Silent Workout Routine Recs?
Give me ur best silent workout routines (no equipment) pls I'm begging yall
I love doing those no jumping walking ones on yt but I just found out my mum can hear me from downstairs when I do them 😭😭😭
Help a girl out pls
~Star xo
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TW // @n0r3x!@
One binge won't make you fat, just like how one fast won't make you skinny. Get up brush yourself off and DO BETTER TOMORROW!
You got this gorgeous 💕
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"Bumblebee," "flower," "sunshine" and stay w me here but maybe even "rainbow" HAHA
Yes they sound weird but when ur skinny you can pull anything off 😭
i would kill to be called “doll” or “butterfly” as pet names when i’m skinnier, they’re just so pretty and dainty-sounding. like, fhdjsgddjdgsjdj
also i’m bored so feel free to reblog this with pet names you’d like to be called once you’re skinny
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How to get to ugw in 10 seconds no borax no glue
~Star xo
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Always find comfort in hunger, not food.
~Star xo
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Obsessed 💞
Some moar favs :3
The emojis on some were added by me, they're pics I saved when I first fell back to 4n4 again a couple months ago and I still felt guilty (cuz of personal stuff from last year) so I covered peoples faces with emojis to deal with the guilt
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This is so freaking helpful omg <333
Tips for binging that help me:
1. Okay first what is it that you really crave ? Because sometimes I have the urge to binge but I know that a plain snickers bar won't satisfy the urge why I started binging in first place. A cake or a croissant that is what I want.
2. Where could I get this one thing I actually crave ? Do I already know what it taste like where bakery is etc ?
3. If you feel like you already made the decision to binge sit somewhere with the intention okay I am gonna binge later just gonna start with what I really want not some random snickers bar.
4. Grab your phone go to voice memo and speak to yourself about how you feel how you are about to binge how many cals it probably has.
5. Consider the option of a cheat meal instead of a whole binge.
6. Buy yourself a diet coke and the thing you really want like the cake and one smaller thing you would have probably had in your binge.
7. Drink the coke first. All of it. Then drink water.
8. Still in the mindset to binge ? Okay just think well if am gonna binge anyways might aswell take my time with the cake and enjoy it because it's the one thing you crave. Eat the small thing first then the cake.
9. Wait.
10. More water.
11. Feeling full ? Good.
12. That was a cheat meal grab your phone voice record and talk to yourself about eating the cake feeling full and consider to not binge and just let it be s cheat meal.
13. Wait.
14. You made it this far. You didn't binge. Now it's not the time for it maybe another day.
15. Be proud. You just avoided a binge. Yes you ate cake but just one slice. Not the whole cake. You are allowed to feel proud.
16. Carry that feeling of accomplishment threw the day. Why would you binge ? You have so much self control you just ate one piece of cake even though you had binge urges. You did it.
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Eugh omfg lately I've been binging sm out of stress bc it was exam week and I literally fucking gained all the weight I lost right back 😭😭😭
My last exam was today
It's time to get on that grind fellas 💪
I think I might start doing food journals and posting my weights to keep me accountable (watch my ego fall to the ground LMAO). If anyone has any tips for restricting after binging pls let me know!!
Wish me luck!!
~Star xo
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Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
Being full isn't fun
~Star xo
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I hate being skinny fat so fucking much.
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Oh my fucking god. I was doing so good today. I had rice cakes for breakfast and salad for dinner and I was convinced that for o n c e in my life maybe I'd acc be able to stick to my calorie limit and not binge like a pig.
And then my mother ordered a fucking French taco thing and kept insisting I eat it.
And ofc I ate it bc I felt like I had to "prove" to her that I am indeed a normal eater who has a completely normal and healthy relationship w food.
I chewed and spat and even fucking purged but that shit is in my system now idc how much I vomit it out I am utterly convinced I'm gaining a million pounds tmrw
It was good, I'll admit it. Along with the thoughts screaming at me to stop eating there were also some going "wait this shit is fireee, this is really good :D"
But yk what's even better?? Being fucking skinny. And I threw that down the drain just for some stupid taste buds and my stupid ego and my stupid mom.
Someone pls save me
-Star xo
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Literally me 😭
gymrat brother 🤝 d!$ord3red sister
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Chewing and spitting vs purging
What are ur opinions on chewing and spitting vs purging?
Personally I've tried both and I have to say I greatly prefer chewing and spitting. Purging is so time consuming and it takes forever to get a decent amount of food out ur system, not to mention it's LOUD and sometimes it hurts.
Chewing and spitting is easier in the sense that you don't need to do as much to get the food out of ur system bc, well, it doesn't enter ur system in the first place. The only issue is finding ways to spit w/o being too obvious (but technically the same can go for purging so), and it might just be me but I always feel rushed to stuff a buncha food in my mouth so I can spit more of it out and end up choking sometimes 💀
But what are ur opinions? And any tips you wanna share?
~Star xo
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Hello! I'm Star <3 I enjoy reading, kpop, and singing :] I'm just every other basic mentally unwell teenage old girl quite frankly. But I hope you enjoy my blog tho!! (And I apologize in advance for the braincells you're about to lose from reading it 💞) This is a safe space for both you and me, so pls treat it accordingly and if you don't like smth, just keep scrolling (block don't report). Ty!! Enjoy your stay and be safe xx (This is a side blog so unfortunately I can't do follow-backs :() DNI: -18+ (I am a minor 💀) -Any bigotry or discrimination of any kind -Judgmental bitches
Stats: Height: 5"2 CW: 97lbs (BMI 17.7) GW1: 95lbs (BMI 17.4) GW2: 90lbs (BMI 16.5) GW3: 85lbs (BMI 15.5) UGW: 70lbs (BMI 12.8)
~Star xo
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