#<not really but this is good info for folks who are new / reconnecting
I’m trying to come back to Christianity after deconstructing and your blog has been a great help to me, but I still struggle with the phrase “Jesus died for our sins.” I feel like it places undue responsibility on people who had nothing to do with his death. How is it possible that he died for my sins when I didn’t even exist 2,000 years ago?? Or am I taking the phrase too literally?
Hey there, I feel you! I know of so many people who, especially as young children, were made to feel a lot of guilt over the idea that "Jesus died for your sins." And that's a problem, especially seeing as Jesus came to liberate us from our guilt, and to invite us into full and mutual relationship with him.
While the dominant Christianities that exist in our culture/s right now don't like to acknowledge it, there have always been many different ways of understanding what happened on the cross and how salvation "works." So if this phrasing does harm rather than good for you, there are many other ways to understand salvation!
One that resonates most with me is a view of salvation that doesn't focus solely upon what happened on the cross, but instead takes the entire Incarnation into account. In her book Inspired (which is such a fabulous read, especially for folks working to reconnect with Christianity & scripture), Rachel Held Evans sums this idea up well:
Jesus didn’t just “come to die.” Jesus came to live—to teach, to heal, to tell stories, to protest, to turn over tables, to touch people who weren’t supposed to be touched and eat with people who weren’t supposed to be eaten with, to break bread, to pour wine, to wash feet, to face temptation, to tick off the authorities, to fulfill Scripture, to forgive, to announce the start of a brand-new kingdom, to show us what that kingdom is like, to show us what God is like, to love his enemies to the point of death at their hands, and to beat death by rising from the grave. Jesus did not simply die to save us from our sins; Jesus lived to save us from our sins. His life and teachings show us the way to liberation. But you can’t fit all that on a bumper sticker.
For God so loved the world, They took on human flesh. Jesus's whole life was lived in love for us, for you — all the joys and connections that contained, not just the pain and death.
Another thing that I always stress, and that you point out in your ask, is that we have to be careful when we discuss who's responsible for Jesus's death. Otherwise we end up with people blaming Jewish people, or scared little kids, or even God for his death.
Ultimately, it was human beings in a very specific context, and imbued with systemic power, who enabled and carried out his execution: Roman soldiers acting on behalf of the Roman Empire. Jesus died because corrupt human powers cannot stand for the Good News of liberation and abundant life for all peoples. He died in ultimate solidarity with all who are similarly oppressed or executed across history.
It's reeeally long so sorry in advance, but if you're interested in an exploration of theologies of the cross, I've got a YouTube video on the topic! If you don't have the time or inclination to watch it all, the parts I most recommend for you are:
(13:01 - 21:54) Delores Williams & Historical Consequence — paying attention to real-world impact; don't use cross to justify suffering
(1:21:41 - 1:27:00) Theologies that look at Jesus' whole life, not just death, starting with Jesus as Moral Influence/Exemplar
1:42:54 - 2:00:00) The Cross as Solidarity — Christ becomes one with all who suffer unjust / systemic violence — on the cross, God knows godforsakeness — good news for oppressors as well as oppressed
If you check out the PowerPoint linked in the video notes, you'll also find links and resources in that :)
Finally, you might want to wander through my #crucifixion tag or #sin tag for more related to your question.
Wishing you well on your journey, anon! May the Spirit of Love guide you into healing and wholeness <3
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
Try the scooter with a seat now hitting the streets of San Jose
There’s one thing new on the streets of downtown San Jose that appears like an e-bike however is definitely a scooter with a seat. It is not fairly the identical as sliding round Rome on a silver Vespa, however the black and inexperienced Veo Cosmo is a really completely different expertise than an everyday Lime or Hen scooter. Riders sit simply over two toes off the bottom, bolstered by a pair of 18-inch wheels with bike-like air-filled tires, offering a smoother trip — and fewer stress on the backbone. “We hope the seat and massive wheels will appeal to individuals who do not feel secure on parked scooters to check out small shared commuting,” stated Colin Hayne, a spokesperson for the San Jose Metropolis Division of Transportation. It appears individuals are slowly preparing for app-led video games. Final weekend I noticed a gaggle of 4 using alongside Santa Clara Boulevard close to San Pedro Sq.. Veo—which additionally has e-bikes and standard scooters in its fleet—was given permission to deploy as much as 500 e-scooters sitting round San Jose, so if you have not seen one but, anticipate one quickly. Sharing his story: Eddie Garcia grew up in East San Jose and has spent his life giving again to that neighborhood, whether or not it is by means of his management with the Mexican Heritage Firm or the Latin Management Alliance. However he’s now emulated in sharing the story of his private well being journey, which features a disabling coronary heart assault in 2010 and a coronary heart transplant in 2020. On September 29 — World Coronary heart Day — Garcia will discuss what bought him going with NBC Bay Space’s Damian Trujillo at a free occasion on the Santa Clara Household Well being Plan’s Blanca Alvarado Group Useful resource Heart, 408 N. Capitol Ave. in San Jose. As detailed in his e book, “Summer time within the Ready Room”—which he’ll signal copies of on the occasion—Garcia spent his restoration interval studying and reconnecting along with his religion. The free out of doors occasion, co-sponsored by the American Coronary heart Affiliation, the Latin Management Alliance and the Well being Fund, 5:30-7 p.m. wholesome stroll: Former San Francisco Giants participant Drew Robinson — who misplaced his proper eye in a suicide try in 2020 — will likely be joined by Dr. Shana Alexander and Dr. Emily Payet of the Giants Psychological Well being Advocacy group to ship the headlines at NAMIWalks Silicon Valley on October 1 at Historical past Park in San Jose. Robinson has been open about his expertise in an effort to create consciousness about psychological well being and assist take away a number of the stigma. Greater than 500 folks signed as much as take part within the Nationwide Alliance on Psychological Sickness occasion, which raised greater than $200,000 out of $280,000. It begins at 9 a.m. You may get extra info at www.namiwalks.org and seek for NAMIWalks Your Manner Silicon Valley. Elevating cash by hand: The Educator Useful resource District — generally known as RAFT — opened its San Jose location to greater than 100 private company, with twenty extra becoming a member of on-line, for a fundraiser September 21 CSI:RAFT. On this case, C stands for “Classroom” not “Crime,” because the company raised greater than $350,000 to assist present the 6,000 lecturers it serves with sources and kits for hands-on STEM classes. It was additionally a very good alternative for RAFT to say because of a number of the individuals who made it occur 12 months after 12 months. Honorees included RAFT champions Donna Whitney and Randy Bond; Accomplice of the Yr, Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Expertise Outreach Basis; Volunteers of the Yr, Jeffrey Fox, Lakshmi Avanasyappan, and Aravind Saminathan; and my STEAM Lecturers of the Yr, Kim Brown from Fisher Center Faculty, Tom Carvey from San Lucas Elementary Faculty, Lauren Larocca from Montague Elementary Faculty, Brian Williams from Don Callegon Faculty, and Margie Wysocki from Catherine Hughes Elementary. Originally published at San Jose News HQ
0 notes
albatris · 3 years
uhm hi there im new to your blog, and your ocs/snippets seem really interesting! i also love your art, but i have no idea whos who and i can’t seem to find a master post with all of your characters, what they look like, their pronouns, backstory etc. would it be possible for you to maybe give a brief rundown of each character or link some posts related to them?? it doesn’t have to be super in depth and please DO NOT feel obligated to do this at all if you don’t want to. but id love to know a little bit more about them! hope you have a good day and sorry for the long message :))
hello!!! thank you so much, that’s so nice of you to say!!! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far :D :D
now, you’ll have to forgive me, it’s super late and this reply will NOT be neat or concise whatsoever....... which kinda sets the tone for most of this blog tbh so I guess it’s cool
I don’t really have any sort of masterpost, most of what I post about these guys is in the form of snippets and rambles and usually people just jump on board wherever..... which, yeah, can be confusing and difficult for folks to keep up with especially if they’re new HAHAHA
I will start out with the bits I *do* have nice neat intros for! I have two main WIPs, All The Doors Are Open and Undertow! Undertow is currently more of a side project, but you can read about the characters here, and here’s some art for Aster and Kit and also Meg so you have faces to the names c:
and now this:
the main four I speak about on this blog are Noa, Tris, Shara and Kai from ATDAO, n I have these handy character intros on hand for this exact purpose!! here u go (I mean here’s the link to the old post but it’s still got the wrong name for Tris so eh)
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n honestly knowing these four is like 90% of the work tbh, I am a simple man, I post content about the same four OCs 24/7 until everyone is sick of it,,
Tris and Noa are the protagonists and viewpoint characters! 
Tris’s plotline involves him trying to figure out what happened to his older brother Jacob, who got hit by a car and straight-up vanished from existence entirely, and involves a quest into an unreality that can be described as “getting lost down the back of an interdimensional sofa”. also there’s a sword and a cat. think fantasy/adventure vibes that veer into horror
Noa’s plotline involves her work at the Department of Interdimensional Instabilities! and her becoming tangled up with otherworldly energies and gaining some strange powers, as well as her clash with basically-a-cartoon-supervillain Laurence Marrick Thiele, whose full name I like to type out and who’s attempting to manipulate interdimensional doorways for his own gain and putting a hell of a lot of people’s lives in peril. think mystery/sci-fi vibes!
Shara and Kai aren’t viewpoint characters but they’re still up there as MCs and I love them! Shara’s story centres around her attempting to solve three mysteries from her childhood which she believes will lead her to the source of the apocalypse, and Kai’s story involves them dealing with the emotional and interpersonal repercussions of losing seven years of their life to a time loop and their attempts to reconnect with their family, who thought they were dead
annnnnnnnd that’s basically all the nice neat concise stuff I can give ya! 
under the cut will be some additional rambles you don’t really need to read, I’m not so good at coming up with Nice Neat Character Summaries on the fly, so it’s just me scrambling about to find vaguely relevant posts and links..... it will unfortunately be a bit of a mess and perhaps only tangentially relevant
cannot emphasise enough that I debated not even including the next stuff but hey! I like talking
Other side characters you might see around are Alice (she/her, red curly hair, undercut, dresses in lots of green) and Jet (he/they, green spiky hair, freckles, dresses like a thrift store got hit by a tornado), who are Noa’s teammates at the DII! Alice is Noa’s love interest n is cool and mysterious and Jet is the team leader n is completely chaotic and unhinged
these two
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There’s also Kai’s younger brother Kieran (he/him) and Tris’s siblings Becca (she/her) and Jacob (he/him), none of whom I have ever drawn more than twice and whose appearances seem to change every time I write about them so I’m not going to describe them here hahahaha
I do have a Kieran for you though uhhhh where’s my One Decent Kieran Drawing
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that’s the one!
anyway, backstories are................ a lot. so I don’t think I’m gonna go into too much of it here on this post
I have, like........ a collection of posts scattered all over the place that kind of go into some things? but in very tangential ways. I’ll toss you some plot + character rambles that might be of interest! though my rambles are not everyone’s cup of tea ‘cause they’re, well, rambling
first! the plot of the story is here! which might give you some context for the Everything! this one is a Big ramble, not all of them are like this lol
Greer siblings!
here’s Jacob info for an ask response I did one time which is one of the few posts where I talk about Jacob at length ‘cause he’s just lots of spoilers
also did one for Kai which might have some info for ya?? but idk if it’s all that relevant
might come back and add more rambles later, it is currently 2 in the AM
or I might come back and be like “logan could you really not think of a better way to answer this question” and delete the rambles
yeehaw thx for listening I love you
also apologies for the complete and utter lack of info on Kieran he is a mystery that eludes me still
32 notes · View notes
King Falls AM - Episode 10: Medium Rare
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Summary: September 15, 2015 - Sammy & Ben welcome in studio guest, medium Miss Olivia DuPont, however a miscommunication of her talents brings up some painful memories that both Ben & Deputy Troy wish to forget.
[podcast intro music]
Sammy [agitated] I’m not gonna debate you ma’am, I’m just trying to say that gravity really isn’t something that’s up for discussion, sheesh.
Ben [amused] Don’t take it personally. Mrs. Bodenheimer told me in third grade that she didn’t believe in air.
Sammy …conditioning?
Ben Oh, no! Air. In general. She thought oxygen was a satanic fairy tale concocted by God-hating scientists.
Sammy [disbelieving] Yet she was in charge of educating you and hundreds of other youngsters.
Ben College diploma goes a long way in a little town, buddy.
Sammy Alright, well up next we’ve got a pretty interesting visitor coming in studio with us.
Ben Hopefully so!
Sammy O— you don’t know her?
Ben I do not, but she sent us a ton of emails during the electrolocaust and said she was a big fan.
Sammy All of them say she has a special talent she’d like to share with us and the listeners
Ben Absolutely, and she’ll be coming up after a word from our sponsors.
[dramatic eerie music]
Announcer On the season premier of the nation’s number one paranormal investigation show: Mission Apparition. [theatrical crash] Dan and the team find themselves in a sticky situation. [static]
Dan [echoing] They had to shut this place down after all the accidents. This is Tanner’s Taffy factory and it’s been abandoned since 1991. [static]
Announcer …or has it?
Dan There’s, uh— God there’s a lot of EVP activity around [walkie talkie sound] Larry, Larry I’d think you better go.
[theatrical crash]
Dan [walkie click] [hushed] Larry? Larry! [walkie click] Larry go!
Larry [creepy, ascending, violin-screech sound effects] [through walkie] I see the lights, man, I see it
Dan Larry move your ass!
Announcer It’s another can’t-miss episode from the show that doesn’t miss a thing when it comes to the extraordinary: Mission Apparition
[News music]
NEWS ANCHOR Season premier, tonight at 9pm on King Falls Channel 13.
[KFAM theme]
Ben That is- ridiculous.
Sammy We’re live, Ben.
Ben I know! It doesn’t change the fact that “Mission Apparition” sucks as much as the channel that shows it.
Sammy It sounded pretty interesting to me.
Ben Dan and Larry from that show? wouldn’t know what to do in a haunted situation to save their lives. Stupid meters and light particles, [“stupid voice” imitation] “oh hey I know! let’s shoot some night vision so everything looks pretty scary and suspect!” Idiots.
Sammy You don’t have to get hot about it.
Ben Oh, I’m just fine, Sammy. I’m simply saying, Mission Apparition is a dumb show Made by dummies For dummies.
Sammy Ladies and gentlemen, please be sure to direct all your hateful tweets to @kingfallsam and we’ll make sure Ben answers each and every one.
Ben Get at me twitter! #bringit
Sammy *laughs* On a different note, we have a guest in studio with us tonight. She is a self-professed medium—
Olivia [slight South African accent] Miss Olivia DuPont. Heh, see I knew it was coming.
Sammy [laughing] You’re good Miss DuPont. So Ben tells me you emailed us in hopes of coming on the show?
Olivia I was very eager to come visit my favourite late-night AM talk show and maybe help some people with some closure along the way.
Ben Thanks Miss DuPont, we are happy to have you.
Olivia Oh, please call me Golden Owl. *Who-whoo who-whoo!*
Sammy Ummm…
Olivia *Laughs* What a hoot and riot, you should have seen your face Sammy. Please, call me Olivia.
Ben Ha. S- soo… um, you aren’t from King Falls, is that correct?
Olivia That is, I live a few towns over. Up in Big Pine. That’s where my shop is as well.
Ben I love Big Pine! I- I used to go camping there as a kid! It’s beautiful and so laid-back.
Sammy Laid-back? I didn’t know it got slower then King Falls!
Ben You’ll have to excuse Shotgun Sammy here, he’s a Big City guy.
Sammy Anyway, so how did you find out that you had this talent, Olivia? That you were a medium.
Olivia Oh, from a very young age. My parents were veterinarians and we lived in an apartment above their office, so I used to hear- so many lost souls. Day in and day out.
Ben Lost souls? Wh-why were these people hanging out at the vets?
Olivia [confused] People?
Sammy I’m sorry, Olivia. Maybe we’ve got our wires crossed here. We were under the impression that you were a psychic.
Olivia [firmly] Medium. Psychics are low life charlatans.
Sammy I’m sorry, a medium.
Olivia A medium is someone whose 6th sense is so in tune, so aware, that a bridge is made to the other side, in which we can communicate with our loved ones.
Ben Uh, but- but again why were the souls of people hanging out at your parents’ vet office?
Olivia *scoffs* What does this have to do with people, Ben?
Sammy Okay, this bridge that you’ve-you’ve built to the other side. Is it not for people?
Olivia [laughing] Heaven’s no!
Ben I’m lost.
Olivia Well I’m- one of a kind, I get human interference from- time to time, you know [long-suffering] a mother looking to reconnect with her kids, a brother that died in the war. Ugh. I ignore that. This is about our deceased loved ones. The furry kind, or feathered! or what-have-you.
Ben Wait. You talk to dead pets?
Olivia Harsh, but not incorrect Ben.
Ben [growing slightly frantic]Oh, no, see I-I-I booked you so we could talk about your gift and take some calls from the listeners, but—
Olivia We can take calls Ben.
Sammy So, to be clear, you have contact with human spirits and you just toss them to the wayside to talk to Fido.
Olivia *laughs* Anyone can talk to deceased humans, Sammy, especially here in King Falls. This place is beaming with activity- even the two of you could do it if you tried. But nobody talks to our long-lost pets.
Ben I’m sorry, this isn’t what we were looking for Miss DuPont.
Olivia Golden Owl. Hoh, excuse me boys *loud sigh* this one is coming on strong! MMMOOooo MMMrrrr… Moo. *loud sigh* Sorry boys,[solemnly] that was- that was a rough one. Cassie the Cow was crying out. She lived in one of those factory farms and she- *deep breath* was using me to tell the world about her last days in the Cowschwitz[sic].
Sammy Okay folks, we’re sorry. Just give us a minute or two so we can uh… So we can get this—
Olivia I seeee… a dog? forgive me- AAAOOOoo AWAWWOOooo ARAwwo *growls*
Ben [Irritated] Okay, I think we’ve heard enough.
Olivia Wolfington?
Ben This is insane.
Sammy [seriously] Wait. What color is the dog?
Olivia Black— oh a little-bit of brown. He looks like— a lap dog perhaps? Uhh…
Sammy A terrier!
Olivia Oh, of course, I can see it nowww. He’s just wagging his tail, so happy, chasing his ball- Oh! Ooh, he’s mounting your Teddy Ruxpin bear[1].
Sammy That’s him! Oh my gosh!
Ben [incredulous] Wolfington the terrier? Come oonnn.
Sammy That’s my dog, Ben! He ran away when I was in grade school.
Olivia Woof! RUFF! Ruff-ruff-rUFF! Oh. He wants you to know that he’s fine Sammy, Wolfington had a good life. He isn’t mad that you only ever shared your veggies at the dinner table.
Sammy [entreating] Heh, it’s all I could do little buddy! my mom was always watchin’!
Ben Sammy?
Sammy Uh, *clears throat* I mean, y-you know that’s- that’s good, that’s real good Olivia. Uh, thank you.
Ben What is going on here?! Snap out if it, Sammy, this is obviously a con. Facebook info- or something.
Olivia I seee—  [whispered] what is it? Is it a bird?
Ben [mocking]Cuckoo. Cuckoo.
Olivia Is it a tiny… monkey? No— no no, dig deeper. Marsupial!
Ben You aren’t buying this, right?
Olivia I feeel a- a naame… Serendipity?
Ben [shocked] What the Hell?
Sammy Ben, you alright over there?
Ben I’m- fine. Um. Go on, Golden Owl?
Olivia Is it a… sugar glider!
Ben It is! Serendipity the sugar glider! Oh man.
Sammy You can’t be serious, Ben. Your parents bought you an exotic animal and the best name you can come up with is “Serendipity”?
Ben [defensive] It came already named, man, and No, for the record? we found it. There was a travelling zoo that came through the Falls. And the day after, my friends and I found a box, down at the fairgrounds, and inside? there was little Serendipity, looking back up at us.
Olivia He said he’s sorry that he couldn’t stay. He wishes he did, that mean man with the badge- well, [softly] and you know how that goes.
Sammy Uh, how what goes? What happened?
Ben [upset] I don’t want to talk about it.
Olivia He forgives you Ben.
Ben [forcefully] Golden Owl I said I’m done! Let’s Take some callers.
Sammy Ben, I’m sorry, but this seems like—
Ben [distressed] Why don’t you pry your fingers- into the open wound- of my heart, and dig it all out, Sammy? Sweet Jack in the Box Jesus.
Sammy … You’re right, I-I’m sorry Ben. Well, King Falls you’ve heard Serendipity’s story, now let’s hear yours. 424-279-3858. We are live with pet medium, Olivia DuPont a—
Ben Did he live a good life? Olivia? W-was he happy, like Sammy’s puppy?
Olivia Do you not know?
Ben Know what?
Sammy I’m so confused here.
Olivia Serendipity was a bit of an outlaw. Sugar Gliders are illegal to posses in the tri-state region because of the ’72 Sugar Flu outbreak.
Sammy Seriously, okay guys, I just pulled up Sugar Gliders on the googs, adorable!
Ben They were still illegal. My mom tried calling the travelling zoo but to no avail. And it wasn’t like I didn’t want to keep Serendipity, I loved the little guy but, one of my backstabbing “friends” from school said something to Bodenheimer … I-I don’t want to talk about this.
Sammy They took him away?
Ben Mrs. Bodenheimer did. She took him to the office, and I never saw him again. She said she was going to make sure he got back to the zoo, di-di-did he, Golden Owl?
Olivia MMEEEEOOOOOWWW MEOOOWWW *hisses* Sorry, a calico is summoning me.
Ben Cut the crap! What’s this about the man with the badge?
Olivia [nervously] O- of course I’ve just heard this second-hand. Ben— I mean who’s to say exactly- what happened? It- you know, it’s from a different perspective then we can understand.
Ben What happened?
Olivia Serendipity- bit the man with the badge on the drive and- was tossed out the window. Into the river. Then- eventually down the falls. *chitters and hisses*
Ben That son of a bitch, w-wha-who’s name was on that badge?
Olivia It’s murky. Hard to grasp. Serendipity is jumping from nether tree to nether tree- Oh! Oh! I think I have it. [straining] G. U. N. Oh, I can’t see- D?
Ben [angrily] I knnnew it.
Olivia Take it with a grain of salt Ben- I mean, it’s just one version, from [laughingly] a marsupial no less.
Ben He was an awesome. possum. I-I gotta step outside for a minute [chair squeak].
Sammy While Ben takes a little break, let’s take a few callers.[door closing] Give us a call King Falls. Let’s talk about your dearly departed, uh, pets.
Olivia I’m ready.
Sammy Line 4, you’re live with Sammy and Miss Olivia DuPont.
Troy Gosh darn it, Sammy, I’m really sorry to hear about Ben’s little buddy.
Sammy I’m sure he’ll appreciate the kind words Troy, I’ll be sure to pass them on buddy .
[police radio can be heard faintly in bg]
Troy [solemn] I’ve got a confession to make that I ain’t proud of. I… I was the reason for the demise of little Serendipity. Such a sweet little fella. I just didn’t know he get taken away, y’know? For good.
Sammy Wait. You’re the reason Serendipity was taken away?
Troy Ah hells bells Sammy, I was the one that rolled over on Ben but— I didn’t mean for the little furry guy to get taken away! It was just a real kerfuffle on this end.
Sammy This explains so much.
Troy Me and Ben was best buddies coming up, Sammy. I didn’t want to tell on him, but little Serendipity got frisky one day at lunch and sh[bleep] on one of the teacher’s Mexican pizza. Tough ol’ Bodenheimer cornered me ‘cause she thought he was mine. Ben ain’t never gonna forgive me and that’s deserved.
[door closing]
Sammy That’s all in the past Troy. I’m sure- someday –
Ben Sorry about that guys. Some-someday what?
Sammy Oh, uh- y-you know- we-we’re just taking calls from listeners right now Ben. On the line we’ve got- Troy.
Troy [mournful] Hey Ben. Man I was listening to the program tonight, when I heard Miss DuPont pontificatin’ about the dead animals and su—
Ben [Hastily] Now’s not the time Troy, especially from you!
Troy I’m hurtin’ something awful about Serendipity, buddy. How many times do I have to apologize to make it right?
Ben Loose Lips Sink Ships, Troy, the ship of friendship. Have fun on the SS Backstabber. [click, dial tone] Line 1, you’re live on King Falls AM. Prepare your tissues.
Ron Boys, I won’t keep you long. This question is for, Golden Owl? is that right?
Olivia Yes.
Ron Before my question ma’am, you might want to work on that name. It might just be me, but it sounds like a sophisticated lemon party for birds.Not that I’m against that sort of thing. Sh[bleep] even last night—
Sammy Ron Begley, ladies and gents.
Ron Alright I get it, enough foreplay. Brass tacks Miss Owl, how does it work if you didn’t particularly own the pet, but you saw it as a kid, grew up near it, fed it, maybe had a puff the magic dragon relationship with it.
Ben He wants to know if you can tap into your unending source of pain and find Kingsie’s parents. Maybe tell us how they were, harpooned by Japanese tourists in front of Kingsie as a baby and made into sashimi.
Olivia Mr. Begley I’m not sure if that’s really in my wheelhouse, but perhaps if you introduce me to this Kingsie you’re referencing?
Ron Well hell yeah! How can I get a hold of you to make an appointment?
Sammy All of Miss DuPont’s information is on our website Ron, or you can check it out on twitter at—
Ron Yeah yeah, @, ampersand, hashtag, underscore, exclamation mark dot dot dot King Falls dot net. Shut your sweet little trap Sammy! I got it! I’ll be in touch soon Golden Owl. [mildly exasperated] But seriously, work on that name
[click, dial tone]
Ben Other than, re-breaking everyone’s hearts, Olivia— what do you get out of this?
Olivia I’m sorry for the troublesome story, Ben. Not all of them -hardly any of them- end so badly.
Ben So I’m just the lucky one.
Sammy Ben—
Ben I’m so glad to hear that not everyone’s pet got thrown out of a moving car and into Peace river and down the falls by Sheriff damn Gunderson. That’s the silver lining, right?
Olivia If it’s true.
Ben [skeptical] You get a lot of lying cats and dogs in your line of work, Olivia?
Olivia [awkwardly] Not— to my knowledge.
Ben He did it.
Sammy Okay, let’s not go making accusations it could have been any number of deputies, maybe even from a different county, I mean who can say?
Ben [insistent] It was Gunderson, I just know it. He literally damn near spelled it out! Ask him to spell out the rest, Olivia.
Olivia He saysss, *sigh* Golden Owl, your business license is up for renewal, so don’t rock the boat?
Sammy *clears throat* Olivia, we’re gonna take another phone call here in a minute. Perhaps, uh, before that you could give us a light-hearted example of a run in with someone’s, uh, expired creature.
Olivia Well, there was this one encounter with Bruce the Stingray.
Sammy [incredulously] A stingray. Now, what’s a dead stingray got to talk about?
Olivia Well, Steve Irwin[2] for one.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Teddy Ruxpin - Teddy Ruxpin is an animatronic children's toy in the form of a talking 'Illiop', a creature which looks like a bear. The creature's mouth and eyes move while "reading" stories played on an audio tape cassette deck built into its back.
[2] Steve Irwin - “The Crocodile Hunter” was an Australian zookeeper, television personality, wildlife expert, environmentalist and conservationist. Possibly best known for the show “The Crocodile Hunter” (1996–2007), an internationally broadcast wildlife documentary series, which he co-hosted with his wife Terri. They also co-owned and operated Australia Zoo, about 80 kilometres (50 mi) north of the Queensland state capital city of Brisbane. Steve died on September 4, 2006, after being pierced in the chest by a stingray barb while filming in Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 5 years
Karen’s Parents
I found some good stuff on there that let me make good models for what Karen’s biological parents look like since I haven’t posted any.
Yua-Karen’s Biological mother (Deceased)
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Karen-”A lovely woman if you don’t mind rampant unchecked mental issues, constant manipulation, and numerous addictions. I wish I could say nicer things.”
Mun-”She a snaaaaaake! But.....also like a hot snaaaaaaaake. Still a snake tho, iz a selfish jerk like some people be. Like ya know where Karen got her hair and sharpness tho. This girl knew how to burn cause burn she did, I mean other people, and straight into the ground, but aaaannny-whoooo.”
She rarely ever smiled, Adgar was the only one who ever got her to laugh. The two were wed after only 2 weeks of knowing each other. On her end it was a way to get away from her overly controlling family, and evade an arranged marriage which was still in practice though loosing favor in their days. She had a history of rebellion, and was already on the fence when it came to being kicked out. A majority of the consequences from her rebellion was her own fault though she played the victim card constantly to escape most of it. After the marriage was done in secret was kicked out of her home. Of course she had Adgar to fall back into who was also determined to help her recover from her many addictions. 
Cause of death-Lung Cancer
Adgar-Biological Father (Alive)
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Karen-”He’s such a good person.....too good of a person sometimes.”
Mun-”Look at dis precious noodle!!! Such a happy dork, he like a puppy. Seriously just look at them big ol’ eyes! This is where Karen got all those cute faces, big doe eyes, and curly hair. Oh and her love of bad jokes, and country music......what do you mean those things aren’t genetic?”
He honestly truly loved Yua despite only knowing her for such a short span of time. In fact he’d only just moved to Johto from his home region, Unova. They had Karen a year after the marriage, and he was beyond excited. In fact while his wife was resting after birth he was walking around the hospital chatting with folks to cheer them up, and if asked gleefully show them pics of his new baby girl. That’s where he first met Makoto. After leaving the hospital he was back a few months later with walking issues. After getting diagnosed with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia he had to use crutches to get about, and also had to quit his job. Yua upset that she’d have to not only work along with nurse an adjusting husband needed a way out of the relationship to continue her private life. However she still wanted to be a mother, and so staged a situation where she could frame him for abuse. She won the court case, and Karen. Devastated he was at a loss for what to do. During all of this he’d kept up chatting with Makoto who was about the only person he had to turn to. They ended up falling for each other with Adgar, just as before making the first move in some goofy way a year after his divorce. This time though they dated for half a year before marriage. While dating and getting to know each other they aided each other with overcoming their physical disabilities though soon after being married Adgar couldn’t stop thinking of his child and wanted to find her. He and Makoto searched high and low for the girl finding nothing until years later when Karen would be almost 10. Makoto swore she saw the child on TV at the pokeathalon dome, and the two dropped what they were doing to get over there. However she was gone, but they did run into Yua. The years of drug addiction and alcohol had not done her well and despite them being friendly she was short tempered at them both making remarks about Makoto’s scars. The only info they found was that Karen had run away months ago, and it seemed she had run away again. 
Makoto-Step-Mother (Alive)
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Karen-”Best mom, she can pop a wheelie in a wheelchair.”
Mun-”Ok I’m calling it now, Karen’s dad’s type is Johto chicks, just sayin. Also look at dis gurl with her lil shy hair over the face and pearls. This is the mom at PTA meetings who brings the BEST food, and is great with all the kids at every age. Like she runs a tight house, but in a way that’s filled with warmth.”
Her own history was a hard one as well coming from a poor family, but with the determination to go somewhere in life. She was so smart with a grand future ready for here and dreams to end up as a mathematician doing some architecture on the side. Instead at 21 she found herself in a hospital bed after an accident with a drunk driver. All of her college funding went to hospital bills. (Though not shown here) Her left cheek, neck, and shoulder along with other areas of her body are marked with the result of burns, her ribs have an odd dip in them from the impact, smaller scars from shrapnel mark her face, and most of her body has the same. She really thought her life was over especially after the brain trauma caused her to develop narcolepsy. Adgar showing up to talk to her was the first days she felt a touch of hope again. She thought they’d never meet again after he left, but she was in for another surgery while he was in to get his legs checked on. That reconnection was the start of their friendship that turned into a romance. They helped each other readjust to life, and he made her laugh again. He even gave her enough courage to go to school online while she helped him adjust to working at home. After the run in with Yua the drive to find his child was reinforced since they were terrified to imagine what all she had to go through. They were left following whispers though as no one knew anything about the child. Their worry grew when they started hearing the rumors come from criminals, or those who though never saw her face due to a mask recognized her hair, and a few the name. Through the years Adgar grew more and more distraught hearing what was happening to what he was convinced had to be his child. By the time Karen would of been 17, Makoto began to convince him they should go. It couldn’t be good for him to lament so heavily over someone he wasn’t even sure was his child, and it was putting a strain on his mental health. Defeated by such lack of movement he agreed. They moved back to Unova to get away from it all. 
Years later a man was at the door who went by Koga, and after he explained that he knew someone that maybe her husband’s daughter she called him down to have a chat with this person. 
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medusamyra-blog · 6 years
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Helloooo! I’ve (finally) filled out the talk tag post to give you guys some info on my version of Medusa! Please let me know if you have any questions about her, or if you’d like to plot! I’m definitely looking for a roommate or two, as well as any other connection under the sun (especially for fellow New Olympians). Let’s get this party started! (Well...it’s been started...for awhile now...I am very late...but for ME it’s a very new party, okay?)
Also I might have made some assumptions here as far as our characters go, so if you see something wonky please tell me
full name: Myra Shirin Bahl
The name is commonly associated with the Latin word, myyrh: a bitter resin extracted from a small, thorny plant. Though many bitter things might make you pucker when they first touch your tongue, they are often proven to be very useful, such as in medicinal herbs, or flavoring fine wine. And as they say, many beautiful, wonderful things are known to be protected by thorns. 
any nicknames?: As a child she went by Mimi. She doesn’t use that name anymore. Though she hears some of the folk at Old Olympus call her Medusa behind her back.
age: 25. a quarter of a century, oh no!
birthday/zodiac sign: August 19th, 1992. Leo. A fiery lioness filled with passion. 
height: 5′-6:
any tattoos, piercings?: Though she has done a lot of breaking boundaries and exploring new options for herself, piercings and tattoos have been a little too permanent for her to take the plunge on. Besides a single piercing in each of her ears, her skin remains undecorated for the time being. Though she considers it from time to time, she still wonders if she’ll ever be able to reconnect with her family and her old self, and something like a tattoo is just a little too much of a commitment for the time being. 
sound: Ocean waves softly kissing the shore ( she sleeps with a soft noise machine when the other apartment tenants are particularly loud )
color: Dusty lilacs and calming blue hues. The color of a clear, cloudless sky. And deep, royal purple ( not just for the matriarchal implications )
person: A multitude of faces rush through her head--her mother, her father, her brother, her ex-lover, her ex-best-friend--before she reminds herself they can’t be her favorite anymore. She has to be her own favorite person now.
memory: It’s hard to pick a favorite memory when so many of the people she shared them with no longer see her in the same light. Every good moment becomes a cherished memory in hindsight. They appear in flashes: peeling carrots with her mother, sharing lighthearted conversation about how men were helpless in the kitchen. Walking down the street as a young girl, holding her father’s hand and feeling so safe, like nothing in the world could touch her with her impenetrable father there to protect her. 
place: Gritty, warm sand beneath her toes, the hot sun on her back, the cool water at her feet. Specifically, the beaches home in Los Angeles (especially Malibu). New York beaches just can’t compare, though when she’s desperate for some sun she’ll use them as a placeholder.
vice: Warm lips on her neck, rough hands on her skin. She never expected to be the type to fall for such carnal pleasures, but once she got a taste, it was an urge that always came back to haunt her. Though it has never been as fulfilling as the first time, with the woman she’d loved, she loved the feeling of another person on top of her. 
…been in love?
Luli had been the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen. At first, Myra wasn’t sure if she wanted to be with her or simply wanted to be her. Soon, the question answered itself. She never thought she would want a woman in such a primitive way, nor a romantic way, but Luli changed Myra’s perspective on just about everything. It was passionate and warm and enlightening and thriving and everything Myra had never thought she’d wanted, or needed. It was the most wonderful and thrilling feeling she’d ever experienced--
even if it didn’t last. 
…done drugs?
When she’d first gotten involved with Olympus, still new to the big city. There were so many new opportunities for her here that hadn’t existed back home, and she wanted to try everything. Nothing too dangerous, but she’ll never forget the bubbling excitement of her first joint. There had been a naive air about her that both made people protective of her, and also made people want to push things on her, but she stood her ground. She wanted to enjoy her newfound freedom, but within reason, and she certainly wasn’t about to ruin her new life by getting hooked on something bad.  
…killed someone?
Not by choice. Everything that night had gone wrong. It was her first year on transportation and things weren’t going as smoothly as everyone expected them to. It was her or them and she panicked. She did what she had to do, but the first time she took someone else’s life was the hardest, even if it was for her own safety.
…betrayed someone’s trust?
Despite the age difference, Victoria had been her best friend. She’d been the first person Myra had connected with in New York, and Myra had crawled under her wing and adopted her as her mentor, whether she’d initially wanted it or not. Victoria was her secret keeper, the first person she’d told about her life back in California, what she had fled from and what she had fled to become. 
At first, it hadn’t felt like cheating. But then it did. And she knew it was wrong. And she didn’t put a stop to it until it was too late. In the end, she isn’t sure which loss was worst: her lover or her best friend.
…had their heart broken?
If love was the best feeling in the world, heartbreak was the worst. It had teared her to shreds, ripped her apart after every attempt at glueing herself back together again. What it also did, however, was harden her: make her strong, impervious, impenetrable. Just like the myth of a broken bone healing stronger than before, her broken heart and broken soul came back ten times stronger after that, and she swore she would never let it break again.
…lost someone?
Never by death, but unattainable by the weight of her own actions. Not lost, but simply impossible to find as they once were..
have any pets?: This is technically TBD since I don’t know who her roommates are yet, but in my head she has two small pet (land) turtles, named after women’s rights activists Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott (“Susie and Lucy”)
have a family they still talk to?: No. Sometimes she wishes she could, but she feels it’s just too late. Even if she were to contact them, she would probably have to change back into who she was--into Mimi--and she’s just not willing to do that.
have a best friend?: It used to be Victoria, back when she first touched down in NYC.  Someone she could tell anything to, confess her deepest fears and biggest secrets. Well, she left out one particularly large secret, and their best-friendship was broken forever. (Who is it now? Only time will tell)
want to get married and/or have kids?: It used to be a given that as a woman, she would settle down with a husband and pop out a few kids. Now that she’s breached so far past the Bahl Family Norm, she’s not so sure she could ever go back to that. Sure, after a stressful, dangerous day, she might think a normal, quiet life in a suburb with a family might be nice, but as far as she’s concerned, she’s too far gone to ever get that old little girl dream. 
want to leave?: Sometimes, but she’s already run away once before, and reinventing yourself certainly takes its toll on your identity. Everyone has hard days, where they want to leave their life behind and start somewhere new, but she doesn’t feel she’s been in New York long enough yet to call it quits. Not to mention, she would be letting down the other members of New Olympus, the people who took her in when she was still new to the city and had no place to go, and she wouldn’t let her own flight risk tendencies harm them in anyway..
phone call or text? T E X T. They’re straight-forward, to the point, and leave interpretation out of the equation. “Meet at 11:05 in the alley?” There’s nothing else to it. It’s quick and it’s efficient., and there’s no way for it to be construed 
wealth or loyalty? L O Y A L T Y. All the money in the world can’t buy you trust or friendship. Though she could really use the money, everyone needs at least one person they can trust in above all else. 
love or lust? L U S T. Love gets you nothing but heartbreak. It tears down your walls and pillages your heart like an invading army and it leaves nothing but ruin in its wake. Lust allows you “all the same perks” without the emotional investment and vulnerability. It is clearly the superior choice. 
5 Friends or 100 Acquaintances? 5 FRIENDS. True loyalty is hard to come by these days, and the less you know a person, the more dangerous to you they can be to you. 
summer or winter? S U M M E R! Having grown up in California, the New York winters are pretty bracing to her. Even if summer weather reminds her of home, she will never not love the sun.  
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Everything Marketers Need To Know About The Latest Instagram Changes
Instagram is deprecating personal profile access from their API. What does that mean?
There have been a tremendous number of developments, changes and upheavals when it comes to social networks and social media management tools in 2018, particularly for Facebook and Instagram.
Surprising to some, these changes did not originate with the Cambridge Analytica scandal, though that event certainly caused some changes and sped up others.
In January of 2018, Facebook, which owns Instagram and houses the develop teams for both platforms, announced a number of changes to expect in the coming year. This announcement was posted to the Facebook for Developers blog because the immediate impact of these changes is to tools and other vendors that work with Facebook or Instagram – not users of the native platforms.
But there are two aspects of life as a social media manager we’ve gotten used to:
Tools are an extremely efficient way to manage social media activity, and
Social networks and tools typically add capabilities, not remove.
So while the first half of that announcement includes the to-be-expected list of new features, it’s the second half that’s a bit unusual.
That’s not a word we’re used to seeing or using in normal conversation, is it?
Instagram’s announced API changes for personal profiles.
Let’s break this down succinctly.
An API – Application Programming Interface – is an interface that lets tools “talk” to a platform and communicate information. For instance, a tool like Agorapulse might tell a platform like Instagram that at 2 o’clock you want to post a certain picture and caption. Through the use of the API, that data can be submitted to Instagram and the post can be published just as you wanted, at the time you specified.
That means, in order for a tool to do something with a platform, the platform has to allow it through the API. There has to be language – hooks – there which other tools can understand and utilize.
The other aspect of what you’re seeing above is that Facebook replaced their old API with the Facebook Graph API some time ago, and is in the process of doing a similar transition with Instagram. Tools which had been using the old Instagram API have to move to the new Instagram Graph API by 2020. Along the way, some features are being removed completely from the old API, while new features are only being added to the new API.
With me so far?
So the list above is a number of changes to the old Instagram API.
As of July 31, 2018, tools could no longer view any data on who was following you or who you were following, could no longer follow or unfollow users on your behalf, and could no longer comment or delete comments on other people’s posts on your behalf.
Also removed (in April) was the ability to see user profile information on Location and Hashtag searches, making those features relatively useless as well.
Most of you probably never noticed this change as it was 100% focused on the practice of using Instagram “bots” to automatically comment on other people’s posts, follow them, and unfollow them after a few days if they didn’t follow you back. A perfectly disreputable method for trying to grow an audience.
Now hold on, we’re about to get into the news that’s really having a widespread impact this week.
The next set of changes is due December 11th… basically NOW. And these are already being talked about a lot as they effect legitimate use of Instagram with legitimate tools like Agorapulse and others.
The capability of tools to do the following is being removed immediately:
Commenting – to post and delete comments on the user’s behalf on owned media means that, using a tool, YOU cannot post or delete comments on YOUR OWN posts!
Public Content – to read any public profile info and media on a user’s behalf means that, within a tool, you cannot see the name or image of any other Instagram user, nor can you see their posted images. This means you cannot search for individuals or content, and even if you could see the comments on your own posts, you wouldn’t be able to see who left those comments.
Likes – to like and unlike media on the user’s behalf means you can’t even engage with Instagram posts.
Subscriptions – to receive notifications when media is posted is how some folks kept up with key people they wanted to follow, but cannot now using a tool.
That all means that social media management tools like Agorapulse cannot show you who is commenting on your posts, cannot let you like or comment on those posts, and can’t show you anything else about the people you might want to engage with.
But the news isn’t all bad…
These deprecations are for the old Instagram API. Not the new Instagram Graph API. So does that means tools which have already migrated to the new API aren’t affected? Not exactly.
The new API does have a lot of these permissions but only for Instagram Business profiles.
So anyone who is still using a personal profile on Instagram would be so limited as to make the tool useless. Therefore, most tools are simply removing support for personal profiles entirely.
Is upgrading to a business profile such a terrible idea? Not at all. Jenn Herman, author of “Instagram for Business for Dummies” writes:
“Everyone running a business or a brand of any sort should be using a Business Profile on Instagram – not a personal one. The benefits to being a business account are so vast, that there’s no reason to stay as a personal account. Some of the benefits include getting the in-app analytics, which are hugely valuable, and the Action buttons on your profile that allow conversions directly from Instagram. You can have up to three of Call, Text, Email, and Directions. Or even add in a 3rd party integration Action button that partners with tools like GrubHub and Eventbrite so that people can literally order or book with you directly from your Instagram account. If those two reasons aren’t good enough, then here are a few more… you get the option for shoppable posts if you have a physical product to sell, you get the swipe up link in Stories if you have over 10k followers, you get Quick Replies in direct messages, and you get the recognition of actually being a business account so you don’t look amateurish. And, if finally, you’re worried about some rumor of reduced reach by switching over – it’s just that, a rumor. There is no penalty for being a business profile. You may notice a slight drop in reach or engagement immediately after switching but that will return to normal after 2-3 weeks. Oh, and the same drop happens if you switch back to a personal from a business so it’s not a penalty against business accounts.”
So for most, the solution is simple. Change your Instagram profile from Personal to Business and continue to enjoy the scheduling and reporting benefits your tool of choice was providing.
At the end of the day, these changes are all about protecting the privacy and interests of personal users. And fortunately, Instagram has stated that some of these deprecated features that aren’t part of the new API will be available someday, like basic reading of user’s profile information and media.
Instagram wants to support businesses and changes like that make a lot of sense. If a user opts to comment on a business post, the business certainly has a right to see that comment and the person who left it.
For now, if you had a personal Instagram profile connected within Agorapulse, you’ll note now that it’s gone and cannot be reconnected. Simply go into your Instagram profile settings, scroll down to Business Settings, and tap on Switch to Business Account.
You’ll then be able to go back into Agorapulse and add your profile back in.
And if you’re not already using Agorapulse to manage your Instagram and other social networks, definitely give it a try. As an Instagram Partner, Agorapulse is one of the few social media management tools that’s actively implementing the new API and will be on top of future proposed changes, like direct posting of video content.
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baehkhun · 6 years
dating older cougars
It is usually true that Sara tends to be idealistic however she can also be older cougar chat dedicated to never just settle in an effort to have a man. Sara tried to keep the conversations from getting too deep. Let’s face it, the courting scene right now is stuffed with younger folk who don’t know what it’s like up to now somebody. It’s free to register, search and try messages you’ve been despatched, however you’ll have to subscribe to reply or send the first message yourself. Over 60s dating isn’t normally something we grew up hearing about - in lots of cultures it’s been custom to remain single if you’ve misplaced a partner in your sixties. LoveBeginsAt stands out from other over 60s courting websites on the power of its search features and community. Meeting like minded individuals of an analogous generation through traditional means in our hectic fashionable lives just isn't so easy anymore that is why online dating sites like 'over 60s online courting' have change into so in style. Many senior people begin to suppose "the place can I meet native singles in my very own age group?" That is the place the web senior dating site come into help.
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The Advantages Of 60 Plus Dating
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A couple of years ago, my old senior high school boyfriend and I had the oppertunity to reconnect. Together in high school graduation for about annually and a half, we lived cardiovascular romance thinking our hearts would be bonded forever. Ultimately, two colleges and a four-hour car ride broke us up. Our lives don't connected on a regular basis and our activities were too different to maintain the connection going. I was the one that ended it with fundamentally the sentence "We are done, do not call me again." Click. One of the hardest hurdles to jump could be the first one through this a mean escaping . and doing something. You need to get moving, whether it be joining a gym the first time, walking, aerobics or cycling you aim would be to enhance your metabolic process and burn up those calories. Losing weight isn't rocket science, if you burn off more calories than you eat you will learn to shed the weight. Exercise will likely lessen your blood pressure level and even more importantly cause you to feel better.
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This is a man who is able to build your heart skip a beat by considering him. His words are customized on your ears to know so that you fall quick and hard for him. Hottie doesn't come up with a good boyfriend. He's all about him. He will show you he loves you one minute and break your heart the next. Everyone wants him and he knows it and yes it doesn't take much for him to lower you to definitely pursue somebody else. Stay away until you love being using a man who moves from woman to woman like it's his job! Dating sites certainly are a secure and confidential meeting examine talk and flirt to others. The convenience of online dating means there is absolutely no pressure to fulfill up if before too long you really feel they are not good for you. We also see privacy being an important factor in terms of dating and the conversations you have are merely between your both of you. Mature dating is therefore becoming a lot more popular with an increase in members daily. Join how to find your perfect match! Under normal circumstances, it may be nearly impossible to find a mate or partner that suits your interests and background. The online websites have added another dimension to dating. You can easily flick through countless profiles and zero in on the once that you can feel inclined to satisfy face-to-face. There is huge variety in choices within the virtual whole world of internet dating. Selection could be on first step toward age, sexual preferences, social standing, education and a lot of other factors.
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A few years ago before ending up being a Chief Executive Officer, I helped a Fortune 200 business as Chief Marketing as well as Purchases Police officer. Creating friends along with your ex-boyfriend does not mean everything, this is actually only really good to understand that you will definitely be good pals after the split; you may walk out as good friends without being actually uncomfortable with one another until such opportunity you each think that you require second odds. You shouldn't need to break in your running shoes, they need to be ready to use right now. Individuals which are unsurprisingly adverse be inclined to utilize no as their first action to originalities and adventures and also partly, they do this to get time while essentially choosing, yet after that they wind up shielding the 'no' choice as well as staying with this, even at times when they might not possess." Default as an alternative to I am actually not sure; give me a minute," she suggests. Some provide me a skeptical appearance with a fifty percent smile expecting me to accept that I was actually just joking. Therefore if our team wish our little ones to clean their pearly whites, our company must cease getting along (pushing) to them to carry out this. Also the difference of modifying the research rest days to after Thanksgiving would have a fantastic stress and anxiety eliminating result. And the deep emotional dialogues had to avoid the split are harder for guys to handle in comparison to just walking away. When I am confronted with an apparently insurmountable duty, as well as I definitely perform not know just what to carry out, I typically look for help that may offer me a hint or even make it simpler to achieve exactly what I am actually aiming to achieve. To stop the damage frequent cleansing is needed or even the various other choice is to safeguard along with carpets and also distance runners. This is not the treatment for cancer cells, however this could offer you a worthwhile, and even better an evaluated business design that could offer you the monetary freedom we all ought to have. To break rapid, I followed the author's insight from going on a delicate diet regimen as well as doing without pork, daily record items, and oily as well as spicy things for the first pair of times. Because of a misunderstanding from these distinctions as well as that can lead to a whole multitude from concerns, communication can easily break down. If you still enjoy your ex, do not surrender. There are actually tried and tested procedures to get back your ex-boyfriend and also to earn them enjoy you like never ever previously. They would certainly lose hope heading to an event if the only selection they had was standing by level in order to get a buy a ticket. Possibly drop in at the Camelback Inn or Wharf Beach front - or even any type of some of our various other 4,400 buildings - to recharge, reconnect as well as return to the staff sensation freshened. Some folks proved that he delivered their Ex-boyfriend fanatic back, some made evident that he repairs tummy, remedy cancer cells, and also other illness, some made evident that he could cast an incantation to stop separation etc. If you have any kind of concerns concerning where and exactly how to use mountains in england over 3000 feet (mananamejordia1.info), you could call us at the web site. i also discovered one specific statement, this was about a lady contacted Sonia, she affirmed concerning exactly how he brought back her Ex-boyfriend fanatic in lower than 7 times, and at the end from her testimony she fell High Priest ADODO's e-mail deal with. Individuals which are actually unsurprisingly damaging be predisposed to utilize no as their preliminary response to new ideas as well as adventures as well as partially, they do this to acquire opportunity while actually choosing, however after that they wind up fighting for the 'no' selection as well as following that, even at times when they may certainly not have." Default rather to I am actually not exactly sure; give me a minute," she advises. If I did, she later on told me she possessed a sensation that I was actually going to crack up with her and also she currently had acquired a planning on just what she need to perform. Give yourself opportunity today to look into, to go within, to stroll in nature and experience the existence from all those who are supporting you from one moment to the following. She would not stop (nagging/trying to transform me/was clingy/wouldn' t provide me area) however I could not tell her that or even she will have sobbed. Religion makes use of the tale from Jesus telling the rich younger leader to go and also market each of his things as well as give the earnings to the inadequate and also happen follow Him (Jesus). I only need to know what to do to quit this horrid curse/hex so I can come back on the right track once more. I never ever utilize to rely on incantation casting in my whole entire lifestyle because i never ever thought this will certainly operate yet i tried to offer this male an opportunity and also to my ultimate shock, he did his work as well as that yielded a favorable result and also i had the ability to receive my partner back. Thus go on: pause for water, a washroom browse through, a quick stroll or stretch, checking your phone for notifications ... the skies's excess. This is actually the only recommendation of Jesus asking somebody to lose hope each one of their riches. The urge for meals as well as to break swift and start throughout again was really genuine for me. I consistently really felt appetite pangs as well as my mind merely kept slipping into images of my beloved foods items. Perhaps you watch range tied markets as well as field only along with a rupture off balance, or even field simply on the second attempt at such a rest. The sort of miracle where somebody would certainly provide me a break that would certainly obtain me on a better course. CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU MAM HIS SITE HANDLE is GET IN TOUCH WITH HIM NOW FOR SERVICE TO ALL YOUR COMPLICATIONS. If only my hubby will-, if only my child would take longer snoozes, so my customers will- Stop thinking about just what other people carry out, that's what you carry out that counts. I would like to thank the terrific spell caster that managed to revive my enthusiast within the duration from 48 hours, This is actually not one other person than Dr.Zabaza who email is zabazalogan @ or you can provide him a call +2348182620374. Eager concerning exactly what you fall to, which you're observing right now, as well as the explanation you seem to have shaken off the split easily. High Priest ADODO is actually a talented male as well as i will definitely not cease releasing him because he is actually a wonderful male ... If you possess a concern and you are actually searching for a genuine and genuine incantation caster to handle all your issues for you. Recollect the littles tune that the lyrics suggest, and discover the secret that matches your vocal variety during that melody. Obviously, the better the chauffeur is actually the lower the policy will definitely cost ultimately yet Snapshot tracks the moments that the break was hit hard, the amount of miles amount to the diver journeyed to as well as how many opportunities the motorist was behind the tire in the time between midnight and 4 A.M.
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seduce01 · 6 years
Relationship Counseling Reno NV; Effective Methods Of Managing Empty Nest Syndrome
By Barbara Evans
Couples counselors are always in high demand. Marriages are today highly respected institutions and most couples will do all that they can to save their unions. To the amusement of many, a good fraction of the clients that experts see on a daily basis are older couples who deeply love each other. For these old folks, one of the major concerns that they may have is the empty nest syndrome. When in need of relationship counseling Reno NV could offer you a decent number of highly regarded therapists. It is both exciting and crashing for parents to watch all their kids step out for the first time into adulthood. Even though you want the best for your kids, chances are that you will struggle emotionally to come into terms with the changes. This is referred to as the empty nest syndrome. As natural as it may seem, it could lead to an immense feeling of loneliness and if ignored, it could result in depression. It remains important to seek professional counseling, even if only one partner is affected. In this case, the stronger spouse needs to learn how to provide the needed support. If both partners are affected by the empty nest syndrome, failing to seek help could take a toll on their health and also their marriage. Fortunately, there are proven ways of effectively managing the concern. To begin with, you must embrace the positive. Remember that your child is out in search of new and better opportunities. Additionally, you will have the chance to redefine your roles beyond parenting. For you to cope physically, you should keep yourself busy and perhaps take the opportunity to travel the world and make merry. In addition, you should get busy. You can pick up an old hobby, reconnect with friends or even enroll in a book club. There is so much that you could do with the extra free time to keep yourself mentally and physically engaged. Couples that are still filled with energy could even sign up for dance lessons. In addition, you want to practice mindfulness. Ensure that you do not primarily focus on the future, perhaps when your children will come to visit you. It remains imperative to live in the present and enjoy it. In case you find yourself overly worried about the whereabouts of your kids, take deep breaths or settle down and meditate. In case you find yourself unable to cope with anxiety, simply give your kids a call. You could also connect with them on Skype or FaceTime and talk while seeing each other. Simply avoid overdoing communication because this would really not help. Finally, you should seek external help. The importance of seeing a qualified counselor cannot be emphasized enough. You want to let out your feelings within a safe environment. An ideal expert will hold your hand and that of your partner and help you get over the empty feeling.
About the Author:
Find details about the benefits you get when you use professional relationship counseling Reno NV services and more info about an experienced counselor at https://ift.tt/2rXkZZj today.
Relationship Counseling Reno NV; Effective Methods Of Managing Empty Nest Syndrome from Seduce Your Neighbor https://ift.tt/2IL6mCu
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In just about every design store there are a tons of manuals readily available along with a ton of terrific drawings and layouts from which you can opt to get your body tattooed. Beginning in 2015, carriers that are eligible for the Medicare Meaningful Usage program which don't effectively display Purposeful Make use of will be penalized-- beginning at 1% of Medicare Part B compensations and also improving yearly to an optimum of 5%. There will definitely be problems exceptions for eligible companies.
Thus, wide array, variety and change, these are words that go to the heart of in the house plant excellence. This is actually simply certainly not that relevant to earn an additional pot from coffee, to wipe yet another table, to help one more customer profit yet another product. Last night, for instance, I performed not begin this short article that you read right now (phoned Inspirational Lifestyle Estimates that can help You Live Your Lifestyle NOW!). This permits an even more running rhyme and could be utilized to integrate a smooth feeling with its own words. Make an effort catching the glow at night letters creating the words I ADORE YOU on the ceiling over her mattress. Carriers who are qualified for Meaningful Use under the Medicaid system are exempt to settlement fines, unless the provider is actually additionally entitled under the Health insurance course. If you liked this article and you would like to obtain more info with regards to yellow pages uk jobs (http://www.lafabbricailluminata.it/prostalgene/) i implore you to visit our own web page. Off the standpoint of the processes curricular credited expertise as well as previous expertise of the student, allowing a genuinely purposeful knowing. If the weight reduction for his team on the chocolate-only diet plan is actually agent of weight loss in a sizable populace from middle-aged men, a. Bob really wants to understand. Giving an absolutely special teacher present really isn't as difficult as this seems if you stop considering gifts as things," as well as rather consider exactly what may be meaningful to the teacher's life. Some labels have actually had the capacity to damage free from their field limitations that exist in industries like monetary solutions and energy, and also existing dependable, purposeful advertising and marketing techniques. Handful of discovered that the context through which terms run depends on the private definitions from these terms. The Dunbar 150 theory states that our company may merely truthfully have 150 significant connections at any type of once. Will definitely stand you in really good stead to begin a discussion and also eventually build meaningful link with them. Alonged with his granddaughter Snegurochka, he was actually stated to deliver gifts to excellent youngsters, driving a sleigh pulled through teams of white colored steeds. Thanksgiving provides a remarkable possibility to place God in to the picture, which changes the vacation into a spiritual and also relevant one. Yes, we all possess an active routine as well as the time clock maintains beating, however, when you want to have a meaningful rest or create an improvement in atmosphere even for a 50 percent hour, your anatomy switches, your mind kicks back as well as you move in to an enhanced condition from harmony as well as self-awareness. The moment collection for meaningful use is separated in to 3 phases, beginning with 2011. The tailored photograph mug are going to be a wonderful gift possibility for your best friend and also concurrently you can easily send out gifts to Philippines to share your joy of the occasion. Thus depending upon your state of mind now, you take pleasure in a number from wonderful, impressive affection quotes accessible for you free of cost on several sites. You can easily use these brand-new intimate passion prices estimate to present your passion and unpleasant surprise your partner in any kind of occasion - special day, Valentine's's Day, or even your anniversary. Words this author uses are woven with each other to develop strong and emotionally billed tales that test the reader to definitely think about the planet, and also motivate all of them to take action in positive techniques. Your lifestyle is no other; the energy you are actually squandering on seeking to construct purposeful connection along with countless folks via your numerous social media systems is actually wasted. Some males may think embarrassed concerning this, but having a cooking ability is an excellent perk. If you are actually taking part in the Medicaid system, you can easily Adopt, Carry out, or even Upgrade (AIU) a certified EHR or even show significant use of one in your 1st year to make motivations. There is actually certainly not a recognized rulebook on exactly how you locate your meaningful job as well as resulting results. Our team possess numerous kinds of intimate quotations - coming from hilarious, amusing, sensible, pleasant and also meaningful ... to unfortunate quotes, separate, motivating, difficult, and more. People not simply discuss X-mas gifts with one another yet additionally convey their Xmas wants and messages in one-of-a-kind and various techniques. If the integration case with HealthVault exceeds Meaningful Use, consider among the report permission based relationship styles instead (reviewed listed below). By means of her exclusive skills as well as gifts Joan Marie can easily show you the specific age when your concern began as she teams up with you to deliver you certain tools to assist you cure your soul and also emotional states. To repair count on as well as reconnect along with people, brand names need to start paying attention to person demands as well as begin feeding a conversation concerning the concerns that are purposeful to all of them (speak), open up to brand-new standpoints and shared believing with citizens as well as various other stakeholders as an approach a common reason (think), while bolstering the connection with all of them and also getting their trust (trust). Certainly not just significant work-- which, incidentally, is actually surely the largest portion of our time on a regular day, from eight to 10, at times 12 hrs. For that to take place, that is actually essential to pay attention and to discover what is actually significant to people, get to know them and also recognize which concrete areas from human health and wellbeing each label may much better make use of. Toddlers which are still coming to grips with terms should be actually submersed in oral foreign language therefore they may copy just what they listen to. So as to find relevant job, all you have to carry out is actually perform just what corrects for you. This is necessary for gay males to have actually committed opportunity for beneficial connection yet likewise seek individual enthusiasms. A fourth routine from purposeful relationships is ending up being acquainted with the kinds of things your buddy delights in doing and also the affiliations they hang around with. Doing just what you really love, one thing rewarding, something significant are just the same point. Knowing more about individuality types and also the features that prevail to those individuals could provide you a significant understanding into building far better colleague relationships within the place of work as well as customer relationships in business market place. With christmas time phrases prices estimate on crystal clear glass, decorated with beautiful adornments, you may share your affection and also devotion along with the medium of this gorgeous Christmas time gift. For the allowed hospitals as well as CAHs, an overall of 24 significant make use of goals have been hired in advance, out of which a minimum of 19 have to be actually fulfilled prior to being actually taken into consideration entitled for the incentives. Having said that, essentially, you must ask yourself just how significant that name will be actually to your little one.
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Improve The Mental Relationship Along with Your Guy
Probably like me you chose a learn college or possessed graduate work in an industry that you kind of fell into. Guy were increased to reveal themselves as well as associate with those around all of them with ACTION. Love is one of one of the most stunning factors on earth that might ever occur to any person in the world. Requests that use Straight Messaging combination to send CCDAs to HealthVault for Meaningful Usage functions, have to enroll an application in the Request Setup Facility, allow Significant Usage on the Strategies tab, and link their delivering Direct Texting domain name with the treatment ID on the Meaningful Make use of tab. When she shuts off the lighting to go to rest, visualize her joy and unpleasant surprise observing those words coming from you.
When you beloved this short article as well as you would like to obtain more info regarding yellow pages uk search by name (simply click the following internet site) i implore you to stop by the web-page. The same factor chooses names from your youngsters, special days, pictures from your relatived, pets or maybe idolizers, memorials to your (died) familied member (their name, image or a symbol) and more ... Even a great drawing of your prediction is actually a lot more significant compared to a random tattoo concept. Sara de Dios is actually supervisor, worldwide organisation innovation at Havas Media as well as global scalp of relevant brands, leading the group's effort worldwide. Complying with the credit history crisis, the lot of individuals who preferred to get a meaningful residing raised. And also teasing is actually a global technique from connecting and also corresponding that feels like an unmentioned language that guys speak. In order to locate relevant job, you must give up the concept from carrying out something HUGE. With hymns and also approval, these tunes make an effort and satisfy people's metaphysical and also psychological necessities. On the other hand, Sidgwick and also various other philosophers mentioned that only conscious beings may value lifestyle as well as its benefits which, as a result, the thoughts (awareness) is the supreme fount of all worths and also meaning: thoughts make valuation and then go ahead to relate to specific conditions as well as achievements as pleasing, important, and also purposeful. Yes, all of us possess a busy timetable and the time clock always keeps ticking, nonetheless, when you agree to have a relevant break or even make a modification in atmosphere even for a 50 percent hour, your physiology changes, your thoughts kicks back as well as you relocate right into a better condition of harmony and also self-awareness. The time line for relevant usage is actually divided into 3 stages, starting from 2011. It is very important for gay men to have dedicated opportunity for nourishing connection however likewise seek personal enthusiasms. A fourth behavior of significant partnerships is actually ending up being accustomed to the examples your good friend delights in doing and the affiliations they hang out along with. Performing exactly what you really love, one thing advantageous, something meaningful are actually just the same point. On the contrary, if you have a specific niche, if, maybe, you remain in the baby room organisation and you observe the end results from your job bring in the planet much better ... If you are actually assisting folks develop as well as cultivate their imaginative capacities, or if you are actually giving your personal creative potentials to ensure that you make the globe a lot better ... right now, this could be just what I categorize as purposeful work. People are diverse as well as complex which is actually excellent; nevertheless, when we build a better understanding from ourselves, our experts are actually much better readied to delight in a relevant daily life. I buy to possess an effective cinquain, like other poetry, the poet must choose his terms thoroughly as well as construct a purposeful and sincere poem. Talking about significant food opens up a door that lets folks in, and enjoying these stories is just a benefit. You should be aware, though, that even though you find specifically great comical quotes to contribute to your speech, much of your viewers members will merely certainly not identify the quote as amusing. So as to keep clients as well as construct a sustainable company, you should keep in touch with people in a purposeful way. Add fresh, cost-free web content to your web site like latest short articles, web tools, and prices quote along with a solitary part of code! The day-to-day utilizations from phrases in our popular vernacular are banners, signals or even indicators of our overall mindset. To bring back trust and also reconnect along with consumers, companies have to start listening to citizen demands as well as start feeding a discussion about the issues that are actually meaningful to all of them (speak), open up to brand-new standpoints and also discussed thinking along with consumers and also other stakeholders as an approach a common objective (think), while reinforcing the relationship along with all of them and acquiring their count on (leave). There is actually a basic first-level solution: The look for significant job have to be directed through where you look for significance. Last but not least, if you prefer to comprise a purposeful eulogy for your dad, you additionally have to include some of your father's accomplishments or special capabilities. I have actually never ever readied at allowing praises, yet I determined it was time to learn to thank" to their kind terms. The evaluation from instruction, knowing and meaningful for domain name, individualized instruction, the ideal use of brand new media in providing relevant information and private abilities development are core ideas of Educational Innovation in the ionline education acquire fantastic significance. On the drawback, the scent from Meaningful Beauty's French Cantaloupe for some was too solid. The vital factor is actually that all phrases past the minimum required have the tendency to reduce quality. Financiers should thrill upon prospects that they expect significant improvement throughout the tax code, and also a 2nd term merely won't take place without that. That is actually very clear from every little thing stated over, that building a successful organisation has to do with cultivating meaningful connection along with a targeted team from people. These words are actually not merely main to the scripture message yet they are actually challenging linked to the promise of eternal life. One performs certainly not need to possess Celtic associations to wear Celtic cross tattoos as this style will certainly do for any person that connects a cross with religious or even religious value. These changes highlight the 'do's' as well as 'perform n'ts' our experts could take into consideration when coming close to meaningful advertising. Latest CMS updates to the Meaningful Use demands have streamlined the center and also food selection measures to 10 objectives, along with one or even numerous solutions each purpose. Yet that is modifying as buyers begin to demand that companies have a more transformational job in our lives and the concerns that are significant to our company. This is not to mention you should conceal coming from the girl you have fallen for, or are trying to possess a meaningful partnership along with.
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robbyshang32-blog · 6 years
Don’t Think This May fit?
Suggestions present an immediate type of validation that you're creating value for others. Do not draw back from doubtlessly difficult conditions or interactions, resembling dealing with your opponents, and make sure that you educate yourself about your goal market and establish the path that you simply need to go earlier than you form the group. Ensure you publish no less than a number of instances a month to maintain your content recent and present. In step 2, be certain that to decide on Instagram as your placement of alternative. Why not step it up a notch and leverage the facility of segmentation with LinkedIn's concentrating on choices, which enable you to focus on your standing updates to particular users? Remember that there is a pool on the market, you will need to resolve when would you fish in each of them, whether focusing on a single social media instrument or more at a single time. The bigger your network, the more probabilities it's important to grow your page! A LinkedIn demographics examine confirmed that forty two% have C-stage, VP, Director, or Supervisor titles and users can search by these terms and more for easy search worth. LinkedIn can function the best supply of acquiring info relating to your job history, duration, professional place and interests.
Ensure to incorporate an creator bio at the top of each blog that features details about your e book. Boast about your whole followers when you've got social media weblog. E.g. you'll be able to place hyperlinks of your organization and blog. By simply making a slide presentation and posting it to SlideShare, you possibly can hyperlink that to your LinkedIn firm page, thus offering an audio and visual illustration of your corporation and a few good Search engine optimisation mojo. This is a crucial message for them, as well as all professionals on LinkedIn. Subsequently, opening a Tweet with someone’s username is a surefire approach to limit the visibility of the message. Therefore, many B2B entrepreneurs are likely to avoid social media due to their restricted give attention to information. Since it's a social community that is all about enterprise, the visitors considerably trails off on the weekends and holidays. Reconnecting with outdated buddies and colleagues, and constructing up your network.
For instance, I might search Matt and apply the folks filter to search out people named Matt in my community or search for something like advertising and marketing to see folks on LinkedIn who hold a position with "marketing" within the title. Engage the proper audiences on LinkedIn to achieve your advertising and marketing goals using Sponsored Content material, Sponsored InMail, and a variety of native ad codecs. Click on on "Get introduced by way of a connection," which is positioned on the appropriate facet of your screen. By developing the appropriate sort of bio match for the platform, you might be optimizing the area it offers with searchable content that is useful to your model. These are just 5 groups and 5 scripts to make use of. Go to TweetUps. TweetUps are in-individual meetups of Twitter users. Attempt sending tweets with suggestions and tips which are relative to your business. Make certain you double check anything you ship out to the folks, as this can be the one actual impression they get by your small business. It's real straightforward for me to seek out content material for my image posts. Many newcomers to treasured metals investing could find that they turn into overwhelmed with info, especially when gold fever hits or when the worth reaches a brand new all-time excessive.
LinkedIn not only helps in displaying your professional expertise, expertise, and experience, but it surely will even aid you to get credibility among fellow professionals. LinkedIn reveals us our second and third diploma networks and the paths towards them. LinkedIn connections are solely those people with whom you might be linked with on LinkedIn. A fellow networker had put me in touch with TopLinked as a supply of open networkers who are prepared to connect with people who ask. To test who has unfollowed you, click on on the attached link and you may be redirected to the @unfollowr digest which displays the ex-pals (mutual followers) and ex-followers (people following you). These followers will engage along with your updates and share them inside their own networks, rising your attain. These suggestions will assist enhance your credibility in the eyes of employers. When you get the weekly digest look on the discussions and brandbuilders see which of them curiosity you and take part.
Just type in an deal with and in and you get a property value. It’s at all times good to get questions from my readers! It’s full in every space mentioned above. Each so usually, to balance out your follower/following ratio, you can test right into a instrument like JustUnfollow to unfollow any accounts that haven’t adopted you again. You also need to jot down the e book so you may show them a pattern in the event that they ask. Beginning a membership site can really feel overwhelming. You possibly can then determine which is best for the next marketing campaign you may need. So how do you go from the 137 connections you at the moment need to 5,000 in a month? Just repost content material from your blog, or (with permission) from visitor posts you’ve written. Began videoing content for the brand new site. This needs no point out however it's best to all the time go for a superb and reliable web site. Do that by permitting your page to be searched.
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Internet Web site Hosting Tips For Blog post.
, if there is actually one style of creating which attacks fear right into my heart that is actually the idea from having to create a passion letter. As well as will you permit yourself to just Be Actually and also feel the affection that resides within your heart - for you, for your lifestyle, for determining to provide on your own a brand new second where happiness has a place, where that fills the space within your heart as well as infects every one of you, in and out. Call Dr.Zabaza via e-mail: zabazalogan @ or provide him a contact +2348182620374. Staff members are allowed to one paid 10-minute remainder break if their work period is in between 2 as well as 4 hrs; one paid out 10-minute rest break and one unpaid 30-minute food breather if their job duration is in between 4 and six hrs; 2 paid out 10-minute rest breaks and also one unsettled 30-minute dish break if their work period is actually between six as well as eight hours. If you are actually disappointing your fanatic that he or she is special to you at that point you leave behind the door broad open for certainly not only dissatisfaction as well as unhappiness, but also for other people to give them the attention they yearn for. An essential segment from Stand out or Rock music is called the bridge, which gives listeners a break from the verse-chorus, verse-chorus construct. Essentially a rest every 60 minutes excels, but merely if students stick to just five-ish mins. In conclusion I would mention that in your mission to quit smoking cigarettes see to it that is just what YOU yearn for at a time that is right for YOU. In spite of being actually named at 1:00 in the early morning, despite having actually seen that it was a racket participated in by some local kids, he resorted to me as he claimed as well as left behind, This was actually really great to meet you, ma'am. If you adored this article therefore you would like to be given more info concerning mountains in england near london (http://gimmasio-fit1.info/eco-slim) nicely visit our own internet site. " Not as soon as performed he poke fun at just how silly this truly was actually - youngsters on Spring season breather enjoying yourself with an urban area lady who does not get the joke, certainly not in the minute anyhow. Likewise you could not choose any type of slim fonts if you desire making your calling card look the way you do. Be sure to select a thicker font style and also if you want to include a brand-new size to that, you can easily add reduce shades or even various other such effects to provide this the unique pizzazz! For those looking for Dr.Zabaza assistance can call Dr.Zabaza via email: zabazalogan @ or far better still you can easily offer him a contact +2348182620374. Stop aiming to translate his actions and also acquire a man which you don't have to function therefore difficult to identify. Together our experts can take a plan to reduce your worry and also give you that much-needed electric battery recharge while still receiving factors carried out. Dr.Zabaza i thank my God for permitting me contact you when i required the you most, As well as for those that would like to arrive aficionado back they need to gently speak to Dr.Zabaza on zabazalogan @ or even give him a get in touch with +2348182620374, As well as i assure you within 48hours your lover are going to be back to you. Under the UK Working Time Instruction, an employer must offer a rest from at the very least TWENTY moments if the functioning day is actually longer compared to 6 hours. There are no guidelines for producing pop tunes- any mixture of verses and also music (or no songs or even no verse) proves out just as long as completion product is actually exciting or catchy good enough for a person to notice it! The factor is actually that from the ping pong players needs to damage serves confidently and the 2nd one performed that with challenge, having actually gained some video games on rest factors. You got her fascinated, called her unexpectedly, and really did not offer any sound responses. In addition starting a fast really isn't a brain surgery; for countless years, mostly all societies have utilized that in order to help clear the body system from poisons, offer our digestive organs the chance to revitalize and also recover optimum feature. The chart would certainly after that signify which bone tissues seemed to be to become the absolute most as well as minimum likely to damage. Reviewing these delighted quotes is simply the first step on ending up being a genuine idealist. Some folks affirmed that he brought their Ex enthusiast back, some attested that he repairs womb, treatment cancer cells, and other illness, some testified that he could cast a spell to quit breakup and more. i likewise come upon one specific testament, that was about a lady gotten in touch with Sonia, she testified regarding how he rejuvenated her Ex-boyfriend enthusiast in below 7 times, and also at the end from her testament she dropped High Priest ADODO's e-mail handle. QUIT as well as discover that intricate carbs are just a series from 3 or additional basic glucoses expecteded together. He pitched back in his squeaky office chair along with his practical his chin, Okay, I will definitely give you the cars and truck, and also you spend me when you can," he said along with a smile as he stretched his palm. As well as thankfully, my gastric did not offer me any kind of issues like over the last whenever I bypassed meals. I met this individual (29/12/1988) as well as I am actually Women (6/9/1989) I have actually been actually seeing/sleeping along with, on and off for 4 years right now between other partnerships (that our experts each have possessed, we appear to always wind up back with eachother after the connections our experts remained in deteroriate or stop performing. Our experts were so honored to become able to offer a breather to A.G. as well as her other half in January to commemorate their wedding ceremony anniversary. Micro-break - that short period of time like a complete, undisturbed lunch time hr or even an extended bike ride - that helps to provide a boost from energy to kick-start your mid-day in addition to a chance for originalities to surface. I totally coincide Mr Marriott about giving our own selves a break and also it are going to truly improve our performance. Velocity Reading Notes" In my manual I offer you a short summary of techniques to choose you your reading. Eating the best carbohydrates will definitely provide you longer phrase energy and assistance to fight physical body fat storage!Your perhaps pondering if there is actually a straightforward instance this so you can bypass today's quick scientific research training. Under these minimal standards, if your lunch time break is beyond TWENTY mins, that considers as your full privilege to a make that day. If you are actually truly endure, look into; it will definitely follow you and also offer you impressive reviews at the end of the time. That is actually not the cure for cancer cells, however it can easily offer you a worthwhile, as well as even better an assessed business version that may give you the financial self-reliance we all are worthy of. To crack fast, I observed the author's assistance from happening a soft diet plan as well as avoiding meat, log items, and oily as well as spicy stuff for the 1st two times. Because from a misconception from these differences and also that may lead to a whole host of issues, communication may break down. Meso-break - not unlike my little bit of 2-day resort into the nation, a meso-break could be actually a worry-free weekend where all electronics are shut off - which assists to offer you a little bit additional from a recharge in your batteries. I and also my fanatic possessed some problems which triggers our separate considering that after at that point my life has certainly never coincided i attempted all technique in order to get him back but they were simply misuse from effort and waste of time. That has a great deal to damage devoid of a partner, often times you'll separate 6 to TWENTY times. Do not offer up if you still love your ex-boyfriend. There are effective strategies in order to get back your ex lover as well as making them love you like never before. They will lose hope going to an occasion if the only choice they had was actually standing by level to get a buy a ticket. Possibly drop in at the Camelback Inn or Port Seaside - or even any sort of one of our various other 4,400 buildings - to reenergize, reconnect as well as return to the labor force emotion revitalized.
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rubysreadings · 7 years
Rubys Astro Readings
Leo New Moon
“The Beginning and the End”
This is the second of two New Moons in Leo over the course of the last month, which is actually quite unusual. All planets move by degrees that go from 0 to 29, and these two New Moons have been interesting indeed, because the first one that formed July 23rd was at 0 Degrees and the second one on Aug. 21st is at 29 Degrees, so we have already been in the New Beginnings and Endings with the “Great American Solar Eclipse” that comes together on Tues. August 21st.
New Moons represent the beginning of one cycle and the end of another new 28-day cycle, this particular New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are both in Leo, and conjunct each other, so they work together to create an amazing rare energy that represents New Beginnings coming into our lives, coupled along with the fact that it will also be a rare Total Solar Eclipse!
This New Moon represents all things Leo, so we should be focusing on some new ways to make certain parts of our lives better, like the romance in our relationships and in the relationships we have with our children, but also how we use our creativity and around any hobbies we do. This Leo energy also helps us to build up our self-confidence and pride we have in ourselves. so work on loving yourself some more.
This upcoming New Moon’s influence can be felt for up to six months after it comes together on August 21st due to a very powerful Solar Eclipse! The best time to create a strong new beginning or a new project is during the first two weeks right after it comes together. It’s something you don’t want to miss out on, so be sure to not ignore this one and “Set Intentions” or make out “Wish Lists”, and write down what it is you want to have shown up in your life starting this Sunday, and then get out there and take actions to make it happen.
This New Moon reveals some interesting info. like it can help you connect to your Spirit Guides, Higher Power, Angels, or whatever you spiritually are connected to. It also tends to bring out family secrets, therefore it can create challenges within the family. On the positive side, this energy does also create the space for us to reconnect with loved ones and family. So if you are going to meet up with any family over the next few months, just be aware that skeletons can come falling out of the closet! And make sure those secrets don’t catch you off guard.
The Universe has been sending out messages about what the August 21st New Moon/Solar Eclipse is going to bring into your life, so pay attention and watch for signs and symbols, and maybe jot them down somewhere to review later as we get closer to the actual Eclipse.
The energy can be intense with this New Moon coming together. Being with or around anyone who is even remotely annoying or frustrating can really send you over the edge, with all this energy in Leo right now, we can be driven crazy quite quickly as our nerves are easily rattled. Due to feeling more easily irritated we can let the small things get to us. Also, watch your temper, it’s all too easy to lose your cool and end up telling folks off in true Leo fashion, Ya know that’s Lions Roar! And others might actually realize how easily annoyed you are getting and take it personally and then feelings can get hurt.
Don’t worry as there are some major positive vibes coming off this New Moon mostly, and you have some powerful energy to create and manifest some really good energy in your life, as we’ll be in this energy for awhile due to it also being a Solar Eclipse! This is a powerful time folks! These two New Moons in Leo are an opportunity to ask for what you want again, as you might have already done back during July’s New Moon also in Leo.
The lesson this New Moon in Leo is trying to teach us is about taking more pride in who we are as unique individuals, and taking more responsibility for what we do in our lives, and being able to give of ourselves in a kind, warm, and generous way. This New Moon is an excellent time to meditate on the traits of Leo energy, like how we express ourselves and being more proud, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active, and open-hearted! All of these traits can be part of your own personality no matter what your Sun Sign may be. The energy from the New Moon in Leo is extremely potent so we can learn an awful lot if we try.
We all have Leo somewhere in our Astrology Birth Charts, so take this time to improve that area of your life. It’s time to wake up the inner-child within yourself and find better ways to express your creativity and yourself.
During an Eclipse things often can get a little strange, so it’s probably not a great idea to get involved in anything risky or remotely dangerous as this energy builds up through this next several days. This is Eclipse Season folks and our lives are fragile, so don’t break major rules or be in places that are crime ridden. Just pay attention to your surroundings and be observant.
This energy is extremely powerful, so if you’d like to prepare yourself and learn exactly just what part of your life you should be focusing on during this New Moon, please purchase a “One Question Reading”, just message me and ask me, “What’s my New Moon” information. I will do the research for you and tell just where this New Moon will be in your own personal Astrology Birth Chart and what new beginnings it’s bringing into your life, be it love, money, health, or whatever the case maybe. This energy is full of potential and it’s a powerful time.
Let’s end Eclipse Season right, by making some clear goals to make sure our intentions line up with our destiny!
Leo New Moon/The Beginning and the End Rubys Astro Readings Leo New Moon “The Beginning and the End” This is the second of two New Moons in Leo over the course of the last month, which is actually quite unusual.
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redlinermagazine · 7 years
A Once in a Lifetime Event
Published in the Hot Wheels Newsletter • July - September 2017 Issue
  It was a special thing having a Hot Wheels convention in my home state. That in itself might actually be a once in a lifetime event. The drive one way for my family was just over 5 hours and that was a dream. We were able to load up the grocery getter and set-up our biggest in room shop yet. This was the most I’d been able to focus on selling at any large scale event I’d been to and that was a lot of fun. But that is not what made this show so special.
We arrived Thursday evening. The drive across Pennsylvania was rather messy so we rolled in a bit later than we planned. No biggie. The plan was for me to do a little in room trading, then hit the liberation party, catch-up with some friends and then worry about opening the room up Friday morning. A couple hours after arriving word was that the ripping was to begin shortly. So I dropped everything grabbed a little something I had stashed away for this event and headed down to the lobby to see where to go for the party. As it turned out we were not going anywhere. The party was in the lobby. No secret midnight back room dealings for the group. Cardboard was being sacrificed front and center. I thought that was pretty cool as one of my favorite parts of this event is seeing faces and expressions of folks walking by who have no idea what the heck grown adults are doing hooting and hollering while opening toy cars in a giant public group.
In case you have no idea what I am talking about. Each convention/nationals has an unadvertised Blister Pack Liberation party. Usually hosted by the legendary Dave Lopez. Here collectors arrive with and then open original redline hot wheels blister packs. I think the rationale is a little different for each individual collector but the overall spirit is to reconnect with the childhood experience of meeting, touching and holding brand new (vintage) hot wheels redlines for the first time. Yes this severely hurts the value of each piece and can be mind-blowing to some. Your typical ripper response is “who cares?!”. In other words, the experience of personally introducing a 50 year old piece of toy history to the world for the first time is priceless in itself.
 If you are interested in getting a look at this years event google “Hot Wheels Convention Blister Pack Liberation – Video #206 – April 6, 2017” and you’ll find a nice video of the festivities. Personally I was excited to release a rather special and scarce Gold Chrome Indy Eagle that had been staring me down from a display of mine for a couple of years. I thought would be a unique opener. Much to my surprise hobby main stay Gary Nabors had brought the same exact piece to open as well. Needless to say we instantly were bonded for life realizing how great minds can think alike!
 But that was not what made this convention a once in lifetime event. What happened 5 doors down from me on the 7th floor of the Double Tree Hilton is. That is where the Larry Woods collection happened. I honestly was so busy with life and getting ready for the show that it did not fully register that this was even going to be a part of Pittsburgh, much less on the same floor as me. I certainly had no conception of the scale and scope of the collection either. I poked my head in on Friday and my jaw just dropped. Hot Wheels icon Larry Woods was selling his personal collection and it was incredible to see it first hand. Tub after tub, Jammer case after jammer case, grail piece after grail piece everywhere you turned. I was a deer in a hundred sets of headlights after my first visit.
Normally I am not a prototype guy.  But the history attached to these cars was simply unprecedented. I knew instantly I needed to go outside my comfort zone a bit and pay the big bucks for something special for myself. I had no idea what though. I just loaded up the wallet and entered the room for a second time. My entire adult collecting life I just have trusted my heart and my gut and this experience was no exception. I realized pretty quickly anything redline was going to be outside my already inflated budget. That was OK and very understandable as this was insanely cool stuff. So I refocused my search on something from the blackwall era. I am 44 now and some of my childhood memories are certainly of that era. Then I saw it: a gold chrome firebird dragster. This was a favorite model of mine with a truly special paint job. I had never seen it much less knew it even existed.  I confirmed it came with a COA and I was all in. It’s such a cool piece. I floated back to room and started to breathe again. That was the most I’d spent on a single car for myself, yet I was totally stoked and happy I did it.
 Now I realize I am small potatoes compared to many of my collecting friends that come to these shows. There were high rollers buying 30, 40 50 of these pieces at a time. Do some simple math and you can start getting an idea of just how much moolah was flying around on the 7th floor during this weekend. Everyone was talking about it. People were just in shock and awe of the crazy coolness in that one hotel room. We were like zombies in the elevators just mumbling over and over…it’s a once in a lifetime experience, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. I swear I heard 25 different people say it. It really was. 2 months later I still consider myself so lucky to have witnessesed it first hand. I can’t thank everyone who made it happen enough. Especially Mr. Woods for opening his world up to the public in this fashion. He was an absolute gentleman (as always) through the whole process. He simply said it was time to get this stuff out of storage so everyone could enjoy it. I can confirm without question, that is the case with at least one piece!
 My apologies to those I missed at this show. As I stated before I was putting an all new focus on selling and spent more time in my room than ever. The bonus I didn’t see coming was all the extra traffic from the Woods collection that came my way. I really didn’t have to move much to see so many familiar faces. I found that my room was a bit of a drop zone for my buddies who had just emptied their wallets down the hall from me. At least 5 times someone came to my door pale faced and hyperventilating holding a single piece saying “guess what I just did”.  It was really cool seeing that pure raw excitement over and over just as I had experienced it myself just before. Those are the moments I’ll remember the most.
 Anyway the show was a winner. The buzz was unlike anything I’d experienced in any show. This was my 6th convention. The in-room trading is just something so special I hope it never ends. Needless to say in-room trading reached a level at this event that I can’t imagine will ever be topped. Once in a lifetime stuff to be sure!
Until next time and for those interested in Redliner Magazine we have some exciting news. While I will not be going to print anytime soon. We will be introducing a new electronic blog version  of the Redliner Magazine on the website. So please visit us on teenycarz.com for details upon receiving this issue. Then following me on twitter (@teenycarz) is the best way to stay connected with all the newest info and stories. Once again huge thanks to the Hot Wheels Newsletter for letting me continue to share my thoughts in print, I look forward to continuing to this relationship as long as you the readers and Jim will have me!
 Lastly on a very sad note. This show marked the last time I got to see a collecting friend affectionately known as BIGtiny. He passed away last month and he is missed by so many. He was one of the real good ones. R.I.P. TINY.
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