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left to right: Vesper, Umbra, Havoc, Lyra, Dawn, Jasper.
Vesper is the main character of my fic Muted.
in my fic, Stolas has protection squads made up of his favorite sinners. The Troupe, who wear theater masks, is Vesper's squad which contains Dawn and Jasper. The Celestials, who wear celestial-themed half masks, are Havoc, Umbra, and Lyra.
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Ummm actually Athena cat wizard official, that's American Pie. American Gods is about the trials and tribulations of the last day of camp...and a piece of the international space station threatens to end them all.
My dad is making me read American Gods… So like, what’s it about? The copy of the book we have has no dust jacket, therefore, no summary.
It's about three American Dogs who have to travel home from California to Maine. It's a long journey, but they face down a bear and several other dangers, including dogcatchers.
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forgiveness 🌧
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one thing that’s never as acknowledged as it could be is that no matter what Elena/Bonnie and Tyler’s lives were always going to be connected to the supernatural world. No matter who did or did not come into town it was their lives.
Tyler’s level of protectiveness towards Elena could’ve been something so interesting. Tyler is casted to the side but one constant thing (outside of Caroline or Klaus mess) remains is that softness and refusal to let Elena be hurt because they were friends. Imagine if some of that went to Bonnie too!
Elena is written very Salvatore centered and so disconnected from her friends but her best moment imo is when she’s laughing/smiling with her friends celebrating a Klaus free life with them. In fact it’s one of MFG’s best moments together. Even in s1-2 she shown to be compassionate to her friends.
So many of Bonnie’s deleted scenes is simply someone else showing they care about her and see her. Being a Bennett was going to hold weight to her life. Show someone else trying to empathize with that.
It’s just… why couldn’t the mfg be shown being friends a little longer. Impact the importance of the other two bloodlines whose descendants were destined to be affected.
many other thoughts I’ll elaborate on them when I feel like it 😭
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College tylena means so much to me...
How can you ship both Forwood and Tylena?
Always been an avid multi shipper
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My humble offering to lovers of the pride of the gate
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If wе were vampires, and death was a joke We'd go out on the sidewalk and smoke And laugh at all the lovers and their plans I wouldn't feel the need to hold your hand Maybe time running out is a gift I'll work hard 'til the end of my shift And give you every second I can find And hope it isn't me who's left behind
It's giving newly human Tylena leaving Mystic Falls to start a normal life together <3
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this has been in my drafts for so long it deserves to be freed from jail so here's a shitty unbeta'd snippet of an untitled elejah doctor au fic (inspired by @katherineholmes' tea)
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“You should go for it,” Elena heard the low rumble of a man’s chuckle in the earpiece accompanied by a very distracting synthetic music in the background.
“I shouldn’t.” She watched helplessly as the confident resident Hayley Marshall approached Elijah decked out in a form fitting white dress making goo-goo eyes at him.
Hayley always made a spectacle of her arrival, dressed like she was walking to the red carpet of a blockbuster film or as if the hospital were Milan’s current fashion week with her alternating from one brand to another.
Meanwhile… Elena looked down at her current look— courtesy of Jeremy knocking at her doorstep completely stoned out of his mind she had forgotten about her morning shift trying to set him to rights before he’d manage to do anything stupid—a bird’s nest piled on the top of her head, last night’s cable knit sweater with bits of her cute little brother’s vomit, ultra faded jeans she thrifted from a flea market and her sad converse.
She took baby steps, ended the call on a still rambling Caroline listing reasons as to why she needed to hypothetically jump Elijah and ride him at a gallop—car keys on one hand and a cup of hot cocoa to kickstart her day, she balanced them all in her left hand to pretend scrolling through her phone to spare herself the humiliation of having to face Elijah looking like she’d gone out in the wild to hunt for an endangered exotic bird.
But fate like the snivelling bitch it was, wanted her to suffer and die.
“Elena!” He greeted her with a wide smile.
Hayley, out of courtesy, received her arrival with an equally jovial smile but her eyes held a sharp glint of annoyance to it.
Then, Elijah stepped out of Hayley’s reach and into her own bubble to ask a concerned, “Are you okay?”
Still really in the outs, she barely registered the feeling of his fingers hovering over her cheek, her cold skin soaking up the trail of warmth he left behind when his thumb swept an arc across her cheekbones.
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Doodle of tipsy Wyll Ravengard save me!!
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Vesper Hart
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I was always so worried about re-reading any of my prior posted works for fear that I'd just cringe and not want to continue them, but I'm delighted to find that I'm not feeling that way about Throne.
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❤️‍🔥Elara Vincent from So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole❤️‍🔥
If you love badass female characters and bittersweet betrayal, read it⚔️
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artistic rendition of my act 3 wyll
its not my fault if he is literally dionysus ok
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I just saw a Tik Tok that said writers on AO3 are not looking for constructive criticism in their reviews. I have no audience on this platform so I have to know if this is true? I've always left my pros and cons when reading a fic and now I'm concerned that the authors didn't like that.
Yeah writers are Not looking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. Unless they specifically ask for it, it’s considered rude and honestly a bit hurtful. In the least bitchy way possible, don’t do that. It’s unwanted.
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If you had to make a character from The Quarry switch places with a character from TVD, who would it be and why?
I love this ask!
My first thought was Kaitlyn Ka. If she were a werewolf I think it would be great to have her come in and shake things up in later seasons. At college maybe and she has a plotline (and romance) with Tyler that revolves more around werewolves. I feel like that wasn't always the show's strong point and I just love werewolves.
She remains human and is a hunter. Maybe one of The Five. I think she'd be a pretty badass, self-sufficient hunter. I liked the legend of The Five but always wanted there to...actually be five people instead of just three discovered hunters. No idea who the fifth one would be but Kaitlyn as one would be amazing.
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