skinwoo-blog · 5 years
people love you.
people need you.
people would miss you if you were gone.
i know you feel so alone right now and in so much pain but you don’t deserve to die. there is a place for you in the world and people who want you in it. you deserve to be happy and to experience every single ounce of joy the world has to offer and you have to still be in the world for that to happen. you have survived bad days and bad years and bad moments before and you can survive this one, too. there is so much more in life for you than what is going on right now, please be here so that you can experience it.
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
How to feel better 🌞
If you’re feeling depressed, stuck in a rut, just feeling down and gross here’s a step by step routine to help
🌻 put on some nice music, whatever you’re in the mood for: slow and soothing, cheerful and bubbly, hard and pounding, whatever makes you happy
🌻 get in the shower: just get clean, wash your hair, wash your face, scrub away all the dark thoughts
🌻 exfoliate your whole body (great diy scrub is sugar and oil), concentrating where you want to shave, scrub until your hands feel weird and tingly, that’s how you know it’s working, exfoliate your lips too
🌻 shave anywhere you like to shave: legs, armpits, bikini, arms, whatever you want
 🌻moisturise your entire body, your skin gets especially dry and irritated after shaving, don’t forget your lips
🌻 brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash
🌻 skincare: cleanse, exfoliate, toner, serum/essence, moisturiser, ect. whatever you’ve got
🌻 either blow dry your hair or let it dry naturally, but wait until its dry to brush it, wet hair is stretchier and also more likely to break, tie it up out of the way
🌻 do some cleaning and tidying: “tidy room tidy mind” is true, make your bed, clean your desk and room, you’ll feel much better, clean the rest of the house too if you feel up to it
🌻 eat some vegetables: they have virtually no calories and make you feel much better than eating junk food or heavy carbs, you know you’re an adult when you crave vegetables, if you want something sweet eat some fruit
How to continue feeling good
- wakeup before 8:30am and don’t stay in bed for ages on your phone, get up soon after waking
- eat healthy food and regular meals, vegetables and meats are clean whole foods, limit processed foods
- keep on top of your personal hygiene, I know how easy it is when you stay in bed for days or not leave the house, to then not shower or brush your teeth, being clean makes you feel so much better I promise
- keep your living space tidy and clean, the more you keep it in a constant state of pleasantness, the less massive cleaning sprees you have to go on
- do a little study or work everyday so it doesn’t pile up
- get some fresh air, don’t just stay cooped up inside all the time, go stand outside and feel the sunshine on your skin and the wind in your hair
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
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i’m very hungry
here’s a niche meme about it
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
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I’m always getting stressed out by things happening so here are some resources I find helpful
I don’t know about you but I find piano music are really relaxing and soothing
Piano music playlist
Peaceful piano Spotify playlist by @spotify
Piano background music Spotify playlist
Rainy sounds
Burning fireplace sounds
Wave sounds
Videos, movies, dramas
Buzzfeed Celeb
Buzzfeed Worth It Season [1/2/3/4/5]
Free movies/tv
Marvel movies masterpost by @girlintoomanyfandoms
Classic chick flicks by @jamescookjr
Studytubes by @memorisu
Cheyenne Barton (@studyrose )
The Voice Kids [Australia/Germany]
Video games
Buzzfeed Multiplayer (eg. Until Dawn, Dead by daylight, Cooking Mama)
True crimes and supernatural
Buzzfeed unsolved
Comedies (old but gold)
Mind your language
Dr Ken suggested by @akydemics
Fitness & health for student by @abby-studies-art
Deep breathing exercises
Guide to sleep by @educatier
Tips for balancing sleep & education by @brbimstudying
The perfect night sleep by @paintitbright
How to go to bed early and actually fall asleep
Night routine and sleeping tips
Tips and tricks for getting enough sleep by @candydsgn
Meditation and focus by @studyquill
Put a thought in the star
Treat yourself
Simple ways to treat yourself by @anitastudy
Guide to treating yourself by @pennyfynotes
25 No/Low cost self care acts by @gaygirlhustle
How to drink more water ft printables
Hydration masterpost
Use the pomodoro method where you study for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes to allow your brain to re-energise itself.
Take a break
Types of study breaks by @samsstudygram
Tips for getting better rest by @overstudies
9 things to do on a study break by @studyzine
Study break ideas by @gomedorgohome
What to do during a study break by @emmastudies
Things i do when taking a study break by @produitivity
Study break snacks by @gentlysoft
15 food to ease your study life by @studybowie
Easy recipes for students by @aestudier
Broke college kid masterpost by @dumplinghead-usagi
Bullet journal
Start a bullet journal
Apps that help me destress by @gracelearns
My positivity tag
A website that compliments you
Who is the cutest
Buzzfeed quizzes
Pottermore quizzes
Learn coding
All you need for high school
Math help and advice
How to take notes
Mental health masterpost
Ace your essays
Ace your exams
How to be productive
Free printables masterpost
Stationery masterlist by @architstudy
Other masterposts
Selfcare masterpost
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
● You will never be satisfied with your body until you stop trying to control it.
● Eating disorders distort your body image; when you see ‘flaws’ that is an illusion.
● Food is not moral. You’re not ‘good’ or 'bad’ based on what you eat.
● When you eat regularly (and eat enough) you will feel so much better physically and mentally.
● Recovery is always possible.
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
i honestly believe human beings are not meant to live like this. we are meant to live in loving communities and be around nature every day and grow our own food and create art and not work day and night until we die. this longing for another life is not human nature, it’s a symptom of modern society.
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
sometimes it’s just you n your emotional support kpop boy
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
Trans guys who have EDs and suffer from both body dysmorphia and dysphoria like me where you at! How fucked up is this shit why do we have both. Fucking stupid
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
I feel like a failure if I don’t feel hungry
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
Ana post: girls-
Me, a boy:
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
Self harm doesn’t always happen when a blade touches skin.
It’s skipping meals because you don’t feel like you deserve to eat today. It’s having sex because you want to be used or abused or defiled. It’s drinking recklessly because you might have the ‘courage’ do something stupid. It’s smoking - not because you need the nicotine - because you know it’s bad for you. It’s banging your head against a wall when you’re angry. It’s crossing the road without looking because you lowkey hope a car might hit you. It’s thinking about all the ways you could break a bone and make it look like an accident. It’s not taking painkillers because you want to suffer. It’s taking painkillers in excess because you know it’s dangerous. It’s walking home the more dangerous way because you’re kind of half hoping you’ll get attacked or raped or stabbed. It’s going for long walks at night and getting chilled to the bone and hoping that you get lost so that you can’t find your way back. It’s seeking out triggering material. It’s all the stupid little ways you punish yourself for existing.
Sometimes self harm happens when you put effort into depriving yourself of things you like or need, and sometimes it happens when you don’t put any effort into doing the things you like or need.
It’s a pattern of self-destructive behaviour, and it doesn’t only happen in one way.
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
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Where I’m at right now
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
flat stomachs really need to stop being a thing people expect from others like…….what the fuck do you mean i need a flat stomach when i have 7 meters of intestine in me
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
me: i’ll get to it when i’ve the energy for that me @ myself: but you never have the energy for anything
me again:
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
I wish anxiety burned fat
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skinwoo-blog · 5 years
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