starrology101 · 3 days
Here's a toast to the HBO Targaryen wives who were made Targaryens by men who didn't love them
Aemma Targaryen deserved better
Alicent Targaryen Deserved better
Rhea Targaryen deserved better
Laena Targaryen deserved better
And Elia Targaryen most of all, deserved so much more better
Because if you're going to take your a-hole husband's last name and are expected to relinquish all that made you you while he makes it clear he's only there to get whatever use he can out of you. Then you sure as heck deserve better
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starrology101 · 5 days
Gentle Targaryens; People actually wanted them to rule, the Prince and Princess Diana of Westeros. The way their personalities are so different from their family
“Others, who believed Aegon II to be dead, wished Daeron to be crowned king”
“....Rhaena would make a splendid Queen”
“When Hugh declared that he should become king, Daeron threw wine in his face”
“Rhaena was reunited with her sister Baela, and the pair became the darlings of the city overnight.”
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Rhaena of Pentos // Daeron the Daring
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starrology101 · 5 days
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01.05 → Alicent talking to Otto
01.09 → Helaena talking to Alicent
requested by anon
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starrology101 · 5 days
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starrology101 · 5 days
Alicent and Criston sharing their faith, practicing their religion together is so intimate. And the subtext of, "I tried to share this with Rhaenyra, but she wasn't really interested, and now I'm sharing it with you, and you are," is so loaded.
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starrology101 · 5 days
my 8 year old has some emotional regulation difficulties, and I've done my best to help him with those.
unrelated, I gave him a shovel a couple of days ago and told him to go have fun in the field because I was tired.
He suddenly seemed happier, having less trouble breathing through disappointment and just being generally all around more cheerful and able to focus in school better. Sure, my partner had to pull him out of a six foot by three foot hole today, but he was stoked about it!
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starrology101 · 6 days
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starrology101 · 6 days
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starrology101 · 6 days
aang haters are so insane cause you’re literally hating on happiness personified????????
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he is literally just a guy
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who is five apples tall
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and needs his sleep
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starrology101 · 6 days
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starrology101 · 7 days
the black cousins
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all the hidden meanings!
red is the color of sirius’ shirt, narcissa’s lips and regulus’ pocket handkerchief. red represents how they rebelled against their family (sirius ran away and was openly against their morals, narcissa lied to voldemort and basically helped defeating him w her words, regulus turned against voldemort at the last moment, dying for his cause)
narcissa and andromeda are the only ones not wearing black, and they’re the only survivors in this picture.
clothes and accessories:
andromeda is wearing a white dress that resembles a bride’s dress, because she ran away to marry ted. her and sirius’s clothes are also less restricting than regulus and narcissa’s, because unlike their younger siblings they got their freedom.
andromeda, like her cousins, is wearing silver jewelry, aside from a gold ring (her engagement ring), and with her hand she’s covering a family pendant (she chose love over her family). regulus is wearing a pin that looks like salazar’s locket.
poses and such:
andromeda isn’t looking at the camera because she was the first to “look away from her family”, and sirius is looking at her because he would soon follow in her footsteps (andy also has a hand on his shoulder to further represent her influence on him). similarly, bellatrix (who is the only one smiling) is keeping an hand on narcissa so she wouldn’t leave. narcissa has a hand clenched in a fist, covered by her left, (as a way to hide her defiance).
ok i think this is all but i’m not sure lmao xx
hope you like it ^^
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starrology101 · 10 days
Headcanon: Mer-Powers and Where to Find Them
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Been a while. Hi there and thank you for reading another one of my posts.
Today I wanna talk about mermaid powers. The same powers that gave Cleo, Rikki, Emma and Bella the ability to control water, weather, and everything in between.
In my previous entry of the Headcanons series, I went over where the magic of the mermaids and Mako island originated and how it allows merpeople to control their abilities, including so-called powers.
Let’s go over the powers real quick. I organized the powers into two groups: natural powers, and skill-based powers.
Within the natural powers are the four known power types.
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Aerokinesis (aka Hydrokinesis)
Hydrokinesis is the power to infuse air molecules between water molecules, and by that stretch the surface of the water. A certain amount of water can grow much larger of its natural size without changing its mass. Basically, it’s the ability to change the shape of water. But while the change in water is the one visible, it’s the power over air that really does the work. After the 7th moon cycle and with practice, a merperson with this power can use it to create wind, to move objects telekinetically (within limits) and to re-shape water using air particles. Those abilities are all labeled under the term Aerokinesis. Throughout the show the most popular user of this power is Cleo.
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Pyrokinesis is the power to generate heat. The most basic form of this power for mermaids is known as ‘Hydro-Thermokinesis’, which allows a mermaid to boil water within micro-seconds. After the 7th moon cycle and with practice, a mermaid can generate more heat, enough to make and control fire, and even generate electricity with the right conditions. Throughout the show the most popular user of this power is Rikki.
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Cryokinesis is the natural ability of a mermaid to lower the temperature by pulling heat from the environment around it. A starting mermaid will only be able to freeze water in its basic form, but after the 7th moon cycle and with practice, a mermaid should be able to use the water molecules in the air to generate ice, snow, hail. Throughout the show the most popular user of this power is Emma.
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Gelidkinesis & Substanciakinesis
These two powers go hand in hand. Gelidkinesis allows a mermaid to alter the resistance of fluids. The user can manipulate viscosity. In everyday terms (and for fluids only), viscosity is “thickness” or “internal friction”, thus, water is “thin”, for having a lower viscosity, while honey is “thick”, for having a higher viscosity. Put simply, the less viscous the fluid is, the greater its ease of movement (fluidity). Substanciakinesis on the other hand, is an enhanced ability, most likely rising after the mermaid’s 7th moon cycle. It is the power to solidify water into a tangible form. The mermaid can solidify water by causing the loose molecules to come together, with the level of solidity going from either loose jelly to crystal-like hardness or beyond. Throughout the show the most popular user of this power is Bella.
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Unlike the Aerokinesis, Atmokinsesis has a wider focus on the weather itself. While Aerokinesis users can generate wind using air molecules, Atmokinsis users use some or all powers to generate weather conditions. A mixture of air, water, and different levels of heat can cause different meteorological events, including thunderstorms, tornados, snow or hails storms, or heatwaves. Whiles users of standalone powers like Pyrokinesis can only affect a certain object or radius, an Atmokinetic mermaid will be able to set a chain of atmospheric conditions that will alter the local weather. Throughout the show the most popular users of this power are Sirena and Rita.
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NOW, these powers are accessible to all mermaids. Including Cleo, Rikki and Emma. Naturally, the moon pool transformation will grant you with at least one of those powers. The H2O book series explains that a mermaid can control her powers by thinking about what she wants to do. In book 1, Cleo is imagining in her head how she moves the water in the fire hydrant, and after a short moment, they begin to move. In book 2, Rikki is thinking of hot and warm objects to wake her heating powers, and control the amount of heat she’s generating. While boiling with anger, and feeling hot herself, it made her powers unwillingly work on Lewis’ drink. In Mako Mermaids we see Evie, a land girl transformed mermaid, is learning how to use powers previously only by sea-born mermaids. My theory is simple - all mermaids are born with all basic powers - Aero, Pyro and Cryo (At least in the Mako pod, as every pool has a different set of base powers). Each mermaid is born drawn more to one of the powers, it being her strongest attribute. Sea-born mermaids are then taught from day one how to improve all of them equally, how to refine them, and later, how to access new ones, perhaps powers from other pods as well, like invisibility. Transformed mermaids have zero guidance, and if they do, it’s from older transformed mermaids, as sea borns will never reveal themselves to land people, transformed or not. They are naturally drawn to one power and master it, while their potential to control them all is hidden deep inside. Naturally, over time, other powers are repressed in favour of that main one.
It may sound far fetched, but it’s actually based in the original show. Remember this guy?
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The “Mermaid Mythology” book, was published in 1908 in limited print. Lewis found the book on the internet, and bought it. In the book, there’s a whole section about mermaid powers: on how to control them better, enhance them and even how to get new ones. There are also recipes on potions that mermaids can use, like the “Wish Giving Potion”. It’s only logical to assume the book was written by a sea-born mermaid who left the sea for the land, either by choice or banishment, and decided to write a book for transformed mermaids on how to access their full abilities. Mako Mermaids introduced us to a whole new set of powers, which to I refer as skill-based powers, including anything from Siren singing, invisibility, telekinesis, volume reduction, essence manipulation and so much more. I’m certain young mermaids study those exact stuff in their final years of mermaid school as Rita teaches the girls the exact same stuff - all are powers both transformed and sea-born mermaids can’t control or even access until being taught. The “Mermaid Mythology” book is more than a guide for mermaids, it’s a passing of traditions and lessons as old as the mermaid lineage goes back, and while we saw only a handful of powers, who knows what’s also out there in the H2O universe.
Thank you so much for reading my little piece of mind. If you liked it please heart it, reblog and follow me for more, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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starrology101 · 11 days
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starrology101 · 11 days
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Florence Welch, 2023 🧜🏻‍♀️
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starrology101 · 11 days
Me & the other drivers were really impressed when you swerved around all of us at high speeds & got to the red light before anyone else
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starrology101 · 12 days
People really are missing the point of a character like Nettles. Being the a non-Valyrian dragonrider is what makes her different(in every positive definition of that word) and helps to serve a larger purpose in this story.
Valyrian blood is not special. It’s not needed to do great things. No one is special because of what family they happen to be born into.
A non-Valyrian Nettles shows that we are more than the circumstances which we are born into. Our birth, our names, and our very blood does not define us. Our actions are what do. We can overcome so much and rise to become absolutely extraordinary with a little bit of determination, patience, and a dash of help along the way. Nettles exemplifies that to the fullest extent.
She's more than a Black Valryian. She doesn’t have to be Valyrian. She shouldn’t have to be Valyrian.
She’s a survivor. She’s a final girl. She’s a Black low-born girl likely without a drop of dragons blood that tames a wild dragon with patience that killed countless others who had dragons blood. She survived the Dance where others high and low alike fell and perished to become a firewitch to the Burned Men.
Her legacy is immortalized in the history books(and by the Burned Men cause they still worship her) as one of the last(if not the last) dragonrider(s) before Dany all without having any known Valyrian ancestry.
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starrology101 · 12 days
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Sheepstealer was eventually tamed by Nettles—a plain, baseborn, disreputable girl who fed the dragon mutton day by day until it became used to her. The dragon and its rider played their part in the war, but Nettles’s loyalties were not so clear as brave Ser Addam’s. When she and Prince Daemon became lovers, it drove a final wedge between Rhaenyra and her lord husband. Nettles—whom the prince fondly called Netty—outlived her prince as well as his wife. Nettles and the Sheepstealer vanished before the war’s end, and none could say where they went until years after…
… the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a “FIRE WITCH” who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair.
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