softtsukki · 4 years
Cold Part 2!!!!!
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First I want to say thank you for encouraging me to continue this fic. It feels nice to know you guys liked It sorry to make you wait so long! School is going to be the death of me!! Anyways here it is Part 2!!
When you got to your door you found Kageyama waiting for you. His eyes softened when he saw the obvious hurt in your eyes. He quickly stood up and wrapped you in a warm embrace. He whispered in your ear, “ I'm so sorry for not picking up any of your calls.” You pulled away and gave him a small smile, “It’s okay I understand kags.” When he heard the nickname he so dearly missed coming out of your mouth he felt his face heat up rather quickly. He immediately looked at you smiling like an idiot. You nudged him, “ Well don’t you want to come in? Or did you come just to stare at me?” you giggled. You laugh was probably one of the things he missed most about you not coming around to the games or practices anymore.                                                                             ~Flashbacks~Truth be told Kageyama was always hurting when he saw you with Tsukishima. He remembered seeing you on the first day and thinking to himself, “wow,,, she’s beautiful.” He was entranced by you since you walked into school. He would always go make an excuse to stay near the gates of school until he saw you arrive. When you started to make an effort with Tsukishima he only thought you were being your normal friendly self. Kageyama was the first friend you made in Karasuno. As weird as it sounds he always felt relaxed with you. He could let his walls come down and he felt happy. It first became clear to him that you didn't feel the same when you stopped waiting for him outside of the gym. When he came out of the gym you weren’t waiting like usual he saw you walk away with Tsukishima and yamaguchi. He didn’t mind because he thought you were just making new friends. However this continued for over a month. When he decided it was finally time to tell you how he felt about you he waited for you at the gates as usual. He saw you walking with tsukishima but he kept trying to approach you until he saw you two walking with your hands intertwined. You were happy but not with him.He decided to hold it in. He never made things awkward between you two. He was always there for you. It was a love that was unconditional. And you appreciate him for being your best friend. When he heard that you and Tsukishima broke up he couldn’t help but feel a glint of hope that maybe just maybe he could finally tell you what he had been holding back for so long. But then he saw how torn you were. It hurt him to see you so broken after giving it your all. He couldn’t help but want to hear the reasoning behind the sudden break. He went to Tsukki and asked him about it only to hear the most stupid excuse come out of his mouth, “ She bored me” he said so nonchalantly. Anger filled Kageyama's eyes as he threw tsukki to the ground. He never hit someone as hard as he did tsukki. Until Yamaguchi saw and broke them up. Before leaving Tsukishima chuckled and said, “I didn’t know you wanted my sloppy seconds,, You should have told me sooner I would have let you have her.” After that Yamaguchi looked at tsukki with disgust and punched him square in the jaw. Kageyama had never seen that side of yamaguchi.(but tsukki do be outta pocket). Kags was in awe. He never thought Yamaguchi could be assertive at all. But this came to show how much the team actually cared for you.~ End of Flashbacks~                                               When you and Kageyama walked into your apartment you both saw the mess you were harboring. Kageyama chuckled and asked, “Do you need some help with all of this.” You looked down at the ground embarrassed and said, “yes? Can you?” and with that both of you managed to clear out you mess in the living room. You guys spent the whole time talking about how the team was. Kageyama mentioned that practices were no longer lively with you there. And that the first years kept asking about you. You mentally sighed. “Kags I don’t want to sound mean,, but why did you come to see me?”  He felt a blush come over his cheeks, “ Oh.. w-well I just wanted to see how you were holding up. And I really missed my Best Friend.”  You looked at him and smiled, “ well thanks for coming kags, I’ve been doing well. You know third year is getting really scary.”  Kageyama moved closer to you and said, “ It isn’t going to be that bad you have me and most of the team. I will always and I mean that always be here for you and you know that.” In that moment it felt like his eyes were glowing in your dim lit living room. Despite the overwhelming scent of potato chips and soda all you could smell was Kageyama. You swore you felt your heart start to race at those words. Then you realized, when did we all grow up? Two years passed in an instant yet you never noticed how much taller Kags got or how much muscle he was starting to build. His jaw got sharper. You wondered how you never came to pay attention that your best friend was changing.You could have sworn that you felt butterflies. But you quickly disregarded that and said, “Do you promise you’ll always be there? That’s a pretty big commitment ~Tobio~”  He felt himself cringe at the way you said his name. Don’t get him wrong he loved it when you called him by his first name but you were just being what he calls “annoying”. But he cut you off before you started to dip into the pool of nicknames you had for him, “ Hey ,, Um there Is actually something I have been meaning to tell you. Well for a while now,,, um almost t-two years. You don’t have to say anything to me after. Just know I want to finally get it off my chest okay?” You nodded in confirmation. Part of you was really nervous but the other part of you was excited, maybe even hopeful. “U-um well okay here it goes,,, (y/n) I’ve had this really big crush on you since first year. I meant to tell you then but then you and Tsukishima got together so I promised to myself to hold off for a bit. But then it turned into weeks, then months, then before I knew it two years passed me by before even having the chance to tell you. I don’t want you to think that I’m taking advantage of you cause I’m not. I just felt that Now I could finally tell you without complicating things. Just know that I have loved you and still do for a while now.” You Stood there shocked. You felt your face heat up, you looked at him and he had panic written all over him. You didn’t know what to feel. You just broke up with your boyfriend of two years and now your best friend throughout all of high school harbored feelings for you the entire time. Your heart was fluttering, but your mind was confused. After you stayed silent for what felt like an eternity Kageyama started to shuffle awkwardly towards your door. You immediately pulled at his sweater and pulled him into a hug, “ I can’t say I don’t feel anything Tobio but I can’t say I'm not confused. I don’t not like you. Because right now I feel like I’m on top of the world. And I know it’s a lot to ask but Can you please wait for me a bit longer?” you looked at him with hopeful eyes. He held you closer and said, “I’ll wait as long as it takes to be with you. Because you are worth it (y/n). You are someone who is worth waiting for.” He suddenly pulled away and yelled, “ (Y/N) I LOVE YOU! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!” You felt yourself start to crack a smile. Your stomach was doing back flips. You never thought you could feel this way, especially not about Tobio, but you know what they say. It's a Christmas Miracle. You started to feel again in this short of a time.  You pulled Kageyama down to your height and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He was about to pull you closer until your loud ringtone cut straight through the joy, but you didn’t care and let it ring. You were happy in this moment with the one Boy who truly brought you happiness in your darkest times. Absolutely nothing could ruin it for you right?
Should I continue this let me know! Cause I kinda like it ngl :)
@terminallyvolatile​ <3
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softtsukki · 4 years
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Heyy You Guys 🥺🥺 My heart Combusted y’all are so nice 😢 I’m gonna add the second part tomorrow😊 Sorry ,,school just started and Chem is already kicking my ass 😞✋🏻 also It was really hard to write Tsukki like that he’s the best boy :,) but I hope you guys like the new part !!!:)) ❤️ side note: I had WaY too much fun on that website to make this :,)
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softtsukki · 4 years
This is my first ever fic i’m really nervous hope you guys like it! :) Tsukishima x reader ~ Warnings: None ~ Rating: angst?
   It was a cold night in the middle of december. The weather only seemed suited to your situation. Your boyfriend Tsukishima broke up with you a month ago. You thought that your relationship was going well but apparently tsukki grew bored of you. That night in your apartment he said, “ to think I wasted my time on a prude,,, guess you’re not as easy as everyone says.”  With that he left you sitting alone in your apartment. For the past 2 years you and tsukki were going steady. You even met his family and his team. You were especially close to kageyama and tsukki’s older brother Akiteru. They filled your mind with fantasies that you and tsukki were going to be together forever. But this was only a fantasy you indulged in. After that night you no longer had a shoulder to cry on you lost all contact with what felt like your family. His friends didn’t bother to contact you. I mean what business would they have with an ex girlfriend of a friend. But what hit you the hardest was that akiteru never called you. You and him became like a real family. He was the big brother you never had. He helped you when you and tsukki fought, but this time it was like you were a stranger. You couldn’t grow the courage to reach out first. So the past month ate you up. You couldn’t bring yourself to even look at your phone. All of the memories of you and tsukki crowded your lock screen. If anyone would reach out now it would have been pointless. You sealed yourself off in your home. You turned off your phone. You spent your days huddled in bed you could barely bring yourself to eat. It felt like your cheeks were getting hollow. Your meals consisted of water and ice cream. Until one night you ran out of ice cream so you decided it was time to venture out. You put on a thin sweater, leggings and some boots and made your way to the nearest store. You mindlessly walked around the bustling streets until you found yourself back to the one place you never wanted to return to. This was a big part of why you never left your home. You knew that despite how he treated you that night you never stopped loving him. When suddenly you were brought back to reality when you bumped into a tall frame. You immediately apologized but when you looked up you saw the man who broke your heart. There he was Tsukishima Kei. He was just standing there shocked. He looked down at you and looked at you with pitiful eyes. It was then you realized he wasn’t alone. He was with a girl you had never seen before. She was tall, she had long brown hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. She was everything you were not. You were quite short with long black hair and boring brown eyes. In that moment you realized that you were never enough for him. You actually felt sorry that you weren’t what he wanted you to be. In that moment you wished you could change, but what good would it do if he never loved you he had a clear goal in mind that you were blocking. You wished you were her, you wished that it was you who held onto his arm or you that scratched his head until he fell asleep, but nothing is ever as one wants. He got rid of you and moved onto the next chapter in his life. And after everything you both went through he walked right past you. He dismissed your presence. He left as if you were a stranger to him. Only then had you processed that it was truly over between you and tsukki and there was nothing that would have changed that. After that you walked with heavy steps towards your apartment. You Approached your door only to see a familiar face standing next to it.
Should I make a part two?
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