pof203 · 8 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Snow
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My, such a picturesque place. I can see why you wanted to bring me here.
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Yes. This place may just be zeroes and ones, it's still very special.
You brought Snow to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Snow: I have a feeling that we might find something interesting in town. Why don't we stay here?
Lupin: I don't see why not. Let's see what's here.
With that, you and Snow just wonder around Candyland.
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A short while later, you and Snow find yourselves at the dessert station where treats are made.
Snow: This looks promising. Perhaps I can make something for my darling master here. I wonder how it enters the real world.
Lupin: Kurogane says the food here can be printed in the real world. If you really want to bring it back to Claude.
Snow: That's marvelous. Perhaps we shall make a chocolate soufflé. It's one of his favorites.
Lupin: Okay, let's do it.
And so, you and Snow begin working on your soufflés.
As you work on your soufflé, you see Snow's is a bit too perfect.
Lupin: You know, it never hurts to be a little creative. I'm sure even Claude would understand.
Snow: Oh, I could never do that. I don't want to do anything that may not turn out well for my darling master.
Lupin: So you won't even decorate it?
Snow: ... Well, I might add some touches to it to make it look grand. Nothing is too good for my darling master.
Lupin: Here, why don't I help you?
A little later after your soufflés are backed, the time came to decorate them. You decided to add whipped cream and top it off with a strawberry. Then, you look over to Snow's soufflé which he simply covers in powdered sugar.
Lupin: Is that all? Remember what I just said.
Snow: Forgive me.
Snow looks around to see what else he could put on his soufflé. Finally, his eyes land on a bowl of cherries.
Snow: How about these cherries? They seem different enough.
Lupin: It's a good start. How about these?
You show Snow a bowl of orange slices.
Snow: (unsure) I'm not sure how my darling master would react to oranges. How about these mint leaves? They seem nice.
Lupin: That would make it a little too minty. But I suppose if you want garnish, these lemon balm leaves might do the trick.
Snow: Or maybe these lavender sprigs. But then again, it's now the master's color. Maybe these rose petals?
Lupin: That could work, too.
So, you help Snow decorate his soufflé for Claude. When you are finished, you see that Snow's soufflé might look a little out there.
Lupin: Well, at least it's not plain.
Snow: I'm not sure. Will my darling master like this? I found that sometimes, simplicity is key.
Lupin: How about a taste test? Then we might see.
So, you and Snow taste the soufflé... It did not taste the way neither of you expected.
Lupin: (a bit disgusted) Ugh. The lemon balm did not go well with the chocolate.
Snow: (also a bit disgusted) Or the cherries.
Lupin: I guess just adding powdered sugar was somewhat a good idea. Maybe we should try again.
A little later, you and Snow remake his soufflé in which you just add powdered sugar. It tasted just wonderfully.
Lupin: (pleased) You were right. Simplicity is key.
Snow: I am glad to hear it. But what of your soufflé? Are you planning to present it to Wakan Tanka?
Lupin: I'm not sure. As an athlete, he usually eats healthy things. And when he does eat sweets, it's usually small chocolates or vanilla ice-cream. He even takes the occasional fruitcake. The only time he would eat something like this is during Christmas and that's usually short cake. I think this will be the first time I'll be giving him something like this.
Snow: Well, I'm sure whatever you give him, he will love it, since it came from you.
Lupin: I'm sure he will.
Snow: Though I must say, with my soufflé, it was nice to express myself a bit.
Lupin: I don't think I've ever seen you express yourself that much. You usually just do things for Claude.
Snow makes a small smile, knowing this is true.
Snow: I rarely show just who I really am to others, including my darling master. But when I met you, I sometimes find it hard to bottle up my emotions. Then, I have to remember that some emotions are not meant to be bottled up. There will come a time when you must set those emotions free. You showed me that.
Lupin: I just don't think that Claude would want to be with someone who isn't true to himself. I know I wouldn't.
Snow: Yes. I opened up to you and you love me for it. I often wonder if I should do the same with my master. Should I be true to myself in front of him? I feared I would not like the answer. But perhaps maybe I could be wrong. I want to be honest with him. I know you are honest with him.
Lupin: Yeah. When I first met you and Claude, I didn't know what to think. I always thought you both were just these hard-hearted Guild Masters just because your Guild fights a lot. But after getting to know you, I now know there is more to you than what you seem. You included.
Snow: Yes. It's times like these... I'm happy that you came into my master's study and told the truth. I think you for that. It shows just how much that I love you and him.
Lupin: (happy) And I love you, two.
You both embrace each other. Though his name is Snow, you have never felt such warmth from him, save for Wakan Tanka. You both know how much your hearts are connected.
After putting the last touches on your soufflés, you both decide to return home.
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pof203 · 10 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Smoky God
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Alright, we're here again!
Smoky God's bodyguard gestures unimpressed.
Smoky God: Oh, I almost forgot.
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It's okay. I'm excited to be here again, too.
You, Smoky God, and his bodyguard came to the virtual fairytale world to have some fun.
Smoky God: I know we just got here, but I could use a place to cool off. Someplace to go for a swim.
Lupin: We could try the pool at the desert palace or the one in the castle on the hill.
Smoky God: Naw, I think I've seen enough pools to last me a good while... But I did hear about a beach with a cabin. Can we go there?
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
Smoky God: (happy) Sweet!
With that, you, Smoky God, and his bodyguard head off to the beach near the dwarves' cottage.
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A little later, you, Smoky God, and his bodyguard arrive at the cottage next to the beach.
Smoky God: (excited) Now this is more like it! I can't wait to get in that blue.
Lupin: Okay, let's get changed and we'll go to the beach.
You, Smoky God, and his bodyguard go to the cottage to get changed. Just as you were about to go in after Smoky God, his bodyguard moves his arm in front of you, keeping you from going in the door.
Smoky God: I guess he wants to you change outside. (to his bodyguard) Let Asura in.
The bodyguard moves his arm down and let's you in.
Lupin: He's just doing his job.
Smoky God: I know. He's not so bad.
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A short time after getting changed, you and Smoky God are on the beach. Smoky God's bodyguard is watching from a distance.
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He sure is dedicated to you, isn't he?
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That's how he was created. So, shall we get in?
Lupin: Okay.
With that, you and Smoky God go into the sea. You both swim around majestically and happily, enjoying the day together. There were a couple of times the bodyguard almost went into the water, but stops when he sees his master having fun.
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The hours pass and the sun begins to set. After swimming, you and Smoky God spend the rest of the day making sand castles.
Lupin: We claim this kingdom in the name of Smoky-ville!
Smoky God: (laughing) We do, indeed.
You and Smoky God look out over the ocean.
Smoky God: It's so beautiful. I'm just a bit sad that this is just an illusion. But it feels so real.
Lupin: It's true. But this will be a wonderful memory. We really should thank Kurogane and Boogeyman for this.
Smoky God: It just makes me wonder.
Lupin: What is it?
Smoky God: It's just... You know who and what I am, Asura. I'm a World Rep. You know being with me could mean I win the Game in this loop. I always thought the winner would be Wakan Tanka∞ since you spend so much time with him in both his forms.
Lupin: It's what make me and Wakan so much alike. We want to love everybody. We love you, don't we?
Smoky God: I know. And I love you both, too. You're my Asura and Wakan Tanka∞'s Heyoka. We love you both and you love us. I want us to be loved. You seem to be the only one who resists my fame and glory. Even my charm has very little effect on you. Yet, here we are. Why is that?
Lupin: I don't know. Maybe it's destiny. Or something that happened to me in a past loop.
Smoky God: (slightly agreeing) Maybe. Only time will tell. But I do know one thing. In this time and in this moment... it's just us. I'm happy that we came here, today.
Lupin: And so am I.
Filled with absolute happiness, you both get together closely.
Smoky God's Bodyguard: ...
Smoky God's bodyguard quickly goes to the edge of the beach and suddenly, something happens.
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Smoky God: I guess he knew this would happen and wanted to make it special.
Lupin: It's already special... Because you're here.
You both embrace each other as the warmth of your bodies dance together. You wish this moment could last a bit longer.
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When the last of the fireworks fade, you both go back to the cottage to get changed. When you are finished, you three make your way back to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 11 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Shuichi
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So this is it. I must say, Kurogane's really outdone himself. There's no denying the Crafters' ingenuity.
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Don't give him all the credit. Boogeyman gave him the idea.
You and Shuichi came to the virtual fairytale world because Shuichi really wanted to see it.
Shuichi: I heard about this tower where you can see the whole place. I would like to see it.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
With that, you and Shuichi leave for the tower.
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A little later, you and Shuichi arrive at the tower without fail.
Shuichi: (a bit surprised) My. It really is tall.
Lupin: Yes, it is. I wonder if the girl with long hair got to see the world, even though she couldn't leave the tower.
Shuichi: Okay, let's go up.
Shuichi was about to climb the stairs.
Lupin: Where are you going?
Shuichi: It's a long climb. It's best to get started now.
Lupin: Oh, we don't have to climb.
Shuichi is confused until you press the button on the door and the elevator doors open.
Shuichi: (surprised) Oh... I wonder if this is how the witch got the girl to the top.
You and Shuichi are taken up to the top of the tower on the elevator.
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Shuichi: (amazed) Now, this is a view. I could never understand why the girl would want to leave this to be down there. It's just illogical.
Lupin: Well, if you spent years in a tower with now way out and your only company is a witch, would you be happy with that? To know that down there, there are people you would want to get to know, but they would always be out of your reach.
Shuichi: ... I never thought of that. And I'm suppose to be in the Wisemen.
Lupin: Even wise men learn new things everyday. That's how they stay wise.
Shuichi: No doubt. I just learned that now.
You and Shuichi both laugh.
Shuichi: Oh, my little brother would have loved this place. But, Duo had business to take care of as the Guild Master. Maybe next time.
Lupin: Are you sure? I never quite understood. You love Duo, but he doesn't seem to feel the same way. So... Why do you still want to be around him?
Shuichi: Because... He's my little brother and I'm his big brother. What other explanation is needed there? I know he thinks I'm smothering him and he finds it stifling, but just shows just how much I love him. You have siblings, too, don't you, Lupin? I don't know if you had any in the world you came from, but you have them here.
Lupin: Yes. Tezcatlipoca, Xolotl, Tsukuyomi, and Amaterasu. I carry the souls of their brothers. I guess I can be just like that with them, too. Especially with Tsukuyomi. But I always respect his space when he needs it. That also shows how much I love them.
Shuichi: I know. We all have different ways of showing how much we love our siblings.
You and Shuichi are happy to learn from each other.
Shuichi: I don't know how I got so lucky to be with you.
Lupin: Do you need intel on that?
Shuichi: Not really. You love you me, almost as much as you love Wakan Tanka. I love him, too. So how come I ended up in your group? Especially since Shiro doesn't like me.
Lupin: Aww, he likes you. He just has a different way of showing it. And Shiro is in our Guild, not in our romance. He has his own with Kengo and Sitri. You're in our romance because I want to believe that you are capable of finding in the answers with more than just your mind.
You place your hand on Shuichi's chest where his heart is located. You feel that he has gotten a bit warmer from your touch. You see that he's happy and you are happy, too.
Shuichi: I never would have known that if I hadn't met you. You taught me things I never would have known in a million years. Even if I thought for the rest of my life. I'm happy that you touched more than just my interests... You touched my heart.
Lupin: (happy) And you touched mine.
You both embrace each other on the balcony overlooking this fantastic digital world. What you both have is something that needs no analysis or calculating. Just feeling.
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Before you knew it, the sun was going down. After enjoying the view a bit more, you both decide to call it a day and make your way back to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 13 days
A Summonere
Special Quest: Shinya
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I'm glad you brought me here, today. We both are.
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You're welcome, you two.
You brought Shinya and Eros to the virtual fairytale world because Shinya asked you to.
Shinya: I heard about the hot springs in the mountains. Maybe we can go there.
Lupin: Okay. Let's go.
With that, you, Shinya, and Eros go to the mountains.
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Sometime later, you, Shinya, and Eros arrive at the hot springs in the mountains.
Shinya: (a bit happy) This is great. It really feels real.
Lupin: I'm glad you like it. We can go in it, if you like.
Shinya: I don't see why not. What about you, Eros?
Eros nods his head in agreement.
Lupin: Okay, then. Let's head inside and change.
Shinya: Okay.
So, you, Shinya, and Eros go inside the hut to get changed.
A little later, you, Shinya, and Eros are now enjoying all that the hot springs has to offer.
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This is wonderful. This spring maybe an illusion, the feeling it gives is feel so real. Even Eros is enjoying himself.
Eros makes a gesture to say that he is indeed enjoying himself.
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Thanks. I'm sure Kurogane, and maybe Boogeyman, will appreciate the compliment.
Shinya: We're sure they will.
You, Shinya, and Eros enjoy the hot springs as the mountain air passes by. You three just feel so happy in this moment as your bond gets even stronger.
Shinya: (curious) You know, I don't get you.
Lupin: What is it, Shinya?
Shinya: It's just... I don't understand why you have feelings for me and Eros like you do many others? You know, through Eros, I'm a Representative, just like Wakan Tanka and Bigfoot. You know, once this Game is over, you can only be with one of us. I would always assume it would be with Wakan. Believe me, we know how much you love him. We love him, too.
Lupin: I don't know. I guess... I just like to see you all as who you really are. Shinya, Eros, I know you both care so much for others and are willing to do what you think is right. You, Wakan, Bigfoot, and the others. I love you all.
Shinya and Eros are happy to hear these words.
Shinya: We know. We love you, too. You see us for who we are and you're not afraid to be yourself when it counts. Lupin, if me and Eros could, we would love to join your Guild.
Lupin: I don't see why not. We would love to have you aboard. And me.
You three sit closer together as the warmth of the hot springs heat your hearts more than they already are, with those hearts already connected.
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After enjoying that hot springs a bit more, night fell. You three decide it was time to go. So, after getting dressed, you three make your way back to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 16 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Shino
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Okay, Shino, I managed to get you here. What would you like to do first?
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Lupin: Don't tell me you're still embarrassed to be here, are you?
Shino: ... I'm just...
Lupin: C'mon, take it off.
Shino: ...
Finally, Shino removes his hat...
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I'm just not sure if I should be here! This is clearly not my style.
Lupin: I know. But I thought a change of scenery would do you some good.
Shino: I... I suppose.
You brought Shino to the virtual fairytale world because you noticed he has been tense for sometime. You hoped bringing him here will do him some good.
Shino: I guess I could try that dungeon I've heard about. But then again, that's not the change of scenery you had in mind.
Lupin: I guess so. But still, where would you like to go?
Shino: Well... I hear there's a ball. I guess we could go there.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
Shino: ... (still unsure) I hope I don't regret this.
With that, you and Shino make a quick stop at Arachne's shop to get something nice to wear before going to the ball.
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After getting changed at Arachne's shop, you and Shino arrive at the palace where a ball was taking place.
Lupin: (Princely Regalia) So here we are. At the ball.
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So, this is what it's like to be in high society. It's not so different from the club, but you can really sense the regal effect of this affair. It really makes you feel like... Like royalty.
Lupin: Enjoy it while you can, Shino. Because for tonight... you are royalty.
Shino blushes at your words, but is happy to hear that.
Lupin: Shall we dance?
Shino: (unsure) I don't know, I'm not much of a dancer. I have done dancing at the Bon festival, but when it comes to the waltz, I might as well have two left feet.
Lupin: I'm sure you'll be fine. Just follow my lead.
You offer your hand to Shino and he reluctantly takes it as you guide him onto the dance floor.
You two glide across the floor with grace and emotion. You and Shino are waltzing beautifully. Though, Shino does step on your toes a couple of times.
Shino: (embarrassed, but smiling) I tried to warn you.
Lupin: It's okay. Let's keep going.
Shino: Alright.
You and Shino continue to waltz around the ballroom as magic just flies around you.
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After you think you've danced enough, you and Shino decided to stop for some food and drink.
Shino: This is quite the spread. It's almost as good as we what have at the club. The only difference is that this food is just data.
Lupin: True, but the feeling is just as real.
No doubt about it. When Shino got a taste of the food, he was extremely pleased.
Shino: You were right. This is good.
You and Shino sit down for a bit while the rest of the dancers dance.
Shino: I guess you were right, it is nice to do something out of character once and a while.
Lupin: I know. I bet it's a wonderful feeling for you, isn't it?
Shino: You're bet was right.
You also notice something on Shino's mind.
Lupin: Is something on your mind?
Shino: I'm just wondering. Should we have invited Moritaka to come with us? I know you only see him as a friend, but I still think he should have been here with us since he's such a close friend.
Lupin: I'm sure he would love to be here. I guess we can bring him and Kenta next time.
Shino: I know. We're members of the Eight Dog Warriors. Yet you love you love a few of us. I'm not sure why we are so special out of all the others.
Lupin: Because I know you're not as bad as you seem. You did help us that time when we needed it most. Only someone with a heart as big as yours could go out of their way for that.
Shino: You really think that?
Lupin: Maybe... But what do you think?
Shino was a bit loss for words, but he knew what to say.
Shino: Well, I guess it might be true. You always seem to care so much about others. Even during that time when Wakan Tanka was a member of the Invaders, you still believed in him while the rest of us lost it. You are so kind and compassionate. I think you really do have more than one soul.
Lupin: Maybe. You have some much love of your own and you're willing to give it. The Dog Warriors, Wakan Tanka, the Summoners, the Outlaws, you love us all and we love you. I love you, too. No matter what, that is true.
Shino: (happy) I'm happy to hear that, Lupin. I love you, too.
You both embrace each other, the night filled with music only you two can hear. This leads the two of you back to the dancefloor for more dancing.
As the clock struck midnight, you both decide to return to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 20 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Sandayu
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Oh man, Mr. Boogeyman wasn't kidding about this place. He has a fine eye for details.
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He does, doesn't he? You'll have to thank him and Kurogane later.
You brought Sandayu to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Sandayu: I hear there is a dungeon under the castle on the hill. I've always wanted to do a "dungeon climb".
Lupin: I think you mean a dungeon crawl. But yeah, we can do that. We'll have to dress the part for it, so let's stop by Arachne's shop on the way.
Sandayu: Okay, I can't wait to see what she has.
Lupin: Then, let's go.
With that, you and Sandayu go to Arachne's shop to get changed before going to the dungeons under the castle on the hill.
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A little later after getting your new clothes at Arachne's shop, you and Sandayu go to the castle on the hill overlooking Candyland.
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These are some duds. That Arachne really knows her stuff.
Lupin: (in Princely Regalia) I'm glad you like it.
Sandayu: So, shall we begin in the dungeons?
Lupin: Okay. Let's get going.
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A short time later, you and Sandayu were in the dungeons where you both begin your dungeon crawl.
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In almost no time at all, you and Sandayu completed your crawl, having conquered every challenge in the dungeon.
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Before you knew it, you two are in the castle's hallways.
Sandayu: (gasping with excitement) That was fun. But I'm hot and tired. Know a place where we can cool off?
Lupin: I know a place.
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A short while later, you and Sandayu are in the castle's hidden pool, floating around on the water.
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I shouldn't be surprised that a place like this is in a castle. Then again, castles like these are not like the ones I'm used to.
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Yeah, I guess it is a lot different. Especially considering that this castle is just ones and zeroes. But the feeling from the experience is just as real.
Sandayu: (a bit nervous) I... I know.
Lupin: What is it, Mr. Sandayu?
Sandayu looked like he was doing something wrong and didn't know how to explain it.
Sandayu: It's just... That's just it. I'm "Mr." Sandayu to you. I know I'm just a sub filling in for Mr. Mononobe until he returns from... Well, wherever he is now, but I'm still a teacher and you, my student. And yet, I can't stop these feelings I have for you. It's a good feeling, thought, but it's just wrong. Why even spend this day with me? Wouldn't you rather be with someone close to your age? Like Wakan Tanka. I know you are the closest to him out of all the others. So why? Why me?
You are a bit unsure of the answer, but you try as best as you can.
Lupin: I guess because, deep down, you're more than just my teacher, you're someone I really care about. We all care about you. Even Tadatomo and Bigfoot said so.
Sandayu: I know. Maybe it's because you hold Yoshitsune's soul. I just don't know.
Lupin: ... Look, I still don't know much about myself or the other souls within me. All I can say is this: No matter what, I still hold you in my heart. You're one of the most precious people I know. You were even brave enough to fill in for Mr. Mononobe. Only someone with a big heart could go out of his way to do that. You don't even ask for something in return, only that we respect you as much as we respect Mr. Mononobe. So, if you do have any feelings, please, don't shun them away. Embrace them.
Sandayu knows that what you are saying is true. He feeling a lot better now.
Sandayu: You know, you're right. I don't know why that thought came over me. I guess I've been your teacher for so long, I got paranoid... Then again, I am a ninja. It's my job to be paranoid. But still, what you said makes me feeling a lot better. Thank you for always being there, Lupin.
Lupin: And thank you for being there, too, Sandayu.
You both get close together in the water, your love showing that it is not wrong, just different. You both know it'll all work out in the end.
Before you both know it, it was now getting late. You both dry off, get dressed, and make your way to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 22 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Sanat Kumara
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I don't know how you dragged me into this. But I'll admit, this place really is something.
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I'm sure you'll like this place. Kurogane and Boogeyman did a really good job with this world.
Sanat Kumara: (still unsure) Well, if you say say.
You brought Sanat Kumara to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Sanat Kumara: I heard this world has some mountains. I guess we can take a look at it.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
With that, you and Sanat Kumara head off to the mountains.
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A little later, you and Sanat Kumara are on a ledge near the mountains. You both are a little tired from your walking.
Lupin: I didn't think the mountains would be this far. I've walked here before with the others, but today's a bit tough.
Sanat Kumara: We can rest here if you like.
Lupin: Okay.
You and Sanat Kumara sit down to rest.
Sanat Kumara: It's a bit strange, though. Getting tired in a world that's not even real.
Lupin: Kurogane and Boogeyman wanted this world to feel as real as possible... But I guess that's not the real reason you're unhappy.
Sanat Kumara: It's just... I don't understand why you brought us here. If you wanted us to spend time together in a world where it feels like a fantasy... you could have had me do this.
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Sanat Kumara: (surprised) Whoa! I didn't think I could do this here.
Lupin: Like I said, as real as possible.
Sanat Kumara: It seems so.
With that, Sanat Kumara returns you both to the fairytale world.
Lupin: The reason I brought you to this world instead of asking you to take me to that world is because I wanted to show you that I can be just as interesting as you are.
Sanat Kumara: You really think someone like me, a legendary delinquent, is interesting?
Lupin: Well, yes. You, Hanuman, Licho, and Tetsuox, I can see deep down that all of you are special in one way or another. You may not have the best reputation, but you have done more for others than you can ever imagine.
Sanat Kumara: (blushing) You're exaggerating. I'm sure there are others in your life you find more interesting than us. Like that buffalo jock you love so much.
Lupin: It's true, there's no one like Wakan Tanka. But there are also no one like you and the others. You are good people inside. And you, being there "boss", I can tell by the look in your eyes.
Sanat Kumara: ... I'll admit, they are a handful, but I love every last one of them. There are times I think if it was a wise decision to make me their boss. But after thinking about it more, I think the reason why they chose me is because I sees the others at our school as just those who need a little guidance before they go out into the world. I follow a code of conduct that sets me apart from other delinquents. I watch over them and guide them when they need it. I think that's why I'm the boss.
Lupin: I think it is. A delinquent who won't let others see him as a lost cause, I guess that's why I love you so much. Why we all love you so much.
Sanat Kumara: (feeling a bit better and now happy) Thanks, Lupin. I may guide everyone in Umamichi Academy, but you guide me.
You both embrace each other with unbreakable trust in each other, you both will guide each other when you need it.
Sanat Kumara: This really is such a nice place.
Lupin: Shall we continue up the mountain?
Sanat Kumara: Yes... But let's fly the rest of the way. I don't think we can handle more walking.
Lupin: Go ahead.
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Carrying you in his arms, you and Sanat Kumara fly up to the top of the mountain.
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You both make it up to the top of the mountain. As you both happily admire the majestic view before you, you both admire the connection between the both of you.
A little while later, you both make your way back to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 22 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: R-19
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This is a nice place, Lupin. Kurogane has definitely fairytale paradise.
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Paradise might be a stretch, but I guess that would be the general idea he and Boogeyman had in mind.
You brought R-19 to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
R-19: I hear you can go diving in the ocean. I would like to see that.
Lupin: Are you sure? You might short circuit.
R-19: You need not worry about that. I was built to be water-proof. Beside, this is a virtual world. The water here is not real. I will be alright.
Lupin: Okay, I guess we can go.
With that, you and R-19 go to the docks.
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A little later, you and R-19 are out at sea.
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This should be a good place for a dive.
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Yes, it is. It is just the right depth for us.
Lupin: (surprised) Is that what you're wearing?
R-19: It is all I could find. (LifeWonders has yet to give me a swimsuit.)
Lupin: Alright then, let's jump right in.
Taking a deep breath, you jump right into the water and R-19 follows you in.
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You and R-19 swim freely under the surface of the sea. Happily enjoying what was there. You spot some merpeople going about just having fun. You also saw a school of fish, a pod of whales in the distance, and even...
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Lupin: (Should have seen that one.)
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A little while later, you and R-19 are back on the ship.
Lupin: That was fun. How did you enjoy it, R-19?
R-19: It was a wonderous sight. I will have this day memorized for a very long time.
Lupin: Yeah, me, too.
R-19 looks out at the horizon before him, just watching the sun sink behind the sea.
Lupin: What is it, R-19?
R-19: I am thinking of that day. That day we met. I discovered something I did not think I was ever capable of. I do no know why I got it, but still got it.
Lupin: What did you get?
R-19: I had... emotions. When I met you, I had emotions. Emotions that I did not think I was capable of because I am a machine. When I met you, I felt... awkwardness. Then, I felt happiness. I felt fear. I felt anger. And... I am unsure what to call this feeling. The feeling... that I have now. What is it? I know it has a name, but I do know what it is.
Lupin: Maybe it could... love.
R-19: ... I suppose that could be its name. I am unsure, though. But if you say it is love, perhaps maybe it is so. What is like to love? I know you must know what love is. I see it whenever you are with the others. Especially with Wakan Tanka. He gives his love equally to others, but he seems to give most of it to you. Maybe that is what you are doing to me. You are giving me love.
Lupin: I'm not sure if that's how I would put it. I try to give love the same way Wakan does, but I guess we do it differently. Though we love each other the most, he and I our still different, though we both just wish for love. So if I am giving you love, what do you think of it?
R-19: Well, I know it is not a bad feeling. Whenever I am with you, I feel so happy. It is this feeling I do not wish to end. I want to keep this feeling with me for as long as I can. I do not truly know how long I will have this feeling. In Utopia, love is a rarity and I know there will come I day I may have to return there. But I do wish I could bring this feeling with me.
Lupin: Then do it. I'm sure every one in Utopia will enjoy knowing what love it. I know, I love you and they will love you, too.
R-19: (happy) And I love you, too. I know what you say is true. Not just because you said it, but because I can feel it.
The both of you resonate with each other with love. This love between you two, thought not considered real by some, is not artificial either. Whatever this love it, it's yours and R-19's.
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Before both of you know it, it was now nighttime and you both decide to return to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 25 days
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Pollux
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Ah, so this is the place you were talking about. I can already tell there's some kind of adventure here.
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No doubt about it. This place is just full of surprises.
You brought Pollux to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Pollux: I've heard about this fancy pool in the desert. I'd like to see for myself.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
With that, you and Pollux head off to the pool in the royal palace in the dessert.
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In time, you and Pollux arrive at the pool without any problems.
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Alright, now this is my kind of place! Can't wait to take a long power swim under that bridge.
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I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself. Though I'm unsure about swimming under a bridge.
Pollux: (insistent) Come now, let's race. It'll be fun.
Lupin: Well, if you insist, I'll give it a try.
Pollux: No, you'll do it. Now, say it.
Lupin: (inhaling) ... I'll do it!
Pollux: That's the spirit! Now come on! Let's race!
With that, you and Pollux both jump into the pool and begin a rigorous swim from one end of the pool to the other while swimming under the bridge.
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A little later, you and Pollux decide to stop and rest for a while at the shop nearby. The vendor you both shaved ice. You have lemon and he has cherry.
Pollux: Now that was fun. I haven't had this much fun since we did that race for Christmas.
Lupin: Same here. I wonder if we should have invited Tanngrisnir or Melusine to come with us.
Pollux: I thought about it, but I think they might have been busy then. Maybe next time.
Lupin: I'm sure.
You and Pollux sit on the steps of the shop and watch the other visitors swimming in the pool.
Pollux: You know who else would have liked this?
Lupin: I think I have an idea.
Pollux looks a pit solemn.
Pollux: I wonder if Castor could see what I'm doing now.
Lupin: If he can, he would be happy to see that you are not alone. You made so many friends here and we all love you for it.
Pollux: I know. If he were here, he would say, "Pollux, you big idiot, just don't cause any problems for your friends. But still, I'm happy for you." I hope I can see him again soon.
Lupin: If fate allows it, I'm sure you will.
Pollux: ... Lupin, do you remember your own siblings? Not just Tezcatlipoca or Xolotl or Tsukuyomi or even Amatarasu. I mean, before coming here to this Tokyo.
Lupin: I wish I knew. I still have very few memories of my life before. I'm not sure if I ever got along with them or not. I would like to say I got along with them because I get along with Texcatlipoca, Xolotl, Tsukuyomi, and even Amatarasu. I just don't know.
Pollux: I think you may have gotten along with your siblings because of how you get along with others. Even Dai- That is to say, Taurus Mask says you get along with him, though you seem to love him as more than just a brother. But I'm happy for you that you both have a relationship like that. And Wakan Tanka. You both love him so much and he loves you both.
Lupin: You can join in on that love if you want.
Pollux: As much as I would like that, I'm afraid my heart is set on other things right now. But until then, I'm just so glad that your my friend, Lupin.
Lupin: (happy) And I'm happy that your mine, Pollux.
You both hug happily, knowing that your friendship is as strong as the mighty oak.
Pollux: Hey, how about another race. Just for fun.
Lupin: Later. Right now, let's finish your shaved ice and wait an hour before going back in the water.
After you both have a wonderful time at the pool, it was time for you both to return to Candyland to return to the real world.
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pof203 · 1 month
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Oz
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Thanks for coming with me, Lupin. I was too scared to come here myself.
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You're welcome, Oz. You know I would do anything for you all.
You and Oz came to the virtual fairytale world at his request.
Oz: I want to go someplace scary. Do you know any?
Lupin: Are you sure?
Oz: I'm sure.
Lupin: Well, there's the castle I was sleeping in. If they dragons don't get to upset, we should visit there.
Oz: Okay, that'll do.
Lupin: Then, let's go.
With that, you and Oz head off to castle of the sleeping beauty.
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You and Oz arrive at the castle without fail. It looked like the wyverns were not here right now, so you and Oz can go in.
Oz: I'm sure it's... a lot more scary... on the inside.
Lupin: Are you sure you want to be here? There are plenty of other places we could go.
Oz: N- No. We can go on ahead.
Lupin: Okay.
So, you and Oz go into the castle.
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Inside, you and Oz arrive in the altar room.
Oz: This... This isn't so... bad.
Lupin: Again, are you sure you want to be here?
Oz was getting shaking... Finally, he can't hold the truth anymore.
Oz: (sobbing a bit) No! I don't want to be here!
Lupin: Then, why did you want to be here?
Oz: I wanted to see if I can go through a scary situation without using my Sacred Artifact. I guess I was wrong. I'm not brave without it.
You go up to Oz and you place your hand on his shoulder.
Lupin: Oz, you are brave with or without your Sacred Artifact. Who else would have the guts to stay by my side no matter how scared they are?
Oz: ... Wakan Tanka.
Lupin: ... You have me there. But still, you are just as brave a person we know.
Oz: (feeling a bit better) You... You really think so?
Lupin: It doesn't really matter what I think. What matters is what you think.
Oz was staring to feel more better from your words.
Oz: I'll still never understand why you would want to be seen in the company of a cowardly lion. Whenever we fight together, I always feel like I'm holding us back and the only to fix that is with my Sacred Artifact and becoming Zo. But the only time I feel like not dong so... is when ever you or Wakan Tanka are around.
Lupin: Because we believe in you. We all do. True courage isn't about being fearless. It's about doing what is right, no matter how scared you are. Oz, you came this far, despite your fears. If that's not true courage, I don't know what is.
Oz was touched by your words. He really does know what true courage is. You both embrace each other happily and bravely.
Oz: (happy) Thanks, Lupin. No wonder we love you so much.
Lupin: And we love you, too, Oz. I know you make you proud. Now.. Will you make yourself proud?
Suddenly, you both hear something coming into the room. It was several ghosts.
Oz: Okay, Sacred Artifact or not...
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I'll always fight for Lupin. I'll fight for Wakan Tanka. And I'll fight for all the people I love.
Lupin: (readying sword) Glad to hear it. I'll do the same.
With that, you both fight off the ghosts.
After fighting off the ghost, you both decide it was time for to return to Candyland to return home.
0 notes
pof203 · 2 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Oscar
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My, such a beautiful place... Though, it's not as beautiful as me... And you. It's not as beautiful as you.
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Glad to know you're still trying... (laughing a bit)
You brought Oscar to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Oscar: I here there's a palace where a ball takes place. I would be happy if we could go there.
Lupin: Why not? Let's stop by Arachne's shop first.
Oscar: (grinning) That won't be necessary.
With a bang of his cane...
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Lupin: (surprised in princely regalia) I'll never fully understand how you do that.
Oscar: It's all part of being a showman.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
With that, you and Oscar head off to the prince's palace.
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You and Oscar made it to the ballroom of the prince's palace without fail. It seems that there is already a ball in progress.
Oscar: It looks like we came just in time.
Lupin: Looks like it.
Oscar: (extending his hand) So, shall we?
You take Oscar's hand and you both dance. You and him waltz almost like you were the only two in the room, your bodies perfectly synched with the music that is playing.
After what seemed like forever, you and Oscar decide to rest for a bit.
Oscar: Phew! That was fun. Did you enjoy yourself, Lupin?
Lupin: I did.
Oscar: I take it this was your first waltz.
Lupin: I don't really remember. You know I have very few memories of before coming to Tokyo.
Oscar: Indeed. But you seem like a natural.
You and Oscar sit and watch the dancers continue their dance.
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Seeing these dancers here, I wonder if they are real or just more of Kurogane's or Boogeyman's creations.
Lupin: I'm not sure myself. They did a really good job creating this place. This place is just made to be something out of a dream.
Oscar: Indeed, it does.
As you and Oscar continue to watch the dancers, you notice that Oscar looks apathetic.
Lupin: Is something wrong, Oscar?
Oscar: Only that you won't admit it... You wish you came here with Wakan Tanka, did you?
Lupin: ... Maybe a little. Don't you wish he came with us?
Oscar: ... Maybe a little, as well. He's probably almost as handsome as me. But you like him more better than the rest of us. Why is that? Is it the muscles? The face? What does he have that I don't?
Lupin: Aside from those things... He has a big heart. And I know you have one, too, if you look hard enough.
Oscar: And... what makes you think I have one?
Lupin: ... You think you don't?
Oscar: ... You got me there. I'll admit, there are times I think that appearance alone showed a person who they are. But since meeting you, maybe that's not entirely true. Perhaps beauty is only skin deep if you are willing to see what's underneath... That rhymes, I'll have to write that down later. But I wonder... Why do you and Wakan like me?
Lupin: I don't know... I guess we're just suckers for the lost. We took in Wakan's other self. We even took in those like Boogeyman, Oniwaka, and Azathoth.
Oscar: And me, as well?
Lupin: You took us in, too. We never thought this would happen, but it did, and we're grateful for it. You have our love.
Oscar: (happy) And I have yours. Thank you for taking in a "lost" like me.
You both move closer together. You feel the warmth of each other's flesh as if you both are making a promise... A promise built to last forever.
After a time, the ball begins to thin. You both decide it is time to go back to Candyland t return home.
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pof203 · 2 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Ophion
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This is such a pretty sight, my spouse. It really tugs at my heartstrings... And they are magical.
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I'm glad you like it here, Ophion.
Ophion: Seeing this place, like it's out of a fairytale, it just makes me feel young again... In fact...
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That's what I am now. Must be this place.
Lupin: It's wouldn't surprise me. That's how Kurogane and Boogeyman made this world.
You brought Ophion to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Lupin: Where would you like to go?
Ophion: I think this town is amazing enough. I heard they even have a sweet station nearby. Maybe we could go there.
Lupin: I don't see why not. Let's go.
With that, you and Ophion go to the sweet station.
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A little later, you and Ophion arrive at the sweet station.
Lupin: Looks like we're the only ones here. Even Choji's absent.
Ophion: What do we do now?
Lupin: I guess we can go on ahead and make some sweets.
Ophion: I'm not sure why. If this world is just an illusion, would the sweets not taste like anything?
Lupin: True... But it's still fun to try.
Ophion: (chuckling) You always find the positive side of things, my spouse. Alright, let's get to it.
So, you and Ophion decide to get baking.
You and Ophion agree to make a carrot cake. Though, you are both having a bit of trouble trying to decide how to bake it in the oven.
Lupin: I don't know if we should set the heat for that high. It might burn.
Ophion: (sure of himself) Not to worry, my spouse, they haven't made an oven whose heat is greater than mine. Let's try it like this.
Ophion sets the oven to very high and you put the cake in. A few minutes later, the cake was done. It only had a few burns on it.
Ophion: I may know very little about baking, I still have a good feel that this cake will still be good.
Lupin: We should give it a taste test just to be sure.
Ophion: Probably.
You and Ophion taste the carrot cake. Thankfully, it wasn't so bad. As long as you avoid the burnt bits.
Ophion: Even burnt, it still taste wonderful. You really have such a touch, my spouse.
Lupin: Only because I had your help, Ophion.
Ophion: I know. Thank you for saying that.
After setting the cake down, you and Ophion clean up.
Ophion: (returned to his old self) This has been such a wonderful day, my spouse. I don't think I've ever known this feeling you've given me today.
Lupin: Thanks, Ophion.
You suddenly notice something about Ophion.
Lupin: Is something wrong?
Ophion: It's just that... I know you carry the soul of my dear spouse, yet you have some many people you love aside from me. And out of all them, the one you love most is that buffalo man from the Invaders. Though, I don't blame you. He's quite something, even I'm attracted to him. Why is that?
Lupin: I guess... it's because you and Wakan Tanka have a few things in common. You both have something bright inside of you and you are want to share it with everyone... Though, Wakan is a bit different. He's not afraid to love others the way he loves me, even though he seem to give most of his love to me.
Ophion: I guess that's true. I only seem to have love for you and only you. Wakan Tanka, however, wants to share his love with not just you, but with many others. I guess maybe I should strive to give others just as much attention as he does.
Lupin: You don't have to do that. Everyone, even Wakan, knows what an amazing person you are. You don't have to prove anything. We all love you, Ophion. Promise you'll keep this about you true.
Ophion, touched by your words, wraps you in his arms... and his wings.
Ophion: I promise, Eurynome. For you, I promise.
You both enjoy each other's love, knowing that you will always love each other, no matter what.
In time, you both decided to return home.
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pof203 · 2 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Oguchi Magami
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This is amazing. Who would have thought such a world could exist inside a computer? I shouldn't underestimate the Crafters very much.
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And it shows that Boogeyman is not as bad as people think.
You came to the virtual fairytale world with Oguchi Magami because he really wanted to see this place.
Oguchi Magami: I heard there's a beach here. I wanna see.
Lupin: I there are a lot of beaches here. But the nearest one is the one where the dwarves' cottage.
Oguchi Magami: (happy with his tail wagging) That's great! Can we go there?
Lupin: Yes. Let's go.
With that, you and Oguchi Magami go to the dwarves' cottage by the beach.
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You and Oguchi Magami arrive at the dwarves' cottage by the beach without any problems.
Oguchi Magami: This place is pretty. It's hard to believe this isn't real. It's really like a dream.
Lupin: If you like, we can go to the beach. Even go swimming, if you like.
Oguchi Magami: Okay. We might now go paraskiing or waterskiing, but I wouldn't mind taking a dip.
So, you and Oguchi Magami go into the cottage to get changed into your swimwear.
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Ahh! This place is nice. I can see why it's such a popular place.
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It sure is. It may just be zeroes and ones, the feeling it gives is just as real.
Oguchi Magami: So, let's hit the water!
Lupin: I'm way ahead of you.
You and Oguchi Magami both run into the sea and swim. It was a refreshing time for the both of you. It was like a private party for just the two of you.
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After enjoying your time together, you and Oguchi Magami return to the cottage.
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I can only find these Stamina Drinks. I guess I should have let Andvari know we would be coming here today.
Oguchi Magami: It's okay. I'm good with anything.
You and Oguchi Magami sit on the porch as you both watch the sunset.
Oguchi Magami: This place is a lot different from Tokyo. Probably more different than my homeworld.
Lupin: This world is partly based on Tir na nOg. Much different from your world.
Oguchi Magami: I know. I guess after all this time, I'm still immature.
Lupin: I don't really think that. Do you?
Oguchi: Magami: ... I know that I can be immature around you. I know I can get wild at time, not very fitting for the image of a police officer. But I guess when I'm around you, I can just let lose and be myself. When I'm with you, I'm not a police officer. I'm just... Oguchi Magami.
Lupin: I'm happy I make you feel that way.
Oguchi Magami: Is it the same with Wakan Tanka when he's in that form with the Invaders? When he's in that form, does have a hard time being himself? The Wakan Tanka who loves all equally?
Lupin: I'm not sure how to explain it. I know that whether he's Wakan Tanka who resides at the edge of infinity or Wakan Tanka of Yoyogi Academy, he always has love for everyone. Though, he somehow found a way to give most of it to me.
Oguchi Magami: Even me?
Lupin: (laughing) Yes, even you. You're with us. We both love you and the others.
Oguchi Magami: And I love you all. Maybe I'm like Wakan Tanka.
Lupin: I thought you said when I'm around, you're just you.
Oguchi Magami: I know. I'm not really sure who Ogauchi Magami is these days... But I'm sure we'll find the answer soon. I just hope... you'll find it with me.
You both sit closer together, your faces leaning against one another. You both give a small peck on each other's lips. You know that you can trust each other with all your hearts.
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Before you knew it, night had fallen and it was time for you both to return to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 2 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Nomad
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Alright, you got me here, Lupin, what is it?
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I just thought you would like to come here when there is no work to do.
Nomad: I guess that's good. I could use a day off.
You brought Nomad to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Nomad: I don't see why would should leave here, this town is pretty amazing itself.
Lupin: We can still change our clothes to match this world, can we?
Nomad: I guess. I'm not sure if there's anything for me.
Lupin: I'm sure Arachne has something for us. Let's go to her shop.
Nomad: Okay.
With that, you and Nomad go to Arachne's shop.
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Later at Arachne's shop, you and Nomad are changing your clothes to match this world.
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No problems, I trust, with your outfits.
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No problems with mine. Thanks for checking, though.
Nomad's Voice: I think I might have some trouble. I can't keep getting the buttons wrong.
Lupin: Want me to help?
Nomad's Voice: (sounding a bit panicky) No! You don't have to trouble your-
But too late. You open the curtain of the changing booth Nomad is in.
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H- He- Hey! I said it was fine! Really!
Arachne: (a bit surprised) Oh, my! I can see why Monsieur Lupin likes you.
Nomad: (still blushing) ... Just help me with my outfit.
Lupin: I can take it from here. I'll let you know if we need any help, Arachne.
Arachne: Very well. I'll see you all later.
With that, Arachne leaves the both, closing the curtain behind her. You focus on helping Nomad into his costume.
Nomad: Thanks.
Lupin: No problem.
Nomad: I don't think I've ever seen this world like this. Usually, I am working here. This is probably the first time I'm doing something fun.
Lupin: And how does it feel?
Nomad: ... Different. I mean, it's not a bad different, just... Awkward different.
Lupin: Yeah, I think I had the same feeling, too. When I first came to this world, it was because I had a fight with someone, so Boogeyman brought me here. But when we did come, things got real crazy and we had to find a way out. Then, we came back here again for my birthday and something similar happened.
Nomad: Andvari told me. It was so glad you worked to get out. You, Wakan Tanka, the others.
Lupin: Yeah, you should have been there. What were you doing at the time of my birthday?
Nomad: I think I spent the whole day asleep. Business at the detective agency was a bit slow at the time. Sorry I didn't get you a present, though.
Lupin: It's okay, you didn't have to get me anything. You spending time with me is enough.
Nomad: ... (happy) Thanks.
Lupin: Okay, just a few more and... Done.
Nomad goes to the mirror to check himself out.
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Hey, this ain't bad at all. Now I'm really looking forward to see the rest of this world.
Lupin: Glad you think that. I'll see you in a bit.
You return to your booth where you get dressed in your princely regalia.
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A little later, you and Nomad find yourselves at the castle at the tope of the hill.
Nomad: This place is way too cute. But I have to admit, it has its charm.
Lupin: It's suppose to be the heart of this world. It's the biggest connection there is to the real world.
Nomad: I can see that. But it's still too cute.
Lupin: You want to go somewhere else?
Nomad: No, this is place is good.
You and Nomad sit by the fountain, just enjoying the sound of the water springing from the fountain and the air just passing by.
Nomad: I think I'm beginning to see why you brought me here, today, other than fun.
Lupin: You can tell?
Nomad: Of course I can, I'm a detective, after all. You wanted to me to live out a fantasy I've been having for a while. Don't get me wrong, I like you all. You, Andvari, Claude, Snow, Oniewaka, Wakan Tanka, all of you. But I guess you knew I wanted to spend some time with just you. I only get to see you when I'm working or by some other coincidence. I wanted us together for a time... Just us. You and me.
Lupin: And I'm glad you're getting just that. I know most of my love is for Wakan, but me and him still love you all. I'm glad we got to spend this day together.
Nomad: Me, too. I mean, I still like you and Wakan together, but I'm happy to spend this day with you. I love you.
Lupin: And I love you, too, Nomad. That's a mystery that needs no solving.
Nomad pulls in with his arm (and his tail) and you both embrace each other passionately. Nomad is happy to have this fantasy, even if it's for just this day. And you are happy to make it a reality.
In time, you both realize it's getting late and you both make your way back to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 2 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Nodens
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I don't know about this. I feel a little out of place being here.
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I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm here.
Nodens: I know. Thank you.
You brought Nodens to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Nodens: I guess I would like to see some place that's... (a bit nervous) pretty.
Lupin: I think I know a place.
Nodens: Then, we should go there. But can we at least find a way to make me stick out less.
Lupin: If that's what you want, we'll stop by Arachne's shop. Let's go.
With that, we head over to Arachne's shop before going to the place Nodens wanted to go.
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A while later after getting changed, you and Nodens arrive at a beautiful area.
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This is a very nice place. And these clothes Arachne gave us are not bad, either.
Lupin: (wearing princely regalia) I know. You've got to give credit to those who good hands.
You and Nodens sit down and watch the blossoms on the trees fall onto the water below. It was a serine moment and only you two are enjoying it.
Nodens: This place is so pretty. Much different from what I'm used to.
Lupin: I don't think you, Azathoth, Tsathoggua, Dagon, or the others ever talk about your homeworld. What's it like?
Nodens: Well, it's not much to say. It's like a cross between space and under the sea. It does look pretty sometimes. The stars are just dancing and you're just moving with the flow of it. Like something out of a dream.
Lupin: I heard someone once called it a nightmare. Though I'm not sure why. It can't be all bad.
Nodens: It's true. Some people would think our homeworld is scary because we look scary. But sometimes, the most scariest looking people could just be as friendly. We know you look at us and are not scared.
Lupin: I guess I just want us all to get along.
Nodens: No doubt. You and Wakan Tanka are trying get everyone to see that the Invaders are not as bad as they appear.
Lupin: Do you think they are as bad as they appear?
Nodens: ... I get the feeling some of them are good. You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't feel the same way.
Lupin: I guess so... I had a good feeling about you.
Nodens was taken aback by what you said. But he smiles and wraps his arm around you. You can sense the sincerity in his touch.
Nodens: And I'm happy you did. Thank you for being there for us. And for me.
Lupin: You're welcome, Nodens. You are loved by us all.
You both happily put your faces together, knowing that you both wil be true to your hearts.
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After enjoying the view a little more, you both get up to return to Candyland to return home.
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pof203 · 2 months
Tiger & Bunny Week Lucky Day
"My heart is as solid as a rock. But your crime is about to be put on lock!"
-Rock Bison, Tiger & Bunny: The Rising
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pof203 · 2 months
Tiger & Bunny Week Day 7
Tiger & Bunny Second Series Anniversary
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I remember that I couldn't believe it when I was first hear about this when it was announced. I really couldn't wait to see what was going to happen in the wonderful series.
I even lost my shit a bit when they announced that new characters would be joining the cast.
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I think out of tall of these new characters, Subaru (Mr. Black) was my favorite. I couldn't believe it when I found he is voiced... by this.
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And this.
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And this.
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And this.
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And this.
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And this.
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And of course, this.
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There is another new character who I liked because of Johnny Yong Bosch, but I want to keep this post as short as possible.
I'm just hoping that they will soon make a season three for Tiger & Bunny so we can see what happens next. If not, we can always hope in the manga.
Let's Believe HEROES
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