selinamayfield · 2 years
Hello! I’m not dead! I am however currently looking for a beta reader for an Eddie Munson series I’ve started writing (about 10 minutes ago). It will be awhile before publication / even the complete final draft of the first chapter, but if I could get someone early on that would be brilliant! Thanking you all! So far, it will be titled ‘In A Letter’.
(A small clarification, it has no relation towards Max’s ‘omg I’m gonna die’ letters, I promise)
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selinamayfield · 2 years
Freak has me in a chokehold-
I love our boyfriends, and you write them deliciously-
I’d be interested in being tagged in anything you post for them 🖤🤘🏻🦇
haha thank you so much! i will keep ya updated, hoping to plan out and write a sole Eddie fic in the next coming weeks if I get around to it, so stay posted darling! 🦇🦇
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selinamayfield · 2 years
me sleeping peacefully at night after i just spent the whole day reading and writing the most disgusting, vile smut about fictional men
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selinamayfield · 2 years
me resting knowing I’ve come full circle with fanfic writing. first ever fanfic I wrote was called the babysitter’s club wayyy back before series 3 and it was a steve/reader and it was shit. now my billy/eddie/reader fic is my first one to reach almost 2000 hits on ao3 😭 if little me could see me now she would be deeply disturbed by the filthy shit I decide to write.
anyways… Steve lovers… I ain’t neglecting you. Steve smut on the way 🫣
(also singular Billy & Eddie smut because I love the ppl who read my fics sm you deserve it)
Also, might make a tag list? Dunno if anybody would be interested lol
Also send requests, they’re open babies. That’s all to add xo
hear me out, Billy and Eddie 3some 👀
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Unfortunately, you had a reputation.
That reputation miraculously led you into the trailer of Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson. But, the shocking fact - you were in Eddie Munson’s bed getting fuuucked by Billy Hargrove.
“Baby, c’mon,” This time, Billy’s authorative commentary was directed towards you, as he stood over you like he owned the air that you breathed, fuck, what had you gotten yourself into. You slowly rose yourself so you were at an eye level to the bulge that had grown in Billy’s oh-so-tight jeans, matching with his denim jacket - you and Eddie wanted nothing more than to rip it off of him, but you both knew that wasn’t happening anytime soon. Maybe if you were patient, like he often reminded the pair of you.
(ive never wrote f/m/m before, I usually write f/f/m, so I’m just gonna drop this here and run. I really wish it was longer lol. toodaloo my love! thanks for the request!
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selinamayfield · 2 years
hear me out, Billy and Eddie 3some 👀
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Unfortunately, you had a reputation.
That reputation miraculously led you into the trailer of Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson. But, the shocking fact - you were in Eddie Munson’s bed getting fuuucked by Billy Hargrove.
“Baby, c’mon,” This time, Billy’s authorative commentary was directed towards you, as he stood over you like he owned the air that you breathed, fuck, what had you gotten yourself into. You slowly rose yourself so you were at an eye level to the bulge that had grown in Billy’s oh-so-tight jeans, matching with his denim jacket - you and Eddie wanted nothing more than to rip it off of him, but you both knew that wasn’t happening anytime soon. Maybe if you were patient, like he often reminded the pair of you.
(ive never wrote f/m/m before, I usually write f/f/m, so I’m just gonna drop this here and run. I really wish it was longer lol. toodaloo my love! thanks for the request!
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selinamayfield · 2 years
。・゚゚・ navigation ・゚゚・。
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hello there! my name is selinamayfield, and I’m an aspiring writer currently going into my first year of college. I’m a big fan of female characters, and I’m using this blog to share all of my works that get posted onto ao3. feel free to hop along on my adventures ;)
- Marvel (Comics + MCU)
(inc. X-Men)
- DC (Comics + DCEU)
- Stranger Things
- Star Wars
- Power Rangers
These are some characters that I currently have a lot of inspiration for (but not exclusively), feel free to request anything at anytime from any of my fandoms, but please keep in mind that my updates are slow and I can’t guarantee I’ll write them, especially if they’re not including down below. I will try to at least use them all as little drabbles for inspo, no matter who they are!
- Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson
- Adrian Chase, Selina Kyle
- Wanda Maximoff, Matt Murdock, Felicia Hardy
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Jason Lee Scott
(i am especially going through a st4 / dacre phase)
and pretty standard, I refuse to write incest, non-con, beastiality, or pregnancy / breeding (that’s just a me thing).
smut, threesomes, etc… they’re all on the table!
want an example of my work? you’re nasty!
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selinamayfield · 2 years
help somebody quick give me ideas / prompts for an Adrian Chase fanfic you’ve always wanted someone to write
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selinamayfield · 2 years
me publishing works for dead fandoms - it’s more likely than you think.
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selinamayfield · 3 years
Y/N: I love you
Kate: *Immediately melts and goes in for a hug* Aww, I love you, too *Sees Clint* But uhhh, not too much *intentionally deepens voice and pushes Y/N away* because I'm a cold blooded, crime fighting badass who doesn't have time for silly things like love
Clint: *Confused*
Kate: *Whispers* I didn't mean that. I love you.
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selinamayfield · 3 years
I don’t know a lot about dune lore, but I’d be very appreciative if someone could send me a Paul Atreides request that I could possibly work with? I have an idea based on some colour prompts so if anyone wants to request something… yall should do it rn ;)
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selinamayfield · 3 years
I know the movie just came out but I need druig fics before I go feral
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selinamayfield · 3 years
no because when I eventually get around to doing this I will be unstoppable
Colour symbol prompts
Feel free to use and reblog!
Include at least one meaning behind each number.
#1 - white: purity, innocence, perfection, cleanliness
#2 - yellow: optimism, happiness, intellect, positivity
#3 - grey: maturity, control, practical, reliability
#4 - orange: youth, enthusiasm, emotion, optimism
#5 - red: action, strength, energy, passion
#6 - pink: compassion, playfulness, love, intuition
#7 - purple: royalty, spirituality, imagination
#8 - blue: trust, loyalty, security, responsible
#9 - turquoise: clarity, calmness, compassion, communicate
#10 - green: health, growth, safety, harmony
#11 - brown: honesty, stability, reliability, comfort
#12 - black: power, elegance, protection
#13 - silver: moon(light), water, object of all desires
#14 - gold: heavenly light, wealth, dominion
#15 - pearl: knowledge, wealth, treasure
#16 - white: distance, cold, emptiness
#17 - yellow: decay, rotting, cowardice, approach of death
#18 - grey: compromise, pessimism, indecisive
#19 - orange: domination, superficial, impatience
#20 - red: blood, danger, daring, revenge
#21 - pink: immature, timid, unconfident
#22 - purple: bruise, pain, mystery
#23 - blue: depression, passivity
#24 - turquoise: narcissism, stress, secrecy
#25 - green: envy, immaturity, inexperience, judgmental
#26 - brown: humility, poverty, timid
#27 - black: passivity, death, dominance, ignorance
#28 - silver: harm that comes with desire, deceive, insincerity
#29 - gold: arrogance, egotistic, pretension
#30 - pearl: unlucky, malice
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selinamayfield · 3 years
your patience shall be rewarded!
(maybe not soon. but one day it will….)
The Devil’s Widow
Matt Murdock / Reader (Or OFC) - No use of [Y/N]
A/N: still a working title, and using crumbs from black widow, I have devised a story for our favourite lawyer-vigilante because oh my god I am content starved. god knows if the timing makes sense canon wise, but I’m sure as hell going to try. obviously, major black widow spoilers, because I wanted to write a story and develop a story on how different their life could be compared to nat / yelena / melina. set inbetween daredevil s1-2 (before the actual black widow film). huge shoutout to pastafossa and ashevillian for carying the dd fandom on their back for the last couple of years, thought it’s finally my time to contribute;)
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“We stole the key to unlocking free will.”
Hell’s Kitchen, in the eyes of a bystander or tourist, seemed like your normal district with its average problems. Crime was on the rise, parent’s called their children in earlier for dinner, police units scattered around the neighbourhood, and somehow, to the inhabitants of Hell’s Kitchen, they adapted, they changed with the city, because the city would always move on without them. The City certainly didn’t care for them, so why should they care for it in return?
Despite the Kingpin of Crime now locked away, thanks to Hell’s Kitchen’s very own Nelson and Murdock, the problems of the city still ran deep, and some would probably argue it made the City more dangerous. Gangs were fighting over territory, weapons and drugs continued to be manufactured at an increasing rate, trafficking was becoming more prominent in each district, and, no matter how many cops weren’t under Fisk’s payroll, it still seemed like the only person protecting the people was The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, depending on which news article you read.
Using this to his advantage, Dreykov sends a team of Widow’s directly into the crossfire, using this opportunity to shut down and eliminate early developments of a chemical that could re-engineer the brain, reconstructing all the development done by Melina Vostokoff. Although barely knowing what the situation entails, Matt Murdock decides to act as a hero, subsequently trapped right in the mix of the world’s largest trafficking organisation: The Red Room.
And for one Widow, she’ll have to decide who she really is. 
(And, of course, Foggy somehow gets trapped in the mix.)
a/n: this will be uploaded onto ao3 when I finalise everything, but this is just a rough draft i wanted to share. please don’t expect quick updates because I don’t even know when i’ll release chapter one, but please let me know if you’re interested or if you have any questions :)
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selinamayfield · 3 years
under the soft translucent linen - m.m.
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summary: soft touches in the early morning pairing: matt murdock x reader tw: allusions to smut, fluff, scars & injuries words: 956 a/n: this is my first time writing for matt murdock from daredevil :) also @isory i don't think i would've ever even thought about writing this if you didn't mention it, so thank you 💗 p.s. title came from this poem
reblogs and comments are appreciated ✨💗
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Matt and you had walked back from the bar together, your arm wrapped around his upper arm as you guided him back to the apartment you shared in Hell’s Kitchen. Soft laughs were bouncing off the walls as you stood in the elevator together, his nose nudging yours as you kept backing away from his lips, a grin on your face. Matt tried his best to capture your lips, but you’d rather wait until you were in the safety of your home, the harsh fluorescent lights in the elevator making your head spin.
The two of you had needed to take a breather, especially after all the hard cases Matt had taken on, on top of his nighttime duties and your work as an immigration lawyer. It made for long days, short nights and not much time to share between the two of you - let alone to go out and have fun on a cosy fall evening like this.
Both of you had refused to let the night end, even though it was 2 am already. Tomorrow was a day for rest, for relaxation and to catch up with each other. It was the weekend and it was time to get away from the noises of the city and all the problems that surrounded your jobs and side hustles and get reacquainted again with the bond that connected the two of you. The bond that had been on the back burner for a little too long, making you gasp for air when you thought of how little time you actually spent with Matt the last few weeks.
Matt’s skilful fingers had undone the little buttons on the back of your blouse, softly pressing delicate kisses against your spine the lower he went, taking his sweet time as you enjoyed the lingering feeling of his lips against your skin.
After you had carefully taken off his maroon sunglasses, his brown eyes fluttering shut as your fingers brushed through his hair, kissing his throat as he tried his best to not drag you to the bed and undo the little buttons of his shirt at a much quicker pace than you were doing right now.
It was a few hours later now, the sun just starting to peek through the early morning clouds as Matt was tracing a finger over your sternum, slightly skimming the swell of your breast and going over your ribs, checking your skin for new scars or indentations he hadn’t felt before or just to get reminded what your skin felt like again.
His gaze was strained on his finger as you watched him, your face pressed into the pillow.
“When I’m stressed,” he whispered, just loud enough so you could hear it, “I focus on your heartbeat, the-the steady rhythm calms me down, takes away the edge after a long day.”
His eyes were still watching his slow-moving fingers as if he was trying to map the exact pattern that was your skin, where every little dent was or every little blemish.
“And, whenever I get home late at night, after a scuffle or something, your scent hangs in the apartment and it- it just instantly makes me feel safe,” he softly added as he scooted a bit closer to you, his whole body weight pressing down on you, deliciously caging you in as he cuddled closer to you.
You groaned a bit as he hung over you, but now it was your turn to softly graze his skin with your fingertips as he quietly breathed in, his head buried in the space between your head and your shoulders.
Quickly pressing a kiss against his temple, your hands roamed around the expanse of his back, fingers delicately going over the scars he sustained over the years as the vigilante of Hell’s Kitchen. Your vigilante.
“Hmm,” you mumbled as you felt a new scar forming on his left shoulder, “when did this happen?”
Matt hesitated a bit, mulling over the thoughts that were shooting through his head, thinking about the countless fights he had with terrors that roamed the streets of Hell’s Kitchen at night.
“It’s uh-, this guy grazed me with his knife, I-I wasn’t paying attention, really.”
Lightly pulling back your head, you watched as his face contorted in a grimace, hearing your heartbeat quicken as you wanted to reprimand him for being uncareful. “Honey, Matt, you can’t do that. You promised me you’d take care when you’d go out at night.”
“‘m sorry,” he mumbled in your ear, then he pressed a kiss against your jaw before dropping his head again.
Your fingers continued on the adventure they were on, exploring the dents of his spine as Matt let out a sigh of content, happy to spend the night and day wrapped up with you under the linen sheets.
“I love you,” the words tumbled out of your mouth with ease, spoken often and every time with as much care and love as now. “I hope you know that.”
Matt lifted his head again, opening his eyes as he gazed at your face, your pulse quickening at the lovesick smile that was plastered on his face, making his pulse skip a beat at the sound of your quick one.
“You have my heart,” he said, putting your hand against his chest, right above where his heart was battering in his chest. “I’d do anything for you.”
You grabbed his chin in your other hand, bringing his face closer as he nudged his nose with yours, once more. “I love you, too.”
His lips tenderly slated over yours, for what felt like the hundredth time that evening, and Matt pulled the soft translucent linen over both your heads, sheltering you from the cold morning.
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selinamayfield · 3 years
OMG OMG THANKS FOR DECIDING TO WRITE FOR MATT MURDOCK!! No pressure, take your time! I'll be waiting to read 💕
Haha you’re very welcome!! I’ve basically got a rough plot and a full plan for the first chapter, I’ve just got to write it and not hate it. So a little challenge 😭
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selinamayfield · 3 years
The Devil’s Widow
Matt Murdock / Reader (Or OFC) - No use of [Y/N]
A/N: still a working title, and using crumbs from black widow, I have devised a story for our favourite lawyer-vigilante because oh my god I am content starved. god knows if the timing makes sense canon wise, but I’m sure as hell going to try. obviously, major black widow spoilers, because I wanted to write a story and develop a story on how different their life could be compared to nat / yelena / melina. set inbetween daredevil s1-2 (before the actual black widow film). huge shoutout to pastafossa and ashevillian for carying the dd fandom on their back for the last couple of years, thought it’s finally my time to contribute;)
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“We stole the key to unlocking free will.”
Hell’s Kitchen, in the eyes of a bystander or tourist, seemed like your normal district with its average problems. Crime was on the rise, parent’s called their children in earlier for dinner, police units scattered around the neighbourhood, and somehow, to the inhabitants of Hell’s Kitchen, they adapted, they changed with the city, because the city would always move on without them. The City certainly didn’t care for them, so why should they care for it in return?
Despite the Kingpin of Crime now locked away, thanks to Hell’s Kitchen’s very own Nelson and Murdock, the problems of the city still ran deep, and some would probably argue it made the City more dangerous. Gangs were fighting over territory, weapons and drugs continued to be manufactured at an increasing rate, trafficking was becoming more prominent in each district, and, no matter how many cops weren’t under Fisk’s payroll, it still seemed like the only person protecting the people was The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, depending on which news article you read.
Using this to his advantage, Dreykov sends a team of Widow’s directly into the crossfire, using this opportunity to shut down and eliminate early developments of a chemical that could re-engineer the brain, reconstructing all the development done by Melina Vostokoff. Although barely knowing what the situation entails, Matt Murdock decides to act as a hero, subsequently trapped right in the mix of the world's largest trafficking organisation: The Red Room.
And for one Widow, she’ll have to decide who she really is. 
(And, of course, Foggy somehow gets trapped in the mix.)
a/n: this will be uploaded onto ao3 when I finalise everything, but this is just a rough draft i wanted to share. please don’t expect quick updates because I don’t even know when i’ll release chapter one, but please let me know if you’re interested or if you have any questions :)
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selinamayfield · 3 years
and over to your right, if you listen very closely, you can hear the stress of every bálor club stan praying finn isn’t just there to set up roman vs cena and will actually get a shot at summerslam.
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