sirensexual-blog1 · 6 years
Thoughts on Legolas
“In Sauron’s final overthrow, Elves were not effectively concerned at the point of action. Legolas probably achieved least of the Nine Walkers.” Unfinished Tales, JRR Tolkien.
I have always found this passage troubling.
I understand Legolas was a late addition to the narrative and as such is a bit of an enigma as far as his origins. It makes sense that Tolkien needed an Elf as part of the Fellowship–the members were to represent the free peoples of Middle Earth and the Elves were the first of these peoples. It also makes a great deal of sense that Tolkien did not choose Glorfindel or Elrond’s sons as members. Sauron was not going to be defeated by strength of arms in outright battle. That had failed with mighty Elven warriors in the past. Obviously skilled warriors were necessary to provide protection for the members of the Fellowship–Frodo in particular–but their success was not to be in battle prowess. It also makes sense for Aragorn’s narrative arc to leave Glorfindel and the twins out–he would have a natural tendency to defer to them, consciously or unconsciously, and this was his time to lead and fulfill his ultimate potential–he could not do that as effectively with great Elf lords in his company, in my opinion.
Legolas is a formidable presence as described by Tolkien: “He was tall as a young tree, lithe, immensely strong, able swiftly to draw a great war-bow and shoot down a Nazgûl, endowed with the tremendous vitality of Elvish bodies, so hard and resistant to hurt that he went only in light shoes over rock or through snow, the most tireless of all the Fellowship.” J.R.R. Tolkien, The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two (The History of Middle-Earth, #2)
Legolas’ achievements are many in LOTR. They may not be as profound as Frodo’s or Aragorn’s but I do not feel his achievements are so minimal as the initial quote supposes. He remains an integral part of the Fellowship–the ultimate goals would not have been achieved if he were not part of the quest.
He is not a direct catalyst like Merry and Pippin (with the rousing of the Ents). His actions are perhaps less epic in scale than Frodo’s–or Sam’s for that matter. But time and again his simple actions (scouting, shooting, sensing) keep the Fellowship from greater harm. His companionship and support for Aragorn is invaluable. In Legolas Aragorn has a comrade who is his equal and treats him as such–he respects Aragorn’s leadership, supports his decisions, provides a sounding board and is a confidant, and he gives Aragorn his trust and his loyalty–all things that assist Aragorn in his progress from Ranger to King.
Legolas’ demeanor throughout most of LOTR is upbeat, cheerful and supportive–despite the almost constant state of warfare against the Shadow he must have lived through in Mirkwood. He has lived under that Shadow and engaged in battle against it his whole life but he has not let it overtake him–he has kept intact his joy in the world around him far more than many of the other Elves we encounter. He is the member of the Fellowship who keeps the most positive attitude, who lifts their spirits with his songs, his smile, his stories. This is especially important for the hobbits and is what keeps them going at times. He is unflagging and devoted, as we see during the chase of the orcs across Rohan. His bravery is unquestioned. He may have faltered at the sight of the Balrog but few would not have–he is not an Elf of the first age, who had witnessed such horrors first hand before. I think his bravery is even more apparent after he receives Galadriel’s message from Gandalf:
“Legolas Greenleaf, long under tree, In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea! If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.” The Return of the King, JRR Tolkien.
This passage has multiple interpretations but even Legolas himself initially interprets this as referring to his death.
“Gandalf fell silent and shut his eyes. ‘Then she sent me no message?’ said Gimli and bent his head. ‘Dark are her words,’ said Legolas, ‘and little do they mean to those that receive them.’ ‘That is no comfort,’ said Gimli. ‘What then?’ said Legolas. ‘Would you have her speak openly to you of your death?’ ‘Yes, if she had naught else to say.’” The Two Towers, JRR Tolkien.
His decision to go on, even though he knows there is a certain risk of a momentous change (sea-longing, death) that could be detrimental specifically to him, is perhaps one of his bravest moments. His loyalty to his friends outweighs the risk to himself. He does not falter. When he does eventually fall under the sea-longing his loyalty to his friends and love of them still triumphs, as he puts off the call of the sea for many years to stay by their side.
But to me Legolas’ greatest achievement will be his unprecedented and utterly devoted friendship with Gimli. It defies race, defies custom, defies convention, defies even the Valar. For when the ultimate test of friendship comes, the sundering of their relationship due to Gimli’s mortal nature and Legolas’ long standing sea-longing, Legolas shines through with a loyalty and bravery that is unprecedented. The last ships may have sailed but that’s no matter–despite no previous instruction or skill he will build his own ship to sail. Despite the fact that the West is exclusively for Valar, Maiar, Elves, and the two Ring bearers, he defies convention and takes his best friend with him, unwilling to be parted. How is that not a worthy achievement? It is at the heart of Tolkien’s story–friendship and love can overcome even the most daunting or obstacles. We see that over and over in the narrative and this most certainly embodies that. His contributions and achievements may not have been as momentous as some of the others in the Fellowship but they should not be counted as the least. He may not have had a moment where the focus was all on him and he did something spectacular. He was consistent. He stood by his companions. He was loyal, brave and most importantly of all, open to new experiences and people. They couldn’t have done it without him.
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sirensexual-blog1 · 7 years
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sirensexual-blog1 · 7 years
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