remuspoet · 3 months
Tumblr media
header made by me.
if you end up responding, give credit to @fieldowarner on twitter.
0 notes
remuspoet · 3 months
Tumblr media
header made by me.
if you end up responding, give credit to @fieldowarner on twitter.
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remuspoet · 3 months
oi, gente! tudo bem? eu já tenho tumblr faz um bom tempo, mas recentemente quis entrar mais nesse ramo de postagens. seja coisas de header, bios, rpg, pack e entre outras coisas! ficaria bastante agradecida se puderem dar rt, caso não goste disso, pode ser um coração! não tem problema, vai me ajudar da mesma forma. 💗
obrigada a quem leu até aqui e se cuidem, bebam água e faça o bem! :)
hey guys! all good? I've had Tumblr for a long time, but recently I wanted to get more into this area of ​​posting. be it header, bios, rpg, pack and other things! i would be very grateful if you could give an RT, if you don't like this, it could be a heart! no problem, it will help me in the same way. 💗
thank you to those who have read this far and take care of yourself, drink water and do good! :)
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