sinlesschick6 · 7 years
Me if Tony gets treated like shit in Infinity Wars:
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
When Ezekiel is talking about Shiva, it makes me think about how much of a tigress Carol is, and how she probably won't show a tooth in his direction either... well she might. ;P Shipping.
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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A cover for my next fic
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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Toasted Marshmallow Peanut Butter Molten Lava Cakes
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
when ya see your crush at the public pool
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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No Bake Chocolate Fudge Fridge Cake | Gourmande in the Kitchen
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
best sleeping conditions: freezing fucking cold room but layers and layers of blankets 
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
My middle school bully is dead.
My middle school bully is dead. This is the truth as seen through my eyes. You can take it however you will.
I was bullied as a child. It’s funny to say that, because, well, I still am kind of a child. I have been called things no one should ever have to hear, at a young age, still growing, still trying to find myself and figure out life. It’s not easy trying to do that while being voted most ugly in the school, or constantly avoided because other kids your grade think you’re a lesbian because you’re still going through puberty so maybe you don’t look like what you’re supposed to yet. Bullied even by teachers. You never wake up one morning wanting to be called a b****, faggot, shemale, slut, angry girl, weirdo, etc. I’ve been hurt by others words and actions to the point of exhaustion. Where I would cry myself to sleep. To the point of wishing I wouldn’t wake up the next morning. To the point where I began to hurt myself with my own cruel thoughts, words,… And actions.
But this story isn’t about me. This story is about my middle school bully, and how she came to die.
This girl was popular. She had long long long sandy brown hair, green blue eyes, lashes, kissy lips, and a perfect face. She was a teen that was allowed to wear makeup, when other’s moms told them they didn’t want them looking like floosies. She definitely didn’t look like a floosy. She was pretty. And she knew it. As did the other girls and boys that circled around her. Everyone wanted to be her. And she took advantage.
She tormented me. She tormented anyone who didn’t kiss the ground she walked on.
I pretended I didn’t care, I pretended she wasn’t worth the time everyone gave her, I pretended her words didn’t hurt me. But pretending is just a way of lying to yourself.
There were times when bullies are kind… but it feels like they’re using you for something. Like copying your test or wanting to become their next art piece. But even thinking they don’t really like you, you start to wonder if maybe the rest is an act and these little glimpses are the true them.
Middle school ended. High school began. The top of the food chain was now the bottom, meaning anyone popular in middle school was basically nothing in high school.
A few of the kids regained their titles, but instead of being worshipped. They were gossiped on.
I heard so many things said about my middle school bully. Weird, rude, disgusting things. No matter if true or not, that shouldn’t be something said out loud. Even if I still resented her, those were private things.
I stayed the depressed bullied kid for the first few years. Things quieted down. My bully seemed to have dissolved into the crowd of high schoolers.
Finally. Last year. Senior year. Second semester. She’s in my class. Sitting right next to me.
She’s as pretty as ever, but things seem different. She’s no longer trying to outdo everyone or be on top. She’s in an oversized hoodie with her long hair in a bun.
We talk. We talk everyday in that class. She’s hilarious. She thinks I’m hilarious. We chat about anything and everything that comes up. We joke about everything. -there’s a lot to joke about in mythology class guys, trust me xD- She compliments me and makes me feel good on down days, she tells me things and asks me for advice. Middle school is a distant memory, we aren’t even the same people.
Last day of class she asks to sign my year book… I almost cry. I sign hers too, and doodle her a little picture inside.
We graduated.
I hear things about her that I ignore, because I don’t need to hear it.
A year or two pass and I’m on some trip in a close by town with a group of kids, as a chaperone. I felt horrible that day, cuz my dang period started while on the bus. It was a bad day for moving.
I’m in line for ice cream and I see her ordering coffee. I say hi, she recognizes me and tells me how amazing I look. Then we talk kind of aimlessly for the next 20 or 30 minutes. She’s smiling, I think about all the things I heard going around about her lately and how there’s no way they’re true.
Eleven days later she dies. Overdosed on some drug. And I just think “How?”
Then things get out about her home life. And how bad she’s actually had it. You hear things that bullies are acting out for a reason, and it doesn’t click until you find out something like this. And I think back around the times. How stupid middle school was. And I’m just sad.
It’s been over a year now.
This is the story of how my middle school bully died. But also how I will always miss my high school friend.
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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Chocolate Mint Slice | Devilliciously Raw
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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I will miss this family so much.
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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Grilled Cheese Tomato Sandwich | Eat Good 4 Life
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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Chocolate Avocado Tartlets | A House in the Hills
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sinlesschick6 · 8 years
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Moon Cakes | La Receta de la Felicidad
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