spectrafae · 3 months
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Needed a banner image for my webcomic's Tapas page, so I drew one. :3
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spectrafae · 1 year
Something that I first applied to working with children, and have applied in a limited form to working with adults: you don't need to tell someone when they read your instructions wrong. Sometimes it's enough to point out what they did right and then whatever they didn't do? You ask them to do it in more precise words, and you make it sound like it's a new request. Remarkable how fast things get done this way.
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spectrafae · 1 year
Watch "Keys to Oneiria - Illusory Realms (full album, 2022)" on YouTube
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spectrafae · 1 year
this is so so important to me and mine, and I'm asking you to Do Something so I'll respect your time and keep it brief
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in the UK, if 100k sign a a government petition it will be brought to Parliament and debated. y'all know this country is suffering from some 80s-style bigotry right now, and this is one symptom: almost 200k fuckholes have come together to force the government to discuss whether it is 'appropriate' to tell children that queer people exist. this is a big symbolic victory for them. and i am burning with fury.
please, if you're from the UK, sign this counter-petition so they can at least see how much of a minority they are. simply put, the attempt to put these bastards in their place isn't gathering enough steam. there are barely 2000 more signatures now than there were this morning, and that isn't enough. i refuse to let these people feel even a moment of victory or satisfaction. please help.
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spectrafae · 1 year
Solar Fields - Formations (Full Album)
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spectrafae · 1 year
Watch "Daniel Boon - Black Rabbit (Original Mix)" on YouTube
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spectrafae · 1 year
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spectrafae · 1 year
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spectrafae · 1 year
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year of the rabbit 🐇💫
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spectrafae · 1 year
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spectrafae · 1 year
Grim I could not upload final GIF with a moving camera because the size of it would've excede 60MB. So if you want to see a video :3
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spectrafae · 1 year
i think "is intersex a health condition" and "is neurodivergence a disability" are questions that both have the same answer: it depends, based on the person's experiences, and how they feel about them.
it's okay if it is a health condition or disability, and it's okay if it isn't. people deserve access to what they need to be happy and as healthy as possible - and to not have anything forced on them. everyone is different, and that's amazing.
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spectrafae · 1 year
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spectrafae · 1 year
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My new Grass & Field’s brush pack is officially out for Photoshop CC, Procreate, and Clip Studio Paint! 
You can download it from this page (click!)
Like all my brush packs it is free, with tips welcome but optional. You can use these brushes in anything - personal work, freelance work, professional work, commercial work - including things you sell, no license required. Demo videos are linked on the product page. Enjoy!!
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spectrafae · 1 year
I don't really experience much in the way of lucid dreaming with these but I love falling asleep to them regardless.
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spectrafae · 1 year
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spectrafae · 1 year
in Finland, it is illegal to kill a bear when it’s hibernating. If you ask a hunter why that is, a number of them will tell you it’s wrong simply because it is the law, and they don’t make a distinction between what is right, and what is legal. Most people like that are perfectly normal, decent and respectable people, just like the rest of us.
 But if you ask people who think about things, the answer is vague. Killing a hibernating bear would just feel… impolite? You can’t fucking shoot a man when he’s sleeping, that’s just fucking rude. It’s just not the right thing to do.
 Long before hunting laws were established in Finland, you couldn’t kill a sleeping bear, and what commands you is something older than law: tradition. Even at a time when hunting was a matter of life and death, and a bear fighting for its life is mainly a matter of death, you just didn’t kill a hibernating bear, you have to wake it up first. Hunters risked their lives, the lives of their brothers and everyone in the hunting party, who were friends, family and men that they loved, to give the bear a fighting chance.
 In the modern time, the hunting season of bears is in the summer, for the warmest summer months. There are many reasons for why they are allowed to tread safely in autumn and to sleep in peace through the cold months, almost all of which are rational and scientific, and do not touch the old traditions.
 Old faith says a living thing has many souls - henki, luonto, itse. Plants only have one - the one that wills them to grow. Animals have two, both the spark of life and nature that enables them to act. A human being also has the third, one that makes them a person, personality, itse, literally “self”. But the soul that travels in your dreams is not the soul that defines a human - animals have that one as well. When your dog runs in her sleep, her soul is elsewhere, where a dog is needed.
 One’s waking soul is elsewhere when they sleep and dream. A bear’s soul is somewhere else when they are hibernating - there are two words for “hibernation” in finnish, one of which is talviuni, “winter sleep”, and that is the one that bears have - and if you kill a sleeping bear, their soul is not in the body, it is still out there, and it can find you, and as a revenge for killing its body, Ghost Bear will kill your entire fucking family.
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