sillydestiny · 22 days
Hello! I'm new here can I request dokja x reader? Like dokja first to fall in love and fall harder after thank you! You can ignore my message if you don't want to! I really like your work !💕
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At first, Dokja couldn't quite put his finger on what it was about you that captivated him. Perhaps it was your unwavering determination, your quiet strength that seemed to emanate from every pore of your being. Or maybe it was your infectious laughter, the way your eyes crinkled at the corners when you found something genuinely amusing or the subtle kindness in your gestures. Whatever it was, he found himself stealing glances in your direction more often than he cared to admit.
As he observed you from afar, Dokja couldn't help but feel a strange sense of longing stir within him. He found himself seeking out opportunities to be near you, to catch glimpses of your radiant smile and hear the melodious sound of your voice. It was as if you had cast a spell on him, one that he had no desire to break free from.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Dokja found himself ensnared in the intricate web of emotions he had so desperately tried to evade. He watched you with bated breath as you carved your place in his heart, leaving an indelible mark upon his soul.
Dokja admired their unwavering resolve, their quiet resilience in the face of adversity. In their shared moments, he discovered a sense of belonging he had long thought lost—a connection forged not by fate's decree, but by the silent whispers of the heart.
And then, one fateful night beneath the glow of a thousand stars, Kim Dokja realized the truth that had been staring him in the face all along. He was in love with you, utterly and irrevocably. It was a realization that shook him to his core, shattering the walls he had erected around his heart and leaving him vulnerable in its wake.
With each passing day, Dokja found himself falling deeper into the abyss of love, his once-guarded heart now laid bare before the Reader's gaze. He found solace in their presence, a sanctuary from the storms that raged within him. In their laughter, he found joy; in their tears, he found sorrow. And in their eyes, he found a reflection of his own soul—a soul yearning to be understood, to be loved.
But love, like the scenarios themselves, is never without its trials.
Dokja was no stranger to loneliness, no stranger to the walls he had built around his heart. He had grown accustomed to solitude, to keeping his distance from others to avoid getting hurt. So, he buried his feelings deep within himself, hidden behind walls of sarcasm and aloofness. He feared rejection, feared that if he were to lay bare his heart, the reader would turn away from him, leaving him more alone than he had ever been.
Yet, despite his fears, Dokja found himself unable to resist the pull of his emotions. They consumed him, threatened to overwhelm him with their intensity.
he couldn't shake the feeling that you were different, that you had somehow managed to breach the walls he had so carefully constructed. And as much as he tried to deny it, he found himself longing for your presence, for the sound of your voice, for the warmth of your touch.
The turning point came during a particularly grueling scenario. You had been separated from the group, and Dokja found himself uncharacteristically frantic. The logical part of his mind told him you were capable and would survive, but his heart was not as easily convinced. When he finally found you, battered but alive, the relief that washed over him was overwhelming.
That night, as you tended to your wounds, he stayed by your side. It was the first time he allowed himself to be vulnerable around you, sharing bits of his past and fears. You listened without judgment, offering comfort not through words, but through your presence. In that quiet moment, he realized he had fallen for you harder all over again and irrevocably.
just how much you meant to him. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you, couldn't bear the thought of a world without you by his side.
Dokja found the courage to speak the words that had been weighing on his heart for so long.
I love you..
And as he looked into your eyes, saw the depth of his feelings reflected there, they smiled - a smile that lit up the darkness around them and filled Dokja's heart with a warmth he had never known
Dokja made a promise to himself: to protect you, to cherish you, to love you with every fiber of his being. For he had finally come to understand that love wasn't about grand gestures or sweeping declarations; it was about the quiet moments, the shared laughter, the simple joys of being together.
And as he took your hand in his, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude, he knew . For in the end, it was your love that had saved him, had given him a reason to believe in the beauty of tomorrow. And for that, he would be eternally grateful.
had found his true home, his true love, in the arms of you
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sillydestiny · 2 months
@tomiokx thank you very much~! I'm glad you like my contents(⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡💓!
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sillydestiny · 3 months
Blurry Faces
Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo x Transported!Reader
Cale hated peeking into your life without your consent, and yet here he is, seeing the things you have went through and how they shaped you to be the person you were.
trigger warning: implied sexual assault and pseudo-incest, mentions self-harm scars, suicide, death.
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You don't know where you are. A man, no, a child is holding your hand. You don't know anymore. Faces and bodies are morphing too quickly for you to comprehend.
"Please." A voice pleads to you, the way it has been doing for the last few days. Has it been days? Years?
"I don't want to," you say with a broken voice, tired of rejecting this request over and over again. "I don't know you."
"Yes, you do," the voice insists, sounding like a chorus of people talking. "You are the reason why we are here, why we have a home."
John disappeared a long time ago, taking his pleasant memories with him. He had faded slowly to the point he was unable to acknowledge you before he completely disappeared, leaving you alone. You were left alone and in the dark, as your memories played over and over again, good and bad. His memories no longer overlapped yours and you no longer see him. The memories that flashed in front of you had begun growing shorter and shorter, cutting the memories of you and Cale along with the others as if it never happened.
You feel like you were being gaslit. You remember waking up to see Cale, holding his hand and crying over him. You remember the sweet tea you share with Rosalyn, the amused grins with Alver, and the laughs of the children. You remember them. Let me remember them. 
"They don't exist," insisted the voice. 
"They do!" You fought back. You will hold onto these memories until your fingernails bleed and claw marks appear on them. You don't care. The moment you let go, you know you cannot have them back. You cannot enjoy life anymore if you let them go. "They're my-"
"They are your nothing," the voice spat. You feel rigid hands held onto you and force you to turn around. You were faced with the scene of your life before, one with your father when you were a child.
You see your child self sat on her father's lap, grasping at his shirt as your child self looked out at the rowdy playground, much too shy and scared to join the other kids. You see your father's large hand patting your back comfortingly, bouncing your child self on his knee to soothe you. You hear your father's comforting words as he talks to your child self.
"Come on, sweetie," says your father in a soothing voice; his voice so soft that you were stunned at the memory of the tenderness he was showing you. "I'm here for you. Take your time."
"No!" You exclaimed, turning away from the scene and walking away until the scene faded away. "Stop it!"
A scene of your mother appeared, her holding resting on a hospital bed with her face laden with sweat and tears. She held onto a bundle of blankets, cooing with tears in her eyes as she spoke to her baby. "Hi, [Name]."
What is all this? Why are these things happening? Why are you being shown the love within your mother's eyes for the first time here, and not when she was still alive? Why does your father comforting you over a rowdy playground have been so easy, but not when you started to show symptoms of depression?
"No, no, no!" You yelled, crouching down and covering your ears, eyes closed tight as tears threatened to spill. "They're all dead to me!"
"[Name]," a familiar voice called, too soft to the point it felt foreign.
Suddenly, you were five again. 
You look up at the faces of your parents, young and not yet influenced by their suppressed emotions and rage. Your mother smiled at you and your father pats your [h/c] hair. 
"Come here," says your mother softly, kneeling down and hugging you so gently that you burst into tears. This is not your mother. Or is she? You don't know. You never thought of her to be capable of showing tenderness or love in a way that wouldn't hurt you.
"Mom," you cried. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry--"
"Sshh," your mother says in a comforting voice. 
"I was--" You struggled to breathe as you tried to hold down your sobs, tears streaming nonstop and your throat hurt from the strain you're putting on it for not crying out. "Please, go away."
"No, I love you," she replied, and your lips quivered, more tears streaming down.
"I hate you."
"I know," she murmured. "I still love you."
You don't need her love. You have taught yourself to love yourself, to be better and other people have loved you immensely. You don't need her love. You have enough of your own.
"I hate you," you whisper breathlessly.
"I love you."
You broke down, crying to her shoulder, your arms limp by your side as you refused to hug her. Your mother doesn't deserve a hug from you. You've cut your skin too many times as a result of her actions and you will not show her love with the same arms. 
"My baby," your father says softly, joining the hug. His hands felt rigid and when you looked down, his nails were caked with dirt underneath them.
"Stay here with us."
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Cale covered his mouth and nose when he saw what was underneath the roots of the main tree of the island.
Piles of skeletons filled what used to be a great hall underneath the roots, most of them stacked high on the stone altar. They were all brittle and dry, proof that it had been a long time since they all died. Despite that, the stench of a rotten corpse wafts in the air.
"Urghh..." Ohn grimaced, covering her nose with her paws, staying with her sibling outside of the cave.
"Cale-nim," Rosalyn says, eyes staring at the rotten corpse of a man leaning on the stone altar, head down with a gaping hole in his chest, dried blood around him along with guts. "Her Highness' story about a man on this island..."
They had previously believed that the corpse of a man Withira had mentioned must be the man from the folklore of the Whale kingdom. The corpse of that man was holding the hand of another body that was laid on the altar in a tight grip.
'[Name],' Cale thought to himself, tempted to step closer the moment his eyes laid on the scattered [h/c] hair on the stone altar from afar, laid underneath the skeletons piled on top.
Rosalyn let out a soft gasp when she saw your body, eyes going glassy as she covered her mouth. "Is that...?"
"Be careful, Cale," Choi Han warned, recalling the story Withira had told them about being attacked when she got too close to the altar when she needed to confirm whether you were alive or not.
Cale stayed quiet, trying to rack his brain on how to move from their spots. 
'Will I be able to control the trees around here?' He thought to himself.
'Perhaps,' the gluttonous priestess answered him. 'But... I feel something within these trees. Something divine.'
'Divine?' Cale repeated. This cements the three saints' suspicions of you being tricked by a god. He tries to identify some of the things he could work with and classify whatever god had once been worshipped within the island, but he comes up with nothing. 
"Wait," Cale says, observing the corpse of a man further from where he stood. "Ron, confirm to me whether or not that's Captain John from where you are."
Ron frowned, bending down a bit to look at the slumped corpse from afar, eying the uniform and the crest that was embroidered on the corpse's blazer. Despite how the head of the corpse was down, Ron could easily spot the signature scars on the man's arms. He closed his eyes in resignation once he found his answer. "I can confirm that is Captain John, Young Master-nim."
"So the last two had been here," Cale murmured. 
"It appears so," said Ron, standing up straight. 
"What to do now?" Choi Han asked Cale. They don't have much room to move with the knowledge they will get attacked if they get too close.
Cale let out a sigh. This island had cobblestones, surrounded by trees, and the ocean wasn't too far away. He had Choi Han, Rosalyn, and a mighty dragon here. 
"We will now commence our rescue mission," Cale says, his voice firm. "Miss Rosalyn, Raon, and I will try to take care of the defense while Choi Han tries to grab [Name] from the altar stone along with the captain. We have to try to not fight the island and immediately escape back to the waters where the Whales are waiting for us."
Many things could happen if Choi Han tried to do that. The ruin could immediately collapse on them as they were being held up by the strong barks. If the strong barks let go of them to attack Choi Han--
'This is your playground,' says the gluttonous priestess. 'This island might belong to a God, but you can control nature here to a certain degree to save [Name] and retrieve the captain's dead body.'
Cale raised his hands, watching as the strong barks of the tree twitch to his will. He would not be able to control the main tree as its size was too big for him and most likely is the manifestation of a god that was once worshipped on the island. They would have more control over the tree than him.
Choi Han silently walked to the altar, the sound of his footsteps nonexistent as he took cautious steps and his hand held the handle of his sword, ready to attack anything that came his way. He pushed away the piling skeletons from your body, all of them falling to the ground and shattering due to how brittle they were.
Choi Hand placed a hand on your cheek and let out a relieved, excited smile when he felt warmth. "[Name]..."
"I-Is she alive?" Ohn stammered, watching Choi Han's smile widen upon touching you.
Choi Han looked up, nodding with glassy eyes. "Y-yes. Her breathing is a bit shallow, but she's alive."
"Come here, [Name]," Choi Han says softly, tucking his hand under you and trying to lift you. "Let's go home--"
Choi Han paused when your body couldn't be picked up from the altar. He looked down at your unconscious body, trying to find the reason why he couldn't lift you and he saw a few of what seemed to be long vines that were on the ground and had crawled up to your hand, up your arm, and then into your sleeves, the way they crawled up your hand resembled veins. 
"Something's wrong," Choi Han announced to them all.
"What's the matter?" Cale asked, watching Choi Han rip your sleeve off.
Choi Han tilts your body a bit to face the others and show off the way the green thick vines attached themselves to your skin, arranged like veins with leaves. He ripped your shirt further, stopping when he saw how the vines gathered right above your left breast, gathering into a circle and penetrating your skin, dried blood dripping down your skin.
Rosalyn covered her mouth at the sight. "Oh, God, is that... Are they going straight for her heart?"
A cold chill went down Cale's spine at the realization that the reason you might be still alive was because the island was keeping your heart alive. Had you... became one with the island? Are you the reason why the island has become sentient?
Choi Han touched the stems that gathered in your heart, noticing how the vines seemed to be pulsing along with your heart. He figured they were acting like some sort of cardiac device for you. His heart sank when he realized it was far too dangerous to rip off the vines. "We can't take her away." 
All of their eyes widened in surprise when the vines and barks seemed to move and form a tall, humanoid figure that loomed over Choi Han. A dianthus flower sat in the center of what seemed to be its face.
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"Did you think you'd be able to fool me?" 
Choi Han covered your body with his, his sword drawn out to protect, gaze growing dark as he glared at the humanoid figure made of vines and moss. "Who are you?"
A thick bark came out and swung over towards Choi Han but was stopped mid-air. Cale's hand was raised, stopping the bark from moving. He found himself overwhelmed with the amount of strength he had to put out to stop the entity from moving. He coughed out blood almost immediately, the blood coming out like vomit. At the same time, Rosalyn had put out a shield over Choi Han and the altar.
"H-Human!" Raon exclaimed, watching as Cale dropped to his knees but still kept himself to stop the entity from moving. The kittens ran to his side and Ron held Cale back so he wouldn't slump forward to the ground.
'He doesn't... feel malicious,' the Super Rock pointed out, sounding a bit flabbergasted as he was referring to the entity. 
"Leave," commanded the entity, pointing to the ocean where Withira and her Whales were waiting for them. 
"Not without [Name]," Rosalyn said with a determined look. A chill went up her spine when the humanoid figure turned its head to look at her, the singular dianthus flower in the middle of a blank slate of face somehow making him look more unsettling.
"I'm afraid that's not going to be possible," says the entity. "She is happy here."
The entity leaned down to Choi Han. The branches creak and snap as the blank slate that acts as a face was suddenly split widely like a monster opening its jaw.
"I was--" Your voice emerged in an echo from the entity's opened jaws, your voice sounding broken as it sounded like you were crying. "Please go away."
Rosalyn let out a shudder, tears gathering in her eyes at the sound of your voice again. She had nearly forgotten how your voice sounded. However, Cale was unnerved at how this entity was capable of having your voice. How does this all work? He can see the vines that formed the humanoid shape are connected to the one that's crawling up your heart. This entity most likely was keeping you alive by itself.
The entity's jaws creaked and then closed again back to a blank slate. "Leave."
Cale frowned, looking up at the entity. He's determined to know why exactly you were being kept alive. "What are you?"
The entity straightened itself. "It no longer matters. I've lost all the people willing to worship my name."
"So you're a deity," Rosalyn said, confirming their suspicions for the last few weeks. You wrote in your letter of believing it was a god or some kind that had been communicating with you within your head. Deep down, Rosalyn was relieved this wasn't a case of psychosis. 
"Then is this your attempt to get more worshippers?" Cale asked. "By taking an innocent woman?"
"One that belongs to me," says the entity, the vines, and branches that were formed into a tall humanoid figure elongated until its blank slate of a face was close to Cale, the single dianthus flower swishing with its movements. Cale was looking up at the entity in front of him. He could feel an incredible force of it all like he should be getting on his knees and pressing his forehead down to the dirty earth, but he didn't.
Cale looks up at the god, face hardened with a determined frown. 
'It is most likely an ancient god,' says the gluttonous priestess, her tone a bit hesitant as she could sense the weakness within how the God controls their branches. 'Can you feel the divinity within their branches and vines? He is channeling the lives of hundreds into that [Name] girl. I never thought that could be... possible.'
Cale glanced around the skeletons that were around the ruin. These were the remains of the dug-up graves they had stumbled upon earlier. These people were their worshippers and they have dug up desecrated their graves and put them here. 
The ruins seemed to shake from the sheer weight of the god's roaring voice. A thick bark sprouted from the side of its body and swung at Cale. The redhead immediately conjured his silver shield and a loud bang was heard when the bark hit it. Cale felt blood coming up to his throat and he coughed it out, his heart pumping wildly as the Vitality of the Heart pushed him to keep standing. 
"Cale-nim!" Choi Han exclaimed. He was about to move from your body when a couple of vines had managed to wrap around his feet and keep him in place. He swung his sword at them and with every vine cut, more grew and grew up his limbs.
"Fine," says the god. "She's in need of a new heart, anyways. I can see you all are special."
Cale's eyes widened and he immediately put the pieces together. Why John managed to be here was because he was needed for his heart. The reason why those graves were dug up was because the god was desperate to find something to keep you alive, and it made him think there must be some sort of intangible force of energy that only a primordial god could tangle and control that could bring back the dead.
John's rotten corpse with a large, gaping hole in the middle tells Cale that this god will not be hesitant to kill them all.
"Ron, take the children and go!" Cale exclaimed. 
"Oh, now, you want to leave?" asked the god with a sinister laugh, going back to the walls of the ruin as vines and then spreading out. The trees and vines began to squirm, coming alive as their god returned.
This was their playground. 
"Let's go," Ron says, bending down to pick up the kittens and immediately sprinting out toward where they had come from.
"Raon, go!" Cale exclaimed. "Make sure Ron and the others reach Her Highness Withira!"
"Y-Yes!" Raon replied hesitantly, flying towards where Ron had run off. "I-I will come back!"
"No, stay with them!" Cale yelled to him.
Rosalyn ran up to Choi Han and your body by the altar, trying to rip off the vines that were beginning to cover your body. This was the god's attempt to keep you away from them again, and she will not have it. She whispered your name over and over again, hands slightly shaking as she touched your warm skin every time she ripped a vine, how thorns began to grow on the vines and they buried themselves deep into the magician's hands everytime they claw to save you.
"Miss Rosalyn--!" Cale watched as Rosalyn's legs were caught by the vines before she was pulled down to fall on the dirty ground, thorns embedding themselves to her flesh. 
"No!" Choi Han yelled in terror, trying to rip away the vines that were slowly beginning to cover his torso, wanting to save Rosalyn as she tried to free herself from the vines that were pulling her to the walls.
"Focus on her!" Rosalyn exclaimed as she was dragged, her face pale and cringing in pain. She seemed to catch on that the vines simply didn't want her around you and the best thing to do to not lose her leg was to stop squirming so much. "I will be fine!"
Cale barely felt the vines wrapping around his arms and before he could process it, he was immediately slammed to the walls of the ruin. His back hit the old stones and he groaned, the back of his head being hit causing him to immediately dizzy. He was suspended up on the walls, giving him a high view of you on the altar and Choi Han who was still on the ground, slowly being wrapped in vines and thorns.
Rosalyn was across him on the walls as well, suspended there while the vines grew up to their torso. Cale could feel the vines move across his body, slinking to his sleeves and then they probe around the scar on his chest. Without any warning, the vines tore at his flesh and he could hear Rosalyn's scream, her own heart being wrapped in vines as well as his.
"A-arghh-!" Choi Han groaned in pain as he could feel the vines enter his body.
'The kid's going to die!' Cale could hear the cheapskate shrill in his head. 'Cale, use me. Use your powers and get rid of this island.'
'He can't,' responded the Super Rock. 'The island is keeping that [Name] alive. If he destroys the island, he kills her as well.'
'It's either he kills her, or he kills not only himself, but everyone here,' argued the thief. 
Amid all the chaos, the Fire of Destruction whispered to Cale in a pleading voice.
' Kid, you have to let her go.'
Cale recalls your smile and your voice. For a moment, he nearly thought his Records have failed him when he nearly couldn't muster the thought of your eyes, but when he managed to finally grasp onto the memory of you, he held on to it.
Cale felt his eyes begin to grow weak, vines wrapped around his heart and he could feel his shirt being soaked in his own blood. The vines carefully avoid poking too much into his organs and some of them soak up the blood. The vines seemed to glow the moment they were touched by his blood, and every single vine that was tearing at him was connected to yours. He could only assume Rosalyn and Choi Han were given the same treatment. They most likely will die out of blood loss if this keeps on going.
'Cale!' the Ancient Powers inside him call for him, like a parent calling desperately for their child.
Cale closed his eyes, and he mustered the power to call for thunderbolts. He could feel it brewing in the skies right above them, and he could also feel himself slipping away. By the time the first thunderbolt struck, Cale was no longer conscious.
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"Oh, that's awful. I feel sorry for them."
Cale blinked owlishly as he stared at you. You were sitting down in front of him, dressed in modern clothes and your laptop open. Across from your seat was a faceless man, long legs stretched as the faceless man sat sideways on the chair.
Cale looked around, noticing that the space he was in was a cafe, similar to what he used to have in his previous world. He looked down at his chest, seeing that it wasn't wounded. He then goes back to stare at you as you converse with the faceless man, a look of faux disgust on your face. He leaned forward to look at what was on his laptop, seeing it to be an academic manuscript. Is this... your memory from your previous life before being transported?
"Uh, yeah..." The faceless man says with a small, nervous laugh. The faceless man seemed to turn to you. "I don't understand why she's so adamant about keeping her distance from you."
"She'd rather have her fifteen and six-year-old daughters to see her suffer than have me take care of her," you said nonchalantly, typing away at your laptop to cite a passage. 
"[Name], please," says the faceless man, turning to face you properly. "I-I know I'm being shameless by asking you to take care of her, but I can't--"
"You'd rather have me take care of your wife than your kids?" You cut him off, glancing up at the man.
By the bits of information, Cale could assume that the faceless man was your stepfather. He had known your mother had remarried after divorcing your father and you had two stepsisters. Your mother had died due to stage four breast cancer and lived only within two months before dying. You had been the one to take care of her despite her verbal abuse every time you visited her.
"[Name], please."
'Ah, so this is why,' Cale thought, watching you rubbing your face in exasperation before you let out a sigh of resignation. He had always wondered why you took care of your mother when the woman had been nothing but horrible to you. It was the request of her husband.
Cale wondered why he was seeing all this. He recalled how the vines had glowed when it touched his blood and every single vine that was glowing had been connected to yours. He could only hypothesize that he had been connected to you in some way and it would allow him to get a peek of your past; of the things you've been hiding.
Cale sees your stepfather reaching for your hand, murmuring a thank-you.
Your face seemed tired.
He doesn't like having access to your past. You're secretive for a reason and this felt like a violation of your trust in him. 
The sight of you and your stepfather faded and it morphed into a living room, another faceless man sleeping on the couch. Cale could tell this was a different man. It might be because you only remember their outlines but not their faces anymore. You're in the background, cutting vegetables by the kitchen island with a tired look on your face. Cale approached you, eyes trained on how you expertly cut off the stems of a particular vegetable in your hand. He couldn't exactly see what it was, as it was morphing back and forth between spinach, cabbage, and cucumbers. Maybe you don't remember, and that's why your memories are filling the lost memories by themselves.
"How was she?" asked the faceless man lying on the couch.
"Sick," you replied curtly. The man says something inaudible and you sigh. "She's not getting any better, Dad. It would be better if she just died."
"You should just die."
"I'm trying," you clipped back, cutting the vegetables more aggressively. 
There was a few moments of silence where neither you nor your father didn't talk. Cale sat on a stool by the kitchen island, watching how you frowned deeply while you prepared your dinner for your father together. He tried to touch your hand, and like a ghost, his touch went through your body. It unnerved him how you were in front of him, though younger in age, but he couldn't touch you.
His heart ached. This was you, but this also wasn't the you he knew. His memory of you in Record overlaps with the image he sees in front of him, but some things are different. Not only was your hair shorter here, but your eyes lacked the glimmer he usually sees within you. Your body looked thinner here, unhealthy. His eyes roamed over your figure, ingraining the sight to Records and just seeing how badly it had been for you.
"I'm sorry, [Name]," your father says quietly. "I was just... worried about your mother."
'But not me?' Your expression seems to say, but you stay silent and continue prepping the dinner.
"It's okay."
You cooked dinner and ate none of it. 
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The dark clouds gathered above the island and Raon could easily tell that it was his human's powers. He had seen it too many times and had seen the risk that affected Cale's body whenever he used at least one of his powers. And when that rose-gold thunder struck down, the sound had vibrated the air. The flash of the majestic thunder reached them first before it broke the sound barrier and the thunder rumbled, the air around the island vibrating the moment the lightning struck down on the gigantic tree in the middle of the island.
"No!" Ron had yelled at Raon the moment the dragon had seemed to show his desire to immediately head to the burning island.
"But, human-!" Raon began to protest, turning to face the older man and he stopped when he saw the look on Ron's face.
Ron had always had the expression of faux benign and if not, he would have a slightly irritated expression. But this time, in his eyes that were reflecting the flames of the burning floating island, Ron sees some kind of firm belief and also desperation. How can the man show such a juxtaposition of an expression was beyond Raon who still had so much to learn about expressiveness and humanity, but he could see it.
Ron's belief that he could have his young master back many times like he always has kept him on his feet and stayed in his place, but this was going to be the first time he would have his daughter back, if that was even possible, that kept him antsy and hope as if he was a pious man that has completely willed their destiny towards something that couldn't sympathize with him. He desired to believe in salvation, not his, but yours.
You were so unforgivably human. A normal aspect within this superhuman group and the fact that they would be able to get you back tasted too sweet for his mouth that he felt like his teeth would rot and fall out. You weren't Cale. Choi Han. Rosalyn. For goodness sake, you weren't even Beacrox. You were you, with no superhuman abilities that were gifted or taught to you nor do you have a god that loves you so deeply that they wanted to keep you alive.
"Don't," Ron says, the embers of the burnt leaves and shrubs from the island blowing past them as if they're snow, the flames from the island illuminating their faces. "Have faith in them."
Faith, what a ridiculous word it was to come out of the mouth of a murderer. Have faith.
For one reason Ron could not believe in God was due to the fact that such a mighty being could never sympathize with humans. They were omniscient, so they could never feel how humans feel. They do not hate and love like humans do. Humans die and that is why they feel things so intensely. Gods were mighty and they exist for so many eras and they don't age. They see things as insignificant when it doesn't concern their reign. How can something mighty and timeless understand the pain and beauty of living?
The fire licked away at the leaves of the trees and the crackling sounds of the burning trees sounded so serene. 
"Will they be okay in there?" Beacrox asked his father, looking at the burning island.
"It's only the top of the tree that is burning," answered Withira instead, looking up at the titan tree and how most of it was singed black at the top and the embers of the fire were eating away at the thick barks that swirled together like tendrils. "They're situated at the hollow space that is surrounded by the root. I doubt Cale-nim would strike down his thunder while they're there."
"Even so," Ron murmured, narrowing his eyes at the island. "Your Highness, may I ask of you to lead your men to keep an eye if any of them jump out of the island?"
Withira nodded slowly. "Of course. I'll have my men surround the island from a safe distance and keep an eye out."
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Choi Han has heard you say multiple times in a joking manner that time was simply a concept whenever you were late for something, how time wasn't real, and how it really shouldn't matter that much.
He's starting to believe it.
He stood here, within the shadows of your memories, watching how days pass by in your memories yet it felt like minutes to him. How magnificent it was that a God could do this. 
He learned many things about you. You were someone from the modern world, much like him and Cale. You suffered depression. You loved music and listened to it no end. You had an emotionally abusive father. You loved going thrift shopping. You weren't close to your sisters. You loved the cheap tuna mayo sandwich your classmate would bring you. You hated your mother. 
You were practically living in the hospital to aid your mother. The cancer on her breast had spread fast and she had become paralyzed as it spread to her marrowbone. Her husband was busy at work so he rarely came by, but whenever he did, he would bring his daughters along to "visit their mother and older sister". You knew the nanny must have ditched last minute. Your sisters would leave, faces scrunched in disgust whenever the hospital room smelled like feces, and stood by the corner of the room quietly as you picked up your mother to change her diaper and clean her up every time.
Your father would be at home, refusing to visit your mother to respect her wishes to never meet again but incessantly asking for her well-being to you whenever you got home late at night. You wonder how much love your father has from such a violent woman that even though he was abandoned just like you, his love endured. You thought of him as stupid, but other times you wish you could have that preservance in loving someone. In believing in the idea of someone so much that it blinds you.
"What's that?" asked your six-year-old sister, standing by your chair as you were writing down your notes, your chair not too far from your mother's hospital bed, the older woman knocked out with morphine.
You turned to the little girl, smiling half-heartedly as you didn't want to be bothered. "It's just my notes."
"For what?" pestered the young child.
"Studying," you answered, setting down your pen and closing your book, giving all your attention to the little girl.
"I study, too," the little girl says, and Choi Han sees that you are hesitant to continue the conversation.
"Yeah?" You eventually prompted with a small grin, still uncomfortable. "What do you like studying about?"
The little girl waved her nemo doll fish in her hand. "Fishies."
You smiled, tired already from the conversation. You had a long day from watching over your mother. The woman had gotten high off of morphine and had hit you multiple times when you were trying to change her out of her diaper. The nurses doubled her dose.
"That's good. I like fishes, too."
You left to go to the bathroom and when you returned, Choi Han saw that your sister had drawn fishes on the margins of your notes. You touch them whenever you're concentrating.
There were moments like that that showed the girls appreciated you for watching over their mother. The two weren't blind to the abuse you suffered while you cared for their mother - your mother. You were doing your bachelor's while caring for your mother, studying all night in the dim hospital room, having no life outside of being a caretaker.
"Don't you get tired of it all?" asked the fifteen-year-old sister this time while you were leaning back in your chair, a neck pillow on your shoulders. 
"I do," you replied to her, eyes trained on your sleeping mother.
"Then why are you still here?"
You turned to your sister, seeing the way she was so similar to her mother - your mother. Her lovely brown hair and gray eyes. You think of your mother. You think of how much potential she had had she not married your father, had she not given birth to you. What type of girl was she? Would she take the right side or the left side in front of a camera? What did she want to be when she grew up? 
Choi Han watched you grasp the hand of your younger sister. "Because it'll come back. The love I have given here today will come back to me."
Your sister frowned. "I think it's time you start to care about yourself a little more."
An older sister who sees the need to be tender despite it all, and the younger sister who thought of her as stupid for loving a dead woman, Maybe you have become your father. Maybe that's why your mother didn't like you both; you were both idiots who kept on drinking poison just because you were thirsty.
As your mother's health deteriorated, Choi Han saw how much it affected your sisters. They cried at random times and were beginning to help around with taking care of her. Your six-year-old sister sings random notes in off-key to entertain her sick mother while your fifteen-year-old sister is learning how to help you lift the woman off the bed if you ever need to clean her up.
The day she finally passed away, you slept soundly in your chair not far away from her bed. It was the most pristine memory of yours that Choi Han had ever seen when you woke up, hearing the soft murmurs of the nurses as they gently shook you awake, how the heartbeat monitor was no longer beeping. Sunlight passes through the blinds and for the first time, the room feels light.  
Would it be too cruel for Choi Han to describe it as if a great evil had finally disappeared?
You didn't participate in the funeral arrangements and simply attended with your father. He cried and you held his hand, thumb brushing over his palm to soothe his pain the best you could. Choi Han doesn't understand the level of love someone could have for the people who have made them suffer. 
You stood outside of the funeral home, cigarette lit between your lips. Your fifteen-year-old sister stands beside you.
"Do you regret taking care of her every day? Just for her to end up dead?"
"I don't regret being kind."
"I bet you're thinking that it's good riddance."
Choi Han could see emotions bubbling in the teen's chest, how they were looking for an outlet to spill their feelings onto. To yell out their love into the void, because that was what grief was. To have your love nowhere else to go.  
You saw it as well and threw down your cigarette, stepping on it to put out the embers. Your silence didn't help much as your sister began to choke on her tears before she eventually sobbed. You offer her a hand and she takes it, and you immediately wrap your scarred arms around your sister as if she were your lifeline.
"My mom," she sobs in your arms. "I don't have a mom anymore."
You stayed quiet, kissing her cheek and temple to ease her pain as best as you could. The action seemed to only drive your young sister to more crying; "I'm so sorry for all she's done to you... It's all my fault."
"Don't apologize," you whispered. "Children shouldn't carry the sins of their parents. You've done nothing to me."
"I exist," she replied, hiccuping. 
"And how wonderful is that?" You cupped her cheek, smiling. "That you exist."
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Choi Han watched you sit with your sisters until the youngest one fell asleep with her head on your lap, while your fifteen-year-old sister still talked with you animatedly even though it was nearly midnight. The funeral was still going and he became alarmed the moment everyone in the room began to fade into grey silhouettes, leaving you the only figure with a face.  
From far away, Choi Han saw your father standing by the exit door of the funeral home, popping out like a sore thumb between all the grey, dull silhouettes. What kind of memory was this? Were you hyper-aware of your father even though he was standing so far away?
"[Name], I need to talk to you."
Choi Han's eyes widened as he saw a distorted figure standing in front of you and your sister. They were a black silhouette of a man, their silhouette distorting with growing sharp edges standing out every second. Their voice was distorted and Choi Han struggled to find the connection as to why this particular memory of yours had everyone fading out like a shadow while your father and you stayed the same, this silhouette was so distorted that Choi Han's guards were up despite how he couldn't interact with the memories here. 
"But, Dad--" says your younger sister and it clicked to Choi Han that this distorted figure was your stepfather.
"I need her for something important. Only she could do it."
Even his voice sounded so displeasing like nails dragged against a board. You stood up to follow your stepfather into another room, and Choi Han saw your father beginning to exit the funeral home when he saw you walk away with your stepfather. Choi Han followed your father, bewildered that the memory was still showing up so clearly when it was clear you weren't supposed to know where your father went.
Choi Han followed after your father and he realized midway that this wasn't your memories but your father's. How can that be? Choi Han had assumed that he could see your memories because the vines that were penetrating your heart were connected to the one penetrating his - he could easily dismiss it as something magical of the sort as its explanation. But your father? Why was his memories here? 
He followed after your father's journey by car, sitting in the backseat as the man drove alone in silence, leaving you behind at the funeral home. He drove and drove and drove, for hours on end until he eventually ran out of gas. 
Choi Han stepped out of the car to follow your father as he ditched the car and began walking. There was a sense of eeriness at how quiet the man was, walking with dried tears on his face. Your father walked in a straight line for hours before he came across a forest.
Your father stopped by a lake, and so Choi Han did as well. From across the lake, Choi Han saw someone he was relieved and surprised to see.
"Cale-nim?" Choi Han called out.
Cale saw him and his eyes widened. "Choi Han? You're here, too?"
The two didn't have too much time to converse when your father walked into the lake without any hesitation. Both of them watched with wide eyes as the man attempted his life by drowning before the water let out a bright, purplish light and your father was gone in the blink of an eye.
Both Cale and Choi Han heard Rosalyn's shrill cry and the scenery changed immediately back to the halls of the funeral home, the space warping and distorting. They could see Rosalyn walking past the dull grey silhouettes and the two approached the rattled magician.
"Miss Rosalyn!" Cale called out.
"[Name], she's in there!" Rosalyn began to say, hurried and in panic as she ran to a door. "We need to get her out!"
Suddenly, the incoherent murmurs of the crowd within the area went silent and the three of them could hear your voice and your stepfather's crystal clear in the middle of all the warping of space and distortion.
"I'm... grateful you were there throughout everything."
"It's okay. I knew you loved my mother deeply."
"What are you doing...?"
"Has anyone told you that you're a very beautiful woman?"
"You look so much like her."
"Please, don't..."
"It's a compliment. Did I make you uncomfortable?"
"I-I think it's time I get back to my father."
"No, no. There's no need to rush. Your father already left earlier because I told him you'll be staying the night with your sisters."
"I never agreed to that. Please, let me go home."
"No, not until we do this."
"N- No, please--!"
A deafening sound filled their ears and bright light filled the room, blinding the three of them. Rosalyn's face was red with anger and sadness, eyes glossy with tears as she had come to a realization of what had happened behind that closed door.
When their vision came to, they were all staring up at a bright blue sky, laying on the mossy cobblestones, the holes on their chests all wrinkled up close. They all sat up immediately, seeing how the island was a complete disaster due to Cale's lightning bolt. The trees were on fire, embers falling like snow. The majestic tree that had been the manifestation of the ancient God's powers were struck, the trunk split down right in the middle, showing a dark hole filled with vines and sticks, pulsing and glowing with golden energy.
The ancient god, a giant lump of vines, sticks, and divinity was moving across the land like an octopus, your body on top of it as they carry you to the split trunk.
Cale recalled back the vision of your father drowning himself before being completely swallowed by the light. "I think I know who that beast is."
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sillydestiny · 3 months
Hi, I love how you write and I've seen that you've done Cale, Alberu x reader. I would like you to do one with Choi Han x f!reader, where I would like to see how he falls in love (that Choi Han contains the essence of how he is). I don't know if it's something hard to write but I'll leave it up to you. Keep healthy and happy new year ✨🥰.
Sorry if there are grammatical errors, my English is not good.♥️
@monblue0 sorry for the late upload this draft has been seating for too long since lack of motivation and writer block.. I just recently finished it so I hope you like it ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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Choi Han is initially reserved and guarded, carrying the weight of his past experiences and the responsibilities he holds dear
At first, Choi Han didn't pay much attention to the reader. They were just another member of the Count's household, someone he interacted with casually during his duties
It started with small things - the way you smiled when you thought no one was looking, the sound of your laughter echoing through the halls of the Count's estate. Choi Han found himself drawn to you, inexplicably drawn to your presence like a moth to a flame.
The way your eyes light up when you talk about your passions and the genuine kindness in your smile. These qualities make him feel a warmth he hasn't experienced before.
At first, he brushes these observations aside, attributing them to mere friendship or camaraderie.
But as time goes on, Choi Han finds himself drawn to the reader in ways he can't explain. He notices his heart racing whenever they're near, his thoughts consumed by thoughts of them even when they're apart. He tries to rationalize these feelings, convincing himself that it's nothing more than admiration or respect.
He tried to ignore it, burying himself in his work and his training, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling growing inside him. It was like a wildfire, consuming him from the inside out.
It was a simple gesture that finally made him realize the truth - the way you reached out to him, offering a comforting hand on his shoulder after a particularly difficult battle. In that moment, Choi Han felt something shift inside him, a warmth spreading through his chest that he couldn't ignore.
He began to see you in a different light And with each passing day, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you.
But Choi Han was not one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He kept his feelings hidden, afraid of what might happen if he let them out. He didn't want to burden you with his emotions, didn't want to risk losing the fragile bond they had formed.
Yet, despite his best efforts to keep his distance, he couldn't stay away. He found himself seeking out your company, cherishing every moment they spent together, no matter how fleeting.
And then, one day, he found the courage to tell you how he felt. It was a simple confession, spoken in a quiet moment when they were alone together. He didn't expect anything in return, didn't dare to hope that you might feel the same way.
But when you smiled and reached out to take his hand in yours, he knew that his love had been reciprocated. And in that moment, Choi Han realized that he had finally found someone worth fighting for, someone worth risking everything for. And he vowed to cherish you, protect you, for as long as he lived.
Choi Han was certainly the one who fell the hardest, his heart forever intertwined with theirs.
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sillydestiny · 4 months
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**Headcanon: Dokja Being Jealous**
- Dokja is typically a composed and rational individual, but when it comes to matters of the heart, especially concerning his significant other (reader), he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy from time to time.
-One of Dokja's main triggers for jealousy is when he notices his significant other spending too much time with someone else, especially if that person happens to be charismatic or charming. While he trusts his partner, he can't help but feel a pang of insecurity, fearing that he might not be enough for them
-He tries to suppress it initially, not wanting to appear insecure or possessive, but as his feelings grow deeper, he finds it increasingly difficult to ignore.
- He's not possessive in an unhealthy way, but he values his relationship with the reader deeply.
- Dokja's jealousy often manifests subtly at first. He might become more attentive or protective of the reader when they're around other people, especially if he perceives them as a potential threat.
-Dokja's jealousy often starts as a small knot in his stomach, but it gradually intensifies as his imagination runs wild with worst-case scenarios. He may become more distant or withdrawn, retreating into his thoughts as he tries to rationalize his feelings.
-Despite his internal turmoil, Dokja rarely confronts his significant other about his jealousy. He prefers to keep his emotions bottled up, fearing that expressing them openly might push his partner away. Instead, he tries to cope with his feelings on his own, burying himself in work or distraction.
-Despite his efforts to conceal it, his closest companions, like Yoo Joonghyuk or Han Sooyoung, can often sense his
-However, there are moments when Dokja's jealousy becomes too overwhelming to ignore. In these instances, he may subtly test his partner's loyalty, perhaps by asking leading questions or observing their behavior more closely than usual. While he hates himself for it, he can't help but seek reassurance that he's still valued and loved.
-Ultimately, Dokja's jealousy stems from his deep-seated fear of abandonment and rejection. He's been hurt in the past, and he's terrified of experiencing that pain again. Despite his rational mind telling him otherwise, his heart can't help but cling tightly to the person who has come to mean everything to him.
-Over time, with patience and understanding from his significant other, Dokja learns to trust more fully and express his emotions more openly
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sillydestiny · 4 months
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Dokja's Clingy Side Headcanon
-Dokja, despite his usual stoic demeanor, has a deeply ingrained soft spot for the reader, his significant other. This side of him often surfaces when he's alone with them or in moments of vulnerability.
-When alone with the reader, Dokja's typically composed demeanor softens considerably. He becomes more affectionate, seeking physical closeness and reassurance from the reader. Whether it's holding hands, cuddling, or stealing quick kisses, Dokja craves these intimate moments with his significant other.
-Dokja has a tendency to overthink and worry about the safety of his loved ones, especially during moments of vulnerability like late nights or when facing particularly dangerous scenarios. During these times, he clings to the reader, finding solace and comfort in their presence.
-While Dokja may not be the most verbally expressive person, he shows his affection through small gestures and acts of service. From cooking their favorite meals to leaving little notes of encouragement too giving coins and items, he ensures the reader knows just how much they mean to him.
-Despite his stoic facade, Dokja isn't afraid to show vulnerability around the reader. He trusts them implicitly, confiding in them about his fears, insecurities, and innermost thoughts. Knowing he can rely on the reader for support strengthens their bond even further.
-Despite his clingy tendencies, Dokja also enjoys engaging in playful banter and teasing with the reader. It's his way of expressing affection and keeping the relationship light-hearted and fun.
-In moments of crisis or danger, Dokja's clinginess transforms into a fierce protectiveness over the reader. He's willing to put himself in harm's way to ensure their safety, demonstrating just how deeply he cares for them.
- Dokja cherishes every moment he gets to spend with the reader. Their presence brings him a sense of peace and happiness that he treasures above all else.
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sillydestiny · 6 months
Kim Dokja x gn!Reader
Angst with happy ending.
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A/N: This has been in my drafts for months and I decided to continue it. It's currently 4 am so I'm sorry if this didn't make any sense or seemed rushed. Also, the first half of it is based on Spring day by BTS and the other half? Just me wanting them to have a happy ending.
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Tears fell from their eyes as they stared down at the phone they held. Their gaze was fixated on a photo of two people smiling brightly. The person on the left was someone who had (h/l) (h/c) hair wearing a white shirt, their left hand was in a peace sign as the other hugged the other person's arm. This person was a boy who had black hair and grey eyes, a small blush dusted his cheeks as he smiled awkwardly at the camera whilst doing a peace sign.
They sighed and turned off their phone, they felt worse staring at it.
Their heart clenched and their vision became blurry as tears started streaming down their face.
'Why did you go?'
They miss him. They miss him so much that they kept trying on finding a way to meet him again. After a lot of failed attempts and nothing worked, they started to lose hope.
It's been a few months since the incident with Dokja, yet they still can't forget his face as the fables he accumulated started to fade along with him.
They hoped that one day, they get to hold his hand again as they both proceed to live happily ow that they finally reached the end of the scenario together with their comrades.
They looked at the man laying down on the hospital bed with a pained look in their eyes. "How much longer 'til we meet again?" They whispered, their voice slightly cracking at the end of their words.
They looked away from Dokja and stared outside the window. The afternoon sky was painted with an orange hue, snow fell from the sky and landed on the surface of the earth. The ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow.
They saw Gilyoung, Yoosung, Mia and Jihye throwing snow at each other, Sangah, Heewon, Sooyoung, Hayoung, and Seolhwa can be seen not too far from them. They were seated at a table drinking hot chocolate whilst chatting. Their gaze landed on Hyeonsung who was holding wood for their fireplace, Pildu and Myungoh were helping him carry the rest. And finally, Junghyuk stood in front of a grill, cooking up some barbeque and other dishes for their dinner.
They then averted their eyes towards the sky, snowflakes kept on falling down on the ground which was also filled with snow. Their mind was still occupied by the memories of the person laying down on the hospital bed.
A lot of time had passed since they last saw him, they felt as if he was slowly drifting farther away. It was like the more they try to get him back, the more distant he gets.
They were mad at him for sacrificing himself for their sake, for always carrying the burden. They were also mad at themself for not noticing immediately that it was a clone of him that they were living with for the last couple of months.
They were mad at themself for not trying to talk to him and taking at least a little bit of the burden he was carrying on his back.
They felt pathetic and useless.
Everyone tried their best to bring Dokja back, they even regressed as a group. Sooyoung also wrote a novel while Junghyuk even travelled through different worlds just to save him.
Although the last plan was deemed a failure as it had been a month since the novel stopped being written because of some error with the Star Stream.
'Why are you so unfair? Shouldering everything on your own like that.'
They closed their eyes and let out a deep sigh.
As they opened their eyes, they couldn't believe what was happening.
"W-what the-"
They stood up from their seat and stared at the letters floating towards the noirette in shock.
'Dokja? Is he... Is he finally waking up?!'
Not long after the door burst open revealing the others panting as they had just run all the way towards the room.
They all gathered around the hospital bed and waited nervously for what was about to occur.
The h/cette still couldn't believe what they were seeing and there was still a question deep within their mind.
Will he really wake up? Or was this just to crush their hope even more than it already has?
Minutes have passed and the fables all returned to the unconscious man's body. They all waited anxiously for him to open his eyes.
Their heart was beating fast as they bit their nail in nervousness. What if he doesn't wake up? Should they just give up then? But they didn't want to do that.
As uncertainties eat up their mind, Dokja's eyelids fluttered open making the kids shout out "HYUNG/AHJUSSI!"
The three hugged the noirette's small frame as they cried. Y/n snapped out of their thoughts and gape at the man trying to sit up on the bed with the children clinging onto him for dear life.
Dokja then looked up and saw everyone staring at him, he scanned everyone's faces before his eyes fell onto one particular person.
He then smiled at his companions before trying to speak even if his throat hurt from being dry "I'm... Back..."
It had been a week since Dokja returned, his body was still of a child's but was slowly going back to its original shape and he was still resting at the hospital.
Y/n sat on a chair near the bed as Dokja fiddled with his fingers.
"I missed everyone... I missed you," he said feeling his ears heat up in embarrassment. He then heard a soft chuckle, his eyes wandered towards the other person inside the room with him only to be engulfed into a gentle but firm embrace.
He sat still for a few seconds trying to process that the h/cette just hugged him before hesitantly returning the hug.
"I missed you too, idiot," Y/n said as they buried their head into the black-haired man's shoulder.
They stayed like that for a couple more minutes before the h/cette broke off the hug. He immediately started to miss the warmth of their embrace.
He decided to look at their face and the two made eye contact, their eyes held many mixed emotions as they stared at each other.
Dokja felt happy to see them again yet he also felt bad for causing them pain.
Y/n then started to smile which made the man's heart flutter. The corners of his lips rose up forming into a smile that mimicked the other.
"Thank you for waiting for me."
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sillydestiny · 6 months
Hello haruhi! I'm new to your blog but I absolutely love your posts! My fav is the cale henituse fic "losing you" 😭
Seeing as your requests are open I was thinking if I could request a pinning! cale x f!reader. I don't know how much info/detail I should put into this but I had something around the idea of him just realizing he's in love with the reader with her being his closest confidant and always taking care of him and making sure he's alright! Maybe something cute and fluffy? A dash of angst if you feel like it?
I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!🤗
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Blossoms of the Heart
Cale Henituse x Reader
2.2k words / fluff
The plaza terror incident had left chaos in its wake, but amidst the panic, Cale found an unexpected ally. As the boomers threatened to wreak havoc, a mysterious figure, concealed in a hood, used magic to shield the three boomers from causing further damage. Raon, the magical being accompanying Cale, was quick to sense this assistance.
"Human, human, there's also someone casting another magic! It's a magic barrier!" Raon's words echoed in Cale's mind, stirring his curiosity and concern.
With the information from Raon, Cale's mind raced
As the boomers were finally safe, Cale found himself coughing up blood, a sight that alarmed those around him. Unfazed, he assured them he was fine, typical of his nonchalant attitude towards his own well-being. Raon continued to communicate with Cale, revealing the figure who had aided them—a person who wore a hood that concealed their identity.
Cale's gaze swept the crowd as Raon's words lingered in his mind. Then, he spotted a figure, shrouded in a hood. A powerful gust of wind suddenly blew, causing the hood to fall, revealing a person of surprising strength and beauty. Cale, who rarely cared about appearances, couldn't help but notice the figure's attractiveness – pale skin, silky hair – a beauty that stood out even in the midst of chaos.
Raon, too, sensed the identity of the helper. "Human, that's him! That's the one who helped us earlier," Raon exclaimed in Cale's mind.
However, the mysterious figure swiftly retreated, as if aware of Cale's gaze. The fleeting encounter left Cale intrigued, and he turned his attention back to Taylor and the others who were still in a state of panic.
In a silent exchange with Choi Han, Cale conveyed his intention for Choi Han to investigate the mysterious helper. As Choi Han left to follow the figure, Cale couldn't shake the feeling that the person knew something crucial about the situation
Later, after Choi Han successfully caught up with you, Cale finally had the opportunity to speak with you. The conversation unfolded, revealing that you, too, were in a similar situation—a transmigrator who fell asleep while reading a novel and woke up in this bewildering world.
Your words struck a chord with Cale as you explained, "Would you believe me if I said that I know because I read it in a novel before waking up here?" The revelation resonated deeply with Cale, who had experienced a similar phenomenon himself.
The air between Cale and the reader crackled with the weight of their shared experiences. Cale, contemplating the newfound revelation of another transmigrator, felt a strange connection forming between them. The realization that Kim Rok Soo, the man inhabiting Cale's body in another world, might be experiencing the same disorienting journey struck Cale with an uncanny sense of solidarity.
Amidst the conversation, Cale couldn't help but be intrigued by the dreams each harbored. When he asked the reader about their aspirations, the answer echoed with a simple desire for a normal and peaceful life. Cale, usually a proponent of a slacker lifestyle, found himself drawn to the similarities in their dreams.
As the reader calmly expressed their wish for a tranquil existence, Cale's mind raced with thoughts. He saw an opportunity, a mutually beneficial arrangement that could aid them both in navigating the challenges of this new world. Cale proposed a deal, the terms of which would be set by him, and the reader, composed and sipping tea, listened intently.
"What kind of deal?" the reader inquired, setting down their tea with a focused gaze.
Cale, his face stoic, laid out the terms. "You will be by my side in any situation that includes the plot."
The reader, adjusting their hair, responded with a calm acceptance, but with a condition of their own. "The terms of the deal can be set by you. I want one thing."
Cale, intrigued, asked, "What do you want in exchange?"
The reader's answer was simple yet profound. "Money."
Cale agreed to the deal without hesitation, recognizing the reader's strength in using magic. "You will accompany me, and in return, you'll receive financial support."
Little did he know that the reader, while reading "Birth of a Hero," had also delved into another novel— "The Trash of the Count's Family," featuring the main character, Cale Henituse. The reader kept this information to themselves, 
The reader kept this information to herself, knowing that revealing it might stir unintended consequences. Cale, after all, had strong opinions about being a main character, and she wasn't ready to disrupt the narrative in such a fundamental way.
As the deal was solidified, the reader couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. While she had desired a normal and peaceful life, the impending wars and conflicts on the horizon threatened to shatter that dream. With a sigh, she accepted the reality that her life in this new world would be more chaotic than anticipated.
"Well, I guess my life will be more chaotic as usual,"
Months and years had passed since the peculiar alliance between Cale Henituse and the reader began. Over this time, the reader had seamlessly integrated into Cale's world, becoming an unwavering presence by his side, supporting him in his endeavors and contributing her strategic acumen to their shared plans. The initial transactional nature of their partnership had evolved into a genuine camaraderie.
Within the past month, the reader had not only proven herself as a reliable ally but had also formed close bonds with Choi Han, Lock, and especially Rosalyn. The shared affinity for magic had quickly united the reader and Rosalyn, leading to collaborative experiments and the exchange of ideas. Their friendship grew rapidly, becoming a testament to the connections forged in the midst of their shared adventures.
A remarkable development occurred in the reader's relationship with the children—Hong, On, and Raon. At first, the trauma they carried made it difficult for them to approach the reader. However, displaying an understanding heart, the reader patiently broke through those barriers. Over time, she became a motherly figure to them, offering midnight snacks, gentle pets, and unwavering care. The children, once distant, now adored her, finding joy in just catching a glimpse of her figure.
While the reader's interactions with Cale were primarily bound by the terms of their agreement, a subtle undercurrent of something deeper began to flow. Cale, ever the pragmatic strategist, valued the reader for her calm demeanor and insightful contributions. As their alliance unfolded, he couldn't help but acknowledge the reliability and resourcefulness she brought to the table.
During moments of peril, when Cale overexerted his ancient power, the reader's concern for him was palpable. Despite knowing about the Vitality of the Heart that kept Cale safe, her worry was genuine, and Cale, in his own way, appreciated the sentiment.
Cale saw you as reliable ally you always calm and strategic mind when giving a plan or opinion to his plan and conaidering both of similar situation waking up to this world because of novel
interactions often revolved around shared goals and common enemies, where the reader's strategic mind proved invaluable to Cale's schemes. As plans unfolded and dangers loomed, Cale couldn't help but appreciate the reader's intellect and resourcefulness. Yet, amidst the chaos, the thought of a deeper connection lingered in the background, unnoticed by both parties.
Cale trust you.
As the months passed, a subtle transformation took hold of Cale Henituse, a man known for his nonchalant demeanor. Emotions, once foreign to him, began to bloom in the quiet corners of his heart. It was a strange yet exhilarating experience, one that he couldn't quite put into words. The presence of the reader seemed to be the catalyst, stirring a spectrum of feelings within him.
There were moments when Cale couldn't escape the fluttering sensation in his chest, especially when met with the warmth of your smile or the melodious notes of your laughter. The concern mirrored in your eyes during his darker hours resonated deeply with him. The reader, unbeknownst to themselves, had become more than just an ally; they were Cale's closest confidant, a pillar of support in the unpredictable landscape of his tumultuous life.
In the quieter moments, Cale found himself drawn to the reader's presence. There was an unspoken understanding, a connection that transcended the need for words. The reader possessed an innate ability to read him, to sense his unspoken thoughts and emotions. Their reassuring presence became a balm for his troubled soul.
Stolen glances became a regular occurrence, moments when Cale's gaze lingered a beat longer than usual, absorbing the details of your presence. The well-practiced facade of indifference crumbled during these stolen moments, revealing a softness that betrayed the depth of his emotions. Cale couldn't deny the warmth that enveloped him whenever you were around. It went beyond friendship, evolving into something deeper that he hadn't allowed himself to acknowledge until now.
Choi Han, Rosalyn, Ron, Raon, and the rest of the group began to notice the subtle changes in Cale's behavior. Choi Han, always observant, caught onto the small gestures first. Thoughtful gifts and considerate gestures, once foreign to Cale, became a silent expression of affection. Trinkets were discreetly slipped into the reader's possession, each one a carefully chosen token of his feelings.
Raon, Hong, and On, with their keen perception, also picked up on the shifts. They noticed the softening of Cale's eyes whenever the reader smiled, and the three little creatures couldn't help but share knowing glances amongst themselves.
The rest of the group observed the transformation in Cale's body language. Casual touches and lingering glances, the unconscious following of the reader's movements in a crowded room — all spoke volumes. Even Hans, the ever-discerning butler, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the newfound tenderness in Cale's interactions.
However, amidst all these observations and changes in Cale, the reader remained oblivious to the subtle transformation. The reader, focused on supporting Cale and navigating the challenges they faced, was unaware of the storm of emotions brewing in the young master's heart
Days later, Cale became aware of his feelings.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the expansive field. Flowers of various colors swayed gently in the evening breeze, their petals catching the last rays of sunlight. Cale Henituse and the reader found themselves on the outskirts of a quaint meadow, a tranquil haven away from the chaos of their unpredictable world.
Amidst the blossoms, the reader stood, captivated by a particularly exquisite flower. Their eyes traced the delicate petals, and a soft smile played on their lips. Cale, a silent observer, leaned against a nearby tree, watching the scene unfold. The ethereal quality of the moment seemed to amplify the connection between them, as if the universe conspired to create a canvas for emotions to unfurl.
There was a tender intimacy in the way the reader's fingers delicately brushed against the petals, in the way their eyes reflected admiration for the beauty before them. It was a snapshot of serenity, a moment that seemed to freeze in time, capturing the essence of something deeper.
Cale's gaze lingered on the reader, and in that stillness, realization dawned upon him like the first light of dawn. The way his heart fluttered as he observed the reader, the warmth that spread through his chest—it was more than admiration. It was a profound acknowledgment that the person before him had become an irreplaceable part of his world.
The subtle breeze rustled the leaves, and as the reader turned to meet Cale's gaze, there was a moment of unspoken understanding. Their eyes held a shared secret, a connection that transcended words. Cale, usually adept at navigating the complexities of life, found himself at a loss for how to articulate the emotions swirling within him.
As the reader approached, a question lingering in their eyes, Cale hesitated. The vulnerability of the moment gripped him, and for the first time, he struggled to find the right words. Yet, the truth hung in the air, unspoken but palpable, like the fragrance of the flowers around them.
"You have a way with flowers," Cale finally spoke, his voice softer than usual. It was a diversion, a subtle acknowledgment of the beauty before them and the emotions that danced in the spaces between their words.
The reader, attuned to the shift in the atmosphere, smiled knowingly. "Nature has its own way of expressing beauty," they replied, their gaze meeting Cale's with a warmth that mirrored the setting sun.
Cale, known for his pragmatic approach to life, found himself grappling with newfound emotions that defied logic. The term "love" had always been an enigma to him, a concept best left to the poets and dreamers. Yet, here he was, standing in a meadow as the realization dawned—the person who had once been a strategic ally had become the linchpin of his world.
Love had taken root in his heart, a delicate bloom that unfolded in the quiet moments amidst nature's beauty. The stoic facade that had defined Cale for so long began to crack, revealing a vulnerability that mirrored the fragile petals surrounding them. As the sun dipped lower, casting a warm glow over the meadow, Cale's heart echoed with the unspoken truth—he was in love.
"Hello Nacrise! Thank you for your request; I really appreciate it! I apologize for taking so long, as my mind was blank, and I couldn't fully think about the scenario I wanted. Thankfully, I've managed to finish it, and I hope you like it! if i have time i can make a part 2 of this!
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sillydestiny · 6 months
Request Info
Please be as specific as you can in your requests, but don't make them very long! Just give me all necessary details that you think could help me get an idea of what to write for you. Also, please keep the requests simple in nature!!!
Don't resend requests either! I see all requests and usually do them, unless I don't have enough info. Please be respectful of the fact, that it might take me a longer while to complete your request too!
What Video games do I write for?
Genshin impact
Honkai Star rail
Project sekai
What Manhwa do i write for?
Trash of the count's family
Omniscient reader’s viewpoint
Solo Leveling
The novel extra
What Manhua do i write for?
Lord of the mysteries
What are things i will be willing to write for?
What are things i will NOT be willing to write for?
Sexual Abuse
Heavy Gore
Pedophilic themes
I hope this can answer any questions you may have. If not, please feel free to dm me or just send me an ask! I usually always answer!<33
》Have a nice day/Night!《
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sillydestiny · 6 months
the trash of the count's family
Cale Henituse✧
Cale x Fragile Reader
Whispers of Remembrance
The Unexpected Love
Quiet Hearts Entwined
Losing you
Cale Henituse being jealous
Blossoms of the heart
Alberu Crossman~⁠♪
Bound by Destiny
omniscient reader’s viewpoint
Kim Dokja♡
Everlasting Serenade
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sillydestiny · 6 months
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Headcanon: Cale Henituse Being Jealous
- Cale, known for his indifferent and nonchalant demeanor, rarely shows his emotions openly. However, when it comes to you, his significant other, he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy from time to time.
- One of the triggers for Cale's jealousy is when he sees you getting along with others, especially if they happen to be charismatic or attractive. Despite knowing that he's being unreasonable, he can't help but imagine worst-case scenarios in his mind.
- His jealousy is subtle but noticeable to those who know him well. You might catch a fleeting glance in the direction of anyone getting too close to you or sharing a laugh with you. Cale, being the protector he is, can't help but feel possessive.
- It's not that he doubts your loyalty or commitment. Instead, it's an irrational fear of losing you, the one person who has managed to break through his carefully constructed walls.
- When someone flirts with you, Cale's first instinct is to stay composed. However, if it persists, you can see a subtle tension in his jaw, a sign that he's barely containing his irritation.
- Cale's jealousy often manifests as subtle actions, like a tightened jaw or a narrowed gaze. He might pretend to be indifferent, but his observant nature means he notices even the smallest interactions you have with others.
- His jealousy is more pronounced when it comes to people he perceives as a potential threat. If someone shows too much interest in you or seems to enjoy your company a bit too much, Cale's protective instincts kick in.
- He becomes more attentive when other people express interest in you, silently observing and analyzing the situation.
- Instead of confronting the situation directly, Cale tends to distance himself momentarily. He might become quieter or retreat into his thoughts, trying to understand and manage his emotions before reacting.
- Cale, being the meticulous planner he is, often finds himself devising subtle ways to subtly mark his territory.He might pull you into a quiet corner or find subtle ways to touch you, as if to remind everyone (and himself) that you're with him.Whether it's leaving a personal item of his with you or making sure to hold your hand a bit tighter in public, these small gestures are his way of asserting his presence.
- Despite his jealousy, Cale values open communication. If he recognizes that his jealousy is irrational, he will eventually share his feelings with you, albeit in a calm and collected manner. He believes in addressing issues head-on rather than letting them fester.
- Over time, as your relationship with Cale deepens, he learns to trust you more. While his jealousy doesn't vanish completely, he becomes better at managing it, understanding that you chose him for a reason.
In summary, Cale Henituse's jealousy is a nuanced aspect of his personality. It stems from a place of deep care and affection for you, and he navigates it with a mix of subtle actions and open communication, ultimately strengthening your bond.
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sillydestiny · 8 months
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losing you Cale Henituse X Reader
Cale's thoughts raced as he moved through the chaos of the battlefield, searching for any sign of you. The vivid memories of your laughter, the touch of your hand, and the way you made even the darkest days feel brighter were etched in his mind. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
War had a cruel way of taking lives without mercy, and Cale knew it all too well. He had seen amny people and comrades fall, their lives snuffed out in an instant. But the idea of losing you was unbearable. The selfishness of war, the way it tore loved ones apart, weighed heavily on him.
Amidst the noise and the chaos, Cale pushed forward, determined to find you. The shouts of victory and the celebration of others faded into the background as he focused on his search. He knew he had promised to take care of you, to keep you safe, and he intended to keep that promise.
As he walked, his eyes scanned the surroundings, desperately seeking a familiar face. The worry in his heart gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but fear the worst. The war had already taken so much, and the fear of it taking you was a heavy burden he carried.
With every step, Cale's mind became more and more focused on finding you, making sure you were unharmed. The unspoken words and the unbreakable bond between you both made this search all the more urgent and heartfelt. He would do anything to ensure your safety.
He remembered your confident promise to take care of yourself and your unyielding determination to win the war. Cale's stoic facade softened whenever he thought about those moments. Your strength and your unwavering spirit had captivated him in a way he hadn't expected. But he hadn't realized just how deeply he had fallen in love with you until recently.
Cale found himself addicted to your presence, craving your every word and touch. It was a secret longing he had kept hidden, an unspoken truth between you both, born out of the challenges of the war. He was unable to resist the magnetic pull you had on him.
In the midst of busy days filled with endless meetings and responsibilities, Cale yearned for your presence. He couldn't help but wonder if you were okay, if you had eaten, and how you were faring amidst the turmoil. The moment he caught a glimpse of you, a sense of relief washed over him, and he quickened his pace to reach you.
"Name," he called out, a gentle, reassuring smile hidden behind his stoic expression.
You stopped in your tracks, holding a stack of papers related to your duties. The weight of the world seemed to vanish as Cale leaned into you, his arms enveloping your waist. The scent of your perfume filled his senses, a fragrance he associated with comfort and familiarity.
"Long day?" you inquired, your voice soft and understanding.
Cale's grip tightened as he held you closer, seeking solace in your presence. "Hm...yeah," he replied, his voice laced with fatigue.
In that moment, the two of you shared an unspoken connection, an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of war. It was a cherished moment amid the chaos, a reminder of the deep affection you held for each other.
As Cale continued his journey, his mind felt adrift, the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. Every step he took felt like a plunge into the depths of his own heart, a journey filled with uncertainty and fear.
He eventually stopped, his eyes locked onto a gruesome sight. The world around him dissolved into a sea of red, a stark reminder of the brutality of war. Blood, everywhere, and it was something Cale loathed. But his primary concern was finding you.
Cale thought optimistically, trying to quell the dread rising within him. "They're fine... they're probably just resting. She's strong," he mumbled to himself, though an unsettling feeling gnawed at his gut.
Despite the victory celebrations happening outside, Cale's focus remained unwavering as he searched for any sign of your presence, the one constant in his tumultuous world. The gut feeling grew stronger, telling him that something was terribly wrong.
He followed the trail of blood, his thoughts filled with apprehension. Those words, "we will be fine," echoed in his mind as he ventured further. But he didn't stop, driven by the need to find you, to ensure your safety.
Cale's breath hitched as he entered a half-destroyed building, the gruesome reality of war hitting him like a tidal wave. The scene inside left him speechless and paralyzed by horror.
His voice was barely a whisper as he realized the unthinkable had happened. Cale was confronted with a sight he couldn't comprehend, a sight that had shattered the world he knew. The name that had been on his lips now hung heavily in the air, unspoken and filled with anguish.
Cale's world shattered as he knelt beside you, his heart heavy with a despair he had never known before. Blood was splattered on your body, and yet your face bore a serene smile, as if you had already come to terms with your fate. He couldn't comprehend it; he didn't want to believe what was unfolding before his eyes.
Something inside Cale snapped, a thread of hope and happiness that had been holding him together. The fear of losing something so precious once more clawed at him. He had never imagined he would face such a devastating moment again.
As if on autopilot, Cale dropped to the ground, his gaze locked on you, the woman he had dreamed of having a future with, the missing piece to his life. The plan he had held onto, to propose to you after the war, now lay in tatters before him.
His trembling hands reached for you, his fingers gently tucking your hair behind your ear, just as he had done countless times before. It was a tender gesture that had always earned him your smile, your giggles, and your affection.
Cale inched closer, his hand tracing your features, from your forehead to your soft lips, your small nose, and your half-closed eyelids. He needed to convince himself that this was not an illusion, that the woman he cherished was still there, somewhere beneath the surface.
He remembered the way your eyes used to look at him with gentleness, the way your cheeks would turn rosy on cold days, and your laughter like a melody that filled his heart. Most of all, he could hear your voice saying his name with that sweet, melodious tone.
"Cale," he could almost hear you call his name, a whisper in the depths of his mind.
His arms gently cradled your lifeless form, just as you had done for him so many times before. Cale felt an icy chill as he touched your body, the reality of your absence sinking in.
He hated it.
He despised how you smiled so peacefully, as if you had no care in the world. He hated that you wouldn't open your eyes. He wanted you to come back, to tell him it was all a joke, that you were still there with him.
But deep down, he knew. He knew that you were gone, and the pain of that realization clawed at his soul. Cale couldn't accept it, couldn't fathom a world without you in it. It was a nightmare he wished he could wake up from, but the truth was relentless and cruel.
Cale's heart ached with regret as he knelt beside Name, his trembling hands gently stroking her lifeless hair, memories flooding his mind. He remembered those moments when they promised to stand by each other, to chase their dreams together. The war had brought them closer, but it had also torn them apart.
Tears flowed down Cale's face, unnoticed by him as he leaned in, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. The warmth of his lips against her cold skin was a painful reminder of what he had lost.
"I... love you," he whispered, the words escaping him with a flat, forced tone, like a last-ditch effort to convey his feelings to the one he cherished. He wished he had said those words earlier, with the passion and sincerity he felt at that moment.
Now, the reality of her lifeless form hit him hard. He held her tightly, his grip tightening as if trying to will life back into her, though he knew it was impossible. Cale's mournful gaze turned to the sky, his eyes filled with anguish. The world seemed to blur around him as he mourned the loss of the person who meant everything to him.
The passage of time had become a blur for Cale, a haze of grief that seemed to stretch endlessly. Minutes bled into hours, and he had lost all sense of how long he had been sitting there, clutching your lifeless form.
He felt a grip on his shoulder, but Cale paid it little attention. His focus remained solely on you. Then, a trembling, whispered voice broke through his trance, calling him by his name. It was Choi Han, but Cale's response was sluggish, as if his thoughts had been dipped in molasses.
He eventually glanced around and realized that there were only a few people left, a stark contrast to the bustling army that had fought the war. Cale felt a sense at having been lost in his own grief for so long. He had been sitting there like a fool, drowning in his sorrow.
Choi Han's grip on Cale's shoulder tightened slightly, as if to pull him back from the abyss. Cale recognized the guilt in his friend's voice as he whispered an apology, but Cale couldn't find the strength to respond. His mind was exhausted, his thoughts a jumbled mess. as he surveyed the surroundings, he saw others in a similar state of grief. Children cried, seeking solace in the arms of Eruhaben. Cale couldn't help but repeat to himself, "I'm not the only one suffering here."
The victory in the war seemed hollow now. It had come at a cost too high to bear, and Cale's heart ached at the emptiness that had replaced his hopes for a future with you. The promise of a life together had been torn away, just like that.
Cale's gaze fell to the blood that stained your body and his black uniform. It was a cruel irony that this time, it was not his blood on his hands. He couldn't help but notice the peaceful expression on your face, the smile that played at the corners of your lips, even with blood still present. He gently wiped away the blood from your mouth and touched your cheek, as if to reassure himself that you were at peace.
Choi Han's words rang in the heavy silence. "I'm sure Name-nim doesn't want to see us like this, Cale-nim. They probably want to rest in a nice bed."
The realization was like a dagger to Cale's heart. You deserved peace and comfort, not the anguish that weighed on everyone. With a heavy heart, he nodded, acknowledging the truth in those words.
Cale began to stand, cradling your fragile form as if you were the most delicate of treasures. Your head rested on his chest, and you felt terribly light, too light for his liking. Your pallor and coldness were stark reminders of what had been lost.
He hated it.
Choi Han remained by Cale's side, offering his silent support. "Let's go," he whispered, the sorrow in his tone mirroring the heaviness in Cale's heart.
As Cale moved, his body felt heavy with exhaustion, both physical and mental. His surroundings blurred, his thoughts scattered, and he couldn't fully process what was happening around him. He held you closer, afraid that if he let go, you would disappear from his sight, slipping away into the void.
In that moment, the world had dimmed, leaving only the weight of your absence and the burden of his grief to carry forward.
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sillydestiny · 8 months
“Cale.” The mentioned turned around to the crazy priestess when he heard his name, questioning her when seeing the uncomfortable expression on her face. “What?” “The God of Death told me something strange yesterday night.” She seemed more worried than annoyed for once, furrowed brows and jittery fingers. “Spit it out.” Cale was getting tired. He wanted her to get on with it so he could do the many other things he needed to do. He also didn’t like how her nervousness was rubbing off on him right now, too, causing him to tap his foot in wait. “The God of Death, he said…” She hesitantly continued. “To beware of love.”
He raised a brow at those words, confused. Was that it? Well, gods weren’t trustworthy anyways. How funny, he got worked up for nothing. He scoffed as if laughing before turning around, speaking to the crazy priestess cage while leaving. “Don’t worry about trivial things like that. Just do your job.” She had her own role to play right now just as he did, they couldn’t afford to dawdle around like this. “Cale.” The seriousness in her voice refused to allow the topic to be brushed off so easily like he tried to just do. “He said that your love will turn into a blessing and curse in the future.” The words that confused him at that time continued to reverberate in his mind. “A comforting curse and the most painful blessing you’ll ever have.”
It began when he gave you a job to infiltrate the building of some human traffickers and give him the layout, a clear intent to save those poor souls in his eyes. You had smiled at the man who called himself trash on such a regular basis it grew tiring before going off on your journey, waving at him with a bright grin before you disappeared from your place on the teleportation circle.
Then he woke up confused when he felt something on his face, opening his eyes slowly to see a familiar crow with a paper tied to its leg. He was happy at first when he saw the crow you used to send things ahead of time, patting the head of the bird as he opened the map you had drawn before leaving the room to search for you since you were always only a few minutes behind the bird. Except, he realised that you weren’t in the mansion. You weren’t on the training grounds or talking with Choi Han or Beacrox. Much less, the two told him that you didn’t even come back yet.
Raon fluttered his wings in worry, asking when you were going to be back a week later, only to get either an unsure or no answer in response. Then he’d ask if something had happened to you only for Cale to butt in before he could finish the question, saying you were fine and probably got distracted on the way back. Nevertheless, he teleported to the coordinates Eruhaben had teleported you to, the two dragons, Choi Han, and him searching around for any traces of you but finding none.
They hear Alberu on the video communication device a few days later, talking about how the human trafficking issue was getting worse and that they had found some people lying around in the area. Some were too injured to even be identified while others would have to be washed of the blood they were covered in just to tell who they were. The prince asked when Cale planned to get rid of them, and he answered back. The human traffickers seemed to be busy with the chaos going around in the continent right now, not trafficking any new people according to the information he had. He needed to do some other things first. Then, he’d take them down.
Until then, his worry squirmed underneath his calm exterior, trying to convince not only everyone around him but himself as well as he said that you wouldn’t fall so easily. You, who were used to missions and tasks requiring stealth from him, would not get caught or taken down so easily. Yes, he was right. You were fine. He just had to wait; after all, you probably believed that he knew you were fine. He didn’t want to let you down.
You were scarier than Ron when he came back in pain but your touch would be softer than any of the silky sheets he could be gifted from kings and dragons. The hands searching for any injuries would come back to trace his face and go through his hair, and he’d subconsciously lean into the warmth he had never felt before while you frowned at him in worry. His first worry when in pain from using the ancient powers too much would be how he would explain to you that he ignored your behest of being careful while the first comfort would be the thought of your soft touch and caring expression.
In a room full of people, he’d somehow meet your eyes first before anybody’s. Even while your leg was shaking in anxiety at the useless nobles’ looks, you’d still be amused by him to the point you’d laugh in such a stressful predicament. When you were a strict teacher to the children at times but then gave them food the next moment, he’d wonder what it would be like to have a family with you before realising what he was thinking, grumbling while you questioned to yourself if he was drinking alcohol before coming here because his face was flushed. When he wondered if his school crush from so long ago felt this good before you looked at him, deciding that, no, this love was much sweeter than a mere crush.
“Cale, I have to change.”
“Ah. Raon, don’t come in here for a minute.”
“...Cale Henituse, you need to leave the room, too.”
“Ah, right. Sorry.” It seemed being around you made the highly revered commander turn stupid, as he awkwardly walked out the room.
When he grumbled about how people can be even trashier than him as he put his coat over your hunched over form and glared at the people who were so blatantly ogling you, he suddenly felt purified when he saw you hold the corner of his sleeve and smile at him. You never told anyone about things in your life, not because you wanted to keep things from them, but because you genuinely didn’t know you were supposed to tell them that, yes, you accidentally smashed glass on some asshole’s hand but when he said something about giving him money and spending the night with him as compensation you punched him.
You were an entity that pushed him away from his calm self while pulling him in towards yourself. A puzzle that he wanted to complete because there were still so many things left for you both to discover about each other- the nooks and crannies, the secret rooms hidden in the depths of your hearts and the invisible chains that sometimes twist around your wrists. The smiles in your eyes and the tears in your grin. The shock in your calm expressions and the nervousness in your confident visages. The slight shaking of your hand he felt when he clasped his hand around yours to comfort you, a smile on your face as you talked about who knows what while dancing in the overcrowded ballroom. And he decided that when he finally found that last puzzle piece and put it in its place, that would be the time to kneel on one knee as he held a box in his hands with a ring nestled inside.
Until then, he would love you unnoticeably.
And unnoticeable it was, as you never once suspected how there was a reason his smile looked softer than usual as he looked at you or why his hand seemed so gentle as he passed a cookie to you. But everyone else could see it, the secret glances shared between you two when someone you were talking to was, apparently, stupid. The laughs and groans falling from your lips as you watched Choi Han’s acting. The annoyance on his face seemed a little less whenever it came to you.
“Cale-nim, I’ll follow you til’ the end of the world.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
“No, but what other purpose in life would be greater than following ‘Young Master Silver Shield’ on his heroic journey? The hero who’s gotten so big he’ll probably never get to slack off.”
“[Name] [last name], you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re talking about, Cale-nim~”
“Ha… Fine, do whatever you want.”
When he questioned why you, Choi Han, and Mary had destroyed parts of the castle with Hilsman watching in the background, you learnt by then the basics of his personality and said that you didn’t fight a nobleman because he insulted Cale, but because he had decided to say something regarding you throughout the banquet. When Choi Han, Mary, Hilsman, and Alberu all heard this, they wondered why you lied about defending Cale’s honour before becoming even more shocked when they heard him say that that was fine, in that case, and then ask if you at least managed to break his arm. They’d probably be even more confused if they heard his thoughts of how you should’ve destroyed the whole part of the castle like Choi Han. Hilsman stuttered and tried to speak up, saying “No, the nobleman insulted the young ma-” before you clasped a hand over his mouth, frowning and saying “No, he insulted me. What are you doing, Hilsman?”
“...Did you not sleep?”
“...I feel like my ears have been cursed.”
“You listened to Raon last night?” The little dragon had sung a lullaby of what he would do with Venion when he got his paws on him. While Cale struggled to sleep, it seemed you didn’t get a wink of it.
“I was actually surprised you could sleep at all. He was so enthusiastic I felt bad ignoring him, but it was so scary at the same time I couldn’t close my eyes.”
“You should’ve just ignored him. You’re not trash like me, but you still shouldn’t feel guilty for ignoring a lullaby of torture.” He turned and spoke to Ron in a corner of the room. “Hold off leaving for fifteen minutes.” Fifteen minutes was the latest they could start working, and you needed your rest to work properly. “Ha, you say you’re trash, then do things like this.” “...” Of course, your work performance was not the reason he was making time for you to sleep.
When he saw the children try to subtly-but-not-so-subtly nudge you towards Cale and heard Choi Han’s terrible acting on a daily basis before he left to leave you two alone-purposefully, it seemed- while Beacrox sighed in the background. When he heard you shout “you demonic temptress!” in the middle of the night before stomping to your room, seeing Rosalyn coming from the one you were just in and hiding an outfit behind her with a sheepish smile directed at him when spotting him. The outfit was black, the colour his people wore, and suited you well. It was the outfit you wore this morning, the morning he stopped in the middle of his conversation with Rosalyn and Choi Han when he saw you walk out the Super Rock mansion and stared. He grumbled, realising that while his love was indeed unnoticeable to you, it was noticeable to everyone else but you.
He would kiss you slowly when a raindrop fell on your cheek and you were gone before it reached your chin. He’d wait for hours in the room where you would meet, watching the clock tick by and get up when he finally heard the door open, your clothes coming into view. But he’d be snapped out of his imagination to reality before he could actually see you, back in his room with Rosalyn in front of him, a look of worry on her face. It felt like he was dreaming with his eyes open, a dream so vivid it was close to an illusion before he realised he was now having illusions of dreaming. How long has it been, he’d wonder, grasping the pen tightly in his hand. When were you going to come home?
You finally came. After a long time, you finally came home to them. Cale had come down the stairsteps and was greeted by Choi Han rushing to hug you when you reappeared with the children close on his heels and Ron and Beacrox smiling from their places. He was ecstatic at first, feeling like the gods finally did something right in bringing you back before the harsh reality slammed into him. Your confused movements at Choi Han and the shock flashing in your eyes at seeing Raon, as well as the two cats because wow they were actually talking- He frowned, walking to where you were and holding a strand of your hair between his two fingers as you smiled at him. “I’ve returned home.” Everyone smiled before the next words left your lips. “To the rock mansion.” They were in the Adventure and Hope Loving Inn, not the Super Rock mansion.
Cale chupsed, as if he heard something painful before giving a short order. “Ron.” Beacrox hurriedly came to block the childrens’ visions while the sharp assassin, who had noticed something was wrong, quickly took care of you. The children, annoyed at being blocked from seeing you, were confused when they finally got past Beacrox only to see a man they didn’t know in the place you were. The man fell and Cale rubbed his face, immediately asking for some alcohol before going back upstairs.
The fact they knew about the rock mansion but not that this inn they owned was not that mansion only meant one thing: You had ended up being forced to give them their whereabouts, but instead of being honest and ratting them out, you told them this destination saying it was the rock mansion. Look at you, deciding to set a trap while in trouble. Cale laughed when he remembered your shocked face from being stabbed morphing to one of a man, who was probably being disposed of downstairs now. Curse him for being so sharp. If he hadn’t noticed the person who looked like you being unsure at Choi Han’s care, the shock of seeing a baby dragon, and the disbelief at the talking cats, maybe he could have relished in the delusion that you were back in his arms. Maybe, for a little while, he would be able to pretend you were back. But that in itself was a curse, wasn’t it?
The day finally came for him to infiltrate the place you had gone to before disappearing.
He followed the map drawn out by you, and he was about to pass by the room your familiar handwriting said not to go in under any circumstances before Raon spoke in his mind. ‘Human, I feel [name]’s presence in there!’ He had frozen in his tracks before ignoring the words on the map, going into the room to find you because why were you here instead of coming back four months ago- before stopping entirely when you were nowhere in the room. “Human…” He turned his head to where he heard Raon’s wavering voice, looking at the dragon with a worried expression as it stood over some ropes dyed red in some spots. Could dragons sense a person’s presence from their blood?
He remembered your warning to not go into this room and Raon’s words before something clicked in his mind, a disbelieving laugh coming out his mouth. “Ha, haha-” How utterly like you, to hide the pain you would suffer through by telling him not to come into the room where there were ropes mottled with blood. The blood that had dried to an ugly brown sickened him when he examined it, feeling the need to empty his stomach of his breakfast that morning.
He’d become even more destructive when finishing the job, the desire to wipe the building that held you captive off the face of the world reflected in his eyes while Choi Han stood beside him with concern in his eyes. So where were you? Where were you now, if not the place you infiltrated? Cale wondered with an anxious heart before hearing a beeping sound, turning to look at the video communication device Raon held in his chubby paws while informing him it was Alberu. The prince looked worse than usual, an uncomfortable and grieving expression on his face that already told Cale that he wouldn’t like what he was about to hear.
“We found [name].” Everyone stayed silent for a few seconds, processing the information before facing the man in the call in shock. “Where is she?” The most impatient was the man who always looked calm on the outside with a stoic expression, leaning in and asking for your whereabouts with a frown. There was a silence on the other side before Alberu continued. “Amongst the people who were covered in blood…”
Cale’s world shattered at that moment, the dreams and memories he had of you rushing through his mind like a reel of a movie as he processed the fact that that beautiful and utterly spellbinding smile would be the last ones he’d ever see from you, already figuring it out from those words what had happened to you. Amongst the people they had found a month ago that had been beaten to the point of being unrecognisable and those that were covered in so much blood it was hard to figure out who they were, you were amongst the bloodied people. “The blood wasn’t only her own. She injured many people before-” Before you died.
You shouldn’t have died so early. Your story was not even halfway through before it got such an abrupt and bloody ending. If your life was a book, there would be thousands of people complaining to the authour about the sudden and terrible ending and demanding for a new and happier ending. Your story should have lasted sixty, seventy, no- more than the average human life if he could help it. You were supposed to spend his slacker life with him and be by his side with no other requirement. All you had to do was smile at him and hold him close like you’d been doing so far, but your arms suddenly felt so cold and your smile was not present in that coffin they lowered into the ground.
“It was raining.” No one corrected him, said that the day was the sunniest it had been in weeks as if it was taunting them, said that that explanation didn’t make sense as to why his face was wet and turned back to the coffin. In a sense, it was raining for them, too. He wondered what your life would be like as a book- Would it be like Choi Han’s? But your life, was it full of tragedy or happiness? If his life was a book, the pages would be filled with his wishes of a slacker life and the continuous misfortunes he’d have to go through to get there. His pages would be filled- utterly filled- with the repetition of your name over and over until it seemed strange if there was a page without a mention of you.
Did your book even have mentions of his name? Did you recount his smiles and laughs or his actions and memories together like he did you? “Lovers sometimes suffer the most,” Ron says, placing a cup of lemonade on the desk as Cale replied in disbelief. “Were we lovers?” he asked, running his hand through his hair while scoffing. “Did she love me?” He knew that he was in love, but he didn’t know if you were the same. The benign man, for once, had a different smile than a benign or cruel one on his face. “Yes.” He reminisced on the peculiar look in the eyes of his puppy young master and you, the look that reminded him of his days spent with his wife and a Beacrox much smaller than now. “She loved you so much that even though she tried to hide it, it was too much for her eyes to keep covered.”
He’d drown himself in alcohol to see the hallucinations of your face. He’d dream of dancing with your ghost before you disappeared in a wisp of wind. He’d apologise weakly over and over again to the air as if you could hear it when he was drunk and couldn’t sleep. When Raon started crying while drawing because he couldn’t remember how you looked, Cale took the crayon from him and drew all the lines the little dragon had missed and every single detail he had become enamoured with. Eruhaben would watch from beside Raon as he traced you so accurately with nothing more than a child’s crayon before he went back to his room, leaving behind a paper with you smiling on it.
He sighed at the man while holding the crying Raon in his arms, the baby dragon that loved you so much to the point he thought of you as a mother figure of sorts, the person who held him and comforted him when he was sad and laughed and celebrated with him when he was happy. He watched the cats who would sullenly walk around and sit in your room on your table, as if waiting for you to come back and sigh at them putting their paws on the table that you put your food on before you picked them up and held them. He watched Choi Han’s rage at not being able to find you when they searched for you show in his training. Even the crow whom you so carefully raised seemed to move less, an air of gloom around it as if it knew the reason its owner hadn’t come to smile and coo at it for the past month- and maybe it did. He thought of Cale, who still had the stoic expression on his face but seemed to be the most unstable one out of all of them. ‘What an unlucky bastard.’ He would probably remember how you looked his entire life, no matter how much time would have passed. ‘What an unlucky bastard, indeed.’
Cale would lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as thoughts swirled in his mind. Did you become a transmigrator like him and travel to another world, maybe even his own, trying to figure out where you were? Or are you where the angels roam, wandering around the beautiful sights of heaven without the burdens of this world? What did heaven look like, he wanted to ask. Did you run around and walk on clouds with your other fellow angels, making friends here and there and enchanting everyone around just as you did to him? No, but if you ran on clouds, would you ever feel the rain again?
You loved the rain, the rain which you would lay under before being pulled in by him because did you want to get hypothermia? The rain that you’d pull him out the mansion for, much to his behest as his clothes were getting wet, before seeing the dazzling light of the moon reflected in your eyes. Was it the moon, he wondered, that made your eyes pretty, or was it your eyes that made the night sky beautiful? The rain that only seemed interesting with you beside him, the rain that you would cover yourselves under his jacket side by side, the rain where he would kiss you slowly and you’d disappear before the raindrop reached your chin and the rain that disguised his tears as mere water droplets.
Cale understood that pain was what made life beautiful, what made stories interesting and made life worth struggling for. But weren’t you enough? Weren’t you enough to make his life beautiful? Why would he need pain when something as spellbinding and enchanting as you that put the fireflies around you to shame was beside him? Even if you weren’t enough, wasn’t this too much pain? More pain than needed for making life beautiful? It felt like he was being played with by this damned world itself. He wanted to wrap his arms around you and lean his face into your hair, smell your scent and hear your laugh and feel your arms wrapping around him again. Just once more. He’d endure the Fire of Destruction’s lightning or the pain of his plate expanding a thousand times over if it meant that he could do that once more.
You flippantly asked a question, wondering just what his dream was to reduce him to this state while drunk.
“You still look like a mess. Would you like a story to go with your sorrow?”
“Why not?”
“Hm? Ah, well… I heard this one story of young master silver shield the other-”
“One of yours.”
“I want to know your story.”
“Wouldn’t Choi Han’s story be more interesting? Or Ron’s? You know about everything I’ve done since I met you already.”
“I don’t want to know what you did after meeting me. I want to know your life before that.”
“...Alright. I’m not sure if you meant if I had any trauma or not, but I’ll tell you my story.”
He wanted to propose to you when he finally finished the puzzle called ‘you’, but what if even before he finished that puzzle, someone else had completely ruined it and destroyed the puzzle pieces? If someone took the book he was reading with so much delight and ruined it in front of him? He wanted to give those human traffickers hell for destroying the puzzle pieces and ripping the pages that made him smile so, that made the world that gave him nothing but trouble seem interesting and beautiful all of the sudden, but he groaned and rubbed his face when remembering that they were now under Alberu’s jurisdiction, not his. He would listen to a request from his dear dongsaeng, right?
Every time he saw you, he’d beg for you to put him under another spell, one that made him stay by your side like you did him. However, you would only laugh, smile, say that you would stay with him until he obtained his slacker life and past that point, before your hand he held turned into dandelions and fluttered in the wind. His begs fell on deaf ears the entire time. The feeling of your arms around him as he shook with the onslaught of sobs felt so very warm. He wondered if this was how you spent your life in heaven, visiting the dreams of a trash like him instead of being with the other angels. But he knew that if you were alive, you’d say that he wasn’t trash, that it wasn’t his fault you died because, in the ending, it was you who failed and didn’t tell anyone. That you wanted him to continue to live and get that slacker life because what greater happiness would you get if not sharing his? The memories of you would make his heart flutter and break at the same time. He slept more from then on, desperate for your comfort and the sight of the face of the person he fell in love with. The person he could cry in front of and they’d be fine.
The memory of a drunken night returned to his mind. You two were wasting the night away, and while you had stopped earlier on because you decided to be the Responsible Adult™ for once, he continued until he was wasted. In all honesty, it was because the bitter taste of alcohol was not kind to your tongue, but you insisted you were just being responsible. “Don’t leave me,” he had mumbled, his head on the counter while you listened from beside him. “Don’t leave me. I’m emotionless. I didn’t even cry. But if you left… I don’t want that to be why I feel emotions.” What he was saying should’ve sounded like nonsense to you, but you thought that he had a particularly vivid nightmare lately, not able to know that it was a “test” that he had experienced and not a nightmare.
“This,” he pointed to the badge on your shirt, the one he had given you the night before the battle at the Henituse estate between the wyverns and bone dragon so long ago. “Don’t ever take it off. It looks terrible next to Raon’s piggy bank.” Yes. In the test, your badge was the only thing left of you. While you were confused where Raon’s piggy bank came from, your heart tore apart at him demanding not to be left alone, leaning over him to give a friendly hug and cracking a joke to reassure him. “Why in a thousand years would I ever leave you? Ha, it’s not like I’m gonna die soon.” Your laugh calmed his heart at that time. “How about this? I’ll never take this badge off, and I’ll put off dying, just for you! So cheer up, young master silver shield. I still have to follow you to the ends of the world.”
What an utter liar you had become. He thought you were honest all this time. Cale felt like he had been scammed by your promise on that drunken night. ‘Well, at least you kept one promise,’ he mused. That badge was on your person when you were found, even while drenched in blood. You never left it behind, not then and not now with those white clothes decorating your cold skin underneath the ground. ‘Ah,’ he thought, laughing in disbelief as he remembered Cage. ‘So that’s what she meant.’ His love really did turn into the most painful blessing and curse.
His dreams still tantalised him with your form sitting beside him in flower fields or brushing his hair while fretting at the remembrance of him coming back covered in blood, the feeling that you were still there right with him so vivid before he woke up and wanted to cry at how the blatant lies he wanted to believe could only last for so long.
[...this is so long oh my god]
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sillydestiny · 11 months
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Quiet Hearts Entwined
Headcanon: Cale Henituse and the Smart but Quiet Reader
In this headcanon, Cale Henituse finds himself drawn to a smart but quiet reader, and together, they forge a unique and meaningful relationship:
- Cale, with his laid-back and stoic-like demeanor, is initially intrigued by the quiet and reserved nature of the reader. He finds their intelligence and depth alluring, sparking his curiosity to unravel the layers behind their quiet facade.
- The reader, in turn, appreciates Cale's easygoing and non-judgmental attitude. They feel comfortable in his presence, as he gives them the space and respect to be themselves without feeling the need to be overly talkative or expressive.
- As the two spend more time together, Cale becomes fascinated by the reader's intellect and insightful observations. He seeks out their company, finding solace in the comfortable silence they share, a rare connection that transcends words.
- The reader, while quiet, communicates effectively with Cale through their actions and subtle expressions. They share meaningful glances and gestures that speak volumes, creating a language unique to their relationship.
- Cale's protective instincts emerge naturally. He becomes attuned to the reader's needs, intuitively understanding when they require space and when they may need a comforting presence.
- Despite his trash-like reputation, Cale proves to be an attentive and thoughtful partner. He surprises the reader with books or items related to their interests, showing that he pays attention to their preferences and passions.
- Together, they embark on intellectual pursuits, engaging in deep conversations and debates. Cale cherishes the rare moments when the reader opens up and shares their thoughts, making each interaction with them a treasured experience.
- The reader's quiet and reflective nature complements Cale's more extroverted side, creating a harmonious balance within their relationship. They appreciate each other's strengths and find support in their differences.
- As the reader's trust in Cale grows, they become more comfortable expressing themselves around him. They share their ideas and insights, knowing that Cale will listen with genuine interest and respect.
- Cale's easygoing attitude becomes a calming presence for the reader, helping them feel at ease and encouraging them to be more open and expressive at their own pace.
- Together, they find joy in the simple pleasures of life: enjoying each other's company, reading together, and spending quiet moments in each other's arms.
- Cale's protective nature extends to safeguarding the reader's mental and emotional well-being. He shields them from unnecessary stress and ensures they have a nurturing environment to thrive.
- Over time, Cale and the reader develop a beautiful rhythm in their relationship. They share a special bond that goes beyond words, as they can understand each other's feelings and emotions without the need for constant verbal communication.
- Cale finds himself drawn to the reader's ability to see through facades and grasp the essence of people and situations. He values their insights and often seeks their advice when facing difficult decisions, trusting their judgment implicitly.
- The reader's quiet nature allows them to be great listeners, and Cale finds comfort in confiding in them. They create a safe space for him to share his thoughts and feelings, knowing that he won't be judged or criticized.
- Despite being quiet, the reader possesses a strong and assertive side. When necessary, they step up and take charge, becoming a reliable partner to Cale in times of crisis or when decisions need to be made.
- Cale, with his resourcefulness, supports the reader's pursuits and helps them overcome any challenges they may face. He encourages and motivates them to explore their interests and achieve their goals.
- Their mutual respect and admiration for each other's strengths strengthen their bond. They celebrate each other's successes and stand by each other during setbacks, knowing that they are a team that can weather any storm.
- As they journey through life together, Cale becomes the reader's rock and source of stability, while the reader offers him intellectual stimulation and emotional grounding.
- Their relationship is an unspoken agreement to cherish the moments of silence and appreciate the power of understanding without needing constant reassurance through words.
- Cale and the reader find joy in simple activities that allow them to connect on a deeper level. From stargazing to long walks in nature, they enjoy the peaceful moments they spend together.
- Their friends and acquaintances often marvel at the quiet intimacy shared between Cale and the reader. They recognize that their love is pure and genuine, even without grand displays of affection.
- The reader's intelligence and wit become invaluable assets during adventures, as they provide strategic insights that complement Cale's pragmatism and problem-solving skills.
- In times of conflict or danger, Cale's protective instincts go into overdrive, and he becomes a formidable force defending the reader and their well-being.
- Cale's laziness remains unchanged, but he becomes more motivated to create a comfortable and fulfilling life for both himself and the reader. He aims to provide them with the best possible future, cherishing every moment they share.
- Their love may be unconventional to others, but it's genuine and deeply rooted in mutual understanding and acceptance. They cherish the quiet moments they share, finding comfort and joy in being each other's confidants and partners in silence.
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sillydestiny · 11 months
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Greetings! I'm SillyDestiny, also known as Haruhi. It's a pleasure to have you here! In my writing endeavors, I primarily focus on crafting character x reader stories. I find great joy in exploring the genres of angst and fluff, creating captivating narratives that tug at the heartstrings.
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sillydestiny · 11 months
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The Unexpected Love
Cale x Reader
- Cale Henituse, known for his lazy and stoic behavior, would surprise everyone with his transformation as a boyfriend. Despite his initial reluctance to get involved in romantic relationships, once he commits, he becomes fiercely loyal and protective.
- As a boyfriend, Cale would show his love through his actions rather than grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection. He would be practical and down-to-earth in his approach, making sure to take care of your needs and wants.
- Cale may still have a mischievous side, but he would direct it towards light-hearted teasing and banter with you. He would enjoy playful exchanges and create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in the relationship.
- Cale values personal freedom and independence, and he would extend the same respect to you. He would understand the importance of personal space and allow you to pursue your own interests and hobbies without feeling suffocated.
- Despite his laid-back nature, Cale would be a reliable and trustworthy partner. He would keep his promises and be there for you when you need him the most. You can count on him to provide support and guidance during challenging times.
- Cale's protectiveness would manifest in subtle ways. He would always have an eye out for potential dangers or threats, and he would take precautions to ensure your safety without being overbearing.
- Communication might not be Cale's strong suit initially, but he would make an effort to open up and share his thoughts and feelings with you. He would appreciate honest and straightforward conversations, and he would listen attentively when you need to talk.
- Cale may not be the most physically affectionate person, but he would gradually become more comfortable with displays of affection in private. He would cherish intimate moments and enjoy the simple acts of holding hands or cuddling.
- Cale's pragmatic mindset would help him handle conflicts or disagreements in a calm and rational manner. He would strive for compromises and find practical solutions that benefit both of you.
- Cale's love for you would be genuine and deep-rooted. He may not always express it through flowery words or grand romantic gestures, but his actions would speak volumes. He would be your dependable partner, supporting you through thick and thin.
Overall, as a boyfriend, Cale Henituse would surprise you with his loyalty, practicality, and protectiveness,caring and devoted nature.
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sillydestiny · 11 months
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Bound by Destiny
Alberu Crossman x Reader
Headcanon: Alberu Crossman as a Boyfriend
- Alberu Crossman, the stoic and responsible Crown Prince, is often seen as serious and focused on his duties. However, when he becomes your boyfriend, a whole new side of him is revealed.
- Alberu is incredibly protective and caring towards you. He values your well-being above all else and always ensures you feel safe and loved. He'll go to great lengths to make sure you're comfortable and shielded from any harm.
- Despite his reserved nature, Alberu is surprisingly affectionate in private. He showers you with gentle touches, soft kisses, and embraces that make you feel cherished and adored. He isn't one to express his emotions openly, but his actions speak volumes about his deep love for you.
- Alberu is an excellent listener. He pays close attention to your thoughts, concerns, and dreams, and encourages you to share them openly. He values your opinions and seeks your input on important matters, making you feel valued and respected.
- He has a great sense of humor, although it might not be immediately apparent. When the two of you are alone, Alberu relaxes and lets his guard down, often surprising you with witty remarks and playful banter. His laughter is a joy to hear, and he takes pleasure in seeing you smile.
- Alberu is a natural problem-solver and is always ready to help you find solutions. Whether it's a personal issue or a larger problem, he approaches it with a calm and analytical mind. You can rely on him for guidance and support, knowing that he'll offer practical advice and a level-headed perspective.
- When it comes to romance, Alberu is a true romantic at heart. He plans thoughtful and meaningful dates, taking into consideration your preferences and interests. From intimate candlelit dinners to exciting outdoor adventures, he always aims to create memorable experiences that deepen your connection.
- Alberu is someone you can lean on during challenging times. He provides a steady presence and offers words of encouragement when you need them most. His unwavering support helps you face obstacles with renewed strength and determination.
- He respects your independence and understands the importance of personal space. Alberu recognizes that you have your own goals and ambitions, and he encourages you to pursue them wholeheartedly. He believes in your abilities and is there to cheer you on every step of the way.
- Alberu's love for you extends to your loved ones as well. He makes an effort to build strong relationships with your friends and family, demonstrating his commitment to creating a harmonious and inclusive environment for everyone important in your life.
- Finally, Alberu's loyalty knows no bounds. He is unwaveringly dedicated to you, and his commitment to your relationship is unbreakable. You can trust him with your deepest secrets and fears, knowing that he will always be by your side, supporting and loving you with all his heart.
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