#;; marietta edgecombe // thread
bemyhcro · 15 days
𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: obliviator headquarters !! 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: closed for marietta edgecombe - @judvs !! 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: "what the hell was that , you maniac ?"
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"w-what?" he jumps from the seat at his desk, the lanky obliviator standing tall with a sheepish look crossing pointed features. it wouldn't be the first time he had done something wrong, something to warrant a telling off or two, but he was truly in the dark this time. "i was just eating lunch . . . i think. i don't think i did anything, marietta." he spins around his desk, searching for any crumbs out of place or litter he may have forgotten about.
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ohmygodshesinsane · 1 year
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@sapphicmicrofics | prompt: rational
words: 706
pairing: marietta edgecombe/padma patil
There are plenty of reasons to volunteer to partner Marietta Edgecombe in Potions, Padma tells herself. Innocent reasons. For one, since the whole horrific scar for the crime of wanting your parents to be safe thing, Marietta has spent more time bent over cauldrons than anyone, hunting down a cure. For another, Padma can (and often does) admire her diligence, and the way she threads connections through topics that near the polarity of the moon and the sun. She doesn’t talk of night and day. She talks of the sky.
[read more on ao3]
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petriichvrs · 1 year
antigone xu   /   contessa wyllt   /   damaris vector   /   eliza fawley   /   ginny weasley   /   luca moltisanti   /   marietta edgecombe   /   nikolai karkaroff
arturo de la rosa   /   catherine warren   /   hande abaci   /   narcissa malfoy   /   pansy parkinson     
* again, feel free to be picky with who you want to send to ! i want to make sure to milk event 33 for all it’s worth but i also want to make sure i have stuff to get some non event threads going without having to annoy everyone with another starter call, so this is the easiest way ! 
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OBERON @gobletofmuses​;;  [ KISS ] ; the sender kisses the receiver somewhere on their body.
      A SOFT giggle passed mariettas lips, a hand raking through his hair as his lip wandered over her stomach, eyes drifting closed as she relaxed further into the bed beneath her. the night previous had been completely unplanned by both parties, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. she tried her absolute hardest not to think about the fact that her wedding dress had been discarded on the floor by the door, as if it hadn’t been worth almost 2,000 galleons. she attempted not to think of where her now ex-fiancé was at that exact moment. most likely crying to his mother about how much mari had hurt him. all she concentrated on now was the heat coming off of him. his lips on her skin. how silky his hair felt between her fingers. how his mouth was traveling steadily lower. she had done something very bad. but she didn’t want to think about it right now. she wanted to focus on him, though it was far from what she should have been focusing on.
      “ bear. that tickles. ”
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cursedbcnes · 3 years
closed starter / @sneakscar​ !
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flourish & blotts is comforting to susan ━ this, it used to be her happy place. books, piano, her friends, it was all susan had in her life, and she knew that, and was happy with that. the smell of ancient scripts, the quiet energy settled in the air, the soft-spoken nature that usually accompanied most people who shopped here. IT BROUGHT HER COMFORT, even now. even twenty-three with two wars under her belt. the last living bones. she takes a long moment, settled at the front of the shop, eyes watery and throat stuttering. she snaps out of this trance only when she sees marietta, and makes a quick beeline towards the ravenclaw. “ i didn’t know you worked here, “ or maybe she had. really, susan wasn’t at the top of her game. the ministry was working itself into an early coma and the pressure that had settled onto her shoulders was clear to anyone to see. “ look, i need your help. “
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blondsnake · 3 years
closed event starter / @sneakscar​ !
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“ i just got the dirtiest look, “ this was how mari and draco’s communications at events like these ( though, usually it was a party ━ and not a funeral ), one of them starting a conversation based purely upon a distaste to another person in their surroundings. when he had seen her, he was quick to detatch from the rest of his family and settle besides marietta, hands in his pocket and trying to look the picture of innocence, boredly tapping one foot on the soiled ground. “ i didn’t even do anything. “ he was, in fact, smoking a cigarette at a funeral, but he didn’t see much problem with that. “ thought i should come over here and compound the dirty looks with you. “
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ask-chivist · 4 years
I suddenly have the urge to do something with Marietta Edgecombe. I mean not now, but as my next thing that I do.
Would you prefer to see a thread or an online?
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exmusemywords · 5 years
Would anyone care for a plot or thread based in the Harry Potter universe? I have a few muses already set up, which will be listed below, but I’d be down to pick up new canon, semi canons, or even OCs! So just IM me if you’re interested!
Marietta Edgecombe(Olivia Holt)
Miles Bletchley(Dacre Montgomery)
Alastor Moody(Jake Abel or Sebastian Stan)
Cassiopée Monaghan(Lily Collins, OC)
Cordelia Parkinson(Sarah Hyland, semi canon)
Emma Vanity(Lindsey Morgan)
Evan Rosier(Cody Christian)
Hestia Jones(Ashleigh Murray)
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takerfoxx · 5 years
As it so happens, my unplanned little rant about the Lego Movie sequel kinda ends up being a great jumping-off point, as here is another little rant that I’ve actually been working on and off ever since that discussion about grimdark deconstructions and how to and not to do them, mainly to just get it off my chest all in one go.
See, I (obviously) like darker stories, but like everyone else I got my storytelling pet peeves. And the biggest one is something I’ve talked about here and there, something that I call Redshirt Philosophy. Basically, this refers to the narrative treating the protagonists as the only ones whose lives matter, and any nameless passerby and/or walk-on is free game. By this, I don’t mean that it’s bad to only kill bystanders and side-characters while sparing the mains, I’m saying that it’s bad to treat those deaths like they don’t matter and that they happen with no consequences.
But there’s a sub-category of that that pisses me off even more: the concept of the Unintentional Karma Houdini. Basically, a Karma Houdini is someone who does something really bad and gets away with it. They go upon their merry way suffering no repercussions.
Now, in of itself, this isn’t a bad plot device, and it can be done well if it’s intentional to make a point. However, when a character who is supposed to be the hero does something bad and it’s not treated as something bad, or if it’s just brushed off with no consequences, or if the bad guys switches sides but is never held accountable in any way for their heinous acts…then yeah, that really gets to me.
So without further ado, here’s my list of good guys who did bad things badly and it still pisses me off!
Warning: the following contains spoilers for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Warcraft 3, Elfen Lied, Future Diary, Game of Thrones, and Angel. Yes, I will be saying some bad things about most of those. So...take that for what it’s worth.
1. Protagonists who did bad things and were either treated as being in the right or at least insufficiently called out, but I am still a fan of the series and even still like the character. It’s just that these incidents kind of stick in my craw.
A. Buffy’s “Everyone but Me Sucks” speech, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I’m starting off with the least offensive incident, as well as the most understandable, even if I still think it was bad writing. Okay, some quick background: in season 7, the Big Bad known as the First Evil starts sending its henchmen to wipe out the entire Slayer line by killing off all the girls who had the potential to become the next Vampire Slayer when the current one died (which, due to a weird loophole, actually wasn’t Buffy, but she still had her powers and shit). Anyway, all the surviving potentials get together and go to Buffy for help, who takes them into her house to shelter them and train them to defend themselves, even though they didn’t have any supernatural power.
Now, the thing about the First Evil was that it couldn’t become corporeal and interact directly with our world, which is why it had to work through agents. However, it could take on the form of anyone that had died to speak to people, just not actually touch them. Which meant that it could still appear in Buffy’s house to fuck with the gang, which it did.
The worst incident is when they noticed that a girl named Chloe was late in coming to breakfast, so they went to her room to wake her up. But upon entering, they find Chloe’s body hanging from the ceiling, with another Chloe standing next to her. It turned out that the First Evil had been speaking to her all night, slowly twisting her around and finally convinced her to kill herself.
Naturally, everyone is shocked and horrified. Buffy buries the body by herself in the back and then calls everyone together for a meeting. From there, she has this to say about their recently departed friend.
“Anyone want to say a few words about Chloe? Let me. Chloe was an idiot. Chloe was stupid. She was weak. And anyone in a rush to be the next dead body I bury, it's easy. Just...think of Chloe, and do what she did.”
She then proceeds to ream everyone for hiding behind her and letting her do all the work, giving them the “Get your shit together or die” speech. Of course everyone is offended and angry, but over the course of the next few episodes they start doing just that: pulling themselves together and becoming more proactive in the fight. All well and good; after all, sometimes leaders have to be harsh and tell people exactly what they need to hear to save their lives. It ain’t always going to be pretty, and you do sometimes need to be mean, especially when it’s a matter of life or death. I’m sure commanders out in the field have often had to make similar speeches to their surviving men, especially after one of them cracked and took the easy way out.
There’s…just a couple problems with the execution here.
See, this is the last we ever hear about Chloe. She freaks out, kills herself, and gets verbally bashed by the person she went to for help. And that’s that. She straight up loses, and that’s that. And call me a softie, but I have a real problem with introducing a terrified girl, have her get mentally tortured by the literal embodiment of Evil itself to the point where she takes her own life, and having the final word on her in the whole show be…that. And from the main character no less! It goes back to the whole disposable victim thing, which is funny, considering that the whole reason the show even existed was because Joss Whedon would always feel sorry for the cheerleader who would get killed off at the start of schlocky monster movies and wanted to see them fight back and kick the monster’s ass. Understandable, but it’s weird that that same trope would get used over and over again in his own show, all to make the monster of the week look scary. And again! There’s nothing wrong with that in itself, but it’s kind of noticeable when you have a kid’s head explode in one episode and have Buffy just make a joke about it, have a girl get her heart torn out in another and have her supposed best friend mention their bond all of once right after and then forget all about her, and then there’s the whole thing with Jesse in the first episode and…well, you get the idea. Joss, man, what are you doing?
But this wasn’t just a monster tearing out some teenager’s throat out. This was a suicide, followed by a verbal condemnation of the victim. Which, in a real life setting, wouldn’t be as much of a problem, but the fact of the matter is that no matter how much reality you want to inject into your fantasy show about vampires, ghosts, and robotic internet demons (look it up), your show does not exist in a vacuum. It wasn’t just the characters hearing that speech, it was thousands of people all over the world. And if you’re going to tackle a subject such as suicide, then you have to be really, really careful about how you handle it. Did it never occur to the writers that there might be people in their audience struggling with suicidal thoughts themselves, who were constantly told that their problems were all their fault, that they were being a burden, or maybe some of them had actually attempted it, failed, and were all called weak, useless, stupid, what have you?
Interestingly enough, I recently stumbled across an old Buffy message board, which had a thread debating this very topic. And it was pretty fascinating reading the various viewpoints, with many agreeing with me that the writers kinda dropped the ball here, especially since there were many points in the series where Buffy also gave up, succumbed to fear and despair, and even attempted to end her life. Plus, she wasn’t nearly so vicious when the First Evil nearly convinced Angel to kill himself in an earlier season. Others were of the opinion that while harsh, it was something that needed to be said, and that Chloe’s actions were cowardly and selfish considering what it would do to her friends. Plus, given the immense amount of pressure Buffy was under with all the trauma she had already suffered, snapping like that was perfectly understandable. And I can’t lie, I do see where both sides were coming from.
I guess my main problem with this episode wasn’t that the speech itself happened, but that it ended up being the final word on Chloe, which was pretty messed up.
So what would I have done differently? Well, if we must keep the speech, then fine. Have Buffy slag her off to motivate everyone to get their shit together. However, don’t let that be the final thing that’s said about the terrified girl who was manipulated and intimidated into committing suicide.
Earlier in the episode, it’s mentioned that Chloe had been a big fan of Winnie the Pooh, something that the First Evil used to taunt her friends. So, after the speech, after the fight and whatever it was that everyone did to get their heads into the game, just stick in another scene, one that’s just a few seconds long, where, when nobody’s watching, Buffy goes into the backyard and just leaves a Winnie the Pooh doll on Chloe’s grave, indicating that she did feel bad for her but had to say what she did. That’s it, that little bit of empathy is all I ask.
B. Hermione Granger’s scarring of Marietta Edgecombe in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Ho boy, this is a complicated one.
All right. So, Order of the Phoenix is my favorite of the Harry Potter books, mainly owing to Dolores Umbridge being a brilliantly written character in just how incredibly scummy she is, and the whole plot of her versus the school was just gold. And…kind of topical, now that I think about it.
But anyway, though it’s my favorite of the books, it also has my least favorite scene. Quick background: Umbridge has taken over the school and pretty much nixed Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is now needed more than ever. To counter this, Harry and co. take it upon themselves to start teaching it to the students. They form a group called Dumbledore’s Army and make their hideout in a magical room hidden from Umbridge and her minions to practice. However, someone sells them out, the room is raided, everyone is caught, and Harry is rushed to Umbridge’s office to be interrogated.
There, it’s revealed that the traitor was one Marietta Edgecombe, best friend of Harry’s girlfriend Cho Chang. This is discovered because Hermione had hexed the contract she had everyone sign to cause pus-filled blisters write out the word SNEAK across her face, something that apparently none of the brilliant and experienced wizards they got teaching at Hogwarts can remove. In fact, her final scene in the series shows her wearing a veil over her face to hide it.
Of course the heroes get out of their predicament in the end, but it pretty much destroys Harry and Cho’s relationship, as Harry is understandably a little peeved about that whole betraying him and his friends to a sadistic fascist thing and felt that Hermione’s hex had been brilliant, while Cho sticks up for her, saying that she’s actually a good person who had been the only one of her friends to stick with her after the murder of her previous boyfriend Cedric Diggory, and she had just made a (big) mistake, given that she hadn’t even wanted to join the DA in the first place and didn’t trust Harry to begin with, given that her mother worked for the Ministry of Magic, which wasn’t exactly keen on Harry at that point. Plus, she was kinda put out that Hemione had hexed them all without telling them, so basically they fight and break up.
Anyway, this in itself wouldn’t be much of an issue. A bit character that we barely know sells the good guys out, gets humiliated in return, and the good guys prevail in the end. What makes this something of a sticking point for me is due to one of the first of the many controversial social media canon details that JK Rowling would become infamous for dropping: that the blisters would indeed leave permanent scarring, and that she feels that this is wholly justified, given that she, and I quote, “Loathes a traitor.”
There is…a lot to unpack here, and it has become even more divisive in the fandom than the Chloe thing I mentioned above. One camp holds that while betraying the DA was a rotten thing to do, the hex still crosses the line, given that scarring a sixteen year old for life for one mistake is really messed up, that she hadn’t even wanted to join the DA in the first place but had been pressured into it, that given that she had a parent in the Ministry of Magic she was probably subject to a lot of anti-Harry propaganda and genuinely thought he was a bad person, and that she had probably been singled out by Umbridge and interrogated, likely with her mother’s job being threatened. The flipside argues that she had to know that she still sold everyone out to a sadistic fascist, that Hermione was a minor herself and isn’t subject to the same rules that an adult would be, that Umbridge’s perchance for torture was well established at that point, that she had to know that her friend Cho would be punished with everyone else, and that teenager or no, there is no excuse for supporting someone like Umbridge. I mean, Hitler Youth and all that.
To tell the truth, like the Chloe thing above, I can see where both sides are coming from. On the one hand, I can see how someone like Marietta could be led to believe that Harry was trouble and feel that she was endangering her family by associating with him. Plus, we have no idea what the circumstances surrounding her betrayal were, though given Rowling’s words on the topic I guess Umbridge didn’t have to probe hard. On the other, she did sell out everyone to get pretty much tortured, so that deserved some kind of retribution, so good points all around.
But that’s not really where I personally have a problem. My problem is that Rowling’s addendum on the whole affair goes against the rules of the world she created, and even the themes of the book itself. Also, if Rowling wanted us to agree with her, then she fucked up the execution.
First, let’s take the bit where it the blisters left permanent scars. This is a world where they can make bones grow back, inflate bodies like a balloon without doing permanent harm, and where even mutilations are temporary (if painful) inconveniences. The only thing that can cause permanent damage is Dark Magic, hence Harry’s scar.
So…how exactly does Hermione’s hex permanently scar Marietta then?
Jumping off that, this isn’t the only instance of permanent scarring in that book. One of the many horrible things Umbridge did to students was force them to write lines with a magic pen that literally carved out those lines into their skin, resulting in Harry picking up a new scar that read I MUST NOT TELL LIES. The fact that this scar can’t be removed with magic is one of the many clues that Umbridge is more than just a pompous asshole and had dealings with something darker.
Look, I’m not saying that the two situations are a one-to-one parallel, but it just feels kind of uncomfortable for the book to treat magically scarring kids as something horrible and unforgiveable (which it is!), only to laud one of the heroes for doing it right after, regardless of circumstances. It…just doesn’t sit right.
Plus, you know, there is the point that when you get down to it, the hex is kind of a problem in of itself. Like Cho pointed out, putting it on everyone without telling them is a little messed up, and it makes it completely useless as a deterrent. Why not use a tongue-tying spell or something? Then again, logic was never really the series’ appeal.
And finally, how the hell are we supposed to feel righteous indignation about a character that gets zero lines, just sort of hovers in the background, and has a character we already know to be sympathetic defend her? With Umbridge we had ample on-page reason to hate her, but we never get to see her finally get her just rewards in the end. The Malfoys are all sorts of horrible throughout the books, but other than some humiliation they apparently come through it unscathed. So really, this whole thing just feels weird.
How to fix? Simple. JUST DON’T PUT IN THE PART ABOUT PERMANENT SCARRING!!! All the rest about the hex can be written off as Hermione just not thinking things through. And without the scars, it sort of works. Marietta still gets paid back for her betrayal but isn’t disfigured for life, and the whole things becomes a lot less uncomfortable.
Hell, why not take advantage of the situation? Give Marietta some character growth, bring her back to redeem herself like they did with Percy, and he was way worse. Hell, Snape was downright monstrous, and he was made out to be this tragic redemption story.
Sigh. I know the movies get a lot of flak for the stuff they’ve changed, but switching things so that Cho was magically compelled to give up the secret and sidestepping the issue entirely was a good idea.
2. Heroic (or at least, portrayed as sympathetic) characters who cross the line so thoroughly that I now loath them and am infuriated whenever I think about them, but I am still a big fan of the rest of the series they appear in.
A. Tyrande Whisperwind’s slaughter of the Watchers to free Illidan Stormrage, from Warcraft 3: The Reign of Chaos.
Yeah…fuck this character.
All right, this happens pretty deep into the plot, so here’s the cliffnotes: demons are invading the world, and the remnants of civilization need to put aside their differences to stop them. In particular, the priestess Tyrande and her husband Malfurion, the Arch-Druid, set out to awaken their people’s sleeping druids for reinforcements. But while delving into the cave where said druids are napping, they come across a strange locked door. It turns out that the door leads to the prison of Illidan Stormrage, Malfurion’s traitor brother, who was imprisoned for turning on the Night Elves due to his lust for magical power. Tyrande has the brilliant idea that they should free Illidan to help fight the demons, BECAUSE THAT TOTALLY SOUNDS LIKE A SWELL IDEA! Malfurion says no, Tyrande tell him that she’s gonna do it anyway, and fucks off to do just that.
Beyond the door, she’s confronted by the Watchers, a group of Night Elves and their forest allies who had been entrusted with defending Illidan’s prison, who respectfully inform her that they will not waver in their duty and she does not have the authority to say otherwise.
So…she slaughters them.
All of them.
She wanted to free a dangerous traitor, the guards said no, and she kills them for it.
Yeah. That is a thing that happens.
But hey! Illidan is free now, and he agrees to fight the demons for her. And wouldn’t you know it, on day one he manages to destroy a powerful demonic artifact that was corrupting the forest and kill Tichondrius, one of the demons’ primary leaders, so that worked out!
…a pity that his lust for power took over and he absorbed all of the artifact’s power, turning him into a monstrous demonic beast and leading to Tyrande and Malfurion to become so horrified that they imprison him once again.
…nah, just kidding. They banish him, basically freeing him to do as he pleases. And as it turns out, what he pleases ends up being summon up a bunch of monsters from the depths and use them to strike at Night Elf villages, massacring its inhabitants.
Good job, Tyrande. You really know how to pick ‘em.
But you know what’s worse? You know what takes this whole ordeal from a massive fuck-up to completely killing any possible redemption for the character for me? As it turned out, Maiev Shadowsong, the leader of the Watchers, was out on patrol at the time and narrowing missed being murdered off with the others. And when she got back and found her friends dead and her prisoner freed, she gathered up what remained of the Watchers and immediately set off after Illidan.
Well, she finds him, but he and his new allies prove to be too much, so she calls for help. And Malfurion and Tyrande answer, with Tyrande even admitting that the whole thing was her fault and thus it was her responsibility to fix! Okay, okay, it’s a step in the right direction. Doesn’t really make up for what she did, but at least she’s…
Oh wait. Maiev calls her out on pretty much everything, and Tyrande’s response is, and I QUOTE, “I did what I thought was right. You are in no position to judge me.”
Hell, waaaaaaaaay back earlier in the series, the human prince Arthas kills all the inhabitants of a city call Stratholme, all whom had recently become infected with the Undead plague, and it’s treated as his moral even horizon, the point where there’s no turning back from his descent into evil. Except…while terrible, he at least had a very good reason for doing what he did. Those people were literally moments away from turning into zombies, and there was no way to save them. Whereas Tyrande causes the deaths of even more innocent lives, whether directly or indirectly, but it’s treated as, at worse, as a whoopsie-daisy on her part. Meanwhile, Maiev is made out to be this revenge-obsessed extremist.
So…yeah. Fuck Tyrande. And hey, I still kind of like him, but fuck Malfurion too for letting it slide.
B. Just about everything about Lucy from Elfen Lied.
All right, cards on the table: of all my favorite anime/manga, Elfen Lied is easily the most flawed. The violence is beyond gratuitous, the nudity is sometimes downright silly in how nonsensical it is, the plot is completely inconsequential, and the sudden mood changes aren't exactly gracefully done.
Still, I’ve always had a soft spot for schlock that embraces its own schlockiness, and it has enough of my personal favorite tropes to make me love it. Hell, it was my freaking avatar for the longest time!
That being said, I do have one major issue with it, and that is the central character: Lucy.
Yes, the chick whose eye used to be my avatar.
I hate Lucy.
Why? Because she’s a psychotic serial killer who’s graphically murdered hundreds of innocent people out of pure sadistic nihilism. One of her first acts upon coming into her powers is to kill a random family just so she could hide out in their house, and that’s when she was a child. There’s a scene that establishes that she’s mastered the art of giving passersby brain aneurysms just so she can murder more effectively without drawing attention to herself. She tears Kouta’s family apart, including his little sister, because she was jealous. She has a breakdown and massacres an entire festival full of people. One of her first acts upon regaining her memories and wandering off is to use that brain aneurysm thing to kill a passing girl…just for walking by!
And that’s just the stuff we see her doing on-screen!
Now granted, the series doesn’t make it out that she’s still somehow a good person, though they do portray her as sympathetic for…reasons, and even treats her like the hero in some parts. However, there is a scene in the anime where, upon learning all this, still forgives her and even kisses her! And yes, that includes learning that she’s the one who murdered his little sister! At least in the manga he tells her off and tries to make her promise not to kill anyone else! And she also gets a terrible death in the process, so there’s that.
But I guess most of my issues come from how others fans still try to stick up for her. I had a friend who once said that she was justified for everything because kid-Kouta lied about the gender of his cousin. Uh, yeah, nooooo. She’s a monster, end of.
Oh, what’s that? She has a tragic backstory of abuse and neglect? Well, whoop-dee-fuckin’-doo. Guess who else has the same? Just about every Batman villain, and most of them are portrayed as dangerous monsters! Except…for the ones who are cute girls. Huh, imagine that.
Wait, she had an alternate personality intrinsic to the Diclonius driving her to kill? Well, I’d just might buy that, except for one problem: Nana exists. Nana, another Diclonius who is shown having the same alternate personality issue but also fighting it off and goes through the whole series without ever killing anyone else, despite enduring even more horrible torture and abuse than Lucy! And that’s why Nana is a ball of love and delight and fully deserved her happy ending and fuck Lucy.
Although…just to be clear, I’m not talking about Nyu: the childish other alternate personality that Lucy reverts to as a result of her amnesia. Nyu’s great. Nyu’s adorable and innocent, and since the series treats her like her own character, I will too.
But yeah, Lucy’s an irredeemable monster and screw anyone who says otherwise. Man, that on top of how much of a mess this series was, why did I like it so much?
=looks down at my Nana-themed mousepad=
Oh yeah.
Thank God for Nana.
And finally…
3. Protagonists who did so many terrible things and were never held accountable for their actions that I stopped liking them entirely, actively rooted for their failure, and eventually stopped liking the series as a whole.
For this entry, there really is only one example: every single one of the main characters of Future Diary.
Oh, Future Diary…
See, I used to be a big fan of this manga. Back when I first started IM, it was my favorite, and I eagerly awaited every month for the new installment. I mean, it was pretty much Battle Royale meets Code Geass, of course I would be a fan!
However, as the series went on and my favorite characters were all killed off, leaving the four mains, I started to realize something:
I did not like these people.
They were all pretty terrible people, in fact. All of them had either done something really, really awful or were complicit in the others’ actions, and they never really got held accountable for what they did, with their actions just treated as, “Oh, BIG SHOCKING PLOT TWIST!!!!” So by the time the series reached its end and they all got a happy ending, I felt no happiness for them. In fact, I was kinda pissed.
Later, when the anime first started airing, I watched the first couple episodes, and seeing their actions actually animated before me made it worse. I hated them, and I hated the fact that nothing they did ever had any real consequences for them.
Now, looking back on it years later, I can really see what a mess this series was. Nearly every aspect about the plot, setting, and character growth is pretty illogical and inconsistent to the point of being outright stupid. But that’s just the icing on the cake for me, and not my main reason for hating this series. My beef comes down to these people, and the things they did.
Yuki Amano
A lot of these people bash this guy for being weak and passive, a bit like Shinji Ikari. Personally, as someone who actually liked Shinji, that part didn’t bother me.
Him deliberately betraying an entire orphanage and gunning down all the orphans sure as hell did though.
As did him almost immediately forgiving his father and wanting to live with said asshole EVEN AFTER HIS DAD MURDERED HIS MOM! And this is just swept aside because yay, his dad is back!
Yuno Gasai
Ho boy, where do I start with the Queen of Yanderes? Well, let’s get this out of the way: I actually don’t have an issue with her creepy stalking. It’s her schtick, and if executed well it can actually work.
It…wasn’t executed well. It just was a long list of making her do crazy shit for big shocks, and outside of her Yuki obsession, she had pretty much no other characteristics.
Also, in the second episode, she deliberately sets off a bunch of bombs that massacres scores of innocent teenagers over a misunderstanding.
And after that happens, it is never brought up again.
So yeah.
Minene Uryu
Let’s start with the fact that she is a literal terrorist who has killed scores of innocent families.
And that she blew up part of Yuki’s school to get his attention, also probably killing several children.
And no, she isn’t held accountable for this. At all. Why? Because she’s cool, I guess.
Masumi Nishijima
Doesn’t kill anyone like the others…but hey, what about him completely ignoring the fact that he falls head-over-heels in love with Minene and even proposes to her, despite knowing that she’s massacred hundreds of innocent people and it’s actually his job to bring her in? Talk about being completely useless as a police officer.
And the worst of it? All the above get one kind of happy ending or another.
Yeah, no. Fuck each and every one of them.
Even though this is by far the worst offender, I’m not going to spend as much time on it, as it’s easier to rant about something that does a lot of things right only to fail spectacularly in one regard. Future Diary instead does so many things wrong that it’s kind of beyond saving and not really worth getting heated up about. Which is a shame, because the concept could have worked in the hands of a better writer, but instead, we got a dumb, illogical mess full of characters that are impossible to root for.
But okay, I’ve ranted on and on about these instances that piss me off, but are there any examples of series doing this right? As if in, actually holding characters accountable and making them suffer consequences for their actions when they usually wouldn’t?
Well, obviously, but there are a few instances that really stand out in my mind, because they’re instances that would normally get glossed over without mention, but the writers actually had the wherewithal to ensure that this wouldn’t happen. And they really make me happy.
A.      Sandor Clegane stands trial for the murder of the Micah the butcher’s boy, in Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones.
It’s kind of funny that Ice and Fire would be on this list, seeing how it’s full of innocent people getting slaughtered, tortured, and raped, even by the “good guys’” hands at times. You’d honestly think that I wouldn’t even touch it as a result.
And yet, it is the rare example of someone going all in on the ultra-darkness but actually doing it right. Because no matter who it is doing the bad thing, who they do it to, and how well laid their plans are, they always seem to suffer consequences for their actions.
In this particular example, there is a scene where Sandor Clegane casually murders a little boy named Micah in the first book because evil Prince Joffrey did a thing. And of course, none of the bad guys suffer any repercussions. At the time, I chalked it up to another example of just how unfair this medieval fantasy world is meant to be.
Flash forward another book or two. The king is dead, chaos reigns, and the Stark family has been scattered to the winds. Little Arya Stark, who had been a friend of Micah, falls in with a group of good guy outlaws. And to her surprise, they have taken the now renegade Sandor Clegane hostage.
Naturally, since the Hound had been one of Joffrey’s top henchmen, this is a big catch for them, but since they insist on doing things honorably and giving him a fair trial, they run into the problem of being unable to pin any specific crime on him, since most of the stuff they come up with was actually carried out by other people or they can’t prove that Sandor was involved. But then Arya brings up Micah, which Sandor actually did, and of course the outlaws seize upon.
Now, when I read this, I actually put the book down for a moment to pump my fist. Because holy crap, they’re actually acknowledging that whole thing! It wasn’t just another example of an innocent person getting offed for shock value without the perpetrator being held accountable! It was getting brought up, and not only that, it was being used as a plot point! It was beautiful!
Of course, Sandor does actually win the resulting trial by combat and is set free, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Song of Ice and Fire, as grimdark as it is, is fully committed to holding all of its characters responsible for their actions, and sometimes small cruelties will come back in huge ways, and I think that’s awesome.
Another example from the same series is Theon Greyjoy. Now, here is a guy whose insecurities lead him to betray the family he was raised by, steal their home, execute their associates, and even murder a couple of little boys and cover their bodies with tar just to make his men think that he had successfully killed the Stark boys rather than admit that they got away. Now normally, this would put him right at the top of my shit list, and it did for a while. But surprise surprise, the story actually manages to make him look sympathetic again, by…
1.      Showing full well how his insecurities have caused him to make these mistakes
2.      Have him get called out by pretty much everyone over how horrible his actions are
3.      Show full well that he understands this, and feels rotten about it deep down inside
4.      Have him essentially put through hell as a result, to the point where he’s physically mutilated and mentally scarred by Ramsay Bolton’s…administrations
5.      Have him go through even more hell to try to redeem himself and put his life on the line to protect someone innocent
6.      Make him acknowledge that he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, but he’s going to try to do whatever he can to atone for his sins once he gets his identity back
Through all that, when he finally is forgiven by Jon Snow and welcomed back into the Stark family, it does feel earned, and not through excusing what he did, but by acknowledging it and dealing with it directly.
B.      Spike shows genuine remorse for his past, in Buffy/Angel
Kind of weird to include Buffy/Angel in this section after already calling it out before, but I’m pretty sure these two episodes had different writers.
Anyway, Spike is undoubtedly one of the most, if not the most popular characters in the Buffyverse, and it should come as no surprise that he’s my personal favorite. Quick background for anyone who hasn’t seen the series: he is a British punk-rock vampire renowned for loving violence and besting two Slayers in one-on-one combat. He started off as a main villain, but became so popular that the writers nixed his planned death and spent several seasons slowly bringing him over to the good guys’ side, first out of necessity, but giving him a redemption arc (which was controversial for…reasons) that ultimately ended with him fighting to get his soul back and become an actual hero. So, hoorays all around.
However, there still is the lingering problem of him having spent over a hundred years torturing and killing his way across the world. The last season of Buffy tried to address that by revealing that one of the heroes’ new allies was the son of one of Spike’s victim and wasn’t too keen on working with the monster that killed his mothers, but their execution of said idea was…deeply flawed, to say the least.
Things got better when Spike made the jump over to Buffy’s sister series Angel. In it, a rogue Slayer named Dana, who has been rendered mentally unstable after an evil man murdered her family and tortured her as a child, is deluded into believing that Spike was the man that ruined her life. As such, she kidnaps him, tortures him, and even cuts off his hands (don’t worry, he’s a vampire, they can deal). Then the cavalry arrives to save the day. Dana is captured and handed off to people that can actually help her, Spike is rescued, and goes to the hospital to have his hands sewn back on. Like I said: vampire. They can do that.
Anyway, Angel then uncharacteristically goes to visit Spike, and as a bit of a surprise Spike doesn’t seem to hold any anger toward Dana at all, and instead says something to the tune of, “What? I’m supposed to be angry because hers wasn’t one of the hundreds of families I killed? I spent so much time being a monster, I never stopped to look back at the victims.”
This is great, as it 1, acknowledges the wrong he’s done, 2, shows that no matter what he does to redeem himself, it’s always going to hang over him, and 3, puts no blame on Dana whatsoever. And with that, I felt like I was free to like and root for Spike without having an asterisk hovering over everything.
And honestly, that’s all I ask for. Acknowledgement. Accountability. Acceptance of consequences. Because otherwise, it just leaves a rotten taste in my mouth, and the more I see it happen in fiction, the more it bugs me.
So, that’s my rant about storytelling for today. My next posts will probably be something more positive.
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blondsnake · 3 years
closed starter / @sneakscar​ !
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“ you look bored, “ it’s an honest assumption. draco settles next to her, leaning against the wall. HE LOOKS IN PLACE, as he should, after all this is his home. but he still manages to cling to the outer rim of the party. maybe that is what bonds he and mari — they are two types of the same person. “ here, “ holding out one of his hands in which two flutes of champagne are threaded between his long fingers, “ i got you a drink. “
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blondsnake · 4 years
closed event starter / @sneakscar​ !
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he was just trying to get a drink, for merlin’s sake. it shouldn’t be that difficult. but the end of the game and the bonfires starting had clearly put people onto some sort of wildness. when he saw the faintly familiar brunette, standing uncomfortably beside a man that was OBVIOUSLY HITTING ON HER, he quickly changed his trajectory. this, draco thought idly, is not good for my reputation, but nonetheless he slid up beside marietta, placing his arm gently on top of her shoulders. “ sorry it took me so long, love, “ draco said, handing mari a drink that was, actually, his, “ people are going mental. “ he eyed the man openly, blue eyes squinted, trying to look the height he was, until the other was scoffing and walking away, mumbling under his breath all the while. draco removed his arm, dusting himself off, and shrugged, “ WHAT A DICK. “
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@gobletofmuses;;  ❝  hey,  just breathe.  look at me— look at me.  in and out.  breathe with me okay?  ❞
SHE HAD just gotten the letter. her mother hadn’t had any other way to contact her, or else she would have. she would have apparated to the school had been been able. as soon as she had read the words scrawled onto the page, she had immediately dropped, a scream of anguish passing her lips. the sound of it echoed through the entry hall and she had been so distraught, she hadn’t noticed the people pointing and whispering. none of them made an attempt to approach her. it wasn’t until she felt strong hands on the sides of her face. when the words sunk in, her eyes lifted to find bears, quickly latching on to them so she could attempt to calm herself. “ hes gone b-b-bear. i-i-i didn’t get t-to s-s-s-ay g-g-g-goodbye. ”
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@gobletofmuses​;;  ❝  you love me too much.  i know how that sounds but—  fucking hell.  you shouldn’t care that much about someone like me.  ❞
      A SNORT sounded past her lips as she stared over at him, her face looking rather done. done with his shit. she was done with the head games. with him putting himself done to try and convince her not to love him. at this point - there was nothing he could do. she was intensely, passionately and terrifyingly in love with the body in front of her. there was nothing either either of them could do at this point. “ would you please stop with that shit, oberon? its getting rather tiresome. ”
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@gobletofmuses​;;  ❝  i need you.  don’t you get that?  ❞
      TO PUT it simply - the answer to his question was no. she didn’t understand how he could need her. she didn’t understand why. all she really knew was that she loved him. no matter what had happened between the two of them, she would always love him. blue eyes flicking toward the floor, her eyes closed as she felt his finger curl under her chin to raise her face up so she was once again looking at him. her mouth went dry when she locked with his dark eyes, her hands clenching and unclenching nervously at her sides. rather than opening her mouth - rather than making a fool of herself with word vomit, she merely shook her head in answer to his question, tears beginning to collect behind her eyes.
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@gobletofmuses​;;  “ you don’t have to hide your tears from me . ”
      IT WAS something she wasn’t able to help. big girls don’t cry. thats what her father had always told her before he had passed. buck up, princess. don’t let them see you cry. she knew it was different with oberon. that he wouldn’t judge her nor make fun because she cried. she was an emotional girl. she assumed that came from her mother.
      still, her face remained hidden from him, the curtain of blonde hair falling to separate them as she lowered her head, knees pulling up to her chest so she could wrap her arms around them. burying her face against her knees, her muffled sniffled could still be heard and no words came from her. she was too upset to talk. it had been a year to the day that her dad had left her. and it broke her heart just as much as it did the day he had died. she didn’t think she would ever be whole again.
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@gobletofmuses​;;   “when this is all over, i want it to be you and me.”
      FEELING HER breath catch in her throat, she ached to reach for his hand. to offer him the reassurance that that was all she had ever wanted as well. they hadn’t much time between them. the chaos ensuing around them had come to a head and there wasn’t much time to look at one another. never mind talking. or kissing. which is something she had desperately wanted to do. no matter what had happened between the two of them, she still loved him. she would always love him. though she knew she wouldn’t be accepted by his family. though she knew she wasn’t good enough for him - that she never would be, it didn’t matter. if they died during this war - he would never know. but he would never have to.
        “ when this is all over - it will be. ”
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