secretairesuite · 4 years
A short clip taken from an old, awful playthrough of BATIM that I tried recording back in 2017.  People keep asking me about this since I first speculated on it, but doesn’t that look like blood along the left wall–particularly where it meets the ceiling–and on the floor below the back of the chair in the foreground?  I only bring this up because the color is definitely different compared to the strong blacks and yellow-browns that follow the rest of the game’s aesthetic. On my screen, it appears as a dull red, and even on a different system, it still looks that way to me.  Not many people seem to talk about this, and it probably doesn’t hold any weight given all of the updates the game has gone through since I recorded this, but I’d love to hear people’s thoughts.         
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secretairesuite · 4 years
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The Secretaire Suite turned 1 today!
Hard to believe it’s been a year since I started this blog.  It’s been neat working with these characters and the ideas around them. 
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secretairesuite · 4 years
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Tried playing around with different ideas for Ink Camille. What I first tried and ended up looping back to in the end was something of a cross between Camille’s “complete” look and a Lost One.  Her legs are disjointed, almost like a quadruped's, and she’s very skeletal.  Her hands still have five fingers instead of four like her cartoon self; thin, long, and pointed.  Her feather is torn up in sections and seems to perpetually bleed ink. Reminds me a little bit of Nightmare Marionette, but smh.
Camille has actually been in this state once, but doesn’t remember much of anything about her time this way beyond anger and other strong flashes of emotion.
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secretairesuite · 4 years
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From Caleb to Evelyn through a not-so-willing middleman. Not all co-workers get along.
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secretairesuite · 4 years
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A lost message tucked away in a spare room on Level S.
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secretairesuite · 4 years
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A note between after-hour employees. 
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secretairesuite · 4 years
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A letter from the Marketing Department
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secretairesuite · 5 years
🍐 🍊 Fruit Headcanons🍊🍐
Apple: Something my muse is always trying to learn
Banana: A craving my muse has frequently?
Cherry: Something my muse is good at but modest about
Currents: What makes my muse feel trapped?
Fig: Something my muse sees as forbidden but still desires
Grapes: What would my muse want as a reward for hard work?
Lemon: Something in my muses life that went sour
Orange: What small things in life make my muse happy?
Peach: If my muse was immortal what would they do with their time?
Pear: Something my muse wouldn't want to be separated from
Pineapple: How does my muse handle long-term relationships?
Plum: What are five things that make my muse happy?
Pomegranate: A place my muse will always keep returning to
Raspberries: A fact about my muses love life
Strawberry: What things entice my muse?
Tangerine: Something that gives my muse extra energy
((Opening this up for any of the OCs))
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secretairesuite · 5 years
Happy Halloween, everyone!!
So, I’ve been working on these lyrics since about August, but it took me until recently when I found the song again to actually finish them and go “Oh yeah! This would be neat to release around the holidays!  Been a while since I’ve sung anything: Might as well give it a try!”  ….And then I forgot the part where I didn’t give myself much room to breathe between lines and am terrible at editing songs.  :,,D   
Yeah though, this was a fun, little side project to do, even if I ended up having to do a lot of it last minute.  Lyrics and a link to the original track will be available in the video description for whoever wants to see them.  Thank you, Victor McKnight, for this awesome opportunity for the BATIM fanbase!  Everyone, if you haven’t, please check him out!
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secretairesuite · 5 years
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it
?+ add your own.
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secretairesuite · 5 years
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Toby Ticket Moodboard
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secretairesuite · 5 years
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Mike Czech Moodboard
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secretairesuite · 5 years
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Camille Quille (BATIM) Moodboard
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secretairesuite · 5 years
Hey, guys, I have some bad news. In short, my files got overwritten and I lost a bunch of work. I’m going to have to redraw everything just to make it up.  I know ORIGINS has been on a long hiatus already before, but I’m just going to be honest with you: I can’t keep this up.  This isn’t me complaining: This is me being perfectly frank at this point because I get a ton of people asking me for updates to comics, or for more fanart, or for a new chapter to a story, but aren’t actually willing to support any of it.  Because of this, I’m also closing my ask blogs and will need to halt my other comics for the time being.  I might do some fanart just to relax in the future, but I need to earn a living.  
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secretairesuite · 5 years
Caught in the Reel
Joey Drew was startled from his inward musings when the door to his office swung open with a resounding bang and the fiery woman stormed in—practically slamming a thin stack of papers on his desk.  The momentary silence he had indulged himself in was replaced by the fumbling, nervous squawks of his secretary standing behind her and the awkward murmurs of the managerial officers creeping out of their offices to see the fuss.  Over the past few months, such had become a common source of entertainment for them.  Though for Joey, it had become an all too regular source of irritation…   
The only thing that surprised him was to see which of his disgruntled employees stood before him this time: Evelyn Cropper, one of the art department’s inkers.  If it hadn’t been for her long-standing presence in the studio, he wouldn’t have even bothered to know her name.  Despite her low-tier placement, she had earned herself bit of a… reputation, for being a hard-case.  Signing-on with the company at a young age, she poured herself into her job and took a no-nonsense stance toward her fellow coworkers.  Any sign of incompetence was regarded by her with open disdain.
He knew she hated him. He didn’t care for her either—as a matter of fact, practically everyone in the company thought she was an ice queen—but that didn’t make her any less valuable an employee. “Evie!” he greeted, feigning sweetness as he waved to one of two leather-bond chairs across from him. “It’s been a long time! What are these you’ve dropped off here? Delivery from the art department?”
She didn’t accept his offer, instead standing like a cold monolith before him with her arms folded across her chest. “It’s my resignation,” she seemed to growl, “Maybe you’d know that two weeks ago if the director had actually passed on it to HR! Instead, I’m still getting calls to come back with new assignments mailed to my doorstep!”
Of course she was still getting them.  If anything, he expected her to be getting even more than the usual load.  He had ordered the “slip-up.”  Hiring new employees to replace those who had quit wasn’t an unusual practice, but there had been a massive decline in staff recently and the hiring pool was low. To any would-be quitters, the “mistake” was their chance to rethink their decision, be it from an actual passion for their work or from the fear of having nothing else to turn to. It didn’t always work, but there were some who—despite everything—came back around in the end.
Evelyn herself was a prime example.  If she really wanted to quit, then she wouldn’t be standing in front of him now: She’d ignore every message, like so many others did, and take her time finding a new job.  Instead, every call from the company mocked her decision.  She couldn’t properly leave or even wanted to, not in her own mind. She belonged to the studio.
And that was the one thing he actually did like about her. “Come now, Evie: Why all the fuss?” Pushing himself up from his desk, he strode over to the door and closed it shut behind them after shooing away the secretary with a relaxed, confident air. Joey looked back at the inker and held his hands out in an all-encompassing gesture.  “You know you’re one of our best girls.  Our studio family just wouldn’t feel quite like home without you.”  
The art department would probably be a lot quieter, to start…
“Oh yeah? Well, a cardboard box isn’t gonna feel quite like home either when I get kicked out on the streets because you won’t pay me on time!” she spat, fuming, “I can’t take this anymore, Drew! You know I can find work anywhere else!”
If anyone was willing to put up with her sour attitude, yes, she could.  She performed well, a workaholic to a fault.  Evelyn was the sort to push overtime just to match a cel to perfection and would even do the work of some of the other inkers if she thought it wasn’t good enough.  While some of the more prideful girls had taken insult to the fact others had taken advantage of it, shifting their own load onto her without a second thought.  Now it was his turn to use that dedication against her. “You could get married too,” he added with a light shrug and a devil-may-care grin, “then you wouldn’t have to worry about being the breadwinner ever again, but I think we both know that’s not what you want.”
Ambition: It was a trait they both shared, the one thing that kept a mutual respect between them. She could bark all she liked about missing a paycheck or two, or about whatever the nuisance she found from the studio’s rapid changes, but not once had she ever complained about his lofty goals for the company.  Probably because she had a few of her own.  Joey could read them in her conflicted gaze now in the momentary lapse of silence that followed as she fought to answer him with another of her sharp quips.        
“You’ve always been loyal to this place: The last thing I’d want to do is hold you back from moving on to greener pastures,” he continued before she could come up with her reply. “I’m just a little upset to see you pass up the assignment, after how much you’ve grown with us…”
“Which assignment?”
There lay the bait. He blinked up at her in innocent bewilderment, “We’ve needed a few new character artists to handle some of the upcoming cartoons.  You already have plenty of experience drawing the gang: I was told you were moving upstairs.”
Suspicion nevertheless glistened in Evelyn’s eyes.  Her mouth drew even further into a firm line.  “No one said anything to me about that…”
“Ah,” he murmured, “Well, as you can imagine, the workload hasn’t been easy for anyone lately.  I’m sure the director just got distracted.” He paced around his desk once more, and pulling the papers over to him.   Joey watched the grip on her own arms tighten, the muscles hidden underneath her sweater tensing at the action.  He hid back a smile.  
“People wouldn’t be leaving in the first place if you actually bothered to pay anyone on time anymore,” she shot back.
“No need to reminded me: I already hear it enough from Grant,” he replied.  Inside, his blood broiled at her continued antics, but he kept up the act. “Anyway, if you won’t reconsider, I’ll have someone take your resignation to HR later.” Leaning forward, he offered to shake her hand, “I hope you’ll at least keep in touch with us.  It’s been a pleasure having you on the team.”
A hardened stone formed in his chest from mild shock when she took his hand without hesitating; gave it one, firm shake; and began to depart. “A pleasure,” she said in a curt reply that was more out of a curtesy than anything.  With that, she disappeared behind the door.
A week later, Evelyn was adjusting to her new job.  She sat in a meeting with a small group of artists and animators going over the details of their next cartoon—a sketchbook in her lap with drawings of Bendy sprawled across its pages.        
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secretairesuite · 5 years
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I’ve been thinking for a long while now about what Camille’s transformations would look like, particularly because I’m planning on having her and the many of the other Secretaire Suite characters in some independent, original stories as well, so these are just some things I’m really considering.  My first idea that I lean heaviest toward is a steel look, where her body becomes solid metal. This transformation would come with a set of bladed attacks, such as her arms extending into wicked swords, twirling in place to send out a barrage of feather-like daggers, and a rolling-charge that allows her to take the form of a saw blade.  I like this best because it focuses less on her design as her actual character and more on this dangerous monolith of metal, like her person is stripped away to leave only a living weapon behind.
The second design, which I’m calling her “gold and brass” form, I think I’ll keep solely for Camille as she exists as a Cuphead oc.  It just doesn’t fit when taking her actual personality into account, which–for the sake of this design specifically–was really the point: It just doesn’t work if I’m going to do more with the Secretaire Suit by itself in the future… minus some dark territory with which I’d still make adjustments, such as with the eyes, but even then, storywise, I don’t see it working. This coloration was geared specifically in relation to Camille’s soul contract. With her steel form as the forerunner for what’s planned for her, this second form is how she would look when under the Devil’s control.  With her poise and beauty as a dancer, that was kept, but all essence of the sweet girl that was there is removed. Camille’s a genuinely good person: She would rather jump into a pit of fire than hurt anyone, so being controlled and placed in a situation to lure future debtors would be worse than killing her. Somewhere inside, she’d be trying to fight and would keep at it until she either turned into a complete puppet or her sanity finally broke.  This form would also come with its own, altered attacks–such as allowing her to transform into a giant scorpion creature. 
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secretairesuite · 5 years
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Continuing from this:  https://secretairesuite.tumblr.com/post/184937906157/continuation-of-this-might-as-well-make-something
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