raw-musing · 5 years
Raw Musings.
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I thoroughly ravish moments of driving alone. This period is usually the time where: calculated risks are weighed, where my deepest thoughts are processed and even a slight mental ping-pong game of whether or not I deserve ice cream. Musing is defined as a period of reflection or thought and it’s no new notion to believe that many of us have thoughts that may not always be heard or expressed freely. So begins this rawmusing journey of expressing unedited, raw, real life thoughts and reflections. 
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raw-musing · 5 years
Solo travel, its a thing.
It’s definitely a thing. While I love the traditional ways of adventuring I have become fond of something that takes guts, solo travelling. And, while I’m no expert, I have become somewhat of an advocate of hyping others to do the same. Here are some rawmusings that I hope will inspire others to do the same! 
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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going in groups to travel. However, if like me you love to enjoy and embrace moments of your adventures then this is one of many reasons you should do it. You have the ultimate freedom to do as you wish, walk your own pace and indulge in any decision you make because, only one person needs to make choices and that is you!  
Make new friendships 
It’s hard at first but it becomes the best part. You can make new friends with people from towns and places you’ve never heard of. And even better, your networking of people around the world expands and before you know it, You’re visiting your new friends in their local homeland. 
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I found out how I really liked my eggs when I went solo travelling. Isn’t that just ridiculously cool!? More then this is the opportunity for you to know the real you. Without the presence of others you learn to push yourself past your fears. And in moments of solitude you embark on an eye opening journey that you’ll never regret. 
Eating alone
Put down your smart phones and enjoy your meal. In my first few trips it was evident that I had a habit of scrolling and eating my food. Don’t do it. An advantage of eating in a local place is learning about the culture and its delicacies. It sparks conversations and in no time you’ll being learning intimate facts about your choice of travel!
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Solo travelling still requires planning and budgeting. Although it can be daunting, it’ll be the best adventure you’ll ever do for yourself, trust me. Happy Travelling! 
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raw-musing · 6 years
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raw-musing · 6 years
What I want my friends to know before they leave home.
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This blog post has been undergoing changes for about a week. Its been weighing on my mind and I think it’s rawness will either excite you in your preparation to “spread your wings” or help you realise that your situation is not, uncommon. If I had any advice to my friends before they leave home it would be this:
First, You are in a good place and you are amazing!  For a long time I thought that I had to be something “more” to feel complete and successful. I honestly felt that my life would be better in a different country. And to be totally honest its nice to be in a different place but, you’ll realise soon that your life is not as bad as your mind made it out to be.
Second, you are not a burden to your Parents. The consistent encouragement, however delivered, is always intended with love. Whether you’re a student trying to decide if your major is really for you, or just working on you, what better place to do it then your own home. I used to think I was a burden to my parents, but in all honestly they love you being there! So, figure it out talk to them and in return, listen to listen and not to respond.
You will miss your family, no doubt.  I would consider myself independent and maybe sometimes, a little too independent. My move to England quickly showed me how incredibly attached I am to my Family. (Not that I had to move across the globe to know that one). This is, hands down, the first time I’ve ever been H…homesick and I miss them terribly, technology doesn’t make up the difference but it helps.
Your relationship status doesn’t define your worth. Let’s address the elephant in the room haha I am 25 and Single & that’s absolutely okay! I made a silent choice on my mission that once I turned 25 it was time to move out and put all those “Home skills” to practice in a place of my own (with or without a ring on that finger). How does this relate to moving out? Well I don’t think the Lord wants us to be stagnant and wasting our days away waiting for someone to sweep us of our feet. You have to live your own life, do what you love and be actively engaged in life skills that will make you a better…you :)
Tables will turn and you will  be calling your parents all the time. haha My poor Mum & Dad get calls at all odd hours of the morning. You often take for granted the people that are always in your presence and I kick myself everyday for not spending that little more time with them. On the other hand If you really feel like change (leaving home) might be of benefit to you, then let them know. Be honest and open with your Parents tell them how you really feel. And be open to their suggestions, counsel and advice. No one else on earth will love you more then they will.
Don’t get me wrong. Spreading my wings has brought me so much adventures but it also has brought challenges and obstacles. However, It is in these very moments of challenge that I have been able to grow as a person. Life is what we make of it and if we do it right, we have nothing to worry about.
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raw-musing · 6 years
We need to intentionally stop to be with God more than once a day so that practicing the presence of God becomes real in our lives.
The basic premise of the Daily Office |  Peter Scazzero (via his-unfailinglove)
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raw-musing · 7 years
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Minnehaha Falls #aboutaweekago 
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raw-musing · 7 years
People that give you good vibes, keep them in your life.
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raw-musing · 7 years
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raw-musing · 7 years
6.3.17 things im grateful for
hill walks with Suli a friend to always confide in my seminary kids being honest with peoples feelings butterchicken  driving alone fairy lights gratitude lists a beautiful day my yw necklace having no debt life.
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raw-musing · 7 years
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Getting lost in jungles
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raw-musing · 7 years
2.3.17 Happy list
shopping with Dad good company chinese food dates! dose of siblings clear skin genuine laughter being of service to people driving alone the rain
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raw-musing · 7 years
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Eye candy? No thanks.
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raw-musing · 7 years
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raw-musing · 7 years
1.03.17 Grateful for
my seminary student dropped of breakfast it was the sweetest! quiet library sessions ability to read and discover  imagination and inspiration pay day people who are understanding creating home decor bits orders arriving on time the ability to feel loved
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raw-musing · 7 years
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Nature in a frame. 
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raw-musing · 7 years
28.02.17 Grateful for
a roof over my head moments of silence parents who are supportive  all my limbs my seminary kids eyes that can see beauty & depth a bed to sleep in music that inspires music that makes me feel people that inspire  ability to hear  plans and goals dad for always allowing imagination prayers, alot of it too social media for international catch ups Life, just life in general...
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raw-musing · 7 years
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