spicy-picklez · 1 year
Hope all is well with you!! We miss you❤️
Thank you Anon! I got back home today and unless shit goes south again, I should be able to be back to updating regularly. 😊
I miss writing and missed all the incredible support and the requests y'all keep sending it. You all are truly the most amazing readers and I'm so grateful for all of you so thank you to all of you!
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
Could I request fluff with Larissa Weems helping the reader brush their teeth and showering please.
This woman has me in a chokehold and is so comforting
She has all of us in a chokehold I swear. Goddamn the power she has over me, I can't even begin to explain it. 🤭
Hope you like it. 😊
The Crash
Soft Larissa, mentions of a car crash, mentions of a panic attack, whole lot of fluff
Soft!Larissa x wife!reader
Larissa is late home from work due to traffic resulting from a car crash but has no reception to let Y/N know the situation. You can only think the worst as she continues to not receive your messages and spiral out of control. When Larissa gets back, she knows exactly how to calm you down.
Word Count:
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A/N: This woman could legit walk on top of me in 10inch heels and I would still be on my knees for her. 🤭
You: Are you ok hun? I know you said you'd be working later but I haven't heard from you so just checking that you're ok. Dinner's in the microwave when you get back.
Riss ❤️ missed your call
You: Love? Are you ok? Did you need help?
Riss ❤️ missed your call (x3)
You: Love I'm really worried about you. Can you please just text something so I know you're ok?
Riss ❤️ missed your call
With shaking hands, you throw your phone across the room. Worry is at the forefront of your mind as many horrible scenarios flash into your head. Your wife hasn't come home for dinner and she isn't replying to any of your messages. Larissa would never cheat on you, you know that. Instead, images of her dead in her office chair, or dead behind the steering wheel plague your head. Pulling your blanket closer around your body, you curl up into a ball on the armchair.
Your body begins to shake as waves of fear flood down your spine. You can't shake the horrible feeling that this morning was the last time you'd ever see her. Pure panic and fear overtakes you, your breathing intensifying as you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to rid the images from your mind. Overwhelming anxiety flows through your veins and you are powerless to stop it, your chest heavily rising and falling with each shallow, trembling breath. Your knuckles are as white as paper as you clench onto the blanket, tightly wrapping it closer to your skin as tears brim in your eyes. 'Larissa' falls off your jagged breath like a record on repeat, your voice filled with panic.
Larissa's grip on the steering wheel turns her knuckles white. Intently flicking her eyes between the time and the long queue of traffic in front of her she lets out a frustrated groan. Checking her phone again, she's almost tempted to throw it out the car window when she sees the no reception sign in the corner of her screen. She doesn't know what has happened but the fact that she'd been sitting in this traffic for damn near four hours tells her, it can't be good. Relief floods her veins as the traffic finally starts flowing, lifting her foot off the brake as they slowly roll forward.
Her eyes widen as she sees the reason for the holdup. Many emergency services are parked on the side of the road, flashing their lights as she drives past. Two silver cars had collided with each other, spiralling one into the bank and the other through the barrier into the river on the left of her. Her urge to get home only increases upon seeing that, her foot becoming heavier on the accelerator as the car increases in speed.
You don't even hear her as she pulls into the driveway, or coming through the door, too distracted by the sharp ringing in your ears. Larissa's heart breaks as she sees you in a ball on the arm chair, rocking yourself as you tangle yourself into a ball, your eyes squeezed shut. "Darling. Darling it's ok. I'm ok, I'm here." She says, coming over to you and kneeling down in front of you. The first sound of her soft voice makes your heart fill with joy, your eyes flying open to see her in front of you. The minute you catch her eye, the two of you pull each other into a hug, both needing each other's touch. The familiar scent of her perfume fills your noise and her hand rubs circles on your back as you try to calm your shaking breath.
Pulling away, she places a soft kiss to your forehead as her thumb wipes over your tear-stained cheeks. "Come on love, let's get you cleaned up and into bed." She murmurs, her lips brushing over your skin as you nod feebly in response. Her arms gently lift you up from the chair and your shaking body leans into hers as she gently guides you backwards, her hand running through your hair.
Breaking the embrace, she turns on the tap to the bath. "You're ok, my gorgeous." Showering you with compliments, her hands gently lift your shirt over your head as she peppers soft kisses over your now exposed shoulder. Helping each other undress, she guides you into the bath, slipping in behind you as she pulls your back flush with her torso. Leaning against her bare skin, you feel yourself begin to calm down as the warm water floods over you.
Her arms loosely wrap around your waist as the two of you sigh contentedly in each other's warm embrace. "I love you." You murmur, and a soft chuckle sounds from her before she places a kiss to the top of your head. "I love you more, darling." Wearily, you shake your head. "That's not possible." She grins behind you, squeezing her arms tighter around you. "I promise you that it is." She says, placing kisses over your skin between each word.
Her hands gently massage soap over your skin, your head falling back on her shoulder as she does. "I was so worried about you. I just keep seeing images of you dead and it terrified me." Your voice trembles again at the not so distant memory and Larissa buries her head in the crook of your neck in response. "I know love, but I'm ok. There was a crash and I got stuck in traffic. I wanted to text and let you know but there wasn't any reception." You tilt your head to place a kiss on her arm as she says this.
"I'm glad you're ok." You murmur as she gently washes the soap off of you. A soft hum sounds from her as you relax back into her arms, her fingers drawing lazy circles over your thigh. Neither of you want to move but as the water decreases in temperature you both know that you're going to have to. "Alright darling, the water's getting too cold for my liking so why don't we watch a movie and cuddle?" Larissa murmurs, her lips brushing over your sensitive skin as you nod. Her hands move down to your hips, holding you stable as the two of you stand up. Draping your dressing gown around you, her arms wrap around you to tie it up before she puts her own robe on.
Turning you around to face her, she brings her lips to yours, her hand coming up to cup your face. "Right, I'm going to go grab some snacks. You choose the movie and I'll be there soon." She says as the kiss breaks before gently guiding you out of the bathroom, squeezing your ass fondly as she does. You quickly change into your sleepwear, consisting of a low cut t-shirt and shorts, before climbing under the covers of your bed. You already know what you're going to be watching. Top Gun: Maverick, the two of you had been meaning to watch it for weeks but never got round to it due to the stress of your jobs.
Larissa enters the room not long later with a bowl of popcorn and your favourite chocolate. A smile pulls at your lips as you see it. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" You say as she leans over to place a kiss on your lips. "Mmm, only multiple times a day." She grins before withdrawing from the bed, dropping her bathrobe to her feet and quickly slipping into her sleepwear. Quickly getting under the covers, she pulls your back flush with her torso as her arm hangs lazily over your waist. Dipping your hand into the popcorn, you relax into her warm embrace as the movie begins to play.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
I fucking adored your rainbow after a storm story, it was so beautifully written. Can I request Larissa Weems x pregnant fem nevermore teacher? Just a huge comfort fic really. Larissa bringing her 3am cravings, rubbing her belly when the baby's kicking, insisting reader always sits down or always lays down and reader refusing because she'd feel lazy if she did
Hey Anon!
I'm so glad you're liking the story. I'm just going through writer's block at the moment when it comes to Rainbow After A Storm. I feel like it's becoming rather repetitive and I'm not sure how I want the rest of the series to end. If anyone has any ideas, they're greatly appreciated. 😊
Absolutely loved writing this, I'm sorry its so short but my phone is threatening to die on me so I just want to get something posted before it does die.
Rest up, Darling
Soft Larissa, just a whole lot of fluff
Pregnant!teacher!wife!reader x principal!wife!larissa
Yet again, your unborn baby keeps you up at night and Larissa doesn't hesitate to make sure you're ok.
Word Count:
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A/N: And she's posted again, would you look at that? Trying to smash out as many requests as I can while I have the chance. But in all seriousness, if anyone has any ideas on how the Rainbow After A Storm series should end, please tell me because my writers block on that series is not good. 😂😶
Everything hurts, your back has been carrying the strain of your unborn child for 8 months now. You've resigned to waddling through the Nevermore Halls, one hand on your belly as you do. Larissa has been telling you rather persistently now that you should be relaxing and to take it easy but you'd rather not, you love your job. Yes, the students can get on your nerves sometimes and yes, your days are long and there's many assignments to grade but the relationship you have with the students, you wouldn't change for the world. Besides, you read that the more exercise you do apparently makes labour quicker and sitting down all the time would hinder that.
Your wife's sleeping figure rises softly with each breath, strands of her blonde hair falling over her pale face. You can't sleep, it's become a frequent issue lately. Sitting up, you prop a pillow between your aching back and the bed's headboard before leaning back against it. Mindlessly scrolling through your phone, your stomach grumbles. When was the last time you ate? Swinging your legs to the side of the bed, the springs groan under your weight as you try not to wake your wife.
"Darling, how many times have I told you to sit down and rest?" Larissa's voice, deep with sleep, sounds from behind you as her soft hands reach across to sit you back down. "I know, I know. I just realised I didn't eat when I got back today and I'm hungry." You say quietly as she cups your cheek with her hand. In an instant, your wife is standing up, wrapping her dressing gown around her body. "I'll go get something love, you need rest. What do you feel like?" A reluctant sigh escapes you as you settle yourself back in bed. "I don't know, baby's telling me cucumber and mayo for some reason."
A tired smile pulls at her lips as you say this, shaking her head in disbelief. "Alright, stay here and I'll bring you some darling." She says before quickly exiting the room, coming in a few minutes later with a small bowl of mayo and thinly sliced cucumber. Gently placing her lips on yours, she hands you the bowl.
"Thank you baby… You know I'm perfectly capable of getting my own food." You say, leaning up against the headboard as she gently rubs your baby bump, peppering kisses over your belly. "I know sweetheart but you also haven't been sleeping well, you need all the rest you can get." She says pressing a kiss to your lips before leaning down to talk to your belly. "As for you little one, you need to stop bothering your beautiful mumma. She needs rest before you're born because god knows we won't get any when we finally meet you." She whispers fondly as a smile pulls at your lips at the sight.
Larissa has been nothing but amazing to you, especially throughout the pregnancy journey so far and you know that she'll be the best mum to your child. Placing the now empty bowl of food on your nightstand, you let yourself slide down under the blankets as Larissa wraps her arms around you, pulling your back flush with her front. Her hands gently rub your belly as you relax into her embrace, sighing contentedly. "I love you." You manage to mumble before exhaustion overtakes you, finally managing to get to sleep.
A soft chuckle escapes your wife as she brushes back the fallen hair from your face. Gently placing a kiss on your temple, she buries her head in the crook of your neck, still rubbing your belly. "I love you more."
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
how about a Miranda one shot where her and reader have to go undercover as a couple but Miranda is a bit awkward/nervous because she has a crush on reader but also has never kissed a girl? And to make it more believable, they have to all touchy so reader guides Miranda on what to do? I feel like smut should happen but totally up to you and what you would be willing to do.
Hey Anon!
Of course you can, it was super fun to write. I hope it lives up to your expectations!
- Picklez
Belle of the Ball
18+! Cunnilingus, scissoring, fingering, praise kink, marking kink.
Softdom!detective!reader x sub!constable!miranda
After completing a successful sting operation undercover at a charity ball with Miranda, Y/N gives her enticing blonde coworker a ride home. Many things are admitted and the night quickly escalates.
Word Count:
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A/N: I am so sorry to everyone for taking so long to post nowadays. Life really isn't liking me at the moment so I'm struggling to find the time to write.
"Put your right hand on my shoulder." Miranda's gorgeous sapphire eyes widen at your words. "I'm sorry-?" She chokes, standing in front of you as a fresh wave of nervousness crashes over her. A soft chuckle escapes you before you grab her hand, guiding it over your arm to gently rest on your shoulder. Resting your arm under hers, you reach under her arm to splay your hand over her shoulder blade as your free hands intertwine. The touch of your skin against hers sends electricity down your spine, a hot desire burning in your core as it does.
When your boss, Adrian, had assigned the two of you to a case together, never did you think that you'd end up here. Your main suspect, Stella Cortez runs a charity ball every year and both you and Miranda were attending in hopes of asking her a few questions. 16 year old, Scotty Denzel, was found washed up on the beach two days ago and the two of you had been quick to find a lead. Stella owns a dance studio in which Scotty used to attend but turns out he'd been drastically lagging behind in his payments and the two of them would often be seen fighting behind the theatre.
Truth be told however, you have been horribly distracted all night. Ever since you lay eyes on Miranda tonight, her body draped in an elegant light blue ballgown, your thoughts have been nothing but pure. You'd always had an attraction to the blonde Constable but the sight of her in a ballgown, so innocent and pure, unleashed many desires inside you.
"The waltz is a simple repetitive dance, right foot back, left foot back, bring your right foot to your left, forward with your left, forward with your right and then finally bring your left foot to your right and repeat." You say, gently leading Miranda through each step as you explain her movements. Her eyebrows are furrowed as she concentrates on not standing on you. A grin pulls at your lips as she gets into the flow of it, letting you lead her around the room. Winding between the other dancing pairs, you spot Stella and her partner Kayn performing an elaborate sequence of waltz manoeuvres.
Miranda's eyes finally lift from her feet as the two of you waltz closer and closer to your suspect. Smiles pull at both of your faces as the two of you get lost in each other's eyes. "Where on earth did you learn to dance?" She grins, joy lighting up her features. "I grew up rather wealthy, my parents have always been big on charity events and enrolled me in ballroom dancing lessons for 14 years. I started when I was 4 and the moment I turned 18, I left and never went back. But clearly some things just stay with you." You reply, using your left hand to spin her away from you before pulling her back to repeat the box step as she squeals at the unexpected move.
While many coworkers found Miranda's bubbly personality obnoxious and overbearing, you had been nothing but intrigued by it. On this case alone, the two of you had shared many interesting conversations. The amount of energy the beautiful woman exerts, has only energised you, willing you to work more diligently. Despite not being at the precinct long, it's been obvious that no one respected her. Whether it's because of her personality or her appearance, she has always been used as a scapegoat for other detectives' anger. But you had never once had anything bad to say about her, she always made work that much more enjoyable and the way your heart skips a beat when you're around her is an intoxicating feeling.
An excited laugh escapes her as you begin to lead her through more and more advanced manoeuvres until the two of you end up dancing next to Stella. "Stella Cortez?" You ask, holding up your police badge as the middle-aged woman turns to look at the two of you. Her face drops at the sight of the badge and she instantly picks up the hem of her dress, turning on her heels to sprint away. Hitching your dress up, you are quick to pursue her as Miranda follows not far behind. "Stupid heels!" Can be heard from your blonde coworker followed by two heavy bangs, no doubtedly from her kicking her shoes off.
Tensing your shoulder, you barge through the crowd of people, knocking most of them over as you do. "Sorry! Sydney police!" You call over your shoulder, eyes still locked on the brunette dashing around the corner in front of you. Quickly catching up to her, you leap, throwing your arms around her waist as you tackle her to the ground. Your legs are on either side of her hips, holding her in place as Miranda comes around the corner, gasping for breath. Ripping off a part of your dress, you hurriedly bind her wrists with the fabric.
You can't help the smile pulling at your lips as you walk back to your desk. Stella had confessed to everything, she hadn't meant for Scotty to die. One of their arguments about his missed payments got out of hand and she broke a chair over his head. Little did she know, he had suffered a traumatic head injury a few years ago and had lasting brain damage so the impact of the chair killed him. She hurriedly drove him to a cliff overlooking the ocean and dumped him off. She thought she had gotten away with it until the newspapers were flooded with news of a dead body on the beach.
Grabbing your raincoat from the back of your chair, you pull it over your shoulders as you exit the precinct. The cool night air hits your face as you walk across the darkened carpark. As you reach into your pocket for your keys, you see a tall blonde woman in police uniform walking hunched over in the rain along the dimly lit sidewalk. "Miranda!" You call out and she instantly turns around. A relieved grin pulls at her lips as she sees you calling her over to you. "Get in, I'll give you a ride."
"Thank you." She breathes, quickly shutting the door to your car as she gets in. Turning your keys in the ignition, you grin. "Thought you'd rather not walk in the rain." Miranda hurriedly nods as you reverse your car out of the park. "So, ballroom dancing? Does the gorgeous Detective Y/N have any other hidden talents?" She grins, fondly digging her arm into your side as you chuckle.
"Well what were you thinking?" You respond as she laughs, shaking her head. "I don't know, but you know how to ballroom dance and you seem to have perfected the art of running away from the balls in heels, so undercover spy?" The two of you can barely contain your laughter, tears forming in Miranda's eyes as she doubles over in her seat, holding her stomach. Gasping for air, you finally manage to regain your composure, shaking your head no to her question as you grin.
"Nothing like that, as I previously mentioned my parents were big on charity events. As a child they forced me to be someone I'm not. I wanted to be outside, having fun, playing games on the backfield with the boys at school. We had very different ideas on how I should act. They wanted a perfect princess, always putting me in glamorous dresses and makeup, making me learn ballroom dancing and to be the perfect lady. After a few years, I started rebelling. Every event we went to, I ran away from. I'd meet up with the boys from school and we'd go cause havoc, and I'd look absolutely ridiculous. A young female in a fancy ballgown and makeup with matching gloves running through town with some scruffy young boys chucking mud at the houses, breaking windows and trashing mailboxes. It was definitely a sight."
Both of you had fallen back into laughter by the time you finished talking. Joy lighting up Miranda's face as she grins, her eyes are focused on you. A warm feeling fills her body as she watches you driving, a smile pulling across your face. Flicking your eyes over to her, you catch her eye, giving her a cheeky smile before returning your eyes to the road. Her eyes, however, don't leave you as they trail down your body with a foreign warm emotion coursing through her veins.
The two of you emerge into many more bouts of laughter during the car ride, talking about many fond childhood memories. It isn't long before you pull into her apartment complex parking lot and the car is filled with a gentle silence. Reaching for the handbrake, your skin tingles with desire as your hand brushes over hers. The two of you intake a breath, catching each other's eyes. Darting your gaze down to her lips, you look back at her gorgeous blue eyes. Your thumb brushes over the back of her hand as you lean in. She pauses, embarrassment flooding over her cheeks at her next words. "I- I actually haven't kissed a girl before."
Reading her facial expression, your hand gently squeezes hers. "It's okay, if you're not comfortable, I can stop. I don't want to do anything that you're not sure about." She quickly shakes her head, squeezing your hand back. "I want to… I just don't want to be reading the wrong messages." You give her a comforting smile upon hearing this. "I like you Miranda. I would be honoured to be your first female kiss. You're not reading anything wrong." This was all it took for her to close the gap between the two of you.
The feeling when your lips touch is unlike anything you've ever felt before. A hot desire fills your body as chills fall over your skin, a deep hunger awakening inside you. Her free hand runs over your side as the kiss deepens. "I like you too." She murmurs and you grin against her lips as she pulls you closer. Brushing your teeth gently over her lower lip, you bring it into your mouth, eliciting a soft moan from her. Your core burns at the sound, the single noise fueling the desire for more as her hands desperately grasp at your waist. "Did you want to take this inside?" You ask, gasping for air as the kiss finally parts. A frantic nod escapes her as the two hurriedly grab your things and exit the car. Her hand grasps yours as the two of your hearts race, desperately needing to feel each other's skin against your own.
The minute the elevator doors closed, your back hits the wall, her hands cupping your face as you two continue your passionate kiss. Your hands desperately grasping for hips, you pull her body closer to you as a lustful moan escapes both of your lips. A sharp ding fills the elevator and your hands intertwine again as the two of you race to her apartment. Grabbing her keys, she quickly unlocks her door with shaking hands. Shutting the door behind you, the two of you grab for each other as your lips reconnect. She hurriedly guides you back, the two of you blindly stumbling into her bedroom as she pushes you back onto her bed, standing in between your legs. Both of you are heavily breathing as your hands quickly unbutton her light blue uniform shirt. She quickly shakes it off her shoulders, revealing a lacy black bra perfectly cupping her breasts.
Pausing, you flick your eyes up to hers. "Are you sure?" You ask, gasping for air. She nods. "Couldn't be more sure." Her hands desperately tug at the hem of your shirt, helping you pull it over your head as you sit up, grinning. You make quick work of unbuckling her belt and her pants are discarded on the floor as your lips trail over her lower stomach. Her breath hitches as your hands gently trail over her inner thighs, still peppering her abdomen with kisses. Lying down on the bed, you pull her down with you, quickly rolling on top of her. Your hands grab her wrists, gently holding them down as you straddle her lap. "You're so gorgeous, baby." You murmur, attaching your lips to her collarbone. A soft whimper escapes her as you gently bite down on her sensitive skin, running your tongue over the small teeth indents. A deep maroon spreads over her pale skin as you suck the skin into your mouth, eliciting a moan from her.
The sight of her, a desperate mess beneath you, makes your arousal drip down your thigh, a deep desire burning in your core. Trailing your lips down her collarbone, you swiftly unclip her bra before running your tongue over her nipples. Her back arches at the sensation, a pleasured whimper escaping her. "God, you sound so heavenly moaning for me. Tell me darling, what do you want?" You murmur, gently grazing your teeth over her now hardened mounds. A gasp escapes her as she responds. "I-I want you to touch me please." She mumbles shyly. Pressing your lips to hers you smile before lightly dragging your mouth down her skin. "Good girl."
Positioning yourself in between her legs, you gently graze her skin as you grab the waistline of her underwear between your teeth. They join the ever growing pile of clothes on her floor as you pepper kisses up her inner thigh. Her hands entangle themselves in your hair as you work closer and closer to her heat. The sight of her wet cunt makes your own arousal continue to drip down your thigh. A moan escapes the both of you as you dart your tongue out to taste her. "You taste amazing darling." You say as you suck her clit into your mouth, making her back arch off the bed as you do.
The sounds leaving Miranda's lips are divine, you take great pride in knowing you have this effect on her. Flicking your eyes up her body, your core burns as you see her face displaying nothing but pleasure, her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. Her bare chest rises and falls with each breath, her stomach pulled tight as her legs stretch out over your shoulders.
Your name falls off her lips as you run your fingers over her soaked entrance, letting her arousal run down your digits. "Fuck, Y/N please." She gasps as your tongue lazily trails circles around her clit, teasing her as you insert your fingers inside her before withdrawing them. A smile grows on your face as you watch her back arch, slipping two fingers deep inside her. Curling them up, you apply pressure to her sweet spot as your tongue picks up pace, flicking over her sensitive mound. A string of moans escapes her as you begin to slowly pump your fingers into her sweet spot. "More, please, I need you to fuck me harder." Her hips grind over your hand as she says this.
"Such a good girl for me aren't you?" You grin as she desperately nods. How could you deny her request? Your fingers increase their speed, her legs beginning to shake on your shoulders. "You're doing so well for me, darling." You murmur, the vibrations of your voice over her sensitive mound are enough to send her over the edge. "Fuck, I-." She didn't have enough time to finish her sentence before her body contorted with pleasure. A wave of euphoria crashing over her as your name escapes her in a string of moans. You slow down your pace, helping her ride out her high as her breathing becomes heavier. Crawling back up her body, her fingers shakily unhook your bra before she discards your pants and underwear. Your lips crash together, both of you moaning out in pleasure as you grind your hips over hers.
Helping her sit up, you lift your leg over hers as you pull her closer. Aligning your soaking cunts, she brings her lips to yours as you begin to grind your clit on hers. One hand on your lower back, her other one pushes the back of your head closer as your arms tightly wrap around her waist. The sound of your arousal mixing with hers is sinful, filling the room along with your moans. "Fuck, you feel so good." You groan, grinding harder against her as you gently nip her neck with your teeth. A coil tightens in your core and you know it won't take you long to finish. By the sounds elicited from her, you can tell she's close again.
Feeling her legs shake around you and more arousal leak from her is all you need before euphoria rushes through your veins. Your head rushes with dizziness as your bodies twitch uncontrollably, pulling each other close. The two of you gasp for air as you come down from your highs. Gently brushing a sweaty strand of hair from her face, you tenderly run your lips over hers, a smile on both of your lips. "Are you ok darling? It wasn't too much?" You murmur as she shakes her head.
"It was perfect." She mumbles as she pulls you down onto the bed with her, wrapping her arms around you. You bring your lips to hers, giving her a gentle kiss as the moonlight falls over your faces. The two of you quickly let your exhaustion overtake you. Feeling her breathing even out, you smile at the sight of her gorgeous blonde hair falling gently over her cheek. Placing your lips on her forehead, you relax into her embrace, quickly falling asleep not long after.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
I'm so sorry everyone for not posting much, my life's going in every direction but the way I want it to at the moment. Shit's really not looking good so I haven't been writing much as of late and I do apologise.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
Hiya! Can I request a Miranda x reader? Reader is a new detective in the precinct and reader and Miranda get partnered up for a case. Reader seems quiet when she’s not working but she kind of gets serious, Sherlock-style when working and Miranda finds it attractive. Reader is quite oblivious and is confused because Miranda would look away from her, blushing when she’s voicing out her observations. It takes a fellow detective pointing out how smitten Miranda is with her for reader to notice and she confesses that she likes her too. Tnx!
Hey Anon!
Thank you so much for this request, it is going to have multiple parts because I got rather carried away and I still have so many more ideas for this. Hope you like it!
Unconfessed Feelings
Dead body, talk of murder, mentions of gang activity,
Miranda Hilmarson x fem!detective!colleague!reader
It's your first day at your new precinct and the partner you've been assigned is simply magnetic. Neither of you can stop your thoughts from wandering as the two of you try to solve the murder and potential kidnapping of 28 year old Sophie Brown.
Word Count:
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“Alright everyone, settle down.” Detective Sergeant Adrian Parker stands behind his podium, his voice booming around the debriefing room as the chatter dies down. “Thank you, ok. Today is a great day for our precinct, we have a new detective joining us. Detective Y/L/N has the highest close rate for her cases out of her entire last precinct and I hope you all make her feel welcome.” At this, you step out from the corner of the room you’ve been hiding in, giving a small wave to the other detectives and constables.
One constable in particular caught your eye. Not only because of her tall stature but because of her eagerness, leaning forwards, placing her elbows on the table as she watches you with an excited expression. Her gorgeous blue eyes glowed with genuine curiosity as they peek out from underneath her short blonde hair. You were at the centre of her attention, it’s not often the precinct gets a new detective and certainly not one that captivated her interests so easily. Dressed in black pants and a black blazer, your light blue undershirt is tucked into the waistband of your belted pants. Her eyes can’t help but travel down your body, admiring the way your shirt curved over your breasts and outlined your figure.
Taking a seat, you lean your forearms on the edge of the table as Adrian gives out case assignments. “Y/L/N, there’s been a body found in the trunk of an abandoned car. I’m giving you control of the case, take Hilmarson with you.” You nod, watching as the constable from before sits up, excitement coursing through her veins. Adrian places the case file in front of you as he continues to hand out assignments. Flipping through the pages, your eyes are immediately drawn to the photo of the car. You couldn’t be sure until you saw it in person but if what you noticed was right, you knew who the car belonged to.
“Dismissed.” Adrian’s voice pulls you back to reality. Standing up, you’re met with the tall figure of Constable Hilmarson. Excitement twists her features into an eager grin. “Hi, I’m Miranda Hilmarson, I’m assigned to help you with your case.” You smile, she looks even more enticing up close. “Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you.”
The duration of the car ride to the crime scene was spent conversing with Miranda. While most of the conversation was the two of you bouncing theories about the case off of each other, you had also learned a lot about each other. Parking the car, the two of you step out, ducking under the yellow police tape as you make your way to the car. The boot was popped open, revealing a mangled body sitting in a pool of blood. The amount of flies and the horrible smell told you that the body had been there for a while. Taking a closer look, you can see foam filled blood trickling from the victim’s nose and mouth. “Foamy blood from the mouth and nose, no rigor mortis, incredibly dark livor mortis, I’d say our poor vic has been dead for about 4-5 days.” You say, taking in notes of the corpse’s appearance as Miranda watches you work with pure fascination.
Pulling on a pair of gloves, you examine the wounds marking the corpse’s skin. Multiple gashes covered her body but what you're interested in is under her hair. Lifting the strands of her black hair, clamped together with dry blood, you see a bullet wound just behind her ear, angled upwards. An overwhelming sense of dread fills your veins as you see it, only the most skilled of gunmen could get such a perfect shot. Bending down, your hand reaches under the bumper of the car. “What are you doing?” Curiosity is evident in Miranda’s voice as she watches you lie down on the ground, sliding yourself under the car. Taped to the inside of the bumper was what confirmed your hunch. Ripping off the black coin, you pull yourself back out from under the car, blood on your blazer from the liquid seeping through the bottom of the trunk.
“Serbian Mafia.” You say, holding up the black coin, engraved with their symbol. Dropping it into an evidence bag, you continue with your explanation. “I thought I recognised the car when I saw the photo. 2005 black Holden Monaro, equipped with a 5,030 cc Chevrolet sourced V8 engine. There were only 580 Monaros made in 2005, even less of them black so it’s hard to miss them. I worked on a previous case where the Serbian Mafia were involved, again, it involved a black 2005 Holden Monaro identical to this one.”
Miranda's attention to you is unwavering, feeling her cheeks flush with heat as she watches you work. Your attention to detail and willingness to involve her in your work only made her more attracted to you. Due to her appearance and bubbly personality, others had held her at arm's length, often lashing out at her when something went wrong. You, however, include Miranda in the case as an equal despite only knowing her for all of an hour. Realising she's been staring, she clears her throat, her hand rubbing the inside of her wrist to ground herself.
"Right so if it is a member, how do we get them to talk? Or even find them in the first place? I doubt they'd be willing to come down to the station." Miranda asks, trying to regain her composure. Sucking your lip into your mouth in thought, dread fills your veins knowing what your next plan of action is. "We go to their bar. They meet there every night and we'll try to see what we can find out. For now, we'll go see the victim's family and find out what they know… do we have an ID on her yet?"
"Hey, I'm Lucas Darnell, forensic scientist. The vic's name is Sophie Brown, 28 year old vet nurse from Brisbane." Lucas says, passing you a sheet of paper as he does. Looking over her photo, a twinge of sadness hits you as you see her laughing with presumably her husband and kids. "What are you doing so far from home Sophie?" You murmur, reading through the details on her paper. A strong presence comes behind you as Miranda bends down to look over your shoulder at the paper. The faint scent of cigarettes covered by her deodorant fills your nose as she does.
"Sweet woman. Who'd do something like this to her?" She says, as your heart rate increases at having her so close to you. Her scent and her presence behind you is enticing, you never want her to leave. Trailing your finger down the paper, her brother catches your attention. "Does her brother sound familiar to you? James Brown. Known criminal, just got out of jail a month ago for armed robbery. Maybe he's done something to the wrong people and this is their way of payback?"
Miranda nods as you say this, not really listening to your words as she realises how close she is behind you. Feeling the warmth radiating off your body, she breathes in your perfume, enjoying the subtle vanilla scent. “Miranda?” Your voice brings her back to reality. “Hmm? Sorry.” She says, her breath warm against your skin. “Did you want to try to get a hold of her family? We need to figure out why she’s so far away from Brisbane.”
Taking a step back, she regains her composure as she exhales sharply. “Right, yes. Of course. Sorry.” She quickly says, heat rising over her cheeks as she walks off. A small smile appears on your lips as she does, watching her as she nearly trips over Lucas who’s swabbing the car’s steering wheel for DNA. Turning back to Sophie’s body, you notice a small mark on the inside of her wrist. A small M is branded onto her skin. Running your fingers over the bumps, you call Lucas over. “How much do you know about brands?”
You move over as he leans forward to get a closer look. “I’ve seen it before. M is the brand the Serbian Mafia gives to those they use as blackmail. The last time I saw it, I was a new employee at the precinct. The victim was the husband of a rival gang member. He was kidnapped and branded, the photo was sent to the wife along with a threatening message. He was found dead the next day.” This sparks your interest. If your theory is correct and it is to do with the brother, it means that you need to speak to James.
Searching around the scene, you see Miranda leaning against a police vehicle, one hand in her pocket as the other holds her phone to her ear. She shakes her head, hanging up the call as you come over. “James has been missing for the past week and Sophie's husband, Ray, set up a missing person report for her 5 days ago. The last time anyone saw her was 1.39am Saturday morning. She disappeared with a hooded guy while out in town for her friend’s birthday.”
“A hooded guy? Like her brother? A lover? Gang member?” You ask, new possible theories popping up in your head. Miranda shrugs as she responds. “That’s all I could find out. I’ve put out an APB for James and have got the police on their way to contact Sophie’s friends and family to see what they can find out.”
“Ah you’re incredible, thank you. I just need to check out one more thing before we should start getting ready for the bar.” You say as Miranda blushes at your words. The single compliment means everything to the constable, butterflies crowding her stomach. “Alright, what were you wanting to check out?” She falls into step with you as you duck back under the police tape. “The car. It’s been abandoned and clearly belongs to the Serbian Mafia so I wouldn’t be surprised if it has fake plates. But, I want to see if anyone’s put anything out about it.”
Pulling out your phone, you search up the plate number. “Yep. Fake plates. These ones are registered to a silver Nissan Note.” Your breath hitches as you see the owner’s name. “Hold on… it belongs to Mrs Margaret Brown. It can’t be a coincidence that the last names are the same.” A soft smile pulls at Miranda’s lips as she watches you emerge in your thoughts, mumbling theories out loud as each one pops into your head. Checking her watch, she brings you back to reality. “Right, so… it’s 6pm. We can either stay here creating theories all night or we can go mix in with the Serbian Mafia. Pick your poison detective.” She grins as a small chuckle escapes you at her enthusiasm. “Of course, sorry. I get rather carried away when I’m working. We should get ready.” You say, the two of you walking towards the car.
“It’s ok, I think your determination when working is rather cu- inspiring.” She catches herself before completing her sentence as heat rises on her cheeks yet again. Getting into the car, she rubs her sweaty palms on the fabric of her pants. You grin. “Well thank you.” Turning on the car, the two of you exchange eager conversation until you pull into her apartment complex carpark. “I’ll pick you up at 7.30.” You say, giving her a cheeky grin. “I look forward to it.”
Getting back to your apartment, you quickly jump in the shower, lathering your hair with shampoo and conditioner in turn. Washing your hair out, you turn the shower off as you wrap a towel around yourself. You glance at the time as you run a brush through your hair, pulling it up out of your face. 6.43pm. Right, 45 minutes to apply makeup, find an outfit and drive to Miranda’s. Pulling out your makeup, you place it on the edge of the sink, quickly rubbing primer onto your skin. Twenty minutes later, you rummage through your wardrobe desperately trying to find something to wear. Eventually you decide on a white low cut tank top and ripped, black, denim jeans. Grabbing a leather jacket, you pull it over your shoulders as you grab your keys and exit your apartment.
“Well, don’t you look gorgeous?” Miranda says, opening up the car door. A grin pulls at your lips as you respond. “I could say the same to you.” Miranda had traded her police uniform for light blue jeans, a black shirt with lace sleeves tucked into her waistband. The familiar red blush spreads over her cheeks. “I-... Thank you. I don’t really wear this often.” You nod, a genuine smile pulling at both of your faces as you reverse out of the park. “So… you ready to meet the Serbian Mafia?” The look she gives you is priceless. “Absolutely not.” You can’t help the chuckle escaping you at her response.
The duration of the car ride is spent full of eager conversation between the two of you. Both of you are pinging off each other, your energy sky-rocketing as you talk about anything and everything. Turning into the car park, you grin as you see the bar’s owner Marco talking with a group of people outside. “SEND IT COBRA!” Giving you a wave, he calls out across the carpark. “Cobra?” Miranda asks, confusion evident in her voice. “Hold on to something.” You say as a grin pulls at your lips. Putting your Commodore into first gear, you depress the clutch and begin revving the engine. She didn’t have time to respond before you lock your handbrake and release the clutch, the smell of burning rubber filling your nose as your tires spin beneath you. The sound of your wheels squealing echoes through the carpark as Marco cheers you on. Miranda’s eyes are wide, grasping onto the door handle as you pull the car into a donut, avoiding the parked cars with ease.
As she realises you know what you’re doing, Miranda relaxes her white knuckled grip and a grin pulls at her lips, an excited whoop escaping her. Flinging the back end of your car around, you switch directions, tyres still squealing as smoke flies from them. You bring your car back under control, pulling calmly into an empty parking space with a grin spreading across your face. Looking over at Miranda, she has the same grin on her face, her chest rising heavily with each adrenaline filled breath. “I do apologise, I was going to tell you about me doing that then I decided against it, I wanted to see your reaction.” An excited laugh escapes her, her face lighting up with joy. “Y/N, you little minx.”
Opening up the door to your car, you give her a cheeky wink. “Don’t act like you don’t love it.” Her cheeks burn with an all too familiar blush as you say this. “Yo Cobra! That was sick!” Marco’s Italian accent fills your ears as he comes up to bring you into a hug. “Marco, my bro!” You heartily slap him on the back of the shoulder as the hug breaks away. “Miranda, this is my childhood mate Marco. Marco, meet Miranda.”
“Hey, nice to meet you.” Miranda says, offering her hand out to Marco which he shakes. “You too, any mate of Cobra’s is a mate of mine.” Scanning your gaze over the carpark, you remember what you’re here to do as a black Harley-Davidson Breakout catches your eye. The Serbian Mafia symbol is engraved in the back. “Hey, Marco. We’ll catch up with you later, we’re actually here for work.” You say as Marco nods. “I’ll see you later Cobra, be careful in there.” Falling into step with Miranda, the two of you walk across the carpark, your eyes still hooked on the bike.
“So where did the nickname Cobra come from?” Curiosity is evident in Miranda’s voice as she asks this, making you grin. Stopping in your tracks, you bend down to roll up your jeans on your left leg. Halfway up your calf are two fang marks and a gasp escapes her as she sees them. “When Marco and I were in our early twenties, we decided to take a trip to Thailand. I was young and dumb, and thought it’d be funny to go bush-bashing in the middle of the night. Accidentally stood on a monocled cobra and suddenly it wasn’t so funny after that. Lucky for me, there was no envenomation and I lived to tell the tale. He’s called me Cobra since then.”
“Jesus christ Y/N.” She says, as you walk into the pub, loud cheers and bottles clinking sound from the corner. Walking up to the bar, you pull out your card. “Smirnoff Double Black please.” You say, turning to Miranda for her drink choice. “I’ll have a Heineken.” She says, beginning to pull out her credit card before you stop her. “My shout.” You say, holding your card out to Paywave it. “Thank you.” She puts her card back in her pocket, grateful that the dimmer lighting hides the blush on her cheeks. She can’t help it, never before has she been so easily flustered. Whenever she’s around you, however, she gets butterflies in her stomach, a constant blush over her cheeks.
Grabbing your drinks, you walk over to a table in the corner, pulling out the stools for both of you as your eyes scan over the room. Your attention is caught on the group of men drunkenly playing darts opposite you. Heavily tattooed and wearing biker jackets, you weren’t quite able to read their patches but you knew to keep watch on them. “Don’t make it obvious what you’re doing, but those six men behind you playing darts? Can you make out any of their patches?” You say under your breath as Miranda pretends to drop her wallet on the ground. Bending down, she looks back before sitting back up moments later shaking her head. “None of them look like they’re our guys but still keep an eye on them.” You nod, taking a sip from your bottle as a loud cheer sounds from the pool table. “Skivvy run! Skivvy run! Skivvy run! Skivvy run!” The group starts chanting, slamming their fists down on the table as they pull the loser to the middle of the room.
A grin spreads over both of your faces as the two of you join in, banging your fists on the table as you chant. By the time the man took off his clothes, the entire bar was chanting along with drunken words. Cheering and wolf-whistles sound amongst applause as he strips down to his underwear. Taking a deep breath, he runs out the door whooping in his underpants through the car park as both you and Miranda start laughing. Shaking her head, she catches your eye which only makes the two of you laugh harder. “Don’t miss that.” You grin, watching as he comes back in panting, bending over to lean his hands on his knees. “You’ve done a skivvy run before?” She says, an all too familiar heat spreading through her as she imagines you in your underwear running down the street. You nod, laughing at the many memories of it. “Oh I’ve done a lot more than I’d care to admit… you?” Sticking her lower lip out, she shakes her head. “Nah, can’t say I have.”
A mischievous glint appears in your eyes as you hear this. “Ooh okay, when we’re not working, we’re going out drinking and you’re doing your first skivvy run.” Her mouth hangs agape as a breath sharply escapes her in shock. “And what makes you think I’d want to do that?” She asks, taking a drink from her beer as you grin. “Because I know you’d always be down for a fun time. Besides, you haven’t lived if you haven’t done a skivvy run at least once.” Your grin dies down as you see the bathroom doors open and a middle aged man in a biker’s jacket walks out, one of his patches catching your eye. “I think I found the owner of the bike outside.” You say, nodding your head in his direction for Miranda to look. Turning her head, she nods as she sees the same symbol on his patches.
Standing up from your seat, you down the rest of your drink as she does the same. Quickly making your way through the crowd, you approach your suspect who’s now sitting at a table in the corner, eyes hooked on the TV screen. “Excuse me, sir? Detective Y/L/N, Sydney Police, this is my partner, Constable Hilmarson. We just want to ask you a few questions regarding a body found in the back of an abandoned car.” You say, opening your jacket slightly to reveal your police badge hanging from the inside pocket. His face remains expressionless as his eyes slowly move down to your badge before looking up at you. “Thomas Parkes, and you assume because of my patch that I’m involved? I’m just here to enjoy a few drinks and the game detective. I’m not looking for any trouble.”
“Neither are we Thomas. Which is why we just want to ask a few questions. If you’re innocent, you have nothing to worry about and will be able to return to your drinks and the game.” Miranda says, as his attention turns to her. Picking up his beer, he takes a sip, contemplating his choices. He nods as he returns his drink to the table, swallowing the liquid. “Alright.” Relief floods your veins at the single word uttered from his mouth. “Thank you, sir. Please come with us.” Miranda falls behind him, keeping an eye on his actions as he follows you outside. Finding a quiet place in the corner of the car park, you pull out your voice recorder. “Sir, can you please state your name and number in case we need to contact you with further questions?”
Sighing, you lean forward in your seat, resting your elbows on the table as you cradle your head in your hands. “So… that was useless.” You say as Miranda nods, taking a swig from her newly opened beer as the two of you sit defeated in the corner of the pub. Thomas, so far, isn’t your guy. He had an iron-clad alibi, sober driving his wife home from town the night Sophie went missing and claimed he didn’t know anything about the Brown family. “Only one thing we can do now, given this time of night.” You say, taking a sip from your Smirnoff before putting it back down on the wooden table as Miranda looks at you to continue. A smile pulls at both of your lips as you say your next word. “Drink.”
A/N: Me? Know how to skid? Pssshhh never, I'm a good girl. *Is about to head out for a night of skids even though the last time I went for skids was last week and the car caught fire and I was trapped in the back over the gas tank with the door being melded shut by the heat.*
130 notes · View notes
spicy-picklez · 1 year
Dirty Dancer
Strip dance, cunnilingus, marking kink, biting, choking, fingering, overstimulation,
Young Larissa Weems x fem!classmate!stripper!reader
Morticia takes Larissa to the strip club to try help her recent attitude change. One of the dancers catches both of their attention and Morticia decides to take matters into her own hands.
Word Count:
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A/N: This idea came to me in the shower when Do Your Thing by Leo Saul came on. The first time I heard it was in a strip club and for some reason I now have an entire one shot inspired by the song. 😂
Also Quick Fuck shots will always be superior.
“Tisha, I really don’t need-.” Larissa’s protests are drowned out by the sound of club music and cheering from the bars. Weaving between the many other intoxicated club-goers on the street, the blonde is pulled forward by her eager friend who’s grip on her wrist was rather tight. “Shush, Rissa. You’ve been a bit out of it lately, so we’re going to get you laid.” Morticia’s inebriation is obvious as she staggers through the crowd of people, slurring her words. Sighing, Larissa begrudgingly accepts her fate.
Clubbing has never been appealing to the six-foot blonde, she was quite happy to have stayed behind reading in front of the fire. However, when Morticia came bursting into their dorm with tons of alcohol mere hours earlier, Larissa was dragged into a night of drinking and partying. “My attitude recently has nothing to do with my sex life, Tisha. I’m stressed about my job interv-.” Again, her protests are cut short, this time by her black haired roommate. “Too late, we’re here!”
The pair had stopped outside Jericho’s only strip club, the bass-boosted music sounding clearly from inside. “No. No, absolutely not.” Larissa digs her heels in, she could be using this time productively- it is the week before their final exams after all. “Oh come on Rissa, this’ll be fun!” Morticia pays no attention to Larissa’s resistance as she drags the two of them up to the bouncers, flashing their IDs. An exasperated sigh leaves the blonde’s lips as she holds her wrist up to be stamped before the pair walk inside, the music intensifying in volume.
“Tisha, I really don’t need-.” Larissa’s protests are drowned out by the sound of club music and cheering from the bars. Weaving between the many other intoxicated club-goers on the street, the blonde is pulled forward by her eager friend who’s grip on her wrist was rather tight. “Shush, Rissa. You’ve been a bit out of it lately, so we’re going to get you laid.” Morticia’s inebriation is obvious as she staggers through the crowd of people, slurring her words. Sighing, Larissa begrudgingly accepts her fate.
Clubbing has never been appealing to the six-foot blonde, she was quite happy to have stayed behind reading in front of the fire. However, when Morticia came bursting into their dorm with tons of alcohol mere hours earlier, Larissa was dragged into a night of drinking and partying. “My attitude recently has nothing to do with my sex life, Tisha. I’m stressed about my job interv-.” Again, her protests are cut short, this time by her black haired roommate. “Too late, we’re here!”
The pair had stopped outside Jericho’s only strip club, the bass-boosted music sounding clearly from inside. “No. No, absolutely not.” Larissa digs her heels in, she could be using this time productively- it is the week before their final exams after all. “Oh come on Rissa, this’ll be fun!” Morticia pays no attention to Larissa’s resistance as she drags the two of them up to the bouncers, flashing their IDs. An exasperated sigh leaves the blonde’s lips as she holds her wrist up to be stamped before the pair walk inside, the music intensifying in volume. 
Morticia leads her up to the bar. “Two Quick Fuck shots please.” The bartender nods before grabbing two shot glasses from under the counter. Turning to Larissa, Morticia has a proud smirk on her face. “Well, we’re in. May as well enjoy yourself while we’re here.” Larissa can’t help but admit defeat, Tisha does have a point. The sound of two glasses on the counter distracts her. Grabbing a shot each, the pair clinks their glasses together before downing them. Morticia lets out an excited whoop before pulling cash out of her bra, putting it down on the table beside the shots before dragging Larissa over to the couch, getting a perfect view of the stage. 
As the two take their seats, the song fades out and the dancer on stage quickly collects her cash, giving the new dancer entering the room a slap on the ass as she passes her.  “Is that-?” Tisha gasps, looking intently at the new performer on stage. Larissa follows her gaze before her blood rushes full of desire. “Y/N.” Leaning back against the pole, you let your head fall back as you arch your back, the red lighting falling over your body. “As in, the quiet girl in the back of Botanical Science?” Morticia’s voice is full of shock as Larissa nods. 
Larissa must admit, she had spent many hours fascinated by you. Your beauty, in her opinion, is above comparison to any other. A few wolf whistles sound throughout the room as Leo Saul’s Do Your Thing comes over the speakers. Dropping yourself down, you spread your legs open, letting your hands caress the skin of your inner thighs as you let your hips move to the beat of the music. Larissa can’t take her eyes off of you, the red of your lingerie suits your skin perfectly and your breasts fill every inch of your bra, jiggling with each move you do. Pushing your ass out as you stand, you feel your skin slide up the cool metal of the pole as your hands run up your body. Watching every movement with carnal desire, Larissa’s thoughts are anything but pure. 
Turning around, your hands grasp the pole again, grinding your hips against it as you let your arms take your upper body weight. A wave of shock crashes over you as you see your classmates on the couch. Your eyes are drawn to the sight of Larissa’s long legs, the pale skin peeking out from under the minimal fabric of the black skirt she was wearing. Trailing your eyes up her body as you dance, you make eye contact with her. Giving her a wink, you sink to your knees, pushing your chest to the floor as your ass shakes in the air. A grin pulls at Morticia’s face upon seeing the lustful look in Larissa’s eyes. Standing up, Morticia walks over to the bar. “Hey, can I book a private session with the dancer performing at the moment? It’s for my friend.” 
Pushing yourself back onto your knees, your hips resume moving to the beat of the music as your hands trail up to your bra. One hand flipping your hair to the other side of your head, the other pulls a strap of the lacy lingerie down off your shoulder as you reveal the soft unmarked skin underneath. Larissa has to adjust her position, her core burning at the thought of leaving hickeys and bite marks over your body. Seductively rising to your feet, your hips sway as you walk back to the pole, squeezing it in between your thighs. Grinding your clothed cunt against the metal, your hands roam up your body, squeezing at your breasts as cash begins to collect on the floor. Returning to her seat, Morticia leans close to Larissa’s ear. “I managed to secure Y/N for the rest of the night for you.”
“You did what!?” Eyes still not leaving your body, a mixture of emotions flood through Larissa’s veins. A brief chuckle escapes Morticia’s lips, the scent of alcohol lingering in her breath. “You’re literally eye-raping her Rissa so I took matters into my own hands. Let yourself have fun for the night.” 
As the song comes to an end, you lean your back against the pole, one hand trailing down under your panties, your other around your neck as you let your head fall back. As the last beat of music cuts out, you quickly stuff notes under the waistband of your lingerie as you collect the large amount of cash covering the floor before exiting the room. “Y/N! That was fucking awesome, my g!” Your manager comes over, a grin on her face as you laugh. 
“Thank you.” You say, walking over to your locker to put your money away before turning to her again. “Let me guess, I have a private session?” She nods in response to your question before looking at her clipboard. “You’ve been booked for the rest of the night by someone called Larissa Weems. Starting in… five minutes.” She has to check her watch before finishing her sentence as desire fills your veins. 
While most of your school doted over the ever so popular Morticia Addams, you had always had a soft spot for her roommate. During the minimal conversation you’ve previously had with Larissa, you always found yourself getting lost in her cerulean eyes. Nodding, you bring yourself back to reality. “Thank you Lorna. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Your manager nods before turning away, heading off to tell another dancer that they’re up next. Taking a deep breath as you close your locker, you head back out into the club. Immediately, Larissa’s eyes are on you as you enter the room, watching as you walk over to her as 50 Cent’s Candy Shop plays over the speakers for the new dancer on stage. 
Trailing your eyes over her body, your expression is lustful, a smirk on your face as you offer her your hand. Morticia’s grin is unwavering as Larissa takes your hand, letting you lead her into one of the back rooms. The music decreases in volume from the moment the door shuts behind you as Larissa’s heart race increases. A soft chuckle escapes you as you see the shy blonde woman’s chest rise and fall with each nervous breath. “I’ll be honest, you are the last person I’d expect to see here.” A smile pulls at her lips as she hears your words. “I can say the same thing back to you.”
“Touche. It’s not exactly how I thought my life would turn out but hey, the pay’s nice.” Larissa laughs at your response. “Fair point, especially considering the amount Morticia paid.” It was your turn to laugh now, nodding as you hear her words. “I’m guessing she’s the one that paid for this then?” Larissa’s cheeks turn red as she nods. “Apparently, I’ve been a bitch lately and she brought me here to try… solve that.” Her eyes meet yours as she says the last two words, a smirk pulling at your lips. Taking a step closer to her, you gently guide her back till her legs hit the couch in the middle of the soundproof room. “Oh really?” You murmur, getting lost in her eyes. 
Swallowing nervously, she nods. “She saw the way I was looking at you.” It’s your turn to blush now, remembering the way her eyes took in every inch of your body. “Oh? And what exactly were you thinking watching me?” Turning you around, Larissa sits you down on the couch, leaning over you as she puts one hand on the back of it, the other lifts your chin to look at her. “How beautiful you’d look underneath me, your skin covered in hickeys and bite-marks. About how heavenly my name would sound on your lips as I ate you out.” Spreading your legs apart, you feel your arousal collect in your panties, almost 100% sure that she can see how wet you are for her. The small growl Larissa let out tells you that she does. Grabbing her hand, you bring it to your clothed cunt as you lean forward to bring your lips to her ear. “Well, why don’t you stop thinking about it and actually find out?” You gently graze her earlobe with your teeth as you say this. 
Without a second thought, Larissa’s thumb rubs over your clit in circles, her free hand coming up to your throat as she presses her lips firmly against yours. A soft moan escapes you as she draws your lower lip between her teeth, a smirk pulling at her lips as she hears you. Her fingers gently squeeze against the veins in your neck as she deepens the kiss, your tongues working together to elicit desperate moans from the both of you. Your hands pull at the hem of Larissa’s crop top, parting the kiss to lift it over her head. Grinding your hips on her hand, a desperate whimper escapes you as she moves it away. “Please, Larissa. I need you.” You breathe, desperately bucking your hips. A seductive chuckle escapes her at your need for her. “Patience, love.” She murmurs, bringing her hands to unclasp your bra as she trails kisses from your jaw down to your chest. 
Placing her lips over one of your nipples, she sucks it into her mouth as she brings the other between her forefinger and thumb. A breathy moan escapes you as she teases your hardened mounds, gently nipping and squeezing them. You jump as she flicks them with the back of her nails, whimpers falling off your lips with each flick. A grin pulls at Larissa's lips as she trails her lips further down your body, your core burning with desire as she peppers kisses over your skin. Gasping, you feel her hot breath tickling your lower abdomen as she positions herself in between your legs. As she wraps her arms under your thighs, she brings your ass to the edge of the couch. She gently nips at your inner thigh, running her tongue over the teeth marks as the sensitive skin stains with a deep red. 
Her fingers hook under the waistband of your panties, pulling them down your leg as she kisses up your thigh, moving closer to your dripping cunt. Your back arches as she darts her tongue out to taste you, a moan escaping her as your arousal touches her lips. "You taste divine, darling." She murmurs before placing a gentle kiss to your clit, your hand entangling itself in her hair as you whimper at the sensation. A small growl escapes her before she sucks your clit into her mouth, flicking her tongue over your sensitive bud. Your head flies back, lips slightly parted as she finally gives you what you so desperately craved. 
Her name falls off your lips as she rubs two fingers over your entrance, arousal running down her digits. Slipping them in, your hips buck towards her as they curl against your sweet spot. "Fuck…" You breathe, your eyes shutting as you slowly grind over her tongue. "Such a good girl…" She murmurs, slowly pushing her fingers in and out of you. Of course, both of you had fantasised about this moment but neither expected it to be this good. The moans and whimpers exiting your mouth sound better than Larissa could have ever imagined. Her body knew exactly how to get you to unravel into a mess before her. 
Feeling your body begin to shake, a wave of euphoria crashes over you. Your legs twitch on her shoulders as her name escapes you in a loud, breathy moan. Hearing you moan her name fueled Larissa with an undying hunger, her fingers increase in pace as she works you up to another orgasm. Barely recovered from your first high, you feel another wave of pleasure flood through your veins. A string of muffled moans escapes you as your hand flies to cover your mouth. "I want to hear you." Larissa growls, ripping your hand away and pinning it to the couch before biting your inner thigh. A startled moan escapes your lips as she does, leaving a perfect indent of her teeth in your skin.
Rather lightheaded, whimpers fall off your lips as she returns her lips to your cunt, her tongue circling around your clit. Pulling her fingers out of you, she brings them up to your mouth. Your tongue runs up the side of her digits as you suck them into your mouth, cleaning them of your arousal as she removes her skirt and panties. Lying you down on the couch, she climbs over you as you unclasp her strapless bra. Her perfect breasts are removed from their prison as your hands come up to gently squeeze them. She brings her lips down onto yours, desire filling her veins again as she tastes your arousal on your tongue. Her knee positions itself in between your legs, grinding it against your heat as a moan escapes you. Trailing one hand down her body, you bring it in between her legs, letting your fingers run from her clit to her entrance. 
Slipping two fingers inside her, she can't help but moan into your mouth as you immediately find her sweet spot. The feeling of her warm cunt squeezing around your digits makes your core burn with desire. Moving her lips down your jaw, she trails them down your neck and over your collarbone. Her knee increases the pressure over your sensitive mound as you thrust your fingers into her, stimulating her clit with your palm. "Shit, don't stop." Larissa gasps as she feels a coil tighten in her core, biting down on your shoulder with pleasure. Her body already overwhelmed with arousal, she knew she wasn't going to last long and neither would you. 
Curling your fingers against her sweet spot, you feel her legs begin to shake as her back arches. The vibrations of her shaking are too much for your overstimulated clit, a wave of euphoria hitting the both of you as a pleasured scream falls from your lips. Your name sounds like heaven as it escapes her, her cunt squeezing tight around your fingers as she orgasms. Slowing down your pace, you help her ride out her high as she does for you.
Both of you breathing heavily, she can barely hold herself up above you. You grab her hips, pulling her closer as you enjoy the feeling of her bare skin against yours. Hooking your finger under her chin, you lift her head up to look at you. Leaning down, you gently brush your lips over hers as a smile pulls at both of your lips. "Is it too late to say I like you?" She chuckles at your question, pressing her lips firmly against yours. "Really? I would never have guessed that." Sarcasm drips in her voice as the two of you laugh, wrapping your arms firmly around each other. Both of you sigh contentedly as you bask in the moment you've each long anticipated.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
Does anyone else get absolutely brilliant ideas while in the shower or is it just me?
I was just in the shower and I always have my speaker in the bathroom with me coz yk, i gotta be having my concerts. Anyways, a particular song came on and budda bing budda boom I have a new oneshot idea.
Time to hyperfix on it and completely ignore the 4 other pieces I've already started. Gotta love being an ADHD/Autistic author.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
My Lady (Pt 2)
Murder, marking/ownership kink, praise kink, fingering, cunnilingus,
Brienne of Tarth x fem!reader
After a near death encounter, Brienne and Y/N's relationship flourishes.
Word Count:
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A/N: apologies for the long wait guys. To say I've had a rough few days would be an understatement. My phone completely fucked itself the other day then the night I got my new phone, my mates and I went out for skids to bring in my mates birthday. Twenty minutes into her birthday, we almost died. The car started sparking and caught fire, one of my mates and I were locked in the back and directly over the fuel tank and the doors were opening. We had to literally step over flames to get out and barely got away before the car blew up. 😅
By the time you woke the next morning, the sun had just finished rising, the soft morning light settling over your face. Brienne’s arm is slung lazily over the dip of your waist and you smile, feeling her muscular presence behind you. Moving further back into her embrace, you feel her stir behind you. Brienne’s eyes widen as she realises she still had her arm locked over you. “Sorry, my lady.” She mumbles, retracting her arm from your side as she pulls away from you. A deprived whine escapes your lips at the lack of contact. “Get back here before I dislocate your knee again.” You murmur, your voice heavy with sleep.
“Sorry?” Her voice is full of confusion, convinced she misheard you. Taking her arm, you pull it back over you, moving back into her warm embrace as you sigh contentedly. Brienne is shocked. No one had even dared to get close to her, the only ones who did were the ones who were sent to hurt her. She was expecting you to wake up and regret asking her to sleep next to you, not… this. “My lady, what are you doing?” Confusion is evident in her tone as she watches you relax back into her arms.
“I want you here with me.” You say and she can’t help but smile at your words, nodding gently against the back of your neck. Happiness fills her veins, hearing your words replay in her head. More than anything, she wants that too. She lets herself relax behind you, sighing in content at the feeling of you in her arms. What wouldn’t she give to wake up like this every morning.
The birds had long been chirping by the time you and Brienne decided to start your day. The bright sun is now warm against your faces as you slip into your armour. Fastening your sheath around your waist, you step closer to Brienne, placing your hand against her steel armour as she looks at you with confusion. Your other hand wraps around to the back of her neck as she leans down, her arms wrapping around your waist. Tender and loving, you place your lips on hers. A smile pulls at her lips as she pulls you close, deepening the kiss. “Come on, we need to get moving.” She murmurs as you break the kiss. You nod before falling into step with her, enjoying the giddy silence between the two of you.
After a few hours of idle conversation as the two of you hiked through the woods, you and Brienne had come across a rabbit’s burrow and successfully killed the two rabbits inside. You had just finished eating when footsteps sounded through the trees. Two Baratheon soldiers come into view and you freeze. “You.” One of them snarls upon seeing you, both of them drawing their swords. “Arthur. Benji.” You say, unsheathing your sword. You’d already guessed they weren’t too happy with you. After all, you did ruin the entire alliance between the Starks and the Baratheons by leaving Renly at the altar. “Stannis is going to love this. Do you have any idea how big the bounty is on your name, dearest Y/N?” Arthur says, a sickening grin on his face.
“Doesn’t matter, you won’t be collecting it, Lady Y/N is under my protection.” Brienne says, her voice a tone deeper than usual as she towers above the two knights opposite you. “Brienne the Beauty, don’t tell me you’ve grown a soft spot for Y/N over here.” Benji snickers as she tenses beside you, hearing the ingenuine tone behind her well-hated nickname. “She is beautiful, isn’t she? And I do have to agree with what she said. I'm not just some bounty to collect, Ser Brienne outsmarted me fair and square.” Brienne’s eyes dash towards you with shock at your words. You are literally about to be decapitated and yet you still defend her?
A disapproving sound leaves Arthur’s lips before he lunges forward, your sword ready to block him. The noise of clanging metal echoes through the trees as he continues his attack on you. You skillfully deflect each jab at you as you put your leading leg at the front. With his next attack you let his blade slide down your sword, getting caught on the hilt as your free arm wraps around his sword. Flattening the back of your hand against the hilt, you pull back, trapping his sword under your armpit as he’s left defenceless. You quickly kick your leg out and he falls to the ground. With one fatal slash of your sword, he’s left with a puddle of blood oozing from his neck as he collapses, dead in front of you.
Turning around, you see Brienne battling with Benji, his back exposed to you. Stabbing your sword through his armour, Brienne’s face is splashed with blood droplets as Benji lets out a final strangled breath before you kick him off your blade. Both of you breathing heavily, Brienne looks at you with an unreadable expression. “They were going to kill you, yet you still defended me… why?” An amused smile pulls at your lips. “My dearest Brienne, you still haven’t figured it out have you?” Her confused look signals for you to continue. “You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. If those incompetent goons had killed me, no way was I going to let the last words I hear be a lie.” You say, stepping closer to her.
Her hand reaches out to cup your face as she quickly closes the gap, pressing her lips firmly against yours. Grinning against her lips, the two of you pull each other closer, dishevelled hair falling on your faces. “You’re an idiot. You know that right?” She grins as she rests her forehead on yours. “Only for you… But we should get out of here. Did you want a new sword?” You laugh, holding up Arthur’s sword, embellished with the House Baratheon symbol. She shakes her head, an amused grin on her face. “I’m good but yes, we need to go.” You chuck the sword down as the two of you leave the scene, disappearing into the trees.
“Your sword’s oddly familiar. I just can’t figure out how I know it.” Brienne says, leaves crunching under her boots as you walk. You let out a slight chuckle, unsheathing it so Brienne can have a closer look. Taking it in her hands, she runs her hand up the blade. “I can tell you what sword comes to mind when I look at this but it can’t be.” You chuckle as she admires your sword, a look of fascination and disbelief on her face. “Ice.” Your voice is soft, a tone of amusement behind it. Brienne’s eyes widen as she looks at you. “I thought it was! I heard it’d been stolen from your father though… That was you!?” She looks at you in disbelief as you let off a small chuckle at her reaction.
“It’s quite easy to steal from your family. After I left Renly at the altar, I hung around the outskirts of Winterfell for the rest of the day. Later that night, I snuck into his room while he slept. To be fair, it wasn’t really sneaking, it’s not overly odd for me to be heading into my father’s quarters. Anyway, I replaced it with a cheap knockoff and once I had it, I ran and haven’t been back.” You grin, remembering the adrenaline rush of that night. The middle of the night, dashing through into the forest with only the occasional peek of moonlight through the treetops to guide you. The sound of the six-foot Valyrian steel sword inside its sheath had only fueled you to keep going.
Brienne marvels at the sword in her hands, delicately twirling the blade in her palm as she admires the detail in the hilt. “You are absolutely insane.” She says, disbelief still prominent in her voice. You can’t help the smile pulling at your face as you watch her reaction. Her face is lit up with fascination and a warm feeling grows in your chest at the sight. Sheathing your sword as she hands it back, the two of you continue through the forest, now on the topic of Ice and other well-known swords.
As the sun begins to lose its heat, the two of you decide to call it for the night, finding a small area to sleep for the night before heading out to hunt. Brienne had become a lot more open with you since the incident with Arthur and Benji. The two of you talked for hours about anything and everything, from your first kills to your favourite past-times. By the time you finished eating, the sun was setting. The two of you lean against the base of a tree, staring into the flames of the fire, your armour long since unburdened beside you.
A brief chuckle sounds from beside you. Looking over at Brienne, you signal for her to elaborate. “You know, you look incredibly hot when you're fighting.” She says, continuing to look into the fire with a soft expression. “Oh really?” You can’t help the grin on your face as you hear her words. Her eyes glint with desire as she nods. “It makes me wonder… how well you move without the burden of armour.” She says, finally bringing her eyes to meet yours. Heat pools in your core as her gaze moves down to your lips, trailing further and further down your body. The look in her was one of hunger, she hadn’t felt the touch of another in so long. She craved to feel you against her, to be able to express just how much she cares for you.
Moving closer to her, you lean towards her ear. “Well, why don’t you stop wondering and find out.” Your lips brush over her earlobes with each word. She moves back to bring her lips to yours, igniting a kiss of passion and desire. Her hand trails down your thigh, pulling it up over her lap for you to straddle her. Your hands cup her face as she darts her tongue out to run over your lower lip. Opening your mouth slightly, the kiss deepens. Your tongues work together to elicit soft moans from both of you. Her hands slowly caress down your sides before catching under the fabric of your black gambeson. Lifting it up over your head, the two of you gasp for air as your lips separate.
Her breath hitches, seeing the seven red scars covering the length of your torso. "You're beautiful." She whispers, softly trailing her fingers over the healed wounds. You grin as you flick your hair out of your face, bringing your lips to her neck. Drawing the sensitive skin into your mouth, your hand moves to her hair as a breathy moan escapes her.
Your hands unbutton her leather tunic as she reconnects your lips with hers. Slipping her tunic off her shoulders, she pushes you back, laying you down on the ground as she crawls over you. Grasping at your pants, she drags them off your legs as she peppers kisses over your scars. The sight of you in just your undergarments fueled a fire in Brienne's core, arousal dripping down her leg. Trailing her mouth down your stomach, she positions herself in between your legs. Flicking her eyes up your body, she makes eye contact with you. "Can I?" Her voice drips with desire as you nod, wrapping your hands in her hair.
"Please." Your voice comes out in a soft breath, a fire lighting in your core from anticipation and need. At this, Brienne's doubt slipped away, replaced by a carnal urge to claim you as hers. Her fingers hook under your panties, dragging them down your legs as she gently nips your inner thigh, sucking the sensitive skin into her mouth. Moving her lips closer to your aching clit, she lets out a growl at the sight of your wet cunt, arousal dripping down your leg. Darting her tongue out to taste you, a soft moan escapes her before she sucks your clit into her mouth. Your back arches at the sensation, your fingers tightening their grip in her hair as her name falls off your lips. Her tongue is agonisingly slow over your clit as she watches your body react to every movement. Trailing her fingers over your entrance, your body arches as she pushes two fingers inside you, pressing firmly up against your sweet spot. A string of moans are elicited from your mouth as she increases the pace of her tongue, flicking it over your sensitive mound. Your grip tightens in her hair as she works you closer and closer to orgasm.
She loves the sight of you, such a dominant female with a wild spirit, a moaning mess beneath her. Mesmerised by the way your hips are grinding on her fingers, she increases her pace. Her nails dig into your inner thigh, leaving red scratch marks down your skin. The coil in your stomach tightens as she thrusts her fingers in and out of you at an ungodly pace as your legs begin to shake. “You’re mine, darling.” She growls, euphoria filling your veins as you let yourself succumb to pleasure. “I’m yours.” Your body twitches beneath you as Brienne’s name falls off your lips amongst a string of moans. Your chest rises heavily with each breath as she slows down her pace, dragging out your high. Trailing her lips up your body, she brings you into a passionate kiss as she allows you to taste yourself off her tongue.
Sitting up, she moves to straddle your lap as your fingers tighten in her hair, pulling it back to expose her neck. Gently trailing kisses down the sensitive skin, your free hand reaches down her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. Lifting your knee up, you twist your hips and roll her onto her back. One hand up by her head, the other reaches down to play with her nipple as you bring your lips to hers. A soft moan is elicited from her as you run the top of your thumb over her now hardened nipple. Kissing down her jawline, you lower your mouth to her other nipple, sucking it into your mouth.
Brienne allows herself to give up control, pleasure coursing through her veins as your mouth trails further down her body, placing soft kisses on her lower abdomen as you position yourself between her legs. Lifting one of her legs over your shoulder, you gently nip at the sensitive skin on her inner thigh as you pull her panties down. With a slow, controlled movement of your tongue, you lick from her entrance up to her clit, collecting her arousal in your mouth. A small growl leaves your lips as you taste her. Bringing her lips to her exposed mound, you gently lay a kiss to it before sucking it into your mouth. Brienne’s back arches as her hand flies down to your hair, a smile pulling at your lips from her reaction. Circling her clit with your tongue, you tease her entrance with two fingers, feeling her arousal running down them.
A soft moan falls off her lips as you slowly slide your fingers inside her, not ready for the depth having her leg over your shoulder created. Her back arches as you feel your fingers hit her sweet spot, her breath hitching. Your eyes are unable to look away from her, fascinated by how her body moves with every flick of your tongue, every thrust of your fingers. Her moans are heaven for your ears, every beautiful sound her mouth makes only fuels you to keep going. You could stay an eternity between your knight’s legs.
You begin spelling out the word “mine” on her clit with your tongue. A soft gasp eliciting from Brienne’s lips as she realises what you’re writing, arousal dripping down her leg as you add a third finger inside her. A desperate whimper escaping her, her body begins to shake. Her grip in your hair tightens as her back arches, euphoria flooding over her. Your name falling off her lips is the most perfect sound you’ve heard in your life, a grin pulling at your lips as your tongue slows down its movements over her clit. Helping her ride out her high, you leave a trail of hickeys up her inner thigh, staining the sensitive skin with reds and purples.
Both of you breathing heavily, you bring your lips up to hers. Running your tongue over her lower lip, she moans as she tastes herself, a grin pulling at both of your lips. Her arms wrap around your waist, pulling your naked body flush against hers. “Now can I call you my lady?” She chuckles as you break the kiss, a grin plastered on your face. Giving her another quick kiss, you nod. “I suppose I’ll allow it.” You chuckle as she pulls you back closer to her body, enjoying the feeling of your skin against hers.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty
Somnophilia, spanking, degradation, dumbification, praise, overstimulation, dom Larissa, strap on sex, fingering, cunnilingus, marking/ownership kink, edging, overstimulation, choking, aftercare.
Larissa Weems x fem!wife!reader
Larissa needs to relieve her desires.
Word Count:
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A/N: Erm... I can explain... See the thing is...
You always fall asleep first. Larissa always needs to make sure you’re ok and safe before she lets her own exhaustion take her to sleep. A soft smile pulls at her lips as she gazes at your sleeping figure. So sweet, so peaceful. She could do absolutely anything with you and you’d be none the wiser. Your pyjama shorts had hiked up, half of your ass revealed on display to her. Her hand reaches out to softly caress your bare skin, wondering how beautiful you’d look with her handprint marking your ass. Trailing her fingers down your thigh, she gently lays a path of kisses down your neck. 
Her core burns with desire at your vulnerability. She wants nothing more than to leave you a whimpering mess beneath her. Her gorgeous little slut. Gently rolling you onto your back, she brings her lips down to your exposed collarbone. She nips at your skin, running her tongue over the small indents, a red mark staining your collarbone. There’s something about seeing her gorgeous toy marked beneath her that drives her insane. You are all hers. Her precious little slut to destroy. She wants to savour the moment. You’re asleep, unaware of what she’s about to do to you, she has all the time in the world. 
Sliding the hem of your tank top up over your breasts, she can feel herself getting wet at the sight. She starts peppering kisses over your exposed stomach. Her lips soft against your skin, she slowly gets closer and closer to your breasts. Taking your nipple between her thumb and forefinger, she gently pinches it. Her mouth attaches itself to your other nipple, her tongue running over the now hard mound. A soft whimper escapes your lips, making her grin. Even in your sleep, you're still desperate for her. She loves it.
Trailing her lips gently over your soft skin, her hand pulls down your shorts as she centres herself between your legs. An approving hum falls off her lips as she sees your lack of underwear. “Oh my darling girl, I will ruin you.” She murmurs, her hot breath against your clit. Her arms wrap under your thighs, lifting them over her shoulders, keeping you still. Placing kisses on your inner thighs, she slowly moves her lips closer and closer to your clit. You’re already so wet for her, she can see your arousal dripping down your legs. Ever so slightly, she places her lips on your sensitive mound, smiling as your body jumps at the touch. 
Her tongue slowly licks from your clit down to your entrance, savouring the taste of you. A soft moan escapes her as your arousal drips into her mouth. Gently sucking your clit between her lips, a muffled moan sounds from you, your hips bucking towards her. She was fascinated by each movement your sleeping body made from just a slow flick of her tongue. 
Your eyes slowly open as she slips two fingers inside you, a soft moan escaping your lips. Reaching your hand down, you entangle your fingers in her blonde hair. Each curl of her fingers, each flick of her tongue sent an immense amount of pleasure through your drowsy body. Her name falls off your lips, your voice full of desire, heavy from sleep. She grins at the sight, your mind unable to think of anything, your lips moving in silent pleasure. Increasing the pace, her eyes devour the way your chest rises and falls with each breath, soft moans and whimpers escaping you. Your thighs begin to twitch on her shoulders, your body squirming underneath her. As you're about to topple over the edge, she pulls away from you, a lustful grin on her face as you let out a deprived whimper. “Beg.” 
Your mouth opens and shuts but no words come out, your body, half asleep, is too overwhelmed by pleasure to figure out how to talk. A soft chuckle falls off her lips. “Look at you, so desperate for me that you can’t even speak. Such a dumb little slut for me aren’t you?” She murmurs as you nod, a whimper escaping you. Placing a kiss to your inner thigh, she gently bites at the skin. “Did you want to cum for me, baby?” You nod your head. You wanted her to ruin you, you belong to her, her toy. She grins as she returns her lips to your clit, making your back arch as her name comes out of your mouth in a breathy moan. Her fingers thrust into you, pressing into your sweet spot at an ungodly pace. “Such a good little toy for me darling. You’re mine.” Her voice drips with lust as it falls on your ears. 
The sight of her in between your legs, devouring you with an everlasting hunger, is too overwhelming. Your body shakes uncontrollably as a wave of pleasure crashes down on you. A string of moans and whimpers escape you as she continues to stimulate you, her tongue on your clit. A soft gasp escapes you as you realise what she’s spelling. You’re mine, slut. Her fingers continue to curl against the soft spongy flesh inside you as your hips begin to grind on her face. Her lips move to your thigh, sucking at your sensitive skin. You can’t help the desperate moan that escapes you as she continues to paint your skin with shades of purple and red. 
Her core burns at the sight of your once bare skin now covered in her handiwork. Withdrawing herself from you, she brings her lips to your ear, softly nipping at your earlobe. “On your knees.” You obey, pushing your chest to the bed so your ass is in the air. A hum of approval escapes her as she gets off the bed. The sound of a drawer opening fills the room and you feel more juices drip down your leg, knowing exactly what drawer she’s reaching into. The sound of her clothes dropping to the floor is followed by a click of a buckle. The bed sinks slightly as she returns, placing herself behind you. Her hand trails softly over your ass before a loud smack fills the room. A startled moan escapes you as her hand comes down on your skin, leaving a tingling pain on your ass. A low growl escapes her lips upon seeing her red handprint on your skin. 
You feel the tip of the strap-on pressed at your entrance, grinding your hips over it. “Does my little slut need me inside her?” She murmurs, her voice filled with pure, unbridled lust. A soft moan escapes you as she slowly pushes her tip inside you. Her hand comes down on your ass again, another smack filling the room. “I need an answer, baby.” You nod frantically. “Please.” You whimper before she roughly thrusts into you, your cunt stretching to the size of the strap. A gasp escapes you as she pounds into you, the tip of the silicone toy pressing into your sweet spot with every thrust. It doesn’t take long before you reach another orgasm, your cum leaking over the strap. Her hand reaches to grab your throat, pulling you back against her, pressing kisses on your neck as she continues to pound into you. 
The moans were uncontrollable, your mind blank. You’re unable to think of anything except how good she feels inside you. Her free hand trails down your body, her fingers stimulating your clit. Your moans are now pleasured screams. Your body reacting to every thrust, every movement of her fingers, the hand around your throat squeezing the veins on your neck. “Oh my gorgeous darling… you’re such a good little whore for me aren’t you?” She murmurs, still thrusting deep inside you. You couldn’t respond with anything but a loud, breathy moan as another orgasm crashes down on you. “My gorgeous slut.” She says as your body shakes against her as she holds you up, your legs giving in. Slowing down her thrusts, she helps you ride out your high. Both of your bodies now slick with sweat, dishevelled hair falling in your faces. Your chests rise and fall in unison as you both try to catch your breath. 
Slowly pulling out of you, a sharp breath leaves your body from overstimulation. She slowly helps you lie back down on the bed, her hand brushing the loose hairs away from your face. “I love you, my darling.” She whispers, pressing her lips softly against yours before standing up. Taking off the strap, she disappears into the kitchen. Your body is light on top of the bed as you try to regain any sense of composure. Larissa returns with a glass of water, a damp cloth and a bar of your favourite chocolate. “Are you okay, baby?” She sits down on the edge of the bed next to you as she hands you the drink and chocolate. You nod. “I’m ok. I love you.” She smiles at your words, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you too. I’m just going to clean you up ok?” You nod as she re-centers herself between your legs. The damp cloth was nice against your skin as she cleans up your arousal, placing tender kisses on your inner thigh as she does. Putting the flannel in the washing basket, she crawls into bed beside you, pulling you into her arms. “Sorry for waking you, darling. You can go back to sleep.” She whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. You grin at her words. “Don’t apologize, I won’t complain if I wake up to that.” She chuckles at your words before readjusting, pulling you closer to her as a content sigh escapes both of your lips. Completely worn out, it wasn’t long before the two of you drifted off to sleep.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
Hiya! How about a Larissa x fem vampire teacher fic where there's like a shortage of fresh blood, so larissa offers her own blood and at first reader is like no wtf I can't do it but they start getting a little hungrier and they eventually give in. Like they don't kill larissa or anything like that they just drain her a little and then take care of her afterwards? Bringing her cookies and putting her to bed, and Larissa reassures them that they're not a monster and stuff?
Hey Anon!
This idea was super fun to write! Thank you so much for requesting it. ☺️
Blood Bond
Mentions of blood/blood sucking.
Larissa Weems x fem!vampire!teacher!reader
After limiting your blood intake due to a shortage from your supplier, you receive an offer that’s too tempting to resist.
Word Count:
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A/N: I’m slowly working through the many pieces I’ve started writing. Keep sending through more requests, I love writing your ideas! They’re so creative.
“What could Larissa want?” Your nerves are high as you walk through the corridors. Your boss, Principal Weems, had asked you to stop by her office after school earlier today and now that classes had finished, you can’t help the anxiety settling in your stomach. It doesn’t help that you’re having to limit your blood intake due to a shortage of fresh blood from your suppliers. You swore you’d never harm someone for blood but lately, your patience has been running thin. Your fangs have been so sensitive, everytime you pass literally anyone else in the corridor, you keep getting an overwhelming urge to drink from them. Well there’s that and the blood bond that comes with it. Whenever you drink blood straight from someone’s body, your fangs will only ever crave them.
Taking a deep breath, you knock on the wooden door to her office. “Come in.” Larissa’s soft English accent sounds from the other side of the door. Your shaking hands manage to open the door, stepping inside before closing it behind you. “Ah Miss Y/L/N, thank you for coming. Please, take a seat.” She offers a warm smile, extending her hand towards an empty seat by her desk. God, the scent of her was intoxicating. “What did you need to speak to me about?” You were grateful for the soft leather chair that caught you as your legs dropped you halfway through sitting down.
“Well as you know, we were originally only hiring you as a temporary post while Mrs Sayer was on maternity leave. However, she has decided to resign to be a stay at home mum. The students adore having you as their teacher so, Ms Y/L/N, would you like to be a permanent member of the Nevermore staff?” Shock falls upon you as you hear her words. “Yes, of course. Thank you.” You can’t help the excitement in your veins as you say this. Larissa grins, sitting back in her chair, raising her head approvingly. “I was hoping you’d say that. Thank you Miss Y/L/N that’ll be all.” She says, offering out her hand for you to shake.
The moment you stand, black spots cloud your vision, a cold sweat flushing over your body. A tingling sensation floods your veins as you grab her hand. “Miss Y/L/N, you look dreadful.” Your already pale complexion had lost the minimal colour it had to it, making you whiter than a sheet of paper. Your fangs throb at the connection of your skin on hers. “I’m ok, don’t worry about me.” Take her. Drink from her. Make her your blood bond. The primal vampire urge sounds clearly in the forefront of your mind. “Y/N. Sit. Down.” Larissa’s tone deepens, and you obey, sitting back down as your head spins.
“Good. Now what’s going on?” She stands up, walking over to you. Bringing a seat closer to yours, you tense at the close proximity, your fangs throbbing to make her your blood bond. Taking a deep breath, you try to regain some composure. “There’s a shortage of blood from my suppliers so I’ve been having to limit my blood intake. Let’s just say my body isn’t handling it well.” Larissa purses her lips, deep in thought after hearing your words. Your hands, now damp with sweat, rub awkwardly over your pants, hoping the friction of fabric on your skin will help ground you. “And you can’t just drink from someone?”
You let off a slight chuckle at her words. “Physically? Yes, I very much can. If anything, it’s been getting harder and harder not to. Everytime I’m near anyone, my fangs start throbbing, it’s rather excruciating. But I swore I wouldn’t take someone’s blood for my own well-being. It’s not fair on them.” A slight pause falls over the room before she says her next words. “Use mine.” Your head darts up to her, your eyes filled with shock. “I can’t. If I drink from someone, it causes a blood bond. If I use yours, I can’t use any other blood. I can’t drag you into that.”
Of course, you wanted a blood bond with her. She had the most intoxicating scent out of anyone in the school. The fact you’d get to see her everyday definitely wasn’t a negative either. You had always had a soft spot for your boss, how could you not. She has the most gorgeous smile and her infectious personality is nothing but genuine.
“You wouldn’t be dragging me into anything, I’m offering. If it means I get to see you more often, then I will gladly be your blood bond.” She says, her hand brushing back stray hairs from her shoulder, exposing her neck. The sight of her soft skin, unmarked and pale, made your fangs send a sharp pain of desire through your body. Darting your eyes to her cerulean ones, you take a deep breath. “Are you sure? There’s no going back from this.” Your voice was soft with uncertainty as you ask this, your heart racing. She nods. “I’m sure.” Moving closer to her, your fangs ache for the taste of her.
Placing a soft kiss on her neck, you mumble against her skin. “I feel you’re horribly romanticising this Larissa.” A soft chuckle escapes her. “Are you complaining?” You shake your head before gently sinking your fangs through her skin, a sharp breath escaping her at the initial puncture. The moment you taste her, you can’t help the soft moan that falls off your lips. Her blood was divine, the sweet liquid trickling down your throat.
Extracting yourself from her skin, you swallow, receiving instant relief from your blood malnutrition. Reverting your gaze back to Larissa who gives you a reassuring smile. “Come on.” You stand up, offering her your hand which she sceptically takes. You lead her through the door on the side of her office, separating it from her private quarters. Leading her over to her couch by the fireplace, you help her sit down. “How are you feeling?” Your voice is full of worry as you crouch down in front of her. She lets out a small chuckle. “Like I just ran two marathons back to back.” You have to suppress your grin as she says this. Reaching into your back pocket, you pull out a block of chocolate. Breaking off a row, you offer it out to her, which she gratefully accepts. “I was saving this for tomorrow, it helps the headache Wednesday always manages to give me.”
Larissa’s soft chuckle fills your ears, making your knees weak. “At least I’m not the only one she gives them too.” You can’t help your grin, shaking your head. “Not at all.” Standing up, you quickly grab her a glass of water. “Here, drink. You need it.” She takes it, desperately trying to stop the lightheaded feeling over-taking her. Sitting on the couch next to her, she all but falls weakly onto your chest. Your arm instinctively wraps around her, your free hand reaching up to gently stroke through her hair. You can’t help the guilt burdening you as you look down over her. “I’m so sorry.” You murmur, your voice soft, barely louder than a whisper. She lifts her head to face your, placing her lips softly on your cheek. “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. I know what I’ve gotten myself into. Please, Y/N, don’t beat yourself up over this. I did it because I can’t have my favourite teacher feeling under the weather. I care about you a lot.”
A soft smile pulls at your lips as you hear this. “I’m your favourite?” Her grin is infectious. “Well, do you see me forming a blood bond with anyone else?” You can’t help the chuckle that escapes you. Shaking your head, you grin. “Well, no…”
“Exactly. Besides, it’s already done. You’re stuck with me now.” She chuckles, pressing her head firmer against your chest. A soft smile is glued to your face as you gently place your lips to the top of her head. “Thank you.”
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
After reading “I can’t lose you” btw beautifully written! Send all my love to you. 🤍
Think about how cute she would be if Reader would be pregnant over the pregnancy and delivery. In an instant the kitchen scene in my head.
Hey Anon!
I’m so glad you liked it. Apologies for this taking so long, I was out at a skid meet on Friday night and now my sleeping is shot. 😂 Thank you for your request, I hope you like it!
Your Little Family
Miranda Hilmarson x fem!wife!reader
After a long but incredible 9 months, it’s time for your son to be born.
Word Count:
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“Your mommies love you very much, my darling boy. We can’t wait to meet you. I can’t wait to teach you how to get all the attractive boys or girls. I mean look at me, I have your mother as a wife and I’ll be honest…” Miranda excitedly peppers kisses on your belly as she kneels between your legs in front of the couch. She leans forwards to continue her next sentence. “I still don’t know how I get to call her mine everyday.” She whispers, a gentle chuckle escaping you as you run your hand through her hair. “I think the same thing every day, my love. You’re way too good to me.” You grin as she comes up to place a gentle kiss on your lips. This entire IVF journey has been so incredible, Miranda has been so excited throughout the past 9 months, you still remember the day when you decided to expand your family.
A loud squeal escapes you as a wall of water crashes over your body. “Babe!” Miranda can’t stop the uncontrollable laughter escaping her as you gasp in shock. Grinning, you reciprocate the splash, starting the ultimate Water Wars as the salty waves gently lap around your waist. The back and forth splashing continues, gasps, laughs, and squeals escaping the two of you as the sun shines down over the crowded beach. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I surrender!” She laughs, another wall of water cascading over her body. You grin as she pulls you into her body. Your hand placing itself on her chest as she grins back down at you. She would be an amazing mum. You can’t stop the thought of your gorgeous wife running around with the kids in the backyard, jumping into leaf piles with them in autumn. “Baby…” You start, as she signals for you to continue. “Remember when we had the conversation on our first date when you said you wanted kids?” She nods, her body full of excitement- are you finally going to ask? “Well, I think I’m ready. I love you, Miranda Hilmarson and I want to start a family with you.” Joy lights up her features as she brings her lips to yours, your hand sneaking up behind her head to pull her close. Her hands wrap around your waist as excitement flows through both of your veins.
Or the day you found out the IVF transplant was successful.
Miranda’s arms wrap around your waist, her chin resting on your shoulder as a cold flush of nerves shoots through both of your bodies. The pregnancy test lies on the smooth marble sink in front of you as the two of you wait in anticipation in the bathroom. She turns off the timer on her watch which had started beeping. With shaking hands, you pick up the test, an excited scream leaving your lips as you see the two lines. A giddy laugh escapes her as you turn around pulling her into a hug, your faces bright with joy. “We’re pregnant!”
A fond, reminiscent smile is on your face as you look at Miranda who had knelt back in front of you and is now going on about winter. It’s her favourite season, she loves going out in the snow. You can’t help but grin as you picture her out tobogganing with your son. The snowball fights and snowmen building competitions that would entertain you for hours. A gasp leaves your lips as your lower back aches. A heavy pressure settles in your pelvis as you feel your abdomen contract. “Babe?” She looks up at you, concern in her eyes as you lean forward, trying to readjust. Lifting your head up, you grimace. Excitement, fear, and pain shoot through your veins as you look at her. “It’s happening… I think I’m in labour.”
Her eyes widen as she looks at you. “Are you sure? It’s not Braxton Hicks again?” You shake your head, one hand over your protruding bump, the other forcefully grasping at the couch. “No, it’s the real thing. This doesn’t feel like the other times.” A grin pulls at her face as she pulls out her phone to start timing your contractions. The pain subsides and you let out a sigh of relief. A soft popping sensation comes from your uterus and you feel a gush of fluid escape you. Miranda’s grin grows brighter as she sees it, as does yours. “It’s definitely labour.” Adrenaline and excitement flows through both of your veins as she grabs a spare change of clothes to get into.
Helping you get changed, she leads you over to the edge of the couch again as her hands begin to massage your lower back. She’d spent an entire day learning how to give a back massage for this. As her hands rub over your lower back, you can’t help but let out a relieved moan. “I love you.” You mumble, resting your head back on her shoulder. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, she grins. “I love you too, you’re doing amazing, my love.” Your hand flies back to grip onto her shoulder as another contraction hits, your teeth gritting together as a suppressed groan of pain escapes your lips.
Placing kisses to your head, Miranda’s hands wrap around your waist to lift up your baby bump. Most of the pressure on your lower back dies down as she does this. You close your eyes, sighing relievedly. As the pain dies down again, she checks her phone. “It was 7 minutes between the last contraction and this one lasted 40 seconds.” You groan upon earning this, exhausted tears forming in your eyes. “You’re doing amazing, my love. I’m so proud of you. We’re going to have a family. You, me and our son.” You can hear the excitement in her voice and you can’t help but chuckle.
“You’re going to be the best mum to our little boy, darling. I just wish you could say you want a child and then you get a child. This whole pregnancy thing hurts.” She laughs upon hearing your words. “I know my darling. You’re handling it incredibly. We just gotta wait a bit before we can go to the hospital and get the epidural, if you want it.” You had originally said no epidural, you wanted to experience having a child in its most pure form but now? You’re definitely considering it.
A few hours later, you were finally in active labour. You’d been having contractions lasting between a minute to a minute and a half every five minutes for just over an hour. You’re sure that you look absolutely atrocious. You can feel your hair damp with sweat as Miranda slowly leads you out to the car, her hand rubbing your lower back. Showering you with kisses and compliments, she opens up your door, placing a pillow under your lower back as you get into the car. Placing a kiss on your forehead, she gives your hand a comforting squeeze. Closing your eyes, you focus on your breathing, trying to find even a second of relief from the now agonising pain. Miranda’s knuckles whiten as her grip on the steering wheel tightens, her free hand comfortingly squeezing your thigh. Laboured breathing escapes you as another contraction hits.
The short seven minute drive to the hospital felt like it took hours, no position is comfortable anymore. She can’t help but grin as she pulls up to the birthing unit of the hospital, walking over to your door to help you get out. Groaning in pain, you take her hand and slowly raise yourself to your aching legs. Locking the car, her arm wraps comfortingly around your waist, helping you stand as you slowly make your way into the building. You were accepted into a room rather quickly and before you knew it you were in a hospital birthing gown on the bed. Your hand clasped in hers, she places a wet flannel on your forehead, brushing back your dishevelled hair from your face. It was getting harder and harder to mask the pain, what were once suppressed groans are now loud, agonising screams as your contractions begin to last longer and come more often. You’re sure you’ve dislocated every knuckle in her hand but if you did, she didn’t seem to care. Her thumb strokes over the back of your hand gently, as she smiles lovingly at you.
“I love you so much my darling. You are so incredibly strong, you’re handling this like a goddamn beast.” She says, placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. A young midwife enters the room, a clipboard clutched to her chest. “Hi Mrs Hilmarson. I’m Stella, I’m going to be your midwife tonight. I understand you’ve been timing your contractions?” She smiles comfortingly at you as you nod. “They’re now 4 minutes apart, lasting for around a minute and a half.” Miranda says as a loud scream escapes you, agonising pain throbbing through your lower abdomen. “You’re doing really well Y/N, I just need to check how dilated you are, we just want to get an estimate on when to call the rest of the team in.” You aggressively nod, trying to distract yourself from the pain as you open up your legs as she walks over to the sink to wash her hands.
Coming back over to you, she bends down to get easy access to you. “Alright, Y/N. I’m just going to check how dilated you are. It will hurt a little bit, but I will try to be quick, ok?” You nod. “Go ahead, my pain will most definitely be worse actually pushing him out.” You say through gritted teeth, your free hand digging into the bed as Stella slips three fingers inside you. The pain grows more intense with each finger she adds. She nods before gently pulling her fingers out. “Not long now Mrs Hilmarson, you’re about 8cm dilated. You’re doing so well. Did either of you need anything?”
With heavy breathing, you nod. “An epidural… please.” Your face is contorted with pain as you say this. Miranda gives your hand a comforting squeeze as Stella nods. “Of course Y/N, I’ll get that arranged for you.” She gives you a soft smile before exiting the room. You groan as tears re-emerge in your eyes. “I love him but my fucking god I need him to get the fuck out of me.” A solitary tear falls down your cheek as you say this as Miranda’s thumb darts out to catch it on your skin. “I know baby, but you need to be 10cm before you can push. You’re doing so well and I’m so fucking proud of you, my love. The epidural should help take the edge off and I’ll be here. I’m not leaving you.” She places a kiss on your cheek as she says this, a sympathetic smile pulling at her lips.
It was about an hour later before Stella returned, a middle aged man at her side. “Hi Y/N, I’m Mark, I’m an anaesthetist. I understand that you were wanting an epidural?” He says, coming over to your side as you nod. You try not to look at the needle but curiosity gets the better of you. Your eyes widen as you see the 8cm needle and small tube soon to be in your back. Miranda’s hand squeezes yours, she saw it too and was now looking in any other direction. Taking a deep breath, you lean forward. “Alright Y/N, you may feel a sharp pinch. Just focus on your breathing, I’ll be quick.” He says calmly, placing his hand on your back. Closing your eyes, you tense up as a sharp pressure shoots through your spine. “Good job, I’m just inserting the catheter now. Keep breathing, you’re doing amazing Mrs Hilmarson.”
Your hand tightens its grip around Miranda’s as you feel the small tube being inserted. “You’re doing amazing, love. I’m so proud of you.” She whispers and you nod, a pained smile on your face. “I love you.”
“Alright, there we go. It should start to work in around 15 minutes. I wish you the best of luck.” Mark says, stepping away from you a reassuring smile on his face. You nod. “Thank you.” You say as he leaves the room. Stella steps out of the corner she’d put herself in while you got the epidural. “I’m just going to check your dilation again, Mrs Hilmarson.” She says as you nod, you seem to be doing a lot of nodding today. It’s the only thing your brain can manage to do correctly through all the pain. Stella’s grin is evident as she steps away from you. “I think it’s time to call the team in. You’re at just over 9cm, it looks like your labours progressing rather quickly which is good. It means it’ll be over faster.”
An excited squeal escapes Miranda, a grin evident on her face as she squeezes your hand. “We’re going to be parents.” You can’t help the wide smile on your face despite the pain. Adrenaline, fear, exhaustion, and excitement. These feelings flood your veins as you look up at your wife who’s proudly looking down at you with love in her eyes. “I’m so fucking exhausted, and in so much pain. I don’t even know if I can push.” You laugh, causing a chuckle from her. She brings her lips to yours, your hand still clasped tightly in hers. “I’ll be here every step of the way, my love. You have got this, I know you do.”
By the time Stella returns with your team, Miranda was helping you slowly around the room, trying to relieve the insane pressure throughout your body. It wasn’t entirely painless but the epidural was indeed working wonders. “Y/N, this is Kate and Riley. They’ll be the ones keeping an eye on your baby during birth. Of course, you’ve met Dayno, your nurse. He’ll be here to keep an eye on you and I’ll be the one helping you have your son. They’ll just be setting up everything for now, I just need to check your dilation again.” She points to each of them in turn as she introduces them. “Jesus Christ, are all of them going to be looking at my cooch?” You can’t help but think as you see them, giving a pained smile as you get back onto the bed for Stella to check you. Miranda’s eyes shine with pride and care as she gives you a gentle smile. “It’s happening!” Excitement rings through her voice as she looks down at you. Tears form in your eyes again as you chuckle. “Ok Mrs Hilmarson, you’re fully dilated, it’s time to push. Are you two ready to be mums?”
You didn’t have time to reply as a contraction crashed down on you. Your hand desperately grasping at Miranda’s, a pained scream escapes you as you push. Her hand buckles as you accidentally dig your nails into her, too oblivious by the pain to notice. “That’s it, my love. Keep pushing.” She whispers, her hand brushing back the sweaty hairs that were stuck to your forehead. “Good job Y/N, just push again when you’re ready.” You were exhausted, having been in pain for hours. Every muscle in your body was screaming for help. Another scream falls off your lips as you push. Miranda’s free hand is gently rubbing your shoulder as you sit forward, your abdomen clenching. “He’s crowning! There’s his head, one more push Y/N.”
“One more push, my darling. You’re so incredible, one more push.” Miranda’s eyes glisten with pure love and admiration as she looks at you. Your scream fills up the room, tears escaping you as you push for the final time. Your body had nothing else left to give, absolutely exhausted beyond comprehension as you feel the pressure in your body disappear, replaced only by a burning pain around your vagina. Silence falls before a higher-pitched scream fills the room. Miranda’s own tears start falling, a grin of disbelief on her face as she sees your son. Stella quickly lifts him up, taking off the top of your hospital gown so she can place him on your chest.
Silent sobs escape you, an exhausted but ecstatic grin on your face as you gently place your hands on your son. Miranda’s hand, now bleeding from your nails gripping into her, places itself on top of yours. She gently leans down, giving you a loving kiss before gently kissing the top of your son’s head. “Congratulations Hilmarsons. We just need to clean him up and double check everything’s ok with him and then you’ll get him straight back.” Kate says, her voice soft as a proud smile grows on her face. You nod, gently lifting him up to pass to her. Miranda’s face was bright, emotion lighting up her features as she wraps her arms around you lovingly, her eyes still not leaving your son.
“So do you have a name in mind?” Dayno asks as he wipes your chest clear from blood and amniotic fluid. You give a soft smile, looking up at Miranda. “Actually yeah… Asher Blake Hilmarsson.” She grins, a single silent sob escaping her as she hears his middle name. Blake was her childhood best friend who unfortunately died in a car crash when he was 18. Both you and Miranda decided on Asher as his first name but you kept his middle name a secret from her. “I love you.” She whispers, afraid her voice would break if she spoke any louder.
“A stunning name for your stunning boy.” Kate says as she returns to your side, Miranda, already reaching out for Asher. You smile proudly as you watch your wife carefully rocking your son with an ecstatic grin on her face. Your little family.
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
This couldn't be anymore true. My first post I did as a complete joke. Then suddenly people are following me saying these incredible things that I never would've expected in my wildest dreams. You all are so incredibly amazing and my reason to keep on writing. So thank you to every single one of you.
An open note to readers of fanfic
Sometimes I stare at the computer screen when the words don’t want to come and I think, “Fuck, who am I kidding? This is terrible writing, and this story is shit, and no one cares, anyway.“  And I close the window and go do something else.
But every now and then I get an amazing, heartfelt, beautiful comment from someone who loved something I wrote, and it reminds me that, at least for that one person, I did write something worthwhile. And so I open the window again and I write one sentence, and then another, and then I start to find my way again.
So on behalf of all fanfic writers everywhere, I want to say thank you, thank you so much, to all of the readers who take the time to leave a comment and tell us that something we wrote mattered to you, that it brightened your day or made you laugh or cry or get horny or whatever.
Please don’t think we’re ever bothered by your comment, or that we don’t want to hear it, or that what you have to say isn’t important enough. It means so, so much. And on some days, it’s what keeps us going.
65K notes · View notes
spicy-picklez · 1 year
The embarrassing thing? The first and third are me right now. I'm just re-reading the fics I have in progress and writing a sentence before losing track of my thought and getting distracted. My ADHD is not at all focusing today.
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198K notes · View notes
spicy-picklez · 1 year
May I request Larissa x reader
R is like either crying from pure exhaustion or collapses from exhaustion and Larissa takes care of them. Just super soft and fluffy.
I need comfort. I often work myself hard and need something to help me get through it.
Of course you can. Please make sure to look after yourself. You will never be able to perform to your very best if you work yourself too hard. You come first. 💕
The Meeting
Soft Larissa, lots of fluff.
Larissa Weems x wife!reader
You have a important meeting coming up and the day of the meeting, Larissa finds you still up in the very early morning, exhausted and over it.
Word Count:
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A/N: Bro, I was literally writing this about to cry cause I didn’t know how much I needed to hear… well read/write it. Please take it as a message for all of you. You need to look after yourselves! You’ll have a better chance at doing well if you are well rested, eating and drinking. I love y’all, all your love and support has been incredible and I’m so grateful that you guys are liking my work. 💕🥰
The only light on your street still on was the one from your office. The night had long begun and Larissa had been in bed for almost three hours now. Your body ached to be in bed next to your wife but you knew you had to get this paperwork done. You couldn’t mess up your meeting tomorrow, if it goes well, you could be in for a chance at a promotion. Looking at the time in the corner of your laptop, you sigh. 1.27am. “Just a few more hours Y/N. Then you can go to sleep.” You sigh, rubbing your aching fingers over your face. Your entire body hurt, you hadn’t had a good sleep in days, most of the time spent at your desk. It took all of your willpower to keep your eyes from shutting.
God you were over this. You wanted nothing more than to be asleep in your wife’s arms, comforted by her scent. A strangled sob escapes you as you lean your elbows on your desk. Pure exhaustion floods through your veins. Why do you always do this to yourself? The sleeves of your work blouse dampens from your tears as you lay your head in your arms. “Baby?” Larissa’s soft voice meets your ears as she appears in the doorway. Her hair cascades down her shoulders over her black dressing gown as she looked at you with concern. Lifting your head to give her a reassuring smile, she comes over and brings you into a hug upon seeing your tear-streaked face.
“Love, you’re exhausted. What’d I say about not overworking yourself?” Your arms wrap around her waist as you bury your head into her chest, tears still freely falling. “I need to get this done.” You mumble, your words barely coherent. Her hand strokes through your hair, her warmth enveloping you. “I know my love. But you won’t get it done like this. You need time to rest, baby. Come on.” Her hand reaches out to your laptop, saving your work and shutting the lid before helping you out of your leather office chair. Wrapping her arms around your waist, she guides you into the bedroom, trailing her lips softly up your neck. Turning around to face her, she gently unbuttons your blouse, peppering each inch of exposed skin with kisses. She helps you get changed into your sleepwear before pulling you under the covers with her, wrapping her arms around you.
By now, your tears had stopped as you relaxed into her warm embrace. “Darling, I know you’re stressed about tomorrow but right now, all you need is sleep. You won’t be able to perform at your best if you don’t look after yourself. I love you baby, I hate seeing you like this.” Her words fall over your ears and she has a point. “I know my love. I just want to get my name in for this promotion, if I can get it, we can finally start saving for a bigger house.” You sigh as she nods against the back of your neck. “I want that too, baby. But you’re going to nail it. What you’ve got is incredible, you just need sleep to be able to perform at your best.” Nodding, you relax further into her embrace. The familiar scent of her wafts up your nose and you sigh contentedly. Letting the pure exhaustion take over your body, you quickly drift off to sleep and Larissa can’t help but smile. “I love you my baby.” She whispers, placing a kiss to the top of your head before falling back asleep.
131 notes · View notes
spicy-picklez · 1 year
Brienne of Tarth
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Any chapters with ** next to it, are smut chapters.
My Lady
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two **
58 notes · View notes
spicy-picklez · 1 year
My Lady
Flashbacks of abuse and torture.
Brienne of Tarth x reader
Following the orders of your mother Catelyn Stark, Brienne of Tarth finds you in the woods to take you back to Winterfell after the death of your suitor and dear friend, Renly Baratheon.
Word Count:
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A/N: Well this was supposed to be a one shot ending with smut and ended up getting carried away so I guess there’s a part two to this 😂🤭
The crisp autumn leaves crunch underneath your boots as you walk through the forest. Your armour heavy over your skin as your sword clinks against the side of the smooth steel. “Lady Y/N Stark, your mother requests your presence in Winterfell.” A sharp feminine voice sounds from behind you. Your hand flies to the hilt of your sword, preparing to unsheath it as you turn around. A tall, blonde knight stands in front of you, hair dishevelled and streaks of dirt on her armour. Her stunning blue eyes shine through the dirt, determined and true.
Your hand still on your sword, you let off an amused chuckle. “I’m sure she does, Ser…”
“Brienne of Tarth, my lady.” Brienne. A name almost as beautiful as her. “I’m sure she does, Ser Brienne. But you may return to my mother and tell her that I choose to deny her request.” You continue, an amused smirk pulling at her lips as you do. “Your mother did warn me you would say that and told me to bring you back to her in any ways necessary. The ‘requests’ part of my sentence was more of a formality, my lady. You will be returning back to your mother’s side at Winterfell.” Your grip tightens on the hilt of your sword as she says this.
“You can drop the ‘my lady’, Ser Brienne. I’m choosing to relinquish my title, I will no longer be held by the detrimental name my dear father is making for the Starks. So please, I’m asking nicely, do not force me to return back or I will be forced to take matters into my own hands and do something I don’t particularly want to do.” You say, unsheathing your sword as Brienne comes closer to you, her height becoming more apparent with each step she takes. An amused chuckle escapes her lips, pushing your sword aside. “I’m not going to fight you my lady. I’m simply abiding by your mother’s order.” Swinging your leg out, you catch her in the knee. Wasting no time as she falls to the ground, you turn around and sprint away, your armour clinking against your side. “I’m sorry Brienne, you seem very nice but I will not be returning to Winterfell.” You call over your shoulder as you disappear into the thick forest.
Relocating her kneecap, Brienne can’t help but smile, entertained by your antics. She too, was like you. She never wanted to be burdened with the title of the Tarth family. The sole heir to her father, Lord Selwyn Tarth of Evenfall, she never wanted to be married off, forced to bear children for her husband. She knew she was a fighter and like you, throughout her childhood, never fit into her title of Lady. Pulling herself off the ground, she follows down the route you had not long disappeared down.
The night had long begun before you decided to lay rest. Removing your sheath, you sat down on a fallen log, reflections of the flames of the newly-lit fire dancing over your eyes. It’d been hours since your encounter with Ser Brienne of Tarth but you still had a vivid picture of her in your head. Removing your steel armour, you lean forward, your elbows resting over your chainmail clad leather pants.
You can’t remove the image of her from your mind, the few strands of dishevelled hair falling over her forehead. The gorgeous cerulean blue eyes standing out against the dirt and sweat glistening on her face. God, you almost felt bad for dislocating her knee. Sliding down the log onto the ground, you lay your sword by your side as you bask in the warmth of your fire. The gorgeous knight plagues your dreams as you drift off to sleep.
“Morning my lady.” Brienne’s soft voice, filled with amusement, floods your ears. Your eyes fly open, seeing the blonde knight sitting on the log in front of you. The morning sunrise casts a gorgeous glow over her skin as she leans over you, a proud smirk on her face. “Ser Brienne!” You gasp, only now noticing the ropes restraining your wrists behind your back. “Up you get, we’ve got a long way back to Winterfell, my lady.” A scowl deforming your features as you ungraciously clamber to your feet. It’s funny how having no use of your hands can throw off anyone’s balance. “If you insist on calling me your lady, can your lady at least wear her armour?” You say as she fastens both yours and her sheaths around her waist.
“If I agree to untie you so you can put on your armour, then will you come quietly?” She sighs, turning around to look at you, shifting her weight over to her left leg. Looking left and right, you see nothing but dense forestry. “Where else am I to run to, Ser Brienne? You have got me. Congratulations.” Stepping forwards, she shoots you a sceptical look before untying the ropes binding your wrists. “Thank you.” You breathe, rubbing your wrists free of the feeling of ropes before pulling on your armour. Her hand grabs at your upper arm, pulling you into step with her once your steel suit is on.
“So, Ser Brienne… how long have you been working for my mother?” Your question breaks the silence held between the two of you. Her eyes darted to look at you before turning back to look where she was going. “Three weeks. I started working for her after the death of King Renly Baratheon.” You look up at her as she mutters this, shock displayed on your face. “He’s dead? How long have I been gone for, time doesn’t exactly exist out here.”
“A month and two days, my lady.” So that’s how long it's been. A month and two days ago you left Renly Baratheon at the altar, choosing a life of freedom over a life of child-bearing and sex. Your mother had arranged the marriage with Lord Steffon Baratheon. From the day you were born, you were destined to marry Renly. You never saw the attraction to the male gender. Though, you could very easily admit he was one of the men who were easier to look at than others. But your body has always ached for the touch of another woman.
“How did he die? Though I’ve never been interested in marrying a man, he was genuine and kind, a dear friend to me.” You ask, a shockwave of grief running through your veins as the realisation kicks in that you will never see him again. Brienne tenses beside you, not interested in marrying a man? Does that mean you’re into women? What was she thinking, a woman as gorgeous as you would never like her like that. Clearing her throat, she answers. “He was murdered. I had only recently been employed in his Kingsguard, your mother was there to negotiate with him after your disappearance and a dark shadow flowed through the curtains, he got stabbed from behind, directly through his heart. Your mother saved me that night and I vowed that if it comes to it, I would give my life to protect her. Before I left to find you, I vowed to her that I’d do the same for you.”
You stop in your path, crossing your arms over your chest. “Are you insinuating that I can’t handle myself in a fight?” Turning around, she shoots you an annoyed look. “Not at all my lady. I’m simply saying that I’d die before something happens to you.” You can’t help but chuckle, taking a step towards her. “My dearest Brienne, what makes you think something would happen to me?” Brienne is intoxicated by the way your warmth radiates through your armour, the sheer closeness of your bodies is more than anyone else had ever dared to near her. Taking a breath to calm her racing heart, she responds. “You’re a very gorgeous woman, my lady. You have also angered a lot of people with your actions in the past. Many men are after you, none of which have good intentions for you. You haven’t seen them since you left, you need all the protection you can get, my lady.”
A smile pulls at your lips as you look softly up at her, getting lost in the depths of her gorgeous blue eyes. “Ser Brienne, Y/N is just fine. If you insist on calling me your lady, then I do suggest you make that statement true first.” Her eyes widen as those words meet her ears. She abruptly steps back, clearing her throat. “I work for your mother, we need to get back to her.” You swallow, nodding slightly. You wanted her to make the statement true. You want her to make you hers.
Brienne had to take a sharp breath to recenter herself, trying to calm the heat rising through her body as the two of you continued through the forest. She wants you, more than you can ever know. But the insistent voice in the back of her mind stopped her, relaying doubt through her head. After 32 years of being treated as a monster, someone no one would dare get close to, it’d gotten to her head. Brienne the Beauty they called her, not one word of it genuine. A constant mockery of the fact that she, no matter how hard she tried, would never be socially accepted as beautiful.
It was nearing late afternoon before the silence between you was broken. Upon reaching a small clearing, Brienne paused. “I think we should set up here for the night. We still need some light to go find us something to eat and this will be a good place for a fire.” You nod as she says this, wrapping a rope around a tree, tying a knot before turning to you. “I’m not going to be tied up to a tree while you get to go out hunting.” You say, crossing your arms over your chest.
A brief chuckle escapes her lips before she regains her composure. “Wasn’t going to suggest it. That’s a landmark so we can find our way back.” She mutters before heading into the woods, with you quickly following behind her. “Do I at least get my sword back Ser? We’ve already established I’ve got nowhere to run to, I’d die before I kill you and, we are going hunting. Two huntsmen with swords work better than one with two and one with none.” You say, struggling to keep up with Brienne’s now brisk pace of stride. Sighing, she unfastens your sheath, throwing it back in your general direction. Grabbing it, you quickly pull it around your waist, the metal clinging against your armour with each step.
She quickly stops, motioning for you to do the same, bending down she pulls you to the ground with her, her finger over her lips. You follow her gaze to three knights on horseback, trotting through the forest, King Joffery leading them.
“I want you to hit her… with this.” King Joffery’s sneering tone sounds through out the room as he lifts up a large whip in his hand. “I can’t-.” The whimpering voice of your best friend, Saneyra responds. You lie there, naked on the bed, tied to the frame with fear crashing into you with the force of a train. “Please! No!” You cry out as Joffery holds out the thin wire attached to a leather handle. “Shut up whore!” He screams at you before turning his attention back to Saneyra. “Do it, or it’s you getting the whip… DO IT!” Tentatively reaching out, Saneyra takes the whip from him turning to face you. Her shaking arm reaches back as she mouths ‘I’m sorry.’ You nod, giving her a soft smile before screaming out as a hot white pain slices over your stomach. The sharp crack of the whip echoes through the King’s room, matched with the sounds of your cries. “AGAIN!”
“My lady?… My lady!” Brienne’s voice brings you back to reality. You’re lying on the leaf covered ground, the sun shining directly on your face as she kneels down to your side, her hand placing itself on your chest as the other comes up to your head. Your hand, slowly reaches up to your stomach, marking out the slice marks over your armour. “Brienne?” Your voice is laced with confusion as she strokes her hand through your hair. “Yes, my lady. Are you ok? Are you hurt?” Worry is evident in her eyes as she looks down at you. You shake your head, your hand coming up to your chest, reaching out to give her wrist a comforting squeeze. “Not so much physically anymore. Mentally? Fuck yes.” Sitting up, your tentatively raise your hand to the back of your head, feeling a wet patch on your hair. “For fuck’s sake.” You mutter, seeing the red liquid on your skin.
Brienne’s eyes widen as she sees the blood staining your hair. “My lady, you’re hurt.” Standing up, you wave her statement off. “Just a scratch, nothing I won’t survive.” You give her a reassuring smile before turning to continue further through the forest. “That’s back to the clearing, my lady.” Spinning on your heels, you walk back past her. “I knew that.” She scoffs, amused at your antics before falling into step with you.
By the time the sun set, the two of you had managed to kill a rabbit each and collect a series of herbs on the way back to the clearing. As Brienne started lighting the fire, you manage to come across a fallen log just past the tree line. Tucking it under your arm, you drag it back to the clearing, letting it fall down next to the firepit. Sitting back on the log, you grin as flames shoot up over the sticks you’d managed to find. Joining you on the log, Brienne rests her elbows on her knees, turning the rabbit over the fire. “What happened back there?” She asks, her voice soft as the flames dance over your eyes. A single chuckle falls off your lips, knowing that this question would come up.
“A couple of years ago, I snuck into King Joffery’s quarters while he was at dinner to see my best mate. She was his sex slave at the time. We lost track of how long I’d been there and he came back while I was still there. Naturally, he was furious. He tied me to the bed, stripping me of my clothes. My best friend was ordered to do anything and everything to me, he made her torture me as he watched. He killed her a few days later. When I saw him ride past, I got a flashback of Saneyra being forced to whip me. I have 7 scars over my torso, one from each of the lashings I took that night.” Your voice barely louder than a whisper, trying desperately not to let it break. Brienne looked at you, sympathy evident on her face.
“My lady…” She starts, unable to find any words to express her thoughts. A brief chuckle escapes your lips as you give her a reassuring smile. She gives you a confused look, signalling for you to explain. “I’ve never told anyone that before. They knew King Joffery had killed her, not that it was because of my actions… But for some reason, I trust you. I’ve never once felt unsafe around you. Funny, given I dislocated your knee when we met. What a way to make a good first impression.”
She chuckles upon hearing your words. “What makes it better is that was when I knew I liked you. I’ve never met another woman who knew exactly where to kick to dislocate a kneecap.” You can’t hold back your laughter as she says this, her gorgeous grin lighting up her face. Your eyes meet with hers and the world feels like time has slowed down. The two of you getting lost in each others gaze.
Her eyes dart down to your lips as your tongue flicks over them, trying to soothe the dry feeling of them. She swallows nervously, trying to push away the feeling of doubt in her head. Tentatively reaching your hand to the back of her head, she leans forward as you close the gap between you. The moment your lips meet, electricity shoots through your veins. Her lips soft against yours, your hand grabs her waist as she links her hands around your hips, pulling you close. Smiles appear on both of your lips as you pull away. Turning back to the rabbit, the two of you bask in a comfortable silence, caught in the memory of mere moments ago.
After the two of you had finished eating, the two of you unburden yourselves of your armour, lying down on opposite sides of the fire. Rolling over, you let the heat of the fire linger over your body as you watch sparks shoot up in the air as a burning stick breaks. The stars were now appearing in the night skies, as an owl hoots softly in the background. “Brienne?” You ask, looking over at her. “Mmm?” She responds, her voice soft as she turns her head on her arms to face you. “Did you want to sleep with m- over here with me… tonight?” Heat rises over your cheeks as you ask this, a grin appearing on Brienne’s lips. “Of course, my lady.”
She quietly steps over to you, laying down behind you as she tentatively brings her arm over your waist. “Lift your head.” Her voice barely audible as she says this. You indulge her request, letting her arm slide under your head for you to rest on. A content sigh leaves your lips as you relax into her strong figure, her arm pulling you close. Brienne could barely believe the fact you wanted her to be near you. The little voice in her head telling her that you’d wake up in the morning and realise your mistake, your words still replaying in her head. I trust you. Was this all some twisted joke? Was there ulterior motives behind your actions? She doesn’t know and that terrifies her. But the longingness for you outweighs the fear. Even if it is for just this night, she allowed herself to enjoy it.
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