sketchyonlooker · 1 month
[ DMGBeloved has logged in. ]
[ BC Chat Room ]
[ The main screen of the stream shows an ominous ghostly green skull hovering above Sacramento City. A berth of destruction could be seen around the California Supreme Court, the only intact building in the area. The roars of monsters and cries of people echo through the thoroughly demolished city. A long wurm-like creature wrapped around the ruins of a skyscraper opens its maw towards the building. Light collects and coalesces into an orb within its mouth - its sweltering heat melts the concrete it's next to. It then swings its head back as if to fire - Only for a lance of neon green to nail the wurm's mouth shut, sending both it and the ruined skyscraper into the ground. The world shakes violently as the orb detonates within the creature's mouth - its light overwhelming the camera. Falling dirt rains from the sky with only a large broad crater to mark the creature's death. Hovering where the creature once stood was a man wearing a green hoodie with a skull similar to the one in the sky. His body glowed with an iridescent green. And in his hand was an ornate spear crackling with neon-colored lightning, the same spear that struck the wurm's mouth shut. With glowing eyes, he gives the remains a final look before zipping out of view in a surge of green. The camera moves to follow.
Boomer-oh (v): Okay. I can't watch anymore. Watching how many times I should've died might actually give me a heart attack before this whole thing is over. Thank you, mysterious green man / duel monster / whatever.
BanditKLives (v): God. You're in the Sacramento shelter too? Ugh. I know exactly how you feel.
KuriBoom (v): I'm telling you I saw the angel of Los Angeles in person. She has these like light wings and woooosh, smashing up all those dragons with her hammer like it's nothing.
LordofTheNight (v): Wait. You think that's impressive? We got a giant vampire defending the city in San Francisco. At least I'm pretty sure it's a vampire. Can't really tell because he moves so fast, but holy shit he's tall like small-building tall.
LordofTheNight (v): Anyway, fucking vampires fighting dragons. Still feels like I'm still dreaming.
[ A in-line video is posted in chat from LordofTheNight. A military installation with tanks could be seen in the background. An incredibly tall figure - almost a story tall - slams a tanbo underneath an even taller two-headed dinosaur's chin. The force of the blow lifts the creature up into the air. Despite the dinosaur's speedy snaps and slashes, the dinosaur fails to hit its elusive target every single time. And then a flurry of blows from the tanbo strikes the creature so quickly it seemed like they were all performed at the same time. A moment later, the creature collapses with broken body and shattered limbs. The moment it hits the ground, it shatters into shards of light. An enormous fireball strikes down where the humanoid figure just was immediately after, his figure still blurry from the speed which he moved. Briefly, the camera loses track of the speedy figure, only to hear the sound of another draconic roar. The roar is cut short with the sound of something cracking. And immediately in front of the camera, a long Eastern dragon falls onto the earth with a earth-rendering thud. It too shatters into light. On top of a broken skyscraper and under the backdrop of stormy skies, the tall gray vampire is seen in all of his glory, only to turn into a blur once more.
SunnyDay (v): You think that's crazy? I've got a literal skeleton army fighting dragons and lizards outside. And a freaky green-wearing necromancer controlling them all.
LordofTheNight (v): Don't necromancers wear black or something? Like they're all emo or shit?
SunnyDay (v): Well, clearly someone didn't get the memo. Besides I think if you own a skeleton army that can beat up a bunch of dragons, I think you can wear anything you fucking want.
[ An in-line video is posted by SunnyDay. It's clear that the video was taken from the BC Stream chat. A coastline and an air strip are seen. After a quick zoom-in, several skeletons wearing various sets of clothes are charging the dragons along the skyline. Colorful beams of light blast through the dragons attempting to make landfall, putting large holes into the creatures and shattering them into motes of light. The dragons retaliate similarly with fiery blazes and icy projectiles. Meanwhile, the apparent green-clad necromancer engages up close and dispatches several of the hostile monsters in a flurry of colorful red chef's knives. Another human-sized skeleton, tall and lanky and wearing an orange sweater, slams its foot straight into a scaly blue dragon diving face-first at it. The large dragon immediately contorts and flattens like a train slamming into an immovable wall with the sound of crunching bone accompanying it. The broken dragon begins to fall out of the sky before it shatters into motes of light. ]
ExodiaTheForgottenOne (v): Are we absolutely sure that it's not KaibaCorp's SolidVision gone haywire? Cause that whole shattering light thing is like SolidVision's thing.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): For the last time, SolidVision is incapable of being physical like this. You should know better since you've been on the Sketchy stream for so long. And also if we're sharing end-of-the-world stories...
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): I was in an airplane that was headed back to Japan, but after all the monsters appeared, we tried to U-turn and fly back to California. Except we had a whole bunch of angry monsters after us. I'm pretty sure we got saved by the angel of Los Angeles.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): One second.
[ An in-line video is posted in chat by BlueEyesBlondeDragon. The video is clearly taken from a phone camera. Quiet panicked murmurs and prayers could be heard. The camera is looking out the airplane window and at the plane's right wing. A large blue winged dragon, one that could be recognized as the Winged Dragon of Duel Monsters fame, is diving straight for the aircraft. Screaming could be heard within the airplane cabin as the plane attempts to futilely veer away from the quickly approaching monster. And then a yellow flash crashed straight into the creature, slamming it straight towards the sea. The figure hovers briefly with its bright wings of light, hammer in a two-handed grip. Surrounded by light and with stalwart frame, the redheaded angel of Los Angeles strikes a prominent figure against the stormy skies. Another approaching dragon dives for her but is suddenly struck down in a brilliant flash. Only when the thunder was heard did people realize that it was lightning that smote the dragon down. By the time the camera recovers from the glare, the angel of Los Angeles is gone. "We're saved!" "Praise the lord!" ]
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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
Emergency Alert System :: FEMA Emergency Action Notification
[ This is an Emergency Action Notification. ]
[ We interrupt our program at the request of the White House. This is a national emergency. The President of the United States or his designated representative will appear shortly over the Emergency Broadcast System. ]
[ The president of the United States appears on screen. The usual White House office is not visible, and a more dimly lit area without windows is identified. ]
"This nation has come under attack by unknown creatures, mostly reptilian in apperance. They are incredibly hostile to all human beings and seek to kill whoever they attack. The creatures come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from the size of an average human to a small building. Some of them even have fantastical appearances such as dragons and dinosaurs. This may all seem unreal, but that is currently what is happening right now."
"The attacks are occurring worldwide. We do not know what the purpose is, only that the creatures are determined to eradicate humans. The military has been deployed to fight back against these creatures. However, their sudden attack and numbers make it difficult to mount an effective counterassault.
"Once again, these creatures are highly dangerous. It is advised that if you are already indoors to find the lowest level and stay there. Do not go near the windows. Do not appear visibly present from the outside. These creatures will attempt to break in if they notice you.
"If you are outside, it is advised to go indoors immediately. If you are travelling via public transportation or car, it is advised you stop and do your best to hide if no buildings are available."
"We will get through this. Our great nation will fight for its people. We will do our best to keep everyone safe. Thank you."
[ This concludes our Emergency Action Notification. The message will be repeated in the following languages... ]
Los Angeles City Hall - Revision: Town Hall Website
To those that still alive and can read this, the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, Los Angeles is a safe haven from the monster attacks. We have an angel here from god here that is combatting the monsters with all her strength, delivering justice with her mighty hammer and smiting these devils.
Many are currently taking refuge at the aquarium. Before our angel appeared, we are not sure why it has been left undamaged. Maybe it is because this is a holy place that hides us from the monsters' senses.
I repeat, if you are in the surrounding areas looking for shelter, head to the Aquarium of the Pacific if you can safely do so. Otherwise, stay where you are.
Honolulu Capital City Hall Website
All fights to and from Hawaii are grounded until further notice.
There has been severe disruptions to public transit and internet architecture.
If you are reading this, a safe zone has been established at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. We are however currently in the middle of a conflict between the sea monsters in the area and an unknown number of skeletal creatures. It is unclear whether these skeleton creatures are hostile to humans, though their actions have benefits us by combatting the definitively hostile sea monsters.
We advise to avoid the sea and air routes in the area until further notice.
Alameda Naval Air Station - San Francisco, CA - Military Orders
Memo: Golden Gate Bridge has fallen. Make appropriate accomodations.
A safe zone has been established at the Transamerica Pyramid. We have teams Metalhead, Seabound, and Crisis manning the defensive line. Reinforcements have been delayed due to the collapse of Golden Gate Bridge.
Small caliber firearms are ineffective against most creatures. Artillery and explosion munitions are required against medium-to-large monsters. Close combat is not advised.
There is currently an unknown entity that does not match the description of the reptilian creatures we are fighting. Allegiance unknown, and those who play the game Duel Monsters here are unfamiliar with the humanoid entity. As of right now, the entity's actions are benefiting us as they seem capable to take down a number of creatures solo. Do not engage if seen in the area and only assist if the entity appears to be in dire straits. If this entity's actions become hostile, let Baseplate know immediately.
Sacramento City Hall Website
The primary emergency shelter, the California State Capital, has been destroyed in the fighting. The secondary emergency shelter, the California Supreme Court, is currently full and cannot accomodate more people.
If you are in the Sacramento area, please stay put inside the building you are in. On top of the fighting between the military and monsters, there is an unknown green-glowing Duel Monster that is combating the monsters. A floating green skull marks his location. Avoid the area if you are currently in a safe place.
Domino City Museum || Domino City Hall
If you are reading this, there are designated safe zones established in Domino City. If you are close to either area, please either head for the Domino City Museum or the Kame Game Shop. Preferably the Domino City Museum given the lack of space at the Kame Game Shop.
Praise be to the King of Games.
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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
(( Also for those people that are from Outside defending Yugi's world from getting nom nom'd by monsters.
Send me a message as to what you're doing or a reply! So I can run news articles and possible commentary. ))
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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
The Case of Akazawa Shiho (DMGBeloved) - Pt. 2 (( Alt Title: Other Yugi Gets a Cult in His Lack of Name ))
Domino City was a ghost town; not a single person could be seen. Empty vehicles were left on the streets, doors wide open. Dropped food and bags abandoned everywhere. And yet compared to the subway station, there was actually few signs of death and mayhem.
Maybe a splatter of red here or a limb there, but compared to the bloody carnage underground, the streets were practically peaceful.
Did people get away somehow?
It was hard to believe that everyone was consumed without a trace, not when the monsters below proved themselves to be very messy eaters. Maybe because it was the subway where they were all summoned from? It was hard to tell.
The few monsters she found ended up wandering elsewhere. Those that could fly did. Where they wandered to, she doesn't know, but Japan would likely be facing more misery in the near future.
Whatever kept her and the stray dog she's following invisible continued to work its magic. Sadly, it didn't help the pain from her broken foot, the adrenaline from minutes ago wearing off. Even the walking stick she found didn't help much, but luckily the stray didn't have her walk for long.
The dog started climbing the access ramp of an empty building...
Domino Museum.
Why come here?
She took a step forwar-
Her vision blurred. She blinked several times as what was previously an empty museum suddenly became populated with people. Armed police officers were guarding the perimeter, dressed up in helmets and body flak - hell, she's never seen a pistol in Japan before, much less the rifles she's seeing now. The few families that lingered outside were crying and hugging each other, probably in reunion. The ticketing and reception booth nearby was transformed into a medical center, seeing as that's where people with scrapes and missing limbs were going - she'll probably have to make a visit for her foot later.
There were also many well-groomed dogs here who clearly stuck to their families. Other dogs - the strays - simply ran out again including the one she was following.
Thanks, doggie.
No one noticed her and her cosplay witch's hat in the bustle of the crowd - whether that was the weird invisible thing she got going on or their preoccupation, she didn't know.
...Huh. There's a commotion going on inside the museum.
Given she seemed to still have the advantage of being invisible, it couldn't hurt taking a look first before getting her foot checked.
The Domino Exhibit was still here.
The tablet with the scratched out cartouche.
The Tablet of the Nameless Pharoah.
She had visited the Nameless Pharoah exhibit before, since there were rumors that Maximillian Pegasus was inspired by Egyptian myths to create Duel Monsters.
And then Kaiba announced his tournament.
“Come to the place where the ancient duelists and their cards slumber in the stones.”
She's pretty sure almost every duelist in Battle City had visited this place at one point. And everyone including her thought this whole exhibit was a KaibaCorp publicity stunt for Battle City.
Really, what sort of ancient pharaoh would have the King of Games's hairdo - and the guy with the blue eyes white dragon that looked suspiciously like Kaiba? Ha.
To see it here again though covered in crystal that looked like ice - right here and now - was rather surreal.
However, it's the newest addition to the exhibit that was incredibly peculiar.
A small stone altar filled with money offerings is seen in front of the tablet. Carved into the altar is a strange symbol that looks like a spiky crescent moon surrounding a star.
In front was a passionate middle-aged man wearing a Duel Disk and loudly preaching to a large crowd. The people around him were quietly hanging on to his every word.
"Do you see? It is the Nameless Pharoah that protects us all! He has delivered us from the evil monsters! Pray and leave offerings to our Pharoah - as symbolized by the trinity of Ra, Slifer, and Obelisk - the Sun, the Moon, and the Star!"
He punctuates his point by vigorously waving his hands towards the ceiling.
"Sir! Do you think the Nameless Pharoah will save the world?" said a child. One of the kid's parents was also notably wearing a Duel Disk.
"Of course!" the zealous man said, "The King of Games has clearly reincarnated after millennia to duel this evil! And have joined forces with the King of Dragons - the Blue Eyes King - as well!" He points at the tablet depicting the Pharoah and High Priest. "Why else would this museum become a sanctuary? Why else would the dogs - the agents of Anubis - bring us here?"
"Do not doubt his deliverance!" he announced to the crowd, his smile kindly.
"And now behold the miracle of the offering!"
The man places an apple onto the money-filled basin on the altar.
Immediately, a young girl with long black hair, no older than 10, popped out from behind the altar and snatched the apple, sending some of the bills flying. The girl in rags quickly started chomping on the apple to the gasps of the crowd.
"See! Our mortal money has no use in the Underworld. The best way to show our gratitude is through food and drink, so the gods too may feast!"
Wait what? Wasn't it just a girl eating an apple?
Chomp chomp chomp.
What was a little surprising was that the young girl devoured the apple completely. Didn't even leave the core or stem behind. But that didn't constitute anything spe-
The girl suddenly locked eyes with her, and her breath immediately caught in her throat. The gaze wasn't hostile, more curious than anything else. But it carried a sense of growing pressure. Bearable at first.
And then others - many that she couldn't see but rather felt - joined it.
Her knees buckled underneath that enormous weight, like getting crushed by the sky itself.
She wanted to take a breath, but the pressure on her chest was too great. She wanted to scream for help, but nothing would come out. Her body, her consciousness - her everything - felt like it was being constricted from all sides. And just as everything began to get dar-
A familiar tone.
The feeling of being squeezed out of existence stopped, and color returned to her vision. Her breaths came out in ragged gasps as she was allowed to breath again. Something in her phone buzzed weakly, but she ignored it in favor of the very dangerous creature in front of her.
The figure now staring at her...
Her heart dropped into her stomach. She can't remember what it looked like - just like one of those internet creepypastas.
In its place was a dark shadowy silhouette shaped like a girl.
Even without a face of its own - it definitely did have a face before - she could tell it is still staring at her curiously. However, its attention is quickly redirected to the banana that was placed on the altar.
A second silhouette immediately popped out from the altar itself - like a fish hopping out of the water. It eats the banana, skin and all, in one bite to the gasps of the crowd. It stops to look at her briefly when it lands before sinking into the altar again. The first one - she gets a sense it's a bit miffed - also disappears into the altar.
"Bear witness to our offerings descending to where the gods lie!" continued the man, face red with fervor. "For the Nameless Pharoah!
The crowd cheered on.
"For the Nameless Pharoah!"
"For the Pharoah!"
"For the King of Games!"
"Save us Nameless Pharoah!"
No one can see the creatures she's seeing, could they? Otherwise there'd definitely be more of a panic here. Otherworldly creatures - in their supposed safe spot - would probably not go very well right now.
She's also certain that whatever is protecting them right now is not the Nameless Pharoah.
After all, that sound...
Wait, didn't her phone buzz before?
She opened up her phone.
...A notification from the Stream chat.
[ You have been made Unknowable. ] - 17 min ago [ You are no longer Unknowable. ] - 12 seconds ago.
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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
What the Doma?! ::
(( Will be updated as more story-related posts appear ))
Yugi / Other Yugi's Side (millenniumdueled)
Awakening the Dragons: Timaeus
Day of Judgment (Pt. 1) (Yugi vs Raphael)
Day of Judgment (Pt. 2)
Day of Judgment (Pt. 3)
Other Yugi vs Weevil
Other Yugi vs Yugi - (Pt. 1)
Other Yugi vs Yugi - (Pt. 2)
Other Yugi vs Yugi - (Pt. 3)
Other Yugi vs Raphael - Rematch (Pt. 1)
Other Yugi vs Raphael - Rematch (Pt. 2)
Kaiba's Side (blueeyesking)
Press Conference
Pegasus Returns?! Duel, Kaiba-boy! (Pt. 1)
Not a Rematch- a Duel for Revenge! Alister Revealed! (Pt.2)
Come out, Critias! (Pt. 3)
Stop Bragging >:| (lol)
Joey's Side (redeyesandchilifries):
Summoning: The Claw of Hermos
Joey vs Rex Raptor
Prelude :: Joey vs Valon
Joey vs Valon
Sketchy's Side (sketchyonlooker):
What the Doma is Going On?
The Case of Akazawa Shiho (DMGBeloved)
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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
The Case of Akazawa Shiho (working title):
A maw filled with teeth larger than her snaps up a schoolgirl running beside her, her scream quickly silenced by the crunch of bone. Other creatures - familiar creatures she'd only seen in Duel Monsters - continue their slaughter within the Domino City Subway Station.
A young child screams for his mother as the raptors tore him limb from limb.
An old man is trampled over by the crowd - and then shredded apart by a worm-like creature with concentric teeth from below. Like watching a sink garbage disposal in action.
The brutal scenes multiplied as the monsters continued flooding in from the tunnels and entrance.
She's gonna die.
She's gonna die.
There's no way she's surviving this.
No matter how much she runs with the crowd. Sooner or later, safety in numbers was not going to be enough, not with everyone here betting on it.
Where can she run to? The subway tunnels - where there was already so much blood pooling it could fill a lake? The entrances - where the monsters are coming from? The trains - that proved effortless for the monsters to break into? Does it even matter now? She doesn't have the luxury of choi-
Something latches onto her wrist. And then she feels something catch across her ankle. The moment she realized she'd been tripped was the moment she fell face first onto the ground. As she looked up, she could see a middle-aged man in a suit running with the crowd but continued to face her with a grin-
Before she could curse him out in her final moments.
...That sound. Like a tuning fork.
She's heard it before.
A in C minor.
The man's triumphant gaze becomes confused and unfocused - as if he were staring through her - but then quickly shifts into panic. She doesn't see his fate as the monsters that were chasing the crowd suddenly leapt over he-
Her foot. Just got stepped on by a two-headed dinosaur - Two-Headed King Rex, the Duel Monster - You fucker.
She's going to be a Rex anti-fan from now on.
...At least she still had enough of her mind to make shitty jokes, not that this was the appropriate occasion. Or maybe it was the perfect occasion now that she was so thoroughly fucked.
A likely broken foot she can't feel cause of the adrenaline. Surrounded by a hoard of man-eating monsters.
A lizard-like monster - Masked Chameleon - darts its tongue towards one of the runners in the crowd; its barbed tongue pierces through the man's leg - and retracts backwards with such force that it tears the leg off. The moment he stumbles down is the moment he is chomped apart by the chasing monsters.
The Masked Chameleon's eyes turns its beady eye towards her, and her breath catches her in throat as she forces herself to be very still.
It flicks its tongue slowly - was it like a snake? Did it sense body heat? It approaches slowly at its slow crawl, and she feels her heart thump harder and harder as it closes in.
But it then walks past her without fanfare. As soon as it was a good distance, she released her breath, the lightheadedness she'd been ignoring making her woozy.
They didn't notice her. The monsters - the dragons - the lizards. They ignored her completely just like the dwindling people still alive ignored her.
Why? Among all of the people who died here, why was she still alive?
...She had a feeling she knew why.
That sound. A in C minor.
She's heard it before.
Back when Sketchy barged into that white-haired guy Bakura - she remembered his name from the Battle City Final's - and the creepy zombie-looking guy's duel. And of course, the horrible outcome of watching zombie-guy's flesh disintegrate into black goop in high-definition. Thanks for the nightmares, Sketchy. BEBD really should stop giving advi-
Her head turned towards the broken escalator, only to find a dog. Its matted long fur was so dirtied that she couldn't see what breed it was, but it was a small dog. A dog that none of the monsters seem to have noticed despite its hyperactive hopping.
And it was walking towards her when nothing else here could see her. It probably should've raised more alarm bells, but at this point, as long as it wasn't scaly, she was willing to trust it.
The smelly dog sniffed at her carefully.
It then tugged on her sleeve.
"...Do you want me to follow you?" She wasn't scared of talking. Not after accidentally screaming in front of a Raptor that lunged a little too close trying to eat the man that ran close to her.
She doesn't hesitate as the dog begins running towards the broken escalator. Pain sears through her foot as she limps her way forward. She knows she can't stay here anyway. Whatever providence is happening right now might not last.
Her hands briefly pat against her trusty blue mage's hat. It fills her with a bit of comfort and courage.
She has to get somewhere safe.
If that meant taking a chance by following a dog that seemed to know what it's doing, well, it's not like she hasn't been cheating death all this time.
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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
< A camera feed comes into view.
Numerous monsters and dragons are seen through Domino City. Some of them are climbing buildings, others are blocking traffic. Nothing appears to be getting damaged, but given that some of these creatures are as tall as a building, their presence causes panic in the masses. Several men and women are running away from a purple two-headed dragon in the middle of the road. They're screaming in fear, some of them trampling over each other.. A white gecko-like creature is climbing the walls of a building, tongue flicking as if catching a bug. Several police cars are surrounding it with the policemen pointing their weapons at it. An officer with a megaphone seems to be demanding its surrender. Other scenes are playing out on the live stream as if the recorder is moving very fast from place to place. A window-in-window video can be seen in the bottom right corner of the stream.> ----- < A screen-in-screen video is currently playing. Seto Kaiba is in front of a podium with hundreds of reporters pointing their microphones at him. The camera that is observing Kaiba appears to be one of the few in front. There's a hint of unease in the air, and that unease seems to be fueling the many questions being fired now. Many of the questions are outright accusatory. There were so many questions being asked that it all just turned into noise. Nothing coherent could be heard. However, as soon as Kaiba opened his mouth, the media fell silent. "After these events, we've shut down our Solid Vision systems for extensive testing. However, during this time, the monsters were still appearing; therefore, these sightings are unrelated to KaibaCorp. Something else has to be causing this."
DMGBeloved (v): omg. Of course you're covering this Sketchy.
CardGamesSon (v): Guys guys! I was in the middle of a duel when my Duel Disk suddenly died. Did something happen at KaibaCorp?
CardGamesSon (v): Oh hey, Sketchy's back to covering Duel Monsters? I thought they were on a food tour around the world thing.
Capu4Life (v): i hate the fact that when something weird is happening in japan, my first thought was this channel.
Capu4Life (v): then again, clearly the alien has the most up to date news.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): @/CardGamesSon : KC shut the Solid Vision down because Duel Monsters appeared all around Domino City. The fact that nothing happened despite the shutdown means that KC is not responsible. Which begets the question who is and why are they doing this.
ManDuckPig (v): Dude. It looks like someone developed Solid Vision like KC did. Except they did it better.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): NONSENSE. KC could do the very same thing if they felt like it. It's just that they're not out to disrupt society like all this crap is doing.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Seriously, if this is some sort of publicity stunt for a new hologram system, they've gone about it the worst way. I heard that several accidents happened because they got scared of a duel monster suddenly appearing in the road. Each one of those is a lawsuit.
I'mYourDaddy (v): yeah. That's me. Curse of Dragon decided to divebomb me while I was in my Jetty, and I swerved right into a fire hydrant.
CardGamesSon (v): OMG. Are you okay?
DMGBeloved (v): You okay?
Capu4Life (v): of course he is. if he wasn't, he wouldn't be here. lol. of course, he is a card game playing nerd. they don't run on common sense.
I'mYourDaddy (v): Thanks for your words of care, especially Capu4Life :^). But yeah I'm okay. My poor Jetty, not so much. I think I totaled it.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Sounds like it's time to finally get a new car. The fact you still had that two decade old hunk of metal is a travesty.
I'mYourDaddy (v): Hey. Don't rag on my Jetty. It took a hydrant for me. :^(
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): ::marik_creepy_eye_roll.jpg::
I'mYourDaddy (v): :^)
DMGBeloved (v): All the Duel Monsters here are dragons and lizards in this part of town. Where's my Dark Magician Girl?
Capu4Life (v): maybe she got eaten by a dragon lol
DMGBeloved (v): I'll feed you to a dragon. ::kaiba_death_glare_at_lumis.jpg::
CardGamesSon (v): Anyone know how long Solid Vision will be down? We were having a small weekend tournament - and going back to the playmats is gonna be such a drag.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): No. Probably not until this mess is unraveled. Geez. It's like a feeding frenzy on the news and social media.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Major news outlets are accusing KaibaCorp of lying about shutting down Solid Vision and that they actually can't turn it off. Or that terrorists hijacked the technology and are using it for nefarious ends.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Ugh. KC stock took a major hit just now. And it seems like the media is trying to hit them while they're down. Assholes.
Capu4Life (v): the smallest violin in the world is playing for you, rich boy.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Shut up.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Wait. This seems familiar.
Capu4Life (v): well yeah, it's a pretty common insult, 20-to-life.
I'mYourDaddy (v): How so?... Oh wait. I think I know what you're talking about. Yeah.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Remember Duelist Kingdom. And the media was constantly attacking KaibaCorp after Kaiba went supposedly comatose. And later on there were signs of an attempted hostile takeover because someone was buying up stocks while the prices were down from the scandal.
I'mYourDaddy (v): I remember that. Someone asked to buy my KC stocks at a premium, 50% more than it's worth in fact. I held onto it cause you told me to lol. Turned out the buyer was connected with I2.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): And you made bank, right? I'm one of the best investors in the world after all. Anyway, doesn't this seem very similar? In any case, it's time to add more KC stock to my portfolio. I gotta protect my nest egg, even if it's just a little.
Capu4Life (v): i'm surprised you talk to BEBD outside of duel monsters, @/I'mYourDaddy. how do you deal with his general smarminess?
I'mYourDaddy (v): Ah well. What can I say? I'm good at getting along with people from all walks of life, even the crooked ones. :^)
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Shut up. You both suck.
CardGamesSon (v): lol
I'mYourDaddy (v): lol
Capu4Life (v): lol
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sketchyonlooker · 6 months
< A live camera feed comes into view. >
A small yellow-and-green shop with a single red door comes into view. The word Game in English lettering can be seen above the entrance. A familiar spiky-haired silhouette briefly peeks through one of the shop windows, only to vanish before other people noticed. Outside the normally empty surroundings were more than several dozens of people, all of them wearing Duel Disks, making a rough attempt at a line. Many of them looked solemn or determined while others looked excited; all of them were trying to put their best face out there because they knew this event involving the most famous of Duel Monsters stars was bound to have a lot of media floating around. This small group of duelists participating paled to the number of spectators that came to watch. Lingering outside the large empty block that surrounded the shop, the spectators excitedly pointed at familiar faces in the line, minor celebrities when it came to the world of Duel Monsters. Some looked skyward, expecting the Kaibas to make an entrance that way. However, a good number of the spectators weren't duelists at all but those who smelled a business opportunity. Hence why there were hawkers and food trucks set up around the block, each one taking advantage of the duelists with their own Duel-Monster-themed culinary creations.
An ice cream waffle cone stacked with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry scoops was being handed over to a kid from a food truck. Even in the cold, it was popular with the children because each scoop was decorated to make them look like Kuribohs with different cheery expressions. The fact it sold cappuccinos as well, decorated with a foam art of popular Duel Monsters, also meant the parents could get their fix of Duel Monsters-themed foods and drinks too.
A fluffy omelet rice on a paper container is seen, being shown off by the cook in the food truck. It is decorated by a cutesy image of the Dark Magician Girl giving a starry wink made in ketchup. In the background, a teenage girl with short black hair and wearing a Duel Disk could be seen with her hand raised like a maniac's, bills clenched within. Her most flamboyant feature is the bright blue witch's hat she wore. "I'll take three!"
"Get your official Kame Game Shop Tournament hoodies here!" said a hawker showing off various hoodies on several tables. The most popular ones, evident from the dwindling piles, were the purple Dark Magician sweaters and the white-and-blue Blue Eyes White Dragon sweaters; they both had images of the respective monsters up front and a Kame Game Shop Tournament 2023 at the back. There's even a crimson red Red Eyes Black Dragon hoodie, though the large pile remaining made it clear that it wasn't nearly as popular as the other two. "Show your support! Are you Team Mutou or Team Kaiba? Or maybe you want to show some love for the underdog?" A woman with spiky-looking sidebangs passing by glared at the man with irritation and disbelief. Thick-winged eyeliner added a weight to her glare. "You have the balls to say your stuff is official when the Game Shop is right there?" The hawker pauses and then cheekily winks, "Is the Game Shop selling hoodies? And do you see any other people claiming to sell official hoodies like me? Since you only see me, mine's gotta be official by default, right?" The woman's eyebrow twitched, "Do you really think that argument will work if Mutou or Kaiba demanded compensation?" The man shrugs and grins, "well, if they ask for compensation, wouldn't that make my stuff official then?" "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works," said the ravenette, her previous indignation turning into amusement despite herself. Not everyday, one meets someone so thick-skinned. She glances over at one of the red Red Eyes Black Dragon hoodies with pursed lips. Seeing an opportunity, the hawker adds, "Besides you won't lose out buying my hoodies. Good material woven very well. Good for yourself or a gift!" He then looked conspiratorially to the left and right as if searching for any onlookers, "I'll let you buy this for 25% off. Just because it'll be kinda sad if Wheeler sees a sea of white and purple but no red, right?" A pause. "...That would be pretty sad, wouldn't it?" Cha-ching.
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sketchyonlooker · 6 months
Duelist's Digest: The Next Battle City?
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Kame Game Shop made a tweet about a new in-store tournament that will be happening on 12/23/2023. If Kame Game Shop sounds familiar to you, that's because it is the shop that the King of Games Mutou and the quarterfinalist of Battle City Wheeler work in as referenced on prior articles.
Kame Game Shop claims this tournament is meant to be small and local, but it seems KaibaCorp has other plans.
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Seto Kaiba has been invited to the venue, which means that there may very well be a showdown between the King of Games and the President of KaibaCorp. Many of the retweets and replies show great enthusiasm for the showdown, though some express regret that participation will be limited to those who have a Domino City registration.
People are wondering whether the mysterious god cards displayed in Battle City will be seen and if KaibaCorp will supply Duel Disks to local duelists that have not met the previous Battle City requirements to receive a free one.
Comment Section:
↳ UrDeckSucks: first ↳↳ Kuriwhat: How do you always do that? ↳↳ UrDeckSucks: just gotta go fast. ↳ ExodiaTheBaffledOne: Lol. I don't think the restriction is going to stop people from coming. I mean, that shop doesn't look like it can fit that many people. so all the dueling's probably gonna be outside. ↳↳ UnmagicalElf: How many duelists are registered in Domino City anyway? ↳↳ DMGBeloved: Don't know. But I'm one of them. Haha. I'll let you know what it's like. ;). At least there's no ante rule this time around. ↳↳ I'maDroolist: Lucky as hell. I'll comfort myself by taking the train from Tokyo just to see Kaiba and Yugi. ↳↳ RexsBiggestFan: bleh. rex is registered in west japan. not worth watching. hope it rains on you losers. ↳↳ RexsBiggestFan: hmm maybe i'll come just to watch wheeler flounder. ↳↳ DMGBeloved: I feel like Joey must've done something horrible in a past life to have a fan like you lol. ↳↳ RexsBiggestFan: im not a fan!!!
↳ AmuricanCowboy: Yee-haw! Gonna rustle up some cash and take a nice flight down to yonder. Watch people put up their dukes and do some duelin'. ↳↳ MillingYourDeck: You are the reason why people have this weird impression of Americans here. ↳↳ CardGamesSon: okay. i know the prospect of Yugi vs Kaiba is great and all. and seeing other influential duelists here will be a definite plus. but are you seriously going to fly to Japan close to the Christmas holiday just to watch them? Tickets must be at a premium. ↳↳ KaibaCorpFan: Why not? You don't normally see Kaiba make a public appearance unless it's some sort of unveiling or a tournament. Usually, it's Mokuba running the show. btw I'm flying over from Australia. ↳↳ CardGamesSon: sometimes I wonder if the thing that Kaiba fans have in common is that they have money to burn. ↳↳ BlueEyesBlondeDragon: lol ↳↳ BEWDWreckingYou: lol x 2 ↳↳ WorshiptheHolotech: lol x 3 ... ↳↳ DragonLord231: lol x 12 ↳↳ I'mYourDaddy: lol x 13 ↳↳ BlueEyesBlondeDragon: @/I'mYourDaddy YOU'RE NOT A KAIBA FAN. ↳↳ I'mYourDaddy: Ooof. Busted. Haha.
(( Thank you for millenniumdueled for the event and blueeyesking for the contents of the KC tweet 8). ))
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sketchyonlooker · 9 months
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Inquirer Japan - Special Edition:
Yes, we’ve seen it. The viral Tiktok that has taken the Duel Monsters world by storm: Kaiba coming over to the King of Games's - Yugi Mutou's - house and punching him in the face. We’ve had our forensics experts take a look at the video - the ones that brought you the well-received short documentary “Rare Hunters and Counterfeiting” - and they have unanimously agreed that the video is indeed real. 
Now the real question is what motivates the President of KaibaCorp into punching his rival in the face? Was it to threaten him into not participating in another tournament - or maybe even get him to quit Duel Monsters entirely? Why hasn’t the King of Games spoken up or called the police - has he been cowed by KaibaCorp’s wealth and might or the knowledge that Kaiba can find him anytime?
What was the purpose of internet celebrity Mokuba Kaiba posting the video of his older brother’s crime? Is there now unrest in KaibaCorp’s higher-ups? Is Mokuba gearing up to become the next president of KaibaCorp? 
Let us know in the comments below what you think.
↳ UrDeckSucks: first ↳↳ UrDeckSucks: this article is a joke. even if the video is real, the reason why kaiba punching yugi is probably separate from the game. cause ego. ↳↳ maxibillionpegagoose: ego x 2 ↳↳ ExodiaTheBaffledOne: ego x 3 ↳↳ ItsaTrap: ego x 4 ↳↳ ... (( (please click to see reply chain (52)) )) ↳ captainfalcon: i made a falcon punch remix of that punch. link ↳↳ fusionsnoozin: don't click the link. it's an adfly link. ↳↳ lowpolyDM: clicked it. this is hilarious. FAALCOONNN PUNNNCH.
↳ bromotion: Are we sure the video's not a fake? I mean, you do know Mokuba is the one that posted it. And KC is the company that makes y'know realistic holograms. ↳↳ partyhardy: I was just thinking that. I mean, it isn't the first time Mokuba started shenanigans. ↳↳ imtoogood: If I spent all that money and resources only to get beaten by some guy in a two-bit toy shop, I'd want to beat that guy up too. ↳↳ produelist: lol. personally i think kaiba just got tired of getting crushed by yugi. ↳↳ imtoogood: Exactly. ↳↳ produelist: who knows? maybe he won't be able to place top 4 in the next tournament. lololololololololol ↳↳ ... (( (please click to see reply chain (4)) )) ↳ DMinvestor: Think that stuff up there is real? Mokuba's really plotting a takeover? ↳↳ BlueEyesBlondeDragon: It's all bullshit. ↳↳ DMinvestor: Why do you say that? Why post his brother committing a crime? ↳↳ BlueEyesBlondeDragon: Cause it's either fake or there's something else going on. As smart as Kaiba's younger brother is, he isn't the one creating the hologram tech, which is the reason why KC currently exists. Geez are you stupid or something? ↳↳ DMinvestor: You're the stupid one! ↳↳ ... ((please click to see reply chain (5))
↳↳ DarkMagicAttack: Screw you! Fucking Kaiba couldn't handle Yugi on his worst day. ↳↳ MaxDamage: I'm not taking that from a Yugi fan. Why don't you sit on a spike and spin? ↳↳ ... ((please click to see reply chain (121)) ... ↳↳ ROFLCaptor: Only way Kaiba can win is if Yugi's not in the picture. ↳↳ RIPTomorrow: This is why I hate Yugi fans. It's like you think he's a god or something. Best of 1 has always been bullshit. ↳↳ ROFLCaptor: As if you're any better! Hey look at me I'm a Kaiba fan. Maybe if I lick his boots long enough, he'll give me a trillion yen. You are a joke. ↳↳ ... ((please click to see reply chain (24))
↳ (( The moderator has locked the Comments section )) ----------------------------------------------------------------
Duelist's Digest ::
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*A video is posted, linked from TikTok. A shaky camera follows Seto Kaiba himself towards Kame game store, as if filming while chasing after him. The focus hastily pans between Kaiba and a recognizable figure from the second floor balcony of the small building, as unintelligible, antagonistic words are exchanged between them. There's a cut to the side door of the game store opening, Yugi Mutou emerging in pajamas before he's quickly met with a fist from the much larger man. He doesn't go down immediately, however, and as Seto Kaiba directs another fist at the smaller man, the video suddenly pauses. A yellow filter, and a graphic of an arrow containing the words "to be continued...." pop onscreen, a bass riff and memetic tune play over the video's original audio as the video fades to black and ends*
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sketchyonlooker · 11 months
Kaiba Brothers Lost at Sea? - Duelist Digest
Thousands of fans have congregated around Kaiba Corp’s main headquarters in anticipation for the Kaiba Brothers’ return from America. Most of them in particular are here in anticipation for Mokuba’s birthday celebrations this Friday on July 7th. 
Kaiba Corporation’s liaison had reported difficulties in reaching the jet earlier this morning, though this is attributed to a nearby storm system affecting the Pacific Ocean. KaibaCorp still anticipate both their CEO and vice-president’s arrival later tonight.  
Update: As of midnight 7/7/2023, there still has been no word of the Kaibas arriving.
Many have expressed concern for the brothers’ safety and are requesting the police to investigate for foul play, given KaibaCorp’s tumultuous history involving the control of the company. 
We at Duelist Digest hope for the best.
Kaiba Brothers Missing: Tokyo Times
There has still been no sign of the Kaiba brothers as of July 8th 2023. Japan, America, and South Korea have all dispatched teams for a search and rescue in the Pacific Ocean. 
KaibaCorp reports that the jet the Kaiba Brothers are on is equipped with a lifeboat and floatation system in case of emergencies and that there were no distress signals sent prior to loss of contact. The current theory is electronic equipment failure. 
Other conflicting theories are also in play.
One of them casts doubt on Seto Kaiba’s ability to fly a jet, especially one that is believed to be experimental. 
Another theory is that boaters in the area report seeing a streak of light in the sky - and it is believed that it was the Blue Eyes Jet heading on a course that wasn’t towards Japan. Combined with that theory, local militant groups in the surrounding area have given a statement that they shot down the Jet with a surface-to-air missile.  
As of right now though, no wreckage or debris has been found. 
The Tokyo Times will keep Japan appraised during these tumultuous times. 
On KaibaCorp Stocks : Forbes Japan
KaibaCorp closed at 19,000 yen from 18,000 yen today on 7/7/2023, a little over a 5% increase. This is surprising news given that most speculators were expecting the stock to tank after the CEO and vice-president’s mysterious disappearance over the Pacific Ocean. 
It is still unclear why KaibaCorp remains on the uptrend. The majority shareholder and CEO Seto Kaiba is known as the driving force of the R&D department, having developed both the hologram tech for the Duel Arenas and the more recently revealed Duel Disks. The vice-president Mokuba Kaiba meanwhile is known for handling the more everyday affairs of the company including its public relations and has popularity rivaling his brother’s in the Capumon and streaming communities. Losing either of them would result in severe instability in the company, much less losing both of them. 
Will KaibaCorp continue to remain on the rise? Many say no.
You seriously are missing out the best time to buy Kaiba Corp stock - BEBD Investment Blog: 7/6/2023
BEBD here with some urgent investing advice, given recent news of Seto Kaiba and his brother disappearing over the Pacific Ocean. 
If you own KaibaCorp stock, I’m sure you have heard everyone telling you to sell it before it tanks to kingdom come. I am here to tell you to do the exact opposite. Right now is actually the best time to buy. 
“But why BEBD are you telling me to do the opposite of what other people are telling me to do? Are you a shill?”
First of all, if KaibaCorp went bankrupt every single time the Kaiba brothers fell into danger, it would’ve been bankrupt a dozen times over by now. The fact it is still a Japanese powerhouse is a testament to the fact that the Kaiba brothers are just good at surviving whatever is thrown their way, and I’m willing to bet things won’t be any different. 
Second of all, it always seems like after Kaiba is put in some sort of danger, KaibaCorp comes up with some crazy technological advancement immediately afterwards as if Kaiba is some crazy Saiyan monster except it’s his brain that levels up. 
Kaiba’s mysterious disappearance after his visit to Domino City? The Solid Vision system got developed almost immediately afterwards, the foundation of holotech.  
Kaiba going reportedly comatose after Death-T? The 2nd-generation duel arenas.
Kaiba and his brother allegedly getting kidnapped during Duelist Kingdom? The prototype Duel Disk - which eventually became today’s Duel Disk - hologram technology with a flick of your wrist.
All you short sellers betting against Kaiba are going to really suffer for it. 
As for me, I bought quite a bit of stock, and I’m sure I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. Don’t be stupid, go buy more KaibaCorp stock. Or at the very least don’t sell what you have. That’s my advice. 
Views: 1928120, Likes: 591832 - Top Comment < I’mYourDaddy > :: 70310 Likes -- You are such a Kaiba fanboy. lol. 
Suspicious Disappearance at the Game Shop: Inquirer Japan
Given the recent disappearance of the Kaiba Brothers, the Domino Inquirer has decided to visit Seto Kaiba’s biggest rival, the King of Games Yugi Mutou to get his opinion on the matter. However, upon seeing the Kame Game Shop which the King of Games reportedly works in, it appears to have been closed. There are reports of a suspicious white-haired lad seen loitering around the shop after Mutou’s and Wheeler’s apparent disappearance from the neighborhood. Is there a connection between the disappearance of Kaiba brothers and the King of Games and his friend?  You have used up all of your free articles for the month. Please buy a subscription for $3.99 a month ( or $39.99 a year, 15% off!). Your subscription goes to paying the Inquirer staff and allowing you to get the juiciest gossip on your favorite celebrities. 
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
< A live camera feed comes into view.
The viewpoint reveals a small yellow-and-green shop with a single red door. The word Game can be seen on top of the door in red English lettering. Next to the shop is a small green door. This patch of land with red floor tiling and its small evergreen trees seems rather out of place amidst the tall buildings that surround it.
The door opens, and a bunch of kids excitedly leave from the shop with small bags in their arms.
The glass in the door briefly reflects the cameraholder’s attire. A completely black denim coat with jeans to match – pink neon highlights can be seen around the arms and legs. A dark hoodie is worn underneath, framing the owner’s face with shadow. Large dark sunglasses and a black facemask complete the ensemble.
It enters.  >
CardGamesSon (v): @/DominoTouristGroup - Guys! Sketchy’s in Domino.
CardGamesSon (v): @/DominoTouristGroup – Helloooo
CardGamesSon (v): @/DominoTouristGroup - GUYYYYS
DMGBeloved (v): Stop @’ing the group. Once is enough.
DMGBeloved (v): Guess Sketchy’s sense of direction isn’t as bad as we thought.
CardGamesSon (v): Isn’t bad as we thought?!
CardGamesSon (v): She missed the stop to Domino and ended up in Tokyo for a week.
CardGamesSon (v): And decided to walk all the way to Domino because she couldn’t figure out how to get back onto the public transit???
Sylph (mod): ::marik_freaky_tongue_emoji:: ::lol_emoji::
DMGBeloved (v): To be fair, I don’t think sketchy is carrying any bills or credit cards. And also what the hell Sylph?
Capu4Life (v): So trespassing and theft is okay but not jumping the turnstiles? That’s a really weird hill to die on, @/sketchyonlooker.
Capu4Life (v): I’m also saving that emoji btw.
I’mYourDaddy (v): Yooo. Hey Sketchy’s finally at Domino. Hey, that shop looks familiar.
< The camera enters past the single door. And the small shop’s interior is revealed with several glass cases / drawers containing games of various media and modality. It walks past them without taking a single glance.  
It also ignores the two shopkeepers at the very end – their identities very familiar to everyone in the Stream.
Instead, it makes a beeline to the very noticeable Duel Monsters display. Stacks and stacks of booster boxes and packs. >
I’mYourDaddy (v): omg the King of Games???!! Joey!??! SKETCHY, TURN BACK.
CardGamesSon (v): fsdjlfkjsdl. Yugi, Joey, why are you working here?!? Shouldn’t you be like made for life with the tourney money??
DMGBeloved (v): I don’t think there was really a cash prize. Just the honor of being the King of Games and taking other people’s rare cards.
DMGBeloved (v): And I don’t think Yugi is going to be selling those God cards anytime soon.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Stop @’ing me. I’m at work. Why is Mutou- Sketchy what are you doing?
I’mYourDaddy (v): WHAT ARE YOU
Capu4Life (v): OMG LOL ::crying_laugh_emoji::
ExodiaTheBaffledOne (v): …
CardGamesSon (v): ::exasperated_emoji:: Why am I not surprised anymore?
< The camera is directed towards all the 30 or so Booster Boxes that it quickly stacked into its arms, approximately 720 booster packs total. A pair of gloved hands also adds a couple of starter decks to the pile for good measure.
And with the same nonchalant gait it came in with – as if it weren’t committing grand larceny right now - it began to walk out. >
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
An uploaded video has been posted. 
The camera reveals the interior of a moving train with its wielder likely leaning on the wall. The train car is completely packed with one very glaring exception - a whole 2/3 of a meter / 2 feet around the camera. People, mostly dressed in business attire, keep glancing nervously towards the camera as if keeping an eye on something dangerous. 
The source of their anxiety quickly becomes apparent. 
A deep, gravely voice practically fills the entire cabin as if coming from the walls itself. Pitched so low it reverberates into the very bones. Only two syllables come out, but each one contains a promise - the certainty - of suffering and pain. 
“ Y U -” - G I “
Ding dong. A mechanical voice calls out from the speakers. 
“We have reached Yongen-jaya Station. Please exit the train.”
The train doors open. A exodus of people depart rapidly from the train car as if they couldn’t leave fast enough. 
A new influx of men and women walk inside, looking at those who hastily left with a bit of confusion - and a bit of happiness at their now not-so-cramped surroundings. The train doors close. A minute later... “ Y U -” - G I “
Capu4Life (v): LOL GOOD JOB TOUGH GUY. Looked like he was going to stand up for the train. AND THEN “Y U G I”. Just fell over with a scream and shuffled back so fast.
CardGamesSon (v): lol sketchy are you seriously going to do that the entire train ride to Domino? 
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): I’m not sure where your uncertainty comes from. Sketchy just did it the past seven stops.
DMGBeloved (v): Sketchy. Where did you get that voice recording?
I’mYourDaddy (v): What do you mean?
DMGBeloved (v): That voice. She said it the same way every single time. From the pitch to the volume. There’s no change. Only a machine / recording could do that so perfectly, and maybe not even then.
DMGBeloved (v) has been muted for 1 minute. Reason: spoilsport - Sylph (mod)
Capu4Life (v): We have a mod???
I’mYourDaddy (v): Yeah. Sylph’s been around since the Stream started with the Yugi versus Rare Hunter fight. Except she’s usually off moderating the subchannels here. 
CardGamesSon (v): Why not the main channel?
Capu4Life (v): lol Probably cause Sketchy’s got it covered. Hey. I’mYourDaddy, say something bad.
I’mYourDaddy (v): Yeah. No. 
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
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i'd say this was a pretty good way to treat myself and kick off summer break.... am i one of the cool kids yet? :p
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
< A streamed video has been uploaded. 
The view appears to be that of a populated beach, dozens of people going about swimming and sunbathing and doing leisurely things. None of them notice the new arrival that just floated over. 
Next moment, wet sand covers almost the entire field of view, interrupted with a pair of bent hands in front. 
Then everything just spazzes, a rhythmic violent twisting back and forth and with water droplets visibly everywhere. >
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Are you a dog? Was that really necessary?
sketchyonlooker (o):  🐕
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): ...Okay fine, you win. I guess you can be whatever you want to be after swimming for two days straight.
I’mYourDaddy (v): DMG and CGS will be glad to hear sketchy’s made it to land once they’re back. Still, where are you going from here, sketchy? I mean, where is here?
< The camera glances over at the skyline with several hotel buildings proudly stating their brand. Lower down, a booming food stall business could be seen in the streets with a large crowd seen within. The viewpoint moves closer towards those stalls. 
Going past the sands and into the streets proper, the camera shows a plethora of tasty-looking fried and grilled foods. Stall signs are all around them with hawkers calling out for customers to try their wares. 
Sizzling kebobs filled with juicy meats and roasted vegetables come into view. 
A middle-aged man yells from the stall and waves a hand at the grill. 
“Come on here! Try my kebabs!”>
I’mYourDaddy (v): ...I have a bad feeling about this. 
< Fifteen minutes later:
“She ate every one of my kebabs and is now telling me she can’t pay?!” the stall owner screamed, pointing directly at the camera, as he spoke to the cop. “You should arre-” He then hesitates as he glances at her again before saying, “You need to find her parents and make them pay me back.”
He then bemoaned skyward, “I thought I met a big customer, only to find she can’t pay.” He glanced over at the camera once more, “You can’t do that to other people, missy. You’re harming my livelihood.”
The police officer only looked sternly at the camera before saying, “Where do you live, miss?”
No answer.
“I think she’s a mute. She never talked, just kept pointing at my kebabs,” the stall owner sighed before muttering, “maybe that should’ve been the first sign...”
A hand reached out towards the camera, much to the surprise of the two people. Only to reveal a very crinkled piece of paper - looked like a flier. A hand handed it over to the cop.
“Did you just pull that out of your mouth???” the stall owner said, stepping back with wariness in his eyes.  
The cop creased his brows at the crinkled paper in his hand, his brief glance at his holstered baton noticeable. And as if he were handling a bomb, he carefully uncrumpled it. 
“Graveyard? Domino City? Duels?” the police officer read over the flier out loud. 
And as if he finally connected the dots, his expression turned a lot more relaxed. “Ahh so you’re one of those card game weir- I mean, card duelists.”  >
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Duelists aren’t weirdos! Tch, people can’t appreciate good games and entertainment when they see it. 
DMGBeloved (v): Hey. Sketchy made it to land...and is getting arrested?
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Yeah, apparently sketchy’s thieving habits don’t just apply to duel disks; it applies to food stall owners also. Except this time the guy wasn’t zonked out to not notice he’s being stolen from.
Capu4Life (v): Are we not going to talk about how Sketchy had that flier of the Graveyard Duel in her mouth the entire time?
I’mYourDaddy (v): The stall owner probably missaw it. I mean wouldn’t the paper be all gross and wet if that were the case?
Capu4Life (v): If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m starting to doubt logic applies to sketchy. I’m fairly sure she’s an alien.  
DMGBeloved (v): Weirdness aside. Sketchy should have money though. People have been donating to her through the stream. Hell, I dumped a couple Toffees at her, and I know an Isekai Truck flashed by at one point which is like 50000 yen for the Kaiba and Yugi stream.
DMGBeloved (v): @/sketchyonlooker, please check this message. You have money. Download PayPay on your phone. The stall owner’s sign says he accepts that. Show this message to the cop if you need to. 
Capu4Life (v): No don’t. I want to see our local alien perform a prison break. 
< A buzzing is heard on stream, and a hand reaches back towards the camera and pulls out a smartphone upon coming out. The stall owner is noticeably more disturbed and looks even more regretful at trying to get money out of her. 
The cop on the other hand looks calm, perhaps even exasperated, as if all this weirdness could just be attributed to “duelist things.” 
The phone is handed over to the cop. 
He looks curiously at the phone and upon seeing his own face on the stream glances over at sketchy as if trying to find the camera. After a second or two, the cop shakes his head and returns his attention to the phone, finding the message below.
“Paypay? Do you want me to download it? You sure?”
The viewpoint goes up and down.
“Alright, so we’ve settled the bill,” the cop said as the phone app confirmed pay, “you should be careful, kid. That is a lot of money you’ve got there. You need to keep it safe and not let people play with your phone without your permission.”
The stall owner looked relieved at being able to recoup a full day’s worth of food without much trouble. However, the manner of which he glanced at the camera showed he was still wary. 
“Anyway, if you’re looking to get back to Domino, there’s a train that heads to Tokyo every couple hours, and Domino City is close to one of the stops. I’ll take you to the train station, and you can figure out things from there.”
The video ends with the camera at the officer leading the way.>
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
< The Explosive Battle City Ending :: Did KC Commit Manslaughter? >
The Battle City Finals was streamed live on the international channel, taking place in the Duel Tower which is located Seto Kaiba’s private island Alcatraz. Ultimately, it was not Kaiba who became the King of Games but Yugi Mutou instead. In fact, he did not even make it to runner-up. Instead, that position had been taken by the dark horse Marik Ishtar.
Reputable sources have stated that after the tournament was over Kaiba had detonated both the Duel Tower and the island it was on out of sheer fury, thinking everyone had left.
Or so he thought.
Apparently, Kaiba’s hot-headed actions had a victim that day.
A newcomer from a popular streaming site had been on the island, recording the Battle City Finals as part of their livestream. Little did they know, they had walked into an unescapable death trap.
The streamer was not able to get on the blimp to safety like the rest. Instead, amidst the “Alcatraz Island is detonating” warnings, the streamer had been trying their best to stay calm and search through rooms and halls looking for a way out. However, as the final minute was reached, it seems the streamer finally succumbed to panic and started bashing their head on a Duel Disk(s) up until the final moments.
The stream then ended in a large explosion followed by a disconnection.
Analysts are still determining whether the stream contents had been real and not faked.
Kaiba Corporation has yet to put out a statement.  
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
< A streamed video is playing. The chat room appears to have several people remaining in it, but it seems the last comment was several hours ago.
The view appears to be that of an endless blue sea and the horizon, bobbing rhythmically up and down due to the movements of the camera holder. >
[ 10 hours ago :: ]
CardGamesSon (v): Are you sure you're absolutely okay?
sketchyonlooker (o): 👍
[ 5 hours ago :: ]
I'mYourDaddy (v): how long has sketchy been swimming???
IHateControlDecks(v): over 18 hours since the stream restarted.
DMGBeloved(v): Are you like a super fitness buff, @/sketchyonlooker? no nvm that doesn't explain shit.
Capu4Life (v): im still shocked sketchy is alive. @/sketchyonlooker, were you born in the year of the cockroach? I'm looking at the satellite streams in the area. And it looks like the island got totally leveled.
ManDuckPig (v): Are we sure this isn't KC just restarting the stream on their own and claiming that sketchy lives?
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): what'd be the point of that? Sketchy was the one trespassing and also actively stealing things, and they could just claim they didn't know and it was sketchy's fault they got blown up.
DMGBeloved (v): Even if they were trespassing and stealing, don't you think getting blown up in an explosion far outweighs the crime?
< The video temporarily tilts upwards to face the sky, and a small mobile phone with the chat appears on the screen. A gloved finger presses an emoji.
And then the view of the sea is back, and they're back to swimming. >
sketchyonlooker (o): ❌️🪳
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