Hello 😊 it’s been a while. I just wanted to stop by and let you guys know that this blog is really no longer active. I’m on Ao3 more often than not to respond to comments. I have up a new chapter/epilogue for Goldilocks there, as well as the ending for RED. If you’d like to continue reading my weird writing, come find me on Ao3 as perpetually_jungshook. Thank you for all the support you’ve given me here. I appreciate it. 💖
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hello, I was just writing to say that I really enjoyed your fauna series! I have never read a hybrid au because I never thought that I’d be into it, however I read your lore post and found it really interesting and then I read the whole series and was hooked lol. Defo would read more if u ever furthered the series. Hope your having a nice day 💕
HELLO LOVELY ANON. I’m super glad you liked the story! I am currently... really busy with school which is why I took so terribly long to answer this. I’m so sorry :’) but maybe when I have a break and am done with RED, I will look into making more of the fauna universe (an alternate, alternate universe haha as I will not be continuing those exact storylines). If I do, you’ll find them on Ao3 because I am no longer posting my writings here. But thank you so much for your message and I hope you’re having a great day 😊
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So what is it exactly that causes Namjoon’s eyes (in fauna) to change? Sorry if someone’s already asked this question... also what was your inspiration for his eyes? Was there any specific animal that made you come up with the idea? It’s really clever xx
HELLO I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT ON THE RESPONSE! I’m hardly ever on tumblr anymore and with school I have like no free time :’) (as is normal with school, I’m sure). No one’s asked me that awesome question, but even if someone had, I’d do my best to answer it anyway because you seem like a really sweet person 😄
Namjoon’s eyes change because of an extreme genetic mutation. He is neither fauna (with its human percentage and animal percentage) nor human. Well, he’s neither and both if that makes sense. His eyes change simply because I wanted a physical indicator of his “inner beast,” if you will. The inspiration was a werewolf 😊and the eyes, to be honest, were made the colors they were simply because I thought I’d work well for imagery and that it would look interesting. Thank you so much for your question! I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day/night!
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Hello! I have always wondered how the fauna series came to be? Like what inspired you to write it? It's such a great series I'm in love 😍
I’m sorry to say the answer is probably going to be very unsatisfying :’) I actually don’t remember how I thought of it. It had just been in my notes on my phone for months and when a tumblr friend of mine had a birthday coming up, it finally gave me an excuse to write it 😊I think... if I were to take a guess, it would probably be a mix of wanting to write a hybrid AU and wondering what a semi dystopian society with hybrids would be like. Thank you for reading and thank you for asking 😄hope you have a stellar rest of your day/night! 
Much love ~🐰xx
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That thing™ Taehyung does 😩
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🐰 2014 ➡ 2018 🙊
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If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get back even better.♡
Awwww thank you 😊
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do your ever get excited to see certain mutuals in your notes like yes i pleased the Friend
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once upon a dream
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Hello! I adore your writing very v e r y much, you have such talent! I was just curious; will there be any further stories in the fauna universe? Please don’t feel burdened or pressured to write if it’s not your plan to, I’m just wondering because it’s absolutely fantastic! I’m so into it, it’s so intricate. Thank you so much lovely!
Hello my lovely anon! 😄Thank you so much for not only reading but also sending me this message and being understanding dlskfjdlksjf I wasn’t really planning on writing anything else for the Fauna universe, but I might be persuaded to after I’m done with what I’ve already got planned 😊I’m not sure if I’d make it part of the original story line (aka what I’ve written so far), but maybe I can write something belonging to the same universe. The fact that you’re enjoying this particular series is like... well, it’s really nice because it’s one of the least popular things for people to read on my account :’) but it’s also one of my favorites. Anyway, thank you again for showing interest in my stories and hey, who knows? Maybe someday very soon I’ll have another piece of the Fauna universe for you 😄I hope you’re having a great day/night! Don’t be a stranger!
Much love ~🐰xx
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181126 Seokjin’s Tweet
윤기랑 휴가에 낚시
Fishing with Yoongi during break
Trans cr: Kylie @ allforbts © Please credit when taking out
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© Invictus | Do not edit. (1,2)
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a meme
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🐰 smile
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