senbons · 2 days
Your OTP is lying side by side on the grass together. They've survived the Horrors, they've survived the Plot, and now they're safe and happy together, just watching the clouds.
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senbons · 3 days
The statistic that US presidents have been convicted of an average of 0.75 felonies each is wrong. Donald Trump, who's been convicted of 34 felonies is an outlier and should not have been counted.
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senbons · 3 days
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senbons · 4 days
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senbons · 5 days
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uchiha family
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senbons · 5 days
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┍━━━━╝✹╚━━━━┑ Setting Sun AU ┕━━━━╗✹╔━━━━┙
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senbons · 5 days
When is the chapter 2? :(
idk, maybe 2025
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senbons · 6 days
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Let me hold you…
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senbons · 6 days
I let my pussy make my decisions, call that clitical thinking
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senbons · 7 days
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senbons · 7 days
OK best Konoha Team from their generation, let's go.
Honorable Mention: Team 7 (classic)
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Unparalleled levels of toxic codependency. Every single of one of them has an inferiority complex. Sakura and Naruto are best friends who also are the anime trope of sexual-harassment/domestic-violence-reaction. Kakashi can't NOT project his dead jinchuuriki/medical ninja and dead uchiha/loser teammates and dead sensei on them. He refuses to admit he likes the kids and barely trains them. Even when Yamato and Sai come later, it's mostly to have some new people to go "wow, what the fuck is wrong with these guys. That's not normal". Sakura is hyper-fixated on Sasuke (and later Naruto), Sasuke is hyper-fixated on Naruto, Naruto is hyper-fixated on both of them. Sasuke's tried to kill all of them, all of them have tried to kill (or in Naruto's case, horrifically maim) Sasuke. Awful all around. My favorite squad.
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Third Place: Team 8
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I'll never understand the basis of all the headcanons people have of them hanging out and smoking weed together. They barely interact. Maybe those people base their opinions on anime fillers, idk. In the manga, sometimes we'll get Shino and Kiba talking just for a gag about how Shino is forgettable, and we got like two moments where Kurenai was looking out for Hinata, but goddamn. Shikamaru had more meaningful character interactions with this team's sensei than anyone on the actual team did. At least in part 1 they all have big neutral-colored jackets, that's kind of cute. Matching.
Second place: Team Gai
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Admittedly Tenten gets barely any screentime, but she still manages to have more team interactions than anyone on Team 8 does, from her yelling at Lee and Gai, to her and Neji's deadpan reactions to Gai's antics, to her chuunin exam commentary. I like seeing Gai train all of them in the gates and loudly support them all, even though he has a clear favorite lmao. I like Lee and Neji's relationship. I like Neji interacting with any of them. I may be biased because I adore the Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals spinoff, but even without it I think they're a fun team.
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BEST SQUAD HANDS DOWN. Even though Shikamaru and Choji are bffs, they're still ride or die for Ino other no matter the situation. They're all ride or die for each other. Asuma is always treating them to meals and they're all always hanging out. Even before Asuma's death, their teamwork was the strongest. The kids' powers are literally made to work together. I love how they know exactly what to say to support or annoy each other. The piercings. Team 10 forever.
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senbons · 7 days
“i hate karin cuz she’s too obsessed with sasuke” as if jugo and suigetsu aren’t also pathetically obsessed with sasuke… sasuke specifically chose a team of people who want him so bad it makes them stupid
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senbons · 7 days
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senbons · 7 days
I don't know if you already know this; but Shikamaru is hokage now in Boruto manga. The boruto story (and all canon story that happened in the novels) gave us so much more insight into Shikamaru's patriotism. And it's funny how your fic arrived at the best time. The patriotic Shikamaru always feels right. But you gave us another look into his character. This same Shikamaru, with the same patriotism and loyalty, coming face to face with the problem the canon world will never give him. And you portray him so right (and having this in his pov makes it better). And that's just how AU writers should write their characters. I'm not a big fan of AUs but yours always been the exception. You are so good in this I hope you know that.
Wow! I DID know that he was currently the temporary-hokage, but I haven't read more than the summary of it and haven't read any of the manga! I read the shiktema sections of the original boruto and got annoyed at (most) of boruto generally, but never read past that at all! and i haven't watched any of the series except a stray scene every now and then -- but maybe I should! Especially in dealing with shikamaru's patriotism!! I'd love to see him working through that, because it is convoluted (for everyone) and I write about his a lot, so any deeper understanding would be great!
Though what a relief to hear from you that I'm doing it well without having read it! 🥰🥰 i don't think there is necessarily anything right in how i portray him -- it's just how i interpret him, and i think the majority of fanfic interprets him differently, but i am so happy to hear that you also follow my interpretation and think i've continued todo well with it! thank you thank you!!!!!!
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senbons · 8 days
I'm a huge fan of shikamaru's notice-me-sempai energy. for someone so cocky, it humbles him so well. he's such a child!
he's so great because he's sooooo analytical and confident in his ability to read anyone and know everything but is so in denial about his own feelings in a way where he knows them but also struggles to openly know them, yk?
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senbons · 8 days
women supporting women
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senbons · 8 days
Both of them have dreamed of fucking each other and they knew it. The way she stands proudly in front of him, wet and naked. The way he stripped in front of the princess he swore to protect. Both were trying to challenge each other in the most erotic way possible. This is already so hot and frustrating and we are only in chapter 1 🥵
Hahahaa yeah I think they both knew it, but, like, deep down. Like, definitely were making these specific choices with the other (neither would ever be in those positions with any other guard or any other royal person), but idk if either fully knows why yet. Maybe the vague idea and there is definitely the erotic thrill they're seeking, but god forbid anyone be vulnerable and recognize desire for what it is
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