pink-tonic · 9 days
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Warnings: Mentions of blood
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It's Friday, and I decide to go to school. I need to show up. It doesn't matter how much I want to skip today, I need to go. I doubt anyone will find a connection between me and the nurse. But I just can't risk it. It's better if I go, than to stay home and carry on with my mission.
But it's almost done. The nurse is weak and scared. He is almost completely broken from what I have been doing to him.
His skin is pale, almost resembling the color of paper. His clothes are torn and bloody. He smells of dried blood, and even though I've been exposed to blood countless times, over time it becomes an unpleasant smell to have around. His previously neat hair is now messy and dirty. His stomach is empty, and I wouldn't be surprised if he dies of starvation before anything else.
But now I'm met with a question.
Do I want to kill him?
If I keep breaking him the way I'm doing currently, then I could make him my own mind-slave. But I wouldn't have much use for him now. I don't have anyone to eliminate, and he would just be rotting away in my basement until I need him.
I know what to do with him... but I know by the end of this week he won't be in my house or in this world anymore.
After thinking, I start to get ready. I try to make little to no sound. I can't let Kana get the idea of the house being empty. If he finds that out, then there is a chance that he might try to escape.
If he does get away, then I can kiss everything goodbye. My life, my family, and my darling. And I can't afford to lose my darling.
I quietly close the door, knowing what's at stake if I don't.
When I make it to school, I hear the other students talking. I feel that almost every week there is some new type of gossip. And this week is no different.
From what I can gather, it's about the nurse. As I walk by the hallway, I hear a student mention that they learned about the nurse's disappearance from a news article. I take out my phone, and I quickly type in any keywords that could make the article show up.
Eventually, I find it.
I read through the article, and it's vague. They don't have any suspects yet, which is good for me, but in a matter of time, they are bound to make a list.
I can't keep the nurse for long, I need to get rid of him soon.
For the rest of the day, I'm on edge. I'm starting to get paranoid. I'm waiting for a group of police officers to walk in and pull me out of class. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I can't help thinking about it while in class.
The thought distracts me for the majority of the day. But no one seems to notice how unfocused I am, so I just carry on the day as normal. But this time, I tried to stop my paranoia from getting to me.
The bells rings and I'm snapped out of my thoughts. I quickly pack up my items, and I start to make my way out of the classroom. As I walk down the stairs, I start to debate on whether or not I should follow (Y/N) or if I should go straight home.
I think... and I come to a conclusion. I've decided to go straight home. The Yamada siblings are bound to be with, so it would be best for me not to follow. Since with both of them around, one might notice me.
I start to make my way out of the school with the other students. As I walk further back home, I see fewer and fewer students from my school. Eventually, it's just me and one or two other people.
I go to my front door, and I open it up with my key. I go inside quickly, and then I close the door behind me. I make sure to lock it.
I go to my room and I switch my clothes out into more comfortable ones. I put away my uniform and my bag. I look at my digital clock, and I notice the time. It's far too early to go to the basement, but I can't help myself.
I start to make my way downstairs, and I follow the same steps to unveil the hidden basement door.
I open the door harshly, and I slowly walk down the steps. The sound of my footsteps alerts Kana, and I can hear him move around.
I feel around for the chain, and I pull it with a tight fist. The lightbulb flickers on, and I can now see Kana's pale face.
"They're looking for you," I reveal to him as I glare at his miserable body. He looks like he wants to die already, but I can't let him go so easily. "This is a problem, I'll have you know," I continue on.
He reverts his tired eyes away from me, but I can tell that he is scared about what I'll do to him. I can see him grip onto the arm rests, and his breathing becomes more shaky.
I walk closer to him and stand over his pathetic figure. I lean down and look at him, but he isn't moving to look at me. I don't bother to move his face, and I continue to talk.
"I need to get rid of you, Kana."
"Please...," Kana can barely form the simple word, and I smirk. I haven't been giving him water, so his voice is raspy from all the screaming.
He is on his last leg, and I can't wait to make him fall.
With a simple smile, I tell him one last thing before I carry on with my work.
"I think you better enjoy your last night here, Kana."
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pink-tonic · 9 days
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Warnings: None
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When I make it to school, I can hear chatter about the nurse.
"Did you hear that the school filed a missing person report for Mr. Kana?"
"What happened to him?"
"He must've grown tired of us."
"I hope he's okay."
"I wonder if he'll be on the news?"
Everyone wondered and worried about the nurse. Some thought he would come by next week, but others pointed out the missing person report and the fact we might or might not see him again.
I wish I could do something, but all I can do is wish that he comes back eventually.
I continue on with the day like usual. I keep hearing talks about the nurse, and what might happen if he doesn't show up by next week.
Some say that we won't have a nurse at all until the original one shows up. Others say that we'll just get a new nurse. Some think he'll be back by then, but others think that he won't come back for one reason or another.
The curiosity within me makes me wonder where my classmates are getting this news. The last bell of the day rings, and I walk out into the hallway. When I step into the hallway, I see Jonzu walk by me, and I get his attention.
"Hey, Jonzu! I've been hearing about the missing report about the nurse, but I'm wondering if it's true?" I ask the leader of the photography club.
"Oh, about that. A news article came out a few hours ago. It's very short, and it's vague in details. But it's been reported that the nurse was alerted as missing by the school. This is because he didn't show up for work today or yesterday, and none of his family members know where he is," he explains to me, his own curiosity even shining through.
"That explains a lot. Thank you, I'll see you around," I tell him before leaving the school.
Before I go with Taro and Taeko, I go on my phone, and I start to search up keywords about the case. I look up 'Missing nurse', 'High school nurse reported missing', and so on. I eventually find the article which was published almost 7 hours ago.
I click on it, and I start reading. The article reads:
A few hours ago, a missing persons report was filed in the area of Buraza Town. It's reported that the missing person is a high school nurse, who failed to turn up to the school he works at for the last two days.
He has light pink hair, purple eyes, pale skin, weighs around 150, and is five foot nine.
The last time he was officially reported to be was at Akademi High on Wednesday at around 3:00pm, but no staff members have reported seeing him leaving the campus. Students who stayed after school might be questioned in the disappearance of this high school nurse.
If you recognize the description, or have any tips relating to the missing person in this article, make sure to call or text the Buraza Town police. You can give your tip anonymously.
More details will be revealed, and a picture will be attached to the article once we are able to obtain that information.
Jonzu wasn't lying. The article is short and a little vague, but the description is definitely about Kana. I guess it was filed this morning when he didn't show up for the second time.
This doesn't sit right with me, and it's not just because the new nurse has suddenly gone missing. It's because of the circumstances. None of the staff members saw him leave.
Does that mean... the nurse is still here?
But how would that work? It wouldn't make sense. Unless...
Unless it's like the murder of the first year, whose body was found on the school ground in a secluded part of the school.
And that would mean that Ayato might be involved again.
And I've realized that I've forgotten what I wanted to do. I wanted to put Ayato behind bars and prevent him from hurting anyone else.
But I've likely failed. But there can also be a chance that Ayato isn't connected at all with this case, and this was done by someone different.
Maybe the nurse isn't even missing in the first place?
Maybe my hopefulness is what will kill me in the end.
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pink-tonic · 12 days
Where is He...?📰
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Warnings: None
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My day off was great yesterday, but unfortunately, I can't stay another day. I let out a sigh, and I start to get ready for school.
While I'm packing my school bag, I look over to my chair where I see the nurse uniform. I need to take it with me, but I'll put it on once I get to the nurse's office. I grab the white uniform, and I stuff it inside of my bag.
I grab my bag, and I quickly put on my shoes.
Now, it's time to start heading to school.
I met up with Taro and Taeko.
"Where were you yesterday?" Taeko asks me, as we walk alongside each other.
"I was just too tired to go. Sorry, I didn't let you know," I apologize, but I knew that Taeko wouldn't get mad at me.
"The nurse job is becoming too much already?" She questions with a smirk.
I nod my head, "Yeah, something like that."
"Well, don't stress yourself out. That's not supposed to be your job in the first place," Taeko tells me, reassuring me that being a nurse's assistant wasn't something I was supposed to do in the first place.
"It's only today and tomorrow, and I should be free, and my schedule will go back to normal," I let her know. I'm ready to get these next two days over with, and stay far away from the nurse.
The three of us make it to the school, and we switch out our shoes at our lockers. We met up one last time and then go our separate ways.
I walk to the nurse's office, and I slide open the door. I walk inside and greet him.
"Hello, Mr. Kana..."
I don't continue on since I don't see the nurse. I see someone else standing across the room.
It's the gym teacher, and she's standing with her hands on her waist. Her friendly smile is present on her face, and her blue eyes look into my eyes.
"Mr. Kana isn't here. He didn't show up for work. Did you need something?" She informs me, as her smile never leaves her face.
"When he comes back, I'll tell him," I answer her, as I go back to the door and open it.
"Alright, I'll let you know if he comes back. Have a good day," she tells me as she turns her back towards me and starts doing some basic stretches.
I slide open the door and leave. And I start to wonder.
Where did he go?
Did he get hurt? That wouldn't be too out of the ordinary he is quite accident-prone. Or did he just wake up late? Maybe he's stuck in traffic?
Mr. Kana can be in any of these situations. I'm sure he'll show up eventually.
He never showed up.
The day came and went, and Mr. Kana never came to school. As I walked around school, I could hear the other students talk about it.
Some started to make rumors about what happened. Others found it ironic that the nurse that was meant to fill in the previous nurse's position is now gone, too.
But maybe Mr. Kana will come in tomorrow? Or maybe next week if he's sick, but it would be rather odd that he got sick so quickly. Or maybe I just didn't pick up on the signs fast enough.
I decide to go home since all of my club members have gone home already, so I can't start the club.
I walk back home by myself, with the nurse uniform still neatly folded in my bag.
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pink-tonic · 12 days
What to Do?🔪
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Warnings: Blood, and implied torture
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Should I skip today, or should I go? What would be the pros and cons of not going to school today?
Pros: I get to be with the nurse and do whatever I want to him. I skip out on school work. I don't have to see the Yamada siblings. Nobody is able to bother me since I'll be in the comfort of my own home.
Cons: I won't be able to see, my darling. I won't be able to spend time with the nurse. I'll have to catch up on school work.
It's a tough decision, but overall, the pros outweigh the cons. I guess the nurse will be seeing more of me this evening.
For the first half of the day, I'm upstairs in my room. I decide to play on my Saiko Station and read some manga. The house is quiet, and that's mostly thanks to me gagging the nurse with a piece of clothing. If I didn't do that, then he would be yelling and screaming all day, and I wouldn't want that, now would I?
As the dawn of the day starts to settle in, I decide to pay the nurse a visit. I close my book, and I start to make my way to the basement. I push the bookcase to the side and open the door. It's very dark, so I try my best not to slip while going down the stairs.
The creaking of the wooden stairs catches the attention of the nurse. I don't know if he was asleep until now, or if he was awake the whole time.
A muffled plead can be heard from his direction. I can only assume that he is saying please, but the piece of clothing gagging him makes it hard to hear him clearly. But it's not like I care what he has to say anyway.
I feel around in the air until my hand comes into contact with the metal chain of the lightbulb. I pull it and the old, yellow light bulb slowly flickers on. It lights up the room, but not very far.
But I'm currently standing in front of Kana. His head is down, refusing to look at me. I can see the cloth I gagged him with is stained with blood. The floor in front of me is darker than the rest of the flooring due to his blood. It's dried up now, but the stain is still there.
His clothes are bloody, too. His original pristine, white uniform is now soaked in blood. His white pants have a few drops of blood staining them. While his shirt is mostly soaked towards the neck area.
I move closer to Kana, and I place one of my fingers under his chain. I move his head up, so he is now looking at me.
"Look at me, Kana," I instruct him with a peaceful tone.
Even though his head is now up, his eyes are refusing to look at me. I can feel a scowl start to form on my face from his simple defiance.
"Kana, you have to look at me..." I order him with a harsher tone.
I can see his purple eyes dart around the room before landing on me. His eyes rest on my form, and don't go anywhere else.
I smile at him, and I pull my finger away from his chin.
I look around the basement, and I walk towards one of the boxes. "Hmmmm... what should I do to you today?" I ask him, knowing that I won't get a proper answer.
I can hear him trying to speak, but it's useless. The piece of cloth is preventing him from forming any proper words.
I check one of the boxes, and I find what I'm looking for. I drop the box in front of him, and the sound of metal hitting each other can be heard coming from the box.
I see the nurse flinch at the sudden sound. He looks away from me once again.
I crouch down to the box, and I open it up.
"Now, what should we use?"
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pink-tonic · 16 days
A Break Would be Nice📰
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Warnings: None
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My alarm wakes me up, and I slam my hand down on it. I pull my blanket closer to my body, and face away from my window.
I don't feel like going to school today since I know I'll have to see Mr. Kana today, and give him an answer to his question. A question I want to say no to, but I'm unsure if I can.
Should I stay home? I haven't missed that many days of school to begin with, so missing one day won't hurt, right?
Yeah, I'll just stay home.
I cuddle further into my bed and close my eyes. I fall into a dreamless sleep.
I'm sitting on the couch with the remote in my hand. I flip through the channels on the TV, causing a blur of colors. I passed by news reports, anime, game shows, and so much more. Unfortunately, nothing seems to interest me.
I look at the clock on the wall, and I see that this would be the time I would come home. School was let out roughly fifteen minutes ago.
I continue to flip through the channels before I turn it off completely. The TV seizes to make noise, and I'm left alone in a silent room.
Maybe I should cook? Taking a nap wouldn't sound bad, either. Maybe take a nap and then cook? I should probably cook right now, though, so my parents know I wasn't just lazing around all day.
Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. I jump at the sound, and I start to wonder who it is. I didn't order anything, and it can't be my parents either.
The knocking stops, and then it starts again.
I start to feel paranoid, and I think that maybe it could be Ayato. He knows that my parents aren't home right now, so he might take his chance and kill me right now.
But if it was him, wouldn't he try to break in, instead of going through the front door?
The knocking stops, and I assume that the person is leaving. I quickly get up, and I open the door.
When I open the door, I can see a familiar velvet cape draped over someone.
They turn around at the sound of the door opening, and a smile appears on Kizano's face.
"You are home!" He exclames as he fully turns around and walks towards me.
"Yeah," I answer him.
"And why didn't you answer right away?" He questions me.
"I... Oh! I was upstairs, and I didn't hear the knocking till the last one," I lie to him, hoping he would buy my lie. I didn't want to tell him that I was basically ignoring his knocks.
"Hmmmm... I wonder what you were doing upstairs to not hear me. Your upstairs window is wide open," he tells me as he points up. I look up, and I see that my window is wide open. I remember that I opened it up so I could get some fresh air, I guess I forgot to close it once I went downstairs.
"I was just sleeping, that's all!" I quickly tell him. I start to reprimand myself in my head for how fast I said it. He must think I'm lying now.
"Are you sure? It looks like you're lying to me," he smirks as he gets close to my face.
"I swear! I wasn't doing anything!" I tell him, hoping that he'll drop it. I feel like I'm digging myself into a bigger hole.
He laughs, "Doing nothing? That sounds even more suspicious. And your clothes look haphazardly put on. It has me thinking," he points out to me as he looks at my messy clothing.
My clothes consisted of a baggy sweater, a loose shirt, and some baggy sweatpants. It was my lounge wear, so I don't know what he expects.
I grab the hem of my sweater, and I look down at it. "What's wrong with it?" I ask him.
"Were you with someone?" He can't help but to ask me.
For a moment, it feels like the world stopped at his words. He thinks I'm with someone?
"That's so ridiculous!" I yell out, "Why would I be with someone?"
With a smirk, he crosses his arms over his chest, "I don't know, maybe you just grew tired of me?"
"What? I could never!" I exclame to him.
"So you miss me?"
"We talked yesterday, Kizano."
"I know, but do you miss me?"
"Fine. I do."
I then cross my arms over my chest, mimicking what he was doing. "So, did you just come here to bother me? Or what?" I ask him, hoping he came here for something genuine.
"Well, I just came here to see my favorite nurse! I was wondering why you didn't show up," he tells me with sincerity in his voice.
I let out a sigh, "You could have just asked me that instead of accusing me of being with someone else, you know?"
"I know. But it was funny seeing you get embarrassed. It was so cute, darling," he teases me like usual, "But I hope you're not really with someone."
"Of course not. I'm just resting. I needed a day off," I explain the reason why I didn't show up to school.
"And an actor takes no days off! I have to get back home, darling. I need to keep rehearsing my lines before you-know-who comes back," Kizano gives me a quick wink, before turning around and walking away from my house.
"Not even a goodbye, I guess," I tell myself before closing the door and locking it.
Now, I'm wondering about that 'you-know-who' he mentioned. I know he is talking about Megamo Saikou. I know he is the heir to Saikou Corp, but I didn't know he went to our school. I mean, I did see him, but it was so rare. He was so elusive.
Maybe doing some basic research would kill some time. I make my way upstairs, and I go into my bedroom. I sit in front of my computer, and I start to type into the search bar.
As I typed and clicked away, most of the information would be about the company itself. Pictures of the current CEO would also pop up, but no pictures of his actual children would show up.
They didn't have any public social media or any pictures. The only thing I could find was a family photo that was featured in an article a few years ago.
I look at the picture, and I can see two little boys. They both are not smiling. Well, no one in the picture is actually smiling.
I can pinpoint that the taller, older boy is Megumo, and the shorter boy is his younger brother.
I wonder what their relationship is like? I don't have any siblings, so I'll never get to experience what it's like to have one.
I sigh, and I close out the tabs and turn off my computer. I look over towards my Saikuo Station. I get out of my chair, and I sit in front of it.
I press the button to turn it on, and the console starts up. The button turns green, and I can hear the fan in the back turning on.
It turns on, and I select a game. I start to play and relax until it's time for me to make dinner.
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pink-tonic · 16 days
Watch Your Back, Kana🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, and implied torture
Text message labels:
Bold - Ayato
Red text - Info
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I've been thinking about what I'm going to do to Mr. Kana. My thoughts are filled with brutal imagery about what I can do to him. But I can't get caught up in these thoughts. I need to make a plan first to make them become reality.
As I change into my school uniform, I think about what to do and when to do it. Today is Wednesday, the middle of the week. I should start it today, but that means I need to rush my planning stage.
What to do?
Kidnapping seems to be a viable option. But how do I kidnap someone? I've never done it before...
Maybe Info can help me on this one?
I take out my phone and send Info a message.
I need your help.
What might it be this time?
How do I kidnap someone?
You're taking risks this time?
Anything to get rid of him.
I do have a guide that can be useful.
Tell me.
It's going to cost you.
I have enough.
Just give me the guide.
Look through the application and you'll find it.
Good luck.
I let out a sigh, and I start to look through the application that Info implemented on my phone. I've used it before in order to get cigarettes and other items that I wouldn't be able to get. But I haven't used it much for eliminations.
I look through the eliminations that are presented to me, and I eventually find the guide to kidnapping.
But along with the kidnapping eliminations, there are others that involve the yakuza and brainwashing.
Maybe Info is more sick than I thought.
I pay for the guide with my Info Points, and the guide on how to kidnap my rival is revealed to me.
I look at the pink screen and take note of all the things I need to do, and check off all the things that I have already done.
First, I have to get a tranquilizer. It can be found in the cabinets in the infirmary. I wonder why the nurse's office would have tranquilizers? Doesn't matter either way since I'm going to benefit from it.
But getting the tranquilizers is such a tedious process. Info recommends that I poison someone's food, so the nurse can open up the cabinet. Or I can sacrifice some Info Points in order to get the tranquilizers.
I'll just use some of my points for this.
Next, I need to have a high level of understanding in Biology. I guess it's in order for me to know where to inject them without hurting them. Luckily, I've been attending class almost every day, so I do know where to insert an injection.
I also need to get a syringe, but it doesn't seem that Info has that. So this time I have to get my hands dirty. I'll just sneak into the infirmary and snatch it.
Info then recommends that I build up my relationship with the target so they can follow me, but I have another way in order to get Mr. Kana to follow me.
I'll use what he loves against him.
When I make it to school, the first thing I do is order the tranquilizers from Info. I rush to the back of the school, so no one else gets them before me. I eventually see the box laying on the ground, and I pick it up and put it in my pocket.
Now, I have to wait.
The next step is to get the syringe from the nurse's office. The nurse leaves the office for a few minutes in order to get his lunch. I can use that time to my advantage and take the syringe, but I do have to look out for the student council.
Lunch time comes, and it's time to set the next part of my plan into motion. I go to the first floor, and I wait by one of the doors of the nurse's office. I decide to go on my phone so I don't look suspicious to anybody.
Eventually, I hear the door to the nurse's office open, and I look to see Mr. Kana leaving and walking down the hallway.
Once he is far away, I look around the hallway, and I see a few students, but they're distracted with their own things.
So I take the opportunity.
I open the door slightly and slip inside of the office. I walk to Mr. Kana's desk and I open up one of the drawers. Inside of the drawer, I see dozens of sealed syringes. I quickly take two, and I slip out of the room.
As I leave the room, I'm met with someone I didn't want to see.
A student council member stands in front of me.
Her eyes are closed, and she's smiling, but I know she can see me, and the smile plastered on her face is anything but welcoming.
"What are you doing?" She asks in a soft voice.
"I just wanted to see if the nurse was there. I wanted to talk to him," I respond too quickly for my own liking.
"Hmmmm... alright! He should come back soon, so just wait around for him," she seems skeptical at first about my reasoning, but she eventually buys it and leaves.
When I watch her leave, I can't help but hope that she doesn't discuss this interaction with anyone else.
The final bell rings, and it's time to get the last part of my plan into motion. I go down to the first floor, and I wait for everyone to leave. Some students go home, others go to their clubs, and the rest start doing their cleanup duty. But eventually, nobody is in the hallway anymore.
I go over to the door to the nurse's office, and I slide it open. I walk inside, and Mr. Kana is at his desk. When he hears me close the door, he looks up and smiles at me.
"Oh! Hi, Aishi. What brings you here? Are you feeling better than yesterday?" He asks me as he looks at me, trying to see if I'm still sick or not.
I shake my head, "No, nothing has happened to me. I came to report something to you."
"What is it?" He asks as worry starts to set in.
"It's (Y/N). While in the gym, he twisted his ankle. He can't walk, so he told me to tell you," I lie to the nurse hoping to trick him.
He quickly gets up from his chair and walks over to me, "Show me the way, Aishi!"
I give him a smile, "Of course, Mr. Kana."
I walk out of the nurse's office and quickly make my way over to the gym. I end up taking a route that would make people less likely to see us. I bypass the students who are cleaning and even the Sports Club. We eventually make it into the gymnasium, and Mr. Kana walks inside with me.
"Where is he?" He questions as he looks around the gymnasium and sees no sign of (Y/N).
"Over here! We were in the middle of putting the equipment away, so he is in the storage area," I point towards the storage room, where all the equipment is kept.
Mr. Kana quickly walks over towards it and opens the door. He looks around the room and doesn't see (Y/N).
"Where is he...Ah!"
I stand behind Mr. Kana, but before he can turn around, I push him inside of the storage room. He falls to the ground and quickly turns himself around to look at me.
"What are you doing, Aishi?!" Mr. Kana raises his voice at me, and that pisses me off.
I harshly place my foot on his chest and press down hard. He lets out a gasp, and I smirk at his reaction.
"I lied," I admit, and I let out a small laugh, "(Y/N) wasn't here in the first place. I don't even think he showed up at all today, for that matter."
Before I continue talking, Mr. Kana cuts me off, "What are you talking about? Why are you doing this?"
"Shut up!"
I press harder on his chest, and he flinches. "I did this because you can't seem to take your eyes off of him! I think you should go after people who are closer to your age, don't you think?"
"Okay, okay... just please let me go... I won't tell anyone about this," Mr. Kana pleads to me, hoping that I'll show him mercy.
But I won't.
I didn't do all this just for me to walk away. I believe he should suffer consequences for his actions.
I take my foot off his chest, and I quickly crouch down to his level. My feet are placed beside his hips, and our faces are mere inches away from each other.
"I would do that... but you see, I didn't do all of this for nothing."
I quickly cover his mouth with my hand, and his arms shoot up from his sides, and his hands grip my hand. His eyes are wide and filled with fear once he sees the syringe in my hand.
"Don't struggle now. I don't want to hurt you!"
My nails start to dig into the flesh of his cheek, and his consistent struggling is preventing me from inserting the needle.
I should've attacked him when he was least suspecting it. Now I have to deal with the consequences.
I eventually have enough of his struggling and I slam his head against the floor of the gymnasium. This causes him to halt his actions, and I take the opportunity to insert the needle into his neck.
His eyes widen at the feeling of the needle going underneath his skin. I then inject him with the liquid, and once the syringe is empty, the drug starts to take effect.
His eyes become droopy, his arms fall to his sides, and his head lulls to the side. I can see that he is forcing himself to fight the drug, but it's useless. It's already in his bloodstream, and there is nothing he can do anymore.
I stand over him, and within five minutes, he is fast asleep. I smirk at his sleeping form, and I quickly go to put him in the case.
The case is mostly black with a few white details. The case is used to store sports equipment, but for this time, I'll use it to store a person.
Once the case is firmly closed, I start to move it. I first go to pick it up, and it's heavy. But I force myself to walk outside with it. Dragging it behind me won't do me any good.
I look around me, and I notice no one is near. I quickly start to make my way to the front of the school.
I quickly slip out of the campus, and I start to make my way back home with the case in hand.
I open the front door of my house, and I place the case down in front of me. I catch my breath since I ran back home. I knew running back home would cause people to look at me oddly, but I'm sure that I looked like I was running late for something.
And that reminds me... I have work.
I'll tell them that I'm going to come in late. I don't want to call out sick again since I already did that last time.
I pull out my phone and I call my boss. The phone rings, but he eventually answers.
"Aishi, where are you?" My boss asks.
"I'm going to come in a few minutes late, I'm sorry..."
"It's okay. Just come in as fast as possible, okay?"
I don't have time to answer before he hangs up.
With that taken care of, now I have to take care of Mr. Kana. I don't want to leave him inside of the case since there is only enough oxygen for a few hours, so I want to get him out fast.
I go over to the bookcase, and I start to push it to the side. I struggle more than I usually do since most of my energy is gone.
But within a minute or two, a door is now visible. The door to my basement is hidden, and only my family knows it exists.
I never understood why the basement door was behind the bookcase, but I think I get it now, and I'm thankful for it.
I grab the case, and I push it over to the door. I open the door wide, so I have enough room to walk in. I pick up the case, and I start to walk down the steps to the basement. I watch my step carefully, and I eventually make it to the bottom. I place the case down, and I feel around for the chain thar connects to the lightbulb. The lights flicker on, and the room is now lit up with a yellow hue.
My basement is a mess from me consistently looking through all of the boxes. I kick a few boxes to the side.
I look around the room and I find a wooden chair. I place the chair in the middle of the room. I then go looking for anything that I could use as restraints. I end up finding some rope. It's sturdy, and I'm sure Kana won't be able to break out of it.
I drop the rope next to the chair, and I go over to the case. I open it up, and inside I see Mr. Kana still asleep.
I gently grab him out of the case, and I then harshly place him on the wooden chair. I roughly place his arms on the wooden armrests, and I tie his arms to the chair. I then grab his ankles together, and I start tying them together as well. Lastly, I get a piece of rope, and I tie his waist against the chair. I check all of my knots, and once I'm satisfied with my work, I turn off the lights and leave.
My shift ends at around the same time, and there is nothing to take note of today. It's just the same old routine.
I go back home, but this time, I'm filled with a new sense of joy. I have someone waiting for me at home. I'm sure he is awake by now. I can't wait to see the look on his face.
I quickly move the bookcase, and I open the door to the basement. I slowly walk down the staircase, but with each step, the wooden stairs squeak.
This catches the attention of Kana, and he calls out to the darkness.
"Hello! Is anybody there?" He asks with hope. Hoping that someone has come to take him back home.
I make it down safely, and I feel around for the chain to turn the lights on. I grab a hold of the chain, and I pull on it. The old light bulb flickers on.
Kana squints his eyes, and his eyes go wide once he sees me.
"Aishi... I can't believe that you did this..."
"I only did it because you don't know how to keep your hands to yourself, nurse."
I move closer to him, and Kana tries his best to move back, but it's hopeless for him.
"Please... please don't do this..," his voice sounds different now. Instead of it being calm, his voice is weak and soft.
"Do what?" I ask him, wondering if he knows what is going to come next.
He pauses for a second and then makes eye contact with me for the first time since I've come down here.
"I don't want you to hurt me.... please..."
Kana pleads with me. But I didn't come this far for a little begging to change what I'm going to do to him.
I walk away from him, and I go over to a box that I set to the side. When I first found this box, I found it to be interesting. I originally wondered why my parents would have something like this, but yet again, I'm here grateful to have it.
I take out the tools from the box, and I walk back over to Kana. His eyes widen wider than ever before.
"Now... which one would you like me to use first?" I ask him as I present the sharp tools in front of him.
Tears start to slide down his cheeks. Now, realizing the gravity of the situation he is in.
"I said pick."
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pink-tonic · 24 days
All Chapters
Warning: Some odd behavior from Kana
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Now I have another responsibility that I have to take care of this week. I need to be the nurse's helper.
I wasn't planning on doing this, but from the looks of it, the nurse does need the extra help.
I walk to school with Taeko and Taro like I usually do. I don't talk much with them during the walk to school since I'm thinking about what to do once we make it to school.
Should I just go straight to the nurse's office?
The three of us eventually make it to school, and we go to our own lockers and switch out our shoes into the indoor ones.
I think I should go to the nurse's office. It wouldn't be right not to check up on him in the morning.
I go over to Taeko and Taro and talk to them.
"Hey, guys," I greet them, and it catches both of their attentions, "I'm going to go to the nurse's office. I don't know if you want to come or not."
Taeko is the first to speak up, "I'll go later to check up on my knee, but you can go. We'll meet up later."
"Alright, sounds good," I gave them a wave, and I start to make my way down the hallway.
I make it to the nurse's office, and I open up the door. While I slide open the door, I secretly hope I don't find Mr. Kana wrapped around in bandages again.
Luckily, when I go inside, I see Mr. Kana walking around.
I greet him, and he turns around to look at me. A smile forms once he sees me, and he walks over to me.
"You came at just the right time!" He happily tells me, his smile only getting bigger.
I tilt my head, "What is it?"
He lets out a chuckle, showing how excited he was to reveal the news to me, "I got a uniform for you!"
"A... uniform? For me?" I question not fully understanding what he means.
"Yes! You're my assistant after all, so I told the headmaster that I need an extra uniform for you!"
Mr. Kana then turns away from me and walks over to a cardboard box. He picks it up and walks back over to me.
"Take a look!" He says to me while ushering me to take the box.
I take the box from his hands, and I look inside of it. It is a nurse uniform, and it's almost identical to the one he has on. The only difference is that this one has longer sleeves.
"You should try it on!" He exclames, "I'll be over there, so you can change."
Mr. Kana then makes his way to the other side of the room where the beds are.
I go over to the wall partition, so I'm hidden. I start to change out of my regular uniform and into the nurse uniform.
Once I have everything on, I put away my regular uniform in the box, and I step out into Mr. Kana's view.
He lets out a gasp and jumps from out of his seat. He walks over to me with his usual smile on his face.
"It suits you perfectly! You should definitely become a nurse!" Mr. Kana tells me while he takes in my new look.
Before he continues to gush about how I look, I hear the door to the office open.
But Mr. Kana doesn't seem to notice and keeps talking to me instead of addressing the new person in the room.
"Oh! You look absolutely wonderful, (L/N)!
His compliment catches me off guard, and I look at him with confusion, "Are you sure this is okay? I was only planning on helping out a little, Mr. Kana."
I then hear footsteps and the door closing. The sound catches both of our attention, and we both look over to the person.
My eyes widen as I see Ayato standing near the doorway. I don't say anything, and I end up watching Ayato and Mr. Kana interact with each other.
Mr. Kana questions Ayato about what he is feeling, but it doesn't seem like anything serious. Mr. Kana then walks away from Ayato and goes over to me.
"Are you going to help, (L/N)?" Mr. Kana asks me, hoping that I will stick around and help him.
I look up at the clock mounted on the wall, and I notice that the bell for passing period is about to ring.
I shake my head, "I can't, I have to go to class."
Mr. Kana then looks at the clock, "Oh! You're right! Alright, you should start to head to class. I'll see you later."
Then, on que, the bell rings. I nod and then leave the room. I slide the door close once I'm in the hallway.
I let out a sigh. I'm happy I don't have to be in that room any longer. There is no way I could be anywhere near Ayato. I'm too scared. I'm scared that he is going to hurt me again.
But I need to pull myself together and head to class.
While I'm making my way to class, I get stopped by one of the student council members. I don't remember her name, but she's wearing glasses, has straight black hair, and wears a stren look on her face.
"Where is your uniform?" She asks me while inspecting my clothing.
"Well, I'm helping out the new nurse, and he gave me this uniform. You can ask the nurse or the headmaster," I explain, hoping she is satisfied with the answer.
"Hmmmm... alright. I'll inform the other members so they don't stop you to ask. Have a good day," she tells me in an almost robotic voice, before walking away from me and down the hallway.
The student council might be a pain to deal with, but at least they do their job right.
I head to class, and this time without anyone stopping me.
The bell rings, and it's lunchtime now. I exit the classroom and into the hallway, and I think about whether or not I should go to the nurse's office.
There is a chance that Ayato will still be there, and I'll have to get close to him. The thought of getting close to him sends a shiver straight through my spine. Being near him is the last thing I would want to do.
"Quite the look you have there, darling," a familiar voice snaps me out of my thinking, and I look up towards the person.
It's Kizano, and he is looking at me with a confused and intrigued look on his face. He must be looking at me because of what I'm wearing.
"Yeah, I'm helping out the nurse. So he gave me this uniform, you're not the first to say something about it," I explain to him.
He lets out a chuckle, "I guess you were stopped by the student council, right?"
I nod my head in response.
He rolls his eyes, "Tell me about it! Those student council members wouldn't know style if it slapped them right across their face. I've been stopped by them many times because of my amazing cap." Kizano then gestures over to his iconic velvet cap that he takes practically everywhere with him.
I let out a laugh, "Yeah, I guess I understand you now."
"Well, I like to think you always understand me, darling," Kizano casually admits to me, "But I didn't just come here to talk to you, I want a favor from you. Is that alright?"
"Well, it depends on what the favor is," I tell him with a slight shurg, hoping it's nothing too outrageous.
"Great! Come with me!" Kizano happily exclames. Grabbing one of my hands and dragging me towards the stairs.
He takes me all the way to the first floor and into his clubroom. But while we were making our way to the clubroom, some students paused what they were doing and watched Kizano drag me along.
Kizano slides open the clubroom's doors and walks inside, and I follow behind him. He lets go of my hand and goes behind the mini set that is in the middle of the room.
"Grab a seat, darling! I want you to watch my performance for the play!" Kizano informs me as I can hear him looking for something.
I take a seat on one of the many chairs and wait for him to come out. I actually like this better than going to the nurse's office. But I suppose anything would be better than being near Ayato.
Eventually, Kizano comes out, and he is wearing something completely different.
"Do you like what you see, darling?" Kizano asks as he walks closer to me.
I nod my head, "Yeah, it suits you a lot."
"And that's the exact reason I decided to be the King of Hearts!" He tells me with a smile.
"So... what are you going to do?" I ask him, hoping that it'll take the whole lunch time.
"I'm going to perform the last scene for you. This scene has to be captivating and intriguing! I can not give a sloppy performance!" Kizano explains to me with a passion.
"Well, I would like to see it!" I tell him as I lean back in the chair.
I see Kizano stand up straight and take a deep breath. He then grabs the prop sword and grips it tight.
"I've told you, Alice, that you can not go any further! Step back, or else I'll have to use my sword against you," Kizano says calmly, but I can also hear a bit of annoyance in his voice.
Kizano then walks to his right and points his sword at the imaginary Alice. "If you come closer, it will be over for you. Now, get back you naive little girl!"
Kizano takes a pause and tilts his head, I assume that Alice is supposed to say something back to him, but since the actress isn't here, he has to instead pretend she is there.
"What do you mean, little girl? He would never betray me! I am his king, and he is my loyal subject!"
I can now hear Kizano's voice raise in anger due to the information that Alice is giving him.
Kizano then points his sword down and laughs. His laughter is filled with mockery. Mocking what Alice is telling him.
"You seriously believe that I would think that one of my loyal sub...," Kizano is unable to finish his sentence as he looks down at his stomach.
I assume the loyal subject that was being talked about makes an appearance and impales Kizano.
Kizano slowly moves his head and looks behind him. "So... it is true. You sided with her after all..."
Kizano then falls to the ground, and his breathing becomes heavy.
"Just kill me already, you fool," Kizano orders.
Kizano then gets up from the floor and walks over to me.
"Did you like it, or did you love it?" Kizano asks with a smile, knowing that he did a good job.
"It was amazing, Kizano! What happens in the end?" I ask, curiosity eating away from me. Wondering whether the man killed the King of Hearts or not.
Kizano lets out a laugh, "You'll see once the play is finished."
"Wait, when is the play going to open?" I ask, hoping he would give me an answer.
"When Megumo Saikou arrives, which is in around five to four weeks," Kizano tells me as he walks behind the set and changes back to his normal clothes.
"Megumo Saikou? That name sounds familiar..."
"He is the grandson of the founder of Akademi High," Kizano explains, "He is set to come back to school in a few weeks. With the killing of that first year, he was ordered not to come. But I was told by the headmaster that he is set to come back soon."
"So this performance is made to welcome him?" I question him, the topic catching my attention.
"Sort of. This play was made before that, but the headmaster told us to finish it up by the time he comes back so he can see it," Kizano tells me before reappearing from behind the set.
"That's very interesting..."
The bell then rings, signaling that lunch has ended.
"Let me take you to class," Kizano offers me.
I would deny his offer, but I can't help but to accept it.
The last bell of the day rings, and it's time for me to go to the nurse's office. On my walk to the office, I can't help but feel nervous.
I hope that Mr. Kana isn't mad at me for my unexplained absence.
But then I remember that Ayato might still be inside. I make the decision to enter through the door that would lead me to the nurse's desk instead of the beds.
I slide open the door and walk inside. I see Mr. Kana sitting at his desk, and it seems like he is waiting for me.
Once I close the doors, Mr. Kana looks over towards me.
"There you are, (L/N)! I was wondering where you were," Mr. Kana happily says to me as I walk closer.
"Something came up... sorry," I respond with nervousness lacing my words.
"It's okay. But let's sit down and talk, alright?"
I grab a chair, and I place it right in front of Mr. Kana's desk. Now I'm sitting across from Mr. Kana.
"So what happened while I was gone?" I ask Mr. Kana, wondering what he had to deal with while I was gone.
"Oh, nothing much. I just had to take care of Aishi, and the two siblings from yesterday came by as well. But nothing much. Now, where were you?" Mr. Kana questions me once again, not seeming satisfied with the first answer I gave him at the start.
Before I can respond, I take a short pause, "I told you something came up. I'm sorry again."
"I know that something came up. But I'm just wondering what it was."
"I'd rather not talk about... sorry," I can't help but to shift in my seat due to how uncomfortable I feel. Why does he want to know so badly where I was?
"It's fine, but I want you to trust me at the very least."
I then feel an unexpected touch. I had my hand placed on the table, but in a quick movement, I can feel Mr. Kana's hand being placed on top of mine.
"Ummmm... Mr. Kana, I don't think you should be doing that."
"Oh! You don't like it? My apologies. I thought it would calm you down."
"I-it's fine."
Mr. Kana then pulls his hand away, and a dejected look takes over his features. And I can't help but wonder why he had that look on his face. Did what I say hurt him that badly?
"But I do have a question in mind."
This catches me off guard, and I wonder if I should ask what the question is. Another pause makes its presence, but in the end, I decide to ask what it is, "Yes, what is it?"
"Would you mind going out with me soon?"
"What?" I'm in disbelief at what Mr. Kana just asked me. He is an adult. He should not be asking me such a question. I was only meant to help him, not to hang out with him outside of school.
"I want to get to know you better, (Y/N). So would you like to go to a restaurant together, the two of us?" Mr. Kana's soft smile is present once more, but I feel this smile isn't one he gives to many. It feels softer and more welcoming, a smile you would give to someone... you love.
An uncomfortable silence takes over, and I'm sure Mr. Kana can feel how uncomfortable it feels. But I decide to respond to his question instead of letting the silence speak for me.
"I'll...I'll think about it, okay?"
"Oh! That's fine! But please tell me soon, so I can make reservations."
"Yes, of course. But I need to go, can I?" I quickly tell him, hoping to get out of the nurse's off as fast as possible.
"Sure! Please get home safely," Mr. Kana smiles at me and gives me a wave.
I nod and slip out of the room quickly.
As I walk down the hallway and towards my locker, I think about what just happened.
Was he flirting with me?
He had to be, right? I'm not over analyzing anything, right? I'm not going crazy, right?
The questions, the smile, and the sudden touch... it can't be nothing, right? It has to be something. It has to mean something!
I shake the thought out of my head and switch my shoes out. I close my locker and head out of the school.
My walk back home is normal, and I don't feel anything watching me. Which I'm thankful for. This day is already hectic as is, and I don't want to walk home with the feeling that someone is watching me.
I eventually make it back home, and the first thing I do is collapse on my couch.
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pink-tonic · 24 days
Pushing the Line🔪
All Chapters
Warning: None
Text message labels
Bold - Ayato
Red text - Info
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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I check my phone, and I see that Info messaged me. I wonder if she's texting me about any new information?
What happened?
Thanks for planting those bugs. They really do come in handy for you and I.
Well, it's something that has to do with the new nurse.
What about him?
I think he is getting a little too close.
Yes, but maybe I'm just reading the signs wrong. But to me, he might have a thing for your new obsession.
Are you sure?
To a certain extent, yes. Just watch out for him, that's my only advice.
I close my phone and lay down on my bed, and look up at my white ceiling.
The nurse is my next target, huh?
I'm sure it won't be hard to get rid of someone as naive as him. But I need a plan. How about faking a sickness?
On my way to school, I start to think about how I'm going to proceed with my plan. It'll be easy for me to fake being sick, but should I just walk in?
I'll try that and see if it works.
I make it to school and I start to switch to my indoor shoes. I put away my other set of shoes and close my locker. When I close my locker, I look to my right, and I see a familiar blond.
"Hey, Ayato! Are you coming to the club today?" Aso asks me with a bright smile on his face.
I guess I should start my plan now.
"I'm not sure. I feel a bit sick today. I might leave right after school ends, but if I feel better, I'll try to go," I explain to Aso.
"Hey! You don't need to force yourself to come to the club! If you're feeling sick, you should go to the nurse soon. I'm sure he'll take care of you. Plus, you can go to the club later this week, no rush," Aso reassures me, possibly hoping that his words would make my sickness go away.
"Yeah, I was planning on going right now."
"Oh! I'm sorry! Go right now, I'll see you later, though!"
I see Aso turn around and walk away from me. He turns the corner, and I don't see him anymore.
I let out a sigh. I'm happy that Aso isn't very pushy with me. I really thought that he would want to go with me, but he gave me space instead.
But it also gives me more opportunity to do what I have to do.
I start to make my way to the nurse's office. I slide open the door, and I step inside of the pink and white room.
When I fully walk inside, on the other side of the room, I can see (Y/N).
My eyes are fixated on him and only him. But what he is wearing catches my attention. He is wearing a white and pink nurse uniform. It looks almost identical to what the new nurse is wearing.
(Y/N) and the nurse don't notice me, and I can hear a bit of their conversation.
"Oh! You look absolutely wonderful, (L/N)!" The nurse happily says as he looks at (Y/N).
"Are you sure this is okay? I was just planning on helping you out for a little, Mr. Kana," (Y/N) questions the nurse.
Before they can keep talking, I walk closer to them and close the door. The sound of the door closing catches both of their attentions, and they look over towards me.
"Oh! What you might you need, young man?" Mr. Kana asks me with a calm voice.
I hate his voice.
It sounds too sweet. To others, it would be soothing, but to me, it irks me.
I ignore my thoughts and answer him, "My stomach hurts a little bit, but it's bothering me a lot. I don't know if I'll be able to focus during class," I explain to Mr. Kana, hoping that he doesn't catch on to my lie.
"Oh! That's horrible! Lay down and rest. I'll get you some water and some medicine," Mr. Kana says to me before going back to (Y/N).
When Mr. Kana walks away from me, I can finally see (Y/N). He is turned away from me. I'm sure he doesn't want to look at me, he still must be scared.
The thought fills me with shame at how hostile I was with him, but at the same time, it fills me with a bit of pride. I can use his fear to my advantage, but I'm not sure if that will be useful or harmful to do. I'll think about the idea.
I go over to one of the beds and lay down on it. I make myself comfortable on the stiff mattress and try to find a comfortable position. I'm too tall for these beds, so I can't lay down normally. Instead, I have to bend my legs in order to fit properly.
I'm finally able to find a comfortable position, and I relax.
I can faintly hear (Y/N) and Mr. Kana talking, but I can't fully hear them. I relax and I think about my plan further.
What should I do next?
I already know where everything is, so I can use this time to learn more about the relationship between Mr. Kana and my darling.
As of now, their relationship seems normal. (Y/N) is just helping him out because Mr. Kana is too incompetent to help himself out.
I'm glad to know that my darling is such a kind soul. Even kind enough to help the most helpless. I close my eyes and smile.
I wonder how my darling will treat me once we get together. Will he be just as kind, or even kinder towards me? If we decide to have kids, will he protect them with his life? Every time I come back home, will he be there to make me relax after a long day?
I can hear the bell ring, and shortly after, I can hear the door slide open and then close. I lift my head up, and I look around and notice that my darling isn't here anymore.
I frown at the realization, and I have to resist the urge to get up and follow him.
I continue to lay down, and I can hear soft footsteps approach my bedside. The footsteps stop, and a slender shadow falls over me. I look up, and I see the nurse standing over me with a water bottle in his hand, and in the other hand, he has a thermometer.
"Sorry for the wait. I was talking to my assistant about something," Mr. Kana informs me before handing the water bottle over to me.
I take the water bottle and it's neither warm or cold. It's at room temperature. I grab it from him and sit up on the bed.
"Okay, can you describe what you're feeling?" Mr. Kana asks me with a worried tone, taking over his usually soft and calm voice.
"I don't know if I have a fever since I don't feel hot, but my stomach is what's bothering me the most," I explain to him, hoping he doesn't catch on to my lie.
"Does it feel like you're going to vomit?" He asks a follow-up question.
"A little, but it's not a very strong feeling," I answer him with another lie.
"Hmmmm... I think you should stay here. It's better to be safe than sorry. I wouldn't want you to throw up in class," he tells me with a soft smile gracing his lips. If I didn't hate him, I wouldn't mind complimenting his smile. It's very welcoming, and it would ease anyone's worries.
But that thought…
The thought that he might like my darling is eating away at me. I want to know more, but I need to be patient.
"Let me take your temperature so I can track it over time," he tells me before putting the thermometer near my lips.
I open my mouth, and he places the end of the thermometer under my tongue. The end of the thermostat feels cold against the inside of my mouth, and I can't help but shiver at the new feeling.
In a few seconds, it beeps and he takes it out and looks at it. He nods and walks over to his desk to write the results down.
Maybe I should ask the nurse some questions? I mean, that would be the only way to find out more about (Y/N).
"Mr. Kana, I have a question," I speak up, and the nurse looks over to me.
"What is it?"
"Why is (L/N) wearing a nurse outfit like you?"
"Oh! He is my assistant! He is helping out and taking care of the students. But doesn't he look so cute with the uniform on? I wish I had more outfits to dress him up in!"
As the nurse keeps gushing about (Y/N), I can see a blush start to appear on his pale features and his eyes are practically sparking at the thought of (Y/N) dressing up in different clothes for him.
But for some reason, I don't feel angry...
I feel something different, but it's just as strong.
It's disgust.
I'm absolutely disgusted with this nurse. How can he say such things about my wonderful darling. He shouldn't even have eyes for my darling, he is an adult. An adult that is supposed to look after us, not one that is supposed to try to date us.
Maybe I should stay here and listen to the nurse a bit more? I don't want to do something hasty just because of a few sentences.
I guess I will be here for the whole day?
I do need to protect my darling after all.
Fortunately enough, I was able to stay in the infirmary for the whole day. I'm sure that Miss Kankoshi would have sent me home, or she might have even seen through my lie. She is one clever lady.
Throughout the day, I didn't see (Y/N) walk in. I'm sure it's because of me. Which saddens me, but I can't help but to feel happy about the power I have over him. My presence alone makes him nervous, but that also has its own drawbacks.
But two people did walk in that caught my eye.
The Yamada siblings.
Apparently, Taeko fell and she ended up scraping her knees. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It's a good thing that I don't go crazy over her anymore. She wasn't worth it.
The siblings don't stay for long since they only came to switch out Taeko's bandages and check on the injury.
But that was during lunch, and it's now the end of the day.
I can hear footsteps coming over to my bedside, and I look up to see that it's Mr. Kana.
"It's the end of the day, Aishi. You can go home if you would like," he tells me with a smile.
"Can I stay a little longer? I won't stay for long," I tell him while faking a tired voice.
"Sure, anything that works with you," he reassures me while walking across the room and towards his desk. I can't see him anymore, but I know he's there.
While I lay down on the bed, I hear the door open. I look over, and I see it's (Y/N). He entered through the door that is closest to the nurse's desk instead of the door that is closest to the beds.
Eventually, his frame is obscured by the wall partition. But I can still hear his footsteps and his voice. I do my best to focus on what he is saying to Mr. Kana.
"There you are, (L/N)! I was wondering where you were," Mr. Kana says and goes over to (Y/N) once he sees him walk over.
"Something came up... sorry," (Y/N) responds, and I can hear his nervousness.
"It's okay. But let's sit down and talk, alright?"
I then hear (Y/N) pull out a chair and place it somewhere. I assume he places it right across from Mr. Kana.
"So what happened while I was gone?" (Y/N) asks Mr. Kana.
"Oh, nothing much. I just had to take care of Aishi, and the two siblings from yesterday came by as well. But nothing much. Now, where were you?" Mr. Kana questions (Y/N), wondering where his assistant went.
There is a short pause before (Y/N) can answer, "I told you something came up. I'm sorry again."
"I know that something came up. But I'm just wondering what it was."
"I'd rather not talk about... sorry."
"It's fine, but I want you to trust me at the very least."
"Ummmm... Mr. Kana, I don't think you should be doing that."
"Oh! You don't like it? My apologies. I thought it would calm you down."
"I-it's fine."
"But I do have a question in mind."
Another pause presents itself, and then (Y/N) answers, "Yes, what is it?"
"Would you mind going out with me soon?"
"I want to get to know you better, (Y/N). So would you like to go to a restaurant together, the two of us?"
Another pause is present, but this one feels more uncomfortable than the last. I'm not part of the conversation, but it makes me want to get up and leave.
"I'll...I'll think about it, okay?"
"Oh! That's fine! But please tell me soon, so I can make reservations."
"Yes, of course. But I need to go, can I?"
"Sure! Please get home safely."
I hear footsteps, and then the door to the infirmary opens and then closes.
I didn't notice, but I'm gripping the bed sheets with a tight fist. The conversation between my darling and Mr. Kana further solidifies my thoughts and Info's thoughts as well.
This nurse disgusts me.
I slowly set up and get off the stiff mattress. I walk over to Mr. Kana.
"I'm going to go home," I bluntly tell him, not bothering to say more to him.
"Oh! You're feeling better already? Well, get home safely," Mr. Kana tells me before giving me another warm smile and waving.
I wave back and then quickly leave.
I just can't believe that the nurse has the guts to speak to my darling like that!
I rush to the lockers and quickly switch out my shoes. I can't control myself, and I accidentally slam my locker door shut. The sudden sound rings through the area.
I march out of the school and make my way down the hill.
I need to think about what I'm going to do to that horrid nurse.
He is an adult, so most of my options are limited. I can't befriend him properly, and matchmaking him would be impossible to do.
Blackmailing is possible, but all he has done is flirt with one student. If he did something more to my darling, then I would have great evidence.
My mind keeps bringing up one method that I haven't used yet. It's one that's too dangerous, and if I get caught, it would be over for me.
But it's one I've been itching to do for months. But I had to settle for more passive eliminations.
How about I get rid of the nurse once and for all?
It's not like he was important anyway. He's only temporary, and the school could easily replace him.
I've decided what I'm going to do, and I can't go back.
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pink-tonic · 1 month
A New Start?🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: Stalking
Text message labels:
Bold = Ayato
Red text = Info-Chan
Additional Notes: Hey! I'm sorry for my short absence from posting! School has been crazy as of lately and it's taken up most of my time. But I'm back and making more chapters!!! Hopefully I'll get back on track with posting, but thank you agian for sticking with me this long!!🩷🩷
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My eyes open up, and I'm met with a brighter world. The slight dullness is gone, and I can now see the brightness of the world once again.
I let out a yawn and stretch, but I don't get up. Instead, I cuddle up to my blankets and embrace their warmth.
I start to imagine that my blankets are someone. I'm not imagining Taeko, instead my mind is filled with thoughts of (Y/N).
I can't help but smile at my thoughts of him. I cuddle further into my blankets, and I imagine that (Y/N) is right next to me.
In my mind, he is still sleeping comfortably, and his back is turned to me. I pull him closer to me, and I can feel his back up against my chest. I look down at his face, and he is at peace. He looks handsome and everything I could ever want.
The thought is a nice one, and one I need to make come true soon. I can't keep living without him. I need him by my side.
This motivation causes me to get out of bed and start to get ready for school.
On my walk to school, I decide to use this time to text Info. It's been a few days since I've texted her, but I need her help more than ever.
I need your help.
Oh? Where did you go for the past week?
I'm sure you know.
How clever. I do know.
But I need your help.
Is it about your Senpai?
No? What happened?
I thought you would know already.
I know a lot, but not this. Now, tell me I must know.
I've switched my focus.
Really? To who then?
To (Y/N).
I should have seen this coming eventually. But what do you want me to do?
Give me any new information about people who are getting close to him, just like how you did for Taeko.
Of course. As long as you are willing to help me.
What is it?
I need you to set up more bugs.
Anywhere you haven't yet, but I want your first target to be the infirmary.
Because there is a new nurse. The old one had to take care of something, so I think it's about time you bug that area.
Okay, I'll get it done soon.
When I make it to school, I decide that I would set the bugs during lunch. But for right now, I want to look over (Y/N).
When I was still in love with Taeko, I didn't do a great job watching over her. But when it comes to (Y/N), the same won't happen.
I'll watch over every last move he makes.
I wait by the lockers to see if he is going to come. I eventually see him with Taro and Taeko, but something unusual happens. The three of them rush past the lockers, not bothering to switch out of their outdoor shoes. They then make their way to the nurse's office.
Once they get into the office, I decide to go over as well. I go over to the nurse's office and try my best not to make anyone suspicious of my actions.
Unfortunately, when I make it to the nurse's office the door is closed. One of them must have closed it once they were all inside.
I decide to take a seat and wait for them to come out.
Ten minutes pass by, and eventually, the door opens up. Taeko and Taro come out, but (Y/N) doesn't.
I decide to take a peek inside of the nurse's office since now the door is wide open. I look inside, and I can hear a bit of the conversation (Y/N) is having.
I'm not able to get too close, but from what I hear, the new nurse needs help.
(Y/N) accepts to help him and then leaves. Before (Y/N) can see me, I quickly go the opposite direction.
While I walk away, I think of the new information that I now have.
I guess bugging the nurse's office will be more worthwhile than I thought.
It's lunchtime, and I can't wait to set up the bag. Since (Y/N) is now going to spend more time in the nurse's office, I'll get to find out more information about him.
I quickly go over to the nurse's office and open up the door. I take a quick look inside, and I notice that the nurse isn't inside of his office. He must have gone to eat his lunch.
I quickly look around the room and then close the door behind me. I take out the bug that Info gave me, and I go over to the nurse's desk and place it underneath it. I then go over to one of the beds and place a bug underneath it.
While I'm getting up from crouching down, I hear the door slide open. I can feel my heart slightly stop.
I can hear the person let out a 'Hmmm...'
I turn around, and I'm met with one of the student council members. I notice that it's Aoi Ryugoku, who is one of the most feared student council members. Her vibrant blue hair, poor posture, and eyepatch would make you think she was one of the delinquents. But her white and red uniform, and red armband all indicate that she is a part of the student council.
Ryugoku looks at me before turning around and walking out the other door and closing it.
Once she leaves, I can't help but frown. I always hated the student council members. I thought they were nuisances and another obstacle in my way.
I walk out of the nurse's office, not wanting to linger further in it.
I decide to stay after school today, but I don't stay for my club. Instead, I'm staying for (Y/N). I was waiting for him to leave, so I could follow him, but he never showed up. I then figured out that he went to the nurse's office.
I decide to stay after school to do my cleaning duty. It's been weeks since I've done any cleaning, and I'm surprised I haven't gotten in trouble yet, but I should start cleaning now before I do.
I make sure to clean near the nurse's office so I can see once (Y/N) leaves.
I sweep the same surface and wait patiently for him to come out. I wish I could see inside, but the bug I planted will give me an advantage.
While I'm down the hallway, I hear a door slide open. I turn my head, and I see (Y/N) walking out of the nurse's office.
A smile starts to form on my face when a realization hits me. (Y/N) doesn't have anyone to walk home with. He is going to walk home by himself.
I quickly leave to put the mop and bucket away. I put them in the bathroom, but I don't bother to dump the water or clean the mop. Someone else can take care of that. Because right now, I need to take care of (Y/N).
I go over to the lockers, and I see him closing his locker and walking out of the school. I quickly change out of my indoor shoes and into my outdoor ones. I close my locker and follow him.
I make sure to keep a safe distance from him, but I also make sure that I'm not too far away. I follow him, but sadly, he doesn't do anything interesting. But that can also be a good thing. He just goes straight home.
I decide to leave before (Y/N) can go inside. I don't want him to turn around at the last second and spot me.
I start my own walk back home.
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pink-tonic · 1 month
I can’t wait for the next chapter ><
It’s so good, Also Take your time okay! ^^
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OMG THANK YOU!!!🩷🩷 you're just in luck too cus I just finished editing the newest chapter and I'm going to publish it in like 15 seconds after this post😭
But I'm happy you're enjoying the story so far, and I'll always make sure to take my time since I don't want to give you guys sloppy chapters but thanks for sticking around hope you stick around till the end!!!🩷🩷
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pink-tonic · 2 months
New Week and a New Nurse📰
All Chapters
Warnings: Mentions of a minor injury, but nothing too graphic
Additional Note: I just want to say thank you all who have supported my story. Whether it's leaving notes, reposts, messages, or follows. I really appreciate it 🩷🩷 We are only around halfway through the story, so I hope you stick around for the future rivals. But thank you again for the support, I appreciate it very much ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
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It's Monday, and I'm walking with Taeko and Taro to school. It's a very calm morning, and that's how I like it. The breeze is soft, and the light from the sun is welcoming. The weather is perfect. As we walk down the road, I can see familiar students walking to school. The area around me is filled with their chatter, and it's just as perfect as the weather. It's not too loud or too quiet. It's just perfect.
I'm not paying attention to what Taeko and Taro are talking about since I'm in my own world.
That is until I hear a noise.
"Are you okay, Taeko?" Taro asks his older sister.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts, and I look to the side, and I see Taeko on the ground. Taro goes over to her and helps her up.
"Yeah, but it hurts," she answers back once she stands up, "That's never happened to me..."
I look at her, but her knees catch my attention. Both of her knees are scraped.
"Teako, your knees are scraped," I point out as I walk over to her, "Let's head to the school and go to the nurse's office."
Teako looks down at her knees, and she winces at the sight of her knees.
"Yeah, let's hurry up and go."
We walk alongside Taeko, but at a slower speed since we don't want her to feel more pain.
It only takes a few minutes to get to the school, and we rush to the nurse's office, not bothering to switch out our shoes.
I open up the door for Taeko and Taro, and they both walk in.
"Miss Kankoshi, can you help us out?" I call out to the nurse as I close the door to the infirmary.
"Oh! Miss Kankoshi isn't here today," an unfamiliar voice reveals to us.
I step further into the infirmary, and on the other side of the room, I can see a man. I can see that he is cleaning something up, and broken glass is scattered around the ground.
I approach the man, while Taro goes over to a bed and helps Taeko sit down.
"Where's Miss Kankoshi?" I ask the unfamiliar man.
"Oh! She had a family emergency to take care of, so I'm the temporary nurse until she comes back. I'm Mr. Kina. It's nice to meet you!"
The man gets up from the ground and tosses the napkins to the side. I can now get a better view of him. He is wearing the normal white nurse uniform, he has light pink hair, kind violet eyes, and in general, he has soft and gentle features.
"Well, Mr. Kina, can you help out my friend? She scraped her knee and needs help," I explain to him the situation.
"Oh, of course I'll help!" He goes over to Teako and leaves the mess behind.
I look down at the mess on the floor, and I start to wonder how it happened in the first place.
I walk over to the others, and I can see Mr. Kina is examining Teako's knees.
"How did you fall in the first place?" Mr. Kina asks Teako.
"I... I don't know. I might have slapped on a rock or something, I'm not too sure."
"Well, you'll heal fast! This isn't anything too serious!" Mr. Kina reassures her, "Ummm... could you give me the rubbing alcohol and cotton?"
Mr. Kina points to me, and I nod my head. I go over to one of the cabinets and look through it. I soon find what I'm looking for. I've been in the nurse's office many times, so I know where mostly everything is.
I walk over to Mr. Kina and I hand over what he asked for.
"I didn't even need to tell you where it was!" He asks with surprise.
"I've been here many times, so I kind of know where everything is," I explain to him.
"Oh! Well, I hope to see you soon then," he tells me before helping to tend to Teako's knees.
What did he mean by that? Wouldn't he wish not to see me? I must be looking too into his words. I'm sure he meant nothing by it.
While Mr. Kina is tending to Teako's wound, he makes me go and look for what he needs. It makes me feel like an assistant more than anything.
Finally, Mr. Kina ends up putting bandages on Teako's scrapes.
"Okay, you should be fine now!" Mr. Kina tells Taeko as he gets up.
I see Taeko look down at her knees. She moves her legs around, but I can tell from her face that her knees still hurt.
"The bell is about to ring. How about we start heading to class?" Taro asks his sister.
Taeko nods her head and responds, "Yeah, I can rest in my classroom. Let's go."
Taro and Taeko go to leave, and I'm about to leave as well, but the nurse's voice catches me by surprise, and I stop.
"Um... so you know your way around the office, right?" He asks me softly. Almost as if it took all his courage just to ask the simple question.
I turn to look at him and nod, "Yeah. I've been here many times, so I know where most things are."
"Oh! Yes, you did tell me that. But I was wondering something," Mr. Kina pauses, unsure whether or not he should ask me the question, "Can you be my assistant?"
He gives me a gentle smile, and his eyes are filled with what looks like hopefulness. Hoping that I would agree to be his assistant.
"Why? Can't you have the headmaster help you?"
"He is a very dismissive man, and none of the teachers would know anything. I think you would be the best for it. So can you?"
I want to turn down his offer, but I do feel a bit bad for the nurse. It's clear he doesn't know much. He is clumsy and naive.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind, Mr. Kina."
"Thank you…"
"Thank you, (L/N)."
"Really?" Taeko asks me, almost dropping her chip on the ground from how surprised she was.
I shrug my shoulders and respond, "I felt bad for him, you know?"
"Not really."
I let out a sigh and answer back, "He is really clumsy, Taeko! Didn't you see what he was doing before we came in?"
"What was he doing?" Taro asks, now interested in the conversation.
"He was cleaning something up in the next room, and there was broken glass everywhere! I felt bad, so I decided to help him, and it's only for his week," I further explain to them, I was mostly hoping that Taeko would understand better.
"Okay, so when are you supposed to help him?" Taeko further asks.
"I'm going to have to skip this week's club meeting, but-"
I'm cut off by Taeko.
"So what are we going to do while you're gone?" Taeko asks me, worried about what would happen to the club.
"We just won't do any meetings this week," I answer with a small shrug,"It's not a big deal to skip a week. You'll be fine. Just take this week off."
"Well, if you say so..."
It's after school, and it's time for me to help Mr. Kina. I'm sure this will be easy.
When I walk into the infirmary, I'm met with a confusing sight.
I see Mr. Kina wrapped up in a bunch of bandages. For a moment, I am too stunned to move or speak. How was this even possible to do?
I'm snapped out of my confusion once Mr. Kina speaks up. "Could you help me?" Mr. Kina asks me timidly, embarrassed that I found him in such a state.
"Y-Yes, yes, of course," I quickly answer before going over to him. The bandages were wrapped around his legs and his hips. From the looks of it, he was trying to get out of them, but failed and wrapped himself into the bandages even more.
I try my best to unwrap the bandages, and eventually, I'm able to get them off of him.
"Oh! Thank you so much, (L/N)! I don't know what I would have done without you!" Mr. Kina thanks me while giving me his usual soft smile.
"No, problem. But how did that even happen in the first place?" I ask him, wondering how a grown man was able to get himself tangled up in some bandages.
Mr. Kina lets out a nervous laugh, "It's kind of a long story, but to spare you the details, I'm just a very clumsy person."
That wasn't too surprising. The first time I met him, he was cleaning up a mess he made, so I guess getting himself wrapped up in bandages isn't too out of the ordinary for him.
"So, what do you want me to help you with?" I ask, moving on to another topic.
"Oh! Yes, could you show me around the office? I know I've been in here all day, but I would like to know where everything is. Since I've forgotten."
"Okay! I guess we should start over here," I walk over to the nurse's desk, which is right by the cabinets.
"This is your desk, and this is where the syringes can be found," I go to open up one of the drawers, where the syringes are kept.
I then go behind the desk and open another drawer. "In this drawer, this is where the basics things can be found. The bandages, alcohol, cotton balls, feminine products, and pregnancy tests."
I then walk away from the desk and over to the cabinets. "This is obvious, but this is where all the medication is kept, and it should be locked at all times."
I keep going around the office and showing Mr. Kina everything. Most of what I tell him is obvious information that he should already know, but I decide to go over it with him so he doesn't forget about it.
"That should be everything I think," I tell him, ending my introduction of everything.
"Thank you for that!" Mr. Kina tells me with joy, "I think I have a better understanding of everything since you explained it."
"Of course, that's why I'm here after all," I tell him,"Okay, I should be heading home now. I'm sure nobody is going to come in right now."
I go to grab my bag that I left on a nearby chair, but Mr. Kina's voice makes me turn around.
"You know, I wouldn't mind if you came by during lunchtime," he shyly offers me.
I think over his offer. On one hand, I would spend less time with Taeko and Taro, but on the other hand, I think it's best I'm here to support Mr. Kina.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind helping you out during lunchtime."
"That's wonderful, thank you."
I'm now walking back home, and for the first time in months, I'm walking back home by myself.
As I walk through the neighborhood, I feel something. Almost as if someone is watching me. I shrug it off, thinking it was just my paranoia taking over my senses.
But the feeling never goes away.
As I'm about to enter my home, I take a quick look behind me. And I don't see anything. Nobody is near me.
My paranoia is definitely getting to me.
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pink-tonic · 2 months
All Chapters
Warnings: None
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It's Saturday, and this would be the day where I sleep in. But even though it's a Saturday, that wasn't going to happen today.
My alarm is off, but my phone keeps vibrating. In a groggy state of mind, I harshly grab my phone and take a look at who is calling me.
It's Aso.
Why is he calling so early in the morning?
I answer his call and put the phone up to my ear.
"So you are awake!"
"Yeah. What happened?"
"What do you mean? Nothing happened."
"I'm asking why you're calling me so early?"
"Oh! I'm calling because we should hang out!"
Suddenly, my conversation from yesterday with Aso comes back to me. I remember that I told him that I would tell him how I'm feeling.
"Hello?" Aso's voice comes through, wondering why I suddenly went silent.
"Yeah... Let's hang out."
"Sweet! I'll come to you, so send me your location!"
He hangs up, and I'm left with my thoughts.
What am I going to do?
Am I really going to tell Aso how I feel about (Y/N)?
Well, I have no other choice.
I send Aso my location, and he responds with a thumbs up. I should start to get ready.
I get up from my bed and go over to my closet. I grab my green long-sleeve shirt, denim jeans, black socks, and my black sneakers.
When I finish tying my shoes, I hear a knock at the door. I get up and walk downstairs and answer the door.
"Hey, Ayato!" Aso happily greets me and goes in for a hug. His sudden action catches me off guard, but I accept his hug anyway.
The hug only lasts a few seconds before he breaks the hug.
"Okay, so I know how sad you were yesterday, so I decided to plan something to make you feel better!" Aso reveals to me.
"What are we going to do?"
"Okay, so first we are going to rent out some bikes!" Aso tells me the first part of his plan.
I frown at his plan, I'm not currently in the mood to bike around town.
Aso notices my frown, "C'mon, Ayato! It's gonna be fun, trust me!"
I can't help but give in, "Fine. Keep going."
"Okay, so we'll bike around town, right? Then we'll go to the local indoor swimming pool. My uncle owns it, and he hired this guy to paint a mural or something. I think it would be fun if we joined! Then we'll stop by the town and go to the beach so we can swim together!"
It sounds like a lot, but I decide to agree to it. I need to take my mind off of how I'm feeling, and maybe this small trip can make me sort out my feelings.
When we finally have our bikes for the day, we start to bike around the town.
The town doesn't have anything interesting in it, it's just the same as always.
We then bike by the beach, and it looks a lot more lively than it did a few days ago. Which makes sense since it's daytime, and the weather is warmer.
"I can't wait to come by here at the end of the day!" Aso tells me as we bike past the busy beach.
I only give him a nod, which I think he fails to see since he is so occupied looking at the beach. I'm sure he is imagining the cool waves hitting his body and the feeling of the sand against his skin.
We keep on biking, and then we make it to a park. I can vaguely remember this park when I was younger, but the memories I can remember aren't too great. I remember sitting by myself as I watched other kids play. My dad would usher me to join them, and I would try my best to do so, but they would bully me until I left. I would eventually walk away, and we would go back to square one.
But in the back of my mind, I can recall one good memory. It's with (Y/N). I remember that we were on the swings, and he was pushing me. This was around the time when we first started being friends, and he didn't fully understand why I didn't show any emotions.
While he was pushing me, a group of kids from school came by. The memory itself feels foggy, but I can still clearly remember what they said to us.
"(Y/N), are you seriously with that freak?" A girl asked from the group.
"Hey! Don't call him that!" (Y/N) responded with anger.
"Ditch him and come play with us! That Aishi kid is just a weirdo!" Another kid commented.
"Yeah! He doesn't even smile or cry! He doesn't feel anything at all!" One more kid jumped in.
"Well, I don't care about that! Ayato is nice to me, and I want to be his friend! Just leave us alone," (Y/N) told them. I remember they walked away from us after that.
I don't know what to feel right now after remembering that memory. A part of me wants to become further attached to (Y/N), but at the same time, I don't want to.
My heart aches but also beats faster at the same time. He didn't know he could bring out two emotions in me at the same time.
I grip the handles of the bike harder than before, and I keep pedaling with more force. I want to leave the park as fast as possible.
The rest of the journey is nice and peaceful, and we eventually make it to the indoor swimming pool. At the front, Aso and I spot a man setting up to paint the wall. Another man is helping out as well.
Aso quickly gets off his bike and runs over to one of the men. He almost makes the guy fall down as he tackles him into a hug.
They greet each other, and Aso explains to him that he is here to help paint the wall. The man looks delighted and pats Aso on the back.
Aso goes over to me and grabs me by my wrist. I hobble off of the bike, and it lands on the ground with a thud.
"Uncle! This is my friend Ayato! We met in my club, and he decided to come and help out too!" Aso gives a quick introduction about me.
"Hi, there! It's nice to know that my nephew has some great friends to accompany him!" His uncle puts his hand out for me to shake it.
I return the gesture back, and he grips my hand. I'm taken off guard by his strength, but I try my best to ignore it.
"Alright, let's get to painting!" Aso exclames as he walks over to the various paint buckets and picks up a brush. I go over towards him and do the same.
We are instructed on what to do, and then we start painting.
I'm not the best painter, and it shows as I continue to paint. I look over to Aso, and his painting isn't too good either, I would even argue that his is worse than mine.
Aso catches me looking and smiles at me. "It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, Ayato! The point of this is to make whatever you want," he turns his head and looks at all the other children that have joined.
The children are painting messy stick figures, leaving different color handprints, and drawing all sorts of animals.
"Just have fun with it, alright? I brought you here to cheer you up!" Aso tells me before going back to painting.
He's right. The whole point of this is to have fun.
I continue to paint, but I'm just drawing things that can be considered 'safe'. Rainbows, cats and dogs, stick figures, and so on. But then I get an idea. I want to do it, but it'll remind me of him again.
I decide to paint it.
I end up painting (Y/N)'s favorite stuffed animal. I try to remember every detail of it. To the colors, pose, and features of the stuffed animal.
I was so absorbed in my painting that I didn't notice Aso looking over me and watching me paint.
"That's looking good!" He compliments my work, and I turn around to look at him.
"It's kind of cute. What inspired you to make it?"
"It's just something that I remembered when I was younger."
"Alright, cool, cool. But you need to finish up soon."
I look around, and I notice that most of the kids have left already, and the sun is starting to set.
I decide to hurry up and finish the last few details on the painting. With one final stroke, I finish the painting. I step away from the wall, and I look at everything.
The wall is filled with different drawings and an array of colors. It's not the prettiest thing ever, but it does have a lot of personality.
"Do you like how it turned out?" Aso asks me and stands next to me, "I don't like being super sappy, but it kind of reminds me of childhood. But I guess that's a given since a bunch of the artists are children."
Aso then gives me a pat on the back, "Alright, now how about we head to the beach! I'm ready to take a swim with you!"
I can then hear Aso walk away from me and over to our bikes. I can hear him pick it off from the ground. I look over to him and follow him.
We then get on our bikes and go back the way we came.
The trip back into town feels shorter, but that could be because Aso was pedaling faster than before, and I had to keep up with him.
By the time we make it to the beach, the sky is now dark. Everyone who I saw earlier on the beach are now gone, and it's just Aso and me once more.
Aso bikes as close as he can to the beach, but once the sand takes over the ground, he gets off his bike and starts taking off his clothes.
That's when I remember that I don't have a swimsuit.
I see Aso rush towards the cold water now in his yellow swim trunks. When he goes into the water, a big splash is made. He takes his arm from under the water and waves over to me.
"Ayato, get in! It's cold, but it feels super nice!" Aso happily exclames as he swims further into the ocean.
I get off my back and step into the sand. Before I walk further, I take off my shoes and place them next to my bike.
I walk closer to the water, and with each step, I can feel the sand get in-between my toes. The feeling feels familiar yet foreign. Sure, I was here last week, but I was only an observer to Aso's actions, I wasn't a part of it.
I see that Aso stops swimming and looks over to me. He happily waves his hands around, ushering me to join him.
"I don't have my swimming trunks on me," I tell him softly, hoping I don't have to talk louder.
"Just go in like that!" Aso tells me. I look down at my clothes, which would in no way be good for swimming.
"C'mon, Ayato! It's only for one day! Have some fun!"
Aso is right. It's only for one night.
I start to take off my green long-sleeve and my black socks. I'm only now left in my pants. I slowly start to step into the water, and my muscles jolt at how cold it is.
I walk further into the cold water, now feeling accustomed to the new feeling. I fully ease myself into it, and I start to swim just like how Aso taught me.
I start to swim towards him, and he happily splashes around once he sees me swimming over towards him.
"See! It's not so bad, is it?" Aso asks me as he swims over to me.
"I guess it really isn't."
For the next hour, we swim and splash around in the water.
I have never experienced this type of fun before. Not with (Y/N), Taro, or my family. I never thought I would ever feel this with Aso of all people.
After some time, Aso and I get tired, and we get out of the water. When Aso's feet first meet the sand, he collapses on top of the sand. He then has to crawl further up in order to get out of the way of the waves.
I sit myself right next to Aso, as we look out towards the water.
Aso is sitting with his legs extended outwards, while I sit with my legs under my chin and my arms wrapped around them.
"So... are you going to tell me about how you're feeling?" Aso breaks the calm silence with his question.
I don't want to call the question a sudden one. For the whole day, I felt this question weighing on us as we traveled around. He wanted to ask the question, but he didn't know when or how to do it. Well, not until now, that is.
"My feelings?" I question further, wondering if he is talking about what I'm thinking.
"Yeah, you're feelings, you know? The ones about (Y/N). Remember?" Aso adds on.
"Oh, that."
"Yeah, that," Aso says before laying down on the sand and placing his arms behind his head, "So what about it?"
I revert my eyes and look off to the side, "I don't know."
"C'mon, you gotta know something! Even if it's not fully sorted out, you gotta know something about how you're feeling!"
I pause for a few seconds before answering him. Aso doesn't seem to mind the short silence, but I start to think about (Y/N).
How does he make me feel?
When I look at him, I feel hurt but also love. I want to ask myself why, but I already know why.
My heart aches when I look at him because I know that I hurt him. A part of his body is now hurt because of me. His mind has been haunted by my presence ever since the day that I attacked him. I betrayed all the trust he gave me in under an hour, and I don't think I'll have the same friendship I once had with him.
And it hits me.
Things are never going to be the same, are they? If we do talk again, it won't be with the same playfulness as it once had. His guard will be up because he won't be able to trust me.
My heart aches further at the thought of it.
But also, when I think of him, my heart beats faster, and I start to feel nervous and dizzy. The same way I felt towards Taeko.
I'm addicted to this feeling, and (Y/N) is able to make it happen. I want him by my side, and he needs to be by my side. He can't be with the Yamada siblings anymore. He needs to be with me and only me, just like how it was when we were children.
I guess I do know how he makes me feel.
"I think I love him so much that it hurts."
Aso quickly turns his head over to me, "You're in love with him?"
I nod my head.
"I never knew you would have feelings like that towards him," Aso further comments, "But I think you should at least try to confess to him or get closer to him or something!"
Aso is right. I need to get (Y/N) back, especially from those two Yamada siblings who have taken up all of his attention away from me.
I now know what I need to do.
"You're right. I'll try doing that starting Monday."
"See, now aren't I a helpful friend?" Aso praises his own advice.
I guess I was wrong about Aso. He is a helpful person to have around.
But I need to focus less on Aso and more on (Y/N).
My sweet, (Y/N). I can't wait to have you right by my side once again.
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pink-tonic · 2 months
Too Much📰
All Chapters
Warnings: The reader's scar is talked about, but it's not graphic.
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It's Friday, and for some reason, I don't feel fully at ease. I feel like something is wrong, but I don't know what it is...
Everything is going well so far. I walked to school with Taeko and Taro, we switched out our shoes, and we are now going to the third floor.
Everything is fine, and it will be fine.
When we pass by one of the bathrooms, Taro stops and speaks up, "I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."
"I'll go with you," I say once he steps inside of the bathroom. I then turn to Taeko, "Meet us in the clubroom, we will be right back."
Taeko gives me a short nod before leaving to go up the stairs.
I walk inside of the bathroom, and I'm met with its dim lighting. I never liked using the bathrooms in this school. They were always empty, and the lights were too dark. Plus, ever since the incident with Ayato, I've been avoiding using the bathrooms since it would be a perfect opportunity for him to attack me.
When I'm fully inside of the bathroom, I notice that Taro has already gone into one of the stalls. I look at the rest of the stalls, and they are all open except one. From the other occupied stall, I can hear talking. The voice sounds familiar, but I can't fully hear him since he is talking in a hushed voice.
While I wait for Taro, I take a look at myself in the mirror.
I look sad.
That's the only way I can describe myself. Do I always look this way? I don't like it.
I notice that my eyebags are starting to go away, but they are still there. The many sleepless nights are clearly present on my face.
I hear the sound of the stall opening, and Taro comes out of the bathroom and goes over to the sink. He turns on the sink and then pushes down on the soap dispenser. He looks up towards me, and he is about to say something to me, but then we hear the other stall door open.
We both turn to see who the person was on the other side.
My heart drops. Because it's Ayato.
Ayato looks at us, but Taro and I look away when he does. We then hear Ayato's footsteps pass by us, and he leaves the bathroom.
He didn't do anything, but I could feel my heart rushing with fear. I look over towards Taro, and he doesn't look very bothered by Ayato's presence.
He finishes washing his hands and dries them off. "Let's go back to Taeko," he tells me as he leaves the bathroom first.
I slowly follow after him.
It's lunchtime, and I'm making my way to the vending machines to get some snacks for Taro, Taeko, and I. I go to both the drink and snack vending machines. I get their favorite snacks and drinks. I start to make my way back, but as I'm about to turn around, I bump into someone's chest.
I almost drop the drinks and snacks, but I'm able to regain my balance. I look up towards the person, and it's someone I wasn't in the mood to see.
"Hello, darling," he greets me as he looks down at me, "What are you doing with all that junk?"
I give him a slight scowl, "It's for my friends."
"Oh, you mean those two Yamada siblings?" He questions, "You can't be serious, honey."
I roll my eyes, and he notices this. "Don't roll your eyes at me, honey. I haven't said anything about them."
"Yeah... but," I mumble out, not being able to finish my sentence. I was too scared to, since I didn't want to insult Kizano and make him mad.
"Hmmmm....? Oh, you're so cute you can't even insult me because you know you would be lying," he says to me, "How cute!"
"What do you want anyway, Kizano?"
"What do I want? Shouldn't it be obvious?"
I tilt my head to the side and reply, "No... not to me, at least."
"Gosh, you're so cute. You even tilt your head to the side like a puppy," Kizano points out before letting out a laugh.
I can't help but get flustered from his comment. Do I really tilt my head that often? It's not like I mean to. It's just a habit I have.
Kizano's laughter dies down and continues on, "I've come here for you, darling. I want you to come to the pool with me."
"What? No way," I answer him.
"Come on, (Y/N)."
The use of my real name catches me off guard. He usually calls me 'Darling' or 'Honey', but never my real name.
"I just want you to spend some time with me. I don't want you to be the one that got away."
I can't help but let out a sigh. Am I really going to agree to this?
"How wonderful! I can't wait to see you there, my darling."
The bell rings, and school is over. Everyone from my class leaves and pours into the hallway. I'm one of the last to leave since I'm dreading going to the pool.
Why did I agree to it?
Once the last student leaves the classroom, I follow right after her. When I go into the hallway, I see a familiar person.
"There you are, darling!" Kizano greets me and runs up to me as his velvet cape trails behind him.
"You don't sound too excited to see me."
For the first time, I hear Kizano's voice change. It surprises me. I have never heard his voice sound this sad before.
"I-Its just that I haven't gone swimming in awhile, that's all."
I try my best to hide my true feelings from Kizano so he doesn't become even more sad. But it seems that my excuse worked.
"Don't worry, we'll just do some sunbathing," he happily tells me.
I can feel Kizano grab my hand and lead me down the stairs. The hallways are mostly empty, which is a good thing for me. I don't want anyone to see us holding hands.
We eventually make it to the first floor, and he starts to drag me to the boys' locker room. We both go inside, and I take notice that it's very foggy. I haven't been to the boys' locker room in a while since I don't have any classes that require me to go.
"Alright, let's start getting changed," Kizano orders me, but I swear I can hear him sound happier than before.
I make my way to my locker and open it up. Even though I haven't been here in a while, all my things are still here. My gym uniform and swimming uniform are both here. I start to take off my clothes, and I go to grab my swimsuit.
My swimsuit is plain. It's navy blue with two white stripes running down the sides of it. It's the regular school issued swim uniform, so it's not very interesting.
As I'm about to close my locker, something dawns on me. My scar is now visible.
I was planning on keeping my scar hidden from everyone, but now it'll be exposed to everyone.
What should I do?
I want to hide it, but it wouldn't make sense for me to wear a long-sleeve shirt. Should I just try to hide it a different way?
Before I can think of a different way to hide my scar, Kizano comes up to me.
"Are you ready...darling?" His question is drawn out since he takes a look at me. I immediately notice that he is looking at my scar.
"What is that on your arm?" He questions while pointing at my scar.
I hesitate to answer, but I eventually respond, "It's a scar."
"A scar?" Kizano questions further, "From what?"
"A month or so ago, I was attacked while walking home," I lie to him, "But I'm fine now."
Kizano grabs my arm, and I can't help but wince at the sudden action. I can feel him brush his fingers gently across my scar.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I just didn't want anyone knowing," I softly reply, "I wanted it to be a secret."
"You should've told me."
That's all I'm able to say back to Kizano.
We both make our way outside of the locker room, and we make our way to the pool. As we walk there, I can feel Kizano's hand loom over mine. He wants to hold it, but he doesn't...
We walk up the steps to the pool. When we make it to the top, I can see other students in the pool and around it.
I see Aso happily swimming alongside two Sports Club members, and I see Osano by the poolside sunbathing.
"Let's go over here," Kizano tells me as we make our way over to two sun chairs. He moves them around so they are facing the pool, and he puts them side by side.
He takes his chair and lays down on it, and I take the one next to him. As I look over Kizano, I notice that he isn't wearing the school's swimming uniform. Instead, he brought his own. They are a regular violet color, but even with a simple color change, they have more personality than the school ones.
As we lay side by side, I notice that Kizano's gaze keeps shifting towards me and my scared arm. I can feel his need to ask more questions, but I think he is holding himself back.
There is a thick silence over us, and neither one of us wants to break it. I keep quiet and look ahead, and watch the Sports Club members play around in the pool.
While I watch, I hear footsteps coming towards us. I don't care to look at who it is since it's probably just another student wanting to join the poolside.
But as the person walks by me, I notice it wasn't just any other student.
It was Ayato.
As he walked by, we made eye contact with each other. Out of fear, I fold my arms over my chest, hoping he wouldn't notice the scar he gave me.
Our eye contact eventually breaks once he walks past me, and he looks straight ahead once more.
I unfold my arms, but I keep looking at Ayato, wondering if he was planning on doing anything.
Over time, my paranoia gets the best of me, and I hastily get up. When I get up, I can feel Kizano grab my wrist, and I flinch at the sudden touch. He notices my reaction and takes his hand off of my wrist.
"Where are you going?" He asks me as he looks up towards me.
"I've got to go," I respond, "I have to take care of something at home."
It's a vague answer that is bound to raise more questions, but Kizano doesn't question further.
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks me, and I can hear the worry laced in his voice.
I may not like Kizano, but I would like to have him with me.
"Yeah, I would appreciate that," I answer him. Giving him the go-ahead to come with me.
He quickly gets up, and we both make our way away from the pool. Before we take the first steps towards the staircase, I look behind me, and I notice that Ayato is too busy swimming to notice me leaving.
I'm thankful that he doesn't see me.
Kiznao and I make our way back to the locker room, and I'm starting to hate the silence. It's too out of character of him to be this quiet.
I decide to be the one to break it.
"Are you okay, Kizano?"
My question seems to catch him off guard, and he looks towards me.
"Yes. It's just that I'm...," he starts off before trailing off, "...I'm just worried for you, darling."
"You don't have to worry for me, Kizano. It happened before we met and you wouldn't have known. It's fine."
I hope that my words can make him feel better, but I can still see that he is worried for me.
When we make it to the locker room, we quickly change. My scar is now covered up by my long-sleeve, and I can finally
be at ease.
Kizano comes up to me, "Let me walk you home."
I only nod at his request, and he grabs my hand and holds it in his. His hand feels warm compared to my colder ones. I like the new warmth, and I can't help but intertwine my hand with his.
When I do this, I can see a slight smile start to show on his face.
While on our walk, I tell him the directions to my home. We walk through different neighborhoods, and we finally end up in my neighborhood.
The sun is starting to set, and the sky is painted with orange and pink. Making the sky look more captivating and beautiful than ever.
I look down at my hand, and I'm still holding Kizano's hand. I let go of his hand, but before I can fully pull my hand away, Kizano gently holds it in his own.
He brings my hand up to his face, and he places a gentle kiss on the top of my hand.
I look at him with wide eyes, and I can't help but become flustered at his sudden action.
When he lets go of my hand, he reverts his eyes away from me and speaks up, "I know I don't usually act like this... but I do care for you, (Y/N). Please be careful, my darling."
He gives me a soft smile, before giving me a soft 'Goodbye' and walks away.
I look down at my hand, and I can't help but smile. I've never seen this side of Kizano before. He is usually so egotistical and arrogant, but he really does care for me...
I would have never guessed.
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pink-tonic · 2 months
Swim to Your Heart's Content🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: None
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It's Friday, and it's an end to another week. Usually, on Fridays, I would be worrying about how I would confess to Taeko, but this Friday, I'm not feeling that.
I think I can say that I don't have feelings for her anymore.
But what now?
Sure, my world is still bright. Maybe a bit duller than before, but it's nothing bad.
I wonder if I'll ever feel love again?
When I make it to school, I don't know what to do with myself. I have no one to talk to. Osano is still here, but he is talking with his friends. Kizano is also here, but I'd rather not talk with him.
I decide to go to the courtyard. I walk through the dark blue doors, and I'm met with the cherry blossom petals raining down on the ground. I walk to where I usually would sit with Taro. When I make it to the white bench, no one is there. Taro would usually be here, but he must have gone somewhere else.
I take a seat.
I really don't know what to do. If I was still in love with Taeko, then I would look at pictures of her to pass the time. But I've deleted all of those pictures, so my phone is now empty. The only picture I have now is one of Osano's cat when I saved it from the stalker.
But I remember I do have to do something. I need to talk to my boss about not coming today.
I get up so I can go to a more secluded area. The courtyard is a busy area. The Cooking Club members always walk by handing out food, sometimes the bullies walk by, and some other random students walk by or talk with their friends.
I decide to go into the bathrooms. For some reason, the bathrooms are almost always empty, but I shouldn't complain since that's better for me.
I walk into the boys' bathroom and go into one of the stalls. I close the stall and take out my phone. I call my boss' number, and the phone starts to ring.
"Hello?" My boss answers.
"It's me. Aishi," I tell him.
"What happened, Aishi?"
"I can't come into work today."
"Why not?"
"It's because... I need to take care of my neighbor's dog."
"That's fine. You did work some extra shifts, so you can take the day off. Just call me again if you want to work an extra shift."
He hangs up the phone, and I put mine away in my pocket. I open up the stall door and step out.
But when I step out of the stall, I'm met with two people.
Taro and (Y/N).
They both look at me, but look away when I look at them back. We don't say anything to each other, but the bathroom becomes more tense.
I leave the bathroom quickly. But when I'm walking back to the courtyard, only one thought is on my mind.
Are they friends?
I know that they were just in the bathroom together, and that shouldn't mean a lot. But I can't help but think about it.
It would make sense for Taro to hang out with (Y/N). (Y/N) is friends with Taro's sister, so it would make sense for Taro to hang out with them.
But for a quick second, I felt anger, but also... jealousy.
I don't know why I felt this way when I saw them together. I understand why I felt anger, but why did I feel jealous?
And this jealousy was directed towards Taro. Am I jealous of Taro?
When I walk out of class, I hear someone running behind me. I don't think much of it till an arm slings over my shoulder and brings me closer to the person's body.
"Hey! I hope you haven't forgotten about our hangout!" Aso tells me with excitement.
The loudness of his voices causes students to look at us with amusement. I ignore their stares and try my best to leave Aso's hold.
"Yes, I remember," I reassure him.
"Great!" He exclames happily, "Let's go straight to the pool!"
Aso let's go of me and rushes down the stairs. I can hear the sound of his footsteps, but the sound eventually fades away once he gets to the next floor.
I start to make my way down the stairs as well, but I'm not as fast as him. I do eventually make it down to the first floor, but Aso is nowhere to be found.
I start to head to the pool, and that's where I finally find him. Aso is already in his bathing suit, and he is currently swimming around the pool.
I walk over to the edge of the pool, and he spots me. He swims over and lifts his swimming goggles up.
"Hey, Ayato!" He greets me, "You should get your bathing suit on, so we can start swimming together!"
I nod in agreement. I then leave and make my way over to the locker room. I walk over to my locker and open it up. I grab my bathing suit from off of one of the hangers. I start to take off my uniform and then slip on my swimming trunks. I place my bag in the locker and then my clothes. I close my locker and then head towards the pool.
Once I walk up the steps towards the pool, I'm met with a lot more people than before. Or maybe I didn't notice them before?
I notice two members of the Sports Club swimming around with Aso. I see two people sunbathing by the poolside. One of them is Osano, and the other is Kizano.
But I notice something about Kizano. He seems to be with someone else, but I can't tell who it is. He is blocking my view of the person.
I decide to go over to Aso and talk with him. To get to him, I have to walk past Kizano and whoever he is with.
As I walk by, I make sure to take a quick look at the person.
And it's (Y/N).
(Y/N) sees me walk past and ends up folding his arms over his chest. We make a small amount of eye contact, but I eventually walk past him and the contact breaks.
When I walked past him, I felt something. It was jealousy again. But I also felt my heartache a little.
Why am I feeling this way?
Why am I suddenly switching my feelings from Taeko to (Y/N)?
It doesn't make sense! I tried killing him only a few weeks ago, but now...
But now I want him like how I wanted Taeko.
This can't be...
"Ayato!" I hear Aso call my name, and I'm snapped out of my daze.
"C'mon! Let's start swimming!" Aso tells me as he turns around and starts swimming again.
I follow after Aso and go into the pool with him and the other members.
While we swam, Aso would instruct me on how to swim better. He would show me different forms and help me out when I didn't get the form right.
As I swam, I could feel myself getting stronger. And that's exactly what I need. I need to keep growing stronger. So I guess today really did work out.
The sun is starting to set, and the school is about to close. The gym teacher ended up coming to the pool to tell us it was time for us to leave.
We all got out of the pool and walked back to the locker room to change.
"Wasn't that fun?" Aso asks me as we head back to change.
"Yeah, it was," I answer him.
"But after all that swimming, I'm starting to feel hungry! Let's stop by the convenience store!" Aso says while he walks into the locker room first.
"Sure," I quietly respond as I go in, too.
We change out of our bathing suits and change back into our uniform. I grab my bag and then close the locker.
Aso comes up next to me. "Are you ready to go?" He asks me.
"Yeah," I reply back to him.
"Alright, I'll see you guys in the next club meeting. See ya!" Aso yells out to the two Sports Club members who are still changing into their uniform.
"See you later!"
We then start to leave the school. As we walk to the entrance, we see a few teachers roaming the grounds. When they see us, they wave at us and tell us to make it back home safely.
We eventually make it down the hill and walk onto the street. We start to make our way to the convenience store.
"Today was so fun!" Aso breaks the small silence. He stretches his arms, and he lets out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, I enjoyed it."
"Since now you know how to swim, how about we go back to the beach?" Aso asks me, hoping that I would agree, "What do you say?"
I nod, and that seems enough for him.
"Alright! I can't wait to go back! Let's go this weekend!" Aso happily tells me. I can now see a slight skip in his step as he thinks about the beach.
We eventually make it to the convenience store, and Aso picks up his pace. He stands in front of the door and the automatic doors open, and I can hear a small chime as he enters. I go inside right after him.
When I'm inside, I take a look around. I haven't been in a convenience store in a while.
I decide to go to the drink section, and that's where I find Aso. I see him getting two water bottles.
"You're getting water too?" He asks me. I can see him almost drop one of the bottles, but he is able to prevent it from happening.
"Yeah," I tell him as I open the freezer door and grab a water bottle. The water bottle makes my warm hand turn cold, and I can't help but shiver at the new feeling.
"Hmmm... what else should I get?" Aso asks himself as he walks away from me.
I decide to go to the Ramen section. I haven't had ramen since my parents left for the States. I walk over to the Ramen section and look at the flavors they have.
I didn't notice that Raman had so many flavors. I walk over to the spicy section and pick one out.
The container has the company's mascot eating the spicy ramen and sweating from the intense spiciness of it.
I go over to the chip section and pick out a bag of chips. I get the cheese flavored one. When I have everything I want, I start to look for Aso.
I walk around the small store, but I eventually find hum in the rice ball section. I see him grab three.
"Are you ready to check out?" He asks me as he grabs the one last rice ball and tries his best not to drop any of his items.
"Yeah," I answer him as I go over to checkout.
I make it to the counter and place my items on top of it. The man behind the counter starts to scan my items and then tells me my total.
I start to rummage through my bag to find my wallet. I find it and start to give him the money.
He counts it up and then opens up the cash register. He gives me my change back and then grabs a bag. He places my items inside the bag and then hands it over to me.
"Have a good day," he tells me as I grab the bag from him.
Aso is next and drops his items over the counter. The employee checks him out, and Aso excitedly grabs the bag once he pays.
"Let's go!" Aso tells me as he happily walks out of the store and onto the street.
When I make it outside, I see him rummaging through his bag. He then gets out a rice ball and quickly takes off the wrapper. He finishes it in two bites, and then throws the wrapper into the trash.
"That tastes so good!" He exclames, "I should've gotten more!"
He then turns to me, "What did you buy Ayato?"
"Ramen and chips," I tell him as I look down into my bag.
"Ramen sounds so good! Especially with cheese!" Aso tells me, "I should get that next time!"
We start to walk down the street, and it feels peaceful. Well, minus the fact that Aso is loudly eating all of his food.
As Aso is on his third and final rice ball, he asks me a question to break the silence again.
"I feel like you're too quiet today, Ayato. I know that you're usually quiet, but I feel like something is bothering you."
I'm surprised that Aso is able to know how I'm feeling. I've only known him for a few days, but he is now able to tell whether I'm feeling good or not.
"Yeah, I guess I'm a bit sad," I answer him honestly.
I don't know why I decided to let him know how I'm feeling. I could have easily lied to him, but Aso is everything I have.
I've lost (Y/N) and Taro. I'm never going to get with Taeko. Osano and Kizano are only acquaintances.
Aso is the only friend I have, so far.
"I had a feeling! But why are you all sad for? Wait, can I guess?" He quickly asks. He seems to have a feeling about what's bothering me.
"Sure," I give him the go-ahead to guess what's making me sad.
"Is it because of (L/N)?"
My eyes slightly widen at his answer. How was he able to tell?
"Yes. How did you know?"
"You may not know it, but I am very keen on details!" Aso informs me, "When you were walking over to me, I noticed you making eye contact with (L/N)! I thought the two of you were going to greet each other, but you didn't! But I could tell that you wanted to say something!"
A loud silence falls over us, and Aso can't help but let out an awkward laugh.
"Am I wrong?"
"Wait, I was right! I guess I still got it in me! But - wait, why were you looking at him like that?"
"I'll tell you over the weekend," I quickly tell him.
"Okay!" Aso agrees even though I'm sure he hears how unsure I sound, "But I have to go. My house is this way. But I'll see you soon!"
I see Aso walk away from me and down a different road.
I make it back home and I go to make my ramen. As I start to make it, I keep thinking about (Y/N).
I hate that I'm feeling this way towards him. I want to know why I'm suddenly switching how I'm feeling.
I can't even think of (Y/N), the memories of what I did weeks ago are coming back. At first, I didn't think much of it, but now my heartaches at the thought.
I remember his eyes that were filled with terror, I remember his blood dripping to the ground and staining the gym floor, I remember how my knife ripped through his uniform, I remember how I chased him back home and how he did his best to run away from me.
I'm starting to remember it all, and I hate it.
I hate how I made him feel that way.
I feel something wet roll down my cheek. I touch it, and it's a tear.
I'm crying over (Y/N).
What should I do?
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pink-tonic · 2 months
Who Needed You Anyway?🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: None
Text message labels:
Bold = Ayato
Blue text = Taro
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I wake up to the sun's bright light on my face. I turn away from my window to avoid the light. I look around my room until my eyes land on my clock. It's early in the morning, and I need to get ready.
It's already Thursday.
I actually need to go to school this time. I skipped out twice already, and I can't do it again. Plus, I have plans with Aso after school.
I go to grab my phone, and when I turn it on, I'm met with my wallpaper of Taeko. I frown at the wallpaper.
When I look at her I feel so...dissatisfied. I don't feel happiness, I don't feel love, I don't feel anything positive. Just a few days ago, I was so attracted to her. She was everything to me. But now I don't even want to see her.
It's not hatred. No, it's not that at all. I just don't care for her anymore.
I would turn off my phone, but a text message from Taro catches my attention.
We need to talk.
This isn't one of his usual text messages, this one seems more serious. And I can't help but feel a bit of fear. I've never felt this way before. I'm actually scared for once...
I don't like this feeling.
'What?' Is what I respond with, hoping that it's nothing too serious.
I don't think we should be friends anymore.
I'm a bit surprised by how fast he responds, given that he sent it late last night.
It's because I feel that you're not making an effort to keep this friendship going.
I hope you understand.
I leave the messaging app and close my phone. I let out a sigh in frustration.
I really did mess up.
But who really needs him? It's not like Taro did anything good for me. I only had him around because (Y/n) drifted away from me. (Y/n) was a better friend anyway. Taro was so boring. Always having his head buried in a book, not even caring to start a conversation with me.
He was useless anyway.
I take my blankets off of me, and I get out of bed. My feet met the cold, hard wood flooring, but I get up and make my way over to my corkboard. The corkboard is filled with pictures of Taeko. Clear shots, blurry shots, upclose, and far away pictures. It's filled with every picture I've taken of her. Red strings are scattered around the board, and a few of them even take the shape of hearts.
After work would end, I would come home and look at this and admire it. Taking in her features and all my hard work, but now I only see it as a waste of energy.
With anger, I snatch one of the pictures off the corkboard. It ends up ripping, and the pin holding it in place falls to the ground.
I continue to rip the pictures off the corkboard and the red strings, too. When I'm done, my bedroom floor is covered with pieces from the photographs, pins, and red string.
I walk away from the corkboard and leave the room.
For the rest of the day, I avoid both of the Yamada siblings. I don't want to see either of them. I try my best to make it through the day, so I can go to the club.
Luckily, Taro made it easy for me and switched his seat in the classes I have with him. He would usually sit next to me, but he switched his seat, so he sits somewhere else now.
At least he did something right for once.
Finally, the last bell rings and I can now go to my club.
I make my way outside and head straight to the changing room. I go inside and head to my locker. I change into my gym uniform, but as I'm taking off my shirt, I hear someone.
"Hey, Ayato!" Aso greets me. He walks over to his locker and starts to change, too.
"Hey," I greet him back. I put my uniform in my locker and close it.
"You still remember our plans, right?" He asks me as he takes off his clothes and reaches into his locker to get out his gym uniform.
"Yes, I do."
"Cool! I'll see you after we're done."
"Alright, Ayato!" Aso yells out, running over to me and wrapping an arm over my shoulders. The force almost trips me over, but I'm able to balance myself.
"Where should we go? I didn't actually think I would make it this far," he admits to me with a nervous laugh, "I thought you would turn my invitation down right away."
I ignore his statement and question further where we are going.
"Oh! Right, right. Let me think...," Aso starts to think, but it looks like he has no idea where to go, "Hmmm... honestly it beats me. Let's see where our legs take us." He shrugs after his statement and takes the lead.
We walk out of the school, and we start to make our way into the town. I'm hoping he isn't planning on going into a store since there isn't anything new.
I keep following Aso, and we go over to the railing that's overlooking the sea. It's starting to get dark, and the stars and moon are starting to take their place in the sky.  He leans over the railing and looks over it.
"Woah, I forgot how close we are to the sea. I kind of want to swim," he comments as he watches the different boats moving along the blue ocean.
I notice Aso looks over to a pair of binoculars that are placed facing out towards the ocean. I can see an idea go through his head as he approaches it.
"Look at this, Ayato!" He exclames as he points at the binoculars, "Do you want to look into it?"
I give him a nod, and he starts to smile.
"It only costs 300 yen," he states. I then see him rummage through his uniform pockets, and he pulls out a few coins. "I'll go first."
He slides the coins into the slot of the machine, and he is now able to use it. Aso is too tall, so he has to lower himself down a little.
This isn't very interesting, but Aso seems to be really interested by what he sees. He lets out a few 'Wow's and 'Woah's.
His time eventually runs out, and he backs away and stands up straight.
"You should try it, Ayato!" He encourages me.
I give in and rummage through pockets for any coins. I eventually do find some, and I walk over to the machine. I insert the coins in, and I lower myself to see through it.
At first, it's not very interesting since I get a zoomed in version of what I regularly see, so I'm just seeing a lot of the ocean and fewer boats. I move the binoculars around, and I eventually do find something that piques my interest.
It's to the far right, and I see a boat. The boat isn't anything out of the ordinary, but there is a person standing on the deck of the ship. They are holding a pair of binoculars and looking over towards the direction of the town.
It seems to be a boy around my age. It looks like he has silver hair, pale skin, and is wearing a fancy blue and black suit. While I'm looking, I see him put down the binoculars, and I can see his eyes for a brief moment, but he is quick to look through the binoculars again.
Eventually, my time runs out, so I back away from the binoculars and make my way over to Aso, who is once again admiring the ocean.
Aso notices me and looks over to me. "Did you find anything interesting?" He asks me.
"Not really," I lie to him. I'm currently not in the mood to explain what I saw.
He lets out a light hum and backs away from the railing. "What do you want to do now?" He asks me.
"I'm not sure," I want to call off the hangout and go home, but I know I can't do that. Aso is all I have now when it comes to friends, so I can't ditch him. Even if I really do want to.
"Can we go down by the beach?" He asks, and when he is asking, I can see hope and joy in his eyes. Hoping that I would agree.
I nod my head, and I start to take the lead. Aso follows me eagerly like a puppy.
It doesn't take long for us to make it to the beach. I see Aso starts to sprint to the water, as he runs, he discards his bag. But he doesn't even take his shoes or his clothes off. He goes in without a second thought.
He dives into the water, and he yells out how cold it is. I ignore him and look around the beach.
It's empty.
No one is here, which isn't surprising since it's nighttime. Who in their right mind would go to the beach at night?
Oh, wait…
I look back at Aso, and I see him splashing around in the water. He eventually walks out of the water and approaches me.
"It's so cold!" He whines out while taking off his shoes and throwing them on the sand.
Aso looks at me and asks, "You don't want to join?"
I shake my head and respond, "I'm not a  good swimmer."
I've only swam a few times when I was younger, but I wasn't very good at it. I would usually stay in shallow water, and I wouldn't dare to go deeper.
"Really? That gives me another idea!" He exclames as he takes off his shirt and pants, "How about we hang out tomorrow after school and swim together in the pool?"
I guess that wouldn't be too bad, but I have work tomorrow. Maybe I can call in and make an excuse? I've done extra shifts this week, so I don't think I would get in trouble.
I decide to agree with Aso's plans. He smiles at me, and then turns away to rummage through his bag, and he ends up pulling out a pair of swimming trunks.
He rashes to put them on, and he rushes back into the cold water.
I decide to take a seat on the sand and look out towards the ocean.
Maybe...this is the change I need. Right?
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pink-tonic · 2 months
All Chapters
Warnings: None
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He didn't show up today either? It's Wednesday, and Ayato hasn't shown up for two days in a row. His absence doesn't bring me at ease, it actually does the opposite.
What if he is doing something right now? What if he is hurting someone or planning to do so?
I'd rather have him here at school so I can keep tabs on him.
"(Y/N), did you hear me?" A voice asks me.
I snap out of my worries and look at Taeko.
"Huh? I'm sorry, I was thinking. What happened?" I ask her, hoping that it wasn't anything too important.
"My brother wants to hang out with us. Are you okay with having him join us?"
"Yeah! Sure, I don't mind," I quickly answer her. I see Taeko go back to her phone, messaging her brother about my response.
In a few seconds, I can hear a chime coming from her phone. She smiles down at her phone and puts it away.
She looks at me,"Thanks for letting him hang out with us, (Y/N)! His friend hasn't shown up for the last two days, so I'm sure he is really lonely."
"Yeah, it's fine. I really don't mind."
I hear the clubroom door open from behind me, and Taeko's brother walks in.
"Hey, guys. I hope I'm not disturbing you two?" He asks, closing the door behind him and walking towards us.
"No, of course not, Taro! We were waiting for you," Taeko reassures him, "Grab a seat."
Taro grabs a nearby chair and moves it closer to us.
"So what happened to your friend?" Taeko asks, wondering what happened to her brother's close friend.
Taro shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. I tried messaging him, but I think he is ignoring me, like always."
"He ignores your messages?" Taeko questions, I can hear how bothered she is by this new information.
"I don't know why he does it. I texted him yesterday asking if everything was okay, but I never got a text back," Taro further explains, "I just wish he didn't keep doing this to me."
Taeko lets out a sigh of disappointment, "Oh, Taro. You really need to find better friends than him."
"I know, but you know I'm not good at making friends. Ayato is all I have."
Oh, right...
I forgot that Taro is friends with Ayato. I do keep tabs on Ayato whenever I can, but as of lately, I haven't seen them together as much.
Has Ayato been ignoring Taro for weeks now?
It would make sense. I was once Ayato's friend too, and he would do the same to me too. I didn't take it to heart since I knew that Ayato has always been like that ever since I met him. But it's clear that it's bothering Taro.
"I just wish I could find someone else," Taro confesses to us.
"You know what? You should stop being friends with him and start hanging out with us," Taeko proposes the idea to her younger brother.
"I wouldn't mind, but I think he would..."
"Just do it, Taro. It would be for the best."
There's a short pause before Taro answers his older sister. "Fine..."
"You're going to tell him today?" Taeko further questions.
"Yes, I'll do it when I get home."
I hope this doesn't cause more conflict...
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pink-tonic · 2 months
No Explanation🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: None
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These thoughts are eating away at me. My mother isn't here since she's still overseas on her vacation with my father, so I have no one to talk to about this. Well, no one who will understand me. I don't want to call her since this vacation was very important to her, so I need to find another way to get an explanation.
Today, I woke up extra early in order to go to my basement. I didn't do this yesterday because I was too caught up in my new feelings, but now that it's a new day, I can fully investigate.
I walk down to my basement and look through the basement. I check every box, every notebook, every loose piece of paper, every photo album, and every picture frame.
I. Need. Answers.
But I'm not getting any.
Why don't I love Taeko anymore? Is this a permanent change or temporary? Will I ever love again? Why am I suddenly not in love anymore?
The basement is now a complete mess, one that I'll have to fix when I come back home. I look at the time on my phone, and I notice that I'm late.
Should I just skip school?
First period is halfway done already, and there's no reason for me to go to school anymore. It's fine to take a sick day, right?
I kick all the boxes and papers out of my way and go upstairs. I slowly make my way to my room and drop myself on my bed. I sink into the soft mattress and cuddle up against the soft fabric.
I slowly start to fall asleep.
My eyes slowly open up, and I'm met with the sun beaming through my white curtains. I look over to my alarm clock, and I notice that it's now the afternoon.
I slowly get up from my bed and do a small stretch. I can hear my bones crack, and it feels relieving. I go to grab my phone, and I look through my notifications. I notice that I got a text message from Taro.
I decide to ignore it for now. I'm not in the mood to text anyone.
I get up to change and get myself ready. I'll call up my job to see if I can pick up an extra shift today. Tuesdays aren't particularly busy, but I wouldn't mind making some extra cash.
I get myself ready and call up my boss.
"Hello?" He answers me.
"Hey," I answer back to him.
"What's the matter, Aishi?" My boss questions.
"I was wondering if I could take up an extra shift today?"
"Yes, of course! It's not very busy right now, but I wouldn't mind having you on standby."
"I'll start heading over."
I end the call and start to make my way over to my job.
I make my way down the town with my baby blue uniform in my bag. As I'm about to grab the handle to the restaurant, I hear a voice call out to me.
"Aishi, is that you?" They ask me, but it's a familiar voice that I heard just yesterday.
I turn around, and I see Rito looking at me. His eyes hold a look of surprise at seeing me in town. He takes out one of his earbuds from his ear, and then he takes out the other and walks over to me.
"I was wondering where you were today at school, you know! I got a bit worried," he admits to me as he stands next to me, "but I didn't really think that I would find you here, though."
I look off to the side, "It's my job. I'm going to work an extra shift."
"Oh! Cool, cool. How about I go inside? We can talk more!" He excitedly asks me as he comes up with the idea.
"Alright," I answer him, "I'm going to change into my uniform first."
"Alright, I'll wait at a table!" He tells me as he opens up the door to the restaurant and happily walks inside.
I go to change into my work uniform. I go to the back to do so. I put on my white button up, then my tie, I put the vest over it, and I finally change into some black pants. I step out and go over to Rito.
"What would you like to order?" I ask him in my best attempt at a moderately cheerful voice.
"I don't know," his face is buried deep in the menu as he looks over all the options, "I don't usually eat any of these things."
I'm not too surprised at his reaction. Most of our menu items are desserts. We have a few items that don't have much sugar, but it's only a few.
"I guess... it wouldn't hurt to have something a bit sweeter than usual. This can be my cheat day, I think I deserve it!" He tells me before showing me the menu and pointing at what he wants, "I'll take this!"
Rito ends up picking a yogurt parfait. Can you really call this a cheat day?
I write it down on my notepad and give him a nod. "It should be ready shortly."
I go to the kitchen and give the chefs the order. I go back out to the front and help out the people waiting to be seated, I take orders, and I give out orders.
When I go to get an order, I notice that it's Rito's order.
"Here," I tell him. I place the yogurt parfait on his table.
"That looks good!" He comments as he grabs the silver spoon and scoops up a bit of the yogurt.
I give him a nod and start to walk away, but the sound of his voice stops me.
"Hey! I thought you were going to stay here with me?" He questions as he looks at me with confusion.
I let out a sigh and go back over to him and take a seat across from him.
"I didn't actually think you would come back," he admits before letting out a soft chuckle.
"If you tell me to sit down, then I have to do it. It's a part of the job," I explain to him.
"Oh! I didn't know that," Rito starts off, "Why did you get this job? I didn't think you would pick this type of job, no offense."
"They had a sign out front, and I needed a job fast, and they hired me on the spot."
As I talked, Rito would stuff his face with the yogurt. He would nod before continuing to eat.
"Cool, cool. I wish I could get a job, but I've been too busy as of lately," he responds before sticking his spoon further into the glass to get more yogurt out of it.
"Yeah..." I revert my eyes away from him and look somewhere else. I wish I could go home already. I didn't come to work just to talk to my club leader.
I feel that Rito notices my unwillingness to carry on the conversation, so he countines on.
"But don't you find it funny that we bumped into each other?" He asks me, "I just went running around the town since I haven't been here in a few weeks. I seriously wanted to try out that new bakery, but when I passed by, nothing was there anymore."
A look of disappointment appears on his face as he talks about the disappearance of the Odayaka Bakery.
Not knowing that I was the one that made it disappear in a week.
"Someone burned it down a few weeks ago, so they had to close it down," I inform him, and his face turns into one of shock.
"Really? That's horrible! Who could do something like that?!" He exclames. His loud voice catches the attention of other customers and staff. Rito notices their stares and apologizes to them.
"My bad. I got too carried away," he tells me and lets out a nervous laugh.
"It's fine," I reply to him.
"But we should hang out sometime, Aishi! After school we should go around town! It would be fun!" He suggests as he takes another scoop from his food.
At first, I wanted to decline his offer, I've never been the type who goes out with friends. Plus, I barely even know him.
But I see this as an opportunity to get my mind off of Taeko.
"Sure," I accept his offer.
"Sweet!" He tells me with a bright smile on his face, "Let's go on Thursday, sounds good?"
I only nod my head.
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