rainbowfic · 1 day
“Hard to sit here and be close to you, and not kiss you.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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rainbowfic · 2 days
Prompt #262
“I’m never guilty for surviving.”
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rainbowfic · 28 days
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May Trope Mayhem is a multi-fandom/original creation event open to writers, artists, and creators of all kinds! We’ve put together a list of 30 of our favorite tropes (plus one free day!), one per day through the month of May, and we encourage creators to join us for this month of fun tropey mayhem.
Our goal is to promote motivation and help with habit building, so we’re encouraging authors to keep their ficlets under 1,000 words, artists to stick to making just a sketch, gif makers to only do a single image, etc., as applicable to whatever you’re making.
This event is primarily held on Tumblr, but you’re welcome to participate anywhere Duck Prints Press has an account (you can see all our current platforms here) and we’ll keep our eyes on our tag everywhere!
How can you participate? It’s easy! There’s just a few simple rules:
write a ficlet or a poem, create art, make a gif, or create any other content that you want, aligned with the prompt for the day!
post your correctly tagged fills to Tumblr, and we’ll reblog them! We’ll reskeet works on Bluesky, retoot those on Mastodon, you get the idea. Note: we do not use Twitter.
you must tag warnings such as gore, MCD, sexual content, etc., so that people can make informed decisions!
please also tag fandom and ship, so people can find what interests them!
we ask that you put the tags at the top of your post, so they’re easy to find.
if you write more than 1k words and post the whole text on Tumblr or wherever, please use a read more if the platform allows.
if you create something with NSFW content or potentially triggering material, please put the entire work under a read more.
Ping us (duckprintspress) or tag your creations “#may trope mayhem” and so we can find them! We’ll reblog all fills that follow the above rules and are posted between May 1st and June 8th, 2024.
If you post to AO3, you can also add them to our collection there!
You don’t have to sign up for May Trope Mayhem, just post your fills. You don’t have to be a member of the Press nor do you have to be following us. You don’t have to be part of a specific fandom. We’re open to all ships, genres, formats, etc.! You don’t have to post fills on the corresponding day, though we ask that if you’re creating for a day that hasn’t happened yet, please wait for that day to post.
Participating in May Trope Mayhem? Want to chat fandom, books, creation, and more? Join our Book Lover’s Discord Server!
This is a low-pressure event, held in good fun, and we look forward to seeing what you create!
(read more: the full list of prompts written out! with links or definitions to any prompts we thought might be confusing!)
Secret Relationship
Mistaken Identity
Accidental Ownership (Character A accidentally ends up the owner of Character B)
Space Western Setting
Marriage Before Love
Time Loop
Wound Tending
"This is our get-along shirt."
Mutual Pining
Forced Proximity
Outsider Point of View
Monster F*ing (censored in the image)
Foodservice Setting
Meet Cute
"Keep your dog on a leash."
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement
Love Requited Too Late
Bottom Storage (or however you feel like interpreting it!)
Werewolf/Shifter Character
Fake Relationship
Reciprocal Idiots (like idiots to lovers, or however else you feel like interpreting it!)
There Was Only One Bed
OMG They Were Roommates
Homoerotic Swordfighting
Free day!
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rainbowfic · 29 days
“My nightmares are usually about losing you. I’m okay once I realize you’re here.”
— Suzanne Collins
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rainbowfic · 1 month
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Torino, Italy
Source unknown
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rainbowfic · 1 month
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-Murtagh Morzansson
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rainbowfic · 1 month
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Maxfield Parrish - At Close of Day (1941)
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rainbowfic · 1 month
Write a piece about someone who should have died, but didn't
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rainbowfic · 1 month
One Night Stand Prompts
by creativepromptsforwriting | do not repost
Person A is not a kiss and tell kind of person, so their friends start to think that they have been alone for way too long now and set them up with Person B. What the friends don’t know is that they both already know each other – intimately.
It was supposed to be a one night stand. Then it became a second night. A third - and suddenly they realized that they had never left.
Person A normally does not go out to clubs. They normally don't accept drinks from strangers or dance with them. And they normally do not go home with them.
Remembering every last inch on Person B's body is not a weird thing, just because they only hooked up that one time. They had just been very thorough. And now the memories are haunting them. In the best way.
Person A's last one night stand ended with a misunderstanding and a lot of awkwardness. To cheer them up again, their friends set them up with a blind date. They meant well, it’s not their fault that it’s the person they had previously slept with.
Person A's friends are obsessed with setting them up with blind dates, and A knows they mean well, but they are just not interested in dating, so they just ask their last blind date and one night stand, Person B, to fake date them, so A's friends stop setting them up.
Can you still call it a one night stand if they actually already had one years ago?
Person A had never had a one night stand before, so they don't know what the correct etiquette is. They are currently bringing breakfast to Person B, who is still in bed, because that's the polite thing to do, right?
What is the worst thing that can happen when you have someone in your bed that you just had an amazing night with? Your parents deciding to pay you a visit, who are just so excited to meet your new partner.
Person A and Person B are in a committed relationship and very happy. So happy that they decide adding a third person for just one night won't change anything.
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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rainbowfic · 1 month
You are a shapeshifter who has secretly taken on many fake villain personas across the world. Your goal is to fight each hero you meet with a persona that embodies said hero’s worst traits, forcing them to change for the better in order to defeat you.
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rainbowfic · 1 month
would your oc ever admit to being wrong?
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rainbowfic · 1 month
"only wanna be with you" - ways of subtley showing love
prompt list by @novelbear
being able to lay on them comfortably no matter the position.
feeding them snacks from over your shoulder
playing. with. their. hair.
"text me when you get home."
unconsciously smiling whenever they smile
letting them have a bite of food you're preparing
^ then doing that thing where you're holding your hand under their chin just in case something falls/drips :(((
making a big deal out of any dish they make for you, eating every last bite.
breakfast in bed.
"you look gorgeous. stunning. jaw-dropping. breathtaking. do you see what i'm trying to get at?"
holding hands while walking
when others can tell you're in love (or really care abt one another) just from the way you stare at each other
helping fix/adjust their clothes a little before they leave
sending each other little selfies or pictures throughout the day when they're apart
being able to sit/work in a comfortable silence
napping together
taking their hand and slowly guiding them to the other side of the sidewalk (away from the road)
"have you eaten today?"
massages whenever they seem stressed
that little panicked reach for them (ready to catch them at all costs) if they trip ever so slightly
hugs from behind and gentle kisses on the shoulder >>>
"i've got this, you go rest."
wiping crumbs (or whatever's left of what they may be eating) from the corners of their mouth
random "i love you"s just for the reminder
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rainbowfic · 2 months
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rainbowfic · 2 months
prompt 2422
Words associated with libraries:
Dewey Decimal System
date stamp
card catalog
borrower's card
rare book room
book jacket
wait list
check out
book drop
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rainbowfic · 2 months
« True gardeners cannot bear a glove Between the sure touch and the tender root, Must let their hands grow knotted as they move With a rough sensitivity about Under the earth, between the rock and shoot, Never to bruise or wound the hidden fruit. And so I watched my mother's hands grow scarred, She who could heal the wounded plant or friend With the same vulnerable yet rigorous love; I minded once to see her beauty gnarled, But now her truth is given me to live, As I learn for myself we must be hard To move among the tender with an open hand, And to stay sensitive up to the end Pay with some toughness for a gentle world. »
— May Sarton, "An Observation"
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rainbowfic · 2 months
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rainbowfic · 2 months
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Forest afternoon's light.
Hokkaido, Japan.
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