skysawakearchived · 9 years
                                   the only one in kirkwall not completely insane;                                           ask | guidelines | codex 
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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                        “What earth-shattering matter requires my attention this time?”                                                         ask | guidelines | codex
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
Sadly, this blog is still on a hiatus. I’ve been saying this since december but I stand by it: I’m NOT abandoning anna. I plan on returning. 
For now, I really need the bad taste of the fandom out of my mouth until I’m able to forget it exists again and I can just focus on Anna, which is what I need and want to do. It’s slowly working though and the more I play Hawke, the more I miss my bundle of joy! I’m planning on buying the short stories soon so I can update Anna.  
If you’re still following me, thank you for not giving up! I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna come back eventually. I keep reminding myself this blog exists so I don’t forget about it overall since that’s not what I want to do. 
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
“You’re not busy, are you? I mean, if you are, I can totally come back, y’know, later.” Anna bit the bottom of her lip, staring down at the ground, expecting to be turned down and told to go away. 
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
hardcore angst starters
" h-help me. please, help me. "
" hey, you okay? you just went pale. what's wrong with you? "
" i hate you! god, i just hate you! "
" don't TOUCH me! go away! "
" i think i might faint. "
" how could you do this to me? "
" you have no idea how awful i feel right now. "
" take my hand! "
" oh my god! what are you doing here? "
" are you bleeding!? "
" oh god! y-your head! "
" don't go out there! "
" i am going to KILL you! "
" i'm gonna be sick. "
" oh, god! are you okay? what's wrong? do you need a doctor? dome on, talk to me! "
" lie very still, alright? the bone is broken. "
" put that down! now! "
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
Hardcore Angst rp Starters
"H-help me. Pease, help me."
"Hey, you okay? You just went pale. What's wrong with you?"
"I hate you! God, I just hate you!"
"Don't TOUCH me! Go away!"
"I think I might faint."
"How could you do this to me?"
"You have no idea how awful I feel right now."
"Take my hand!"
"Oh my god! What are you doing here?"
"Are you bleeding!?"
"Oh god! Y-your head!"
"Don't go out there!"
"I am going to KILL you!"
"I'm gonna be sick."
"Oh, god! Are you okay? What's wrong? Do you need a doctor? Come on, talk to me!"
"Lie very still, alright? The bone is broken."
"Put that down! Now!"
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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Heads up, Frozen Fans. 
Nendoroid Elsa is out and retails for about $35 + shipping (estimating, tbh). Be cautious of buying her from ebay, if you find a Nendo that is cheap, even $20, there’s a good chance it’s a bootleg, though they will have the official image up on the listing. 
The image above is, yep you guessed it, the bootlegged version. 
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
“Do you like Elsa or Anna better?” the little girl patiently waited for a response. 
Elsa  smothered a smile. Apparently her cloak and hood were a very good disguise! “I like Anna,” she said. 
            --- Frozen Fever novelization 
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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Today, I was at target and saw the novelization for Frozen Fever so I nabbed that and there’s a chance it might spark Anna muse? 
At least, that’s what I’m hoping for, anyway. If that does happen, would anyone care for a starter? Like this post :>
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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the universe is aware of my love for anna.... I pulled out two of the vinylmations today at the disney store. 
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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Enesco Couture de Force - Disney Frozen Anna from Arendelle
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
“You’ve been sitting there for over five hours, enough is enough. No more excuses, you’re coming with me!”
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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Tip #1: Write engaging starters!
Something to keep in mind when crafting a starter: the whole point is to create an excuse for someone to talk to your character. That means that the initial burden of initiating interaction should be on you. People will be less likely to jump on your starter right away if they have to do the work! Don’t write a starter that’s so vague, open-ended, or plain that the whole task of coming up with the interaction scenario falls on the other player. When that happens, they’re the one who’s concocting the starter, basically; all you really did was make a post that said “come and talk to me please?” and hope that someone else would do all the difficult, creative work. Instead, think of something you’d actually like to have your character talk about or do and craft a starter that sets-up that scenario. Obviously the other player’s input will be important in deciding what sort of situation you really end up with, but don’t make them do 100% of the work right off the bat!
Tip #2: Give-and-take!
When responding to someone, make sure that you’re responding helpfully. Don’t make noncommittal noises or monosyllabic grunts or commentary that basically comes out to being as useful as that; then you are once again putting all the work of maintaining the conversation on the other player’s shoulders. When responding, provide a little more information than you were asked for. That will give them something to reply to when it’s their turn. For example, if someone says, “Gee it’s cold out today,” and your only response is, “yep,” you haven’t given them much of anything to work with. Everything that might potentially come next is coming from them; you aren’t helping at all. On the other hand, if you say, “yep, and I forgot my gloves in the greenhouse yesterday!” then that actually gives them something to respond to beyond just agreeing with the fact that you agreed, etc. This is called “yes, and” in improv-acting games — look it up! It really helps.
Tip #3: Play Along!
It’s no fun when somebody comes along and denies or negates an important aspect of your character, so make sure you aren’t doing the same to other people. It’s only polite! Make sure you know who the character you’re interacting with is, and then take that into account when roleplaying with them. Say the other player describes their character as a smooth-talker, but you decide your character can always see through them. Or they have a character who is good at keeping secrets, but right away your character notices that they’re hiding something and refuses to be misled. Say the other player has said that almost no one can tell their character and their character’s twin apart — you don’t want to be the one person who can always tell when they’ve switched around! If every single strength, flaw, or trait that another character is meant to have you immediately discount or overcome, you won’t be any fun to interact with, because what’s the point? You don’t want to be the person leeching all the fun out of the group!
Now granted, maybe your character has particular traits that make it likely they would notice x or y or b — but not all the time. Balance your character and theirs, rather than just riding roughshod over every trait they mean for their character to have. Of course at the same time, say that their character is described as a smooth-talker but the player themselves is actually really bad at repartee — well, that’s a problem of course, and things like that can happen in roleplay because a player doesn’t (and shouldn’t) always share their character’s strengths or weaknesses. But do your best to find a way to help them make their character work rather than just negating everything they mean to do — or at least talk to them about it ooc and explain your difficulty rather than just discounting their character’s supposed traits. It’s always better to try and work with someone than to just deny their attempts!
Tip #4: Communicate!
Almost any problem that crops-up in roleplay (not all, but most) can be solved if the players involved just talk to each other about it. Be polite and be clear. Remember that since we’re communicating mainly through plain text-based interactions, there is always room to misinterpret with no fault to either party. Remember that not everyone shares the same cultural background or biases, or the same social norms, or even the same language. Leave room for understanding and acceptance. Give the benefit of the doubt. Be honest, be kind, and above all stay in touch!
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
“I know they have Marshmallow with them but we should go see the little snowmen! Make a day of it, maybe even pack a picnic?
And last time I checked, they even need their own noses! We can brings carrots too. What d’you say Elsa? Do you have the time?”
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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Limited Edition Princess Anna ver. 3
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
“I’ve never seen anything like it before!  Elsa sneezed and these adorable little  snowball people just came to life! Out of thin air!” 
Anna’s holding one of the snowmen, poking at the side of its face. 
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“I had no idea she could do anything like  that. You have magic too, right? Or... something, like it, anyway. 
Can you do that too?”
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skysawakearchived · 9 years
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"Anna, you can’t marry someone you just met."
Elsa: jdevoll Anna: Nina Joffrey: mjolnirismypenis Photo by: danikhaleesi
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