#?? i am not taggin this shit right am i
quirkle2 · 2 years
tell me abt warriors I dare you <33
you've made the worst mistake of ur life /lh
(mind the tags btw . might get a lil dicey for some)
TL;DR: im mentally ill.
god where do i even start . fuck.shit .
i think what i like about him most is his Goofiness. he just ? does really silly things solely to get a laugh out of people, even if it makes him look stupid or ridiculous in the process. he Lives to make legend laugh especially, and he's basically always tryin to get a smile out of him someway or another
he's dramatic and cranks his reactions up to a 9 purely to spark some smiles. legend gently kicks him in the shins for making a dumb joke and it doesn't hurt him in any way, but he still yelps and holds his foot and hops around like it's been run over by a boulder. twi playfully shoves him back when they're joking around and wars makes a show of leaning away until his back is on the ground as if the push had really been that strong. wind is sitting in front of him, and wars' drink is on a table behind the kid, so he takes the opportunity to lean forward to Squish wind underneath him, going oh so sorry kid so sorry i'm in ur way it'll just be a second so sorry oughh this sucks doesn't it while he's literally already got his hand around his drink. he's just staying there to listen to wind giggle. he's just a silly guy
he's also just,,, so fucking gentle dude. he's so Gentle w everybody. when he was young he learned all that bullshit abt never showing weakness, never crying blah blah blah Gross . wars thinks that's gross. he was raised on that for most of his childhood, but first, he learned to be gentle and caring from his mom :) she taught him that and he's always stuck to it
he's always so ready to help ? to Fix? he is 100% constantly looking to make sure everybody is okay around him. he lives off of hugs, loves them to death, and is prolly the most cuddly of the chain in my eyes. is always offering them, gets sad when he doesn't get one within like a day VGIEAYVGA and he's always right there to comfort the others; always holding them, always lookin out for them. rly emotionally open i guess ? always happy to listen and happy to comfort. gentle big bro vibes
^ due to all that, sometimes the chain genuinely almost,, forgets he's a captain. he can look scary on the outside if he's fully geared up, but the chain has long-since been desensitized to how dangerous they all look and they see Family there instead of Hero Figure. wars is so gentle and kind and loving and doting that sometimes their memory of what that scarf around his neck rly means fades a bit
that's not to say they don't think he's a good captain—quite the opposite, they think he's an incredible one—but it's just,,, wild to see him hugging people and ruffling hair and being Silly one moment, and then he's a fucking cold, unstoppable force the next. eyes kind and fond at first, but when a battle starts they r Crazed and focused and he's slitting enemies with such perfect swipes that they are cut clean through. it makes them all realize just how gentle he rly is w them ? there is just Something abt that . smth that gets me
^ expanding on him looking out for them, he's really good at spotting when somebody needs a break ? he's . rly good at People. he knows how to read them, how to approach them, what to say, when to say it. and after a while of getting to know the chain, he knows how to look for signs Individually for the different boys. he knows his family very well; if something is wrong, he will likely be able to tell. true to his captain instincts, he keeps them all in his sight, looks after his family closely. a good leader,, good brother :)
he likes to gently remind them to take care of themselves. he's definitely one of those people that mother hen you a bit; he likes to check on everybody, ask if they've drank anything, if they've eaten yet, are they okay, what's on their mind, stuff like that. he needs to know everybody's okay,,, he worries otherwise :(
^ he loves to preach about self-care, and i think one of his biggest flaws w that is that he doesn't follow his own advice at all. he's a huge fucking hypocrite. he knows the consequences of lack of self-care, knows how important it is, and he's even said so most of his life—it's one of the biggest reasons he's such a revered leader in his era, bc he's just,, The Best in terms of tending to his troops and paying attention to mental limits as well as physical. he just,,,, seems to think he himself is exempt from that
he thinks he can just keep working. he thinks he's immune to every type of exhaustion and he will keep going until he collapses. he's got a nasty habit of throwing himself away to keep others standing, and the most concerning part of that is that if somebody points it out or asks if he's pacing himself, he seems to be absolutely clueless to the damage he's doing to his mind and body
. i'm gonna go on a mini-tangent inside this bigger tangent if you don't mind <3: a lot of people tend to characterize him as this over-confident asshole who thinks he's amazing—and that's a perfectly acceptable characterization btw, the freedom of interpretation is a wonderful thing—but i personally see him very differently. i think that characterization tends to stem from that mission in his game, where he gets overconfident after receiving the master sword ?
and to me, that was . a very small fraction of that game. like so small. it was One mission, and then they never touched on it again. and when i think abt that mission, i always remember a line from the start of the game; i don't quite remember when it was said, but at some point the narrator says, "Link did not believe himself to be worthy," in response to him being a Hero ? or smth of that manner. and i think abt that line all the goddamn time.
wars did not have a lot of confidence in himself. he's gotten much better over the years, especially when it comes to combat and leading, but he still doesn't have the confidence he maybe should. when he got the master sword, he felt Power in his hands that he previously had not owned. he'd felt useless before, just a Fucking Guy who suddenly got promoted to Captain and Hero Status, fumbling around and hoping for the best. and then he suddenly had power in his hands. i don't blame him for feeling unstoppable and taking advantage of that—he'd wanted to help, and he finally had a way to do so effectively. he just went too far in an attempt to make things better, and became a little blind to his limits
so he is Not confident. my wars isn't, at least. he has faith in his own combat and leadership skills, but that's pretty much where the confidence ends. he doesn't think of himself as this unstoppable, perfect Heroic symbol. he thinks of himself as Guy Who's Pretty Good At Swinging Swords and Yelling.
and that's ? part of why he thinks he's exempt from all that self-care stuff. he either forgets and gets too caught up in everybody else's problems to care for himself, or he,, genuinely thinks that throwing himself away to keep others up is Okay . like he Deserves that.
i won't get super into it here cuz it's part of his dumb backstory created by my dumb brain, but a lot of that has to do w how he was treated in the army, and his dumbass dad <3 worked him to the ground and pretty much, overtime, made him think that if he wasn't being useful, he didn't have worth. and he's experienced people leaving him bc he "stopped being useful."
so yeah he has abandonment issues . but the chain slowly and surely helps him through those insecurities :] tries to make sure he knows he doesn't have to work himself to death for them to love him,, doesn't completely fix things obviously, and he still struggles w it, but it helps A Lot
another thing w him preaching self-care and then not caring for himself,, he tends to think like that with trauma as well. continuously tells the others that it's okay to Not be okay and that whatever trauma they're dealing w is valid and it's okay to be vulnerable, but then he ,,, goes against all of that for himself.
tries not to "burden" the others w his shit, kinda keeps it locked up, and he tends to think badly abt himself when he's having a tough time. just,, rly beats himself up for Having Trauma, especially when it gets in the way of his productivity and he ends up being "less useful" bc of it. and sometimes he doesn't seem to realize that the chain seeing him like that hurts them a lot, and they're more than willing to console him and try to make it easier on him.
^ over time they Also help him w that,, they help each other a lot. for years, he's tried to repeat the same stuff he tells other people to Himself—stuff like self-care, vulnerability being natural and Okay—but he's never had the self-worth to rly put much stock into it. the chain showing him love even when he was "being useless?" that helped him get over that hurdle
and his constant Care and reminders to take care of themselves r eventually gently reflected back at him—"have you eaten today buddy?" "yeah. what about you?"—just to get wars in the habit of asking Himself the same questions. they do a lot of little things like that in hopes that eventually it adds up to him healing
they care each other they love each other im soso So. ososs ososo ioghugohughgo /pos
wow okay uh im literallyso sorry i just . think abt him lots. this was completely unnecessarily long okay bye
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vajazzly · 1 month
monday snippin
haha, yeah, i haven't posted any writing in forever! thank you @kaaaaaaarf and @divinerapturee for tagging me teehee. i've been on my drarry shit for a while now so that's what ya get. bon appetit.
(taggin @plecotusauritus @kaleidoscopexsighs @impishtubist while im at it)
“You’ve seen me wearing jeans every day.”
“An anomaly, surely. Everyone will stare.”
Harry rolls his eyes and considers whether he should try to get Draco into a pair of trainers. He looks more than a little ridiculous in jeans and a t-shirt with shiny dragon leather boots, but the prospect of magically altering any more of his wardrobe than he already has isn’t exactly appealing. It took three tries to get the jeans to the right length, and the bottoms still look suspiciously threadbare, even for him.
“This is a ploy to humiliate me, I see it now. Stuff me into this - this - leg prison, and this militaristic tie shirt -”
“Arsenal’s a football team, and it’s a tee shirt.”
“To show the world what a fool I am! This won’t do, Potter, it simply will not do!”
They compromise on a floral button-up, but the jeans stay on.
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homeshippinglikeapro · 8 months
not gonna ask you to delete your blog but can you like. correctly tag your posts proship and not just include ship names and an obscure term only terminally online people use? because im not prepared to block every single incest/etc. ship name at 1am just so i can avoid a very genuine trigger that ive tried to axe entirely from my content pool for years
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I'm sorry you never heard of the tags. I understand "comship", but "shipcest" is common in all fandoms and it's well known, that's why I use it. And if YOU (not "tErMiNaLlY oNlie") don't know it, it's not really my problem, I do not own you any tag, just to not tagging it incorrectly (which I didn't).
Also, if this entire blog is triggering for you, why do you even bother coming here, scrolling, and send me anonimously all of this?
I did use all the right terms and if you didn't know them, I'm sorry, but learn and move on. Just like I did before it was possible to do such things like "blocking tags of stuff I don't like/triggers me" - I was young and didn't know how it worked for very long time; STILL never complained or send such comments to people, even when I saw very inapropriate stuff for my age or stuff that triggered me as well, so no, it's not an excuse for your behaviour and I won't accept it. That's why I was aggressive and I don't regret it AND I will still be if somebody else, for WHATEVER REASON, comes in MY space and comments "eW wHaT iS ThIs?" instead of learn and move on.
Second of all, please don't be so STUPID! "It'S 1Am I cAn'T bLock-" yada yada yada, BRO, it's literally something you're doing FOR YOURSELF, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW YOU OR WTF YOU'VE BLOCKED OR NOT. BLOCK THOSE FUCKING TAGS, BLOCK THIS FUCKING BLOG AND GO AWAY. YOU LITERLALLY NEED TO DO THIS SHIT ONLY ONCE, stop complaining or I'll just assume you're here to bitch around because you hate yourself and trying to make it MY problem for some reason.
+ I am not using ANY terms incorrectly, I want to make it clear. On my main blog I used to tag "incest" and such, I know how tf tumblr works and I know they won't put down my stuff. I tag it shipcest because it's a COMMON term in fandoms, which I'm using FOR COURTESY. I do not own you this shit, I can literally tag it "homestuck" and call it the day, so stop fucking complaining.
EDIT: did this just to let you know how stupid you are, hope you'll enjoy babe
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Took me approximately 2 seconds to search and read. Develop a brain to learn how to read yourself or recognize your limits and don't accuse other people, thanks.
(NOT fucking taggin my shit "proship" because it wouldn't make any sense wtf)
EDIT2: also, because I'm bitter about it now:
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This is my INTRO post, my PINNED post. Stfu.
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
Seven Snippets, Seven People
Thank you @wordsacrossemptypages for the tag!
I'm not going to be able to share Darkling content for this one, I don't think. I think seven snippets from a sequel might be more than I'm willing to put down right now.
But I can share seven snippets from Changeling instead.
Taggin forward, with no pressure, to; @afoolandathief, @oh-no-another-idea, @sleepyowlwrites, @sunset-a-story, @ashen-crest, @fictionalbullshitter, and @mr-writes <3
"What, in the realm, are you doing?" Booker asked her on a heavy exhale, his sleep-coated voice rumbling quietly as he ran a weary hand through the tufts of bed-mussed blonde hair in a vain attempt at smoothing them into place.
"Nothing," Lizzy answered, wincing. It was too short, and too sharp, and she hoped he was still drowsy enough to miss her tells.
Her hope sank when Booker paused in his grooming to blink at her owlishly. It took a couple of seconds before her abrupt answer seemed to register, but when it did his frown deepened into an outright scowl.
"Lizzy, you're fully dressed in the middle of the night, with a bag packed, and the best you can come up with is 'nothing'?"
... he let himself concentrate on the conversation the two troublemakers at his back were trying to keep quiet.
The pair were doing a good job; they were staying several paces back and speaking in hushed tones. If he were human, or fey, he doubted he'd have noticed their murmured argument at all.
Unfortunately for them both, being a vampire gave him a distinct advantage.
"It's not my fault he's acting like a—"
"Please," Mr Reed breathed, pleading, and cutting off his companion's scathing comment. With Andric's back to them, he didn't bother smothering the amused grin that spread across his face.
"I just... I couldn't stand being in that house."
"I can't imagine how difficult—"
"No," Andric agreed, cutting Hilda off, his voice quiet, "you can't. Dad's near catatonic with grief, and when he's not he's destroying the house, or picking physical fights with anyone who can punch back harder than him. Mum's splitting her time between crying, and blaming me for—"
"Your brother's situation is not your fault, Andric," Thomas growled. The sound was primal, predatory, and it reminded Andric how much older Walcott was than the average vampire. Slowly, the breath that had caught in his throat released into a sigh and he shrugged.
"Why?" he asked, and Nameer shrugged one shoulder.
"Rumour is, he's on the warpath. Does it matter why?" he asked, sighing before uncapping their prescribed daily dose of animal blood and stirring it into his mashed potatoes, giving Andric the perfect excuse to grimace in disgust.
"We all know he's a prideful little shit," Nameer continued. "Just figured you might want to be on hand, in case someone needs to have their back."
"Yeah, thanks," Andric murmured, glancing away from the ruined mash and blood, and letting his eyes skip across the hall...
"You... you believe me?" Lizzy asked, blinking in shock.
"You've no reason to lie."
"Well, no. I don't, but— but everyone else—. Even with Cara's help, I—"
"I am not in the habit of deluding myself, just because the reality is something I don't wish to contemplate," Gladstone said, lowering her cup to the desk.
Even as the words spilt over his tongue and across his lips, Andric knew his tone was too hard, too harsh, and her shell-shocked expression only reinforced that.
Booker was glaring at him, and Andric sighed, "Lizzy—"
"Don't," she hissed. "I don't want to hear it."
She spun on her heel and stalked over to the door, yanking it open and disappearing into the hall before Andric was able to shake himself out of his shock.
It was the growing silence that made him grind to a halt, Lizzy almost stumbling into him at his abrupt stillness. He could feel the weight of her gaze on his face and swiped his thumb across her hand again, but he couldn't spare her any additional reassurance, before tilting his head to listen to the forest.
His brow furrowed, as he strained his hearing to its limits, but there was nothing.
Not a bird ruffling its feathers, not a mosquito whining in the distance. Perfect stillness, and Andric felt nausea begin gathering in the pit of his stomach.
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WIP Wednesday!
Cheers Pluto ( @stellarsightz ) for taggin me
Tagging fuckin anyone who sees this because I think Pluto tagged 3veryone I know + I:m tired
Enjoy part of Chapter 6 of It's Astounding, titled 'I've Got To'.
They walked through Dawnstar, grateful that it was night and no one would bother them. With each step crunching into the snow they were grateful that they were closer to home, to family, to comfort and warmth. As they followed the shore and turned, seeing the flowers blooming in front of the Black Door was a welcome sight for sore eyes and weary bones.
Though... Had the door always been so small? It felt like it had shrunk quite a bit since they last were home. Could they even fit in it? They then slapped their cheek. "C'mon Slips, course you can fit, you've just forgotten after everything, got too used to Sovngarde's giant doors." They mutter to themselves as they approach the door, squatting as it began speaking.
"*What is life's greatest illusion?*" The dulcet and airy tones of the door's voice immediately made Slips-Through-Oblivion feel home.
"Innocence, my Brother." They answer as simple as it was to breath.
"*Welcome home.*" The door greets.
"It's great to be home." They quietly reply.
They hunch over, looking down the dark hallway before pulling their shoulders together, using their arms to wrap around their stomach as they inch through the hallway. It was tight, uncomfortably so- *surely* this wasn't how it used to be, no, they swore while it used to be tight they could still get in relatively unobstructed, but it was like they couldn't take in a full breath or they'd get themselves stuck in the hallway.
Then a breeze hit their back. "Ugh- damn door." They turn their head, wincing as their horns catch on some rocks. They sigh, giving up and using their telekinesis spell to pull the door shut behind them as they turned the corner and started walking down the hallway into the small entry room.
"Who's there?" A familiar, shrill voice called from deeper in the sanctuary.
"It's me, I'm back." They call out, their voice a little gravelly, though they were hunched over in the hallway before standing up.
"Listener?" The voice asked in surprise, footsteps and bells jingling could be heard. "Old Cicero is surprised! Did you forget something?"
Ah, that's right, Cicero. It'd been so long since they'd thought of him; even longer still since they heard his voice.
"Nah, I've done what I set out to do, Nirn's free from Alduin's tirade for now." They answer as they stand and stretch their back, finally out of the hallway.
"Amazing work Listener! Of course, Cicero had no doubt that you'd-" Then Cicero's voice stops. Slips-Through-Oblivion blinks a few times, looking over to the threshold into the remainder of the Sanctuary, a dim blue glow from the light and snow reflecting around Cicero like a halo. Though the flames from the room they stand in shows the deepening scowl on Cicero's face as he reaches fof his dagger.
"Who are you, and how did you get in here?" He asks, his voice all too serious. It reminded the argonian of when Astrid sent them to kill him.
"Wha-? I answered the Black Door's question..?"
Cicero's scowl deepened as he ran forwards, attempting to stab Slips-Through-Oblivion, who just barely managed jumping to the side to avoid being on the recieving end of Cicero's blade, backing around the small room, trying not to back into anything or knock anything over.
"Shit! Cicero what are you doing?!"
"What have you done to the Listener!"
"What do you mean? I *am* the Listener!"
"Liar! Deciever! Cicero knows when chicanery is afoot!" He screams, continuously throwing himself at them in an attempt to stab and kill.
"I'm *not* deceiving you!" They plead.
"Cicero what in Sithis' name is going on?" Nazir's voice could be heard as he quickly made his way across the bridge.
'Finally!' Slips-Through-Oblivion thought. 'Nazir can get Cicero to back off.'
"There's a liar!" And Cicero's voice quickly pulled them back into reality. "A cheat! Faker!" Cicero screamed. Slips-Through-Oblivion glanced back at the threshould, seeing Nazir clearly taking Cicero's side. They see him talk but their own head silences all but one voice as Nazir draws his scimitar.
> Tell him the words again that you spoke so long ago.
> Tell him the words, 'Darkness rises when silence dies.'
The Night Mother's voice rung through their mind as Cicero jumped at them, they held a hand out to try catch and stop him, hissing as his knife pierced through their hand cleanly.
"Darkness rises when silence dies!"
There's silence aside from the Listener's hissing from the injury they'd just recieved. Cicero takes a few stunned steps back and Slips-Through-Oblivion lets go of the imperial to grab their hand, staring down at the ebony dagger impaled in and through their palm. They take a deep breath before yanking the knife out with another hiss, wiping some of the blood off on their ragged pants before handing it back to Cicero.
"I told you I was the Listener." They say as they grab some bandages off the nearby shelf, wrapping their hand for now.
"Cicero is sorry Listener, he- you look- Cicero would never hurt his Listener!" He says, clearly distressed at the what he had done as he looks at Nazir for help.
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withacapitalp · 1 year
✨ 2022 ao3 wrapped ✨
thanks @hexmionegranger and @thefreakandthehair for taggin meeeee I love you both!!!!
I’m also so ready for 2022 to be overrrr but I did have a good fic writing year… I’m so sorry for how dumb these are about to be 
Works Published: 24
Word Count: 340186……I need to resort my priorities lmaooooo
Hits: 173947 (If I think about that number too much I’m gonna throw up so I’m not going to LMAO)
Bookmarks: 3726
Most popular by kudos: So it’s actually Concerns which is so funny because I would’ve been sure it was a Stranger Things fic! For Stranger things it was Scrapes, Sprains, and Headaches. That’s the second part of my A New Perspective series, and one of my favorite ones I’ve written. It’s a Lucas and Steve first aid fic from Wayne’s POV generally all the stuff I love most! 
Most hits: Another not ST fic! Okay! Well this one is Not Again it’s an Omori long fic I started and abandoned (so if you go read it I’m sorry there will not be an update) I honestly forgot that I was one of the bigger(ish) omori writers right at the start. ST isn’t even number two because that’s Things Done for Love aka my magnum opus but I’ll talk about that one later. ST comes in third with Well, I’ve Been Afraid of Changin’ which is the getting together fic for A New Perspective
Longest: Things done for love BY F A R It’s 118k it’s not finished. Like I said Magnum Opus lol I love that fic so much but it needed to be put away for awhile because it’s my therapy fic and it’s like…..heavy and hard to write but I do rec reading it! It’s my baby. The second longest is ST tho! It’s The Weeks After which is the second part of my Days, Weeks, Months series! If you like Stoncy, that’s my stoncy series and it’s one of my all time favorite things I’ve written. It didn’t get a ton of traction, but I still really love it. 
Shortest: I’m so sorry that none of these are ST omg. There's four shorter ones in other fandoms then Princess, which is honestly one of those fics that made me cry. It won’t be the fic I put down for that category, but I really loved writing it, and I would love if y’all went and read it!!!
Most comments: LMAO this is ST it’s my Stranger Things Daily Drabble! I’m going to take this time to not talk about the fic, but just to thank the handful of people who comment on pretty much every drabble I do. I wait to see you guys in my email and I literally get so happy every time I do!! Obvi you don’t have to comment on every chapter, but even just the little hearts I get or the wow I loved this one make me feel so :DDDD Even if you just comment on the occasional drabble that made you feel any type of way I’m always so so grateful!
Fic that made me cry: I actually cried while writing Princess obvi but I got close while writing House and Home! I put a lot of my own thought processes into it while I was writing, and a lot of the personal stuff I feel into how Steve is reacting. Like being elated and then just having all of this shit hit you all at once I also cried writing Let Me Just Hold You Now, butI'll talk more about that later
Fic that made me smile: How to Rehabilitate a Jock actually makes me smile a ton! I just think it’s going to be a really fun story and has so much heart and seeing how much you guys have liked it so muchh has been so heartwarming!! 
Gifts: Let Me Just Hold You Now!!!!! Okay so I’ve written other gifts, but this one was just so!!!!! I wrote it for @hotcocoaharrington 💖💍I worked so so hard on it knowing Mack was going to love it and knowing that I was going to get to be so :DDDDD when I finally got to hear what she thought and it was so awesome. Anyway 10000000/10 would write fic for Mack again. (And I already am lmaoooooooo) but she doesn't need to know about that one
Events: Oh god pls dont mention events I’m still working on my fic for @thefreakandthehair I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorrrrrrryyyyyy
tagging: (with absolutely NO pressureeeee) so many of my faves have already been tagged I know but!! @strawberryspence @eddieunbanished @maxinemaxmayfield @kerlypride @gothbat99
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minion-on-board · 10 months
Thanks @perishablealex for tagging!! These are so much fun!!
Name: the right spelling is Adéla
Pronouns: she/her
Where do you call home? prague, czechia for more than 10 years now!
Favorite animal: pandas!! all kinds of pandas! red one or giant one, both of them are cuties!!!
Cereal of choice: plain cornflakes all the way! but i haven't had cereals in a loooong time
Are you visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? probably visual one?? but most of the times combination of more than one style
First pet: little bunny boy! he was so cute but he was a little shit who chew through countless wires and sweatshirts.
Favorite scent: i am so basic but i love the smell of pine trees! going to the forest right after the rain and just be is so calming!!
Do you believe in astrology: not really in the sense of zodiac signs and their role in your life??
How many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? i have only one of my own but so many from other people! i think around 30?
Sharpies or highlighters? highlighters all the way!
Song that makes you cry? Supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran all the time!!!! To the point I can't listen to this song while outside!
Song that makes you happy? Hmmm this one's hard, because it changes so often! I am going to go with Billy Joel and Only the good die young or Uptown Girl just because of the memories these two bring back!
And finally, do you write/draw/create? i very occasionally write when real life allows it.
Taggin, no pressure!: @thebahwrites @tortolly @boasamishipper @continuetobeinspired
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babbushka · 3 years
How about a Memorial Day picnic or bbq with the zimmermans and possibly some public cockwarming? You’ve teased Flip until he can’t stand it and he pulls you down onto his cock under your sundress. It could even be at a cop party! Please and thank you! 💕💕
A/N: when I read this I out loud went 'oh hell yeah.' I hope that you enjoy and also possibly go 'oh hell yeah' ;)
1.7K, pure NSFW (exhibitionism, public sex, cockwarming, teasing)
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Memorial Day weekend usually saw the detective units off of work. Crime didn’t stop, but it was a tough job to try and wrangle anyone to give a shit about it during the holiday weekend, aside from the bare bones staff that got the short end of the stick.
Flip, for once in his fuckin’ life, was not hangin’ on to a short end, and found himself actually enjoying the holiday weekend at the big park that sits right at the heart of the city. He’s not alone, he’s brought you to join the CSPD narcotics unit, complete with Bridges, Harry, and the secretaries, for a B-B-Q picnic.
And you’re driving him up the fuckin’ wall.
You’re doing it on purpose too, he knows. He knows you, he’s loved you a real fuckin’ long time, he knows when you’re doing this shit on purpose. The way you wriggle your ass against his crotch at every opportunity, the way you let out these little happy sighs and laughs that sound entirely too suggestive, fuck, even the way that you eat your banana has him getting hot in his jeans.
He’s starting to reach a tipping point, so the next time that you settle yourself atop his lap from where he sits on one of the big lounge chairs you brought, he grabs a hold of your nose and shakes your face with a stern, “Knock it off.”
“Hmm, no.” You mull it over with mock-thought for a moment or two, before splitting into a beautiful grin that has Flip’s scowl deepening.
“I mean it ketsl, or else I’m going to do something drastic.” He threatens, and you know exactly what that means.
“You wouldn’t dare.” You throw a glance to the entire unit lounging just a few feet away from you, the lot of you taking up a nice sized chunk of the park. You’re all far enough away from the playgrounds that it’s just adults, which is nice, considering the beer is flowing, and Flip’s about two seconds from fucking you.
“Oh yeah?” He licks across his teeth, that countdown coming to an end, “Try me.”
Calling what you think is his bluff, you throw a secretive glance over your shoulder, and lean in, pretending to whisper something in his ear, only to suck the sensitive shell of his ear into your mouth, teasing it with your teeth and tongue. Flip’s reaction is immediate -- he’s got a hand gripping your thigh before he even knows what he’s doing.
“That’s it -- ” He starts, before he feels something slick trickling down your thigh from the safety of the skirt of your dress, and his heart begins to pound in his throat when he realizes, “Wait, are you not wearing panties?”
“Nope.” You pop your ‘P’, and that’s officially the straw that breaks Flip’s back.
“Christ you’re such a brat, you know that?” Manhandling you, he grabs your body and maneuvers you so that you’re sitting facing away from him. His legs are spread and yours are spread even wider around them, putting you on display. If anyone were to be paying attention, they’d almost almost almost get a view of your cunt -- if the breeze were any stronger, then they definitely would.
“What are you gonna do about it, detective?” You continue to tease him, even when you’re in a compromising position like this, and the name makes Flip’s dick throb.
It presses against the seam of his zipper, strains in his jeans, and he knows exactly what he’s gonna do. He cants his hips up ever so slightly, makes sure the swell of your ass rub against his jeans, makes you squirm and let little whines out of your throat. Not too loud, but loud enough that Flip can hear them.
“You feel how fuckin’ hard you make me honey-bunny? Feel how stiff you got my cock?” He murmurs against your throat, hands already twitching to undo his belt.
“If it’s gonna be hard either way, why not let it be hard inside my hot, wet, cunt?” You look at him over your shoulder, a heated gaze that has Flip’s mouth flooding with want, with desire, lust for you.
“You don’t fuckin’ mean that.” Flip gives you a chance to call it all off, to quit your teasing before it goes somewhere far more public, but you only grin.
“Try me.”
Looking around, Flip tries to figure out the logistics of it all. As much as he loves fucking you, and the idea of fucking you in public, he would rather kill a man than let them watch the beautiful faces you make -- or god fuckin’ forbid, get a glimpse of something they shouldn’t be seeing.
“We gotta wait until no one’s around.” He grunts, starting to grow desperate, looking around for the nearest bathroom facility or something, anything that he can push you up against.
“Hey Jimmy!” You do the exact opposite thing, and draw attention to yourselves instead of away, and Flip is about to panic but then you continue, “I heard Ron was sayin’ that he doesn’t believe that you can catch a frisbee as good as you say you can.”
“Bullshit, I so can! Did one of you bring one? Let’s go, two teams, right now.” Jimmy claps his hands, and the drunken detectives are too buzz-happy to deny him. “Zimmermans, you’ll be the judge?”
“We’ll judge.” Flip calls with a thumbs up, and it’s all too soon before the entire group of them is running off down the open field, someone procuring a frisbee out of a backpack somewhere. Flip immediately reaches for his belt, fumbles with the zipper, and tugs his rock-hard cock out, positioning it right at your folds, “You’re so smart, my smart girl. Fuck you’re wet it’s soakin’ into my jeans.”
“We’ll say you spilled your beer, hurry -- ” You shift yourself as discreetly as possible, until you’re sinking down down down on his cock, feeling it push through your walls, your cunt squelching and clenching around it, hot like a brand as it splits through you, making you sigh out a little too loud, “Oh my god.”
“Fuck, fuck you just -- can’t -- fucking -- move.” It’s like heaven for Flip, the grip that your pussy has on him, and he has to gulp down deep lungfuls of air to make sure he doesn’t push you onto the grass and fuck you hard rough fast like he knows you deserve.
No, this can’t be that, there’s people all around. You’ll just have to sit here, right on his cock, keep him hard and hot and wet, your cunt’s soaked, fuck, just sit there until they start to leave. You seem to have other plans, your thighs already shaking, knees pinching in together as you grind yourself down onto his lap.
“You’re so big, you know that? Who let you walk around with a cock like this? I’m so full.” Biting at your lip, Flip can from the spot where he’s resting his chin on your shoulder, that your nipples are so stiff. You must not be wearing a bra either, from the way they’re pressing, straining against the fabric of your sundress.
“Why dont you moan about it some more.” Flip casually brushes his hand against one of them, a quick motion disguised as a means to comb his fingers through his hair, and you immediately start to wriggle and move on his lap, making him tsk against the roof of his mouth, “No, no bouncing, not here. Then everyone’ll know what a slut you are.”
“But I am a slut for your cock honey.” You moan, breathy, feeling the way his cock twitches and pulses pre-come into your wanting pussy. You’re so wet that at the wrong move, his cock could slip right out, and you have a fierce urge, a desire, to keep it safe inside your cunt as long as possible.
Flip peppers kisses along your throat, shouts out a couple referee calls to the group down the field so they think he’s paying attention, before he returns his attention to you. He’s got his feet planted firmly on the ground now, and he uses that leverage to buck up against you, making you smack a hand over your mouth to prevent the yelp that he elicits from traveling too far.
“I know, beautiful girl, I know. But you gotta be good. You’re gonna sit right here all fucking afternoon.” He would be smirking up a fuckin’ storm, if he weren’t so concentrated on keepin’ himself from coming so hard in you that you both won’t be able to walk.
“Flip, Philly honey -- I -- ” Leaning back against his chest, you huff and puff and start biting at your lips, making them all swollen the same way Flip knows your clit must be, aching, desperate.
“Do you want to come?” Flip asks, a little patronizingly, teasing you to make up for all the damn teasing you put him through all morning, but you don’t even care -- he’s your husband after all. You’ll bitch at him later about it, you don’t like not getting what you want right away.
“Yeah, please, just touch me a little?” You reach for his hand, guiding it slowly, tantalizingly slowly, towards your pussy that’s waiting for him right underneath that scrap of fabric that’s barely covering you, “Just a little bit? Just let me come once and I’ll be good and I’ll stay on your cock all day, please?”
“The trouble you get me in, I swear...” Flip would chuckle, but instead all that comes out is a groan as he drops his hand finally to your clit, his calloused big fingers smearing your wetness and his pre-come around and around until your body is tensing up up up, before shuddering back against his chest, orgasm washing over you.
“Thank you.” You sigh out happily, the muscles in your cunt relaxing around his cock -- still hard and wanting -- settling against him for the long haul.
He doesn’t actually know how long he’ll make it like this, but he figures if he can last an hour, he’ll find some excuse to go plow you down by the huge shady trees or the pavilions, and really make you thankful then.
Taggin' some Flip lovin' friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @miabelay11 @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @caitlin-was-here @canikeepitonplease @icarusinthesea @princessflip
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 4 Sakamaki Subaru [Track 1]
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Original title: 不機嫌の理由
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 4 Sakamaki Subaru
Audio: Here [Original & Adjusted pitch versions available]
Seiyuu: Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: This CD has been a rollercoaster of emotions. When I first started listening to it, I was so distraught by the drastic change in Subaru’s voice, I had a hard time focusing on the actual content. Thankfully, I found a solution and was able to listen to the altered pitch version while doing my translation, which really helped me enjoy it much more. uwu
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 1: The Reason Behind a Bad Mood
The scene starts with Subaru running around frantically in the forest.
“Haah, haah, haah, haah...Ugh, fuck!! ...Hah...I’ve been runnin’ all over...So why can’t I find this damn thing!? I have to hurry or she’llーー...!! ...I’ll find it no matter what...She’s the one person I won’t let die...!”
He continues running.
Subaru enters the entrance hall.
[01:05] “...Oi! I thought it was weird you weren’t in your room, but this is where you’ve been? ...Don’t tell me, you’re not ‘bout to head out, are you?”
You nod.
“Ah...? Do you have any idea what time it is? Why can’t you just do groceries tomorrow?”
You insist.
“Ugh...! ...What is it you want?”
You explain.
“Takoyaki and donuts...!? Why do you need those thi...Tsk. Must be Ayato and Kanato, huh? Did they ask you?”
You nod.
[01:45] “So that’s why you’re thinkin’ of makin’ a casual trip to the grocery store in the middle of the night? They’re makin’ you run errands for them ‘cause you always just obediently nod your head in response. Just ignore them!”
You frown.
“...Tsk! Let’s just go then...”
You seem surprised.
[02:07] “I can’t stop you, can I? In that case, I’m taggin’ along. You really think I’m lettin’ you head out by yourself?”
You thank him.
“I...I’m not worried or anythin’...! I’m only comin’ with you ‘cause I’ve got nothin’ better to do! Don’t get the wrong idea! ...Now just follow me!”
[02:42] “...Oi. You still haven’t made a choice? All donuts are the same, no!? Just how long do you need to make up your damn mind!? ーー She’s not even listenin’. Ah-ah...Look at that serious expression on her face. All for Kanato’s sake, what a fool.”
You continue looking at the donuts. 
“...Ugh, whatever! I’ll be waitin’ for you outside. This sickly sweet smell is makin’ me gag!”
He leaves the store.
The two of you are walking back home.
[03:33] “...Hah.”
You ask if he’s upset.
“Haah? …I’m not mad, really.”
You seem worried that he’s upset about what you did earlier.
[03:41] "If you feel that way, you already have a clue, don’t you? Then stop pesterin’ me with your questions. …It’s annoyin’. …For one, you should have never listened to those guys in the first place. Next time you better refuse, no matter what they tell you to do. You’re in no way obligated to take orders from them.
You protest.
“…Hah? What do you mean, ‘but’? You’ve got a reason or somethin’? You talk back to me all the time, but when it’s them, you suddenly become obedient, huh?”
Subaru corners you against the wall.
[04:20] “— Ugh. Seems like…you’ve forgotten who you belong to. …You’re takin’ orders from other dudes left and right…It pisses me off seeing you like that. I’ll make you remember who’s the only guy you should ever listen to.”
You start to panic.
"There’s nobody ‘round, really. ...Even if there was, they wouldn’t be able to see us in the dark. Now if you just keep your voice down, nobody will notice. ...Come on, stop restlessly lookin’ ‘round and face me instead.”
“Let me suck your blood...”
You grow flustered. 
[05:04] “...Heh.”
Subaru bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“...Hah. You’re being surprisingy meek. Where’s the usual cheekiness, huh?”
You explain.
“Oh? You’re actually enjoyin’ it, aren’t you?”
You protest.
[05:28] “Hah? ...No wonder I thought you were clutchin’ it so protectively...Even in this kind of situation, you’re still worried ‘bout the stuff they asked for, huh!? I seriously don’t like this! Seems like you just never get the message unless I make myself loud and clear.”
You ask if he is mad. 
“Yeah, exactly. I’m mad. How could I not be!? It pisses me off how you keep on showin’ concern towards anyone and everyone but me! On top of that, you hesitate whenever I tell you to just ignore their requests! Stop takin’ orders from others already!”
You tilt your head to the side.
“...Hah? Whatcha lookin’ at? Are you goin’ to beg for mercy?”
You ask if he is perhaps jealous.
[06:22] “...Haah!? W-Who are you callin’ jealous!? ...Bullshit! For one, you’re to blame for being unable to just turn down their requests! All you need to do is say ‘no’ next time, yet you keep on sayin’ ‘but’ or ‘still’...What’s so bad ‘bout just turnin’ them down for once!?”
You try and defend yourself.
“Hah! Again with the ‘but’, huh? Just spit it out already!”
You explain.
“Hah? Well...Knowin’ those guys, it’s obvious they’d lose their shit. Kanato’s a pain in the ass with his angry tantrums and Ayato would probably say something like ‘Then give me your blood insteーー’ ...Wait, is that why you can’t turn down their requests?”
You nod, explaining that you don’t want anyone but Subaru to suck your blood.
[07:15] “...!! ‘Other than me’, you say...? ...Oh. So that’s why...”
You ask if something is wrong.
“...I-It’s nothin’...! Anyway, if that’s your reasoning, you should have told me sooner! How am I supposed to know from just a single ‘but’ or ‘I mean’...!?”
You apologize.
“Well...Seems like you haven’t forgotten who you belong to, at least. That’s why you don’t want anyone but me to suck your blood, right?”
You nod.
“...You need to make yourself a lil’ more obvious, honestly.”
You insist it is partially his fault for misunderstanding as well.
[07:56] “ーー Hah!? There was never any misunderstandings on my part! ...Besides, you sure have some nerve, puttin’ the blame on me. You really are defiant towards me. I was gonna let you off the hook ーー But scratch that. You’re at fault for enticing me. I’ll suck you from the other side next. ...I feel like leavin’ more and more of my marks on you.”
Subaru bites you again.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“...Hah. You’re lettin’ your voice slip. I thought you didn’t want anyone to see us? Not that I care ‘bout that.”
[08:50] “...? ...O-Oi! What’s wrong...!? I haven’t sucked that much for you to grow weak in your knees already, right!?”
You clutch your chest.
“...Are you feeling under the weather perhaps?”
You shake your head.
“You sure? You’d say that even if you aren’t actually ‘fine’, wouldn’t you?”
You insist that you’re fine.
[09:13] “...Okay then. ...Hah. Don’t give me a scare like that. It doesn’t feel good suckin’ from someone who’s shaky on their legs. Wanna just go home? ...Come on, gimme your hand.”
You grab his hand.
“It’d suck if you were to nearly collapse again, so hold onto it tightly, ‘kay?”
You nod.
“Haah...Ah, speakin’ of whichー Did the takoyaki and donuts you were oh-so worried ‘bout make it out unscathed?”
*Rustle rustle*
You shriek.
“Hehe...Guess they still got crushed in the end. Serves those bastards right!”
You frown and decide to avoid them once you’re home. 
[10:03] “...Hm? Ah, yeah, you do that. If not, who knows what you’ll have to go through when they take out their anger on you. I’ve been worried ‘bout that as well, so sounds great. Just stay within my sight for today.”
You tell him it will be fine.
“I don’t believe your ‘it’ll be fine’. So I’ll make sure to keep an eye on you even after we get home to ensure you don’t run in any trouble. ーー And if the coast is clear, I’ll continue where I left off earlier.”
You get flustered again.
“Hehe...Don’t freak out now. Come on, let’s go home.”
The two of you start walking back to the manor.
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a-dorin · 3 years
bathed in gold
pairing: maul x reader 
word count: 1.112k
warnings: none really! some fluff, a few curses here and there. cuddling, maul being a sap. maul showing emotion. 
a/n: i really have nothing to say other than this was my first post in a while during an almost month long writing slump. it’s very self-indulgent so i apologize for all the sweet fluff. it’s prolly sickeningly sweet :’) 
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“have you seen him anywhere? i can’t seem to find his whereabouts.”
you fold your arms across your chest as you anticipate an answer, heart thudding your chest. your palms were clammy, a bead of sweat threatening to form on your forehead, just an inch or so below your hairline. 
this was not something that happened very often. if anything, it was rare. he was always so open with you, communicating his next move or venture. surely he didn’t leave the palace without telling you. that was so... unlike him.  
all around you, members of the death watch pace about, the sound of boots scuffing against the floor echoing through the vast space. to your left, the throne was empty, nothing but a shadow filling the seat. 
so where was he now? 
“i-i’m not su-sure,” the poor boy was nearly stumbling over his words, running a hand through his blond curls, “if you would like, i can dispatch a search party. i am sure we could track him down within a matter of minutes--”
“that will not be necessary, oli,” you raise a hand, an exasperated sigh slipping from from your lips, “go about your normal duties, and do not raise any alarm or panic. the last thing i need is the death watch tearing apart this palace.”
“of course,” oli nods, a little too quickly, “shall i alert you if we find him?”
“please,” you chew at your lip, your line of sight fixated on the throne, “alert me immediately, all right?”
“as you wish, your highness,” oli dips his head one last time, before turning to reunite with the group of crimson warriors. 
there’s an exchange of lowered voices. more than likely a strategy. a game plan of sorts. where to scatter. 
where to begin the search in the endless labyrinth of a palace. 
swallowing thickly, you swivel on your heel, mind reeling at the thought of his sudden disappearance. 
he did enjoy his solitude, his time away from all of the frivolous tasks and duties, but he was not one to just leave unannounced. 
at least, without your knowledge. 
rays of light descend through the viewports, streaks of gold dancing all around, illuminating areas that were once cloaked in darkness. it was approaching the evening hours, the sun well on its way to dip below the horizon. 
exhaling, your lashes flutter, briefly savoring the way the sunlight warmed your skin. 
snapping your eyes open, you blink once.
perhaps you had an idea of where your lover wandered off to. 
there is nothing but the sound of your steps bouncing off the walls as you make your way to your shared quarters, the pace nearly a light jog. coming to a halt, you place your hands on the doors, throwing them open. 
your heart skips a beat. 
he’s perched on a chair, draped in nothing but his trousers as he soaks in the sun. the light bathes him completely, casting a golden glow on his skin. the once inky black tattoos glitter with a honey hue, the crimson now cast with the same shade. 
his eyes are eyes closed, lips curved into a content grin. 
he’s bathed in gold, basking in it. 
and maker, how he looked so beautiful like this. 
an eye opens into a slit, taking in your presence. from the look of it, you’re visibly irate. your brow is furrowed, lips drawn together in a tight frown. yet, as the light cascades across your features, the rhythm of his hearts intensifies, captivated for just a moment. 
perhaps he should do this more often. 
just to catch a mere glimpse of your face when it’s bathed in the golden light from the sun as it slips away. 
oh, how completely and utterly radiant you were as you stood before him. 
a rumble sounds in his throat, “well good evening to you, love.”
your jaw clenches at his casual tone, fists balling up, “you’re a little shit, you know that?”
his mouth falls into a frown, a hand gravitating towards you, reaching out, “i didn’t mean to make you so upset. you’re practically drowning in your own worry. why don’t you come over here, and i can apologize?”
“you never just up and disappear like that!” you spit out, throat tightening with fury, “you’ve always been by my side, always telling me where you’re going and when you’ll return. you had me in a panic, you know that? even your own men and women were all up in arms, wondering where you ran off to.”
the zabrak sucks in a breath, rising to his feet. padding over to you, two arms wrap around your frame, pulling you in. for a second, you nearly collapse under his touch. how tender and warm it was. how his scent flooded your nostrils, so achingly comforting and familiar. 
you sense the flurry of breaths against your temple, followed by a light kiss, “i had no intentions of hurting you, love. is there anything i can do to make up for my escapade?”
“don’t do it again.” 
his chest vibrates, a hearty chuckle erupting from his throat, “oh my love, i would never dream of it. i am sorry for how worked up you got over it, i should have told you i wanted to sunbathe for a while. it was nice out today, and i got a little nap in too.”
“you irritate me,” you bury your head deeper into his chest, “i was so worried.”
“i could see it all over your face,” he plants another kiss, the frustration within you dissolving, “you know, you’re quite cute when you’re angry.”
“i’m not amused,” you scoff, rolling your eyes. 
a hand drifts upward, grasping your chin. your breath hitches in your throat as your eyes meet his, “are you going to forgive me?”
amber depths pull you in momentarily, encased by a ring of scarlet. you blink, entranced by the warmth flooding his gaze. it was a bright warmth, promising nothing but adoration and affection. a soft, gratifying warmth. 
“perhaps i’ll forgive you.”
“do i need to call off the search party?” maul presses, a smirk painting his lips, “i’m shocked that so many of my loyal subjects are so concerned about my well-being. typically it’s just you.”
“you were so close to being forgiven,” you snort, “till you pulled that shit.”
lips collide against yours, the zabrak bringing you in for a kiss. it’s fiery, bursting with passion as his tongue glides against your lower lip, seeking entrance. your knees nearly buckle, bliss rippling within you. seconds later, he pulls away, a throaty purr filling the air. 
“oh my love, did i ever mention to you how beautiful you are when you’re bathed in gold?”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
taggin’ some maul moots: @xcertaindarkthingsx @anakinswhore @elenamiria @maulieber @justalittlecloud @hounding-around​
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blarrghe · 3 years
Wip Wednesday
thanks @morganlefaye79 for taggin me! This is something I’ve had ready to shove into Twelve Nights for a while now, and it’s a little heavy-handed but I also think it’s maybe the most important point this (ultimately very fluffy) story makes, and preachy DA character therapizing is pretty on brand for me at this point. So CW for discussions of trauma and addiction, because I aint about to romanticize that shit lol if I introduce a character with a somewhat tropey substance problem we go there. Anyway this is an incredibly long snippet but if you read nothing else from this particular fic, I think you should read this.
Under a cut -- alcoholism/addiction, the ways conversion therapy fucks a person up.
tagging the btv folks: @kita-lavellan | @silvanils | @noire-pandora | @ellie-effie | @musetta3 | @jarakrisafis | @moonlightheretic | @kittynomsdeplume | @inquisitoracorn | @dismalzelenka | @drag-on-age
as well as some mutuals if y’all wanna: @midnightprelude @aymayzing @fandomn00blr @protect-him @barbex I love seeing your wips :)
"Hey," Taren spoke slowly, concern crossing his brows like it did sometimes, when he looked at him, "I don't know how to ask this, but," a very loud voice in the back of Dorian's head told him to shout “so don't!”. He managed to restrain it. Taren shifted his weight and played with his lackluster hair while he figured out how to ask the thing that Dorian already knew he was worried about. "Is this okay?" 
"You mean, am I okay." Dorian corrected, as he took a sip of the whiskey. It was delicious. Everything was delicious; stupidly wonderful and probably a dream, and they needn’t talk about things that weren’t. 
Taren nodded, the concern still swimming in his gaze. "You don't have a…" 
"A problem," Dorian supplied, finishing the thought for him while Taren swallowed, "with alcohol." 
"Sera said you were in rehab." Taren was apologetic again, looking away with his hand back in his hair. Dorian laughed, because he couldn't help himself, but it just made the concern in Taren's brows deepen. He attempted to reign it in. He supposed he would just have to do this conversation Taren's way: honest. 
"I was. Several times actually, but my problem's never been with alcohol." He picked a few more things off the cart while he spoke — apricot brandy, gin, and vermouth — pouring them in careful measure into a tall, stainless steel cocktail shaker. "It's with attention." He winked. Just because the conversation had to be honest didn't mean he had to give up all his charms. "You see, I've made some very unhealthy, very loud, very irresponsible cries for it. In response to which my parents usually tried to throw me into someplace expensive with nice clean white walls and scenic views, to fix me." 
He picked out a wonderfully green lime from the selection of citrus fruits in a little glass bowl on the cart and began rolling it against the cutting board. 
"They've spent an outrageous amount of money, trying to get other people to help me be normal." Taren was frowning at him, so he went on looking at the lime.
There was a small, silicone knife that matched the cutting board tucked into a special spot on the cart. He picked it up and sliced the lime in half, lengthwise, and gave its middle a little slit.
"Sometimes there would be a measure of religious fervour to go with: control your demons through strict routine and mind numbing repetition of verses! Doesn’t work, by the way, and anyone who says it does has more illicit secrets to keep than I do. But the quacks parroting fixes with pseudoscientific backing were the worst.” he shook his head, unable to contain a dark grimace from escaping at even this most casual retelling. “The last time though, I did actually learn something rather helpful." Taren came closer, and took a seat on the arm of the long leather couch closest to him, still watching Dorian with a careful frown as he told his story and sliced his lime. "There was this therapist, beautiful man," he looked up from the lime, catching Taren's frown and doing his best to counter it with a sly smile. "Understood right away what I was really in for —" he smiled at Taren again, dragging as much syrupy charm through the words as he possibly could, "that is, being attracted to men, not drugs or alcohol." Taren blushed, and satisfied, Dorian went back to fixing his drink, "we struck up a wonderful little friendship, or as much of one as therapists can have with the mad, I suppose." 
"Did you…" There was a hesitancy to Taren's speech that was different from the last, less concerned, and barbed with something. Was it jealousy? And if so, what did it say about him that he quite enjoyed it? 
"No." He said truthfully, "that would have been most unethical. I don't even think he was interested, if you can believe it. Didn't stop me from daydreaming of course — rehab is terribly boring. But no, nothing happened except talk. Therapeutic talk; he told me about rats." 
Dorian finished slicing one half of the lime into perfect little crescents, then squeezed out the other half into the shaker. "Lab rats with addictions to opiates." He clarified, "the Cage Theory of Addiction: give a rat a terrible little cage with a nice little lever that injects a drug straight into his little rat veins, and he'll keep pressing and pressing that lever until he dies." Taren looked upset; Dorian closed the shaker and screwed its cap tightly on, and continued, "the rat has a food lever too, but he ignores it, pressing and pressing for that magical buzz. More and more; more than he can handle. An addict." He picked out a short glass and swiped the rim of it with one of his slices of lime, then overturned it into a perfectly sized little vessel of sugar that was set out on the cart. "But, someone thought: let's do an experiment, and instead of just giving the rat a lever for food and a lever for the drug, they gave him a little rat city. With fun rat playgrounds and soft rat pillows and a few other nice rats to talk to. Guess what happened next." 
Taren just looked at him, not guessing. Dorian tutted and gave the shaker a dramatic spin, shook it, and then popped the lid back off to pour the concoction into the glass. "The little opiate-addicted rat got better. So comes the theory: the rat's problem wasn't the drugs; it was his cage." Taren nodded slowly, and Dorian left the drink cart to join him on the couch. He passed Taren the fresh cocktail with another sly smile, and took a seat. “I looked it up later; read the study myself because I am an insufferable know-it-all,” he went on, “and it turns out that my beautiful therapist had some of his facts wrong.” Now, Taren just looked confused, but if Dorian was going to be honest with him, he was going to be really honest. “No one’s replicated the findings — and it turns out the rats also started having little rat orgies, so that probably helped.” He laughed, though Taren still looked mostly confused. Dorian took a breath. “But, there was a truth there that no one had bothered to tell me before: sometimes the reason why is worse than the thing itself. Sometimes a change in thinking, a change of scenery…” he paused, “someone to talk to,” another pause, longer this time — he’d lost his will to make light of it, somewhere in there. “I’m not a bad person, I know that now.” he said, more quietly than he meant to, "but I live," he placed his glass of whiskey carefully down on the coffee table, and let himself look Taren in the eye, "in a very terrible little cage. And I've done things, things I'm not proud of, just to try to… escape." He shrugged, and picked up his drink again, "but these days, I've more or less settled in. Figured out how to be a productive little rat who doesn't take more than he can handle, usually." He took a sip of his drink, directing a hooded smoulder at Taren as he did, and downing most of it — getting drunk and doing it very much on purpose, "only rattling the bars on weekends, so to speak." 
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trickstercheebs · 4 years
Cuddles. Your prompt is good cuddles
Really feelin myself tonight lads and I wanted to write some shit for uh... RoleSwap Benry and Gordon.
fuck...idk which version is being used so, yes to all. taggin @year2000electronics bc your boys are sticking out the most personality wise here lol
“Bro don’t you ever like...fuckin sleep or anything? You’ve been just kinda hangin out on whatever you could find everytime we take a power nap. What’s with that shit?”
“I told you, I need to guard you baseless miscreants from dying in your sleep like lambs to the slaughter..And I don’t do sleep, looks stupid if you’re any indication.”
“Wow bro...just wow, if you don’t know the joys of sleep you dont gotta lie so hard.” “I’m not fucking lying! Sleep is not required or necessary.” “So what you’re saying is....you can’t because you’re....a scaredy baby about going to sleep alone?”
“...motherfucker I will not hesitate to shoot you. I am NOT a scaredy baby!”
“Prove it then bro, come down here and sleep with me.”
“If you two don’t shut your fucking mouths right now I’ll show you how to sleep like the dead!”
“.......fine. If I try it this once will you shut up about it?”
“Yes....maybe. Probably yes though.”
“...Alright fine, what do I do first?”
“Well...get off the crate first and come take a sit down beside your friend and pal Benry.”
Gordon huffed and shuffled off the crate to come sit beside Benry, though he looked like a sour faced child being told to do so by a parent. Benry on the other hand looked nonplussed and even a bit happy to see his odd friend finally taking care of himself for once.
“Okay good, you passed step one flawlessly, before you know it you’ll be a sleeping master Gordon.”
“...you can master sleeping?”
“Hell yea bro, some bros can even control their dreams and have all sorts of wild ass mental adventures. Bet you could do that yourself one day if you master the basics of sleepin.”
“...I doubt that but fine, I’ll humor you! What the hell do I do next?”
Benry tapped the ground beside him before laying back casually, using one arm as a makeshift pillow. Gordon arched a brow beneath his helmet as his hair curled in minor confusion.
“Now bro comes the ultimate test...you just gotta lay back and close your eyes..Also helps if you clear your head of bad vibes and thoughts, can’t sleep if the anger demons are at the steering wheel of your mind.”
“....most of that actually sounded like words to me. So I just...lay back? And close my eye...?”
“Yeah bro, and clear your brain of bad vibes and shit...Can’t sleep when angry.”
“Right..this sounds like a trap.”
“Nahh don’t worry, your buddy Benry will protect you while you sleep, so will the others.”
“....I-I doubt that but...o-okay fine.”
Gordon was thankful the room was dark enough to hide the flush WRONGFULLY spreading over his face..Sighing some he closed his eyes as he laid back and let his mind clear of problems.
“S’it workin yet?”
“I just closed my eyes..I don’t think I can fall asleep that damn fast Benry...”
“Lame..well lets race and see who falls asleep the fastest.”
“Wh-why would? ...Fine fuck it.”
“Helll yeah, ready? Set, go man”
Neither knew who passed out first, but Benry was the first to wake back up for a brief moment or two some hours later when something gently tickled his nose enough to rouse him from slumber.
Blinking sleep from his eyes, he saw Gordon had somehow passed out..and got right up against him, close enough to drape a arm around Benrys shoulders...Gordon looked so peaceful for once, the anger faded from his features. It was kinda cute a all hell. Benry, not one to deny a bro some good sleep cuddles shifted until he was in a more comfortable little spoon position. Gordon stirred gently once when he lost the object he was holding..But he fell back under once Benry slid himself between the others arms and nestled himself against the others chest.
A soft..almost imperceptible hum escaped the guard from behind him and hiss hold grew just a bit more tighter. Benry felt Gordon cling tighter to him and was glad this gay shit was happening at night..or else how the hell would he explain the deep red his face was turning right now?
Shit Gordon was cute...and damn strong. He hoped it didn’t result in him being woken up with a upset Gordon in the morning..till then he’d let sleep reclaim him, feeling warm and very safe with his guard blanket protecting him.
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i-am-parsec · 4 years
The tour, you said, was an excellent opportunity. You would have the chance to make important business connections, boost your career, learn from far more experienced entertainers and so much more. You held my hands and looked me in the eyes and somehow tricked me into wholeheartedly agreeing with you; suddenly I was telling everyone who would listen about the shows you had planned with all these actors and comedians, about how magnificent it would be for you to experience this and how proud of my husband I was.
Someone, doesn’t matter who now, asked me where it ended and I smiled.
“In LA! They decided to have the last show close to home so Esperanza and I could actually go.”
They shot me a dirty look. A knowing, “oh, you poor, dumb thing” kind of look.
“He might like it there better than Sacramento, you know, Los Angeles is where everybody who’s somebody wants to be at.”
I shrugged it off. In my head, there was no better place in the entire world than the house we built for ourselves with pain, patience and hard work We belonged among those walls we had forged ourselves, nowhere else. The idea moving seemed ridiculous: possible, yes, maybe even sensible, but not right for us, not for the family we had started.
Oh, you poor, dumb thing.
It’s been weeks since our last proper conversation on the phone. All I have nowadays are half-assed texted expressions of love and the occasional selfie you send me after posting it all over social media. I keep reminding myself that you’re either on the road or busy performing, with little to no free time, that there’s nothing worth worrying about here. However, today I really need to talk: I’ve had a hard week, one of those weeks that makes you take a bath regardless of you never really taking baths and observe a diminutive brown stain on the ceiling for almost an hour, door locked, lukewarm water, because you really can’t take this anymore, and more importantly because you don’t know what “this” is - is it just one thing you can’t pinpoint or it is a clump of things? Is it all in your head or is it an actual problem? You can’t tell, your brain has given up and your heart is just about to, so when I’m done with my eternal, unnerving bath and I’m sure our daughter sleeps, I ask you, one more time, to give me a call whenever you get a chance.
Unsurprisingly, I get left on read for a couple hours. I remember you mentioned that today would be a day of “relaxation and reorganization with the guys”, most of whom I’ve never meet, so I try to not let this bother me, you have some hours to spare but you’re using them productively, so it’s fine. I’m fine. Well, no, I’m everything but fine, but this isn’t on you, right?
I don’t let myself answer that.
When I’m almost about to doze off, after successfully numbing my mind with some thoughtless reality TV, I hear my phone ringing.
I know from the moment you hit me with a very slurred “hi, baby!”, loud and riveting, that you’re drunk. I still allow the boring, usual questions to go on for a few minutes before I state the obvious and when you finally process the rather accusatory words, you laugh like a small, sick dog. Lord, are your sticky chuckles unwelcomed, unfunny and unnerving.
You let me know you have been drinking since way before the sun went down, as if I couldn’t tell that myself. I remain quiet. There are tears, silent and plenty that you don’t notice because you’re not paying attention because you didn’t call to find out why I have been so unhappy since you left, no, you called because you’re drunk and noisy and exuberant and you want to broadcast your enthusiasm even if only to the pathetic audience that is your wife. I bite my inner cheek until it bleeds and at no point during this whole ordeal you shut up.
You rant about how excited you are to see us again soon and apologize for being drunk way more times than I can handle so I let out a defeated:
“It’s okay. Go have fun, babe, we’ll talk tomorrow.”
I am now again alone, with my quietness and my drying tears. If I’m being honest, if I have to be honest...I felt the beginning of the end the moment you announced this fucking tour and, like the idiot, pleasing wife I have somehow managed to become, all I’ve been doing since then is smile and nod for you and the cameras only to run home and scream and cry in my pillow.
I am so awfully tired. I don’t think I can carry you much further than this, Chase. I’m not that strong, or that stupid.
Hey, so, I’m not dead. That’s nice. Also, me posting and taggin y’all is absolutely ridiculous, I know, trust me, I do but hey, I’ve done way dumber shit since the las time I updated this fanfic so...yeah. Most of you are probably inactive anyways! what am i doing with my life ahaha
$5 to whoever can tell me what the fuck this fic was about without rereading it lmao the funny thing is I myself couldn't tell you
❤️Tag list❤️: @amyxmiaplay @beckofthewoods @closedworldofmathiel @darktrash-drash @fanfictionrecommendations-com @flyingfishflopsthings @fruitycasket @happysingingturtles @hiimizzyxoxo @hishex @scarlet-mangata @mcomegalletas @mijako98 @mysterious-cupcake-ninja @mysticalanimallover @novasingalaxies @plutoandpolaris @probablyghosting @randomartdudette @saltyweirdbi @scarlet--raven @septicuniverse @skyewardlight @thevampireauthoress @youllnevertaketheskyfromme @rats-this-username-is-taken
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Time Out
This is cursed and should not exist. It’s unedited and unreviewed because I refuse to look at this abomination I created. But @skyypetomorrow and @galactic-doodles and @theatergirl06 influenced me to post it, so here I am. I am so so sorry this exists. I’m not taggin any of my usual list because I typically only write Six, and they didn’t ask for this. But here it is anyway.
WATT but Time Out is actually in the show.
Kill me now.
Writing Masterpost
Trigger Warnings: Grief, dealing with the death of a loved one (did I really put trigger warnings on this crack fic?)
Separating Annleigh and Reese proved to be a difficult task for the rest of the team, but eventually Riley managed to calm them down enough that no one’s bodily health was at risk. Eva was still standing uncomfortably to the side, shooting Cairo half hearted glares because of the accusations she had previously made. Cairo herself just seemed pissed off at the whole situation, sick and tired of everyone’s bullshit. Kate had her head down as she sat on the bench where Chess had died.
“You know what,” Riley sighed, “Let’s just go inside and get our things. We can reconvene in the gym after school on Monday.” She turned to Eva, the only one of the team she mildly trusted and instructed, “Just keep them away from each other.” 
The five girls stood up to head back inside, but a gasp from Kate caught their attention. Whirling around, they all came face to face with Farrah’s ghost, standing in the center of Riley’s lawn with a happy smile on her face. “F-Farrah?” Annleigh stuttered in surprise.
“Time out team! Quick PSA -”
“Who is she?” Eva asked, panicked. There had only been five girls, including herself, at the sleepover, so why was there suddenly a sixth? A sixth who just so happened to go by the name of Annleigh’s dead sister.
Annleigh took a step towards Farrah. “But you’re supposed to be dead?”
Reese felt guilt wash over her at Annleigh’s words. “Clearly, she’s not. There’s no way she’s a ghost or… a zombie?”
Instead of responding, Farrah continued to speak in a peppy voice, her eyes trained on some unseen figure in the distance. “As you’ve probably noticed, this is a murder mystery, and it’s time for us to un-mystery the murder.”
“Oh shit,” Riley mumbled, staring at the ground.
Cairo shot her a strange look. “What?”
The group continued to watch Farrah and her strange behavior. “So if you’re someone who hates spoilers and wants to wait til you catch the show live, it’s time to hit pause.”
“Show?” Kate scoffed. “Is this some kind of a joke to you? This is real life Farrah! You’re dead! We saw your body, this has to be - has to be some sort of - of shared hallucination… or something.” Eva nodded along with Kate, completely dumbfounded by the situation.
“But if you’re just waiting for this message to end,” Farrah continued unabated, “You only have to wait a couple… more… seconds.”
For a brief moment, everyone froze. Then Annleigh bolted at Farrah and wrapped her in a hug. “Don’t leave!” she begged, holding her sister tighter as if to assure herself this was real. “You just got back, Farrah, you can’t leave again.”
Instead of a proper answer, Farrah just turned her head to look at Annleigh. “Happy listening!” she giggled, and then disappeared out of thin air.
All the girls stood in silence, unsure of how to process what had just happened. “What the fuck was that?” Kate asked, approaching Annleigh, who was hugging the still air.
“Farrah was here,” Annleigh stared at the ground. “She was here!”
“But was she really?” Reese cut in. “She barely even noticed us, and her words didn’t make any sense.”
Cairo nodded. “As much as it pains me to say this, Reeses is right.”
“Farrah is dead,” Cairo stated bluntly. “And whatever that was, it doesn’t change the fact that Farrah’s been dead this whole time. Maybe it was shared grief.”
Putting a hand up slowly, Eva piped up, “But I have no idea who Farrah is, and I saw that same as you all.”
“Maybe because you feel guilty because of what you -”
“Okay!” Riley cut her friend off. “Enough of accusing each other for today, huh!” She remembered Farrah’s words saying it was time to un-mystery the murder, and Riley knew the importance of keeping her actions a secret. “Why don’t we go inside?”
Like usual, Kate rolled her eyes at Riley. “Sure. Why don’t we pretend this didn’t happen, just like we’ve been pretending with everything else.”
The two girls shared a glare, but Kate relented and made her way back into Riley’s house, heading towards the basement. Eva followed blindly, not wanting to get stuck in another whirlwind of accusations. Reese kept an eye on Annleigh, keeping at least a six foot distance between them as they walked into Riley’s house. That left Cairo alone with Riley. The two of them shared exasperated looks.
Riley stared down at her hands. This was already shaping up to be a long night, and it had only just begun.
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camillemontespan · 4 years
yellow diamonds in the light [jacob x gabrielle] [camille’s parents]
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After writing about Camille’s grandparents in Ten Years From Now, I thought I could write this fic about her parents. I know it won’t be for everybody because they are original characters and have never appeared in the TRR universe. So really, this is for me, but I wanted to share :)
Taggin those who were interested:
@ibldw-main​ @moonlightgem7​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @princessleac1​ @pug-bitch​ @gardeningourmet​ @marshmallowsandfire​
New York, 1988
Jacob stirred sugar into his cup of coffee, not once tearing his eyes off the woman sat at the window of the 24 hour diner on the corner of Green Street and Bleeker. 
The early morning sunlight was filtering through the blinds, casting her mocha skin in a warm glow. The tight curls of her dark hair looked almost red in the light and she kept her eyes down as she sipped her coffee. She wore a nurses uniform. 
She was the most beautiful woman Jacob had ever seen. 
Jacob had been watching her for twenty minutes. He didn't want to eat anything for fear that as soon as his eyes were tore away from her, she would leave and he wouldn't see her again. So, he settled for coffee and kept his gaze fixed on her. 
Come on, man. Go talk to her. Say hey. Offer to buy her breakfast. Get her name. 
Pasting a lazy smile on his face, Jacob stood up and casually wandered towards her, rolling up the sleeves of his denim jacket in a bid to look relaxed. She didn't look up, even when he reached her table. 
'Morning,' he greeted her. 'Early shift?' 
She sipped her coffee studiously. 'Yes,' she said simply. Her voice was husky and low. Jacob loved it already. 
'I'm Jacob,' he said. 'My friends call me Jake. You want breakfast? I know Doloris over there can whip up a mean plate of bacon and eggs.'
The woman closed her eyes, as if she was irritated. 'I don't want breakfast, Jacob,' she replied, her voice croaking, 'but thanks for the offer.' 
Jacob wasn't going to leave. He didn't want to. He needed her name. He needed to sit down opposite her and hear her story. Everyone had a story. Jacob loved stories. 
Without asking, he threw himself down onto the booth opposite her, making her jump. 
'Well, do you want another coffee?' Jacob asked. 'I live off the stuff. I'm always up late so coffee is the only thing that helps me function in the morning. Otherwise, I'd sleep for a week! Do you sleep a lot? You're a nurse though, probably not..' 
Jacob could be as cool as a cucumber. But, right now, he seemed to be unable to stop talking. He needed her attention. He needed to engage her in conversation. His words were like word vomit. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and because of that, he was now word vomiting about fucking coffee. 
'Ethiopian blend, Columbia blend.. Jesus, Starbucks really has the best coffee. But here we are sat in this crappy diner - no offence to Doloris. You ever been to Seattle?' he asked. 'That's where they make it, the coffee I mean-' 
'Look,' the woman said sharply, interrupting him. Jacob shut up, watching as she pressed her fingers on either side of her nose, clearly trying to gather patience.
'There is no point in you even trying to flirt with me,' she continued, keeping her voice low now, refusing to look at him. 'If talking about coffee is flirting.. But regardless, there's no point.'
Jacob blinked. He had never been shot down into flames like this before. Especially so early in the morning. There wasn't enough coffee in the world to prepare him for that. 
'But -' he tried to interrupt but she ignored him, continuing to talk. 
'As soon as you find out everything there is to know about me, you will leave,' she said, keeping her eyes on her coffee. 'Not because you're an asshole, but because you won't be able to deal with it. So I'm saving you time, energy and flirting tactics by telling you not to bother.'' 
Jacob stared at her. She was blunt. Fierce. Most guys would have told her to go fuck herself. But not Jacob.
Instead he said: 'Tell me everything about you.'
She rolled her eyes which Jacob noticed were brown with golden flecks. Beautiful eyes. Eyes that reminded him of owls and stars. 
'You don't want to know-' 
'I want to know everything,' he told her. 'Like.. Okay, easy one. Your full name.' 
She groaned. 'Really?' 
'Yeah,' Jacob said. 'I'm curious.' 
She sipped her coffee then set her beautiful eyes back on his. 
'Gabrielle Montespan,' she said. 'The most French name you will ever hear. Blame my mother and her.. Frenchiness.' 
Jacob chuckled, leaning back into the booth and spreading his arms out, really relaxing. 
'Gabrielle is a pretty name,' he told her. 'It suits you.' 
'What a line,' Gabrielle replied, rolling her eyes. But she was smiling now.  Jacob felt his heart leap. Her smile was gorgeous. 
'Are you from France?' 
She shook her head. 'Well, I am part French. But I was born in New York, Queens.''
Jacob grinned. 'I was born in Long Island,' he told her. 'Couldn't wait to get away. Left when I was sixteen, worked odd jobs in the city.'
Gabrielle finished her coffee. Jacob raised his arm and gestured to the waitress for another. 
'So, you seemed keen to get rid of me,' Jacob said, raising an eyebrow. 'What is it about you that makes assholes leave?' 
Gabrielle looked down at her hands. 'These,' she said softly. 
Jacob frowned. Her hands were slender with long fingers. She looked like she could play piano with those hands. 
'There's nothing wrong with your hands..' he murmured. 
Gabrielle flexed her fingers, keeping her eyes on her hands. 'Because of my job, nobody wants to touch my hands and that means nobody wants to touch me or even be near me.'
Jacob shook his head. 'You're a nurse -' 
'On a ward that treats AIDs patients,' Gabrielle interrupted, quickly looking up at him now, her eyes searing into his. 'That is why people leave me.' 
Jacob was speechless for once in his life. As he sat silently, staring at her in shock, Gabrielle started to talk and her words burst out of her, as if she had been holding in her feelings for years. 
'I'm a nurse at St Anne's,' she told him. 'I work with five other nurses in the AIDs ward. Nobody else would do it. The ones who refused to work with us now keep away from us at lunch breaks and they don't even come into the ward in case they catch something - which they won't because it's not contagious. I look after these poor people every day, from morning until night, and I keep seeing them dying and I can't help them. I feel like I'm working on death row - that's what some of those nurses call my ward. How disgusting is that? You would think they would be professional and remember their duty but no, they are blinded by prejudice and scaremongering. So, nobody will touch me in case they catch something, which they won't, and as a result, I am alone. But I don't give a shit, Jacob, because at the end of the day, I am trying my hardest to keep these patients alive and even when they are in their final hours, I will keep them safe and warm and make sure they have me by their side when nobody else would dare to sit at their bedside. And I will hold their hands without hesitation.'
She stopped talking as suddenly as she had began. Her eyes had filled up with angry tears and she wore a look of sheer determination and grit on her face but Jacob could also see the hurt and the pain masked underneath. 
Jacob grabbed her hands.
After a long, electric moment, Gabrielle pulled her hands out of Jacob's. He felt her squeeze his fingers as she pulled away from him, as if she was savouring the touch before letting go. 
'I need to go to work,' she muttered, getting to her feet. Jacob followed quickly. 
Jacob cleared his throat, trying to calm his quickening heart. 'Understood,' he said, keeping his voice breezy. 'Can I see you again? 
Gabrielle blinked. She tucked a curl behind her ear. Jacob prepared himself for the rejection and leaned against the booth with his arms crossed. 
'I'm too busy,' she said quietly. 'Relationships aren't my priority right now.' 
Jacob nodded. 'I get it,' he said. 'Just would like to get to know you more.' 
'The only way you'll get to know me more,' Gabrielle said as she slung her bag over her shoulder, 'is if you end up in the hospital. That's where you'll find me, night and day.' 
Jacob chuckled. 'I don't see myself ending up in your ward,' he said. 'But I could always walk out into oncoming traffic and then beg for you to administer CPR.' 
Gabrielle let out an incredulous laugh, patting him on the back as she moved to pass him. 
'Please don't walk out into oncoming traffic, Jacob,' she said. 'Would be a shame for the road to mess up your pretty face.' 
Jacob's eyes widened as he realised she had flirted with him. But she simply gave him a knowing smile and left him standing in the diner, contemplating walking in front of a bus so he could see her again. 
Jacob left the diner floating on air. He had never felt this way about a woman before, the feeling was quite.. surreal.. but he liked it. 
He was heading home for bed. The fact was that even though it was 7am, Jacob hadn't been to sleep yet. He had spent the night with his buddy, Dylan, getting high and watching B movies. When he realised it was very early morning, he left Dylan's but then decided he needed coffee. 
Thank god he had entered that diner. Best decision he had ever made. 
Gabrielle Montespan. 
Her name was beautiful. She was beautiful. Smiling to himself, Jacob strode down the city street, enjoying the feeling of being alive. 
This is the stuff that dreams were made of. Early morning coffee. Early morning sunlight. Early morning moments of complete serendipity. 
He stepped out on the road without looking and didn't see the taxi that was about to crash into him, throwing him up into the air, shattering his early morning bliss. 
'Male, early twenties, hit by a vehicle...' 
'Broken rib and arm, concussion..' 
'Ward 3A, now.' 
Jacob's mind swam in and out of consciousness. In his awake moments, he could see the signs that told him he was at St Anne's Hospital. He could feel pain. A lot of pain. 
When he slipped into darkness, he saw Gabrielle's face and he was quite content to languish there. 
The nurse stared down at the shouting patient who had suddenly regained consciousness after a few hours of doped up sleep post surgery. 
He was very handsome, the nurse thought. He had blonde hair - matted slightly with blood - tanned skin and a tiny white scar above his upper lip. He had one ear pierced with a silver hoop and wore a metal thumb ring. 
'Gabrielle Montespan!' he shouted again, wriggling furiously under the hospital sheets. 
The nurse frowned. The patient knew Gabby? 
His eyes flew open. The nurse blinked in surprise. The patient had blue eyes that reminded her of the Mediterranean. 
She bet he was a model. 
He turned his head to look at her. He looked around the room and then down at his body that was covered in bandages and tubes. 
'Shit..' he muttered. He reached out to take the tubes out but the nurse bolted forward to grab his hands. 
'No! You need these -' 
'Am I at St Anne's?' he asked, looking up at her with those blue eyes that were now looking quite manic. 'Where Gabrielle works? Gabrielle Montespan?' 
The nurse sighed. 'Yes. Did you get hit by a taxi on purpose just so you could see her?' 
He blinked. 'No.. But can I see her anyway?' 
'You need to rest -' 
'Please,' he said quickly. 'I will buy you dinner if you let me! Or roses! Whatever you want!' 
The nurse rolled her eyes but left the room to find Gabrielle's ward. 
As she walked closer to the AIDs ward, she felt her heart begin to pound and her skin break out with goosebumps. 
She knocked on the door, thankful she was wearing gloves. 
Gabrielle answered a few moments later. 'Yes, Dot?' she asked. 
Dot rolled her eyes. 'You have someone wanting to see you. Please come. I have a feeling that if you don't, he won't shut up.' 
Gabrielle frowned in confusion but she followed Dot down the corridor. 
'Please tell me you didn't walk out into traffic just so you could see me again.' 
Jacob's eyes slid languidly towards Gabrielle who was leaning against the door with her arms crossed. He gave her a lazy smile. 
'If I did, would you go out with me?' he joked. 
Gabrielle sighed and entered the room, sitting down on the chair by his bed. 
'Jacob,' she said quietly. 'What happened?' 
He closed his eyes for a long moment. Gabrielle thought he had gone to sleep but he opened his eyes again to look at her. 
'I think I got hit by a taxi,' he told her slowly, 'but I'm not sure.. Fucking hurts though.' 
Gabrielle winced. 'Have you drank any water?' 
Gabrielle poured him a cup of water and held his chin as she guided the cup to his lips, helping him to drink. She handled him gently. 
Jacob's eyes never left her face. He couldn’t stop watching her. 
'Is this our second date?' he asked when she put the cup down. 'Bit intimate with the bed and all, usually I'm not that kinda girl..' 
Gabrielle couldn't help it. She let out a laugh. The sound made Jacob glow as he felt a burst of pride that he had made her laugh. 
Gabrielle studied him. She didn't know what to make of this guy. He was different. Mischievous. A terrible flirt - literally. Handsome. Funny.  Idiotic. 
She realised that she was curious about him. 
'So, now you're lucid,' she said, 'tell me everything about you.'
He blushed. For someone who acted like he was as cool as a cucumber, Jacob could feel himself losing control when he was with her. He blushed. He word vomited. He was an idiot. 
'What do you want to know about me?' he asked, gesturing to the cup of water. Gabrielle held the cup to his lips, helping him drink. 
'Your full name to start with,' she said simply. 
Jacob chuckled and reached out to push the cup away. His fingers brushed hers and he didn't flinch. 
Gabrielle knew he wouldn't flinch. Not after he grabbed her hands in the diner. He wasn't like anyone else she knew. He wasn't afraid. He was brave and kind and that was the kind of person the world was sorely lacking right now. 
He smiled. 'Jacob Sullivan,' he told her. 
Gabrielle smiled back. 'Nice to meet you.' 
Jacob laughed and settle back against the pillows. His fingers hooked around hers. Gabrielle didn't pull away. She let her fingers wind around his, his skin warm against hers. His thumb rolled over her palm, rough and calloused. Now that they had made contact, it was as if he couldn't stop touching her. 
Gabrielle was grateful. For so long, she hadn't been touched or been given affection. And this man lying in the hospital bed, this man who she had only met this morning, was holding her hand and making her feel like somebody again. Somebody who didn't just work in a hospital looking after AIDs patients. He made her feel like a person. 
He gave her that lazy smile again. 
'Nice to meet you too, Gabrielle Montespan.' 
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Rules of the Game Ch. 1
Chapter 1: Angling the Deck
Summary: With the deck stacked so unfavorably against Dark, he decides to even the playing field a little bit.
A/N: Briefly touches on Logan dealing with stuff that I will touch on more in future fics. Like PTSD from a previous fic.
Chapters: 1, 2
He’d snuck out dozens of times to hang out with his friends late at night, it was almost routine and if his mom or siblings knew then they didn’t talk about it.
So a young fifteen-year-old boy snuck out of his mother’s small house and walked out into the streets, hoodie pulled down although he doubted many of his father’s friends would’ve recognized him by sight.
Deeper into downtown Brighton he met up with some of his friends to engage in some of their usual antics: spray painting and generally pissing off the locals.
So he snuck into an alleyway next to a cafe where two of his friends were already working on something. They had climbed onto a fire escape to get higher
“Hey, Paddy, yah piece ‘a shite,” one of the other teens threw him a spray can. “Took yeh ages.”
“I got here, didn’t I?” Paddy walked over to the bag.
“While yer down there, can yah pass me a blue?” His friend asked.
“Only if yah catch,” Paddy smiled and tossed the can up, perfectly landing in his hand.
They started joking and laughing, until a shrill ringing echoed through the alley. A man in a dark grey suit stood at the mouth of the alley, all four kids froze where they were.
“Pádraig,” Dark smiled, an expression that. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“The hell yah want?” Paddy spat at him, looking for possible weapons or an exit.
Dark smiled at the young man, “Oh no, you have it all wrong, Mr. Brody. It’s what I can do for you.”
Chase walked into the main common area for the base. The atmosphere was tense, as if he’d just missed something. Logan was sitting with Patton in the corner of the main area, chair back against the corner of the room and a small tray table next to him with a cup of coffee. Patton was just happily talking to Logan who was leaning into him and reading a book.
Logan was always awake when Chase was up, which was a problem because Chase was a known insomniac and he often found Logan tucked away reading some book with Virgil sleeping against him or working on something with dark circles under his eyes.
He didn’t think Logan was sleeping, the Sides explained that he was having nightmares whenever someone asked, and it was hard for him to go to sleep afterward. His only hope was that he would find a method to deal with them in time.
Today looked like one of those bad afternoons, the kind where Logan didn’t talk about anything and bury his attention in a book or some project.
Marvin seemed a bit too eager to leave with Seán and Chase, all three of them in plain casual clothes, even if Marvin took forever to cast an illusion over his face to cover up the scars he’d gotten years ago. But eventually Chase got into his car with Marvin and Seán and they started driving.
Normally Chase stayed away from his ex, they’d been divorced for years, almost five years now and even before then Chase and Stacy had been having issues. Chase’s alcoholism and recklessness being chief among them. Chase was only allowed visitation to his kids if there was someone else with him. Even then Chase was sadly certain that his visits were only for his sake, not anyone else’s.
But Damien and Chase had talked about their families. Dark had been vague, but Chase hadn’t. It’d been a couple days since Damien had been unmasked as a manipulative, demonic mob boss . . . and Chase had put his family in danger by buying into the illusion.
So after a call to his ex that turned into an angry argument, he was driving over to talk in person.
Chase appreciated driving, he got to focus on something else. Halfway into their trip, uneasy tension in the car that was only kept back by random pop songs on the radio, Marvin spoke up.
“I think Logan’s got a fear ‘a knives now,” Marvin commented seriously as they drove, turning down the radio a bit. “Completely understandable, but something people should be aware ‘a so we don’t set him off.”
“Somethin’ happen?” Chase asked.
“Logan was inta the book he was reading an’ I was showin’ Ethan some of my knives, an’ my hand slipped. Thin’ hit the table an’ Logan stiffened like I’d thrown it at ‘im. Ran outta the room an’ didn’t come back fer a half an hour. When he did, it was with Patt.”
“What the fook was he doing spyin’ on Dark?” Seán demanded. “He almost died.”
“We know if he’s seein’ anybody ‘bout this?” Chase asked.
“Lo’s always kinda kept ta the Sides, I probably know more ‘bout Virgil than I do ‘bout him,” Marvin admitted. “Even if he was, I doubt he’d tell us right now.”
“Think kickin’ the shit outta Dark would help?” Seán asked, texting Stacy, warning her that they were getting closer.
“It’d make me feel better,” Marvin promised.
When they finally got to her house, Stacy was already at the front door. She glared at them as they got out of the car, “He sober?”
“Dry as one ‘a yer funnel cakes,” Marvin held up the paper. “Doc couldn’t be here ta speak fer himself.”
She took the paper which was a full drug and B.A.C test, which was the reason they’d come over at mid-day and not earlier. It was full of signatures to verify it from not just Chase and the other Septics, but Mark and Logan as well. Stacy read through it before turning to Chase, “Paddy’s out wit’ his friends, if he’s not back before yah leave there’s nothing I can do.”
“Okay,” Chase said, his mind remembering the last argument he’s gotten into with his eldest son. The thing that almost cut off even talking to his kids after the mess with Anti.
“First off, what were yah thinking?” She spat at Chase, starting to argue with him outside her house.
“I thought he was my friend,” Chase defended.
“Hey, look, he got all ‘a us, an’ who knows what other identities he was able ta get?” Seán cut in. “We all thought he was on level. We all fooked up, I was the one who told Chase ta help watch that asshole.”
“You guys don’t get ta let him off the hook either,” Stacy reminded. “This isn’t the first time he’s put his own bloody kids at risk. It was fine when it was the two of us, but yah folks weren’t here when he was drunk and blathering on ta everyone who would listen.”
“I wasn’t drunk when I was talking ta him,” Chase insisted.
“You’re not drunk now,” Stacy held up the paper. “But you’ve lied and been fucked on the job.”
“I’ve been sober for months!” Chase insisted.
“We have him tested regularly,” Marvin cut in, pulling out his phone and pulling up the record of test results that Henrik had given him access to. “The brainiacs keep a full digital record ‘a it, the only thin’ he’s got in his system is caffeine an’ nicotine. An’ you can’t blame the guy fer switchin’ one fer the other.”
“Fine,” Stacy allowed, turning to the front door. “Come in then.”
The instant they were inside, Marvin was tackled by Chase and Stacy’s two ten-year-old twins.
“Magic Man!” They cheered as they pulled on his coat.
The girl twin jumped up excitedly, two fistfuls of Marvin’s coat, “Show us a trick!”
“I wanna see a magic trick!” The boy twin repeated, pulling on the other side of his coat. Marvin smiled and summoned three small orbs of green fire and started moving them around and doing tricks with them.
He smiled at the other adults, “I’ve got the kiddos.”
“Don’t burn my house down,” Stacy ordered.
The boy’s eyes seem to glow in excitement, looking over at Marvin and the fireballs he had. “Give ‘em to me.”
“Not on yer life,” Marvin smiled at him.
“Hey Lills, hey Tee,” Chase smiled.
“Hey Daddy,” Lily smiled back at him.
“Tell Marvin ta give me the fire,” T.B demanded.
“No,” Chase already had this look of resigned exasperation as he looked at Stacy, “How do yeh manage?”
“I don’t give ‘em fire ta play wit’ and that usually works,” Stacy reminded sharply.
Marvin was left with the kids, showing them magic tricks — some with actual magic and others with just some slight of hand — as Seán and Chase went into the kitchen to talk.
The talk was a bit hostile as Chase explained the whole situation, but it calmed down after a while. They were just standing around talking. After a while they agree that Marvin would ward the house, and she’d call Chase or Seán if anything changed.
After that point, Stacy looked a bit uneasy, “So, I wasn’t gonna mention it, but yah guys seem actually serious ‘bout this.”
“We are,” Chase agreed. “I am.”
“So Paddy always sneaking off every night, and usually it’s not that big a deal since I know the boys, but he’s been coming home busted up sometimes and other times he doesn’t come back till after school the next day.”
“Yah know where he’s been goin’?” Chase asked.
“Which excuse yah want?” Stacy offered. “At this point I’ve heard ‘em all and then some. He even joked he’d joined a gang ta get me to drop the subject.”
“Has he?” Seán asked in concern. “There’s lots’a bad groups in the area.”
“I don’t know if his friends formed a gang or what, but I know it’s something dangerous because he came home with a busted finger, and said he sprained it.”
“How long has this been goin’ on?” Chase asked.
“Bout a week, I’d reckon,” Stacy admitted.
“Mind if we follow the kid fer a bit,” Seán offered. “If it’s just a bunch of kids taggin’ a wall or pushing some cars, we’ll just slap ‘em on the wrist an’ send ‘em home. If not, then we’ll see what we can do from there.”
“If yah boys are already going out,” Stacy agreed.
“Right, I’ll get Marv started,” Seán stood up. “Hey, Catboy an’ his Magic Hands, we got a job.”
When Seán walked back into the living room, Marvin had the two twins around him, one had his cape and Lily had her hand in one of his magical top hats.
“I think I got it,” Lily smiled and pulled out a very confused and angry American opossum from the hat. Marvin startled in surprise. “I got it!”
The opossum hissed and wiggled in her grip. Marvin drove and shoved the marsupial back into the hat and took it away from her. “Good job,” he smiled nervously. “Well, I gotta get back to work.”
“No!” The both yelled at Marvin.
“I’ll be back, just need ta check something an’ I can do one more magic act,” Marvin promised and Chase knocked on Paddy’s door. Seán was walking around the house with Stacy to check for anything suspicious.
“So,” Marvin started as they walked into the room. “Yeh want the good news, the bad news, or the funny news?”
“Good,” Chase sighed, walking over to Paddy’s closet and quickly looking for anything out of place. Like bullet holes in one of the shirts or a strangely immaculate 1,000 dollar suit that a fifteen-year-old who ran around town at night and wrote graffiti had no reason to own . . . unless he worked for Dark.
“So Lills is definitely gonna be a powerful magician one day, if she isn’t already, she’s got way more potential than any kid I’ve seen in years,” Marvin praised confidently as Chase tried to disturb the least amount of things possible, looking under his son’s bed as Marvin continued. “I mean who summons a demon rat from a hat instead ‘a rabbit?”
“Pretty sure opossums aren’t rats,” Chase reminded.
“Hey, I didn’t go to school for biology so I could use it,” Marvin huffed. “I got it so I could pervert the laws ‘a nature.”
“Yeah, no need ta remind me,” Chase muttered under his breath as he stood up.
“What was that?” Marvin glared at him.
“Nothin’,” Chase told him sharply. “Kay, his room’s clean.”
“What should I use?” Marvin shrugged.
Chase reached into the laundry basket and pulled out a dark red hoodie at the bottom of, tossing it to the magician. Then Chase grabbed the entire laundry basket and dragged out of the room and towards the laundry room. “So what’s the bad news?”
“Anti wasn’t blowing smoke up yer ass, she’s powerful an’ she needs direction,” Marvin said.
“No,” Chase denied, setting the basket down a little harder than necessary. “Even if it was up ta me, Stacy is gonna say no.”
“It’s either us or the villains,” Marvin reminded. “An’ I’m sick and tired of them having a stranglehold over this whole place. We made a huge strike against Dark, an’ now we gotta focus on Anti.”
Chase wiped his hands down his face, “Just, ask Stacy, I can’t say yes or no either way.”
“Fine,” Marvin snapped. “She’ll say no, but fine.”
“What was the funny news?” Chase tried to change the conversation.
“Tee’s got a new nickname,” Marvin answered. “Paddy an’ his friends gave it ta him.”
Chase held his breath a little bit, “What is it?”
“Toss Boy,” Marvin smiled.
“Why—” Chase started, but he paused. “Yah know, it’s not as bad as the last one.”
“Paddy competes with Roman fer givin’ the best nicknames,” Marvin smiled.
The three Septics eventually had to leave, Paddy still gone and Stacy agreeing to call if he showed back up while Marvin and the two other two Septics went back to the base with Chase’s son’s hoodie to start a tracking spell, Marvin more than a bit salty that Stacy had denied him taking Lily under his wing as an apprentice. But he was joking around while he worked.
“Here we go,” Marvin had Paddy’s hoodie in one had and a large needle in the other.
“We need anythin’ else?” Seán was already back in his Jackieboy costume.
“An apprentice,” Marvin reminded.
“No,” Chase told as Chase and Jackie began following the magician out into the city to find Paddy.
Marvin huffed and they started following Paddy’s trail.
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