it takes a village to raise the dead
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If this Wholesome Patron isn’t your Warlocks patron then you’re playing warlock wrong.
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I reimagined my current PC as a warlock patron. She’s powered by
high-octane friendship!
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Art Nouveau Doors
(Photos uncredited as I collected them on my hard-drive a long time ago!)
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Ok but prosthetics in D&D
PCs with a peg leg take a -10 to stealth but they can replace the prosthetic with better ones that serve specific purposes; a bladed pegleg that is basically a rapier blade, a stealth pegleg that removes the stealth penalty and doubles as thieves tools, a water flask leg.
Thieves tools arms
Arms that are basically shields
Hell magical prosthetics!!!
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Yooooo I'm down
hey like, what if we as a community just like, all swapped ideas for a day or like, a week or something
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Tom, the Kinda Rogue Mind Flayer #4: Fashionista in Training!
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tell me the story about the bones you found in the garden. tell me, how you dug your hands into the wet soil, skin frozen and chunks of dirt clinging between the hollows of your fingers. tell me how you shed your skin into this grave. how you ripped  yourself into a thousand pieces to become the person you are today. tell me about the crown of bones you found between the white rows of bleak ribs. tell me how it really was, how the night swallowed you whole that day, how you kneeled into brittle stone and blood. tell me how it felt to drain the life out of the girl. to kill her before she could talk. before she could rat you out. before she could say how much she loves you. tell me the story about the bones you found in the garden. but don’t tell me they were mine. please don’t.
- tell me about the story about the bones you found in the garden | r.m
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Im thinking less questgiver more temporary companion.
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Update on my cat’s armor: he now also has a crown (follow him on instagram! Theoden_the_cat)
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can we take a moment to just think about how incredibly scary magical healing is in-context?
You get your insides ripped open but your friend waves his hands and your flesh just pulls back together, agony and evisceration pulling back to a ‘kinda hurts’ level of pain and you’re physically whole, with the 100% expectation that you’ll get back up and keep fighting whatever it was that struck you down the first time.
You break your arm after falling somewhere and after you’re healed instead of looking for ‘another way around’ everybody just looks at you and goes “okay try again”.
You’ve been fighting for hours, you’re hungry, thirsty, bleeding, crying from exhaustion, and a hand-wave happens and only two of those things go away. you’re still hungry, you’re still weak from thirst, but the handwave means you have ‘no excuse’ to stop.
You act out aggressively maybe punch a wall or gnash your teeth or hit your head on something and it’s hand-waved because it’s ‘such a small injury you probably can’t even feel it anymore’ but the point was that you felt it at all?
Your pain literally means nothing because as long as you’re not bleeding you’re not injured, right? Here drink this potion and who cares about the emotional exhaustion of that butchered village, why are you so reserved in camp don’t you think it’s fun retelling that time you fell through a burning building and with a hand-wave you got back up again and ran out with those two kids and their dog? 
Older warriors who get a shiver around magic-users not because of the whole ‘fireball’ thing but the ‘I don’t know what a normal pain tolerance is anymore’ effect of too much healing. Permanent paralysis and loss of sensation in limbs is pretty much a given in the later years of any fighter’s life. Did I have a stroke or did the mage just heal too hard and now this side of my face doesn’t work? No i’m not dead from the dragon’s claws but I can’t even bend my torso anymore because of how the scar tissue grew out of me like a vine.
Magical healing is great and keeps casualties down.
But man.
That stuff is scary.
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Make your teams big bad or quest giver a lich who can't leave the theme park
satistically speaking at least one person has to have dropped dead at disney world
it’s too well frequented, it’s in FLORIDA which is stocked to the brim with old people, and everyone knows that crocodiles can climb fences, so there’s an inherent element of danger there already
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Mint of the Grave (Homebrew)
(Inspiration stolen directly from SCP 447) Rarity: common but decays quickly Must be sustained with fresh blood or it decays
Use in healing or necromancy based spells boosts spell efficacy, and produces a power rush of ecstasy in the user; but it must be fresh.
Grows mostly in graveyards. Used to be easy to buy, and was often used by clerics, druids and wizards until the Farms were discovered. After which use and preservation of gravesmint was banned.
As it turns out; gravesmint is grows best when the substrate used to cultivate it is still young, and kept alive.
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Oompa Loompa Doopity Dee
I give to you a strange Tabaxi
Many fine wares if you have coins
Wait how did he set up shop down in the mines?
All your character concepts have to be sung in the style of the oompa loompa song
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Werewolves… did you.. uh moon?
I’m bad at flirting
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Classic D&D spells given blood mage flavor
* Dominate Person: The caster tunes into the flow of the targets veins and muscles. They gain complete control over the person (ala bloodbending from Avatar the Last Airbender)
* Warding Glyph and Teleportation Circle, the classic drawing the glyphs and sigils with your own blood.
* Inflict Wounds: The cleric’s gauntlet has a small needle to prick their finger when they swing their mace. The blood circles the maces in a spinning spiral of blood that flows into the target.
* Mage Armor: The caster cut’s their palm, the blood clings to the caster’s form and hardens into a form of armor.
Feel free to add your own :D
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I'm chaotic evil and chaotic neutral which is actually about accurate
your current interests and personality depends singlehandedly on whether u were a neopets kid or a club penguin kid
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friendly reminder that the age of technology is coming to an end and a new age of blood magic and dark rituals will take its place
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