poedamern · 2 years
i may or may not be writing a steve harrington fic.
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poedamern · 2 years
we can get through this!! i have published so many things which i thought were going to be shit but turned out to be people's favourites - all of that to say, you've got this. we just need to be more patient with ourselves 😭
my drafts are looking so sad rn... and watch me continue to just add to them rather than publish anything. 💀
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poedamern · 2 years
my drafts are looking so sad rn... and watch me continue to just add to them rather than publish anything. 💀
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poedamern · 2 years
show me those hazel eyes
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y/n and rooster play a little game at the local bar, tensions ensue.
pairing: bradley bradshaw (rooster) x f!reader wordcount: roughly 1,400 words warnings: alcohol, cursing, flirting, slight sexual talk, fluff, tension!! A/N: okay so basically i watched top gun: maverick and fell in love. what more can i say? as a famous tweet i read once said, is top gun propaganda? yes, and i'm also taking a propa ganda at miles teller. (gif is mine!) hope you guys enjoy this!
"alright rooster, seeing as you're so confident—." placing your glass down heavily onto the bar, you turn your body towards rooster and close your eyes.
"what colour are my eyes?"
the other top gun graduates snicker at the question, chuckling between each other as rooster's face drops ever so slightly.
"shit." he curses under his breath before taking a scull of his beer. two could play this game. "do you really think I don't remember what colour your eyes are?" rooster questions in a playful tone, in reality, stalling.
"oh i'm positive you don't know." you smirk, eyes still closed. "it's hard to get you to look at me straight without blushing."
you're teasing now, intentionally putting him on the spot in front of everyone like this. the whispers from the others continue.
he scoffs, tilting his head ever so slightly. "ah right, right. i'm the one blushing. sure." he says nonchalantly, brushing off his slightly bruised ego.
you chuckle to yourself, proud of the little game you were playing. but your joke is cut short as you feel the weight of your bar stool tip off balance.
you make an audible gasp but manage to keep your eyes closed as your hands fly to the seat, keeping your balance as rooster grabs the edge your seat. one-handed, he drags you towards him, across the sticky wooden floor, right up until your knees hit his inner thighs.
you can feel his strong gaze on you, hot breath fanning across your cheek as a collective 'oooh' fills the room, the act causing a commotion in the group.
"what a show-off." phoenix playfully rolls her eyes, snickering to fanboy next to her. "i mean, that was pretty slick," he comments back, egging on rooster's behaviour.
having them all watch on like this, plus the reduced space between you and rooster, you were starting to feel the repercussions of your game come back to you, hard.
"you underestimate me sweetheart." rooster whispers. the name sends shivers down your spine. a little louder now, he teases back. "i think i'd remember those hazel eyes underneath me any day." the group now cheers, laughing.
he came for blood, so blood he shall receive.
"come on bradshaw, we all know you like women on top." you retort back shortly after. the game wasn't up just yet.
you hear phoenix laugh the loudest, cheering you on with a few of the others as they thud the ends of their pool cues on the floor.
your cheeks were burning as if they were about to melt off your face, you'd blame it on the alcohol but both of you knew the real reason.
for years, the tension between you both had been a slow burn, never ever reaching its peak. at most the two of you shared in intimacy was a heated glance, the grazing of hands— this however was all just banter.
"so hazel. is that your final answer?" you stray from the topic, knowing your heart was about to give out if it went any longer.
he hums approvingly, deep in his throat. "final answer."
taking a cautious breath, you open your eyes. as the hazy blur of your vision fades, you realise just how close he was to you. only inches away, rooster sat, legs spread, incasing your own as he stared right into your eyes. you can't help but glance from his eyes to his lips, only for a moment, before flicking back up.
"well for once in your life rooster, your confidence paid off—"
"—you should have had more faith in me." he smiles, shrugging his shoulders as he lifts his hands up in success. he gives you his iconic victory smolder, if only he knew how well it worked on you.
the group comes to gather around to inspect your eye colour, unbeknownst to you, having taken bets on your eye colour on the side, a few of them groaning at their loss, while others cheered.
payback takes a loss, slapping a nearby table. "damn, could've sworn she had blue eyes. since when have they been hazel?"
"not much of a ladies' man are you payback?" hangman teases as he shoves payback's arm, having succeeded in his little bet. something tells you he's responsible for the bet to begin with.
"lucky guess, asshole." you wink playfully at rooster before looking back to the group, rolling your eyes.
the graduates go back to bickering with each other and playing pool as they discussed more betting possibilities for the night, more opportunities for the losers to win back their money.
for a moment you almost, almost, forget rooster sitting in front of you, but the hand now on your thigh brings you back to the close proximity. it burns to the touch.
when you lock eyes, it feels as if it's just the two of you in this crowded, stuffy bar. confidence or alcohol? maybe both? either way, he's never touched you like this before.
"hm." rooster ponders to himself, taking in your features for a moment, his somewhat endearing facial expressions making your chest swell. "they really are hazel" he notes, now making strong, borderline deadly, eye contact with you.
your blush only grows. "so you really did just guess, didn't you?" you laugh, punching his chest lightly.
he laughs, chuffed with his chances. "well yeah, come on now." he loosens up his posture, seemingly coming back down to earth. "i know you better in the skies than i do down here. eye colour isn't exactly on the top of my y/n cheat sheet."
"you have a cheat sheet on me? awh." you tease once more.
"hey, it was rhetorical —don't give me that look." you both laugh at his poor attempt in taking back the comment. but as you both joke around, the thought settles in your mind and sets an uncertain weight in your chest.
i know you better in the skies than i do down here.
in a lot of ways, he was right, and maybe deep down you wished that wasn't the case. these past few years had been hard on you both, but was it so selfish to imagine what could be built on if you both just had a bit more time?
lost in your thoughts, you feel a sudden warmth spread across your fingers, rooster's hand now lacing with yours. he must have noticed the change in your demeanor.
"—but maybe we could change that." there's a warm glint in his eyes.
"what do you mean?" you tilt your head slightly, hand naturally interlacing with his.
"well— getting to know you better down here." he shrugs, somewhat bashful. if only hangman was watching him now.
"and how do you suppose we do that, bradley?" the use of his first name causes him to smile.
"let's start with tonight." his confidence is now radiating, his own cheeks slightly pink. "how about a few tunes by the piano, a beer or two, with you next to me?"
"that—" you hesitate, feeling butterflies in your stomach. "that sounds perfect." you stand up from the stool, glancing down at him.
you bring your hand up to his cheek, it's warm, slightly sweaty to the touch in the summer night heat. he stays in place, unmoving if only to lean into your touch.
you lean down gently and place a soft kiss on his cheekbone. "think of it as a reward for your answer, or should i say lucky guess." you gaze down properly at him this time, as he did with you, taking in his features.
a mischievous smile crawls onto his lips. "don't tell me— are you only now just realising i also have hazel eyes?" he jokes, hand now on your waist. when did that get there?
you scoff and roll your eyes, nudging your knee into his thigh. "of course not." you lie, scoffing again for effect as your hand trails down his chest, grabbing the sunglasses that sat in his shirt, and stealing them for yourself.
"hey!" he laughs, trying to keep you in place.
you playfully put the shades on and smirk. "come on piano man, play me those tunes you were talking about." walking off towards the piano, you motion for him to follow.
he shakes his head before turning to the bar staff. "two beers by the piano please? thanks." he sets down some notes on the counter before following your tail.
he was on to you with that one. but you'd never give him the satisfaction of knowing you thought his eyes were brown this entire time.
you could've sworn.
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poedamern · 2 years
happy oscar isaac day folks!
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poedamern · 2 years
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January/February 2022 Reading List
Another year, another new set of rec lists! Be sure to check out all these incredible fics and you should be able to find all of my reading lists from the past year under #nicolarecommends (that said, who knows if tumblr tags even work anymore). Anyway, go read these great stories and leave feedback for the amazing authors to see! I keep my favourite fics on @trekkingaroundficrecs, so you can find more recs there too!
Key: ^^ angst, ** fluff, “” whump, hurt/comfort, !! smut, ++ personal favourite
Keep reading
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poedamern · 2 years
poe and reader arguing like an old married couple in the battlefield because they’re being overprotective of each other (but in a cute way)
A/N: YESSSS. i love this shit. especially with poe cause you know he would bicker and banter until his dying breath just to prove a point. thank you anon. - J.
you need practice, sweetheart.
pairing: poe dameron x gn!reader. word count: <1,200 words. warnings: light swearing, banter/teasing, and just goofy fun vibes. fluff! rey and finn make minor appearances as concerned bffs.
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"h-hey!" grabbing the hood of poe's jacket, you hoist him backward and onto the ground with a thud. "what was that for?!" poe's eyes burn holes into the side of your face as he scrambles back into a crouched position beside you.
your blaster now rests over the snow mound in front of you as you look down the scope. "are you trying to get your head blown off? when was the last time you fought on the ground?"
"and when was the last time you shot that thing, huh?" poe ignores your question and shoots you a question of his own. once he's finally in a better position, he looks across the horizon for more stormtroopers.
he practically jumps in his skin as you shoot a stormtrooper off in the distance without warning. "just then." you quip back with a smirk, jumping over the mound and moving forward to your next cover point. poe sighs and rolls his eyes, following your lead.
"yeah–ugh– well, i can tell." poe grunts like an old man as he catches up to you, sliding awkwardly across the snow. "you shoot as good as BB-8 does."
"and what's that supposed to mean, dameron!?" you practically shout.
a group of three stormtroopers come up from behind your position, poe swiftly turning around and pressing his back onto the snow mound, guarding you with his body and blasting each of them down in quick succession.
"it means you need practice, sweetheart." he looks over back at you before winking, advancing to the next spot.
you hear static crackle in your headset. "you two talk to each other like this all the time?" rey asks, sounding genuinely concerned about your relationship although she was currently running the frontline.
"this is me being nice, trust me." you state while multi-tasking, shooting over poe's shoulder before a stormtrooper could hit him across the head. you give him an accusing look, motioning at the fallen trooper as if to say, how did you not see them?
"oh how nice of you." poe sing-songs sarcastically. "you know what. just follow my lead but keep that thing pointed away from me." he grimaces at your blaster, using his index finger to push it away from him.
"why should i follow your lead? without me, you'd be out cold too." instantly questioning his authority on reflex, but in spite of it, you do just as your told, crouching behind poe as he takes cover in the tree line.
before he can answer you, his hand presses to your chest, halting your movement. the look on his face causes you to hesitate. "what–" poe interrupts your words as he brings a finger up your lips.
for all the shooting you were doing, it was now suddenly too quiet. in the thick of the trees, the echoes of the frontline fired off in this distance. something was wrong. poe takes one cautious step forward into the opening before–.
"–shit!" poe yells out. and in seconds he's here, then he's gone, snow, branches, and old leaves cascade down in front of you. you scan the debris upwards and can't help but burst out into laughter, hands on your knees as your shoulder shake.
poe hangs upside down inside of a rope net, a makeshift trap some of the troopers must have put down. his hair is all a mess and his face is pressed comically against the rope. "yeah yeah, real funny– don't just stand there!"
"what's going on?" you hear finn on the line, confused by the dialogue currently being aired between you two. "nothing finn, mind your business." poe fires back with sass.
"he's fine. no danger here. just a poe sized idiot hanging upside down from a tree." you report back to finn before taking a dagger out of your boot.
"i'd like to argue otherwise." poe huffs, embarrassed of the state he's in, struggling against the ropes. "of course you would. now shut it before someone actually finds us, they can't be far." you sigh as you climb up the tree to which the trap had been set to. "if you had just followed my lead instead you wouldn't have gotten into this mess."
you reach out for poe but soon after a blaster shoots right into the tree, inches from your face, blasting shards of bark into your face, causing you to fall a few feet down the tree until your foot finds purchase on a lower tree branch.
poe takes the blaster he was able to hold on to and sticks his arm out a hole, not a moment of hesitation as he shoots into the shrubbery around you, counting the helmets as he takes them down. "y/n, i've got some bad news."
"no bad news. keep it to yourself." you groan as you reach for the rope once more, using your knife to cut into it. "come on just break already– ugh." muttering to yourself, frustrated at how thick the rope actually was.
"well, there's more incoming! maybe if you stopped talking and cut faster i'd be more helpful right now!" poe yells as he continues to shoot down the enemies that run towards you. "i said no bad news!" you yell back, raising your arm to hack one last time at the rope. the rope snaps, the net, and poe, falling down into the snow below.
you jump down, quick on your feet, and use your blaster to take out the remaining stormtroopers, your shots more accurate than ever with poe down. a few final shots go off as the last trooper falls and the steam clears around you. staring down your scope, you take a deep breath in. silence. it was safe.
you quickly run to poe's side, tearing the net apart and pulling it away from his body. the blood in his face now rushing back to the rest of his body. "good news. still in one piece." poe coughs softly as he sits up.
you sigh, a smile on your lips. "barely." the worry showing on your features as you pat him down, making sure for yourself he was still, in fact, in one piece.
poe chuckles as he catches his breath. "i'm okay. i promise." he leans forward, pressing a reassuring kiss to your cheek as his hand cups your jaw. "though, you have to admit, pretty impressive to shoot all those stormtroopers while upside down." he shrugs.
you soften at the kiss before standing up, hoisting him up with you. "well then, i should put you in dangerous situations more often if it improves your shooting."
poe scoffs in offense although a smile beams on his face, brushing the snow off of his shoulders. "now that's just mean." you walk away with a playful smile but poe chases happily after you, following you back onto the battlefield.
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poedamern · 2 years
a poe dameron headcanon: you and poe's daily routine.
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A/N: had a bit of a hard day so have a self-indulgent poe headcanon! also requests are open so feel free to send any ideas you guys have cause i love them tbh. — J.
[gif credit]
poe always takes off in his x-wing for a circuit around the base, 6am sharp— unless your kisses have convinced him to stay glued to the bed otherwise.
however, if your kisses didn't work, (rude) you'd meet him at the hangar with a caf in hand, half asleep when he lands. "it is too damn early for this." "yeah well, good thing no one needs you until after lunch, y/n, otherwise we'd be screwed."
he never misses to follow up his teasing with a light kiss to your cheek, amused by your unamused face, knowing better than to piss you off in the morning.
you tend to your tasks once you feel more alive, usually repairing something. poe nearby to watch over you or to make sure no one got the nerve to hit on you in his absence. he'd blame his protectiveness on being a commander but you knew better.
poe has to physically pull you away from whatever task you're working on to make sure you eat lunch, dinner. hangry you was not at all pleasant.
"your meal, your highness." poe would deliver your food at your shared spot, the same table, same spot, every day. "ah, wonderful— beans." you collectively laugh at the scraps of food you were given, making light of low supplies.
the harder days took a toll on you both, making the later hours of the day absent of each other. commander duties, mechanic duties— both tied up in something.
though, you'd usually be the first back at quarters, feeling like a literal grease ball and needing to wash away all the grime from the day.
if poe timed it just right, he'd be back in time to share the refresher with you— of course, if you allowed it. scrubbing and massaging your shoulders, back, down to your hands. always soft, gentle with his touch.
you did the same for him, especially enjoying scruffing up his curly hair and twirling it playfully with your fingers, in your own world. "come on, the water's gonna get cold." poe's commander voice would activate.
you'd pout childishly, causing him to fall into your trap and kiss your pout away. "we'll have none of that." he points his finger knowingly at you before turning the water off.
once clean, dry, and dressed, you make an effort to play some light music from your pocket radio, just to fill the space, jamming as you did small chores here and there.
but also, 9/10 times it relaxed poe of any of his worries, an unspoken gesture you two shared. music heals the soul, after all.
if you were lucky, he'd join in a slow dance to one of his favourite songs, leaving small affectionate kisses across your skin.
once in bed, you'd snuggle each other so tight (you're surprised you don't suffocate into his chest most nights) only to do it all again tomorrow— if no last-minute missions came around to mess with your plans.
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poedamern · 2 years
the first is always the hardest.
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reader experiences an echo for the first time. 
pairing: cal kestis x gn!reader.  wordcount: 900+ words. warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff.
cal’s lightsaber.
he never let that thing out of his sight but now it laid alone on the kitchen table.
inspecting the weapon, you recall that cal had just come back from a mission only a hour or so ago from dathomir. merrin told you they barely made it out after being chased by god knows what, the name unfamiliar to your ears. all you knew is that you had been lucky to stay back on the mantis, helping greez with maintenance at the time. 
you didn’t ask questions. you respected space and simple understanding. a mission is a mission; but as you walked past the saber, the last one up at that late hour, it felt wrong to just leave it there.
with a soft huff, you collect your tools and pick up the saber with a soft grip. i’m sure he won’t mind. you think as you go to return it to him, planning to put the saber on his workbench at the other end of the mantis. 
but only a few steps down the hallway towards his bunk, a seemingly heavy, burning hot feeling sears against the palm of your hand. you wince trying to pull away but the feeling traps you, closing your eyes shut, your hand clutches onto the weapon before you fall to the floor.
you yell out in pain as your mind is sent down a turmoil of visions, flashbacks– memories. cal. cal’s memories, cal’s journey to becoming a jedi; the hope, the fight and the pain. agony. fear. hiding. it’s dark, sucking you in until his voice rings in your ears.
‘i guess it's about time i find out who i am.’
it’s soothing, bright in comparison to what your body was experiencing right now, but before you can linger on that feeling, the darkness comes right back, the fight for survival. you choke on your own harsh breathing and it feels like your hand is going to melt before the feeling is suddenly ripped out of your hand.
you gasp for air, clutching onto the ground, eyes piercing as they fall upon the figure in front of you. “cal...” is all that falls from your lips, still thinking on the memories you had just seen.
“y/n, hey– it’s okay.” the voice says to comfort you, a hand coming up to your cheek. you feel a faint dampness as the hand touches you, realising it’s tears, your own tears running down your cheeks from the shock.
you glance down, coming to your senses; you’re on your knees in the hallway of the mantis, body shaking. you quickly turn your palms upwards and sigh in relief as you see your hand hadn’t literally burnt off like it felt, it was just your mind tricking you. you try to make sense of it all but it feels like your mind is running a million miles per hour.
cal. you think. finally finding the time to look back at the figure in front of you. it was him. 
cal can sense your confusion and does what he does best. grabbing your hands, he pulls you forward into his chest without hesitation, wrapping his arms around you.
the initial jolt wakes you but it’s not long until you sink into him, body going weak in his arms, tears steadily rolling down your cheeks. in a moment where you felt like you should be comforting him, after everything he’s been through, he was the one comforting you. your heart ached at the thought.
“echo.” cal whispers, soft and warm. “you sensed an echo.” he explains before you could even question him. “the first is always the hardest–” he hesitates, his voice now sounding strained. “i’m sorry mine had to be your first.”
“cal..” you sound so weak, hands tightening into his bed shirt. “don’t apologise, please. if i had known– i’d–.”
“you didn’t.” he reassures you, pressing his forehead against your own. “to think you were force sensitive this whole time.” he chuckles lightly, you can hear the slight smile in his words even though you can tell he’s in pain, like you.
the reality hits you, eyes widening as your grip loosens on cal’s shirt. cal pulls back to look down at you, hands grabbing a hold of yours. “i’m– you– wait.” you stumble on your words. 
“hey, hey.” cal squeezes your hands. “let’s think about it tomorrow. it’s late.” he takes his lightsaber and uses his other hand to lift you up. the sheer strength in one hand would usually impress you but your mind is in a haze. you? force sensitive? it’s impossible.
you follow his lead and get up on your feet, letting him guide you to his bunk. he taps the surface and let’s you slip in first. after putting his saber down, he carefully gets in beside you, pulling you close to him. 
over the past few months your connection with cal had grown. from friendly affection and kind words, slowly turning into something more without ever talking about it. 
you relax into his touch, rathering to avoid the conversation than having to go through any more hardships in one night. cal had been through so much and you were about to dive into a world you knew next to nothing about. 
but with the night now quiet around you, you both sleep peacefully knowing at the very least, you were both safe with each other. 
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poedamern · 2 years
As a hoe who loves clichés, i beg for injured reader passing out in front of poe
as someone who ALSO loves clichés, and a good hurt/comfort fic, i'm so happy you requested this, thank u anon. i hope i don't disappoint! 💜 — J.
holding the truth.
set post sequel trilogy at ajan kloss, reader makes it out of a battle between the resistance and first order sympathisers, looking a little worse for wear, all while hiding it from poe. queue passing out sequence.
pairing: poe dameron x gn!reader (they/them). wordcount: 2.4k (oops). warnings: hurt/comfort, slight angst? blood, injury, fainting, fluff, happy ending!
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you just had to make it back to base and keep it together until ajan kloss was safe. the problem was trying to do that without poe getting wind of you being injured.
first order sympathisers were adamant about seeing the resistance up in flames, quite literally too, storming the jungle moon in the outer rim in hopes of a belated victory after rey's triumph in exegol. general poe and finn tactically gave orders from the air and the ground with ease, rey leading the rebels as the resistance came to defend their home.
unfortunately, you weren't as tactical in your efforts, as a long-range blaster was able to shoot your side, singeing parts of your shirt and skin. at first, you thought it was just a simple graze, too focused on having just seen your timely death flash before your eyes. but the more you fought on, downing the man who shot you, trenching deeper into the forest, you knew you were in trouble.
blood soaked your side, feeling it run down to your thigh. you did your best to patch yourself up, stealing a fallen sympathiser's jacket to protect and hide the wound. in the rush of all of this, surely no one would notice but if anyone found out and told poe over comms– he didn't need that right now.
you fight on, pushing the thought aside and luckily, just as the sun was close to setting, the resistance made it through the attack mostly unscathed, finn ordering rey and poe back to base to join in celebrations. it was always something to be happy for and you had zero plans of ruining it for anyone.
slotting your blaster back into its holster, you watched as poe landed back at base, a smile on your lips knowing he was okay. trudging your way back at a slightly unbearable pace, taking deep breaths in order to keep composure, you mutter to yourself. "just a little longer."
he was looking for you the second he landed. throwing his helmet off and jumping out of the cockpit, he scanned the horizon in search of your face. he needed to know you were okay, not satisfied with finn and rey's ground reports of your earlier status. "they're fine poe, now pay attention!" "for once poe, listen to rey." listen to rey his ass, poe needed to see you for himself.
a part of you hesitates as he makes eye contact with you but as his eyes gleam, face instantly lighting up at the sight of you, how could you hesitate with a face like that? you pick up the pace towards him until he's pulling you into his chest.
"hi." you whisper softly into his ear, arms wrapping around his waist. he was warm from just being in the cramped x-wing but you didn't care.
"hey." he says nonchalantly even though the smile on his face grows even wider, enamored with seeing you back at base. "kill any sympathisers?" he asks, raising a brow, lips now curved into a playful grin.
"of course, blow anything up?" you ask with a small laugh, mimicking his expressions. though your side screams out in pain, a reminder time may not be on your side.
"of course." poe exclaims, ready to joke around before his eyes scan over your jacket. his warm smile turns into a confused frown. "this isn't yours–" tilting his head to the other side, he trails off. "or mine–" grabbing the fabric between his fingers, he pulls it aside out of curiosity. "y/n." the moment he sees your side, he freezes.
the act was up. how were you going to explain this one? a shaky laugh passes your lips, wincing as he goes to touch your side. "yeah, about that–"
poe's gaze darts back and forth between your face and your side before solely focusing on the bloodstains that sprawled across your side. "what. happened." he's stern. better yet, mad. "why didn't you say anything over comms? do you know how bad this is? i would've been down here in seconds if you just said so–" his voice gets louder and louder the more his anger fuels him.
the crowd around you starts to listen in, concern washing over their faces. finn is the first to emerge from the crowd, walking towards you both. "poe, what's going on?"
poe's too focused on your injury that he doesn't notice the way your face drains, the colour leaving your cheeks, or how your eyes struggle to stay open. "poe– look– it's okay." you stagger through your words, through his complaints.
your vision starts to blur, in and out of focus, until the darkness takes over. scared, you can't feel your legs or your hands and the world suddenly feels too cold and too hot at the same time. you think you reach towards poe but your fingertips never reach him.
"y/n!" poe takes a leap forward, hand grabbing a hold of your arm and pulling it towards him to stop your momentum backward, as the other caresses the back of your head before it can hit the ground. in a strained attempt of softening your fall, poe pulls you into his arms as you both tumble to the ground.
his eyes widen, fear striking him in the face as he stares down at you. you're out cold and your breaths are coming in short, labored, lips now turning pale from how much blood you've lost. "y/n." he mumbles, hand now coming to your cheek. as if in disbelief, he shakes your head gently to wake you but you don't respond.
"get a medic out here. now!" poe orders, voice booming to whoever is closest, not turning his head to even look, only keeping his eyes on you. finn jolts into action and soon medics are by your side carrying you into the infirmary, poe right on your tail.
the world seems dull, secondary to you as poe looks on, sitting by your bed, now back in your quarters after a few hours on the surgery table. the blast got you worse than anyone expected and tore more than a simple stitch could fix.
'it's best for them to be back in a familiar space. i promise general, the wound will heal relatively quickly, they just need time." one of the medics advised, squeezing his shoulder in reassurance before heading out for the night.
poe thanked them for their service but couldn't help but worry. especially when you had hidden the injury from him in the first place. thoughts raced through his mind but he could find out why you did that later. for now, he wanted you back and he wasn't going anywhere until you were yourself again.
with visits from rey and finn, rose too, familiar faces came to check in on you but also on poe. you were strong, always bounced back in style. but they didn't need one of their best pilots and general depriving himself of basic necessities.
rey nagged him over it, offering– and well– threatening, to heal you quicker with the force if it meant poe stopped being quote-on-quote 'so dramatic'. not even their bickering could wake you up. while finn brought different refreshments and even his personal favourite snacks after he woke from the battle of starkiller base. rose brought more comforting items such as blankets, extra pillows, knowing you'd have to basically be bubble wrapped for the weeks to come.
poe was thankful for all of it, truly. but oh how you would make fun of him for it once you found out. it's thoughts like those that keep him at bay as he waits for you to wake.
it comes as a splitting headache when you wake, the light flooding your vision all at once until it was a dim orange glow that spread across the room. your room. slowly blinking away the sleep in your eyes, you see the fluff of hair on your chest before you register who it belongs to.
an adoring smile plasters your face at the scene in front of you. with eyes closed, poe was quietly snoozing on your chest, facing you, hair disheveled, probably from him rubbing his face into you. he was always clingy when you were alone together.
you feel his warm hand gently covering your bandages, the expanse of his hand almost covering it entirely, unconsciously protecting it from any more dangers that could possibly find you in your quarters.
it was criminal to wake him in this state. he probably hadn't gotten proper sleep all night, the morning glow was evidence enough that he never left this room. but maker you missed him, needed to see those warm eyes again.
bringing your hand to his curls, you gently run your fingers through them before settling on his cheek. "poe." your voice softly croaks, causing you to cough.
he wakes instantly, eyes darting to you, a hand coming up to clasp yours. you chuckle at his reaction, hand only tightening onto his. "hey flyboy." you tease him with the nickname. only reserved for when you wanted to make him roll his eyes.
but instead, his eyes soften, the backs of his knees pushing his chair back to stand closer to you as his lips pressed against your forehead, mumbling against your skin. "you're back." he leaves kisses across your face, your cheeks, nose, all while being as gentle as possible. "gods you're back."
"as if i'd ever leave you, dameron." your voice feels like gravel in your throat. poe picks up on it without needing to ask, speeding across the room to get a glass of water, coming back and helping you drink.
"how do you feel?" he asks, brows curved in worry. he knew what it felt like to wake up after a blaster wound, his arm suffering a similar fate not too long ago.
"i mean, not the best feeling in the world– obviously– but considering how bad it looked, i feel okay. having you here helps." you smile softly up at him as you set the glass back down.
poe takes your hand in both of his as he sits back down next to you, eyes training across your features. you can see the question on his face before he even asks it. perhaps not the best timing on his part but you could tell it was digging at his conscious.
"be honest." he swallows, nervous. "why didn't you tell me?" he stares at your intertwined hands, not really ready to hear your answer.
"you said it yourself–" your grip tightens on his own, the effort required making your hand shake. he interlaces your fingers with his, steadying, relaxing your tired muscles.
"–if i said the word, you'd land that x-wing just to be by my side." you echo his words from earlier loosely, a thoughtful yet understanding look on your face as you gauge his reaction.
the tips of poe's ears redden in shame. the anger he directed towards you when you were seconds from passing out. his own worry and protectiveness clouding his better judgment. it was shameful.
"the resistance relies on you poe." you continue, now staring up at the ceiling as if looking up into a starry night sky. "as much as i love the idea of you dropping everything for me– sometimes i need you to put that love and loyalty in a little box to the side for safekeeping. just for a moment, for a mission, for the task at hand."
poe sits in silence. pondering with his own thoughts as rey and finn's words come back in flashes.
they're fine. pay attention. listen.
you could tell he was burying himself into a hole that would take weeks for him to get out of. you needed poe here, present with you. not regretting his choices.
"i don't hold the truth from you to hurt you. i do it to protect you, protect us. we look out for each other in ways we don't always say." at your words, his eyes finally meet yours.
"we're both guilty of it. i took it too far this time and i'm sorry. but poe– you couldn't have done anything better, quicker, if you were here or there." you ramble on, reading his own thoughts back to him like a damn open book.
however, your words start to catch up with you, taking in a deep contemplative breath.
"i know." voice low, poe affirms what you were both thinking. he sighs, slightly in defeat but one he's willing to take because it's you. he wasn't going to argue any longer than he already had. he was just happy to have you back.
you feel a well of melancholy pool in your chest, the fight, the wound, how scared you felt moments before falling. everything was finally catching up to you. your lips quiver slightly as you look at him. "would it be okay if–" you pause for a moment, feeling overwhelmed.
"anything. anything you need." he leans in closer to you, seeing your eyes starting to well. here he was concerning himself over specifics when you had only been awake for minutes, if that. whatever you needed was now his need too.
"would it be okay if you laid down with me?" the question is so innocent, so simple. it breaks poe's heart thinking you ever even hesitated to ask. but recognising the fact you were dealing with so much all at once, he was quick to slip his shoes off, shrugging out of his outerwear– more bed appropriate– before sliding in next to you.
"you know you never have to ask, right?" he whispers as he noses the side of your face, gently pulling you in close until you were curled up against him. the tears that fought to spill now fading away as if all you needed was poe on you, skin to skin.
"i know." you mumble into his shirt, arms slinking around him, grabbing fistfuls of the fabric, desperate to never let go.
poe hums softly, bringing rose's pile of mix-matched blankets up closer to you both. "i'm sorry i so was quick to get mad, i'm sorry for not noticing your pain and giving you the comfort you needed sooner–" your lips part but he beats you to the chase.
"and yes, none of it is my fault. but i owe you an apology. so please, allow it, for me." poe kisses the top of your head as his hand pushes the stray hairs out of your face.
you huff. "fine. allowed." poe laughs and only holds you tighter, tilting his head down as he brings your chin upwards. "allowed, allowed?" "super allowed." you reply before meeting him halfway, pressing your lips to his in a soft kiss.
"i love you."
"i love you too."
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poedamern · 2 years
requests now open !
anyone have a poe dameron request for me? itching for some sweet yet simple prompts cause every time i go to write, i write WAY too much.
i may not be able to get to all of them so please be patient with me! 💜 oneshots, headcanons, everything in between just let me know. — J.
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poedamern · 2 years
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for months poe and you had this back and forth. whatever this was. ultimately ending up in each other's beds, spending nights together to 'take the edge off'. but deeper feelings were starting to make you see things differently.
pairing: poe dameron x f!reader. wordcount: 3k warnings: smut! slight angst, talk of anxiety, fluff. song: illicit affairs by taylor swift (link under read more).
"look at this godforsaken mess that you made me. you showed me colors you know i can't see with anyone else."
note: this is one part of a future series i'm hoping to write. they are all based on some of my favourite taylor swift songs, so i highly recommend listening while reading. i haven't written like this in a while but i hope you all enjoy it!
experienced, calloused hands run across your skin, catching on the edges and curves of your figure as you’re sprawled out on the bed. his nose buried in your neck, ragged breaths, leaving marks and imprints of himself on you.
“so beautiful.” poe rasps, rolling his hips forward, grazing just the perfect spot over your core, your clothes obstructing from feeling his skin on yours.
“poe—” you gasp, hands trailing down his bare back to the waistband of his briefs, tugging him forward so your hips could meet his own, causing a low moan to rattle in his chest.
"tell me. tell me what you want." he whispers into your ear, teeth grazing your earlobe as his hands grip painfully onto your hips, evidence of how much he wanted you.
"please— fuck me." you say simply, turning your face to look at him, lips inches apart. you'd been waiting for this for days. the promise of his return from a three-day mission had you in this needy state, unable to focus on anything else. you missed his touch, the way he felt inside of you. you needed him now, no more teasing.
he reads your face, knowing he can't wait either. those same hands you fantasised about now ripping your pants down, throwing them off the bed along with your underwear. he trails two fingers up your soaked slit, gathering your arousal on his fingertips. "fuck— y/n. you're soaking."
your cheeks rage red at his words, fingers now digging into his arms as you groan. as hot as it was, the way he stared at his fingers, eyes darkening as he takes you in, you couldn't hold your composure for much longer.
recognising the urgency of your groan, he wastes no time. "i know baby, i know." he uses his strength to his advantage, turning you over onto your front, using his knees to spread your legs apart for him. your back arches into the position, leaning back in hopes of some form of friction but his hand meets your cheek with a loud slap instead. you yelp, face pressing into poe's pillow, his scent cascading around you.
"you're perfect." he mutters as he takes out his length, stroking it once before rubbing himself against your glistening folds. "so perfect for me. if only you could see yourself baby." he showers you in praise, free hand now rubbing over the same spot he just abused.
you're about to tell him to stop teasing, three days' worth of pent-up feelings about to come rushing out but before you can, he slips into you with one swift thrust, bottoming out with both hands now on your hips.
"shit." "maker poe." you both say in unison. a shared beat. catching your breaths as you get used to his size stretching you out, borderline painful.
but it's you who leans forward first, pulling poe's length out right to the tip before pushing back, filling yourself with him. poe moans and his hands only leave more bruises. there's no holding back now and that's exactly what you wanted.
poe thrusts into you at a harsh and pounding pace, the sounds of your arousal meeting his echoing throughout the room. thank god poe had his own quarters or you'd both get caught in the act, your loud moans and shared words only growing louder.
he leans over you, one hand on your hip as the other pushes down on your lower back, pushing you further into the mattress. his thrusts never falter, only fucking you deeper with each roll of his hips. "that's it." he moans between your shoulder blades as he trails kisses across your skin, causing a shiver to run up your spine. the hand on your lower back now tracing to your front, his palm pressing against your abdomen.
he's trying to feel himself inside of you.
the thought makes your mouth water and that familiar coil tightens in the same spot, rising dangerously fast, making your head spin. "poe— fuck, i'm—" you can't form sentences, his thrusts interrupting your words regardless.
he can feel it too. "y/n— with me." his tone is more of an order than a suggestion as he presses down harder on your abdomen, his other hand now coming up and around your throat, pulling you up against his chest.
those fucking hands. the new position pushes you right to the edge as you release on his length, walls clenching rapidly around him, moaning his name with your eyes screwed shut.
he follows suit, your orgasm sending him into pure bliss, seeing white as he fills you, coming with your name on his lips, biting down on your shoulder.
you fall together onto the bed, poe instantly pulling you into his chest as he slips out of you, causing you to whimper at the loss. "so good." he mumbles, satiated with heavy eyes. "agreed" you mumble too.
the last thing you remember before falling asleep is poe pulling up the sheets to cover you both, whispering praises in your ear, kissing along your shoulders and neck until he too falls asleep.
you wake in his room alone.
it causes your heart to sink in your chest. it wasn't the first time he left you like this. of course the poe dameron had other things to attend to. but it still lingers in the back of your mind all the same.
you get up slowly, legs aching from the exhaustion, and pick up your clothes off of the floor. you pass by his mirror as you grab your shirt but pause in your tracks at your reflection.
all the marks he had left on your skin now blossoming, reds and purples. usually, you'd feel smitten about it, gleaming with the fact you were able to spend time with poe. but a different feeling now crawls under your skin as your fingers graze across the bruises.
for months poe and you had this back and forth. whatever this was. ultimately ending up in each other's beds, spending nights together just to take the edge off. you remember him saying once.
"helps take the edge off you know? in all of this, the war."
it was in passing, contextually nothing that significant, but looking back on it now, it sits in your stomach a little different. those shared nights were always fleeting, never lingered on for more than necessary.
he left his mark on you for the world to see if you chose it but your lips were the only place he'd left untouched after all of these months.
you were usually a confident person, able to stand on your own without doubt. but as you stare at the marks he made, think of the way he spoke of your nights spent together in casualty, you question it.
how can someone so beautiful, so bright want to be with you? if not just to please, to enjoy a mercurial high and—take the edge off? to think of it as just a game, a temporary thing only made you nauseous. but why?
his room felt as though it was shrinking in on you, everything smelt of him and reminded you of your presence. an intrusion. your throat starts to close in on itself from the anxiety rising in it. you got dressed as quickly as you could, fixing your hair to an acceptable level before leaving his quarters. you couldn't stay a second longer.
you round a few corners, adjusting your shirt, on a mission to look discreet before a familiar voice booms down the hallway. “hey kid.” you wince, boots squeaking against the floors as you stop in your tracks. don’t call me kid.
you turn, faced with a beaming poe off on his next flight. his whole squadron only steps behind him. he hesitates for a moment seeing the sullen look on your face. “feeling okay, l/n?” he asks, softer, more cautious.
rolling your shoulders, your skin crawled at how well he read you. not to mention the pairs of eyes that looked on as poe greeted you. makes sense why he referred to you by your last name and not your first, too personal.
did they know about how he touched you? did they know how easy it was for him to turn you into a complete and utter mess in his arms? everything they didn’t know building in the longing stares you shared with poe day in day out.
no one knew of poe and you. because even you two kept it in secret, rarely ever voicing your needs to each other and only acting on them in dark hallways and maintenance closets. but how long could you keep it? if they had seen you any earlier, in front of poe's room—.
“dameron— yeah. all good. just the week catching up with me is all.” lies, all of it. deep in your mind, you feel like he knows that but he doesn’t speak on it if he does. at least not in front of his squadron.
he squeezes your arm reassuringly, eyes never straying for your own. “well you take care of yourself. we, on the other hand, got some tie fighters to blow up." a few of his crew chuckle at his joking tone. "but i’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning when we land.” his smile grows, that hopeful glint in his eyes before any of his missions. “i feel good about this one.” he chuffs, chest puffed.
this time you can’t help but smile as well. “then go out there and show them what you’re made of.” you tap his chest lightly. your words are genuine. you only want the best for him, of course. you wanted him home and safe tomorrow, even if it was just to keep up the act.
you bid the crew and him well, avoiding his direct eye contact as you step backward, making your way down the hallway. anywhere away from here would do, someone surely needed your help around base, a good distraction from your flooding thoughts.
but what you don't see is poe's lingering stare as he stands in the hallway, helmet in hand while his crew walks past, eager to get on with their duties lost in their own discussions.
his stare is not of want or lust. not anticipation of what awaits when he returns but of worry, uncertainty, one of which he only holds for you in secret.
each hour leading up to poe's arrival, you felt the anxiety creeping back in and right up until the second he lands. but you do as your instructed, grabbing one of the x-wing pilot's gear, checking the ship's integrity, fuel usage, writing up a brief report on your datapad.
but the fear of seeing poe and not being able to control the words from spilling out of your mouth, you had to get out of there as quick as you could. you needed more time.
your hands shake so much from the nerves that you struggle to press your door code into your shared quarters but once inside, you couldn't stop yourself from pacing back and forth.
unfortunately for you, you hear the door open only moments after you entered. "there you are." it was poe. of course it was. "was starting to get worried that something happened to you when i didn't see you at the landing—" he stops mid-sentence as he's taking off his jacket, noticing your pacing.
over the past 24 hours, that initial sickness that you felt, you knew deep down it was a realisation. something you repressed until it overflowed and manifested into this panic you were in.
you wanted him, needed poe in ways you thought he’d never understand. to you, poe was more than those nights, he was everything. but how could he understand that if you never told him? but what if it ruined what you two had built together? your words beat you to your own mental game.
“i know this is— our thing, our routine. this." you wave your shaking hands between you both. poe takes a cautious step forward as the door closes behind him, scanning you up and down with a raised brow. "and i just—" this was not going how you planned at all. "i understand if you just need someone to help, give you what you need— to take the edge off.” you swear you see poe flinch at those words, a regretful reminder. “—i’ll be here for you. i just want you to be happy.”
it dawns on poe like a tonne of bricks. you weren’t just that to him. maker no. you were so much more and he hated himself for not making it clearer sooner. the pain he saw in you, the doubt. he knew it but not like this. did you really only see yourself as that?
he throws his jacket aside, instantly closing the distance between you two as his hand caresses your cheek. from the touch alone you're afraid of falling into that same routine, eyes closing in somewhat sad acceptance. you didn't even get to say what you wanted to say properly.
“y/n. no. gods no.” he sounds pained as his grip tightens on you, shaking your chin gently so you look back at him. “i care about you, y/n. you and me, what we have, what we share, it isn’t just some need to tick off the list.” he sounds disgusted at himself even thinking of it in that way.
the secret moments he kept to himself. kissing your forehead every time he had to leave you alone in his bed, the longing stares during mission briefings, and the grazing of hands when around anyone else. he realises that he kept them secret for too long. no wonder you looked at him the way you did yesterday.
he swallows hard, his own feelings bubbling in his chest. “you have no idea how much i'd ruin myself for you, y/n." your eyes swell with tears hearing all of this, leaning into the palm of his hand. "—and i'm sorry that i left you in the dark for so long."
you shake your head weakly, tears flooding your vision as you mumble. "i should've said something earlier. i didn't realise until—" all this time? did he feel the same as you? embarrassment starts to fog your mind instead but he's right there to sweep it away.
“you did nothing wrong. y/n. you’re beautiful and don’t you dare think for a second that i see you as anything less than the amazing person that you are.” the compliment pulls you out of your spiral only to make you now profusely blush like an idiot.
glancing down at the weapon on your hip, part of your usual getup while with the resistance, he muses. "plus, you're a killer shot with that blaster too." he throws in a stupid joke, seeking that smile of yours. instead, he's rewarded with a small laugh, your cheeks bunching as your shoulders shake. the rollercoaster of emotions this man had you taking each and every day was going to give you a damn heart attack.
"there she is." he whispers upon seeing your smile, your eyes now locking with his own. you read between the lines of his words. he knew your hesitancy the moment he saw you in that hallway but now he was just happy to see you genuinely smile again.
a bunch of misunderstandings in the mess the both of you created, you can finally think clearly again with him in front of you like this. taking a deep breath, your hand comes up to cup his own, fingers interlacing together. “i’m sorry.”
poe is quick to shake his head, leaning forward to rest his forehead against your own. “no. nope— none of that. there is nothing to apologise for. i'm the one apologising here." a tone of sass lingers as he tries to comfort you.
“but poe—” you go to protest, squeezing his hand.
you feel his chaste lips on yours before your mind even has time to register it, eyes fluttering closed as you sink into the feeling. it's warm. like the glow of a setting sun, comforting and serene. both hands cupping your cheeks, he kisses you with a softness you hadn’t felt before— like he held the world in his hands and that world was you.
his lips linger on yours, softly grazing as you both open your eyes. "is this okay?" he asks, soft. did he just make a mistake? was it too soon? too late?
you can see the slight fear rippling in his eyes at the choice he just made. how you wish to rip that fear from his mind and burn it into nothing but ashes. "more than okay." you whisper.
your arms wrap around his shoulders to pull him in closer, chest to chest. his hands slide across your sides and trail up your back, protective, encasing you against his front. you feel as though you could fall into his abyss knowing he’d be there to catch you.
it's as if you've both been waiting just for this moment, kissing each other in desperation, making up for all the times that you didn't. the times where the thought lingered but was never acted on. but gods— was he a good kisser.
you spend the rest of the day intertwined with each other, never-ending kisses under bed sheets all with a newfound adoration, neither of you expecting anything more than just that.
in the end, you fall asleep in his arms, lips lightly pressed against his neck with soft breaths. poe can’t help but swoon, pressing a final kiss on your forehead, hand rubbing your back ever so gently. “goodnight, stardust.” he whispers. "no more secrets. i promise."
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poedamern · 2 years
new url ! unspokenfaces → poedamern.
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poedamern · 2 years
poe dameron headcanon/scenario
protective dad poe dameron™ and his kid BB-8 take a trip to the resistance droid hospital, aka, you.
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"where's the maintenance droid?" "broken." "so who's gonna fix BB-8?" "me." "sorry— what?" "don't tell me you've never seen someone other than a maintenance droid repair a droid before commander—" "okay hotshot, just hurry up and fix him please before his chip fries and blows up the entire resistance."
when i say protective, i mean PROTECTIVE.
this man will stand l i t e r a l hairs behind you just to watch your every move as you work on poor little BB-8.
BB-8, meanwhile, finds the entire saga hilarious to his fried little brain.
of course, the maintenance droid has to be broken right as the best pilot in the resistance needs his precious little 'one of a kind' droid tended to.
but as protective as this dad could be, he struggles to find any real errors in your technique, in fact, he finds it somewhat impressive and tries to sneak some notes in his little journal.
"you trying to take my job commander? think you can do it better? fine— go right ahead, don't let me stop you." "it's j-just for emergencies-" "yeah okay."
poe's distracting. incredibly distracting. whether it's the breathing down your neck, sighing impatiently, or tapping his foot, he has a way of being utterly infuriating in the most oddly endearing way.
argues with you over white vs ivory vs cream paint and the complexities of different shades of white. "that's the wrong white!" "no it's not, lighting makes a big difference and— dameron! he's still drying you're gonna ruin the paint!"
tries to suggest upgrades to give BB-8 at the worst of times as if you don't have 10 other droids, AND COUNTING, waiting for your attention today.
it comes to a point where you have to YELL at poe, tell him to sit his ass down and wait for BB-8 to be done. "you want your ball-sized kid back or not!?"
from then on he listens, waits patiently. you get your job done and he can now bother someone else with his dad antics.
since that day, however, over the weeks and months he's become familiar with you and your work, he now ONLY lets you work on BB-8.
"poe, i'm falling behind on requests- can't this wait until tomorrow? i promise, first thing-" "i need him for our next mission, we head out tonight and well... i don't trust anyone else or any droid for that matter." "you owe me a caf." "deal".
from major shutdowns, suspiciously boot-sized dints, to chipped paint on BB-8. this man only comes to you. any minor inconvenience? you. even if someone just looked or breathed at BB-8 funny, ESPECIALLY rey.
"poe, she didn't even do anything." "yeah? then explain BB-8's behavior right now huh?" b e e p - b e e p ? "SEE?" "kriff poe, you're losing it."
when you have the time, you entertain his new hobby of following your tail and framing it as if he needs your help with something droid-related and in return, poe provides cafs as requested and of course, good company.
"you know i'm an x-wing pilot too right? droid maintenance isn't my entire life?"
"—you're a piLOT!?" he manages to choke his words right into his black caf.
[gif credit ! @nathindrakes] | [the urge to write a whole fic about this is strong but for now pls have this post. but honestly. if anyone wants a fic... let me know.]
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poedamern · 2 years
and what if i write poe dameron imagines? then what?
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poedamern · 5 years
a dose of love. ⏤ mena x female reader.
PAIRING: mena x female reader / LENGTH: 600 / NOTE: thank you to the person who submitted this! / DISCLAIMER: gif is mine! / WARNINGS: fluff plus worried boyfriend mena.
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You struggle to keep your head up as you sit at your desk, a pile of tissues to your side, paper in hand. You had to get this work finished before your cold got any worse, you had to⏤ otherwise you’d be sick and anxious for the rest of the week. Leaning your head on the palm of your hand, your eyes fight to stay open. Lower and lower, you slide down your chair, getting into a more comfortable position. You swear, just to be comfortable, no plans on stopping your work just yet. But the world has other plans for you.
With a soft, painless thud, your head rests against your arm, pinning it onto the desk. The paper you previously gripped onto for dear life now laying on the desk, out of reach. Soft snores are all that could be heard from the office. “Alright, dinner is ready. Don’t tell me you’re–” Mena stops in his tracks as he sees you sleeping. “Of course.” He shakes his head and puts your work aside, clearing all the old tissues from the desk. “I guess dinner can wait.” He hums softly to himself, letting dinner go cold for all he cares as he sits you up, pulling the desk chair out and pulling you into his arms.
With a small huff he lifts you up, bridal style, as he takes you into your bedroom. In your dream like state, you curl up into his arms, head buried in the crook of his neck. The warmth brought a sense of clarity, washing away all the anxious, buzzing thoughts as you slip in and out of consciousness. Mena sets you down on the bed, pulling the sheets over you and making sure to tuck you in tight, any slight breeze could disturb you and he wanted nothing more than for you get your rest.
Mena crouches down next to the bed and pushes your hair out of your face. He can see your nose turning red from all the tissues you had to use and how your skin seems dryer, dull. He pouts to himself, brows creasing, worried. “If we could switch places I would.” He mumbles, not expecting you to respond. Opening one eye you pout in return. “No, I’m allowed to get sick, not you.” Mena laughs at your words, pinching your cheek affectionately. “But what if you get me sick?” He teases. You groan in response, unable to give an answer. “That’s what I thought.” Mena grins, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.
Feeling the temperature your body is radiating against his lips, he quickly gets on his feet and gets to work. Water, medicine, a cold washcloth. He comes back in a moments notice and pulls a chair up to the bed, taking a seat next to you. He changes out the washcloth when it grows warm and forces you to stay hydrated and to take medicine. Though the love he was giving you was more than enough medicine for you, feeling instantly better under his care. With a big smile on your face, you grab a hold of his hand as he’s laying the cloth across your forehead. “I love you.” You mumble, slightly delusional.
Mena smiles, wholeheartedly, down at you, his hand intertwining with your own. “I love you too.” He says softly. A fond look washes over his face as he leans down and kisses your forehead once again. “Promise that when I’m better you’ll smother me with love and affection?” You ask with a small laugh. Mena laughs, scrunching up his nose. “Of course. I promise.”
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poedamern · 5 years
Hey! I was wondering if I could request a Mena x reader? Maybe where the reader is sick or something and she passes out and Mena is all cute and worried. Thanks so much 😘😘😘
my ask box is completely glitched so HERE is your imagine love! thank you for submitting and i hope you enjoy it!! 
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