#/things about themselves they were previously blind to‚ fixing their flaws and changing for the better.
crescentmp3 · 9 months
love planning out an entire video game that will take me years of learning to get started on making.
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Hypmic OC Crew: Freestyle Angels
so I’ve seen a lot of people posting their Hypmic OCs lately, and that made me want to buckle down and finalize the details for mine!
An all-female team based out of Tokyo’s Minato Ward, the Freestyle Angels are technically an independent crew - they got together to drive out crews who were abusing their claims to the territory, but aren’t interested in winning more territory themselves. (Not that they’d qualify for the DRBs anyway, of course.) Rather, they serve as a foil/rival team to the Chuohku trio.
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Sumire Kuino, AKA Queen of Street
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” - Helen Keller
Occupation: Humanitarian aid organizer
Birthday: October 7th
Age: 30
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 6′0″
Weight: 165 lbs
Blood type: AB
Likes: Bargains, fixing things, dogs, birdwatching
Dislikes: Wastefulness, unpaid debts, technology, selfish people
Favorite food: Chazuke
Least favorite food: Fugu
The daughter of a corrupt businessman and his mistress. Her father was an associate of Sairo Tohoten, who helped him flee the country when he got in trouble with the authorities, leaving a young Sumire and her mother behind. Sumire’s mother, only viewing her as another mouth to feed, likewise abandoned her daughter once she’d found a new lover. Frightened at the possibility of ending up in an orphanage, Sumire struggled to fend for herself on the streets until she was taken under the wing of an older homeless man named Takayoshi. He would go on to raise Sumire as his own, with her quickly coming to call him ‘Grandpa’ and taking on his family name. Over the years, Sumire became increasingly protective of him in turn, and he and his circle of friends would jokingly call her ‘queen’ for her assertive, take-charge nature; Sumire was always exasperated by the nickname, but grudgingly grew to accept it.
Takayoshi was the sort of person who was always willing to lend a hand and always kept an eye out for those who needed it, and Sumire followed his example. After he passed away, she became a guardian for anyone with nowhere to go, spending her days building shelters, distributing food, and standing up to whoever threatened the people that depended on her. She had fleeting hopes that the Party of Words would remedy some of the ills plaguing society, but found that little changed once the H Age began. Before the formation of the Dirty Dawg, Minato Ward went through a tumultuous period where it rapidly changed hands between many crews who abused their power. Sumire stole a set of Hypnosis Mics off of one such group and began using it to defend the defenseless, forming a duo with Ageha Hinokuchi called the Rough Diamonds, then a trio once they met Kaori Sakuragi.
Her microphone takes the shape of a street sign, while her speakers are a graffiti-covered castle made from debris. Her ability, Bulwark, decreases the damage done to her allies, albeit at the cost of taking it herself. Her personal rapping style is based off of Hime.
Personality-wise, Sumire’s an incredibly caring person under an intimidating exterior; her default stone-faced expression rarely changes and she speaks very bluntly. She won’t really judge or try to control the choices of those she helps, but if she needs to put her foot down for someone’s own good, her naturally commanding presence makes it hard to not do what she says. She’s a quick learner who can fix up just about anything she puts her hands on (with the exception of hi-tech gadgets) and a highly efficient penny-pincher; show her something with a high price tag and get ready to hear a thorough breakdown of just how many groceries it could buy. Her biggest flaw is that she doesn’t always take care of herself as well as she does others, requiring her teammates to step in and force her to take the occasional break.
She deeply respects Jakurai’s work, but finds Hifumi too flashy for her tastes. She’s also helped Dice a few times in the past, but he finds her kind of terrifying and tries to avoid her. The one person who can immediately make her lose her composure is Rei; plenty of his victims have ended up on the streets, and one of them even committed suicide despite Sumire’s attempts to save them. Unless her teammates stop her, she’ll attack him on sight.
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Ageha Hinokuchi, AKA HI-FLYA
“Once freedom lights its beacon in man’s heart, the gods are powerless against him” - Jean-Paul Sartre
Occupation: Fitness & self-defense instructor
Birthday: May 6th
Age: 28
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5′6″
Weight: 138 lbs
Blood type: B
Likes: Pro wrestling, action movies, dancing, the beach
Dislikes: Muscle cramps, energy drinks, smoking, conformity
Favorite food: Barbecue
Least favorite food: Sea cucumber
A former member of the Party of Words. As a child, she lost her parents to an armed robbery, leading her to support Otome’s goals of eliminating conventional weapons from Japan. However, she increasingly found herself unable to turn a blind eye to the ways in which the Party manipulated innocent people. Once she learned about the True Hypnosis Microphone, she attempted to sabotage the facility where they were produced, but was discovered. In the fight that followed, a fire broke out; she fell from a great height into the flames and was presumed dead by the Party members who had been trying to apprehend her. However, a friend of hers in the group discovered that she’d survived and smuggled her to safety. After recovering from her wounds, she took on a new name and face, leaving her old identity behind to become Ageha Hinokuchi.
Her goal of stopping the Party of Words remained unchanged, and for a while she was constantly on the move, collecting evidence of their crimes and trying to come up with a way to stand against them. In Minato Ward, she happened to cross paths with Sumire Kuino, who had stolen a set of Hypnosis Microphones and was using them to defend people in need. Though initially reluctant to use one herself, she was forced to when Sumire was outnumbered and lured into a trap. Sumire, who was a firm believer in always repaying what she owed, asked what she could do in exchange for Ageha saving her life. This sparked a deep bond that eventually led to Ageha divulging her past to Sumire, and they formed a duo known as the Rough Diamonds. They later met Kaori Sakuragi and rechristened themselves the Freestyle Angels (incidentally, Ageha came up with both names, the latter because she was a fan of Charlie’s Angels).
Her microphone takes the shape of a portable music player held on an armband and a pair of headphones with butterfly wings on them, while her speaker is a four-sided boxing scoreboard. Her ability, Reverb, allows her to hit her opponent twice in one go, although the second hit isn’t as strong. Her personal style is inspired by Akkogorilla.
In contrast to Sumire, Ageha is fun-loving, always wears a smile, and is overflowing with energy; this is largely due to regretting how she previously lived, as someone blindly obedient who didn’t fully appreciate the joys of life. She can quickly befriend just about anyone and is a bit of a flirt, but only to tease. All of this belies a keen observational eye, though, and she’ll play up being an airhead to make others underestimate her. She knows a wide variety of martial arts, with kickboxing and aikido being her specialties. Because she currently lives and works in Roppongi, she’s also good with foreign languages.
Ageha is a big fan of Sasara’s comedy routines. She's suspicious of Ramuda because she knows he was involved with Chuokhu, but isn’t fully aware of his nature as a clone. Likewise, she detests Rei for having worked on the True Hypnosis Mic, but is much better at hiding it than Sumire.
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Kaori Sakuragi, AKA wallflower
“Be not another, if you can be yourself” - Paracelsus
Occupation: Self-employed craftsperson
Birthday: December 5th
Age: 20
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 5′3″
Weight: 116 lbs
Blood type: A
Likes: Homemade things, aromatherapy, reading, gardening
Dislikes: Cameras, busy places, the dentist, controlling people
Favorite food: Croquettes
Least favorite food: Beef tongue
Child-star-turned-idol, lead singer of the wildly popular group ‘Cutie Blooms’, Kaori seemingly vanished off the face of the earth one day. In truth, years of constant media presence, overwork, and pressure to please her demanding stage mother had driven Kaori to have a mental breakdown. Unable to be in the presence of other people without suffering severe panic attacks, she shut herself up in her apartment just before the start of the H Age for two years. When a paparazzi tracked her down and began harassing her for interviews, she fled and became lost on the streets of Minato-ku, but was rescued by Sumire Kuino and Ageha Hinokuchi. Seeing them wield their Hypnosis Mics in her defense reminded her of her original love for singing, and she begged them to make her the third member of their crew.
While her teammates have been helping her work through her trauma, Kaori is still afraid of having her face or voice recognized. She keeps her features obscured by glasses and masks as much as possible, prefers to stay out of sight, and primarily communicates through a tablet that reads out what she writes; she’s very quiet and stammers a lot when she does speak. During her years as a shut-in, she learned to provide for herself in a number of ways, such as growing her own vegetables and making clothes and other handicrafts, the latter of which she sells online.
Her microphone takes the shape of her tablet and stylus, while her speaker is a greenhouse that overflows with more and more flowers as she gains confidence during battle. Her ability, Tongue-Tied, scrambles her opponent’s speech. Her personal style is based off of Haru Nemuri.
Kaori is sensitive, timid, and somewhat pessimistic, but still possesses a very strong determination deep down at her core. She despises the fake persona that was forced upon her by the idol industry and wants to “win back her true self”. The more comfortable she gets around someone, the more she shows her passionate and cheerful side. She’s also very creative and good at memorizing small details, but at the cost of sometimes getting lost in her own thoughts and not noticing what’s going on around her.
She’s an avid reader of Gentaro’s novels, having sent him lots of anonymous fanmail in the past. She’s also recently started listening to Jyushi’s music.
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not1founttyipfa78 · 3 years
The zodiac wheel represents the ideal state of evolution and reflecting back on mistakes and learning from them. It makes a lot of sense if you think about this way.
1. Aries. No mistakes to reflect on so mistakes must be made
2. Taurus. Mistakes were made, there's a need to stop, pause, and take a practical after math solving approach, be more introverted and cautious.
3. Gemini. Mistakes were solved , there's no longer a need to be introverted and cautious, yet mistakes are learned so instead of recklessness there's a curiosity
4. Cancer. Curiosity killed the cat. Too much knowledge is a painful thing, need to withdraw, self reflect, as the result insecurity of whether you even learn from mistakes or not since you keep brooding
5. Leo. An overconfident approach with a sense of revenge since it views experience of a cancer as a personal mistake, yet at the same time inflicted demage not mistake of other people or circumstances or self inflicted harm, since it's personally hurt and effected, that's where fragile ego comes from, inability admit self faults , mistakes and wrongs.
6. Virgo. Overly critical of itself since it wasn't critical of itself beforehand. After a period of bright explosive confidence, goes within and becomes a hermit, yet isn't emotionally demaged as much as ego demaged and takes a more practical objective approach in order to solve problems and overcompensates for past inability to notice own flaws with overly self critising approach.
7. Libra. Is all about the relation of another with the self, since previously it was all about the self critisizm whitch is limiting and not objective,just to neither the self nor the others, gets closer to people, too personal since previously it was a hermit and all about self retrospection but is accusing in it's nature
8. Scorpio: is secretive about being accusing and judgmental in it's nature, since previously trying to find justice externally especially in personal relationship didn't bring best results. Sees faults in everyone and the self most of the time accuratly but doesn't point them out. has a hot/cold heart/head approach since it notices the hypocrisy of previous self, of being objective yet being personal and playing a double game, hates lies but studies them by being a liar until it separates black from white, true from false, right from wrong and is able to free itself from being too close and too personal, yet blind to reality of things/situations/people whitch being silent about them eventually necessary makes you. Burns the bridges and self if it is a bridge.
9. Saggitarius. Is blunt and outspoken to a point of it looking wrong and false. Has an I don't give a damn attitudes since previously it has had the most internalising Phycholohically expirience of being secretive and in a way, a liar or at least not a truth teller. Overcomplicates with being reckless in what others will view it as, honest, free and is often too free whitch results in emptiness that is left from burning all the bridges and often changing yourself entirely. It's a sign of no ego and no identity. And often leads to a void of a life. Whether entirely free or entirely broke and we aren't talking money.
10. Capricorn. Now we are talking money and structure because it's the fastest way to overcompensate for being "no one" having "nothing". Now instead of an idea that "I have no home because it's too limiting" there's an idea of "building a castle" and doing it all along on your own. A more practical independence, yet scrutiny and snobbishism for feeling of first achievements after having nothing, like fire signs, the oblivious to previous expirience or seeminly not having it, yet having a trauma instead on an ego identidy level, but here is a pride of self achievement and need to reflect back on the gold. has an expirience of saggitarius that since lacking identity has to reflect on previous fire sings and become them and learn from their mistakes, whitch makes them a "Philosopher that seeks higher knowledge", yet "blunt and egotistical", yet "reckless and free" at the same time, since it learned it from Scorpio how one can hold contradiction within themselves but now knows what they mean or are for. Capricorn has a knowledge of a primitive society, capitalism, where it's about the gain of self and the others but mainly about the self gain.
11. Aquarius. Since previously it was all about self gain, it takes a different approach and has a "everyone must gain" sociolistic approach, where previously only certain types could be included in a kingdom and looked down upon and other looked up to, now everyone must be looked at equally. Yet it doesn't care about nuances and reality of such equality or no good intend on creating said utopian futuristic society it has an idea about. It mostly has an expirience of being an overthrown king or queen of its kingdom but still since it's mentally fixed, has an "I must be on top of the world" approach, sort of like aries but aries is more of a child, and aquarius is more of an intellectual, careless dictator.
12. Pisces. Overcomplicates for not caring whatsoever by overly caring. It's "dreams" come from memories of failed utopia it once had, has no motivation to achieve them because they were ALREADY achieved, but failed. Sort of a dead killed god. Either because society took a "heartless scientific" approach previously or because it was too dogmatic, intellectually thryranical where everyone ended up being "a god of a new world" since everyone was free and equal to do so without much thinking self critisizm or analysis. That's where spirituality and compassion comes from, since pisces know that everyone can be a god. But now knows the price of it, and decides to lack ego or the practical approach all together and stays in hypothetical reals of endless ideas, like a star that exploded or a planet that collided with another planet, that's where self destruction comes from. Gives up intellect all together knowing how ignorant decieving it actually is. Prefers to rely on intuition and a "feeling".
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
Extra Typology Vol #3 - Part , A: 13. - The Mercurial Style (Basics)
The “tempestuous romantic type”, perhaps comparable with a sx 4 in the classic enneagram or perhaps sx/sp in general depending on the person. 
For people of the Mercurial style, life is a roller coaster of intensity, from the peaks to the valleys, and they want others to come along for the ride - Mercurial individuals yearn for experience and will jump into a new love or a new lifestyle with both feet, without even a glance backward - No other style, including the Dramatic, is this ardent in its desire to connect to life and with other people, and no other style is so capable of enduring the styles in emotional weather that such a fervidly lived life will bring. 
The Six Domains
Mercurial individuals are never casual about the people they care for - they tend to immediately feel a magnetic involvement or even a powerful sense that the relationship is destined, and it can quickly go on to become the center of their lives and the heart of their beings - they are  emotional, insistent and very much life’s natural romantics (indeed, think Romeo Montague) and they pursue their relationships with an intensity unlike any other style. 
A love afair, or even a friendship with a mercurial individual is unforgettable - they put their lovers, friends, and even co-workers on a pedestal, worship their perfection and thank the heavens for blessing them with such a person - They’ll feel the urge to talk to the every day, sometimes several times a day, must know everything the other person thinks, does or feels, and will take them everywhere they go and introducing them to their at times numerous friends at pursuits; Their partners may find that they get drawn closer than anyone else ever wanted them to be - and if they’re not into that and resist, the fury & hurt that the Mercurial individual may mount just as quickly and they can swiftly turn angry and critical or the same people they were idolizing just a while earlier.
They can have strong, all-or-nothing opinions and, if displeased, change them pretty quickly; With their shifting moods, incessant demads and the ease with which they can become dissapointed, they can be considered difficult to deal with and perceived as arrogant and grandiose by some, but their cutting, outspoken opinions can also make them interesting and they do have a tendency to encouage those in their good graces to aspire to new heights, and there’s little that they wouldn’t do for their friends and will finght to hang onto someone they feel might be slipping from their grasp - this is the sort of person who will, say, pull a grand romantic gesture to win their ex back. 
In a way they can be open to anyone in that if someone strikes them like they should belong to their lives, they will try hard to bring them in, though they can be sharply critical and unforgiving if an individual isn’t interested in the offer - and obviously, that level of intensity and ceaseless activity might overwhelm those with more moderate needs for emotional closeness - it doesn’t help that Mercurial folks are, for all their many enthusiams, given to brood and often the sort of people that might take a request for more space too personally.
On the plus side, they’re the most generous, focussed and attentive partners you’ll ever get. In a healthy individual with a well-balanced pattern, these traits can contribute to a powerful, lasting romantic love of the sort that songs, poems and stageplays are about (indeed you may have noticed that everything about this style is basically song lyrics tropes incarnate), but if the dominance of the Mercurial style is more extreme and other emotionally volatile styles (like say, Dramatic) are present, you end up with a needy, emotionally unrestrained person with a limited capacity to stop and think and such enormous expectations that few people can adequately fulfill even if they love the very Mercurial person in question dearly, for few can offer the same constant intense passion and attention - by and large, they tend not to be all too skilled at patching things up with others - they tend to feel that they are the ones who give the most (and more often than not its even true), and some may even feel justified in manipulating others into giving them more attention.
 They may have trouble recognizing the ways in which they may have contributed to relationship difficulties, in part because of a tendency to view the relationship colored by their later feelings if it blew up in anger & conclude that it must have sucked to begin with and/or that they were merely fooled or blinded by their feelings. 
 Individuals in which this style is extremly pronounced may have difficulty actually sustaining the relationship in the long-term but because they thrive on romantic love, they will throw themselves completely into the next relationship before too long, so they will end up going through a series of passionate entanglements rather han one single lasting relationship. 
A sad truth with some extremly Mercurial individuals can be that sometimes, they are the last ones to recognize how much they mean to the people in their lives because of their impossibly high standards and a tendency to feel hurt  and abandones when others simply assert their needs. 
Mercurial people are driven by their emotions - what moves them is what counts to them. Even with only a moderate amount of this style, and individual will experience all their emotions more intensely than other people - they are all heart, and everyone and everything leaves an impact on them. They laugh and weep easily and openly. They can feel hot fury and ice-cold rage, and they experience profound sexual excitement and passion, encountering little inibitions in this or any other emotional aspect of their lives. 
In brief: They have a lot of feelings. Emotions drive even their thoughts - when you listen to a Mercurial expressing their conviction, a strenght of feeling will be apparent. They’re anything but wishy washy and let you know exactly where they stand, hold nothing back and take nothing lightly, especially when it comes to people - after all, as we’ve previously discussed, relationships are the focus of Mercurial lives - all their relationships, from lovers to friends to relatives to co-workers. They react to everyone, finding emotional significance in anything another person does - as a result, they are easily flattered and pleased, but just as easily devastated, disillusioned or dissapointed.
As it’s so central to their lives there’s a good chance that they idealize emotion, not just in a 19th century romanticist sense but in seeking perfect romantic love - they may find it, too, but they can’t necessarily grasp it for long - perhaps no one can, for the idealized lover exists only as no flaws, however minor, are seen. A strongly Mercurial person may prefer to remain infatuated with their beloved and thus bland to the real human imperfections that might spell a dreadful disapointment, a calm, quiet life with a “regular” person would sound like boredom to them. 
Because their emotions are their primarysource of experience and meaning, Mercurial individuals - at least those who don’t have a more ‘head’-heavy style to anchor them - will be subject to rapid, sometimes unpredictable shifts in moods as they react to the unavoidable changes in their environment. 
In moderate, well-adjusted individuals with balanced personality patterns, this can represent a gift for experiencing the fullness of emotion but in the extremes, especially as we approach a degree of disfunctionality, they might find that they lack a consistent emotional center and find themselves at the mercy of their internal states and prone to overreactions.
Appetites exert a huge force on the Mercurial life - propelled by their powerful emotions, they are hungry for and thoroughly responsive to pleasure, sensation and experience, which may also serve as distractions from hurt and pain they may be unwilling to acknowledge.
They are curious and interested, love to taste and experiment and are alive in the moment, finding it difficult to pass up any spontaneous gratification - if they get a craving for Pizza in the middle of the night, they might well end up dragging all their friends to a fancy restaurant in a rented limousine - Unafraid of risk, they are intensely motivated to have a good time and experience new things and will try anything once. Often they drive like demons, spend their money as soon as they have it,  and feast with little thoughts of cholesterol and the like - Like dramatic and Adventurous people, their skill is in living in the moment, with the corresponding drawback of being reluctant to plan for the future. 
For people with this as their dominant style, this can reach levels of reckless self-indulgence and some may end up self-destructing despite all their talents and abilities. Of course it needn’t come that far but even a fairly well-adjusted Mercurial person will need to make a continuous effort to keep themselves from overdoing it - of course, having more commonsense-ey styles in one’s pattern helps. 
Their characteristic willingness to try anything once extends even to the Self domain: Mercurial types tend to be extremly open-minded and curious about other ways of being - their sense of who they are is rarely concretely fixed to any particular identity or lifestyle, and sometimes not even to a culture - Mercurial people have a talent for moving into new lifestyles and fitting right in whereas others may seem out-of-place and uncomfortable at first and may easily learn a new language, assimilate into a new location or social group, cultural movement, or adjust to a new career or role - Some Mercurial people in whim the trait is especially pronounced may immerse themselves in the lifestyles and even identities of new friends or lovers. 
This ‘’fluid’ sense of self may also mean that the Mercurial individual isn’t always absolutely certan of their own identity, and thus bring some downsides with it - A given Mercurial person may, for example, have a hard time figuring out what they want to do in their lives, have a bit of a complex or identity crisis about it during which they may struggle with feelings of emptiness, or resort to imitating people or groups to archieve a sense of certainty. 
In any case, the self-image (or images) of a Mercurial person - whatever it happens to be - is likely to be painted in strongly contrasting colors. They may be changeable, but they always stand out. 
To a Mercurial person, the world is an intense and powerful place that is often chaotic, and at times rather dark - this is a fire-and-ice personality style, inside an out. 
At work, Mercurial types can be bright, outgoing, enthusiastic, energetic, original and creative - characteristically, they become intensely involved with their co-workers and take everything that happens in their work relationships personally - They can be passionately interested and involved in office and intrigue. 
They often put their bosses on pedestal an expect them to behave with perfect judgement and compassion, which, of course, can lead to dissapointment - but as long as the boss manages to mantain his idealized image, the Mercurial individual will work extremly hard to make a good impression - but they’ll need to be recognized and rewarded for their hard work as the ‘special’ relationship with the boss is essential to the motivations - Mercurial people do not become selfless drones, and if all their intense efforts go unnoticed, and the boss acts as if they are just one more employee, they’ll quickly lose interest and their effort will peter out - Mercurial types rise to the occasion when they are admired, needed, depend on and idealized. 
They can be as demanding at work as they are in other areas of their lives, but their insistence on being treated well can serve then in this domain - their sense of entitlement will keep them from being ill-used and underpaid, thought in some cases their usual difficulty with being realistic can cause this t backfire, leading them to insist on being treated as way more important to their employers than they actually are - this, combined with their tendency for strong emotional reactions, may interfere with the progress of their careers - that said, this may be different in creative fields, given the sort of reputations artists get. 
Life Choices
The Mercurial style does not generally come with a gift for leadership, largely because the Mercurials loathe to establish the necessary managerial detachment from their subordinates - they like to become intensely involved and they end up, as always, idealizing relationships. 
They expect extraordinary personal dedication and perfect performance from those who work with them and when subordinates do not meet their expectations, they tend to feel personally let down - plus, they’re moody & emotional. They often split those around them into an in-group and an out-group, although affiliation among the favored few is never guaranteed for long. Moreover, they haven’t much ability n planning, organization or dealing with money. 
A little touch of the Mercurial style, however, may well aid a manager in inspiring their subordinates to give their all, and Mercurial individuals are sometimes capable of brilliant ideas - with a solid, non-competitive second in command of a more common-sense-ey style, such a semi-Mercurial manager may be able to both fire up the spirit and make sure that the work actually gets done. 
Job Recomendations
To be happy and productive in your work life, you need a career where your emotive ability can work for you, for example in a creative field - You likely have good critical skills and enjoy sitting in judgement - consider becoming a critic. 
However, avoid technical, solitary, detail- or number oriented work that requires rigorous cerebral preserverance and pick something where you’re somehow involved with others - You’ll need the discipline of a structured work setting, too, as you might have a tendency to lose focus & get sidetracked by your pesonal whims that may prove fatal in slor or independent work. 
Consider acting, be it professionally or simply as a hobby. Considering your style’s comfort in an idealized role, you may also thrive in teaching or helping professions - if you can avoid overinvolvement with students/clients and deal with or offset your generally high impatience and low frustration tolerance. 
Stress Sources
The greatest sources of stress for a Mercurial person tend to be relationship problems; Likewise, it is important to them to be recognized and treated as special, and if that doesn’t happen - of if the other prson tries to establish  some distance - they might feel threatened. 
As one may expect, they react to such stresses very intensely - often they’ll throw themselves into a powerful, passionate experience (sex, music, drugs, booze etc.) to distract themselves - or, they’ll step back and act like it isn’t happening, which can seem a little strange. But unless the stress itself diminished, sooner or later they’ll react full force, often feeling that rejection is tantamount to the end of the world. 
If their outbursts of emotion fail to influence the other person, they may cope by suddenly turning their backs on that person and becoming intensely involved with someone else, perhaps itself a distraction from the pain. They hate being without love and do not stay that way for long.
Mercurial people can make wonderfully fun, entertaining, interesting energetic and involving parents - when they’re in the mood. 
They greatly enjoy the emotional intensity of parent-child relationships, especially while the child is small, but they can be imontionally inconsistent in all their relationships and might have difficulties dealing appropiately with the child’s emerging autonomy and it can be hard work for Mercurial parents to allow a teen their idependence and distance. Also, if the child becomes contrary, the spouse may have to help with the patience and forbearance, and since this is an impulsive style, they might not be the most qualified people to teach their kids to control their own impulses and appetites.
That said, a Mercurial parent - especially if moderate and relatively well-adjusted - can encourage emotional depht, generosity, creativity,courage romance and spirit in their offspring. 
Romantic Compatibility
The stronger the Mercurial streak, the more difficult it can be to sustain a long-term relationship beyond the honimoon phase - Mercurial types require hot intensity but the heat they need usually burns itself out quickly. They need partners who are interesting, strong, exciting, passionate, romantic and yet fully responsive to their demands - basically Prince Charming, which is precisely the problem in the long-term, as their expectations of an idealized perfect unions might be just plain unrealistic - They might still find fulfillment and intensity in memorable if brief short-term relationships though. 
If you’re a Mercurial who’d like to find a lifetime partner, you may have to learn to appreciate a partner’s more low-key, steadier, less romantic qualities.
Theoretically, a sober, steady and responsible Conscientious type might make a good match for the long haul, but unlike a predominantly Dramatic person, a strongly Mercurial type  would get bored with such a person in no time,  if the Conscientious peson didn’t get overwhelmed by the fireworks first
Adventurous types often prove highly attractive to them - they are not good at fulfilling Mercurial demands, but they’ll be compatible in the passion and excitement department, at least for a while
Similarily, two Mercurials may have a similarily exciting affair, but fly appart dramatically eventually if there’s no further stabilizing influence
Dramatic partners usually need too much attention to themselves, but this, too could be good and fiery over the short term
For a more long-term match, Vigilant qualities may help, for you can share your mutual sense of being somewhat separate from the rest.
For similar reasons, an Idiosyncratic partner could prove a real find as long as they’re not too involved with their own little world - you two are different from the usual mold and may be able to build a truly unique relationship  (My inner emo fairy says yes, but the reality of my strong introversion probably firmly confines this scenario to elaborate fantasies full of badboy appeal. Maybe it was an internet/long-distance relationship? Sounds like it would be worth the experience even if it’s likely to blow up. Still, I could definitely see it work for other idiosyncratic people, especially if both partners share interests. I think actually wrote something roughly like that pair in one of my first attempts at semi-original fiction works)
Also, a match with a Sensitive person could surprise you both with its longevity - Sensitive people can be strong, tolerant, feeling mates who need you to open them up and make the world of other people available to them - and both of these would coincide with a Mercurial’s particular strenghts. 
Watch out for a strong Serious tendency in anyone you might be attracted to, there’s a good chance that you two will bring each other down in no time. 
Specific Issues
A changeable Nature
Unlike most others, Mercurial individuals tend to be intrigued rather than put off  by other’s differences  - to begin with, they tend not to categorize people and be open to all manner of relationships and experiences, with the corollary that they themselves easily experiment with new lifestyles, roles and identities without seeing themselves as fundamentally changed (and they may indeed the implication that they were somehow inauthentic before or are so currently)
Disambiguation (Mercurial vs. Dramatic)
While the Mercurial and Dramatic styles resemble each other in the emphasis on passion and feelings, and although both styles can and often do coexist within the same individual, they differ in important ways: 
Dramatic individuals are other-directed. That means that they will be attentive to you and learn what you want to in order to win your love and become the center of your attention - they can be deeply intuitive & sensitive to the needs of others and orchestrate their own behavior to draw you to them - 
Mercurial individuals are much more intense and demanding and won’t be content simply to dance in the light you shine on them - they’ll need you to step in there with you and will want to fill up their whole world with you and dream of being with you throughout eternity - Generous and outgoing as they may be, they will be far less inclined to moderate their behavior for your sake or to adapt to anyone else’s ways of looking at things. 
Addition: Though not discussed in this book/ present the initial version of the system, another type with which there might be disambiguation potential is the Artistic one, as both can be described as having “changing moods” and engaging on many new pursuits based on impulse - but you’re working with a whole different energy there: The Mercurial “alternates” between high intensity wanting and high intensity anger but is still nonstop high intensity whereas with the Artistic the poles are more between positive, enthusiastic excitement and apathetic, low-energy melancholy.
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new-moon-tea · 6 years
Call me crazy, but we would not instantly kill off 1/3 of our population
Call me crazy, but I don’t think we’re going to kill ⅓ of our population out of racist panic.
Here’s why. Now hear me out, this might not make sense as I type these words out so brace yourself...I don’t see modern humanity capable of mercilessly slaughtering our brothers, sisters, mothers, etc. just because we suddenly have extra appendages. Do we kill babies born with tails? No? Then why would we kill humans with wings? “Oh we have a long history of-” Oh shut up. Trump tried separating families in this modern era, what happened? Did we just go “well not our problem”? NO! We rebelled! We are working to fix his awful mistake, but we’re not getting into politics yet, now let me continue. “Well human nature is--” okay, do you have the desire to kill any winged person you see? No? THEN WHY WOULD THE REST OF US?! A low-hanging argument would be (please read in a snobby and obnoxious voice) “Well I wouldn’t harm a child or kill another person, but other people have”. And you’re right. People have.
But we change. We grow. We learn from things like slavery and the Holocaust, we change to try and keep the world better, safer, more accepting, to end the injustice. Humanity also had a history of objectifying women so much we were bartered like cattle, and oppressed for decades, thousands of years even, BUT WE DON’T ANYMORE! Yes there are still countries that segregate, that oppress, that are riddled with intolerance, but we are changing. We are growing. We as women can wear tiny booty shorts when before we wouldn’t be caught dead exposing ankles. Some may try to restore or keep these horrid dated beliefs alive, but we together, we the majority, say no. We say change. And we do. We have. We will change.
We would not kill ⅓ of our population just because of wings.
I’m painfully optimistic, I am aware. And I will admit, someone will. Some people will. We still have Neo-Nazis and racists, sexist folk in high offices grabbing women by the pussy, racist people trying to cover up mistakes like, say, ripping families apart because of ignorant immigrant policies. Yeah fight me if you’re in disagreement with my political opinions, everyone has their two cents, a hat to throw in the ring. The point is I’m not blind. I know people will try to kill them, some people might try to form cults to outlaw them, or hold them to some religious standard, praise them as angels or scorn them as demons, but not all. Lazy math shows me 6% of US citizens support Neo-Nazis. Compared to 94% who don’t, and 33% who now have wings mingled into both numbers… I just don’t see it happening. I can’t fathom us just saying “oh well, better to get rid of them now.” Because there’s not enough, 6% isn’t enough to take out 33% let alone those in the 94% without wings who will rally around their family members and friends. If we have states legalizing homosexual marriages, 4.5% of our US population by the way is LGBTQ [as of 2017, lazy research mind you], we can surely accommodate these 33% winged folk. If we fight for the rights of people with disabilities, 12% based on my first-result-on-google research, WE CAN ACCEPT WINGED FOLK. In the past we didn’t, in the past LGBTQ was wrong and sin, in today some people do but we, the majority, DO NOT. Some in our majority may still be rude, ignorant of the struggles and challenges life throws at you if you happen to be different in any way, but we still try. We still fight for what’s right. Don’t you? Even if you’re reading this, furious and only continuing to plot out your perfect angry message to me, there’s something you believe in, even if it’s the minority. Like earth being flat or being a neo-Nazi yourself. You have something, no matter how looked down upon, you support. Not condoning Neo-Nazis or racism or sexism or anything else outdated and wrong on multiple levels, just trying to make a very poorly written passionate argument as to why we would not kill ⅓ of our own population for this. Why am I so passionate about this?
Because I’m tired of it. I’m tired of bringing up this hypothetical and hearing “we’d kill them”, or even (yes seriously) “we’d breed and kill them”. Some people will try. They will be put down, punished, held to our law, and we’d create new laws to protect them. I think there will be massacres, like ones we see in the news already. There will be cults and panicked violent reactions, but not permanently. That’s the boring part of this conversation I’m trying to explain to you what would change. What would be different, new, how we’d improve, not how we’d linger on how undeveloped humans acted centuries ago. Not how we acted in the 1800’s. Not how we’d return to the 50’s. I’m not someone who believes that’s even a legitimate concern. If you believe so, I beg and encourage you to write about it. Say why I’m wrong, I’m not looking for a fight, the point of what I’m doing is to get you thinking, to think outside the box. Besides, there’s way more interesting things to consider, like caging in the preschoolers. Or how we’d even begin to regulate this whole wings thing.
But this topic isn’t over yet. I mentioned briefly something along the lines of how we’d “breed and kill” winged folk. Red, the friend mentioned previously, explained our species evolved by breeding and killing other early humans, like neanderthals. I don’t quite understand that logic, why we’d continue doing things that early humans did when we’ve evolved to a point that most of us would be disgusted at the mere thought of breeding and killing other people. Some of us out there are disgusted at the thought of eating other living creatures and even the products derived from living creatures! Most of us are physically disgusted and even avoid talking about the subject of rape, which is what he implied. I fail to see the logic of “well primitive humans did it so us, evolved, advanced species will do the same thing our ancestors did.” I know I sound crazy, I know I’m not using delicate language or talking with dignity but this is my genuine reaction. I know I am overwhelmingly degrading with the way I’m speaking so again let me welcome you to respond, argue with me, tell me my flaws because I will gladly fix any offensive behavior or arrogant wording I give.
Even now I find updates, on a post I made on Facebook, claiming it’s just wishful thinking, referencing works like Lord of the Flies and I’d like to point out that this is a work of fiction and a wonderful commentary on human nature and being human. That’s what this project aims to achieve! What if someone had something good to say about humanity? An adult who hasn’t grown up, give up, play along for once and solve this empty problem. It’s way too easy to brush me off with a “genocide” or “cults” or “slaughter and racism and fear” but why? Don’t we get enough of that in the real world? Just relax, have fun, be imaginative, and stop sulking around moping about how terrible people are. Fix what you see wrong in society if you think it’s so horrid and murderous and lethal. And for the record, I argued with Red for a while before sulking myself. I grew frustrated as I couldn’t get “a man of science” to understand my thinking and logic and just gave up for a few hours. But I went back. I returned. All I said was, still mulling over things even after my writing blurb yesterday, “Would people with wings need a license to fly?” and then, I think he understood. He goes on and on, “we’d need a new amendment”, “how would we even word it?”, “obviously people would-” and he was thinking like a true...Goose! Let’s call me Goose.
Red and Goose understood together now, as they mulled over how laws would change to accommodate winged folk, and he proposed serious new ideas about this. Ideas about laws needed, comparing them to laws we have now for things we need laws about. Red, he became just as passionate, even forgetting he was talking to Goose, the girl who knew as much as she could think about the winged folk as he continues on. Even some on Facebook tumble away from genocide and speculate about bathroom issues, then doubting themselves how alike winged folk would be to birds. Goose reads along, realizing now there were funnier answers at first. Goose argued with one who said “Red Bull would immediately go out of business because of their advertising campaign”. To which Goose replied, “Or double in sales, along the lines of ‘see? We told you!’ and another so-and-so commented how cool it’d be as long as she was someone with wings. I, a true Goose, remember that another friend we’ll call Gray, said once he hated characters who’s deal was centered around birth and being rejected due to race. I’m sure you understand a lot about Gray from this sentence, but I wonder if he’d say the same thing in this scenario?
Would he understand like Goose that this change would affect more curious things? Even if they have different ways of thinking they could both draw to the same conclusion. There’s also the chance he may be pessimistic as well and argue genocide, to which I personally guarantee the one person reading this, that I will scold him for an hour to explain why I’m right. Not because I’m stubborn of course, because I’m obnoxious. There’s more interesting and thought-provoking things to create with this concept, like how the postal office adapts and how our government would need to change. I’ll prove it to you.
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