spoilerstv · 4 years
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El: My battery's low, but... it will recharge. Hopper: I know it will, kid. I know. El: I can fight. Hopper: Better than any of us. But right now, I need you safe. This thing is after you. It's not after me. Do you understand?
Hopper: There's something I've been wanting to talk to you both about. I know this is a difficult conversation, but i care about you both very much. And I know that you care about each other very much. And that's why it's important that we set these boundaries moving forward, so we can build an environment...where we all feel..comfortable, trusted, and open to sharing our feelings. Feelings. Feelings. Jesus. The truth is, for so long, I'd forgotten what those even were. I've been stuck in one place, in a cave, you might say. A deep, dark cave. And then, I left some Eggos out in the woods, and you came into my life and for the first time in a long time, I started to feel things again. I started to feel happy. But, lately, I guess I've been feeling...distant from you. Like you're - you're pulling away from me or something. I miss playing board games every night, making triple-decker Eggo extravagances at sunrise, watching westerns together before we doze off. But I know you're getting older. Growing. And I guess...if I'm being honest, that's what scares me. I don't want things to change. So, I think that maybe that's why I came in here, to try to maybe...stop that change. To turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were. But i know that's naive. That's just...not how life works. It's moving. Always moving, whether you like it or not. And, yeah, sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's sad. And sometimes...it's surprising. So, you know what? Keep growing up kid. Don't let me stop you. Make mistakes, learn from 'em, and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you're out of that cave. But, please, if you don't mind, for the sake of your poor old dad, keep the door open three inches.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man = 1
This one’s no surprise, though at least Billy got to turn to good at the end. RIP, Billy.
Total Score: 14
4 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Erica: What are we doing here? Dustin: We're laying low. Cooling off. Like Oswald. Erica: Oswald was found in a theater and shot to death. Dustin: A week later. Erica: Point is, his plan didn't work. Dustin: Only because it was a setup. Erica: What? Dustin: He was just a patsy. Erica: Tell me you're joking.
Murray: Children! Children! Children! This interminable bickering was amusing at first, but it's getting very stale, and we've still got a long drive ahead of us. So why don't you two cut the horseshit and get to the point where you ad mit your sexual feelings for one another? Hopper: Woah! Joyce: You are way off base, buddy! Murray: Oh, spare me, spare me, spare me! Yes, yes, he's a brute. I know. Probably reminds you of a bad relationship, and gosh you'd really like a nice man to settle down with, but admit it, you're really curious what he's like in the sack. And you. Hah! Well, you're just a big manbaby who'd rather act touch than show his true feelings, because the last time you opened your heart, you got hurt. Owie. And now, rather than admit those feelings, you're dancing around one another with this mind-numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual. So, please, for my sake, either quit your bickering or pull over, tear off those cloths, and get it over with already!
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man = 1
No sexual violence against females = 1
Total Score: 15
4 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Murray: Jim, that man is an enemy of the state! Hopper: Yeah, who has been jerking us around for a full day! I get him his cherry Slurpee, then what? He wants a helicopter to charter him to his own private island. I have dealt with assholes like this my entire life. Yesterday in the woods, he could have escaped, but he didn't. He stuck with us. Why do you think that is? It's because...he's scared. He's scared. Not of us, of them. He's scared of that seven-foot-tall Russian freak who could have killed him just as easily as us. Smirnoff knows that if he runs back to his comrades without a scratch on him, they're gonna think that he spilled his guts. So whether he likes it or not, we... are the best chance he's got. I give him 30 seconds before he comes knocking on that door, right back into our arms, with a new sense of humility. Murray: Jim... Joyce: Uh... Murray: I believe he has started the car. Joyce: Hopper. Hopper: Testing us. He's just calling my bluff. Murray: I believe he is now driving away. Joyce: Jim. Jim, move. Hopper: Joyce. Joyce-- Joyce: Move, move, move! Alexei: [pulls the car back in, then walks past them, muttering in Russian] Hopper: Ah, I'm sorry, what did he say? Murray: Says he likes strawberry, too.
Dustin: Did you just do all of that in your head? Erica: I’m good with numbers. Dustin: Holy shit. You’re a nerd. Erica: Come again? Dustin: You... are... a... nerd. Erica: Okay, you’d better take that back, nerd. Dustin: Can’t put the truth back in the box. Erica: But it’s not the truth. Dustin: Let’s examine the facts, shall we? Fact one: you’re a math whiz, apparently. Erica: That was a pretty straightforward equation. Dustin: Fact number two: you’re a political junkie. Erica: Just because I don’t agree with Communism as an ideology-- Dustin: Fact number three: you love My Little Pony. Erica: And what does My Little Pony have to do with all this? Dustin: Ah, let’s recall the ponies’ latest adventure, shall we? The evil centaur team and Tirek turns Applejack into a dragon at Midnight Castle, and then Megan and the other ponies have to use Moochick’s magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness, saving them from a lifetime of enslavement. All the pink in the world can’t disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes. Ergo, My Little Pony is nerdy. Ergo, you, Erica, are a nerd.
Murray: I don't understand what he's saying. Joyce: I thought you were fluent. Murray: Oh, I'm sorry. Are my free translation services not good enough for you? Because you can just go ahead and file your complaint right up my ass!
Murray: [translating for Alexei] They're using this energy...to break through a barrier to open...a doorway. A doorway between worlds. But it seems this key was only half the equation. Location--location was the other half. In Hawkins, this door had been opened once. It was still...healing.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man = 1
And again, all but one. Too bad that seems to be a growing theme this season with Billy and the Mind Flayer. And doesn’t that sound like a bad metal cover band?
Total Score: 14
4 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Mike: Okay, so this crazy old woman who was eating fertilizer-- Nancy: Mrs Driscoll. Mike: Right, yeah, Mrs Driscoll. What time was this attack? Nancy: Last night. Mike: Right, but what time last night? Nancy: Around 9:00. Jonathan: You waited all night to call? Nancy: I was waiting for the doctors to run some tests. Will: You weren't there? Jonathan: Well, I'm here now, aren't I? Nancy: Hallelujah! Lucas: Oooh...
Robin: But if they're building something, why here? I mean, Hawkins. Seriously. Of all places. At the very best, we're a toilet stop on your way to Disneyland. But maybe that's it. Maybe it's our very... Dustin: You think the Russians know? Steve: About the...? Dustin: They could. Steve: So it's connected? Dustin: Maybe. Steve: How? Dustin: I don't know, but it's... Steve & Dustin: Possible. Robin: I'm sorry, is there something you two'd like to share with the class?
Nancy: Mrs Driscoll. She kept saying... "I have to go back." What if they flaying, it's taking place somewhere else? There must be a place where all this started, right? A source. El: Somewhere he didn't want me to see. Nancy: If we can find the source, then maybe we can stop him. Or at least stop it from spreading or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals. El: How do we find it? Will: Mrs Driscoll. If she wants to go back so badly, why don't we let her?
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man = 1
And again, all but one.
Total Score: 14
1 note · View note
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Hopper: I think you should stick to sales.
Steve: Robin. Hey, Robin! Hey, what--what are you doing? Robin: I need cash. Steve: Well half of that's mine. Where are you going? Robin: To find a way into that room, a safe way. And in the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don't get beat up.
Jonathan: I told you over and over to drop this story. That it was a bad idea. But you refused, and now I'm screwed. Nancy: It's a summer job. your life is hardly over. Jonathan: I don't live in a two-story house on Maple Street. My dad doesn't earn six figures. Hell, he isn't even around. Nancy: God, here comes the Oliver Twist routine. Jonathan: Morgage, college tuition. You know, they're real things, Nancy. Things that you don't care about, only because you don't have to. Nancy: I didn't realize I lived in a bubble! Jonathan: Well, you do! You want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Nancy: You don't know what it's like. Jonathan: Neither do you.
Steve: He's missing bones & stuff. He can bend like Gumbo. Robin: You mean Gumby? Steve: I'm pretty sure it's Gumbo. Dustin: Steve, just shut up and push me! Steve: Okay, I'll push you. Dustin: Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass. Steve: What? Dustin: Touch my butt! I don't care!
Erica: You know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment.
Erica: You can't spell America without Erica.
Hopper: Um... I want you to... forget about sales. I want you to come work for me at the Hawkins PD. Joyce: And have to look at your face every day? I don't think so.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man = 1
And again, all but one. I like this trend.
Total Score: 14
2 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Mike: Will, come on. You can't leave. It's raining. Listen, I said I was sorry, all right? It's a cool campaign. It's really cool. We're just not in the mood right now. Will: Yeah, Mike. That's the problem. You guys are never in the mood anymore. You're ruining our party. Mike: That's not true. Will: Really? Where's Dustin right now? See? You don't know and you don't even care. And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him. You're destroying everything, and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl? Mike: El's not stupid. It's not my fault you don't like girls.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man! = 1
Not bad, despite the Mind Flayer issue.
Total Score: 14
1 note · View note
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Mike: You don't understand, Lucas. He's crazy. He's lost his mind... I had no choice, Lucas. I really had no choice. Lucas: I just wish you'd consulted me, because the way you handled this, you're in deep shit. Max: You're going to stop calling him. You're going to ignore his calls. As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist. El: Doesn't exist? Max: He treated you like garbage. You're going to treat him like garbage. Give him a taste of his own medicine. El: Give him the medicine. Max: And if he doesn't fix this, if he doesn't explain himself, dump his ass.
Hopper: I'm not doing it, Larry. Kline: Calm down now. You don't even know what I want. Hopper: You don't like your little fan club. You want me to shut 'em down. That sound about right? Kline: When'd you get so serious? Take a seat. My fan club, as you call them. Now you know why they're out there, don't you? Hopper: They're not actually fans? Kline: They lost their jobs to the mall and blame me for helping make that happen. Now, you ask anyone else in this town. They all love the mall. It's helped our economy grow, brought in new jobs, and just some incredible new stores, which is why they all stopped shopping at their, uh, mom-and-pops. Now, that's not just me, Jim. Hopper: Mm hm. Kline: Uh uh. That's just, uh, good old fashioned American capitalism. Hopper: Well, Larry, I think that they're just exercising their good old fashioned right to protest.
Max: See? What'd I tell you? There's more to life than-- Max & El: Stupid boys.
El: You lie. Why do you lie? I dump your ass.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man! = 1
Well, we have an issue with that Mind Flayer this time around. And Billy, unfortunately. Still, not bad.
Total Score: 14
0 notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Hopper:  Three inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!
Hopper: And then El, she just... Slams the door. Right in my face. Joyce: Uh huh? Hopper: You know it is that smug son of a bitch, Mike. He's corrupting her, I'm telling you. And I'm just gonna lose it. I mean I am gonna lose it, Joyce. Joyce: Just take it down, Hopper. Hopper: I need for them to break up. Joyce: That is not your decision.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
No sexual domination of females = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man! = 1
And all boxes checked again! This season is going to be awesome!
Total Score: 15
1 note · View note
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Hopper: I don't hate it, by the way. This whole...look. It's kinda cool. El: Bitchin'. Hopper: Okay, sure. Bitchin'.
Mike: I got it! This is where the Chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnel. So... Here, right here. This is like a hub. So you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe, if we set this on fire... Steve: Oh, yeah, that's a no. Dustin: The Mind Flayer would call away his army. Lucas: They'd all come to stop us. Steve: Hey. Mike: Then we circle back to the exit. Steve: Guys. Mike: But by the time they realize we're gone-- Steve: Hey. Max: El would be at the gate. Steve: Hey. Hey! Hey! This is not happening. Mike: But-- Steve: No, no, no, no, no. No buts. I promised to keep you shitheads safe, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. We're staying here. On the bench, and we're waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand that? Mike: This isn't some stupid sports game. Steve: I said does everybody understand that? I need a yes.
Steve: Man, were you dropped too much as a child or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here. Billy: Then who's that?
Dustin: Hey, buddy...shhhh... It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight, buddy. You're okay.
Steve: Come on. You look great, okay? You look... you look great. Okay? Now you're gonna go in there... Dustin: Yeah. Steve: Look like a million bucks. Dustin: Yeah. Steve: And you're gonna slay 'em dead. Dustin: Like a lion. Rrrr. Steve: Yeah, don't do that, okay? Dustin: Okay.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1 
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
No sexual domination of females = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man! = 1
Barb got her justice, so even though she’s dead, Nancy can move past it, which means... Another big one! 
Total Score: 15
5 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Max: No, no, no. Hey, guys, why are you headed towards the sound?
Bob: If you wanna unlock the doors, you have to completely reboot the system, and then override the security codes with a manual input. Hopper: Fine, then how do I do that? Bob: You can't. Not unless you know BASIC. Hopper: I don't know what that means. Mike: It's a computer programming language. Hopper: Teach it to me. Bob: Shall I teach you French while I'm at it, Jim? How about a little German?
Bob: Remember. Bob Newby, superhero.
Mike: Did you know Bob was the original founder of Hawkins AV? Lucas: Really? Mike: He petitioned the school to start it and everything. And then he had a fundraiser for equipment. Mr Clark learned everything from him. Pretty awesome, right? Dustin & Lucas: Yeah. Mike: We can't let him die in vain.
Mike: ...This is the thing that controls everything. It's the brain. Dustin: Like the Mind Flayer. Steve & Max: What? Dustin: The Mind Flayer. Hopper: What the hell is that? Dustin: It's a monster from an unknown dimension. It's so ancient that it doesn't even know it's true home. Okay, it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using its highly developed psionic powers. Hopper: Oh my god. None of this is real. This is a kid's game. Dustin: No, it's a manual. And it's not for kids. And unless you know something we don't, this is the best metaphor-- Lucas: Analogy. Dustin: Analogy. That's what you're worried about? Fine! But an analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is.
Joyce: Do you know what March 22nd is? It's your birthday. Your birthday. When you turned eight, I gave you a huge box of crayons. Do you remember that? It was 120 colors. And all your friends, they got you Star Wars toys, but all you wanted to do was draw with your new colors. And you drew this big spaceship. But it wasn't from a movie. it was your spaceship. A rainbow space ship is what you called it. And you must have used every color in the box. I took that with me to Melvald's and I put it up. I told everyone who came in: "My son drew this." And you were so embarrassed, and I was so proud. I was so, so proud.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
And from the best possible score, we got to the next worst score, because no women even acknowledge each other in this one, let alone talk.
Total Score: 1
3 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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El: What's wrong? Kahli: Nothing is wrong. I just feel...whole...now. Like a piece of me was missing, and now it's not.
Kahli: Your mother sent you here for a reason, remember? We belong together. There's nothing for you back there. They cannot save you, Jane. El: No. But I can save them.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1 (easily)
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
No refrigerated women! = 1
Level 4! - up to 4 points, and last level!
Female lead character = 1
Females are more than best friend/girlfriend/love interest = 1
No sexual domination of females = 1
Any female villain is not doing it for a man! = 1
All about El, so she’s the main character, not a single mention of Barb, and Kahli and her gang are wrong-headed, but not villains. which means... for the first time, we not only made it to the top level, but to the highest score our test gives!
Total Score: 15
9 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Steve: Wait a sec. How big? Dustin: First it was like that. Now he's like this. Steve: I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay? Dustin: It's not a lizard. Steve: How do you know? Dustin: How do I know it's not? Steve: How do you know it's not just a lizard? Dustin: Because his face opened up and he ate my cat.
Bob: It's not like you didn't warn me. "This is not a normal family." Isn't that what you said? Joyce: yeah. Bob: It kinda makes my idea of moving to Maine sound a little less crazy, right? Joyce: Oh, it's not crazy at all.
Steve: All right, so let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who...who you just met? Dustin: All right, that's grossly oversimplifying things. Steve: I mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway? Dustin: An interdimensional slug? Because it's awesome. Steve: Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I... I just... I don't know. I just feel like you're trying way too hard. Dustin: Well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, all right?
Steve: Faberge. Dustin: What? Steve: It's Faberge Organics. Use the shampoo and the conditioner, and when your hair's damp... It's not wet, okay? When it's damp... Dustin: Damp. Steve: You do four puffs of the Farrah Fawcett spray. Dustin: Farrah Fawcett spray? Steve: Yeah, Farrah Fawcett. You tell anyone I just told you that and your ass is grass. you're dead, Henderson. You understand? Dustin: Yep.
Steve: Hey dickheads! How come the only one helping me is this random girl?
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
And again, we stop there because they don’t earn the last point of level 3 because Barb is still present.
Total Score: 9 Only a slight drop this time. Mostly because there were so few characters at all.
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spoilerstv · 4 years
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Joyce: We...we just need you to help us figure out ... Where this is. Mike: That's the objective. Find the X. Bob: Yeah? What's at the X? Pirate treasure? Joyce: Bob. No questions.
Bob: And even if I wanted to play along, I mean, how could I figure anything out if I don't understand the context of the game? Or... Joyce: What? What is it? Bob: I know that shape. It's Lover's Lake. ... I get it. ... That's Lake Jordan. And if that's Lake Jordan, then you can probably find... Yeah, that's, uh,  Sattler's Quarry. And if you just follow it naturally... it moves to... the Eno River. And there it is. That's the Eno, do you see it? Okay, so the lines aren't roads. But they act like Roads. And they act like Roads 'cause when you follow 'em, you'll see... they don't go over water. And that's the giveaway. Ha! Don't you get it? It's not a puzzle, it's a map. It's a Map of Hawkins.
Ted: Our children don't live here anymore. You didn't know that? Dustin: Seriously? Ted: Am I done here? Dustin: Son of a bitch. You're really no help at all, you know that? Ted: Hey! Language.
Lucas: We have a lot of rules in our party, but the most important is, "friends don't lie." Never ever. No matter what. Max: Is that right?
Jonathan: You don't believe us, do you? Murray: I believe you, but that's not the problem. You don't need me to believe you. You need them to believe you. Jonathan: Them? Murray: Them. With a capital "T." Your priest, your postman, your teacher, the world at large. They won't believe any of this. Nancy: That's why we made the tape. Murray: Oh, that's easy to bury. Easy. Nancy: He admits it! You heard it. He admits culpability! Murray: You're being naive, Nancy. Those people...they're not wired like me and you, okay? They don't spend their lives trying to get a look at what's behind the curtain. They like the curtain. It provides them stability, comfort, definition. This...this would open the curtain, and open the curtain behind the curtain, okay? So the minute someone with an ounce of authority calls bullshit, everyone will nod their heads and say, "See? Ha! I knew it! It was bullshit." That is, if you even get their attention at all.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
And again, we stop there because they don’t earn the last point of level 3 because Barb is still present.
Total Score: 10
3 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Joyce: What does it want? Will: I don't know. It came for me and... And I tried. I tried to make it go away. But it got me, Mom. Joyce: Will, what does that mean? Will: I felt it... everywhere. Everywhere. I still feel it. I just want this to be over!
Mr Clarke: All living things, from complex mammals to single-celled organisms, instinctively respond to danger. Expose a bacterium to a toxic chemical, and it will flee. Or deploy some other defense mechanism. We're very much the same. When we encounter danger, our hearts start pounding. Our palms start to sweat. These are the signs of the physical and emotional state we call... fear.
Dr Owens: "Men of science have made abundant mistakes of every kind." George Sarton said that. You guys know who George Sarton is? Doesn't really matter. The point is, mistakes have been made, yes. Nancy: "Mistakes?!" Dr Owens: Yes. Nancy: You killed Barbara! Dr Owens: Abundant mistakes. But, the men involved in those mistakes, the ones responsible for what happened to your brother and... Ms. Holland's death, they're gone. They're gone, and for better or for worse, I'm the schmuck they brought in to make things better. But I can't make things better without your help. Nancy: You mean, without us shutting up? Dr Owens: She's tough, this one. You guys been together long? Jonathan: We're not together.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
And again, we stop there because they don’t earn the last point of level 3 because Barb is still present.
Total Score: 10
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spoilerstv · 4 years
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Dustin: I'm so sorry, Mr Clarke. Really, I'm so sorry. Please continue with the class. Don't mind me. Really, continue, please.
Max: ...You don't want me in your party. Mike: Correct. Max: Why not? Mike: Because you're annoying. Also, we don't need another party member. I'm our paladin, Will's our cleric, Dustin's our bard, Lucas is our ranger, and El is our mage. Max: El? Who's El? Mike: Someone. No one. Max: Someone or no one? Mike: She was in our party a long time ago. She moved away, okay? Max: She was a mage. Well, what could she do? Like magic tricks or something? Well, I could be your zoomer. Mike: That's not even a real thing. Max: It could be.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
And again, we stop there because they don’t earn the last point of level 3 because Barb is still present.
Total Score: 10
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spoilerstv · 4 years
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Hopper: How about I get off early tonight, and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and we can watch a scary movie together? How's that for a compromise? El: "Compromise?" Hopper: C-O-M-promise. Compromise. How about that's your word for the day? Yeah? It's something that's kinda in-between. It's like halfway happy.
Will: Why can't there be two Venkmans? Mike: Because there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago. I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, you're Egon, and your Winston. Lucas: I specifically did not agree to Winston. Mike: Yes you did. Will: I don't think he did. Lucas: No one wants to be Winston, man. Mike: What's wrong with Winston? Lucas: What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist! Mike: Yeah, but he's still cool. Lucas: If he's so cool, then you be Winston! Mike: I can't! Lucas: Why not? Mike: Because... Lucas: Because you're not Black? Mike: I didn't say that! Lucas: You thought it!
Nancy: You're pretending like everything is okay. You know, like we didn't... like we didn't kill Barb. Like, it's great. Like we're in love and we're partying. Yeah, let's party, huh? Party. We're partying. This is bullshit. Steve: "Like we're in love?" Nancy: It's bullshit.
Mike: If we’re both going crazy, then we’ll go crazy together, right?
Will: It's like... like, I'm stuck. Mike: Stuck in the Upside Down? Will: Well, you know how in a ViewMaster, when it gets, like... Mike: Caught between two slides? Will: Yeah, yeah, like that. Like, like one slide's our world, and... and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down...
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
And that’s where we stop. They don’t even make it past the initial Bechdel test, unfortunately.
Total Score: 2
3 notes · View notes
spoilerstv · 4 years
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Mike: There's no way that's Mad Max. Will: Yeah. Girls don't play video Games. Mike: And even if they did, you can't get 750,000 points on Dig Dug. That's impossible.
Hopper: Hey, what'd we talk about? El: No signal. Hopper: What? El: No signal. Its 8-1-5. You're Late. Hopper: Yeah, I lost track of time. I'll signal next time, all right? Uh, and it's 8:15, not 8-1-5, El: Eight-fifteen. Hopper: Now what did we talk about? Dinner first, then dessert. Always. That's a rule. Yeah? El: Yes.
Mr. Clarke: Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage: Maxine! Max: Nobody calls me Maxine. It’s Max.
Jonathan: Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world.
Episode Extended Bechdel Test Score: All points on each level must be received before we move on to the next.
Basic Bechdel Test - up to 3 points
More than one named female character = 1
Two female characters have a conversation = 1
About something other than a male character = 1
Level two - up to 4 points
Still not just made for girls = 1
At least one female character for every 3 male characters = 1
At least one female not in a best friend/ girlfriend/ love interest role = 1
One woman has a positive ending = 1
Level 3 - up to 4 points
Equal or nearly equal female and male characters = 1
One power scene featuring a female = 1
No main female villain = 1
And that’s where we stop, because they don’t earn the last point of level 3 because Barb is still as present as she was last season.
Total Score: 10
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