recoveryouidiot · 3 years
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
not been posting lately! sorry!
stuff that happened while I was gone:
MAXED OUT on Candito: squat 72.5 kg (<2.5kg), DL 90 kg (+2.5 kg), sumo DL 95 kg (+5 kg), BENCH 45 kg (+2.5 kg). not great but not terrible. squats in particular were hard this time around, so decided to...
START Candito again, got to week 2 before...
LOCKDOWN meant that I had to do a bodyweight program. Ran a 5 week program by The Strength Guys (4x/week full-body), and...
ADDED +8 to my push-up max (16->24) and +1 to chin-ups (2->3)
Finally, I’m also running more.Well on my way - in fact slightly over - my goal to run an average of a 1 mile a day this year. 37% there at present.
Now I have a kettlebell, so I’ll be starting Barbell Medicine’s 8 week ‘minimal equipment’ program until my gym opens back up. Just hoping to maintain as much strength as possible so I can get back into powerlifting.
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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Do you like to workout alone? Or with a friend? I personally prefer to work out alone.
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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Oke Poke: Pomona, CA.
Chipotle style poke bowl for only $8~
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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Creamy Coconut Curry Lentils with Spinach
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
week 4 (acclimation week) of Candito went generally well! I reduced my max for the second lower body day & the squats went better than hoped for, despite having the beginnings of a migraine when I turned up. pretty surreal to be doing so little volume, but it was just two sets (67.5x3, 70 kg x2) of squats, two sets of deadlifts (82.5kg x3, 85 kg x1 + a cheeky extra sumo rep, easy peasy), and accessories (3x 8-12 Bulgarian split squats, 3x8 box jumps. and abs!). I was really grateful to have my lower body accessories back. my squats are still wonky at their worst, so I feel that unilateral work is essential for me.
upper body is feeling a lot easier than lower body, and I’m cautiously optimistic about how much I can add to my 1RM on this program. I think the insane volume I was doing before wasn’t working because it was all in one workout - stuff spread across the week seems a bit more efficient. what I DON’T love is all the upper accessory volume this program has me doing. right now it’s isolateral rows, OHP, and chin-ups at 4x 8-10 rep ranges. one woman was never supposed to overhead press this much. I skip all the optional stuff (!).
this week (starting today, because my scheduling is weird) is heavy weight acclimation week! this is basically a week of practicing very heavy weights at a 1-4 rep range so I can estimate maxes for testing in week 6. I’m again cautiously optimistic and just hope I’m well-fuelled, well-rested etc. to make the best possible gains. my partner has very kindly offered to come and spot me for week 6, even though he hates the gym - I feel very loved/grateful for him. :)
OTHER STUFF: I’ve been a bit rubbish about running this week, given the weather and also being generally tired. was supposed to run on thursday, got up from my nap to go, stayed up late waiting to leave...didn’t go. same thing happened on friday. I eventually ditched the plans and said I’d do my week’s seven miles all on Sunday, which I’m looking forward to - except there are 50 mph gales forecast. :( gotta get the miles in somehow, though...
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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Iceland | by Luke Stackpoole
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
(frustrated) update
argh! anxiety strikes again.
today I had such a simple workout programmed. squat 70 kg x 4-6 (1 set!), then deficit deads x8 (1 set). since I had a shitty workout on the first day of the program, I’ve been reducing the working weights by 2.5 kg if I need to. that takes me to 67.5 kg x4-6, but I figured since it was easier than it ‘should’ be, I’d go for 6.
I totally overcaffeinated before the gym and ended up really anxious, short of breath etc. by the time I got there, I was spacing out a lot. I warmed up next to two bros who are really loud and distracting - it was nearly 3am, but they kept looking over. I did 1 rep, thought someone was staring, lost my cool. thought I’d go again. I do 4 reps, I think it’s not as hard as it could be, the cleaner comes up behind me to hoover the platform. I completely lose it and re-rack. I even thought to myself as I was re-racking, “why did I do that?”. I really think I had the extra reps in me but I was just too self-conscious and anxious to get it. I did the bare minumum - maybe less - and walked out frustrated. anything over 4 reps at 67.5 kg would have been a PR, but I was spooked too easily. just did one extra rep at 67.5 kg, nice and deep, to prove to myself that it isn’t that heavy. and it really isn’t! I just get so scared at heavier weights if it’s anything more than a single. I hope I don’t get this psyched out on the heavy days later in the program.
deficit deads were fine, relatively light (70 kg) x8. maybe even ran them too light. accessories supposedly are not allowed, but I felt bad so I did a basic 2:16 plank. might run today too. very annoyed at the outcome of today.
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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Enough tumblr for today. Goodnight world sweet dreams 🌎💕
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
I have been absolute garbage at updating. Sorry.
Started Candito 6 wk on the 18th of Jan. I’m now into week 3 of the program, coming off the higher volume/low rest conditioning weeks and into lifting heavier weights. So far, I think it has been going reasonably well. I missed one upper body workout, but I think I’m getting on better with lower volume/higher frequency upper body workouts. The workouts feel easier, but so do the heavier weights! In terms of lower body...embarrassingly, I was adding so much volume to the linear program that the ‘high volume’ 6 wk workouts are actually a few hundred kg less. Yikes. Moving into the linear max-OT phase: I find heavier weight squats mentally pretty rough, but I’m hoping to get through that this week and psychologically acclimate myself to the intensity. It’s a trip being so starved of accessory work and deadlift volume, but I’ll work through those emotions (muh glute pump) after I complete the 6 weeks. Weds this week has 1 set squats, 1 set deadlifts, and no accessories. ?????????????
What’s next? Hit some rep PRs so far, which has been good for confidence - I like to see the graph go up. Just hoping for some weight PRs by the end of this. After that...? Not sure. Might repeat or do a hypertrophy block, depending on how round my glutes are feeling on that particular day.
Other stuff: Balancing running with this program has been rough, as I have wanted to keep my legs as fresh as possible for upcoming high intensity squats. I’m trying for 7 miles/week at the moment (less than last year’s paltry 10 mi/week, even) as it fits into an arbitrary ‘mile a day’. I’m still just about hitting those targets, but it’s not easy to balance with powerlifting when I really enjoy 1hr+ runs. As for mobility or acro....lol. I could definitely afford to work on that more. Feeling overstretched in a different way now, though, so it’s on the backburner for a bit.
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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recoveryouidiot · 4 years
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15012019. biology biology biology.
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