sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
Just a reminder to the world 1.8 million Palestinians from Gaza are denied by Israel from visiting other PALESTINIAN cities in the West Bank.
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
Yo this is all super important. Like I identify as queer it’s a larger convo if anyone cares,
but also growing up I had to deal with kids playing “smear the queer” at break and I’m sorry if I refuse to believe a cis heterosexual aromantic person felt seriously threatened by that game 
i mean don't feel like you need to take the time to do that i just don't understand what the problems were and/or if it was offensive and i'd like to know so i don't make the same mistake(s) in the future
that’s alright, i was just gonna get high anyway tbh so i might as well go in if i’m gonna be rude lol.
If you aren’t cisgender heteroromantic heterosexual, you belong in the queer community. I’m sick of seeing this bullshit “you aren’t queer enough” sort of community policing.
firstly: “queer” is a slur, it is a reclaimed slur that applies to those who perform/express their sexuality/relationships/presentations(/u get what i’m saying) with same- or similar-gender individuals (this is an unnecessarily formal definition, really, but it’ll work). definitionally, like really and truly, “queer” has been used to target, attack, and marginalize people who experience homophobia (by which i mean gay/bi/pan people). it is tied directly to that homophobia, and its use as a political label is an intentional response to that experience of marginalization. so using it as a synonym for “LGBTQ+ community” is not accurate, and it’s a misuse of the slur. as we all should be aware, slurs have roots and effects that go beyond the mere use of the word, and it’s disrespectful to look at the way that word has been used and abused and reclaimed and then say “we’re gonna use this for whatever we want” without acknowledging that it requires consent and community to be used in anything other than an oppressive way. so that’s number one, and it’s important. that’s the premise. it’s not “community policing” to say that the word has meaning, and that the meaning is still very real to a lot of people who have visceral reactions to that word and what it describes.
And by “cisgender heteroromantic heterosexual” I mean ALL THREE of those things.
let’s clear something up right the fuck now. the term “homosexual,” which is really the base from which all these other labels come from, was not a term that gay people came up with for themselves. idk if yall understand this. it sounds clinical and deviant and unnatural because it’s meant to. it was developed by straight people to label the kind of same-gender sexual conduct that they considered medically and socially abnormal, it has a criminalizing and damning sort of air to it that a lot of gay people feel and have expressed. i can understand and appreciate the desire and utility of this term to describe differences in how people experience attraction, but i would really, really caution people to be mindful of the history and context and development of all these terms, bc those are real and they have power in the world that can’t just be excised for the purposes of an empty discursive exercise lol like i can understand the merit of labeling and i wouldn’t want to take that away from people but i need you to realize that this tendency to endlessly pathologize and categorize and medicalize our identities as LGBTQ+ people comes from somewhere and we can’t ignore that. these terms, used here, are obnoxious, frankly, and only matter in a discursive space. you’ll see what i mean more below.
Are you a trans (binary or nonbinary) person who is attracted sexually and romantically to the opposite gender? You belong in the LGBTA+ community.
OBVIOUSLY they belong in the LGBTQ+ community lmao like that goes without saying, but “queer” and “LGBTQ+” aren’t synonyms because WORDS HAVE MEANINGS and SLURS MATTER oh my fucking god.
also: it’s really weird that the OP would refer to a “binary” trans person like i’m p sure it’s universally recognized that the gender binary is truly bullshit and drawing a distinction between “binary” and “nonbinary” trans people does little besides add to that whole false construction of categories and labels that impede and attempt to pigeon-hole experiences, without understanding the actual meaning of the words as they are used/understood in people’s lived realities, you know what i mean? idk if OP is cis but i feel like if they are, this line would be a bit of a red flag as well, bc of the “opposite” schtick like ok
.and what they’re literally describing is a straight trans person, and tbh it’s really really not anyone’s business but that person themself to define their identity, least of all to apply a slur to them nonconsensually, so while it’s obviously true that this person they’re describing is a member of the LGBTQ+ community, the implication that they are “queer” is not one that anyone besides that one person in question is actually qualified to make lmao please 
Are you a cis person who is heteroromantic asexual? You belong.
Are you a cis person who is heterosexual aromantic? You belong.
“QUEER” AND “LGBTQ+” ARE NOT SYNONYMS!! and even if they were, i am very uncomfortable positioning a cis straight aromantic man on the same field of experiences as, say, a bi trans woman, yknow? i think the kind of inclusivity and community the OP is describing here has no real-world roots or iterations, it exists discursively but it’d be laughable to act as though it translates to lived experiences that require real concentrated social justice work, esp if you’re not gonna account for male privilege and cis privilege and etc like i can agree with this, as a concept, in theory, but i think it’s a hard sell and it’s irresponsible to paint a cis aromantic heterosexual person as having to deal with the kind of shit that a trans aromantic heterosexual person, for example, or a man who has all those labels vs a woman who does, yknow? this is such a specific example that makes such a broad sweeping claim and while i think it’s absolutely very very true that we need to recognize the experiences of ace and aro people and acknowledge their marginalization, it is SUPER low on my list to give a shit about a cis hetero aromantic dude while trans women are out here getting killed like please.
Are you a cis bisexual who is currently dating a cis member of the opposite gender? You belong.
stop adding “cis” to shit like this, it implies that trans people are not really their gender and it’s not necessary (also “opposite gender” tbh like why say that again lol).
Are you an intersex individual who otherwise is heteroromantic heterosexual? You belong.
i have heard time and time again that intersex people are really not OK with being defined as “queer” without consent. this sentence is ugly af and it’s childish, it clearly makes no effort to actually connect with how intersex people live and deal with crap in order to prop up a broad definition of “queerness” that they might not identify with at all, but here we are applying a slur to these people without their consent??? stop.
Stop trying to alienate people based on some fucked-up “level of queerness”. There are enough problems in the LGBTA+ community without people being exclusive.
BRUH the problems in the LGBTQ+ community are not about fucking exclusivity n shit, people are out here getting fucking MURDERED, this is sosososososo fucking petty and childish and so far removed from reality that it only makes sense in a discursive context that takes into account none of the lived realities of people’s actual lives. 
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
my dudes
my dames
my folksssssss of every gender
don’t use homeopathic stuff, it is literal bullshit
and dont say homeopathic when you mean home or herbal remedies
homeopathy is based on this completely weird and very wrong idea that the more dilute something is, the better it works, and we’re talking parts per billion here
so like legit
dont use homeopathic shit
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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current mood: babies by van gogh
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
“most people are attracted to biological sex as opposed to gender identity“ newsflash: it’s not real. you’re just an asshole. ok bye
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
To be fair, there are always gays in the starbucks
Yeah tbh lack of lgbt spaces really hurts. I want to meet other lgbt+ people in a situation that is not inherently sexual, alcoholic or online.
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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291K notes · View notes
sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
Adobe Update is a lot like my ex in that there is never really an appropriate time for you to show up and ask me things
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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Words for Pets
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
Extra A’s in my name is my least favorite thing somethingsomethingawesome
Why are there 2 A’s in Aaron? Why not 6? What’s stopping us?
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
Bottle rocket under ice
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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Fortune cookie
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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(x) (x)
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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Meet Shamir, the “queer black kid” who’s turn pop on its head  
In the months leading up to his May 19 major-label debut, 20-year-old Shamir became pop’s poster child for gender fluidity — and the source of much excitement over a nascent revolution in pop. The New York Times ran a feature titled “Pop Music Catches Up to Shamir,” but the singer doesn’t consider what he’s doing to be particularly earth-shattering.
“I don’t think I’m really doing anything that’s too different or forward-thinking,” he says. “I think the whole ‘changing pop music’ thing is just more because it’s really different for people to see a queer black kid doing it.”
Except that’s exactly what’s different about Shamir: his lack of bullshit. And it touches more than just his image. It also affects his music.
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
You know how when someone is really old fashioned and you’re like its 2015 not 1955 do you think they used to do that like “dude it’s 1819 not 1692 stop accusing people of being witches”
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sweatywithstrangers · 9 years
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