#nettles doesn’t need valyrian blood to be great
bohemian-nights · 10 months
People really are missing the point of a character like Nettles. Being the a non-Valyrian dragonrider is what makes her different(in every positive definition of that word) and helps to serve a larger purpose in this story.
Valyrian blood is not special. It’s not needed to do great things. No one is special because of what family they happen to be born into.
A non-Valyrian Nettles shows that we are more than the circumstances which we are born into. Our birth, our names, and our very blood does not define us. Our actions are what do. We can overcome so much and rise to become absolutely extraordinary with a little bit of determination, patience, and a dash of help along the way. Nettles exemplifies that to the fullest extent.
She's more than a Black Valryian. She doesn’t have to be Valyrian. She shouldn’t have to be Valyrian.
She’s a survivor. She’s a final girl. She’s a Black low-born girl likely without a drop of dragons blood that tames a wild dragon with patience that killed countless others who had dragons blood. She survived the Dance where others high and low alike fell and perished to become a firewitch to the Burned Men.
Her legacy is immortalized in the history books(and by the Burned Men cause they still worship her) as one of the last(if not the last) dragonrider(s) before Dany all without having any known Valyrian ancestry.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 1 year
Hi! Merry late christmas and happy new year!
Why was important to the targaryens to have a magical bond to dragons when they could bond the same way with sheepstealer?? Is bcs they were afraid to loose the bond or something? Does this bond(🐑) works the same way one bonds over a loyal dog?
Also, i have to congratulate Grrm with the targs, bcs the way he show them, with their superficial "splendor🌟" and the other real putrid side of them, is honestly simple but very... effective and great!
It's just him saying "it doesn't matter if you have a friking-amazing-dragon who can conquer a continent, you can still be a piece of shit". Personally, I love them for being an entertaining but insane house just like the Lannisters!
Hey there, anon! Very merry belated holidays to you as well.
The Valyrians required a magical bond with dragons—which they gained through magic horns and very possibly blood magic—rather than just gaining their trust with food because it’s quicker (Sheepstealer was tamed over many days), doesn’t take as many resources, can happen at any age (Targ infants were able to bond with their hatchmates, while taming through food means you have to be at least a teen), doesn’t need to take the dragon’s personality into account (Sheepstealer was more interested in eating sheep than attacking humans, but other dragons like Cannibal and Vhagar were more vicious), and probably most importantly, preserves the myth of Valyrian blood supremacy. If they were known to just tame their dragons by giving them meat, people would realize their blood doesn’t make them special and someone with enough patience, courage, sheep and a dragon with the right temperament could do it. I don’t think they were afraid of losing the bond, since Nettles and Sheepstealer seemed emotionally very tight with him agreeing to fly her anywhere; the bond only ends after the rider dies. I agree that at least what GRRM initially set out to establish with the Targs (before he let his fascination with them take over the story and retconned some sympathetic traits/people) was interesting. They believe themselves above other people due to their special blood/looks/ability to control dragons, which led them to unite much of the continent…and yet were done in by this arrogance, insularity, and general refusal to learn or consider other perspectives. And what he said about dragons as the nuclear deterrent, how they can conquer and force people but they can’t help a ruler govern wisely, is pretty good. My personal problematic fave house is the Baratheons because their flaws aren’t put on a pedestal and they have understandable context for their actions (Rhányra vs Aegon wishes it could be Stannis vs Renly), but I’m not gonna criticize you for appreciating some bombastic cartoon villains (my second favorite problematic house is the Greyjoys, many of whom have the same campy evil as the Targs) when you clearly understand that’s who they are.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Can i just say its really nice to see a book fan that ships book daemyra. I always see book fans ship Daemon with laena/mysaria/nettles and just bash daemyra with the arguement that Daemon never loved Rhaenyra in the book.
Hi there! 😄
Well I've been here since 2019 - sure you have been a fan for way longer than this cursed year too - and I can say that while there is some true to what you say, I had a considerable number of people following my fic and liking book Daemyra so I don't think it's that rare.
Like many things in our world I think simply sometimes a small number of people are just a lot more vocal and loud than others, and because of this they give us the impression they are in the majority when in fact they are not.
A lot of very active book fans that produce content are not Targaryen fans. In fact they are mostly antis and the only Targs they like are either the victims (which are "morally ok" to like), are "less" Targaryen and usually it's best if they have parents from certain houses - think of a stag or think of a sun and a spear - or they say they "like" Targaryens because of how *chokes back laughter* dark they are and proceed to do such things as writing DarkDany or writing Rhaenyra like a sociopathic Lolita kind of character, or other similar things.
From my experience in the fandom actually I would say the person Daemon is shipped the less with is Mysaria. Way less than Rhaenyra actually. And when he's shipped with Nettles or Laena mostly it's like a personality shift happened and he's soft as a lamb and such a great guy... only with them though 'cause that's how love works! You do a 180. So in a way... is Daemon being shipped with them, or are they just creating a new character with all of Daemon's cool aspects and ignoring the bad so he can like "good girls" who are less Targaryen, like Laena - who has little personality in the books - and has a "Baratheon" mom or Nettles because they are sure she has NO Targaryen/Valyrian blood which of course makes her automatically a great person. Why are they sure? Because she doesn’t look like it and we know full well no one ever like the “Velaryon” princes did not look Targaryen while being so. Nope. If you don’t look Valyrian you don’t have Valyrian blood. 😊
The problem is that people in fandoms a lot of time feel like if you like X you support X, and unless you can find a LOT of reasons to justify you liking something problematic, you are *insult some insult starting with P or N you know what those are*.
Like I'm sorry, I don't need some holier than thou reason to like the Targaryens like they wanted to unite Westeros against the Others. I don't. Because it's fiction, I have an actual personality and don't depend on others' approval so I don't have to change my views every 5 seconds, and I can like the Targaryens because they are the hot people with silver hair and purple eyes who ride dragons and have cool names. I don't need anything else. I own my f:cking sh:t. Thank you and good night.
Back to Daemon and Rhaenyra - book Daemon and Rhaenyra btw which are the only ones I consider because they are the only ones with a congruent and compelling personality and actions that make sense - there are many things to them that would make people both not like them and (especially) be more quiet about it.
For once the "vocal" "intellectual" side of the fandom doesn't approve, so to fit in you have to be quiet. And I have seen this with friends. Them sharing something about them, some sad person got triggered called them out and they just deleted the post. Isn't it good when you feel like you can't express your views? And if it happened to her, why wouldn't it happen to others?
There are many problematic aspects to their relationship. They don’t have to be Romeo and Juliet to be interesting. But this is the thing with most people, it’s either all or nothing. Either black or white. I would think this fandom would be different given what the material they are fans of is, but they aren’t. Most people don’t get nuance and they can’t wrap their minds around it. And then this takes us back to the issue of a loud crowd won’t like them and the ones who do have to keep quiet else they will be shamed. You know, Karen shamed, and on this regard you know who this fandom reminds me of? Christian moms in the early ‘00 saying the school shootings happened because them kids were listening to Marilyn Manson and the EvIl rock and roll 🤡 and worshiping Satan of course. Also in this note please do me all a favour hit up some science journals and see if there is a link between aggression and playing violent videogames. You’re welcome! Just because you like something in fiction doesn’t mean you condone in real life. I can understand the problematic aspects of a ship find it compelling in fiction and not support any of it in real life. These realities are not mutually exclusive.
Last point but also important and I see this a lot in this fandom too. A lie that’s told too many times becomes the truth. And since the very vocal crowd keeps saying Daemon didn’t love Rhaenyra and even funnier that Rhaenyra didn’t love Daemon - I have no idea how this can be an idea someone has at the end of Fire and Blood but hey people still believe that Rhaegar r worded lyanna so… whatever I’m tired - people start to take that for evidence. I lost count of the amount of takes that became facts in some people’s minds and like dude… go to the source, the books, not shitty metas and co that others (myself included) write. Go. To. The. Books. To. Make. Your. Damn. Mind. I’m tired. Don’t take anyone’s word for it. Mine included. A prime example of this is Mushroom’s tale and how people have twisted it around so much that they don’t even know what Mushroom actually said and believe the inaccurate things others said that Mushroom said. Again, hit the books.
Like I have explored at length, there’s a lot to like and find compelling about Daemon and Rhaenyra. Their passion. Their dynamic. The fact that they are the best and worst of House Targaryen. The endless game of power they play with each other that none can win and that ultimately was their downfall… this makes for a great story… if you have the stomach for it. It isn’t about one changing the other, it’s about two people who mirror each other in many ways, complement each other in others, who are destined to be with each other… and that ultimately are doomed because of their circumstances. This is all true in the books and why I think they are so iconic.
In the show though LOL!
I have no fcking clue how anyone who watched redacted can like Matt/Renada. Not one. And sorry “cool” sentences now and then like “we were always meant to burn together” mean sh:t honey when you went to f:ck another dude cause dude 1 couldn’t get hard and you still had dude 1’s saliva in your mouth and finger grease downstairs. Have class! Have some standards! No person ever would act like this!
But let’s just pull out a cool list of all the reasons redacted gives us to ship Matt and Renada:
He acts creepy and she mostly looks annoyed at him and only cares about Alicia. If her and Alicia weren’t so unlikable and such sht for characters I might ship them cause they clearly are the end game.
He acts like a man child and she goes over there to scold him. Ladies don’t you love it when guys act like this? Like children and not like men? Something that really gets any woman’s blood pumping.
He has ample opportunity to seduce her effectively, you know, like in the books. To make her fall in love with him, to give us all that passion, that fire, yet instead he… takes her to a br0thel and embarrasses himself and gets kicked out in a day. Wow. Never would I have believed this would happen if someone told me like two years ago. I would laugh!
Can’t get hard because ReAsOnS (yes I read the explanation and my a** laughed a LOT makes no sense and contrary to popular belief a man’s conscience does not inhabit in their pants) and then girboss gaslight gatekeep Renada just goes to another man to bang her. Oh btw she was a virgin until then who had not as much as been kissed. Totally logical behaviour she displayed in the entire episode. Not. The fact that people eat this crap up just tells me that the standards are bellow ocean level. Also for all of you thinking this is romantic of Matt let’s switch this around and pretend that Renada couldn’t get 💦 so he decided to go and fck someone else. Ugh so romantic ❤️ like I have no illusions and I know how problematic Daemon and Rhaenyra are in canon but come the f:ck on! At least in the books they actually desired each other physically! And Rhaenyra had bear minimum curtesy of not f:cking another man because yolo when Daemon was there! Actually funny thing hehe only time she got another dude - Harwin Strong - was when Daemon wasn’t there! But what do I know? *stares into camera*. Also small note on this, y’all show fans can mock “Crispin” all you want but at least unlike the pathetic character you like he can get hard. Fck, you know who I like on this show? Lana who told Matt some damn facts and killed herself instead of being married to his pathetic ass. Good on you Queen! I want an AU where Lanna dracarys Matt and his limp d and goes off to live her best life! I need this AU!
We have more like, Matt going to Renada’s wedding - not like in canon he was nowhere near - and just… being a limp D again. By GOD never has a character ever had so much LDE (limp d:ck energy). He’s such a loser!
Also Renada actively wanting and agreeing to marry Lenny -> that friendly reminder canon Rhaenyra was forced to marry Laenor against her will, and that she had her own ideas about who she wanted to marry. But canon Rhaenyra actually makes sense unlike Renada here. Oh she loved Matt so much! You know what I pray no one ever loved me like Renada loved Matt. Help me on this on J.
More still, her going after Matt when he returns like a desperate chick. Where’s the strong girlboss now? Ah yes in the same place as when she needs daddy to help her ❤️ nowhere. You know what I love about canon Rhaenyra, the fact that yes this b:tch was a romantic and Daemon simp but when the fire got hot she had some back bone. She was the one who told Daemon to go get Vaemond and collect his head. Her reaction wasn’t to cry - one of the only times in the show Renada had any emotion btw - it was to say oh yeah, fck you then Vaemond! Daemon time to kill him. But show fans complain book Rhaenyra is like Sandra 🤡 get f:cked. If you only pull out your girlboss moments to have toxic masculinity traits such as using man, you are a joke.
Also her and Matt actively not having a real marriage and making their kids bastards. Amazing. So romantic. ❤️❤️ but of course unlike actual Daemon, Matt is a loser who can kill his wife but not Lenny to free Renada for himself. You know what’s like to be a dragon? Take what you want like Daemon did when he got rid of Laenor and took Rhaenyra. But in redacted we have to really emasculate men as much as possible so the Uemen! Shine through and have their yass queen 👸🏼 girlboss moments ❤️ yass queen humiliate that dude who actually cared for you and wanted to give you the best he had to offer ❤️👏🏻 love it.
Ah Yes also the “YoU wErE a ChIlD I sPaReD YoU” ❤️ so romantic… when you ignore the fact the married Lana who was 15 🤡 about 3 years younger than Renada who was 18. But he didn’t try to seduce her before because reasons 😉 www. none of this makes sense.com. Also if you use medieval standards for bullsht lies such as birth use them for ages as well bestie. A 18 year old would not be seen as a child by ANYONE back then. I need wine.
And of course more bullish:t like she saying it was his war 🤡 hahahahhaha and him chocking her. On that note that was the only scene I was teamMatt cause I can’t stand the showArya and Cersei wannabe. I’m team guy who is cosplaying as AegonIII on this one! Like King end her please! Please!
So all in all this all to say, I have no f:cking idea how anyone can like them on the show. He’s a pathetic loser she’s a joke, neither of them act consistently from one scene to the next… are the standards this low? I know the answer is yes 😔
Ask more of entertainment people! Ask more of writers! At the very least ask them to write about believable characters and stop accepting everything and eating up the trash that comes out of delusional clowns’ - like Ryan - mouths.
Sorry for the rant. I need to save my energy for the podcast.
Btw I’m thinking of making myself a mug saying “YOUNG FRESH COUPLE” 🙆🏽‍♀️ guess who it’s in honour of?
All the best to you Anon 🥰
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Rhaenyra’s orders only pertained to Nettles. They never extended to Daemon. She did not “divorce” him. He could have “gone home” back to his wife if he wanted to.
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Many Daemyra shippers like to claim that Daemon offed himself because Rhaenyra lost trust in him. He just couldn’t go on cause his Valyrian queen didn’t want him no anymore.
Let me clarify: this is a fanon theory that has no basis in canon. When I mean no basis I mean that it has absolutely 0 truth to it. Let’s look at the evidence shall we:
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This is the passage of Fire & Blood where Rhaenyra sends out her kill orders for Nettles. Notice what’s missing? The part where Rhaenyra says she never wants to see Daemon again and is “divorcing him.” Why is it missing? Because it does not exist.
Pay close attention to the last highlighted section. Where Rhaenyra orders Nettles to be murdered in order for Daemon to be freed.
Rhaenyra believed that if she murdered Nettles whatever “spell” she cast on Daemon(because she like this fandom seem to believe that Daemon could never actually want Nettles unless to groom her or to just get his jollies off)would go away and he’d be back by her side with no conflict of interest as if it never happened.
In case that is somehow not enough evidence:
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The last highlighted sentence explicitly states that Rhaenyra communicated in the letter(which Daemon read) that she did not want him harmed. She wanted Daemon alive and well.
See Rhaenyra actually needed Daemon(and his dragon) because contrary to what these stans try to say, her greatest threat was not Aemond. It was Daeron and his army:
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(Mind you he was considered Rhaenyra’s greatest threat even before Ulf and Hugh betrayed her and joined up with Daeron. So even if Daemon did not know about the betrayal, which I imagine it was in the letter with Nettles' kill orders, he would know that Daeron was the biggest threat to her reign and safety).
Daemon dead or banishing him from her side would be an absolute no-go. After accusing Addam Velaryon of betraying her, Rhaenyra was down to about two dragons(Syraxes and Tyraxes) at her disposal.
(Judging by how she reacted to Joffrey trying to save his dragon during the storming of the Dragonpit, she was not going to let her son and heir go into battle on Tyraxes).
The Greens had about four full-grown dragons (even leaving out Sunfyre and Dreamfyre) on their side. Rhaenyra needed Daemon alive and whole if she wanted to win the war because without him her reign was finished.
Daemon would know this. Even if he killed Aemond he would know that Rhaenyra’s days would be numbered against the great southern army.
Does Daemon leave Maidenpool the moment that letter is in his hands to go to his wife and queen, “the love of his life,” who desperately needed him? Nope:
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He reads the letter. Is in a bit of a daze cause he can’t believe what he is reading. A daze which he only comes out of it when Nettles asks him what was written in that later that had turned him so gray. It was her execution letter. He unsheathes his sword for her. Against his wife and queens orders.
He was going to fight through Lord Mooton’s men singlehandly for her. Daemon the kinslayer, the murderer of babes, unsheathes his sword for plain old dirty unwashed Nettles who no one would really miss if she were dead. No one except him.
(This is why I can not understand when people say Daemon “abused” Nettles or that he did not love her. He literally was going to give his life for hers. What is love if not sacrifice and what is the ultimate sacrifice if not giving your life so that the one you love can live?)
Now you might be thinking, well he saved Nettles, that doesn’t mean that he couldn’t go back to Rhaenyra when that business was done. So does he? Nope:
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Daemon makes sure Nettles gets to safety then leaves for Harrenhal without following Rhaenyra’s orders in any capacity.
Rhaenyra overplayed her hand. She underestimated how much Daemon actually cared for Nettles. It cost her life in the end. After isolating herself by ordering all those arrests and deaths, she did not survive the year's end. Nettles would be murder helped to seal her fate because it caused her to lose the loyalty of her husband(and his dragon) who chose the woman who “bewitched” him over her.
I can not stress this enough, Daemon did not get sad cause “Nyra” did not love him no more. Rhaenyra never lost her fate in him. She blamed his “dalliance” with Nettles on spells.
She wanted him back by her side, therefore he could’ve gone back “home” at any time and the whole Nettles business would have been forgotten, but Daemon got sick of her bs, saved the woman who he loved, and bounced 🤷🏽‍♀️ He could’ve helped Rhaenyra win the war, but he chose to end it all rather than go back to her:
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Or survived and found his way back to his Netty:
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But that’s not popular even though it has way more canonical basis than Daemon died for Nyra.
So if it’s not true that Daemon lived, ate, sh*t for Rhaenyra until his dying day, and then offed himself cause he couldn’t take her not wanting him anymore, then why are Daemyra stans lying? Cause they don’t like that Daemon chose Nettles over Rhaenyra. A girl who should be less than their Valyrian queen.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think that Nettles needs saving from Daemon. I won’t lie and say that the age gap(she’s 17 and he’s 49) isn’t disconcerting, because it is. Or that him being the Prince Consort and her being a likely non-Valyrian bastard girl who comes from nothing doesn’t put them on unequal footing, because it does, but Daemon clearly loves Nettles.
Regardless of whether you agree if it’s romantic love(it is, but that’s a conversation for another day) or not, he clearly loves her. He literally dotes upon with seemingly no ulterior motives, other than to provide her with simple comforts she’s so long gone without. He only wants to take care of her.
Daemon loves her enough to give up his life to defend and save hers. The man who ordered Blood & Cheese, has a reputation for misusing young girls, and commits countless war crimes, is willing to give his life up for a lowborn girl.
Nettles in all honesty wouldn’t be missed if she was murdered, but Daemon saves her. He could have easily let Lord Mooton’s men execute Rhaenyra, his wife the queen’s orders. I mean this is the Rouge Prince that we are talking about here. He murdered his own great nephew among other family members. It would have cost him nothing to hand Nettles over, but he did not. Instead he was going to fight through Lord Mooton’s men and die for her. If Nettles needs saving from that then I know nothing.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Dumbnyra stans low-key be funny talking bout some "Daemon groomed/abused Nettles. Anyone who ships them are gross! She deserves better." And I'm like first of all they be calling Dettles this and that as if they don't be actively shipping UNCLE AND NIECE. Second if Dumbnyra isn't grooming (it is) it sure as hell is abuse because last time I checked choking your partner (non-consensually) is domestic violence which is abuse. But you know there right she does deserve better, not from Daemon but from there feminist girlboss can do no wrong in there eyes white insert Targaryen Queen Rhaenyra, who ordered her death but made sure to explicitly state no harm was to come to Daemon.
They out here trying to Jeyne Pool Nettles like news flash not only is Nettles important narratively, I wonder who’s going to tell them that without her there fave Daemon (at least show wise) is just an unredeemable asshole with no character development. Like hello HOTD writers you can’t say he was made up out of both darkness and lightness and then take away all his lightness (Nettles, Laena, his daughters).
Also that whole bullshit soulmate “we have always been meant to burn together” thing there trying to do with Dumbnyra is laughable.
Sorry for ranting 🙂 (I also love that you call Daemyra, Dumbnyra lol).
Never apologize for ranting about Nettles and Daemon. Lol, the math straight up isn’t mathing because if you wanted to protect Nettles from someone it would be little Miss Aryan who tried to put a hit out on her, not the man who was going to lay down his life for her🙃
And as much as I love to rag on Dumbnyra(can’t take credit for that cause I saw it somewhere else and started using it🤣) stans cause they are straight-up racist misogynist trash, it’s not just them who are doing this.
Some of Team Green or Green-leaning fans also seem to view Rhaenyra as this innocent white woman(when it comes to Nettles) who just had a little breakdown and maybe if her perverted husband kept it in his pants and didn’t go dilly-dallying with a young Black woman she’d be okay👍🏽
Daemon has to have abused Nettles because there is no way he could treat a poor young Black woman better than Aryan Valyrian Queenie 😀
In fandoms, people always look the other way for white ships even when there is actual abuse involved, but the moment a Black woman is involved her relationship has to be spotless otherwise it’s “abusive” or she’s being “groomed” or some other bull crap, and we must “protect her.”
This isn’t mutually exclusive to HOTD. No joke, I got hate for shipping Shuri x Namor, not because he literally killed her mother, but because Namor is 500 years old and Shuri is in her early 20s. Mind you this person was a Ten-Rose shipper and that couple has an even larger age gap than Shuri and Namor(Rose is 19 and the Tenth Doctor is 900) 🙃
Once again this “protection” is less about “protecting” and more like “No no no wait, stop. There is a black woman and she is being loved. This just can’t be. Alert the fire department. Call the police.”🙃
Circling back to Dumbnyra stans, they truly are the most delusional fans I have ever seen. Like they really believe that even though Daemon literally mentally, emotionally, and physically abused their self-insert somehow Dumbnyra is still going to make it🤣🤣🤣 Lol with or without Nettles your ship is going the way of the Titanic🤷🏽‍♀️ Epic soulmates they are not. The show showed them that.
And yeah while Daemon doesn’t physically abuse Rhaenyra in the book(s) it isn’t this great love story they are making it out to be because when crazy a** Rhaenyra needs Daemon the most, she straight up just wants him back with her and tries to kill Nettles to “free him,” this man says deuces, goes against her orders to save the “misunderstanding,” and possibly gets himself killed(we never saw a body so I’m holding onto the possibility he lived) rather than go back to her 🙃
Go read the sections of Fire & Blood where Rhaenyra goes on her racist tangent and then the part where Daemon reads her execution orders for Nettles if you don't believe me📖
They can’t read and cling to the fanon scenarios they’ve created in their head to prop up that sinking hellfire of a ship. They so desperately want Rhaenyra to be his light when she’s just not. Both in the show and the book(s).
In the book(s), his light patches are Nettles, Laena, and his girls. They’ve screwed over his relationship with Laena and their girls in the show so now it’s up to Nettles to show that the man is morally gray and they can’t stand that 🤷🏽‍♀️
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