everybody else hated watching it), ready to figure out the case, hoping the find out the unsub before the team did. ethan's favorite character was garcia, strangely, and when travis asked why he simply didn't respond. (it was because she saw the scariest sh!t and always seemed to be forgotten, but ethan would never say that of course)
ethan didn't participate in any sports- besides figure-skating. when ethan was only seven, his father tried signing him up for hockey classes at a local rink. there were no available spots at the moment, so ethan told his father he'd just settle for figure-skating; "it's good practice!; instead. within minutes of stepping on the rink, ethan knew he would like it. by the time he was seven and a half, he could do jumps and land them successfully almost each time. by the time he was eight, he was better than most of the older kids; it all just came naturally. when ethan first came to chb, he was most excited about the Rockefeller Center Rink, and he snuck out any night he could to go skating.
ethan was aromantic asexual. ethan grew up with his father's whole "girls are a distraction" mentality, so by the time he hit puberty, he didn't find it weird he wasn't attracted to anybody. it wasn't until getting to camp half-blood that he realized there was a name for this. it's not like ethan was clueless- he knew that some people liked other people of their same gender and so on, but his dad never really talked about that with him. anyway, when he first got to camp, some girl from the aphrodite cabin started hitting on him- or, tried to. it took him about five minutes to realize she was even talking to him, and once he did, he asked her why. the girl's face flushed for just one second before her eyes suddenly got deep. so deep that it scared him made ethan nervous. "follow me." and he did. they ended up at the aphrodite cabin, where the girl handed him a book, "A Guide of The Community (By Aphrodite)." I think you should read this." and he did. and when he was finished, he went to her, asking her how? how did she know before him? "i guess...my mom. i just had a feeling." even though ethan knew now, he never came out or anything; he didn't see the need to. he just liked having a name for what he felt...it made him feel...apart of something.
ethan had an eidetic memory. while most nemesis demigods have pretty sharp memories when it comes to insults/promises, ethan always remembered everything. he could remember things from his early years, he remembered every number, every sentence, every action. and that was cool to him, for a while. until he got older. then, he remembered every death, every little detail. he remembered all the faces of the dead demigods, kids his age and younger. he remembered every word percy had said to try to save him. he remembered everything. and he hated it.
ethan was captain of his school's debate team. ethan attended a maryland school until he was almost fifteen before he went to camp. during the ages 11-14, ethan was on his school's debate team. he was good at debating, not because he yelled or always thought he was right, but, because he always told the truth. and the truth was always something he fully believed in. somebody could show him a thousand reasons he was wrong, but if he knew at least one reason he was right, he would run with that and use it to win.
ethan had small tattoos everywhere. he had one dove on his left wrist, and on the other wrist a single eye. on his back was "balance" in Japanese, and both ankles sported small handcuff tattoos. his favorite one? his lip tattoo that said "K4RM4" he got it retouched almost every year
ethan hated movies, but loved old books. for some reason, ethan could never sit through movies, and he always thought they were too slow-paced. but with books, especially old novels (like the Sherlock Holmes collection), he could read as fast as he wanted eithout missing anything. it was weird, too, how his dyslexia wasn't as bad when he found a book he really loved. he liked that.
ethan always smelled of vanilla and black licorice. he didn't really know why, and it always kind of bugged him. bugged him so much to the point he started wearing cologne. nothing helped though, and his natural scent always overpowered processed ones. while he hated, almost everybody thought he always smelled good. nobody said it, though. people were a little scared of him at times, to be honest.
ethan only had one dream in his life. since ethan had an eidetic memory, he also remembered every dream he had. the thing was, though, ethan never had any dreams. or nightmares. nothing. his "dreams" at night were just silence and blackness, no visions or anything. while he was at camp half-blood, he hid this from everybody. almost every night some demigod would have a crazy dream; about going a quest, getting claimed, killing a great monster, etc, etc. but he never had any. and he prayed and prayed daily, but to no avail. but. his first and last dream was when he died. as he fell from Mt. Olympus, the dropping elevation made him fall asleep. he dreamed of nemesis demigods living in a cabin at camp, he dreamed of percy visiting them, letting them know they weren't forgotten. his first and last dream was when he died, and he smiled the whole dream.
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percyscourt · 4 years
Charles Beckendorf Headcanons
he was extremely good at video games. no, like, scary good. it's not that he played them often, because he rarely played them, but as soon as he touched a controller, he immediately knew all the cheat codes and how to beat the game. he could beat anybody easily wihout trying, but when he did try it was just amazing. when he really was trying, he could create different modes and codes, and even programmed one of Silena's DS games to greet her with her favorite song at the time. (which was no easy feat, considering silena's favorite songs changed almost every day.)
he HATED sweet foods, and actually preferred sweet or spicy candy. his top candy was hot tamales, which under normal circumstances is understandable. but, when beckendorf had hot tamales, he also dipped them in lemon juice. it was one of the only things silena didn't like about him. and if we're being honest, she even found that cute.
he was great at giving gifts. beckendorf put extreme thought and care into every gift he gave. while most of the gifts he gave were homemade, some of his best non-homemade gifts included; a new deck for percy's skateboard, an old greek book from his mom for annabeth, sillystring for the stolls (which he immediately regretted), and a bucket hat for tyson.
beckendorf never really listened to music, but whenever he did, it was always one of silena's playlists for him. these usually included songs ranging from michael jackson to miley cyrus, and beckendorf listened to every. single. one. just so he could talk about it with silena later one.
beckendorf was actually born in north carolina, and his whole family supports duke over unc. his mom played for duke's soccer team, and he himself applied to and got accepted into duke. his mother showed up on moving-in day to tell the school her son would not be attending and pick up his deposit. she broke down into tears when they handed her a monogrammed sweatshirt he custom made for her that said, "I AM A PROUD DUKE MOM." despite that, she took it home with her and sleeps in it almost every night.
beckendorf's favorite sport, suprising to most, was tennis. he loved watching the quick wrist movements and the aerodynamics of the ball flying through the air. he especially loved playing with silena; watching her tie up her long hair in a ponytail-braid to hang over her visor, watching how after every point she made she tipped down her visor, and how after a really hard match her eyes twinkled and blazed with excitement and a feeling of pride.
beckendorf never really labeled his sexuality. sure, he found girls pretty. boys pretty, too. but none of them really ever compared when he thought of silena. silena was always the only one for him, and he knew it. it wasn't just her looks or feminity he was in loce with, though, no, he loved how pure her soul was. how smart she was. beckendorf knew, in the back of his mind, that no matter what gender silena identified as, he would've loved her the same.
beckendorf actually got cold very easily. since his body got used to the hotness of the forges, every other place seemed like the artic in comparison. while he wore muscle tees and jeans in the forges, whenever he was out in public you'd see him wearing either sweatpants or a sweatshirt, long socks, and some type of hat- usually a duke beanie.
beckendorf's favorite colors was tan and green. whenever he was asked why, he'd always just reply that they were sensible, and could go with pretty much anything. the real reason? silena said he looked best in his green highschool sweatshirt with tan lettering
when beckendorf died, he died praying to the gods. "Take after Silena and Percy for me, okay dad? Let them know I'll be waiting for them."
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percyscourt · 4 years
Beckendorf: I already said no Percy, get off my back.
Percy: Please, it's essential for fighting monsters.
Beckendorf: Making Riptide have the lightsaber sound when you uncap it is NOT essential.
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percyscourt · 4 years
team still crying about charles beckendorf’s death 
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percyscourt · 4 years
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crazy how charlie and silena just like, invented love 😌💗
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percyscourt · 4 years
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My first batch of pjo/hoo requests
charles beckendorf | mr. d/dionysus | alabaster c. torrington
leo valdez | reyna avila ramírez-arellano
ethan nakamura | harley
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percyscourt · 4 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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percyscourt · 4 years
Imagine Travis Stoll from Percy Jackson in Ferris Bueller's Day Off
travis stoll is a nyc high school senior. known and well-liked by everybody- except his principal and older sister- travis is funny, mischevious, and has a way of always getting what he wants.
it's towards the end of the year when travis decides to take one of his many "skip" days in order to skip a history test he has to do. the only problem? he's already used up all nine of his abscences for the year. this isn't going to stop him, though
when travis' parents comes to wake him up in the morning, he's already been up for an hour planning. the plan- to claim he's sick and get them to let him stay home. travis knows he can't just claim he was sick though, no, he has to prove it. using his top three tricks.
1. Fake A Stomach Cramp
2. Moan and Wail
3. Lick Palms
this morning, he used all three, with an added "I'm seeing spots" for good measure. just as he knew it would, his plan works. both his mom and dad agree to let him take a sick day, telling him to call them at work if anything comes up
as soon as they leave, travis throws his covers off himself and gets out of bed, getting ready for the day
meanwhile, his sister Annabeth is at school, and suspects knows that travis is faking. she's not the only one. besides Annabeth, the dean, Pr. D, also suspects travis of skipping school, and he commits to catching him himself
while his sister and principal both stress over how to catch him, travis gets to work perfecting his plan. after getting out of bed, he sets up a mannequin stunt-double in the bed to look as if he's there sleeping. and for icing on the cake, he plays a recording of himself snoring to make it more legitimate.
after this, it's time for travis to make some calls. the first one goes to luke, his best friend, who is currently at home and actually sick. luke answers, sounding like death, but travis doesn't really care. "We're going out today. See you soon." luke argues, of course, but travis knows he'll eventually give in
travis walks to luke's house and they make a call to the school- as the dad of Katie Gardner, Travis' girlfriend. despite his protests, luke ends up as the one making the phonecall.
"Well, I can't do it, Luke! You know you have the best adult voice!"
he tells the school to please excuse "his daughter" as there has been a death in the family, and they need to prepare for the funeral and mourn as a family
the dean, thinking it's travis, starts yelling and threatening luke to "expose" him- until travis calls him from the other line to let him know that he's sick, and that he really wishes he could be at school. embarassed, the dean immediately sends for katie to leave school early, no other questions asked
"I'll even walk her out, myself, sir, sorry again sir, I-" luke hangs up in the middle of the explanation, hands shaking and already regretting everything. travis, on the other hand, is just getting started for the day
while katie is getting her stuff together to leave, everybody is talking about travis and his "near-death" illness. a couple kids start gofundme pages, and several sell cookies and bracelets to raise awareness. annabeth hates it, and it takes all her power to not kill the freshmen girls that ask to come over after school to see him
the next step of travis' plan is convincing luke to take out his dad's car to go pick-up katie; as travis doesn't have a car of his own. mr. castellan's car is a vintage 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California that he personally restored to mint condition. luke has a mini-panic attack before again giving in to travis, and even agrees to let travis drive
before they leave, travis visits mr. castellan's closet for some inspiration. he grabs a top hat, sunglasses, and a buisness coat. he also pulls out a fake mustache from his pocket, and luke doesn't even bother to aks. in just the ten minute drive to he school, travis runs five red lights, luke almost pukes, travis almost hits somebody, and the car almost runs into a tree. somwhow, they both make it to the school in one piece
when they pull up, just as he said, the dean is waiting with katie, one hand on her shoulder in what travis assumes is an attempt at comfort. travis pushes luke's head down in the front seat and gets out of the car and stands in front of the driver's seat. when the dean starts walking towards him, travis shoos him away, saying they really need to get going. the dean stays at the door while katie runs to the car, and the whole time he's apologizing for his behavior over the phone.
travis dismisses him, and when katie gets to travis, he pulls her in for a long kiss. the dean looks on perplexed, then chalks it up to a simple "oh, they're that kind of family." travis and katie get in the car, and travis speeds off.
while the dean was outside, annabeth was in the hallway, watching the whole thing. annoyed, she decides that when she gets home she'll bust travis before he can get away with it
though luke begs travis not to, travis takes them and mr. castellan's car to downtown NY, blaring loud music and speeding the whole time. when they get to the city, travis decides they need to ditch the car and he leaves it with parking garage attendants. of course, as soon as they leave, the attendants decide to take the car for a joyride
after leaving the garage, travis leads them on a sight-seeing walk around downtown, looking at sights such as places in SoHo, the Hudson River Park, and even the one world observatory. the whole time the kids are trying not to run into Mr. Stoll, who's working downtown
the whole time, luke is obviously uninterested and nervous. travis looks for a way to cheer him up, then finds it. while luke and katie are watching fish swim in the river, travis disappears. just as they start to look for him, they find him. on a float. in the parade.
"TRAVIS! GET DOWN FROM THERE! YOUR DAD COULD SEE! THE DEAN COULD SEE, FOR PETE'S SAKE!" both luke and katie run alongside the float and try to get travis off. travis, in response, of course, performs a lip-sync cover of the Beatles' Twist and Shout.
mr. stoll hears the song from his office and even starts dancing along, though he doesn't see his son
while travis continues his performance, the dean goes to his house to investigate the credibility of travis' sick day. at the same time, a frustrated annabeth skips class to come home early and catch travis. when annabeth gets home, Pr. D has successfully broken into her house. not realizing who it is, Annabeth knocks him out with kick then runs upstairs, scared of retaliation. she tries to phone 911 in her room but the phone operator thinks she's prank calling her, and hangs up the phone
when the dean wakes up, he walks outside and sees that his car has been towed. he runs after the tow truck, and annabeth walks downstairs to find his wallet on the kitchen floor. recognizing him, she takes it and puts it in her pocket.
despite hanging up, the operator did send police to the house- to arrest annabeth for a false report. they arrest her and take her to the station, forcing her to call her mom for bail. when Mrs. Stoll gets there, she sees Annabeth kissing a delinquent named Percy, and she grounds Annabeth immediately, though annabeth is at the point past caring
looking again to travis, he's now done with his performance and tells katie and luke they should go to lunch. instead of going to their usual diner, travis picks a fancy restaurant where you can only get in by reservation. when they get to the front, travis uses his persuasion skills and gets a table, by saying he had reserved it as a "Hermes", a very famous buisnessman in NY. when they sit down, the friends notice that travis' dad is right outside, and they carefully evade him as they leave the restaurant
much to luke's liking, travis tells them they're done downtown and they go back to the garage to pick up the car. on the way home, they realize that hundreds of miles have been added to the odometer, and luke starts freaking out
after getting back to the castellan house, travis works on calming luke down, and comes up with a plan to run the car in reverse in place in luke's garage to reverse the odometer. when they realize this isn't working, luke goes crazy. ranting about his abusive, unloving father, luke starts kicking the front of the car. because of this, the cars becomes unstable on its stand, and when luke stops to rest on it, it rolls back into the garage's glass windows and lands in the ditch below
luke stares at the car for maybe five straight minutes before starting to laugh, unnerving travis. while he laughs, travis offers to take the blame, but luke tells him he'll own up to his actions and maybe finally stand up to his dad after taking the consequences
travis leaves luke and runs katie home. travis himself sprints home, cutting through the street to reach his house faster. he's runnin full speed when he's almost hit by a car- a car with his mom and sister inside. while his mom doesn't recognize him, annabeth does, and hits the gas pedal for her mom in order to beat travis home
when travis gets home, not only is the dean there but annabeth is also waiting for him. despite her attempts to catch him, annabeth wraps an arm around travis and starts scolding him- from walking home from the hospital when he was in such bad shape
when the dean starts protesting, annabeth hands him his wallet from earlier and thanks him for driving travis home
before his parents check on him, travis races to his room, and is comfortably in bed when they come to see him
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
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percyscourt · 4 years
imagine the movie Wild Child, but Silena Beauregard as Poppy Moore...
silena beauregard was born and raised in Malibu, CA. she lived with her mom, dad, and little sister until her mom died when she nine years old in a car crash. before the crash, silena was quirky, respectful, sometimes even quiet. but after the crash, she was like a totally different person. as soon as she hit middle school, she became a party-girl, and her nights weren't complete without drinking, dancing, or trashing somebody's house. of course, it also didn't help that her dad owned a million-dollar chocolate company and was rarely home
the last week of the summer before her sophomore year, silena's dad announced that his new girlfriend was going to move in with them. naturally, silena reacted with nothing short of a large ball of rage. when the moving trucks arrived, they were greeted by more than 100 teenagers that silena had invited over to take, trash, and torch all of her father's girlfriend's belongings
as if this wasn't enough, silena herself wanted to participate. silena scooped up a handful of clothes and started running full speed to the pool in her backyard. instead of jumping in the pool like everybody assumed she would, silena didn't stop running, but instead ran behind the pool to where the cliff looked down into the ocean, and dived in
right as she came up from the ocean, her dad arrived, and he immediately started kicking everybody out
flashforward to dinner that night, silena's dad tells her that she's going to boarding school.
in new york. and not the city new york, no, the countryside new york.
after dinner, silena stormed to her room. her younger sister, Lacy, came into her room and spent the night. they didn't get any sleep, though, but instead talked about their mom. "i've already lost her. i can't lose you too, S."
the next day, silena began packing. her friend, Kelly, helped her while lacy sat on the bed, talking about new york. "What if your school is like in Gossip Girl? That'd be awesome!" when lacy stepped out, silena and kelly looked at the school's website. the school showed a lacrosse field, outside dining pavillion, horse stables, a lake, and dorms. "could be uglier, I guess." kelly left, promising to call silena every night
the next day, silena and her father left early so silena could see the campus before classes started, and they drove all the way from california to new york; "S, it's like a roadtrip! Fun, right?"
it took them about two days to get there, and when silena and her dad finally get to the campus, it's two hours till dinner. as soon as she stepped out of the car, silena was met by the school's dean, Professor D. who introduced her to the school's head girl, Drew, and her friends
silena immediately takes an instant disliking to Drew, which is only increased when drew looks at silena's phone case. "'Pink is powerful?' Ha! Pink is weak- like you, I'm assuming." when drew tried to take silena's hand to shake, silena pulled it back roughly. of course, drew was taken aback. "You shake the head girl's hand out of respect." she yanked silena's hand
silena pulled it back. "When the head girl has earned my respect, then I'll shake her hand..
after drew and her posse stormed off, silena was introduced to Clarisse, her "big sister." while clarisse was nicer than drew, you could tell she didn't like silena either. all silena wanted to do was go home.
clarisse told silena to get any bags she needed and follow her to their room. when they got there, silena was introduced to her other roomates; Katie, Thalia, and Annabeth, though everybody just called Annabeth "Wise Girl"
when she got to the room, silena found out that technically she wasn't allowed to have her phone, except for sundays, and during the week it would be with her dorm's RA
silena hated this. this rule. this school. this whole thing.
two weeks pass, and silena wasn't any closer to liking this school, but also not any closer to finding a way out of it, either. her and her roomates barely talked, and when they did, it was snarky remarks or arguments
one night, silena ended up sneaking out after lights-out. she went to the school's computer room and logged into her email to write to kelly. after she wrote and sent the email, silena looked for the log out button so she could get back before anybody realized she'd left. right before she was about to log out, she saw somebody else sneaking around, just out of the doorway
it was annabeth.
silena left the computer to investigate. she walked out of the comouter room on her tippy-toes, looking this way and that for signs of anybody else. a thought popped into her mind, maybe she's meeting a guy, but as soon as that thought came, it was gone. silena creeped behind her and saw annabeth walk into a doorway. silena waited, counted to ten, then followed and peaked inside the room. it was the school's library. ugh, lame. silena left and started heading back to her room
when she was on the second floor on the way to the third, a fire alarm went off. scared of getting caught sneaking around during lights-out, silena hopped out a window and onto the fire escape. she walked on the fire escape until she got to an apparently empty bathroom. she hopped through its window
when she gets into the bathroom, she realizes it's actualky occupied. a voice calls out from her from behind the shower curtain. "may I help you?" it was a man's voice. holy hell, i've walked into one of my teachers taking a bath! "Uh maybe. I'm Silena Beauregard, sophomore, room 308. How do I get out of here? without getting caught, I mean." the faceless voice gave her directions and she ended up getting out without getting in trouble
a couple days later, silena is in pe class when she gets in a fight with drew. it starts out with a witty comment from silena, as it always does, but then drew threw the first punch. soon, both girls were rolling around on the ground, equally pulling hair and punches. "Silena Beauregard from 308?" it was the voice. silena looked up, but instead of coming face to face with a professor, it was a boy. a boy her age. "Charles! Hey, Charles! Hi, how are you?" Drew was quickly on her feet, rushing to shake his hand.
"Uh, well. Goodbye, now." Charles left, and silena found out that his full name was Charles Beckendorf, and he was the Dean's nephew. "How do you know him, fresh meat?"
"Aww, are you mad because you have a crush on him, old meat?" Drew's friends had to drag her away before another fight ensued
as she walked to her dorm from pe, a bucket of sewer water was dumped on silena's head, courtesy of one of drew's minions from seventh grade. silena wasn't alone, though, and turned around to see clarisse. clarisse laughed for several seconds before composing herself. "Okay, let's say we get yourself cleaned up, alright?"
after they had cleaned back up at the dorms, clarisse handed silena her phone. "We gave Mr. Brunner decoys; some old flip-phones. Go ahead and call your friend if you'd like."
silena calls Kelly but it goes to voicemail, and she texts her a simple "imy girly <3" instead
when all the girls are in the room, silena opened up about her mother's death and how hard it was at this new school. partly because they liked her, and partly because they felt bad for her, they all agreed to help Silena get expelled from school.
over the course of several weeks, the girls pulled a series of pranks; dying the lake blood-red, re-recording over Mr. Underwood's lectures, etc. they never got in trouble though, and the only thing the pranks were successful in doing was bringing the girls closer, though they didn't know it
after she realized their pranks weren't working, clarisse suggested a different approach: silena would seduce charles, and the dean would be so mad that he'd expel her immediately
their plan was put into motion at the school dance a week later. the girls were allowed off campus, and they went shopping for dresses in NYC. while they were shopping, clarisse suggested they all get their hair done. Silena went along with them, then even ended up swapping her platinum blonde curls for her natural raven-black waves. when the hair stylist was done, she realized with a shock that she looked exactly like her mother. she liked it
the girls showed up twenty-five minutes late to the dance, per silena's suggestion to be fashionably late. they were by far the most dressed up and stylish there, also due to silena's large interest in fashion and design
when they got there, charles was standing in a corner, awkwardly talking with drew
"Hey, Charlie, wanna dance?"
They danced, though it was more like Silena danced and Charles just standed there and watched. "Nobody ever calls me Charlie, y'know. It's either Charles or Beckendorf. I like when you call me Charlie."
in the middle of dancing, Silena tried some new move she had seen on one of her shows, but she tripped and fell on her head. charlie picked her up and took her outside to sit down. when she assured him that she was okay, charlie just started looking at silena instead. he leaned down to kiss her but they were interrupted by drew's followers
just as she was leaving, charlie asked silena on a date
the next day at school, silena was called into Professor D's office. he scolded her for not only for behaviour but also the fact that she had brought alcoholic beverages on to the school campus. silena sat silent through the whole stretch of this talk, waiting patiently for Pr. D to finish up and expel her. instead, her punishment was joining the girls' lacrosse team
after a good two weeks of lacrosse, silena had started to like it. she found out her mom not only went to the school when she was young, but also was the team captain to lead them to nationals, and silena was determined to do the same. somewhere along the way, she found herself actually falling in love with the sport. and something somebody else.
silena and charlie's first date was the day after her talk in the dean's office. charloe took her off campus to an underground bunker. silena was surprised to see that while it was a little packed, it was very neat and fresh-looking. "welcome to bunker 9." they had a picnic then went on a drive. the date ended with a kiss that made silena feel as if she was floating
when she got back to her room, she found Clarisse, Thalia, Katie, and Annabeth crowded around the computer. "What're you reading?" the girls turned around, faces mad and hurt at the same time. "Your email."
when she looked at a screen, silena saw an email from her account, though she hadn't sent one. it went on for more than a hundred words, with the summary being that she was only pretending to be their friend so they'd help her get expelled
silena checked her account to see that a similar email was written to charlie. both charlie and her roomates shut her out and refused to talk to her
upset and alone, silena decided to call kelly. when she did, she found out that kelly had been sneaking around with Silena's on-and-off-again boyfriend, Luke, since the first week of them dating in eighth grade. silena deleted both their numbers. she sat there, feeling almost as alone as she had when her mom died
poppy was in the common room after lights-out when she really started to feel depressed. absentmindedly, she started playing with her lighter. the flame accidentally touched the curtain and scorched the corner. though she put it out before anything else happened, silena was so spooked that she decided to retire to her room. as she walked, she heard footsteps, and her slow pace turned to a fast sprint
a few minutes later as she laid awake in bed, silena turned her head to see that outside of her window the common room was on fire. silena got up, started yelling, and slammed down the fire alarm to wake everybody up
once everybody was evacuated, the teachers started doing head-counts. silena and her roomates quickly realized that one of their own was missing. "ANNABETH!" silena pushed past the crowds, ran past the firemen, and made her way to the library. when she got there, she saw Annabeth trapped behind a fallen bookcase. silena, dizzy and bleary-eyed, led annabeth until they reached the kitchen, and the firemen carried out the collapsing girls.
after the fire was successfully put out, charlie pulled silena aside. when she tried to talk about the email, he only shoved her lighter into her hands. "I believe this is yours." he refused to listen to her explain and walked away, fully believing that she was the one who started the fire
the next day, silena sat in the dean's office awaiting his decision. ironically and cruelly, she found herself wishing not to be expelled. though she held off for a while, she started crying. she couldn't tell if the tears were because of the fire, or her friends, or even her mom, but whatever the cause they didn't stop. until somebody called her name. "Silena"
silena looked up to see charlie staring her right in the face. "I believe you. It was an accident, wasn't it? Tell me everything."
later that day, silena was set to attend a hearing concerning her future at the school. at the hearing, she told her side of the story, starting from when she first got to the school, and her roomates realized she didn't send the emails
they quickly left the hearing, and silena was convinced they hated her
they returned after several minutes of investigative research and took the stand in favor of silena. they defended her against drew and debated back and forth until drew let it accidentally slide that she had saw silena put the fire out, then started it back up herself again
of course, the case was immediately resolved, and silena was cleared while drew was expelled
silena spent the next weeks preparing her team for their nationals game. when the gameday came, silena was surprised to find her dad in the crowd with the rest of the parents. mr. beauregard was equally surprised to see silena's new natural, happy appearance
silena and the rest of the team ended up winning their nationals game by a landslide, and afterward they had a party at the beach by camp
silena ended the schoolyear completely different from when she arrived. she was now officially dating charlie, her team was staying with her for three weeks in the summer, she learned more about her mother and became closer with dad, and she was finally, truly happy.
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percyscourt · 4 years
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‪modern richie tozier: professional snapchat boyfriend, vine enthusiast, and twitch streamer. (yes this is now an au i’m doing i’m so sorry)
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percyscourt · 4 years
listen………. just listen to me………. a to all the boys i loved before au……..
piper mclean, although a total babe, is very self-critical and she saw what heartbreak did to her father, so she wants no part in love. she also thinks her older sister, silena, creates such a shadow that she will never be noticed. she likes people, though. so instead of speaking up (her father never listened to her, so she started staying quiet) she wrote love letters to her five crushes throughout her life
letter #1: percy jackson. he was piper’s childhood best friend, and for a solid week, she thought she liked him. she was twelve and lonely and probably hormonal, and by the time she sealed up the letter, she realized that she did not like percy in the slightest— they were like siblings, and plus, percy liked annabeth chase since the sixth grade anyways.
letter #2: charles beckendorf. he liked silena for as long as piper can remember, and they were high school sweethearts. he was very sweet, helped out their mom when she were car troubles, and adored silena’s sisters. when they were freshmen and piper was in eighth grade, she had a fat crush on him. that faded pretty quickly when she realized he was destined for silena.
letter #3: will solace. when piper got hit in the head with a volleyball during her freshman season, will was helping the doctor at the game. he got her water and an ice pack. he smiled at her, and she felt a lot better even though she got a nasty concussion. he was cute, kind of like a puppy, and they spoke maybe one time after that game.
letter #4: reyna ramirez-arellano. (piper is bisexual, thanks!) she was in piper’s p.e. class freshman year. she was always the first person to complete the mile, and she broke the school record for most pull-ups. she was gorgeous and took shit from no one. she was the first girl piper had a real crush on. but the feelings went away when reyna moved to a different school.
letter #5: jason grace. varsity lacrosse player since his freshman year, student council member, honors student. he was piper’s lab partner in chemistry sophomore year. he was seriously attractive and nice and laughed at all of her jokes. he brought her coffee every friday and before finals, he brought her a bagel. he was that kind of nice boy with no ulterior motives. if not for him, she would’ve flunked chem.
silena goes off to college and breaks up with charlie because of distance. piper enters her junior year, and drew, her younger sister, won’t stop bugging her about finding a boyfriend. i don’t need a boyfriend apparently wasn’t a good enough excuse for drew
piper is on her way to psych when jason grace stops her in the hallway. he’s holding up the letter and he’s confused because they seemed to be decent friends, and he’s asking if she’s liked him the entire time when he didn’t even notice. at this time, she sees will across the hallway with the letter in hand. in a moment of panic, piper grabs the front of jason’s shirt and kisses him. he’s shocked, and she promptly breaks away and makes a beeline for the bathroom.
the bell rings, and she accepts the fact that she’s missing psych, and will solace enters. he’s really nice, and he tells her that she’s very sweet, but he was more into boys than he was girls. she’s mortified, and she explains the situation to him
the next day, jason approaches her again and asks what was up with the letters. she tells him that in order for the whole thing to blow over, she needed an excuse to show she didn’t like the people anymore. she comes up with the idea to fake date, and she doesn’t think he’ll agree but he does. as if it’s the most natural thing in the world, he kisses her before going off to lacrosse, telling her “see ya later” over his shoulder
there’s no formal contract (sorry, piper is definitely not as detail-oriented as lara jean) but they decide a good stopping point is the annual student council beach trip. jason hardly ever has a plus one anyways, so he says that he’ll take her as a goodbye
piper’s best friend leo is convinced they like each other, to which piper denies completely. leo starts making bets with percy and annabeth to see when piper would get with jason. percy thinks the whole thing is hilarious. he and annabeth are ecstatic that it’s jason grace who’s in on the fake relationship. 
they do stereotypical couple things— they hold hands in the hallway and she goes to all his lacrosse games. he drives her and drew to school, and drew is stunned that piper managed to get the school’s golden boy.
piper doesn’t realize she likes jason until a few weeks into the act. they go to a party, and while jason is the sober one, she drinks a little too much. he wraps his arms around her and drives her home, and even though it’s late, he follows her inside and gets her into bed. he makes sure she’s safe and that she has water and advil on the table before ruffling her hair, wishing her a good night before leaving. the next morning, piper thinks oh fuck because she actually likes the guy
she tries to distance herself, because there is no way varsity lacrosse player, student council member, honor student jason grace could like her back. she remains oblivious to the fact that he really likes her back. this poor boy is head over heels and she thinks she’s the one in puppy love
the beach trip arrives, and piper is so excited because since annabeth is in student council, she’s going along with percy. she tries to stay away from jason, hanging out with the couple until they finally convince her to talk to jason
she finds him on the beach, and he finally tells her straight up that he likes her. she crawls onto his lap and although they don’t have sex, they definitely fool around under the stars.
she hears the whispers on the bus the following morning. people are whistling and high-fiving jason. the girls are giving her judgmental looks, and she feels sick to her stomach. jason is just as confused as her, but he tries not to let it bug him. she wishes she could brush it off like he did
some girls are spreading a rumor that jason was the one who bragged about it after they left the beach. piper overhears this and once they arrive back at school, she tells him to stay away from her. she was so scared to be with someone, especially after watching silena dump charlie, and jason broke her trust.
people keep calling her a slut. nothing like silena is what she hears. two guys stop her in the hallway and won’t let her get to class when jason shows up, making a scene when he demands that everyone leave piper alone. she rushes off with leo and it isn’t until later they find out that a few people thought it’d be a funny prank to record them
drew admits to having sent the letters. piper is about to pulverize her sister when drew tells her that because of the letters, she was happy with jason even though it was a fake relationship
but she refuses to talk to jason because she’s so ashamed of blaming him without letting him explain himself. it isn’t until charlie comes over and tells her that jason is a good guy that she considers talking to him. silena calls unexpectedly so the story comes out. silena tells piper that if she lets jason go, it’ll be a big mistake
piper shows up right when practice ends. she stands on the field and jason meets her in the middle
she tells him that it wasn’t fake for her, and that she wanted to be with him, but she was scared. she saw how love didn’t last between her parents, saw so many of her friends with divorced parents. but jason tells her not to be scared because he’s in love with her too
“are you gonna break my heart, mclean?”
they kiss!!!! leo is so smug because both percy and annabeth owe him money.
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percyscourt · 4 years
To All The Girls I've Loved Before / Percy Jackson AU
based more on the film version than the novel
Percy Jackson is a 16 year-old hopeless romantic with stormy eyes, a mischevious smile, and jet black hair that spills all over his eyes. He falls and hard, usually liking people for a long time. Instead of telling his crushes, though, he instead writes each a letter- letters he never even thinks once about sending. Each letter is addressed to each of his five (5) main crushes, equipped with why, when, and how he fell for each of them
letter #1: annabeth chase. annabeth chase was percy's first kiss back at a party in seventh grade. it was only for a second, due to a game of spin the bottle, but it was as if the world lit up to percy. in the letter, he reveals that even though annabeth was dating his then-bestfriend, Luke Castellan, percy continued to secretly like her for the rest of seventh grade and most of eighth. the one thing percy loved the most about annabeth was also the one he hated the most; everybody liked her, and it was impossible for him not to fall for her. in his eyes and the eyes of most, she was perfect.
letter #2: rachel elizabeth dare. rachel elizabeth dare was the first person percy liked after getting over his crush on annabeth. it all started on a rainy day when they had to put up the PE's gym bats. rachel was the only one who ever called percy PJ, and he secretly loved it. he also wished he had a nickname for her. their time together was short-lived though, because rachel moved away at the start of the summer after eighth grade. after she left, percy wrote the letter admitting that he wished something had happened between them, even saying he wish she never left.
letter #3: thalia grace. thalia grace was percy's date to homecoming in ninth grade. in his letter, he admitted that he fell for thalia due to her grace- no pun intended- and witty comments all while they danced. percy admitted the crush lasted a little while, and grew even bigger from their english class presentations because thalia just seemed so confident. he ended the letter with a question, what kind of boys did thalia like? was he one of them?
letter #4: calypso from camp. calypso and percy went to the same camp the summer after eighth grade. this romance was very short-lived and percy never even learned her last name. he started liking her after she showed him how to make a shell necklace during arts-and-crafts, but when camp ended, he wrote the letter then sort of forgot about her.
letter #5: silena beauregard. percy actually wrote on two different occasions for silena. after silena moved in the neighborhood when percy was going into sixth and she was going into seventh, her, percy, and percy's older brother, Charles "charlie", all became friends very quickly. the first part of the letter was written when charlie and silena started dating when percy was in ninth grade. percy admitted in the letter that he wished that him and silena got more alone time, despite her relationship with his brother. due to respect for his brother, though he never finished the letter. that is, until charlie broke up with silena right before leaving for college. percy finished the letter on another page, stating how the breakup made him realize that he still had unresolved feelings for silena left over. though again, he said nothing could ever happen between them because of charlie.
it was september of percy's high school junior year when the letters get out. charlie's away at college, leaving percy and tyson alone to fight amongst themselves. after a particularly bad fight, tyson sent out all the letters while percy was asleep.
the next monday, percy was running laps outside at pe when was approached by a very confused annabeth clutching her letter. percy, being as graceful as he is, fainted. when he woke up, not only was annabeth staring down at him, still confused, but silena was also walking towards him, her own letter in hand. so, he did the only thing he could think of- he reached for annabeth and kissed her. annabeth seemed surprised but still kissed him back, and the kiss lasted for what seemed like minutes to percy. when they finally broke apart silena is nowhere in sight. almost as quickly as percy kissed annabeth, he runs.
he runs all the way into school where he runs into thalia grace. "percy! thank gosh!" it takes all of percy's willpower to stop himself from fainting when he sees that thalia also is holding her letter. "uh, you know i'm aromantic, right? i mean, you're sweet, and i totally had fun at homecoming, but i don't-" percy's face turns a bright shade of red. "yeah, yeah, of course. it was a long time ago anyway. uh, can we talk later?" as soon as thalia nods, percy heads to his locker and leaves school, running like the devil was chasing him (percy put off taking his driving test due to the fact that his extreme ADHD made it really hard to concentrate on the road, so he mostly ran everywhere)
when he got home, he ran to his closet to see that all the letters had been sent. one good thing- his letter to calypso had been mailed back, as he didn't know her address. bad thing? everybody else's had sent, and he didn't know how to do damage control.
a little after his mother and brother got home, percy still was trying to figure out how the letters had gotten out. he was tearing apart his room for the fifth time when his mom called up to him; "Percy! Silena's here! Looks like she really wants to talk to you!" percy, of course, instead, hopped down the stairs of the fire escape and headed to his favorite diner, the Big House Diner
when he got there, he immediately asked for his regular order and waited. since he was too busy looking out the window, he didn't realize that somebody had sat down next to him. "Hey, Jackson." percy looked over to see annabeth not even three feet away from his spot at the bar. the waitress came over, asked for annabeth's order, and then left. in attempt to make things less awkward, percy asked annabeth what she was doing there. she was quiet for a while before admitting she had asked Tyson where she could find Percy. "Look, I just wanna be super clear." percy realized annabeth was trying to turn him down and quickly spoke up, "Annabeth, I'm not trying to date you."
after annabeth still kept going, percy explained the letters and then admitted he had only kissed annabeth because he saw silena coming. when annabeth just looked at him confused, percy told her how his brother was no longer dating silena but it would be super awkward if silena believed percy still liked her. "Wait, so. I'm not the only girl that got a letter? Damn, Jackson, you're a player"
Annabeth kept asking who percy sent the letters to, and he ended up telling her about all of them. Just as percy was about to leave, annabeth stopped him. "Did you...walk here?" moments later, percy was getting a ride home in annabeth's jeep. annabeth drove him home but neither of them said anything for awhile. finally, annabeth asked percy what he was going to do about silena, to which percy admitted he had no clue, but that he maybe still liked silena.
before percy got into his house, annabeth had gotten out of the car to stop him. "What if you didn't tell her? What if we let people think we were actually together?" annabeth explained how when luke heard about the kiss, he went ballistic, and how he'd want to get back together soon enough if he thought percy and annabeth were a thing. annabeth left him to think about her proposition, and percy was up almost all night thinking about it
the next day during free period, percy and annabeth met up on the outside benches. "first, if we're doing this, we need rules." "seriously, Jackson?" "Lists help me focus my thoughts."
Percy and Annabeth's rules: 'Annabeth will play with Percy's hair' 'Percy has to read at least one of Annabeth's favorite books' Annabeth has to watch Finding Nemo with Percy, because it's a classic' 'Annabeth will write Percy notes everday' Both people can never tell anybody the relationship is fake' 'Percy has to come to Annabeth's lacrosse games. And the parties.' Annabeth has to drive Percy and Tyson to school' 'Annabeth and Percy have to have better nicknames for each other than just their last names'
"You like the beach, right?" "Yeah, why?" "Then I'll call you Seaweed Brain." "I wish you wouldn't....Wise Girl"
And lastly, 'Percy must go on the school ski trip with me' Percy agreed, secretly thinking to himself that since it was three months away, they probably wouldn't still be doing this. but instead of saying that, he said, "Okay. Deal." both signed, then shook on it for extra measure
the next day, october 1st, their contract was put into motion. percy woke up, got ready for school, and sure enough, when he and tyson walked out of their house, there annabeth was, waiting to drive them in her jeep
as soon as they got into the car, annabeth turned to talk to tyson. "hey, little Percy, what's that?" "it's our mom's famous blue breakfast smoothie. and my name- thanks for asking- is Tyson. Ty to my friends. So, you can call me Tyson." Annabeth smiled, turned to Percy and said, "He's got spunk. I like him." tyson pretended not to hear but percy could tell he was pleased based on his small smile. he wasted no time, though, and immediately asked why the heck annabeth was driving them. "Well, I'm your brother's girlfriend." this response from annabeth came so suddenly that percy almost spit out all of his smoothie. "Can I try some of that, Tyson?" 'Sure' "Oh wow, that is really good. If I drive you guys to school again, will you get me another one of those?" "If you keep driving us to school, you can call me Ty."
as soon as percy and annabeth walked into school, percy knew that people knew. for one thing, when annabeth and percy walked to class together, people started saying his name, started noticing him. "Hey, Percy!" was like a chorus all around him- even from the principal, Mr. D- who had only ever called Percy "Peter" before
when percy and annabeth walked into lunch, annabeth threw her head back in a laugh, brought it down in between percy's shoulder and head, then reached up and played with his hair. she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a note. "This is for you." Annabeth reached up to kiss Percy's cheek and whispered in his ear a quiet "Good job" before breaking away from him, giving Percy a good view of Luke Castellan. And by good, Percy meant horrible. Luke managed to look equal parts bored and murderous at the same time, and Percy quickly made his way to the cafeteria for some water
right before he got into the doorway, percy was suddenly pulled back. "This Chase thing is fucking insane, Perc!" it was Grover Underwood, Percy's best friend since the beginning of middle school. grover never really talked to anybody at school, but instead preferred hanging out with college kids. he was probably the last person that percy thought would be excited over this. the rest of the day percy got equal reactions from everybody else, not to mention a lot of comments and compliments from random girls
when he got home, percy realized he hadn't called charlie or answered his calls in almost a week. it took him maybe two hours after getting home to work up the courage to call him. "Finally. I feel like we haven't talked in forever, so... lay everything on me." percy debated on how to start, before finally settling on first talking about literally anything and anybody else besides him, silena, or annabeth. "Mom and I are making her famous blue cookies for Ty's bake sale." "Bro, cookies? Nah, nah, you've got to do brownies. They're easier." percy was about to argue when charlie started on a different topic.
"So have you heard from Silena recently?"
of course, in regular percy fashion, he started rambling. "Silena? who? oh, like our neighbor? her? uh, well, no, we don't....I mean I- I'm going to go make the cookies. See ya!" quicker than charlie could reply bye, percy hung up.
he was in the middle of getting out ingredients when his doorbell rang. it was annabeth. "Did you not read my note? We're going to Clarisse's party tonight." percy opened his mouth just as his mom walked through the door. "Annabeth Chase? Oh, my, you grew up so beautifully! You're so tall now!" Sally Jackson pulled Annabeth into a quick, yet strong hug in welcoming. all it took was annabeth to mention the party for sally to not only tell percy he was going, but that she would bake the cookies for him, and that he couldn't be home before ten but also not after one. "Of course, no drugs! Other than that, please have fun."
before he knew it, percy found him and annabeth standing outside of Clarisse La Rue's house. just as Percy reached to pull his sweatshirt hood over his head, annabeth slapped his hand away. "what're you doing? your hair looks so much better when you don't have that hood over it. give it to me." after taking his sweatshirt, annabeth put it on herself. she took his phone, took a picture of herself, then set it as his lockscreen. for the finishing effect, she looped his arm around her shoulders and let him lead the way inside.
walking into the party was just as school had been; annabeth introduced percy to her friends, people said hi to him, etc. it took only about five minutes for luke to spot him, and when he did, he invited percy to sit. percy sat down on the couch where luke and the Stoll brothers were sitting together. "So, what's going on with you and Annie?" percy didn't even open his mouth before Connor and Travis were bombarding him with questions of how, when, everything. "Shut up, guys. It's not like they're ever gonna do anything. Annabeth has only been with me and...I bet Percy's never even kissed a girl before."
apparently he didn't care about percy's reaction, because luke suddenly left, and his spot was replaced by annabeth, holding a cup for both herself and percy. "Let's take a picture together- for my phone." percy stared at her dumbly for maybe ten seconds trying to figure out what to do. he finally settled on one of the most cliché poses he saw on insta- he kissed her cheek.
annabeth left to go talk to her team and suddenly percy was alone. just as fast as he was alone, he wasn't. suddenly thalia grace was there. "I guess your letter worked, huh? Don't worry, your secret's safe with me"
while percy and thalia talked, annabeth went to the bathroom. in perfect character, luke followed her in, and immediately started talking. "So Jackson, eh? That's cute. Oh! Is this his sweatshirt? Do you mind? It's chilly." Luke took the sweatshirt from where Annabeth had set it on the counter, but instead of wearing it, he tied it around his neck like a polo scarf. of course, annabeth asked for it back. "No, I think I'll keep it for awhile, okay Annie?"
annabeth found percy, and after saying goodbye to thalia, they headed over to the Big House Diner. as soon as they got there, annabeth praised and praised percy for his "excellence performance in making luke jealous." percy shrugged, but he could feel heat rising on his face. to add on to that heat, annabeth started talking about when they were kids. "you've always had better style than Luke, and i think it made him jealous. better hair, too." of course, all through dinner, annabeth's phone was blowing up- with texts from luke. "So you guys still talk, then?" percy knew how he sounded- jealous- but annabeth didn't comment on his tone. "Sometimes. Hey, don't judge!" "Don't call him tonight."
they spent the rest of the night talking about the love letters, why percy hadn't had a girlfriend yet, why annabeth was still hung up on luke, etc. after dinner, annabeth drove percy home, reminding him to be ready the next morning for school. percy got ready for bed after responding to Annabeth's new instagram post of them, but stayed awake for a long time. when he finally did fall asleep, he went to bed with a smile on his face
by november, they had the fake dating thing down pact. percy would eat with annabeth's lacrosse team at lunch and bring them some of his mom's baked goods, percy and annabeth would call each other nicknames, etc. percy had to admit it was a nice change of pace, but he still caught himself feeling a little bit lost sometimes. especially when he started noticing silena staring across the cafeteria at him everyday
it was maybe the fifth week of percy and annabeth's relationship when silena showed up at percy's door wanting to talk. "I can't believe you're dating Annabeth." percy let silena rant about this "unlikely relationship" before cutting her off to ask if there was anything else. "Did you mean everything...in the letter?" "I don't know, okay? It was a long time ago." "So what am I supposed to do? I'm not going to tell Charlie or anything; he doesn't even talk to me anymore. Gosh, are we not even friends anymore Percy?" "I'm sorry, Silena. We can't talk right now."
percy forced himself to stop thinking about silena, and instead put all his effort into his relationship with annabeth. the only problem? percy was worried about the endgame. his mom and tyson were both so attached to annabeth at that point that percy couldn't imagine how they'd react when their thing stopped. it wasn't just his family he was worried about, either. he had had multiple family dinners at the Chase house, and he found that he actually enjoyed them
not only were their families getting closer, percy realized that so were he and annabeth. sometimes when they talked, their relationship seemed so scarily real that he couldn't breathe. they would talk about how percy's dad had passed away, how annabeth had run away from home and had an absent mother, everything.
percy, instead of talking to annabeth, turned to silena instead. he talked about how he felt himself falling for annabeth, for real, and silena listened to everything he had to say without any input. of course, annabeth hated the fact they still talked, maybe just as much as percy hated seeing luke and annabeth talk
Percy became so worried that he was falling for annabeth that all he wanted to do was call the whole thing off. "You know, maybe we should just call it." "Not before the ski trip, Seaweed Brain!" "Fine. I'll go. But only if Grover comes with."
Percy asked Grover, assuming he would say no, then almost killed him when he answered yes. percy spent the weeks leading up to the trip split between packing and worrying. on the way there, he sat with grover and slept the entire time. when they got there, he not so subtlety ignored and evaded annabeth's attempts to hang out together. him and grover ended up rooming together, and when grover went out, percy invited thalia over to their room to talk. he told her all about annabeth, the letters, the fake relationship, the maybe real feelings, everything. of course, thalia told him to do something, anything. "She obviously likes you, you know."
before he could talk himself out of it, percy had put on a jersey over his boxes. he headed down to the hot tub where thalia said annabeth would probably be waiting. sure enough, when percy got there, annabeth was all alone. "Now you want to hang out? I wanted to sit next to you on the bus Percy, and you ignored me, you know." it took percy a solid two minutes to realize what annabeth was trying to get at. before he could second guess it, he was in the hot tub, and then he was only an inch away from annabeth's face. and then they were kissing. and then percy slipped, dragging annabeth under with him. but they were still kissing, and all percy could think was that this had to be the best underwater kiss of all time
after the hot tub, percy walked annabeth back to her room and they kissed goodnight. for the rest of the ski trip, they were like this- affectionate, happy, and real. the morning they were leaving, percy, as always, was late- the very last on the bus. when he finally got on the bus, it erupted in cheers. "Jackson, you dog!" people reached over to slap his back and shoulders as he made his way to sit by annabeth. he thought about asking annabeth about it, but no sooner than he sat down had she started using his shoulder as a pillow, so he decided to forget about it.
when they got back to school, luke stopped percy before he could leave. "It's so cool that you came on the ski trip, you know? Almost as cool as how understanding you are about Annie and I's friendship. Like, a lot of boys would be a little mad that their girlfriend slept in another guy's room, but you're just really mature I guess. Oh! And it's sweet how you're okay with Annie still giving me gifts, like this sweatshirt here. Anyway, have a great break, Jackson."
when Annabeth came over to drive percy home, he told her he'd rather walk instead. he headed home in the fifty degree weather, and had only been walking a minute before he broke into a full sprint. when percy got home, he was so distracted that he didn't see tyson in the living room. as always, tyson tackled him before he could even say hi. then, just as he broke away, suddenly charlie was there, hugging both of them. it was so good to have both his brothers there with him that percy almost forgot about annabeth. almost.
it was an hour before dinner when annabeth showed up, voice loud and eyes watering. "Nothing happened between me and Luke that night, okay? We have history, he was sad, I helped him, but nothing happened Percy."
percy could barely listen and had barely gotten a word in when a third voice stepped in. "Maybe you should leave, Annabeth." Silena stood next to Percy, back straight and protective. "This is why you want to break up? Not because of Luke and I, but her? Are you seriously in love with this...Kardashian wannabe?!" suddenly, there was a fourth voice. "You're in love with Silena?" "Charlie, c'mon man, wait! Both of you need to leave. Now" "You were never second best, Percy. I promise."
just as percy went to go talk to charlie, his phone rang. somebody had sent him a video- of him and annabeth in the hot tub. 'It's always the geeky guys that try to act hard, isn't it?' percy threw his phone and stayed in his room for almost two days straight. when he finally left, he went down the hall to charlie's room.
"I'm so stupid" percy and charlie talked about everything, the letters, the video, silena, annabeth; and by the third hour of talking, percy and charlie were no longer fighting, just catching up
"Let's not have anymore secrets between the Jackson brothers now, okay?" Tyson said as soon as he saw they had made up. "That includes me. I sent the letters, okay? I'm sorry." Percy smiled for only a minute before moving to attack Tyson with Charlie's punching glove. "If I can forgive you for writing Silena a letter, don't you think you can forgive Ty for sending them?" he hated it, but Percy couldn't argue with that logic, and he forgave tyson fast.
fast forward to new year's, and percy still hadn't talked to annabeth. instead, he spent most days at the community indoor pool, all day. it got so bad that one time his mom picked him up an hour earlier than usual. "Come on, let's go for a drive, alright?" after percy got dressed in sweats, his mom took him to the Big House. "Your father and I used to dance here, you know, using the jukebox." percy stayed quiet; his mother never talked about his father anymore, not ever since he was confirmed dead at sea. his mom used this silence to her advantage and continued to talking, but switched to a different topic. "Seeing you with Annabeth was really...good. For all of us, I think. You guys seem to really like each other."
when percy got back to school, the video had been taken down. of course, there was a photo on his locker of them. 'Told her not to trust him. I bet he slipped her something. She would never get into a hottub with him out of her own free-will.' while percy stared at the message, grover ripped it down, and suddenly annabeth was there, screaming. "Hey! It was my choice to get in that hottub. If you want to shame, shame me, but leave Percy out of it, because he didn't do anything wrong to me, okay? He's probably the nicest guy here and you're all just asshats that can't see it"
after her speech, annabeth headed over to percy. "I'm sorry." "I've got to talk to somebody else, first, Annabeth." Percy looked all around school until he found who he was looking for. "Seriously, Luke? What the hell's your problem, man?" "You, Percy. You have been since you kissed my girlfriend in seventh grade. You broke the bro code first, remember?" percy couldn't believe that luke cared about that kiss, maybe more so than percy had when he wrote annabeth her letter. percy suddenly wasn't mad at luke, he was....sorry? for him. he couldn't explain it, but it didn't seem worth fighting over anymore. percy stepped back from luke and let him leave.
after school, percy invited silena over. "You were the first girl I ever truly liked, but I didn't realize until you started dating Charlie. But, over time...that feeling faded away. And, I guess, I'm trying to say...I miss you. But not in a romantic qay, just as a best friend." "Well, duh! I miss my best friend too, Perc. Obviously, I'm not a big fan of your little miss perfect, but I like how she stood up for you. It takes a lot for girls to stand up in that way, especially since that video could wreck a future scholarship for her. maybe you should tell her you miss her" "What if it isn't as real to her as it is to me?"
percy and silena sat in silence for a while before tyson came downstairs with a cookie jar. it was the one percy tried to throw away- the one full of annabeth's notes to him. percy spent the next twenty minutes reading all the letters before he made up his mind.
percy got in his mom's car, drove all the way to school, and rushed across the field. annabeth, fresh off practice, stood in the middle, watching percy come to her. "I drove here." "Really?" "Yep. Okay, bye now." "Wait, Percy, wait. what's in your hand?" percy turned to leave, but annabeth grabbed his wrist. "Read me the letter, Percy."
percy opened the letter and closed it almost immediately, looking into annabeth's eyes instead. "I need you to know that I like you, Annabeth Chase, and not in a fake way." percy held his breath and got ready to hear bad news. instead, annabeth said, "Well, I'm in love with you, Seaweed Brain. Now, are you going to break my heart, or are you going to kiss me?"
"I'm never letting go of you again, you know that, Wise Girl?" "I know."
they kissed, and percy couldn't help but be happy that the letters had gotten out. after all, he knew that him and annabeth probably wouldn't be together without them.
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percyscourt · 4 years
Hazel Scott playing two pianos at the same damn time with ease
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percyscourt · 4 years
the implications of Percy having made international news for being “kidnapped” in the lightning thief are literally the funniest things to me I genuinely never stop thinking about it
Like of course he’s not famous but his name will sound kinda familiar to the average person and if you look him up you’re probably going to get result after result of Percy Jackson on a list of famous abductions along with this awful Yancy Academy year book photo of this smol, endearingly tough-faced  kid.
Like, there are just too many bizarre circumstances to the mortal eye that wouldn’t have Percy’s kidnaping stand out like this kid literally blew a hole in a national monument, crashed a bus, and had a “shotgun-to-rifle” battle in Los Angeles that exploded cop cars, and people are so gonna talk about that. Like the idea that his “captor” was a huge burly guy that this twelve year old took on with a gun and then the dude fled and still has never been found?? Amazing. Spectacular. Perfectly Absurd.
Documentaries, Youtube videos… @emily-elizabeth-rose said #Buzzfeed Unsolved does a video on Percy Jackson when he’s in college and Percy gets weird looks for weeks afterwards and I love it cause that’s just so fucking funny
And also speaking of college – Percy having to write a college admission’s essay on facing adversity and overcoming hardship? He has an entire kidnapping story at his disposal with countless documents and media sources to support it and a college essay reader, somewhere, is going to lose their damn mind.
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percyscourt · 4 years
unpopular opinion:
lucas and isak would actually become really good friends out of spite for literally hating everything else around them.
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