#<- again my tagging system for my 'styles' is kind of a mess i'll have to fix that soon
mayordea · 4 months
Tumblr media
Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche
ive been wanting to make fanart for mothy's seven deadly sins series for a while and now i'm finally taking the dive. so the next few posts will be completing these series of illustrations of the characters :) started off with rin's character cuz i feel like the daughter/servant of evil is where a lot of us got introduced to evillious chronicles hehe
excited to see the little collection all come together and i hope you are too
~~ by the way!!!!
5 people have indicated on a poll that they would be interested in coloring pages of my art, and i thought i'd do just that! at least as a little test. so here are some lineart files of the piece~
psd file - should be compatible with photoshop and ibispaintx definitely. probably compatible with other programs like csp but i haven't checked 😅
procreate file - procreate throws a fit when you try to import psds so i had to make it separate just in case 🫠
this is the first time officially releasing these so im not sure how to go about it?? again it's sort of a test, i'll figure things out. just be aware that the lineart is more gritty/textured so filling colors with a bucket tool might be a little wonky.. but i'm sure that's fine
some terms when using these coloring pages :)
don't remove or obscure the watermark. you can move it, but make sure it's visible in some way
when posting, make sure to credit me (mayordoi) for the lineart
if you post on tumblr or instagram, tag me or let me know somehow cuz i wanna see em!!
again not fully sure if there's a big audience for these but i like the idea of coloring pages so why not release my own! and yes the rest of the sin characters will also have coloring pages released in a similar style :]
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