stardustandsam · 4 months
Do you think the birds know we find their chattering to be as good as singing?
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stardustandsam · 6 months
Help a nerd out please!!
Hello, I’m Sam, I’m a huge CMQ fan and i have been searching the internet endlessly for the BONUS CHAPTER from ONE LAST STOP that was released recently.
I really really very much would like to read it. Unfortunately I can’t afford to buy the book,
So if you know where I can find the bonus chapter/ have the book and are willing to share that little glorious slice of heaven I’m sure the chapter is, PLEASE PLEASE MESSAGE ME OR REPLY TO THIS BLOG
I will forever be in your debt
Thank you
Edit [24.12.23]
Thank you to everyone that reblogged or sent me the chapter!!! I received it and read it and I absolutely loved it :))
Thanks again everyone!!!
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stardustandsam · 7 months
How do I tell them that the stitches on the heart they’re trying to protect are being torn open by the cruelty of the world?
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stardustandsam · 9 months
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neil gaiman and his aziraphale and crowley making me emotional
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stardustandsam · 9 months
I know it’s pretty agreed upon that if a friend tells aziracrow they have a new crush, aziraphale is the one who’ll be all giddy and excited and wanna hear about it and Crowley will be the one who is all suspicious and stalking
I am here to say otherwise
If a friend tells those two they have a crush, aziraphale will be all happy and giddy to the friend, Crowley will be all “ah yes love ah yes good for you blah blah ” and then once azi and Crowley are alone azirapahle will convince Crowley to stalk the person’s crush and make sure Said crush is a nice person. Crowley will argue and say “that’s an outrageous idea angel! Just let them Like who they wanna Like” and azi will be all “yes but they’re our FRIEND, it’s our DUTY to make sure they’re in safe hands” and then do puppy eyes crowley couldnt refuse.
And that is how aziraphale and crowley will end up stalking their friends’ crush.
Thank you for attending my Ted Talk
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stardustandsam · 9 months
I am about to cry so bad
crowley avoiding the bookshop like it's consecrated ground is definitely one of my favourite options for how he deals with the break-up but have you considered the opposite?
he returns to tell muriel how to take care of it (don't sell books, get rid of customers, dust, drink tea, read, nothing else), and then he sinks back into his chair. it is still in the same spot as he put it while waiting for aziraphale to return, still catches as much of the sunlight throughout the day as possible, still smells like earl grey, and vanilla, and a hint of cinnamon.
still smells like his angel.
crowley sits down, takes off his shades and leaves them in their usual spot, and then he allows his human form to fade away until a smaller version of the serpent of eden is curled up on the cushions.
muriel knows, of course they do, and as their time on earth forces them to mature like it does with any celestial being staying for an extended amount of time, they ache for crowley. they make sure he's warm and protected, and that is all they really can do.
he doesn't quite sleep, it's more of a hibernation or whatever imitation he can manage, and he waits. maybe it's stupid, maybe it's hopeless, maybe it is useless optimism, but he has to cling to the possibility of aziraphale coming back for him.
crowley dreams of eden. damp earth and lush plants, sweet fruit and humming insects, and an angel offering kindness to someone who fell from grace
edit: continuation here
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stardustandsam · 11 months
It wasn’t his size and didn’t fit his outfit. 💅🏼
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stardustandsam · 1 year
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stardustandsam · 1 year
“Can you please make some noise for my friend Mr. Mitchell Rowland who opened the show tonight! The only person in the whole world who will get up on stage in front of 90,000 people and not tell them he’s made an album.”
— Harry talking to the crowd in London
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stardustandsam · 1 year
it was this moment, he knew, he fucked up.
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stardustandsam · 1 year
Actually, no. I am absolutely not sorry for the person I become when RWRB comes out. Those are my emotional support gays. I am about to annoy the living shit out of everyone who made the mistake of befriending me. And I am going to do it with no shits given.
Have fun knowing me on august 11th
All the love
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stardustandsam · 1 year
The cake scene, a.k.a, perfection: An Essay
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The cake scene in the movie looks to be the definition of perfection and beautifully captured, and honestly, if the rest of the movie is trash I won’t give two fucks, because they got this scene right.
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stardustandsam · 1 year
Happy Men’s Mental Health Month…to the Boys.
Not to the men, but to the boys.
The Boys who wanted to wear the pink shirt, and got scolded for liking a colour; to the boys who scraped their knees and got told to not cry; to the boys who said they wanted to draw and were forced to take up a sport; to the boys who got made fun of cause they said they couldn’t wait to start a family.
To the boys who now feel like burdens, because of the unreal standards set by society.
You are not a burden, you are not week for feeling, you are not any less stronger for seeking help.
You are appreciated, you are loved.
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stardustandsam · 1 year
Mama raised a socially anxious fighter not a quitter
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stardustandsam · 1 year
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stardustandsam · 1 year
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17 year old Harry Styles Appreciation Post (pictures-credit to owners)
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stardustandsam · 1 year
They did not change wylan’s personality in the show : an Essay
In this essay I shall prove that a common critique of shadow and bone season 2 - “they changed wylan’s character so much” - is actually inaccurate when you look into it.
The biggest problem is this: Regarding wylan’s character in the show - it’s been critiqued as “too shy” “too scared of committing crime” “to awkward around the crows”
And to that I say: I think y’ll arent taking into account the fact that the show is based BEFORE the events of six of crows.
Your judgement of wylan’s character portrayal is largely based on its comparison with book!wylan. However, take into account the fact that book!wylan is two years ahead than show!wylan - time line wise. The wylan you see on Netflix is not the same one as book!wylan. He is YOUNGER. He is NEWER. Therefore it makes sense that he is more apprehensive about committing crimes and too shy around other criminals. I would also like it to be noted that we see several glimpses of our book!wylan in the show, which I’m sure will be more prominent in forthcoming grichaverse shows. Below are a few examples of shit book!wylan would have pulled: 1. He asked Jesper if the bombs worked. No fucks given about who got hurt. BUT DID THE BOMBS WORK. 2. used his puppy little dog eyes to get Jesper to keep vital information from who is literally the scariest person ever. 3. Argued with kaz about using alby as a pawn. Refused to work for kaz if it meant hurting the kid- something even jes and inej hadn’t explicitly denied doing yet. 4. First one out of all of them to ask if inej was okay. His love for his adopted older sister, that we’ve come to see from book!wylan many times, really showed there. 5. Sasses Jesper with a “you’re welcome” after he saved his life. 6. At the end of the season, when kaz is introducing the ice court heist. Boy didn’t even question it. Just sat there looking pretty, probably having a gay panic moment about his boyfriend.
The above given points very clearly point out that the wylan we know and love is THERE. He is just not out of his shell yet because he’s NEW. This is his first RODEO. I ask you all to please PLEASE consider the bigger picture of what show and bone the show is trying to pull off. It will largely change your view on the show and how they worked everything out.
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