salooverall · 1 year
Being a minority vegan is such a double edged sword on this hellsite.
Leftists apparently “give a shit” when my minority status is brought up in a negative light (I’m using myself as a Jewish person, as an example).
But suddenly when my veganism comes into play and how it has stemmed from and tied with my Judaism and overall ethics/morality…suddenly what I have to say doesn’t matter.
(This is aside from the fact that much like with many movements, leftism has an antisemitism problem much like it has its own race, class, ableist, etc problems.)
I am an “uwu person to be protected” to suddenly becoming “as bad as Xtian colonialists” because of my lifestyle…
…because using decades of data about how animal agriculture is affecting animals, humans and the planet is on par with Xtians colonizing, brutalizing, force converting, killing, and other heinous things to non-Xtians in the name of a deity we cannot prove exists.
So yeah, I do take offense to that. You are telling me that because I abstain from *provable violence* to lessen my impact on the earth as a whole, that I am just as bad as *people who would want me dead for being a Jew*.
I need y’all, especially Xtian anti-vegans, to make it make sense. Because it doesn’t. And you can’t.
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salooverall · 1 year
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Spirit: Stallion of The Cimarron & the Indian Boarding Schools/Residential Schools allegory
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salooverall · 1 year
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So one of my tweets kinda blew up. :v
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salooverall · 1 year
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salooverall · 1 year
basically, i think the general rule of thumb is: if someone REALLY wants the blood that’s inside of your body, and they’re like… a vampire, or a dracula, or some sort of mansquito, then that’s probably okay. a dracula and a mansquito are made for removing things like blood and swords from inside your body. that’s basically fine.
if something wants to get at your blood, and they’re, say, some kind of murdersaurus, or maybe a really big frog, that’s where the problems start to arise. a really frog is not made for removing blood, and your blood knows this, which is why it is so vehement about wanting to stay IN your body instead of coming out. 
unfortunately this will not deter a really big frog, because a really big frog is full of things like prizes, and value, and quite a lot of hatred, and it would REALLY rather like to replace any and all of those things with your blood, and basically by any means possible.
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salooverall · 1 year
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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salooverall · 1 year
A massive grouper (toilet on the left for scale) 
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salooverall · 1 year
The spectacle around the Depp trial is being called a large-scale backlash to the MeToo movement, and I don’t disagree — but this is uniquely terrifying because I don’t think the mainstream MeToo movement was ever actually materially effective in the first place. In Walter Benjamin’s essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, he writes that an oppressive structure “sees its salvation” in allowing the masses to express themselves freely in lieu of granting them their rights. Similarly, the mainstream MeToo movement offered temporary catharsis in place of systemic change; Hollywood play-acted a revolution so that its men could keep up their abuse unscathed. There is something phenomenally painful in watching a material backlash erupt in response to a movement that was never allowed to be anything more than aesthetic. Now that the state of discourse has moved forward without bringing women’s material conditions with it, men like Johnny Depp are able to benefit from violent systemic misogyny while posturing themselves as radical, anti-establishment activists. Recent events are not so much a pendulum swing as they are a pendulum being repeatedly beaten in one direction for fear it might one day gain a centimetre of ground.
-Rayne Fisher-Quann, "who's afraid of amber heard? abuse, aesthetics, and assigning deviance to difficult women"
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salooverall · 1 year
thinking about the time they sent me a seven year old autistic patient to investigate if he was suffering abuse because in every psychological test he kept drawing awful monsters
and I start the consultation already miserable as fuck and I give the kid some pen and paper so I can maybe communicate and see what's on his mind
turns out the kid just had a special interest in Five Nights at Freddy's
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salooverall · 1 year
im so protective of wasps. like okay they dont make honey for people to take and they need space, not every being has to bow down to us.
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salooverall · 1 year
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Take a look at the pictures above. It’s actually the same Roe deer/rådjur (a doe I’m well familiar with) on both pictures. The first picture was taken in June (shortly after she gave birth to her two fawns) and the second one in January. You see, it’s all about survival. During the long winter when it’s hard to find food, the deer need to rely on its fat reserves. She spent the fall eating as much as she possibly could, and that - in combination with a thicker winter fur - is why she is so round and full figured during a big part of the winter season. It is also very likely that she is pregnant, as the gestation period for a roe deer is 10 months. Anyway, I think she is adorable in every season and I can’t wait to see the next generation of roe deers in June. 
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salooverall · 1 year
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the american woodcock is a member of the shorebird family (scolopacidae) that inhabits the eastern portion of north america. beloved as both a prized gamebird and considered a symbol of spring due to their elegant courtship flights during the breeding season, the american woodcock is known by many unusual names, including ‘timberdoodle’ and ‘bogsucker’. the males of this species are known for unique bobbing courtship dances along with flight displays during the breeding season. the sexes appear similar as far as coloration, but females are notably larger. this species feeds primarily on earthworms, but will also probe the dirt with their long bills for other invertebrates, such as centipedes. despite being a member of the shorebird family, they primarily inhabit young forests or brushy habitats where they are easily camouflaged.
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salooverall · 1 year
when people talk about quote unquote “antis” and try to ascribe the belief that fetishizing abuse is wrong to some low-brow absorption of unquestioned social norms, it’s really ridiculous, because if you would actually log off and take a look at the world around you, you would realize that it is in fact your belief system that is largely encouraged.
we live in a world that at best turns a blind eye to and at worst encourages and fetishizes rape, incest, and paedophilia. take a look at the list of celebrities who signed a petition in support of woody allen. go back through the tiktoks about the depp/heard trial and see how many people- even women- were moaning over audio of amber heard describing her assault and saying they wished it had happened to them. look at porn blogs and websites and whatnot and see how many of them have “daddy” kinks or depict sex between step-family. read about matt gaetz and other gop members whose fetishization of teenage girls has gone unquestioned or even supported by their followers. sammy guevara talked about wanting to rape sasha banks and he still has a job while she had to sit down and explain to the grown ass man who said he wanted to rape her that it wasn’t okay to say those things. look at how many men in hollywood have allegations against them, and how many of those men still have a job. hell, just look at the way people talk about sex workers and you’ll find almost all of these things in one place!
the world already caters to your belief system. the world already devalues survivors and encourages blind fetishization of children and abuse. you pretending that criticism of these things is oppression and tying your obsession with them to your kweer identity (a selfish thing to do when “groomer” rhetoric is getting your fellows killed!) does not change any of this.
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salooverall · 1 year
AI-generated Christmas entities
I wondered what kinds of new Christmas entities might result if I gave a list of Krampus, Rudolph, The Yule Cat, and Meathook (one of the Yule Lads; not as terrifying as he sounds) and short descriptions to GPT-3, a neural net trained on internet text. New Christmas entities, perhaps, for our modern age?
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Bonus content and email subscription options at aiweirdness.com
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salooverall · 1 year
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# iconic
THE WHITE LOTUS | Arrivederci (2.07)
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salooverall · 1 year
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salooverall · 1 year
Why Hecate is the goddess of liminal places
Hecate is a liminal goddess, the deity of boundaries and borders. While most people know Hecate as the “goddess of crossroads”, this was merely one the places/objects dedicated to her. City walls, doorways and entrances were also linked to her - the human-made borders and liminal spaces. She was both the protector of the house/city/country, refusing to let evil spirits or negative entities enter a protected area, as much as she was the goddess that allowed one to cross frontiers, to travel and go in other realms. She is after all not just a goddess of geographical liminality, but also of metaphysical liminality.
Hecate is a goddess belonging to the underworld and the afterlife. The key she holds in her hands are as much the keys of city doors as they are of the doors of death. Guardian of the roads and the journeys, she also helps beings in their travel either from the living world to the underworld (as a psychopomp) but also from the realm of the dead to the one of the living (she was the goddess of ghosts). Her torch is the light that guides in the night, and that people follow in their travel between the worlds, between life and death. She was as much the ruler of the undead as a mother goddess presiding over birth. 
Between the Olympian, the new gods of order and civilization, and the Titans, old gods of chaos and nature, she was also the goddess of magic and sorcery. Worshipped by witches, she was also linked to what the Greek called the “pharmakoi” - the main art of the Greek witches, and what made them witches. Pharmakos, pharmakoi, is a word that is ambiguous and in-between, just like Hecate. It is a drug and a potion, but it can be as much the healing medecine as the harmful poison. Life and death, reunited as one - this is the essence of Hecate. 
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