spiritlessatlas · 2 months
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spiritlessatlas · 3 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes!
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spiritlessatlas · 3 months
Finally am adding all my fanfics here onto to Wattpad so if you liked it you can read it here as well! https://www.wattpad.com/story/363927455?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=boundlessatlas
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spiritlessatlas · 4 months
Boss: Hey we are hiring for shift lead for a new store, come apply!
Me: *applies and does interview*
~Week goes by~
Boss: *calls me during a busy shift I cried during*
Me: *calls back after work to see what's up*
Boss: Hey, I know you spoiled twice and you showed high potential buuuut we are going with other people ALSO going people that just applied and just passed their test in order to work here. Best of luck and if you want I can give you feedback on what to improve if you want. Thanks and have a good night.
Me: ,........ O-Oh okay.. cool no problem *screams and rages inside*
Me: *hangs up and Cries harder in the parking lot cause it's not fair or at least that's how I saw it. I'm already having a shit day and this just added to the already drowning mental state I had today*
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spiritlessatlas · 4 months
Star Trek Trip x Reader
After a long day working in engineering you and the rest of the crew go to the holodeck to have some after work fun. As you're sitting in the simulation, somewhat by yourself, you look around and just happen to see Chief Trip Tucker sitting there talking to fellow coworkers laughing and joking. As you're about to look away, Trip looks your way and gives you a small smile and waves you down.
"Hey Lieutenant y/n come sit and join us!" He says smiling pulling up a seat for ya. You reluctantly head that way and sit down. You later have a good time and thoroughly enjoy your night with the crew. After everything is done you get to your quarters and start settling in. As you open your book nestled in bed you hear the door.
"Come in!" You say closing your book expecting hoshi or maybe T'Pol at the door, but instead Chief Tucker walks through the door in his pajamas and a robe.
"Hey y/n. Just wanted to come by and uh say I had a great time tonight in the holodeck with you. Maybe we could do it again later? Or we could go out to movie night together? They are showing a movie called Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull . No pressure though. My daddy didn't raise me to be much of a pushy person." He smiled awkwardly scratching his head not knowing what to exactly do with his hands.
You smile bashfully "Yeah, Trip I would love to go with you. Mark it down as a date perhaps?"
He blushes deeply, stuttering trying to get his words out "Y-Yeah.. S-Sure. I'll mark it down as a date for sure! Well um.. Good night Y/N."
"Good night Trip." You smile blushing laying down kicking your feet like a school girl asking your crush on a date. You can't believe this is actually happening
Thursday comes around and you meet up with Trip to watch the movie " Hey there."
He turns around, face lighting up when he sees you " Will hello Y/N! You made it!" You could tell he has been stood up several times on dates but you were going to make sure that never happens.
"Yeah of course I wouldn't miss this for the world!" You smile and walk into where the movie is being held.
Y'all watch the movie and sit there for a bit afterwards discussing the movie and what y'all both liked and disliked. As y'all finally start heading back to the respected quarters he stops and looks back at you.
"Hey Y/N.. Wait. Let me walk you back?" He says shyly, hoping you say yes because he's had so many failed dates that he hoped he didn't mess this one up like so many others
You turn around a tad shocked, "Uh sure. That's fine my quarters are this way."
He smiles a bit and catches up with you, a definite blush on his face "Yeah I know lieutenant."
You smile and have a lovely walk back to your quarters talking about similar interests and hobbies, along with things y'all like to do on Earth when y'all have shore leave. You soon realize you had made it back to your quarters.
"Well.. here I am." You say softly.
"Yup here you are.. um well. I'll see you tomorrow y/n" he says awkwardly not knowing what to say.
"Well goodnight and see you tomorrow Chief." You walk in and as soon as the door closes you do a little happy dance smiling and squealing softly
'Oh my god.. I can't believe I just went on a date with my superior but most importantly my CRUSH! This can't be real and happening at this moment' You think to yourself feeling like you're having what feels like an out of body experience.
The next morning you get up and get ready for your shift you head to main engineering and take your place. As you're going through your shift as normal suddenly there was a red alert and there was a phasor hitting the ship's defense system jolting everyone to the ground. Part of the shield was damaged and the hull was damaged as well in those parts.
You call the captain "Cap' we have lost shields here in engineering and the warp is slowly losing control. What's going on up there?"
Archer replies "The Klingons are attacking us for being in Klingon territory according to them."
As you try and find Trip to give him the report you get hit again making the warp core rapidly losing control you start trying to fix it with your fellow crew members. You get the warp core stabilized after some time and may hits later. As you finally have the time you help tend to the wounded. Trip being one of the wounded, he's unconscious and bleeding profusely.
You start crying and whispering "No.. No not yet.. you can't leave me yet.. We just got started knowing each other.. please don't leave me Trip.. It can't end like this"
(part 1 of many)
(Spotify playlist I listened to when writing!)
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spiritlessatlas · 4 months
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2018 greeting card
Keep reading
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
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Awesome growing trend
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
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My local bookstore is so fed up and tbh I love that for them they should choose violence more
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
You accidentally cross a witch, and she curses you, saying “You can only speak lies”. Unfortunately, this makes it so you can only say the word “lies”, and the witch admits she’s an apprentice that screwed up the spell. Now you’ve teamed up with her to figure out how to undo it.
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
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Utterly thrilled that Willem Dafoe has been cast as the Klingon Bird of Prey
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
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Keyboard Puffer by Liminal (2023)
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
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Beware of the square that dissolves flesh
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
You’re a retired S-tier supervillain. After you retired, you married a B-tier hero. You are forced back onto the stage when an A-tier villain attempts to kill your spouse.
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
the thing about having a first officer is it's kind of like having a wife
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spiritlessatlas · 5 months
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I drew my OG boys in the barbie meme format
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