sswwimagine · 2 years
Kitten- Bill Weasley
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Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader
Characters: Bill Weasley
Warnings: N/A
Request: Wattpad- “I wouldn’t say this is the happiest moment of my life. Once I found £10 in my coat pocket and it was amazing.”
Word Count: 409
Author: Charlotte
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sswwimagine · 2 years
long hair & tattoos (bill weasley & reader)
PAIRING: BILL WEASLEY // YOU PLATONIC: Fred Weasley/You, George Weasley/You
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You, (Y/N) Malfoy, despise your family’s views on blood purity. Unlike your little brother Draco, you won’t be roped into marrying for status. However, when your father, Lucius, puts down an ultimatum, you’re forced to find a lover for next week’s dinner. With his long hair, tattoos, piercings, and your father’s worst nightmare reincarnated in a man, who better to bring than a much older Bill Weasley?
What should’ve been one night of deceit turns to a battle of charades and wits. Just who will crumble first: your family, Bill, or you?
A/N: Guys, I am so excited for this. I was going back and forth between Bill and one of the twins. for this I know the twins would be more well-received, but Bill is perfect. So, I hope you love him (if not already) after this! I’ve wanted to write these tropes for so long: fake-dating, there-was-only-one bed, and so forth, hehe. Also, this story is heavily inspired by the song 18 by Anarbor (I dare say it wouldn’t have existed without it).
Tags: romance, faking dating, no-Voldemort-AU (the Malfoys are still awful though).
Warnings: age gap, pureblood politics
chapter directory
23, crazy (updated Feb 03, 2022)
baby, you're in luck (updated Feb 06, 2022)
a heavy start (updated Feb 14, 2022)
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sswwimagine · 3 years
I love this site. I respect like three of you
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sswwimagine · 4 years
just friends masterlist
Abstract: Draco and you are just friends so doing him a favour and pretending to be his girlfriend wouldn’t effect your friendship right?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
A/N: I’m so excited to write this as I’ve had this planned for ages! Let me know what you think and if you’re interested I’ll create a taglist for this series, just send me an ask! 
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one - favour
two - persuasion
three - all bets on
four - believable
five - joking
six - confessions
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sswwimagine · 4 years
Care to Dance? [G.W]
summary: It’s the Yule Ball and you had been against the idea of finding a date, of having to dance formally until one tall, red haired, Wealsey twin asks you to dance.
pairing: George Weasley x reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: none, this is pure fluff!
a/n: oh my gosh guys, I just want to start by saying a MASSIVE thank you for the love on my first fic, firewhisky. I’m absolutely blown away. My apologies to anyone who left a kind comment that I didn’t get round to responding to, I’m a little socially awkward (with a sprinkle of anxiety too lol) but please know it means the world. Anyway, Care to Dance was so much fun to write, I may be a Fred girl but soft George always makes my heart flutter. I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think. x
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Every time you let your eyes wonder around the Great Hall you noticed something new in the décor, hardly believing this was the same space you ate toast in this morning. The Hogwarts professors had turned this already incredible room into what could only be described as a Winter Wonderland; icicles hung from the fireplaces, diamonds glistening from the chandeliers and the miniature figures in the snow globes decorating the Christmas trees were having a snow ball fight. It was also softly snowing, the beautiful fat snowflakes enchanted to disappear before they could settle on your skin. For all your misgivings about the Yule Ball, you had to admit you were grateful your friends had persuaded you to come along even if just for the decorations themselves.
Originally, you had been torn about attending the Yule Ball. Dressing up had never been your strong suit, having to find a date terrified you and the thought of missing a family Christmas made your heart break. But as Katie Bell gripped your hand and twirled you around in time with the music and you watched your small group of friends dance together you were once again struck by how happy you were to be here. You even had to admit that the dress shopping and getting your hair and makeup done for today had been incredibly fun, you’d never seen the girls dormitory such a flurry of excitement as all of the girls across the year groups had come together to help get each other get ready. Angelina and Alicia had helped you pick out a floaty, soft blue dress with a beautiful corset bodice and off the shoulder sleeves, whilst Katie and Ginny had insisted on doing your hair and makeup; twisting your locks into a delicate half up do. For the first time you had genuinely felt pretty and had been incredibly embarrassed but also flattered when you had emerged from the stairs into the Gryffindor common room to be greeted with exaggerated gasps and wolf whistles from the Weasley twins and Lee.
You were also glad that you had all decided to go as a group instead of suffering through the endless angst of finding dates. Angelina had suggested it at breakfast one morning and you swore at that moment that you could have kissed her. It had also been a relief that you hadn’t had to embarrass yourself in the formal dancing section of the evening, instead standing off to the side with your friends giggling manically as the Weasley twins had joked around, pulling ridiculously faces and doing silly dance moves – much to the chagrin of Professor McGonagall.
Another laugh escaped your lips as you glanced over at Harry, desperately flailing his arms around in an attempt to dance along with the music, whilst Ron stood next to him swaying and his official date, Parvati, absolutely killing herself with laughter. You had greatly enjoyed teasing Harry earlier in the evening, the moment he left the dance floor, his cheeks tinged pink, after the Champion’s formal dance had finished. He may be the Chosen One, a great wizard, and a bloody good friend but my god he couldn’t dance.
The mood quickly changed, however, when a slow song begun to filter through the sound system, and you watched as giddy smiles fell on your friend’s faces as they automatically paired up. Clearly you had missed the memo and even though you had all gone as a group your friends had found unofficial dates. You had hated the thought of needing a date to attend the Yule Ball, mainly because you knew the one person you wanted to go with wouldn’t ask you and the thought of then having to ask someone else terrified you. You spied Harry and Ron sneaking off the dance floor, in a bit of a huff and you moved to follow them.
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sswwimagine · 4 years
hurt her to save her - d.m
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pairing: draco x fem!reader
word count: 7k 
warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of death and torture
plot: getting closer to Draco during sixth year has consequences. Draco realizes that when he’s forced to hurt you in order to keep you safe from Voldemort
a/n: my HP obsession is back so I’ve returned to writing fics but i might have went overboard with this one lmao . it wasn’t requested, but if someone wants part 2 i’m gonna do it <3
Draco Malfoy had a very good memory. Besides being cunning and arrogant, he was also incredibly smart – which is precisely why he was second best in most classes. Behind the cold, uncaring façade the youngest Malfoy put out into the world however, stood a boy who remembered things he probably should have forgotten.
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sswwimagine · 5 years
Expecto Patronum || Fred Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word Count: 2791
Summary: You need some help from a friend
Warnings: spoilers I guess?
Request:   Hi! Could you write a Fred Weasley imagine? Something fluffy? Like teaching the reader a spell? Thanks love! XOXO
Note: Not house specific. Reader is golden trio age and takes place during Order of the Phoenix. Also I had to do some research to figure out Fred’s patronus, but there isn’t actually a real answer. J.K. Rowling never specified on Pottermore, in books, in movies, or in any interview. There is something that says Fred’s was a hyena and George’s was a coyote, but it has no sources to back up this claim. The only thing about the twins and patronuses is after Fred’s death George could no longer cast a patronus. That being said it’s my headcanon that Fred’s patronus is a fox. I just think it fits him and it’s funny
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it. 
The meeting for Dumbledore’s Army had just wrapped for the day, and it was time to head back to your dorms. This week’s lesson was on the Patronus charm. You were having a hard time casting it, but that wasn’t your fault.  It was an advanced spell. You didn’t understand how Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Luna, and Harry could produce them already. Well, Harry had years of practice, so that one wasn’t that big of a surprise. 
It was actually the second week that you’ve had to work on the Patronus charm, but you still haven’t been able to produce more than a few wisps. That was the case for most people actually. Today though, more and more people in Dumbledore’s Army were able to produce a Patronus leaving you one of the only one’s who hadn’t along with Neville and a girl a year younger than you whose name you couldn’t remember. 
You collected your bag from against the wall where you had dumped it at the beginning of the meeting. You had lost track of time in the library studying for your O.W.L.S. when you realized you only had a few minutes to rush down to the Room of Requirement. It left you with no time to go back to your dorm to drop of your stuff. 
The room had nearly all cleared out when you were making your exit. You kept your head down and walked alone back to your houses common room. From somewhere behind you, two sets footsteps approached you. Thinking nothing of it, you kept your pace and moved closer to the wall so that they’d be able to pass. 
“Y/N,” a voice said from beside you startling you out of your skin. It wouldn’t surprise you if you had actually caught some air.
Turning your head, you were met with the sight of your close friends, Fred and George. You had been close with the twins since your first year when they bewitched snowballs to hit Quirrell’s turban. You had been so fascinated by it that you asked them how to teach you. You’ve been friends since.  
They were both giving their trademark mischievous smiles. The three of you were taking up most the hallway, but no one was coming either way at the moment, so it wasn’t a big deal.
“What can I help you with, boys?” you asked.
Those smiles always meant one thing: the boys wanted something from you. Usually, it was helping them find someone to try a new product of theirs and on rare occasions, actually trying out their new product yourself. Last year, you were often their guinea pig for new sweets, but after a bad batch of canary creams landed you in the hospital wing for a week, you told them you weren’t going to go anywhere near their products that case any physical change to your body in any way. 
“Not something you can do for us,” George started.
“Something we can do for you,” Fred continued. 
You furrowed your eyebrows at the statement. Now you were positive that they wanted something from you, but what. Looking them up and down, you found that they weren’t carrying anything. Whatever it was that they wanted under this guise of helping you must not be something physical. 
“And what is it that you think that you can do for me?” You said. 
It seemed that their smiles only grew as you said those words. You felt like you should be worried, but when you looked at Fred, your worries eased. He looked less mischievous and happier. Your initial assessment of their emotions you just assumed that they were both giving you the same trouble makers smile, but only George had the smile on his face.
“We noticed you struggling today,” Fred said. Though the words could have seemed harsh, his tone was made them seem hopeful.
“So, we were thinking that since Freddie here could also use a bit more practice,” George continued for his brother wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 
“That maybe we could practice together,” Fred finished. You looked between the twins again. It still felt like there was some sort of catch. Neither of the twins let on if there was one with their postures or facial expressions though. Other than George’s still mischievous smirk, the offer seemed genuine. 
“I could never ask that of you two,” you said. “Business is finally starting to pick up, and I can’t let you guys take time away just for some stupid extra practice.” “Oh, but you wouldn’t be taking both of us,” George said. “Just Freddie here. I’ll keep up with orders while the two of you get some extra practice.”
Fred just nodded. The twins had put effort in to make this work for you. You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t appreciative, but you were also still hesitant. It wasn’t just that you would be taking Fred away from their growing business that worried you. There was this small factor of having a small crush on the older of the two twins. 
You realized how you felt last year. You went to the Yule ball with George. He knew that you really wanted to go, but hadn’t been asked by anyone yet. He took it upon himself to ask you, and the two of you went as friends. You had a blast joking around with George.
During when of the slow dances, Fred asked if you’d like to dance with him while George danced with Fred’s date, Angelica. Of course, you said yes. At one point, Fred leaned in and whispered in your ear that you looked gorgeous in your outfit. The way he said it: so delicately and sweetly. You knew that he meant it, and from then on you just couldn’t seem to kick this nagging crush on the Fred Weasley. 
“I don’t know,” you said, every ounce of hesitation present in your voice. “I would feel bad about taking you away from all your orders and working on new products.”
“Oh, don’t be silly, Y/N,” George pipped up. “You’d be doing all of us a favor. It gives me some time away from his bad ideas and gives you both a bit more practice. Everyone wins.”
Fred looked insulted at his twin. George let out a laugh, and the interaction between the two of them caused you to laugh. Fred eventually joined in the laughter.
“Okay, where exactly are we going to practice?” you said after the laughter died down. You looked at Fred expectantly. The look on his face was just evidence that he hadn’t thought about that. 
“Easy,” George said taking the lead again. “You two will meet up in the room of requirement tomorrow before DA.”
George shrugged haphazardly like it was the obvious answer. 
“Yes of course,” Fred chimed in with a confident nod as if he had the idea in the first place. “That works for you, yes?”
“Yes, I can do that,” you said. 
You were planning on spending the afternoon in the library studying again, but you could really use the practice, and there wasn’t really another time that would work. All the educational decrees Umbridge has, well, decreed have limited just about everything but studying, so you could be put it off until later. Practice was more important and harder to find time for.
You gave Fred a toothy smile. He returned it, but didn’t say anything. The two of you just stood there smiling at each other not realizing that time was passing. George cleared his throat snapping both of you out of the smilefest that was happening between you. 
“Fred and I have somewhere to be,” George said as he turned to leave.
“Oh yeah,” Fred said in realization. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N.”
Fred took off to catch up to his twin who was only a few paces ahead. You watched them go happily. You were after getting extra practice tomorrow. That practice being with Fred was just a plus. 
“Okay, I will see you tomorrow,” you said calling after them as they turned the corner of the corridor. You stood staring down the corridor lost in thought. Daydreams of tomorrow floated around in our head. 
“Y/N, I thought you were gone by now,” Harry said behind you. Once again you were startled. What was with you today? It seemed like just about anyone could sneak up on you. 
“Oh, I was on my way back to my dormitory, but I got a bit sidetracked,” you said waving Harry off a bit. 
“In that case, maybe I can walk a ways with you,” he said with a smile.
“Sure, Harry, just remember to keep eight inches,” you said jokingly.
“Oh, of course,” Harry said laughing. “I would hate to break any of Umbridge’s glorious decrees.”
“We could never do that,” you said joining him as the two of you walked side by side down the corridor. 
You had just finished your last class of the day. You were swift to go back to drop your stuff off in your dorm before rushing to the room of requirement. The whole day you were on the edge of your seat excited. The extra practice would be a godsend, and the fact that Fred is the one you were practicing with was a major bonus. 
You’d never have imagined you would have a moment with just Fred. You loved George; he was your best friend, but being with just Fred, you didn’t know because it had never really happened before. 
You walked the hall where the door was known to appear watching the stone work as it magically revealed itself. You thought back to the first time you saw it happen. It had you awestruck the way the door seemed to grow and twist into existence in a place there was nothing.  Now, after going there so often, it felt like nothing. You were a little saddened that magic was losing some of its awe to you. 
When the large door settled into existence, you threw it open and rushed in expecting to find the room empty, but Fred stood by the fire place watching the flame. He was startled by the sound of the door opening and wiped around to see you standing just inside trying to close the door softly as not to disturb things further. 
You scanned the room. Aside from Fred who was making his way to you now, there was a bag in one corner and a mirror in the other. Other than that, the room was nearly bare. 
“What’s with the bag?” You asked. “You could’ve dropped it off before you got here. I wouldn’t have minded if you were a little late.”
“Oh, that’s just supplies,” Fred said as he took long strides across the room to reach you. He had a large smile on his face that was so pure and happy. You returned it with your own wide version. 
“I was not sure you were going to make it,” Fred said jokingly. 
“And why would I not make it?” You matched his tone.
“I do not know, but you are here now,” he paused like he was waiting for something before he cleared his throat and continued, “Shall we get started?”
Happily, you gave him a nod before the two of you got started.
You had been casting the same spell over and over again for half an hour now. Though the wisp that poured from your wand had started to become more recognizable, you had made little progress beyond that. You were growing more frustrated with every attempt. DA would start in ten minutes and you wanted to have this down by then. 
“I don’t think that I am going to get this.” You heaved out a long sigh and threw yourself to the ground next to the wall. Maybe it was less of throwing and more like just falling back on to your bum on the ground while leaning against the wall. 
Your head was starting to hurt. Magic was draining especially patronuses. You heard Fred take a heavy breath. He moved to grab something from his bag. He came back to you with a chocolate bar in hand and sat down on the ground next to you. After a bit of a struggle with the wrapper around the bar, Fred broke off a piece and handed it to you before he broke one off for himself. You nibbled a bit off the edge of your piece and let out a small moan.
“Dang, that’s good,” you said while Fred laughed. “Why’d you bring this again?” “Harry told me that we might need it.” Fred’s laughing had settled leaving the two of you in silence. You admired Fred as he took a small it of his piece of chocolate.
“Fred, thank you,” you said softly.
“What for?” he said matching your tone as he turned to look at you. 
“For practicing with me. Even though you have this down and totally don’t need practice.” You sighed and leaned your head on to his shoulder. 
Fred took another bite of his chocolate. With his free hand, he laced his fingers in yours. You turned to look at him which meant awkwardly craning your neck up to see him. Your face was really close to his. 
He looked down at you. His lips were so close to yours and drew your eyes to them. You quickly shifted your gaze when you realized what that might look like to him. He was just looking down at you with this look that you’d seen before, but could never decipher. Now being so close you were pretty sure you knew what it meant.
You moved your lips to hover just over his. He closed his eyes and you did too.
“Can I kiss you?” your words floated out of your mouth like the blue wisp of light flowed out of your wand. 
“Please,” his voice was barely audible even in with the close proximity in the nearly empty room. 
You gently moved your lips to touch his. The kiss was short and gentle. 
When the two of you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours. The two of you sat there a moment before you heard the door of the room open startling the both of you from your position. You had jumped to your feet and pulled Fred along with you. 
Through the doors were a small group of Ravenclaw girls (which included Cho and Padme) followed by Harry and Ron who were talking heatedly about something while Hermione trailed behind them, and then came George who made eye contact with Fred and just shrugged. 
Padme waved you over to the girls. You gave Fred a small sweet smile before you turned and walked away. He returned your smile just as George came to his side.
Padme and Cho were asked you about your Christmas plans to which you told them you were going home to visit your grandmother. More people came in slowly. When the majority of the regular attenders were there Harry explained that today there was no specific spell we would be learning, but he would just be helping those who needed on spells they were rusty on. 
Padme insisted that you join her and Cho who were working on their patronuses. You were glad to have even more practice, but you longed to join Fred and George on the other side of the room. You watched as Fred cast his Patronus. The beautiful fox formed from the end of his wand. George cast the spell as well. An identical fox came from his wand as well and started to play with Fred’s. You smiled at the two foxes as they faded away.
“Expecto Patronum,” you said softly not expecting anything to come from it, but to your surprise the wisp started to take form. A [your patronus] poured out of your wand. You let a small squeal of delight escape your lips as you watched the animal. As it faded away, you saw Fred come running up to you with a wicked smile on his face. 
“You did it!” He took you in his arms and pulled you close. You hugged him back. When you pulled away from him you felt his lips come in contact with yours. You were shocked when you pulled away from him, but you shock it off as you looked behind him to see George throw you a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes as Harry came over to congratulate you on finally getting the advanced spell. 
Fred’s hand wrapped around yours tightly. A smile plastered your face.
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sswwimagine · 5 years
Green Eyed Monster || Ron Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: Ron Weasley x reader
Word Count: 2169
Summary: You and Ron have have been dating since the beginning of fifth year, but now that your sixth year has started and you’re not in all the same classes, you’ve been hanging out with Neville more and more without even realising it. Ron becomes a bit standoffish.
Warnings: major fluff as requested, stubbornness, jealousy, insecurities
Request: Can you Write a Ron imagine where he’s very insecure and being clingy because he’s jealous(of a character you’re choice) and he’s being stubborn about saying the truth and just kill meh with fluff please:) sorry it’s longgg
Note: I decided to make the person Ron is jealous of Neville because Neville is such a sweetheart and the two obvious people Harry and Draco wouldn’t be as adorable, but just make Ron seem petty which he’s sometimes portrayed and I really hate that. So I picked Neville. Also Ron isn’t really all that clingy in this. I hope you like it.
You are a Gryffindor because it isn’t otherwise stated.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
Your whole Hogwarts career you’ve been part of what had been dubbed quite lamely the golden quartet. In your first year, you instantly bonded with Hermione. The two of you were attached at the hip for the most part. When she heard Ron and Harry insult her, she ran away from you. The troll incident caused you to go to the two blubbering idiots for help. The rest of the story was history.
Last year, under the reign of Dolores Umbridge, you realized that you really liked Ron as more than a friend. Through great timing and the help of a meddling Hermione, you found out that he liked you too. Shortly after, You and Ron became a thing.
Now that you were a sixth year though, everything had changed. You weren’t in a lot of the same classes as you red headed boyfriend. You honestly didn’t mind it because you really enjoyed your classes and it wasn’t like you were alone. You shared nearly your whole schedule with Neville Longbottom.
You had been friends with Neville off and on for the years because of an unspoken rivalry between you to over herbology. The two of you were always trying to subtly one up each other. You honestly really enjoyed the competition because it helped both you improved your skills.
This year was the first year though that you Neville called a truce and worked together in your classes.. The two of you studied together every chance you got as this year was by far harder than any before. It was nice and the two of you fell into a routine about it.
You sat in the great hall for lunch in between Ron and Neville. Ron was talking with Harry and Ginny about their quidditch practice while you and Neville were answering Luna’s questions about the planets you were working on in this unit of herbology. Time ticked down and both Luna and Ginny dismissed themselves to get to their classes. Harry started talking to Hermione who had previously had her nose stuffed in a book. You and Neville were still excitedly talking about this upcoming plant that you were going to be learning about. Ron was left to eat.
You felt Ron’s hand come to rest right above your knee. It was barely noticeable, but you knew that it was there. As you laughed at a terrible pun made by Neville you felt the pressure on your leg increase.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Ron eating like nothing was up. You chose to ignore his hand and continue the conversation. The more you talked to Neville the higher Ron’s hand moved up your leg.  You felt your face flush It got to a point that made you feel uncomfortable and abruptly stood up. The sound of the bench moving back slightly caused people in close proximity to you look up startled. Ron’s hand had dropped to his side. He looked at you with wide eyes.
“Neville, we should get going; It’s a long walk to the classroom,” you said as you scrambled to pick up all your stuff.
You had pulled several books out of your bag during your discussion and now you were doing your best to put them away quickly. Both Harry and Hermione watched you in confusion as you were normally extremely organized. Your bag always was perfectly in order and you never lost track of time. You planned for everything. They had never before see you so frazzled before.
Neville was also shocked at your behavior. He knew that if they left now they would be nearly ten minutes early. He wasn’t against being early, but he also wasn’t done with his lunch. He expected to have more time. Neville showed the cheese sandwich he was holding into his mouth and stood up.
You turned and made your way out of the great hall without another word. Neville placed his stuff in his bag and picked up another sandwich before running after you.
Aside from one class you had with Hermione, you didn’t see any of your other friends until dinner that night. Without saying a word to anyone you slipped in the seat across from Ron and next to Hermione. It was usual for the two of you to sit so far apart, but you were concerned that you would have a repeated of what happened at lunch.
For the life of you, you couldn’t understand why Ron had done that. It just wasn’t like him to be so touchy in public. Early on in your relationship you had discussed your comfort zones and touching, aside from simple hand holding, in front of your friends was a huge no. that was really out of bounds to you. Neville looked confused as he saw the out of place seating arrangement. Two years ago, it would have been normal, but you had sat next Ron all fifth year. It just looked out of place. Without saying anything. Neville dropped into the seat on the other side of you.
Halfway through dinner, you were talking with Hermione about the homework you had for your class. It wasn’t too much, but still wanted to bounce your ideas off of someone before you committed anything to paper.
“There’s a Hogsmeade trip this weekend,” Neville said. His eyes glistened with joy and there was a slight shake to his hand. Noticing it, you carefully laid your hand over his. It had become a habit of yours over the past month. It was a way of alerting him that you were listening to something he cared about. There was definitely nothing any bit romantic about it. Anyone could see that, but Ron still cleared his throat.
You looked to your boyfriend furrowing your eyebrows at him. HE made a simple gesture to your hand over Neville’s, but he didn’t say anything. You turned your attention back to Neville and urged him to continue.
“I was thinking that we could maybe go to Dogweed and Deathcap. I heard that they got a shipment of moly this week. I’d really like to get some before they sell out of them again.”
“That’s a good idea, Neville,” said Luna.
Luna had appeared behind you and seemed to want to sit between you and Neville. You happily slid over to make room for the airy girl. You knew that Neville had a crush on Luna. Because of this you would often do things to put him in a position to talk to her. You smiled at the two as Luna went on about the may uses of moly.
When you looked back to Ron you saw that his jaw was clenched tightly and he was grinding his teeth. Harry was talking to him about some theory he had said a million times about Draco. Everyone was tired of it, but Harry rambled on.
“Ron are you okay?” you asked reaching across the table to lay your hand over one of his clenched fists. He pulled it out of your reach and stood up. No one was really paying any mind to you two as he turned and stocked away. You sat there confused about why he was acting that way.
For the next week and a half, Ron continued to behave weirdly. He would always wrap his arm around you in the common room or hold your hand when you were walking down the hall. He would get so mad and quiet whenever Neville was around you, but he would always pull you closer to him. You were worried that Ron was mad at Neville for some reason, but you couldn’t really piece together anything that made sense.
“Harry, is something wrong with Ron?” You asked one night in the common room. Ron had seen you talking with Neville about some homework and stormed upstairs to the boy’s sixth year’s dormitory without a word. “I don’t think so,” Harry said looking at you. “Well, come to think of it, I have noticed he’s been a bit quieter lately.”
“Do you know why?” you said. You were pushing Harry to really think about it. Harry was a smart guy, but sometimes he was the most oblivious person you had ever met. You often were the one to help Harry see the bigger picture of things because you weren’t sure if he could get there on his own.
“I have no idea,” Harry said. “I think I will go ask him.”
With that, Harry turned on his heels and made his way to the stairs.
“Ask him to come down and talk to me,” You called to him before he was too far away. Harry just gave you a thumbs-up as he climbed the stairs to talk to Ron.
You flopped back down onto the couch and returned to your homework as you waited. Minutes ticked by and people came in and out, but none of them were Ron. You were growing impatient, but you weren’t ready just yet to go up after Harry.
As you were on your seat you felt the couch dip beside you. You turned to see Ron’s solemn face looking down at the ground. The two of you sat there not saying a word for at least five minutes.
“Ron what’s wrong?” you said Breaking the silence. You reached to set you hand on his shoulder., but he shook you off. It was so strange of him to act this way.
“I think we might need to break up,” Ron said. It was so quiet that you could barely hear him. Maybe you hadn’t heard him right. You didn’t want to have heard him right.
“What?” you asked from him to repeat himself.
“I think we need to break up,” he said louder this time. Shaking your head, you looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“What do you mean? Why?” you croaked out. A lump had formed in your throat making it hard for you to speak.
“I just think it will be best for you,” He answered. When he looked at you there were tears budding at the corner of your eyes. You shook your head more drastically this time.
“No,” your voice was barely above a whisper.
“Y/N, we are changing,” He started. “You are absolutely amazing, but you are changing and growing. I can’t stand in your way. I know that Neville likes you. It’s so obvious that it hurts to watch you two. I think you like him back, and I just can’t watch it.”
A single tear fell down your cheek, but the rest stopped coming. You started laughing quietly. Ron thought that there was something going on with Neville? “Ron,” you said softly laying your hand on his leg.
He looked up at you. You saw that there were tears in his eyes the size of oceans. A frown was etched into his sweet face. You were sure that he was going to move out of your grasp again.
“Ron, nothing is going on between me and Neville,” You said. “Neville is just a friend and a great herbology study buddy. Besides he likes Luna and even if he didn’t still I love you.”
Ron seemed to search your face for something. You knew that he was looking for any signs that indicated you were telling a lie.
“You love me?” He said. It was so quiet that you might have missed it if you hadn’t been alone. For the first time all night, you two were the only ones in the common room.
“Of course, I do,” you giggled. “How could I not. You are smart and brave and kind. You are so loyal to those you care about and that’s what I love about you. Plus, you are an amazing kisser.”
Ron smiled at that. He laughed along with you. Gently, he brought a hand up to your face.
“You think I’m a good kisser?” he seemed to like this question as there was even a smile in his tone. He pulled you closer to him by wrapping his other arm around your waist. His lips hovered over yours. You felt his warm breath fan out along the bottom of your face making your stomach fill with butterflies. You brought your legs on to his lap to get even closer to him.
“The best,” you said. Your chests were pressed together filling you with warmth from head to toe. You closed your eves as you felt his lips press against yours. It was a perfect moment. Your tears mixed together. You could taste them as he pulled you closer to him.
“I love you,” Ron said after you pulled away. Even though you were out of breath, you laughed just a bit.
“I love you too, Ron,” You said. You kissed him again.
Whatever insecurities and jealousy Ron had poured out of him. You two were in a world all your own.
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sswwimagine · 5 years
Unexpected || George Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 987
Warnings: pregnancy, minor swearing
Request:   Hey. Wondering if you could write me a George Weasley x reader using your writing prompts? In order, as follows: (43, 16, and 50?) If I need to explain anything else, I will gladly! Honestly, I’m not to picky about the whole thing though! Thanks!
Prompts:  43. “Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant?”
                 16. “H-How long have you been standing there?”
                 50. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
Note: Morning sickness is not exclusive to the morning. Sorry it took so long. This takes place after they finished at hogwarts during the 6th book while all the others are away at hogwarts still. You are a healer at st. Mungo’s.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
You walked back into George’s room from the bathroom. You had been sick to your stomach the past few days. It would strike you at random times in the day with no warning. The first two days you were able to chalk it up to something you ate or maybe a stomach bug, but when it didn’t go away after the third day, you started to worry. Now you were finally starting to come to terms with the possibility that it might be something you were absolutely terrified about. 
George was laying on the bed. He had the newspaper on his lap as if he had been reading it, but you knew he was more likely looking for news about the dark lord. You knew it was getting worse out there. George was always looking for something that would suggest the need to close down the shop for a while. Luckily, that hadn’t been an issue yet. If anything, work had been booming. 
You’d heard Molly say that it was probably because people needed a good laugh these days. Either way, no one minded. More money being brought in at this time was a blessing. 
“Hey are you still not feeling well?” George asked as you flopped down onto the bed next to him. You had a hand resting over your stomach in an attempt to somehow help soothe the nausea. 
“Nope,” you said. George moved the newspaper to the night stand and moved to lay on his side facing you. He placed a hand over yours. You intertwined your fingers with his comfortably. George leaned over and placed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss. Simple moments like those were ones you held on to. 
After a moment together, you pulled away. You laid back against the mattress. George started playing with your intertwined fingers. Watching the two of your fingers, you let your mind wander. You couldn’t help but turn your thoughts to why you were sick once again. 
“Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant?” you said softly. Saying it out loud felt even weirder than thinking it. 
George’s fingers stopped moving. You looked at his face to see that he was looking at yours. 
“Do you mean that?” he said hesitantly. You just nodded gulping deeply. Slowly a smile spread across his lips. “You’re pregnant.”
“I might be,” you said correcting him. You didn’t want to say something that got his hopes up if you can’t say it for sure.
“I’m going to be a dad?” George seemed so excited. There was a large smile painted on his face. You shook your head at him. Moving to sit up, you saw someone standing in the doorway. 
“Fred?” you said. George shot up and turned to where you were looking. Sure enough, his twin brother was standing there looking at the two of you with furrowed brows. 
“H-How long have you been standing there?” George’s voice was weak as he stared at his twin. You were looking between the two of them. You didn’t know how either was going to react further. 
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?” Fred said. George shot off his bed toward his twin. He basically slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent him from saying more. Fred was pulled into the room by George who closed the door behind him. 
“Shut up,” George whisper yelled to his brother. “Don’t let mom or dad hear you.”
You just sat on your boyfriend’s bed watching the scene unfold in front of you with wide eyes. Where you supposed to say something? Should you say something? Or was this something that you needed to let the two of them work out on your own?
“How could you do this to us?” Fred whisper yelled back. “We were just getting on our feet. Now not only do we have to find a way to support ourselves with the shop, but also your girlfriend and kid? George we aren’t even breaking even yet, and then there’s the whole thing with Dark Lord going on. How are you going to bring a child into this war? It’s just starting and it’s already so dangerous. Do you really want to do that? It’s only going to get worse out there.” 
George just shook his head at his twin and rubbed his head. You gave him a moment. You decided that you were going to do what you could to help de-escalate the situation. Getting off the bed, you made your way to stand with George. You stood next to him and intertwined your fingers with his. 
“Fred,” you said softly catching his attention. “I’m not useless you know. I have a job of my own as well as a place. Who said you’d be the one supporting me? All the other stuff. It’ll fall into place. We can’t just stop living.” 
It was true. After completing your seventh year the past spring, you got a job right away at St. Mungo’s as a healer. You were able to get a place in London not long after. You were doing much better them most people your age and you weren’t going to be underestimated. 
“Y/N…” Fred said. “That’s not what I meant. I know you can support yourself.”
Fred’s voice faded out as he talked. He came to realize his freak out was unwarranted. You just nodded and gave George’s hand a squeeze. He returned the gesture. 
“Plus, I’m not even sure if I am pregnant, so why don’t we figure that out before we go freaking out about what we are going to do after the baby is born?” you said.
“Oh, yeah that’d probably be wise,” George said nodding. “I’d really like to officially say that I’m going to be a dad.”
“So, any idea how we figure that out?” Fred asked looking between you and his twin.
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sswwimagine · 5 years
Try A Little Longer || Fred Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Spanish!reader
Word Count: 2153 (without translations), 2274 (with translations)
Summary: You are at Hogwarts for the triwizard tournament. You have a hard time with understanding a lot of what’s going on. Fred Weasley takes an interest in you.
Warnings: a big bowl of sweet, poorly written french and spanish (a warning because it’s probably really bad)
Request: can i request a fred weasley imagine where the reader is from Spain, and transferred to hogwarts during the year of the triwizard tournament and fred tries to learn spanish to ask her to the yule ball and to impress her?
Very Long Note: My spanish knowledge consists of two years in junior high so the majority of it is google translate and probably written wrong sorry. I did my best and put a lot of time into it
Also through research I discovered that the majority of young witches and wizards from Spain attend Beauxbatons. Since you wanted it set during the triwizard tournament anyway, I just made the reader from Beauxbatons.  I hope you don’t mind. (Boys from Beauxbatons also visited Hogwarts during the Goblet of Fire)
Ellipses in talking when it is english are words that the reader isn’t able to understand whether they are spoke to fast or they haven’t learned them yet.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it. 
For the first five years of your magical training so far, you have attended Beauxbatons. You weren’t from France, but rather Spain. There wasn’t a school in Spain, so your parents sent you to the closest one in France like many other residents of Spain. This caused you to be fluent in both Spanish and French, but you preferred to talk in your native tongue unless you had no other option. 
This year your school was participating in the Triwizard tournament being held at Hogwarts in Scotland. All summer you had talked with your parents about going. They were worried about because it was so far from home and you would know very little of the native language. You vowed to them that all summer you would work on your English if they were to allow you to go. Now you were with the rest of your school preparing to enter what you’d been told was the great hall. 
Your school had prepared an elaborate entrance that you had practiced your timing often for this day. You and two other girls had actually been the ones to plan it. You were excited for this moment. You were just waiting for your que now. 
Your best friend, Nora, who was also from Spain, stood beside you tapping her foot quickly. It sounded almost as if she was tapping it to the beat of her own heart. She turned to you spoke.
“¿Cuanto tiempo más?” she asked (translation: how much longer?). Her tone was clipped and sharp. The words that usually followed out of her mouth like butter seemed harsh like spikes. You took her in for a moment shocked that she was being so short.  You turned her mouth to reply when someone beat you to it. 
“Vous devez parler le français ou l`anglais ici non espangol,” it was Fleur (French translation: you must speak French or English not Spanish). She hated it whenever any of us spoke out native languages back at school. You thought it was because she didn’t like not being able to tell what others were talking about, but Nora always insisted that it was just what you were supposed to do. She was more patient than you 
You looked to Nora who just rolled her eyes. That was so not like her. You quickly turned to Madam Maxine.
“Puis- je aller à mon sac?” You asked (French translation: Can I go to my bag?). She looked you over before glancing to Nora. 
“Oui, rapidement,” she said nodding (French translation: Yes, quickly). You ran down the hall to your where you left your bag. Inside it held a small granola bar. You had put it there when Nora refused to eat during the carriage ride over. She was diabetic and needed to eat otherwise she got mean because of her low blood sugar. You ran back.
As you turned to corner you saw the doors were already open and your class mates were making their way inside. You ran as fast as you could to reach them before they had all entered, but you weren’t fast enough. You had to run to your stop through the large doors. As you leaned in for one of the dramatic sigh, you tossed Nora the granola bar hoping to go undetected by the rooms occupants. She caught it with ease not even breaking her form. 
You looked at the table to your left to see a red-haired boy staring at you holding back laughter. He nudged the boy next to him who looked just like him and whispered something in his ear. The second boy laughed looking at you as you moved forward. If what you had done got back to Fleur somehow, she would be so mad at you. There was a good chance she’d have you cleaning up after the flying horses for the next week. You said a silent prayer that the twin red heads wouldn’t say anything. 
When you made it to the front of the room, whose name fit it perfectly, you looked back at the boys. The one that first noticed your antics was still looking at you, but you couldn’t tell if the other one was. You turned to see that Nora was being blacked from view slightly. She was eating the granola bar. A small smile formed on your face as you turned back to watch the Drumstrang make their entrance. 
It had been over three months since you had arrived to the Scotland Castle. You quickly found that your summer English studies where nowhere near what you needed them to be. You had a hard time talking with the students of Hogwarts and even harder time talking two different versions of broken English with Drumstrang students. You had decided that you would no longer try and talk to the students unless Nora, who had been speaking English since she was nine, was around or they initiated the conversation.
The boy from the first night had tried on many occasions to talk to you, but you had no idea what he was saying most of time. The words were far too confusing for you. They sounded nothing like what you had worked on. Given you only worked on magical terms, foods, and simple conversations, almost everything was too complex for you. You hadn’t realized that you would need more than that until it came to using it. 
Nora had dragged you to the Library to practice your English and work on some of your studies. The two of you were sitting at a large bookshelf with several books in front of you. All of them you had apparently read before, but this time they were in English instead of Spanish and French. There was an arrangement of types of books. Some were textbooks while other were story books. You had been doing pretty well so far. 
“Pienso que el chico pelirrojo gustas,” Nora said softly so no one told her to speak another language (translation: I think the redheaded boy likes you). The past five years of conditioning you had done so you only spoke French when in common areas at school had been thrown away when you got here. If no one was going to understand you than why speak French instead of your native language. 
Nora pointed to the re headed boy. When you looked at him, he quickly scrambled to look busy with his text book. Nora had been trying to embarrass you with his crush on you. Every time the red-haired boy, who you had learned was named Fred, came up to you to with Nora around, she tried to play translator for the two of you. She even tried to include his tone in her words, but you pretty sure she was just seeing things that weren’t there between you two. 
Sure, you thought he was attractive, and it was true that many times you had fantasied about him taking you on a date and kissing you, but there was no way that could ever happen. You didn’t even speak the same language. You would need a translator just to hold a conversation. You doubted that he enjoyed everything he said being put through a filter. 
“Sus nombre son Fred,” you said matching your tone to hers (translation: his name is Fred). You had told her his name more times than you could count on one hand, but she never remembered.  She was really good with languages, but not names. 
“Cualquiera,” she said laughing. “El es guapo. Tal vez él te preguntará a el baile.”
(Translation: whatever. He is handsome. Maybe he’ll ask you to the ball.)
You rolled your eyes at your friends. You had to admit if he did choose to ask you to the Yule ball that was happening in just a month you would definitely not say no. There was this fear that you had that if he asked you, you wouldn’t be able to understand him and you would just say no without realizing it. 
Something similar had happened last week when a girl from Hogwarts had ask you if you wanted to walk to class with her, but you didn’t understand so you just said no. She looked so hurt and she wouldn’t talk to you until you had Nora go up and ask her what was wrong. She ended up thinking your confusion was pretty fun, but you were so embarrassed that you felt backed into a corner.
“Tengo que ir a buscar a alguien. Te veré en la cena,” Nora said as she stood up (translation: I have to go find someone. I will see you at dinner). She gathered a few books and placed them on a small cart not too far away. She returned to give you a small hug before turning to leave.
“Aprobado, adios,” you said as you watched her leave (translation: okay, bye). She gave you a small wave without looking at you. You continued to work on your English as you read over the books. 
Out of the corner of your eye you saw someone come up to where you were. You didn’t know if they were coming to talk to you so you didn’t turn to them right away. After a few seconds, you heard words pour out of their mouth. You looked to see it was Fred.
“Can I sit here?” he asked gesturing to the chair beside you. This was a phrase you knew well by now.
“Yes,” you said nodding with a large smile carved into your cheeks. Your accent was strong in the simple word. 
“I saw you … here and I … I would come over and say hi,” Fred started but you didn’t understand all the words. You tried to piece together what he was saying. 
“Hello to you Fred,” you said. You really hoped that that was the right response in this situation. Sometimes you couldn’t always read situations because you had learned had a different social culture. You were doing much better than you were three month ago, and you proud of that.
“Hi,” He said as he sat in the seat Nora had deserted not too long ago. He angled his body towards you. It seemed as he was planning to continue talking. You moved to face him as much as you could without moving the chair.
“What I can help with?” You asked. Your words were labored and slow, and your English was broken, but you were pretty sure you were able to get all the message across. 
“I was actually planning on asking you something.,” He said. Fred shifted in his seat. 
He looked a little uncomfortable as he searched his pockets for something. After about a minute of fumbling around, he pulled a small ripped and crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket. You held back the small laugh that was budding in your throat. You didn’t think it was appropriate to laugh at him. 
He flattened out the paper the best he could. As you waited expectantly, He cleared his throat and sat up straight.
“¿Quieres ir conmigo a la bola de Navidad??” He spoke hesitantly and his pronunciation was terrible, but the effort warmed you (translation: Do you want to go with me to the Christmas ball? In this situation that ball means the round kind. It is incorrect on purpose.). His wording wasn’t perfect, but he was trying and you really appreciated that. You gave it second trying to decide what the best reponse was.
“¿Quieres decir ‘quieres ir a el baile de Navidad conmigo’?” you spoke (translation: Do you mean 'do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me'?). You weren’t usually one to correct people, but you couldn’t have him going around saying bola instead of baile. He would embarrass himself if someone he didn’t even know were to correct him. 
Your correction had sadly back fired and his face turned a red more vibrant than his hair. He just nodded very quickly and not meeting your gaze. You bite your lip. There was no way that you were going to say no to him. The only thing that really had been holding you back before could be solved if a little bit of effort which you now knew he was willing to put in. 
“Me encantaría ir contigo,” you said (translation: I would love to go with you). 
He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. Apparently, he only looked into that one phrase. He probably didn’t think of finding out more just like you hadn’t when you came to Hogwarts. You cleared your throat and tried to come with all the words you were going to need.
“I would like that,” You said. Your accent made your English sound more elegant than it was. His eyes lit up and a smile grew to stretch from ear to ear. 
“Really, that’s great,” he spoke quickly and you couldn’t understand it all. “I have … tell George. Nora … be … I… did it. … Ron can… it.”
You listened to him as he stood up excitedly with his bag on his shoulder. He turned to walk out still talking. You were pretty sure that he was not talking to you anymore. He stopped suddenly right before he left your sight line and turned on his heels. 
“I forgot to say goodbye,” He said sheepishly. His neck was redder than usual and that let you to smile.
“Goodbye, Fred,” You said. “I see you later.” 
“Adios, Y/N,” he replied. “Hasta luego.”
(translation: goodbye Y/N. See you later.)
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sswwimagine · 5 years
Let’s Bet On It || George Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: George Weasley x slytherin!reader
Word Count:
Summary: You and George are really close even though you aren’t in the same house. You are a chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team. On the morning of your match against Gryffindor, you make a bet with George over who would win the game, but things don’t exactly end up in your favor.
Warnings: major fluff as requested, stubbornness, embarrassing moments, quidditch
Request: Hi! I wanted to request a George Weasley imagine x slytherin!reader in which they both play in their house quidditch team (she’s a chaser) and are super competitive so they make a bet. The one from the loser team has to do something embarrassing in front of the whole school but when her team loses George says that he doesn’t want to embarrass her and fluff
Note: I really thought this was a cute request, so thank you for that. They aren’t together in this, but they end up together!! This takes place during Prisoner of Azkaban.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
It was as normal as a morning in the great hall could be right before a quidditch match. Today was the great Slytherin vs. Gryffindor game. To say you were excited would have been a serious understatement. You were sitting at the Slytherin house table talking with your teammates about strategies for today. For the most part, you loved the game. The only real downside of it was that it often leads to aggressive competition between houses that you didn’t really like. You were more for the playful side of competition and you really pushed your team to taking the game less seriously and just have fun with it. That wasn’t always received all that well especially by Draco Malfoy who just viewed quidditch as another way to try to beat Harry Potter. 
When the conversation turned towards the crushing side of quidditch, you started to zone out and looked over to your “competitors” table. You saw the two, bobbing, red tops of your best friends’ heads. You smiled as you saw how animated they were about whatever story they were telling. You decided to join them. 
You grabbed an apple before standing up and making your way around the large tables to the spot in between the jokester twins. The two moved so you could sit between them without a second thought. You really enjoyed the company of the Weasley twins. They were joyous pranksters, and you loved that about them.
No one really minded that you were at the Gryffindor table because it wasn’t really all the unusual for you to sit with there. You weren’t really a fan of the whole segregation by houses thing especially between Slytherin and the rest of Hogwarts. Slytherin was always perceived as this evil group of people, but you didn’t believe a whole house should be described by a few people who came from it. 
Of course, you loved your house, but that didn’t mean that the other houses were awful. Just like your house, Slytherin, wasn’t evil, no house was what it appeared based on their very basic traits. You really judged people by who they were. For example, you weren’t Marcus Flint’s biggest fan. He was far too rude when it came to the way he coached your team. The littlest things like messing around with a fellow chaser, Adrian Pucey, got you in so much trouble that you had to sit out a whole practice while Cassius Warrington, who you were far superior to, got to practice in your place.
There were other people from other houses you also didn’t like. Percy Weasley being one of them because he was always getting you in trouble when you were with the twins. There was a girl your year from Ravenclaw, Juliet, who was always asking questions no stop in your arithmancy class. She made an hour-long class go into your lunch nearly thirty minutes more than once. There was also a boy in Hufflepuff, Douglas, a year older than you that would follow you around and ask if he could take your books all the time. No matter how many times you told him to back off he would follow you from class to class like a lost puppy. 
“You ready for the match today?” you asked George as Fred took over the story telling. He looked at you with large smiling eyes. You could tell that he was excited for the match today. As you took a bit of your apple, he brought his gold and silver goblet up to his lips nodding slightly.
“I can’t wait to beat you,” He said chuckling. You laughed heartily. You pushed your shoulder into his causing his goblet move and some of its contents to spill out. The orange juice splashed onto both your legs. 
Both of you jumped a little when the cold liquid made contact with your leg. You bumped into Fred on your other side. He stopped his story to look at the two of you.
“George, I told you needed to ease into asking her out,” Fred said. “When you jump right in, you scare the girls away. Play it cool, man.”
“Quit it, Fred,” George said. George’s cheeks tinted with red. It almost matched his pale red color. He reached around you to smack the back of Fred’s head. You looked between the two twins. Fred’s face was painted with a sheepish grin as he looked at his twin. 
Fred had this long-standing joke with no one in particular that George was into you. It really wasn’t funny because it only ever seemed to make George embarrassed and made you quite uncomfortable. Truth be told you really liked George, but you didn’t want anyone to find out. There was no way that he would lie you back because you were a Slytherin and he was a Gryffindor. 
“Sooo,” you broke the slightly awkward silence that had settled between the three of you. “When my house wins, what are you boys going to get me to celebrate my victory?”
“As I said earlier princess, I can’t wait to beat you,” George said bumping your shoulder like you had done to his earlier. You shock your head taking another bite of your apple.  
“Yeah there’s no way your team will win against us,” Fred chimed in. You looked between them and rolled your eyes. There were so many things you could have said right then.
“You wanna bet?” you snarked back after swallowing. The small crowd of fourth years that were listening to Fred and George’s story before you interrupted were all now staring at you as you challenged the rambunctious twins. The deal had caught Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell’s attention as well. They were sitting across from the twins and somehow you hadn’t noticed them until now.
“I don’t think that is a good idea Y/N,” you heard from a few people down. 
You looked to find that Ron was the warning voice. He was the youngest Weasley brother and often got picked on by the twins. You had witnessed it too many times to count. You had heard numerous horror stories from Ron about their behaviors at home. You had a feeling you were about to hear another one. 
“The last time I made a bet with those two…” Ron trailed off with a look of horror gazing over his face. “Let’s just say that they always win their bets. I’m pretty sure they cheat no matter what it is. Don’t put your stakes too high.”
The twins let out loud, bombing laughs that filled the surrounding area like a warm blanket. Angelina rolled her eyes, and Katie let out small chuckle. You looked to George who settled down and let a small smile grace his lips lightly. He placed a hand gently on your lower back. It was a feather light touch, but that along with his smile made your heart flutter. The touch was gone as soon as it came. He turned back to his place to shovel a bite of eggs into his mouth.  
“Okay, let’s bet on it,” George said after he swallowed his food and Fred settled down on your other side.
“And what Miss Y/N of Slytherin do you purpose the stakes be?” Fred chirped happily. You took a moment to think before concocting the perfect scenario. 
Fred took a swing from his goblet of orange juice as he waited for you to share your idea. 
“When Slytherin beats Gryffindor, you boys have to sing This is the Night by Weird Sisters at dinner tonight in the great hall,” You smirked as you took a big bite of your apple. 
Fred started choking on his juice cause a bit off it to splatter on Angelina’s fancy, she looked at him in disgust. You knew for a fact that Fred liked Angeline. 
There was a good chance his plan for asking her to Hogsmeade for the next trip were now damaged if not ruined. You gave Fred’s back a few hard pats to help him clear his airway. 
“If you will we will sing the Weird Sisters in front of anyone, but,” George started once Fred had caught his breath. 
“When Gryffindor wins, you have to ask Douglas the Hufflepuff out on the first date during dinner,” Fred finished. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see George tense as he brought another forkful of eggs to his mouth. You too stiffened. The idea grossed you out, but you were confident that Slytherin would beat Gryffindor. You had superior brooms, and you guy were on the field practicing as often as you could. You were more prepared for this. 
“Deal,” you said offering a hand to each of the re headed boys. They both took the hand offered to them and all three of you shook on it.
“Deal,” They said together.
“The score is sixty to twenty. Gryffindor in the lead,” called Lee Jordan.
You were flying in the air doing your best to avoid the bludger that was heading toward your head. You quickly swooped down to move out of the pathway of the flying ball. A beater on your team, Peregrine Derrick, hit the bludger away before its path changed to head toward you again. You nodded a small thanks before continuing on you path. 
“Fred Weasley hit a bludger in Marcus Flit’s direction.” 
You snuck a brief glance in your captain’s direction to see him be smacked into with a bludger hard. It took you a second to recover from the sight and you moved toward the Slytherin goal posts where Angelina was preparing to score. You quickly flew to intercept the path of the quaffle as it left Angelina’s hand. 
“Y/N Y/L/N has the quaffle.”
You rushed to the other side of your field maneuvering gracefully around bludgers headed your way. You went to throw the quaffle when you heard the Lee announce something you really didn’t want to hear. 
“Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!”
You felt your shoulders slump in frustration. You lost. Your team lost. Slytherin lost. You returned to the ground hovering just over it. You couldn’t believe it. You were struck speechless.
Fred landed beside you and pushed your shoulder. He was saying something but you weren’t understanding it. You couldn’t think of anything besides that you had lost. You were so sure that you were going to win this. You had put n so much work. You didn’t understand how you had lost. 
You didn’t even realize that you hadn’t moved. You hadn’t touched down. You still held your broomstick knuckles turning white, and the quaffle was tucked under your arm. 
Not only had you just lost this game, but you lost the inter-house quidditch cup for this year. If you had just been able to score more points. 
Slowly you lowered your broomstick the rest of the way to the ground and stepped off it.  You dropped the quaffle onto the grass and looked around the pitch the Gryffindor quidditch team was cheering with Harry on their shoulders. You looked at your team that was finishing the collection of the balls to put them away. They all looked disheartened. You looked back to the Gryffindor team and saw George who was watching you. He ran across pitch to you. 
“Hey are you okay?” He asked. His voice was soft and steady. You felt a warm hand on your elbow that slowly moved up and down your arm.
“We lost,” you said. “I was so sure we were going to win. I practiced so hard; I even practiced on days off. I practiced with you and it still wasn’t enough. I can’t catch a break. Now I have to go ask out Douglas. He just creeps me out.”
You felt tears running down your face. They were warm, but a hand came up to your cheek to brush them away.  That caused the tears to come down hard. The tears turned into sobs, and George pulled you into his chest.
“It’s okay, you did amazing out there,” He said as he ran circles up and down your back as you cried into his shoulder. 
He pulled you off the pitch and into the throngs of people heading back to the castle. He guided you along with him into a small unused staircase off the side of the pendulum. You sat down on the window seal and he sat beside you holding you. 
“I really don’t want to ask Douglas out.” You blubbered through your tears. “I know we made a bet, but he makes me really uncomfortable.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to. Fred will understand,” he said over and over again. You kept sobbing into him. Tears drenched his shoulder and as gross as it was there was snot there as well. He didn’t seem to mind as he sat there talking calmly and rubbing your back and arm.
“Thank you,” you said after about ten minutes. You had stopped crying and used your sleeve to wipe your nose. You looked up at him from your spot under his right arm. He took his other hand and wiped the remaining tears off your face.
“I wish you had told me how you felt about Douglas,” he said; his voice got quieter after every few words. “I wouldn’t have made that bet. I wouldn’t have let make bet. I would have walked you to class more. I’m sorry.”
The two of you sat in silence. His right hand still ran up and down your arm. You watched students slowly trickle in until there were no more. You knew that it was nearing the end of lunch by now, but you weren’t ready to face your team who would put all the blame on you or Fred who would expect you to go to Douglas and ask him out. You just weren’t ready. George seemed to know that as he didn’t speak he just sat next to you. 
He placed a slow kiss on your head. When he pulled away you turned to look up at him. His features were softer than you had seen them before. He cared and that warmed you. He brought his left hand to your cheek and ran his hand under your eye slowly and gently.
“Thank you, George,” You said for the second time in an hour. He let a small smile dance across his lips. You felt his gaze shift between your eyes and your lips. 
“This is probably not the time, but can I kiss you?” George asked. His voice was breathy and seemed to dance around in your head like a wispy cloud. You nodded just slightly, but he got the message and shyly came in to press a gentle kiss to your lips. It didn’t last for more than a second but ignited everything in you. When he pulled away, a smiled stretched across your cheeks. 
“This was worth the year and a half of Fred’s teasing,” He said chuckling. You let out a small giggle and brought your lips back to yours. Though you had spent almost twenty minutes crying over the stupid bet, you were glad you mad it. Had you not you wouldn’t be there kissing your dream guy, and maybe he would not have had the courage to confess his feelings that his twin had already spilled so many times. 
When you pulled away this time, you were more out of breath. After a few seconds, you stood up from where you had been sitting and stretched your stiff limbs. George did the same before catching your hand in his. Your stomach let out a small growl that signified you were hungry that you both laughed at.
“Can we go get some food?” you asked softly. He just nodded as he gestured for you to lead the way. 
“Can we do the kissing more often? I really liked that” George asked. You laughed at him as you pulled him out of the little staircase towards the direction of the great hall. 
“Yeah, we can as long as we don’t make any more dumb bets,” you say. He just nods furrowing his eyebrows for a second.
“Unless it pertains to a prank?” George asked. You thought for a second before answering.
“Unless it relates to a prank.” With that you walked to the great hall hand in hand.
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sswwimagine · 5 years
Missing You || Fred Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word Count: 471
Warnings: super sad because I’m terrible sorry. If you want me to write one that’s less sad with these prompts you could send them in again and I’ll take another crack at it.
Request:   11, 65, 78. Fred x Ravenclaw!Female, Reader! Bring on the feels and onion ninjas. Please. :)
Prompts:  11. “My parents asked about you.”
                  65. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
                  78. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.”
Note: So I know you said ravenclaw reader, but this is set after the war so you can’t really tell either way. Also I’m sorry because when you read it I can almost guarantee you will ache in some way when your done. I am awful so I’ll take my leave now. 
It’s really short sorry, but I really loved it. 
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it. 
“Fred, it’s really great to talk to you again. I really miss you. My parents asked about you. I went to see them yesterday. I took a train into the city. It was nice to get away from the hustle of the Burrow for a day. It’s always so crazy with everyone there. 
“Not that I don’t love your family because I do. I do so much more than I should, and I’m worried that one day they’ll realize that they don’t love me and kick me out. I know you said that would never happen, but everyday I feel more and more like a burden to them. 
“But I’m rambling. I’m not here to talk about that. I’m here to talk about you. We need to talk about what’s best for you Well, this isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us. I guess what’s mostly best for me. I hate to be selfish, but I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.
“I can’t keep feeling this way forever because if I did then I don’t think I will ever get better, and I have to get better. Our child need me. I have to be the mother he deserves.
“By the way our baby is a boy. He’s so beautiful. He had your eyes. They are so gorgeous. They make your mother cry every time she holds him. Fred, he’s so amazing. I wish you could see him. 
“I named him after your father like we talked about, but I also named him after his father. He’s my little Arthur Fred Weasley. 
“Now that he’s here, I’m starting to realize that I’m not where he needs me to be. I need to get better to feel better. I need to be able to take care of him. 
“That’s why I’m here. I think it might be best if I stop coming by for a little while. I think that some space will help my heart heal. To come here hurts me more than I can even explain. I leave more heart broken than when I arrived because you can’t leave with me. I need to figure out how to cope without you because right now I can barely breath. 
“I love you Fred. I really do. I love you more than the world, but I have to go. I hope you understand. I will be back. I just need some time. Next time, I’ll be back with our son. Next time I’ll bring little Arthur. I’ll make sure he knows about you. About his brave father. 
“I love you.”
Tears slipped down your cheeks as you placed a single red rose on his gravestone and headed away back to where George was standing waiting to take you home to your son.
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sswwimagine · 5 years
The Swan || Remus Lupin
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin x reader
Word Count: 3057 (opps this is long)
Summary: You have been playing violin most of your life and in your fifth year, you gain entry to one of the most prestigious violin competitions in Europe. You have to take a short trip away from hogwarts for this trip leaving your boyfriend, Remus Lupin behind.
Warnings: uber over the top fluff, violin playing 
Request: Hey could I request a Remus x Reader where he surprises the reader at a violin recital for a competition she won? Fluff to the max would be awesome. Thank you!
Kind Long Note: When you say violin competition, I hope you mean violin competition not fiddle completion because I wrote it as a violin competition. Also I hope this is fluffy enough for you. I really loved writing this hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I did.
The Reader is an assumed Gryffindor, but if you would like that to be different just change McGonagall out for Slughorn (Slytherin Reader), Flitwick (Ravenclaw Reader), or Sprout (Hufflepuff Reader). Though we don’t know if Flitwick and Sprout were really the head of house during the marauders era, They could have been do I used them. 
Reader is also a half blood for story purposes
Remus is a Sixth year and you are a fifth year. There is a year gap.This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
Your piece for the competition :  “The Swan” (From The Carnival of the Animals) by C. Saint-Saëns. I enjoy the way it’s played in the video below. It’s based off of that. The piece is originally a cello piece, but it is so beautiful.
You had been playing violin since you were a very young child. You had convinced your parents to let you play when you were about four after they had taken to see swan lake and you fell in love with the instrument. For the past eleven years, you had been dedicated to your art. Your father had even helped you enter one of Europe’s most prestigious competitions for the violin per your request. The only problem was that it took place in France in the middle of the school year. 
You were determined to go and perform, so before you started your fifth year at Hogwarts, you had talked with Dumbledore and McGonagall about the competition and made arrangements for your attendance.  If you were able to keep your grades up for the whole year leading up to the competition as well as get all your assignments in on time, then McGonagall would take you to the competition. 
It took a lot of work and you had to get a tutor, but you had done everything you could to keep your side of the arrangement, and somewhere along the way you might have taken a liking to your tutor, Remus Lupin. 
He had was a year older than you, but he had been sweet to you. He made you laugh, and he understood where you came from as a half-blood. He knew what it was like living in both the muggle world and wizarding world. It also helped that he was so cute.
All of that was out of mind right now as you stood backstage at the competition waiting to take the stage. One of your competitors was on stage playing Paganini’s Caprice No. 24. It was a very challenging piece and as you listened you became increasingly worried. Not only was the piece nearly six times as long as your piece it also had more diverse selection of techniques throughout it to show a more diverse skill set. The competitor was much older than probably around 37 to 40, and he was balding. You knew he had way more time to practice and perfect his piece. You were sure that you would not be able to do better than him.
“Do you have everything you need?” McGonagall asked beside you. You had forgotten that the professor even stood beside you. 
You turned to look at the older woman. She wore a knee length maroon dress and a brown, fleece trench coat. You found her appearance to be strange and hard to wrap your head around because you had never seen her dress like this before. It just seemed out of place even though her attire was actually more common place than what you would usually see her in. 
“Yes, I have my violin and bow,” you said as you gestured to your Berl Mendenhall violin and bow, “and I’ve memorized my piece. I am pretty sure I already put rosin on my bow. Oh, shit I can’t remember if I actually rosined my bow. I left my case in the practice room. I have to go back there.”
“Y/N, my dear, you rosined your bow. I watched you,” McGonagall said soothingly. “You have nothing to worry about. You will do great.”
You nodded to yourself and turned back to the stage. The man was nearing the end. In just a short second, your competition made one damning mistake as he fumbled over the left hand pizzicato followed by a minor lapse in play as if he forgot what came next.  If you hadn’t heard the piece before you might have missed it, but it was clear as day to you. The man tensed up, and you gained a little hope that you might in fact be able to win this. That little mistake was your in. 
You took a deep breath as the man concluded and left the stage with a gracious bow. The people in the audience applauded as he exited. 
You offered him a short word of congratulations before you prepared to take the stage. The crowd died down and you watched as the portly announcer take center stage.
“Our final performer today is one of our youngest ever competitors at the age of 15 for the United Kingdom, Y/N Y/L/N,” the announcer spoke loudly projecting their voice into the large crowd. “She [he] will be playing The Swan from The Carnival of Animals composed by C. Saint-Saën. Welcome her [him] to the stage.”
With those words, they calmly walked off. The audience clapped as you made your way onto the stage, violin in hand. You bowed and waited for the clapping to quiet. With the silence slowly befalling you, you brought your violin under your chin and placed the bow on the strings. 
The piano accompaniment started and you stood poised and ready. Taking a deep breath, you pulled the bow along the string to let your first note ring out. Anyone who had been talking now silenced as you moved along your piece with confidence and elegance. You lost yourself in the piece.
When you reached the end, you let out a deep breath and bowed again. The crowd clapped as wildly as could be expected. You remained professional as you stood there listening to the crowd. Due to the large bright stage lights, you were not able to actually see the crowd. As they applauded you 
Once the clapping had died down you turned walked off stage to where you had previously been before your performance. McGonagall stood waiting for you with a smile on her face and tears budding in the corner of her eyes. You had been so deep into your performance that you hadn’t noticed until this moment that you as well had developed tears; you took this moment to wipe the tears from away as you were out of the view of the audience and judges. 
A stagehand directed you to return to your practice room to await the results. Calmly you walked back without saying a word. Professor McGonagall opened her mouth several times to speak, but found she had nothing to say before closing it. 
There was nothing more that you could do to change the results now, but you that didn’t soothe your nervousness. Nerves bubbled in your stomach like a herd of elephants. You laid your violin on the table with your bow placed gently beside it. McGonagall had taken a seat against the wall and watched as you paced the room. 
Time seemed to pass slower than molasses as you waited. The only sound that echoed in the room was the clock on the wall ticking consistently. There was a knock on the door that cause you halt in your path. You turned to the door as it opened a crack. 
The stagehand poked his head in and told you that it was time. Picking up your violin, you followed the stage hand back to the stage with McGonagall just a few paces behind you. 
When you reached the stage, you saw the other competitors also stood back stage waiting. The man who had been before you were sweating profusely. His bald spot was glistening with perspiration. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and began wiping his head. 
The portly announcer said all the performers names to welcome them to the stage. The balding man quickly shoved the handkerchief back into his pocket, but not fully so it stuck out of his pocket. Half of the poor man’s head was still soaked with sweat. The sight caused you to stifle a laugh and eased your nerves as you made your way onto the stage after him. 
There were five violinist who had made it this far and only three distinctions to hand out. Your goal going into this competition was to at least get a distinction. You were already over the moon about making it this far, but being able to “place” at such a young place would reaffirm all the effort and practice you had put in over the past eleven years.
You took a deep breath as you faced the crowd. An envelope was handed to the announcer who took it with a handshake and a smile. Slowly, you watched the announcer open the envelope. You couldn’t believe it could take someone so long to open a single envelope. Finally, announcer took the paper out of the envelope and cleared their throat.
“The distinction of third place goes to,” they said. “Beatriz Olmo,”
The crowd politely clapped a beautiful Spanish woman stepped forward to bow and shake the hand of the announcer. You hadn’t heard her play as she had gone first, but you were now worried for your placing, if you even got one. The crowd died down as the announcer cleared their throat to speak again
“The second-place distinction goes to,” they started again. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears like you were standing by the drum being hit, quickly and regularly. You were holding your breath hoping with everything in you that they’d say your name. 
This was your moment of truth. Part of you wished that you could get first place, but you wanted to be realistic about this, so you were shooting for second. If you didn’t get second then it was extremely unlikely to get first. “Rolf Stumpf.”
The balding man looked up with a brilliant smile on his face. He seemed to rush forward to shake the hand of the announcer. The crowd roared as Rolf was now taking his bow happily.
Your thoughts turned dark as you stood their completely devoid of emotion on your face. If Rolf had gotten only second then what did that mean for you? The person who must have been truly amazing. As Rolf went to stand next to Beatriz, the announcer made their way back to the microphone.
Clearing their throat, they started again, “The distinction of first place goes to…”
You forced a smile to your face as you waited for one of the other two people beside you to be called. You looked to see a tall billowy man with an extremely pale face. Beside him stood a short, plump woman who had a hooked nose. Your mind let thoughts of one of their names being called run free as you tried to picture how each of them would accept their distinction. 
You were sure that the two people beside you had done wonderfully. You after all would have more opportunities to participate in this competition. You realized that you would survive this, and the fact that you even got to perform today was enough to last a lifetime. Having this on your resume would help you get you into just about any music school you wanted which was your dream for after Hogwarts. 
“Y/N Y/L/N,” The announcer’s voice pulled you out of your trance. You looked around to see the other performers standing where they were.
You had won.
You Had Won.
Containing your excitement, you made your way to shake the hand of the announcer. You bowed to the crowd and kept your head high as you stood beside Rolf and Beatriz. The clapping persisted as the three of you stood facing the crowd.
Time seemed to go by in a blur. You were ushered backstage and into the practice room once again. By now you had become familiar with every inch of this room. You could probably draw it from memory.
You were in a daze as you fained listening to McGonagall. You would nod every once in a while to look like you were paying attention, but you were still struck silent at what had just happened on stage. You had placed your violin in the case a while ago, and now you were just sitting their staring at it sitting on the coffee table in front of you.
You still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that you had won. Your mind went over every second of the day leading up to that moment. Sure, you had played your piece perfectly, but that you felt that if that was the only reason you had won then you shouldn’t have.  Shaking your head, you tried to put those thoughts out of your mind.
There was a knock at the door that stopped McGonagall’s speech. She went to open the door as you just watched. 
McGonagall pulled the open door slightly. You couldn’t see who was there as you heard her greet them. McGonagall stepped out into the hall closing the door behind her leaving you alone. 
Minutes passed as you just sat there alone. You were glad to have a moment of silence. As you got up from your stop on the practice room’s couch, your body let out a series of pops. You had been sitting on the couch for a while, and your stiff body was tanking you for moving again. 
Another knock came at the door. You hesitantly walked to the door and pulled it open. 
You felt your jaw go slack as you registered who stood in front of you. Remus Lupin stood in a suit and tie holding a bouquet of scarlet roses. His hair had been pushed back the best he could. It still sat haphazardly sticking up all over his head. The faded scars that adorned his face were hardly noticeable in this lighting.
“Hi,” Remus said quietly. “Can I come in there? I feel awkward just standing out here.”
“Oh yeah of course,” you said stepping aside. He slid past you, and you closed the door. 
“These are for you,” he said handing you the bouquet. You took them with a wide smile growing on your face.  You placed the flowers gingerly on your violin case before turning to look at the 16-year-old again.
“Remus, what are you doing here?” you asked. You moved closer to him.
“You think I would miss this,” he said as he picked up your hand in his.
Your eyes traveled to your connecting hands. The warmth that he caused made your chest swell with joy. There had been a few times in the past were Remus would walk you to your classes or you would hang out at the black lake with him and his friends, and his hand would find its way into yours. You had never talked with him about it, but it had made you feel over the moon. This was the only time in your life that you were sure meant more than just being friendly. 
“This was a big moment for you. I had to be here,” His tone was quieter than it had been before. Your eyes had still been on your hands when he spoke, but as he took a step closer to you, you looked up at him. His eyes were as gentle as his tone had been, and a small smile graced his lips. 
“How did you get here?” you said. Your voice was barely above a whisper even though you tried to will yourself to be louder. Remus brought his other hand up to your cheek and softly tucked a stray hair behind your ear. His action brought a blush to your cheeks. They were burning under his touch. Chills had risen all over your arms at his proximity. 
“I don’t think you actually want to know that,” he said with a soft chuckle. “Let’s just say that prongs, padfoot, and wormtail are also here.”
With that you let out as small laugh. On several occasions, padfoot had bragged to you that he knew several secret ways to exit Hogwarts. It didn’t surprise you at all that they had helped him sneak out.
“Your laugh is beautiful,” he said to himself. You nearly didn’t hear it leave his mouth as he looked down at you, but now that you had a small smile situated itself on your lips. 
Though one of Remus’s hands had left your face burning, the other still hadn’t left your hand. Remus stepped closer again. He was then able to intertwine your fingers together comfortably. Remus’s warmth radiated off him calming the chills on your arms. 
“Can I kiss you?” he said softly. When you went to speak, you choked on your own throat, so you just nodded at him. Slowly, he returned his hand to your cheek and oved his lips to connect with yours. 
The kiss itself was just as beautiful as you had expected it to be. His lips were rough against yours, but you didn’t mind as they pressed themselves gently into yours. The hand that had been intertwined with yours was now wrapped around your waist. Your hands found their way to rest on his neck without you even realizing. 
The kiss didn’t last long, but it had exceeded all expectations you had about. Remus’s breath fanned over your lips as he moved back just little to rest his forehead on yours. Slowly your hands found each other again. The two of you stood there like that for what seemed like an infinity until you heard the door open. 
“Remus?” you heard McGonagall call out. Her voice startled both of you from your daze. Your eyes flashed to the woman and then to Remus who was staring at McGonagall.
“Shit,” he said. He pressed a quick kiss against your lips before he left running past McGonagall, out of your sight. McGonagall looked like she was about to go after him when she returned his gaze to you. 
“What was Remus Lupin doing here Ms.[Mr.] Y/L/N,” McGonagall used her disciplinary voice. Your eyes seemed to become the size of saucers as you stared at the women. Guiltily, you shrugged your shoulders.
“I- I don’t kn-know,” you sputtered unable to come up with a good excuse. “Well, I think it’s best to not bring this up to Dumbledore when we get back,” she said. It surprised you that she was so calm about it. You nodded rapidly in reply.
“Now we have best get going,” McGonagall said holding her arm out to you. You picked up your flowers and violin before linking your arm with hers. In a blink of an eye, the two of you apparated away. 
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sswwimagine · 5 years
I’m a newer blog! Working on new posts! On that’s actually a Draco x reader
Looking for HP accounts to follow
My dash is very sad :( I’m looking for some Harry Potter accounts to follow so like/reblog and I will follow!! bonus points if you like/reblog fics! (especially draco x reader)
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Thanks lovelies! 
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sswwimagine · 5 years
A Baby? || George Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1523
Warnings: swearing, unplanned (teen) pregnancy, No editing really.
Request:  Can I get 43, 50, and 101 for pre-war George Weasley please? Thank You! Love your writing❤
Prompts:  43. “Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant? ”
                 50. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
                 101. “Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car.”
Note: I didn’t want them to still be at hogwarts so its like just after the war has started takes place just after the start of the sixth book when everyone else had already gone back to hogwarts. They are still living at the burrow and are 17. You are also a halfblood with your mother being a muggle.  
This would have been a great howler prompt, but I honestly didn’t feel very comfortable putting them at hogwarts for this one.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
You finished emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl. You had puked at least once every day of the past two week with no real explanation. You were starting to get sick of it, no pun intended. 
“Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car,” you said as you stood up off the floor and flushed the toilet moving to the sink. George, your fiancé, moved to stand in the doorway of the bathroom.  The look on his face said it all. Keeping your eye on him, you prepared to brush the acidic vomit taste out of your mouth. 
“I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well lately,” he said as came in and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
You responded with a grunt with a toothbrush in your mouth. George nuzzled his nose into your neck as he just stood behind you watching. It was comforting being so close to him. He had this way of just setting you at ease. 
“Do you have any plans today?” you said. Leaning forward out of his grasp, you spit into the sink.
“Just working,” he said with a sigh. “Fred was talking about staying late to work on some new product, but I told him I’d have to check with you first.”
“You should. I’m busy today anyway. Molly and I have an exciting day planned where she’s going to teach me how to make a sweater” You rinsed your toothbrush off and placed it back were you kept it next to George’s. 
You loved Molly; she was like a (second) mother to you and had been since you and George started dating your fifth year. When you graduated from Hogwarts, George had proposed to you, and with the war looming so close to your home in London, the two of you thought it best you moved into the burrow with them and spent your days with her. Spending so much time together had just made you closer to her. 
Turning around in his arms you looked at the face of the man you loved. He had opened the joke shop just a few months ago, and it was doing so well. The more products meant more variety and more customers which was great for the both of you. It meant that you would be able to get married sooner and get your own place and eventually have kids. That was the future you wanted with George, but it was something that you had decided to wait on for a better time. One without a war where you were financially stable. 
“Let me get dressed and then let’s go down to breakfast,” you said pulling him out of the bathroom and down the hall to the Percy’s old room which you had commandeered since moving in. A small smile came to his face as he followed behind you. 
George closed the door behind him and sat on your bed as you dug around in the dresser for a shirt and pants to wear. After finding something that sort of matched, you moved to the mirror that you had propped up against the wall. You quickly changed your pants hoping that George’s attention was elsewhere. Every time George was in your room when you changed, he would get a but distracted. It often times ended with you both your bed, and currently, you were trying to avoid that. 
In the mirrors reflection you could see George’s nose buried in a book that your muggle mother had sent you. You let out a soft chuckle at your fiancé before taking off your shirt. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander over your stomach. You had a thought over the past two week that kept coming back to you. 
“Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant?” your voice was barely above a whisper. George wasn’t meant to hear it, but from the way his head shot up from his book to you, you could tell that he had.
“Are you serious?” he asked. George closed the book and stood up from the bed. He rushed to stand behind you and placed a hand on your exposed stomach.
“I don’t know, maybe,” you said lacing your fingers in his. 
He placed a kiss on your shoulder and moved his way up your neck. Before he could take it any further, you pulled away. Another chuckle came out of your mouth at the drop of the goofy smile that was painted on his face. You pulled the shirt you had picked out over your head.
George had a gleam in his eye as he snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around your waist. He picked you up and threw you onto the bed. Laughter poured out of both of you as George landed on you. 
He plastered your face with small kisses and tickled you. You called out for him to stop, but he persisted. After a minute, he fell down beside you, and you settled into his arms. His hand came to rest over your stomach. There was a look in his eyes that you had never seen before. It was soft and full of hope. “Would you want that?” you asked him.
“What, a baby?” George said. “With you, of course.”
You smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips. George’s stomach rumbled. For the fourth time that morning you let a giggle escape your lips.
“Come on,” you said standing up and pulling him with you. “Let’s go eat.”
The two of you sat at the table with Fred and their parents. Everyone else was away at school leaving the house quite empty during the day. You weren’t sure how Molly did it without you. 
“How you’d you sleep, Y/N?” Arthur asked as he shoveled eggs int his house. “Pretty good,” you said.
“Are you still having stomach issues?” Arthur followed up. Molly’s ears perked up awaiting your answer. 
“Yea, I found her puking again this morning,” George said rubbing circles into your back. You gave his father a small smile as you brought a piece of toast to your lips and nibbled a bit off it.
“Maybe you should go to St. Mungo’s,” Fred offered.  You looked to your fiancé and to his twin trying to gauge if he was joking or not, but the impassive look gave you nothing. Molly cleared her throat as she set her cu of orange juice down on the table. 
“That wouldn’t be necessary,” Molly said with a sweet smile. “It’s just morning sickness. It will pass.”
Your eyes widened at the words that just slipped past Molly’s lips. Beside you, George choked on his toast and Fred coughed up some of his orange juice. You laid your hands palm down on table as if to ground you. George’s hand still sat on your back, but it was no longer rubbing circles there. 
No one spoke for a long time as you just shifted your eye line around to see everyone’s shocked expressions. There was a small smug smile on Molly’s face. “What?” Arthur said at last.
“Y/N is pregnant,” Molly said returning to her food. 
“How do you know?” Fred was baffled at his mother’s statement. You could see the wheels turning in his said. 
“A mother just knows,” she said offering you a smile. She placed her hand over yours. There was another moment of silence.
Arthur pushed his chair away from the table letting the screech of the chair against the floor echo around the room. He stood up and looked at George. 
“George, a word,” his words were tight and hard, something you had never heard from him before. 
Your gaze snapped to George who stood up. He nervously rubbed his hands against his pants and followed his father out of the house. You could still see them from the window. Arthur didn’t look happy, and the look on George’s face told you he knew it. 
“Well, this should be interesting,” Fred said with a smile as he leaned over to hit your arm lightly.
Molly smiled before turning around in her seat to watch as well. 
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?” Arthur yelled at his son. At first George slunk back, but after a moment, his shoulders rolled back and he stood tall in front of his father. 
“I love her,” his voice was confident, “this doesn’t change that.”
Arthur took a deep breath. He held his face in his hands. It was clear that he was trying to gather his thoughts. 
“George, I know how you feel about her,” Arthur was calmer this time. “You know how much your mother and I love her, but George this is the worst possible time. There is a war on the horizon. You are just children. There is so much against you. Are you ready for that?”
“Of course,” George didn’t even waste a beat. “She is my whole world. I want this with her. Even if it’s a little early.”
Those words were enough for you. They were everything you could ever hope for.  
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