#[ / rolls off into the sun ]
driftingballoons · 7 months
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Despite losing their memories, I always imagined Hero had some instinctual feelings regarding the world. Namely, that somehow something simple like a sunrise was a rare treasure that they never got to experience before
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caelos-legacy · 1 year
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im on a bit of a roll rn fksjdhfj
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aura-bug · 20 days
I don't think I've ever seen this much hype around just the BLURB of a new wc arc before, all these cool predictions/ideas are exciting!! I can't wait for us all to be inevitably disappointed when moonpaw is a gray cat with blue eyes playing the role of sad anxious medicine cat #4 and the voice haunting her is actually ashfur (back from th water) and its her mission to go find the moonBush and in order to do that we have to go through 400 pages of walking to the tribe
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solargeist · 4 months
no thoughts just thinking abt the watchers calling grian "sunset/sunrise"
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jerrsterrr · 1 year
shakes you @silliemop's Real Steel Au!!!
some silly headcanons?? designs?? (i hav many more)
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james--murray · 8 months
[there's crying.]
[There's been crying for sometime now, faint under the silence.]
Hm.....uh oh...SUN?
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jrwi-fanapalooza · 10 months
Bug vs sun, who will win?
Pictures and reasons under the cut
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Thank you @not-actually-human for letting me use your aster art
you know what sun mommy deserves a smooch too
bug 🥰😘💋🪲
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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it's finally here!! my actual fem dream version! >:'Dc
i had such a hard time deciding for the colors and overall design istg
(and even then i'm not entirely sold on the final result tbh so do expect some changes in the near future possibly!)
dream belongs to jokublog
these designs are mine :D
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hansnadia · 1 year
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(Apr-May 2019)
welcome to karis x nowell city, population: me
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anonbinaryweirdo · 7 months
i am not okay. I found old screenshots of my babies from like ???? two??? years ago
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josmora still gives me so much LIFE
#josh n shamora !!!#malewife x girlboss#im gonna hc for a little#josh was a mommas boy snd probably had bad daddy issues‚ which would explain why hes so fragile and sensitive#funfacto; josh died due to drowning‚ so i would like to think that Oliver tries to help him overcome his fear of deep water#it takes a while but he's not that afraid of it anymore !!#notice how shamoras the one carrying the groceries and josh is staring straight into the sun#that should sum up their dynamic perfectly i think#“wife who hates everyone except her husband”#funfacto 2; shamoras cause of death was being pushed off a building (i vividly remember this. im so sure it was this.)#so shes deathly afraid of heights now probably#but will get on an amusement park ride for joshs sake because he needs someones hand to hold#and its either Lucy's or Shamora's#but he also makes sure she's alright the whole ride too !! he doesnt want her to have ant kind of panic attack#so he ensures that shes okay the whole ride#josh is a cinnamon roll with a mixture of “could kill you / is just a cinnamon roll”#shamora looks like she could kill you and WOULD kill you#the black hair streaks are because all dead ocs have them !! i think it was an earlier hc that they couldnt dye over it.#this is because alexandra dyed her hair blue‚ but the streak wouldnt dye(?)#holy shit im rambling im so sorryKSJKSDJ#oc talk !#ALSO SUNSHINE X SUNSHINE PROTECTOR HOW COULD I FORGET#AND ITS ALSO FUCKING MOON X MOON PROTECTOR IDK THE PROPER NAME
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tricornonthecob · 9 months
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Guess who took a half dose instead of a quarter dose of her adhd meds and, after listening to too much late 90s pop, decided she was going to elaborate on this post and make a full-on sequence out of it?
I thought about releasing the whole thing when I finished it but I'm honestly kind of hype how I did the water so I wanted to share.
So I guess I'll be releasing it in parts as I work on it and then the full thing when I'm done.
pg1 pg2 pg3 pg4
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sunsage · 1 year
@sxnburst, hold onto this for me, will you?
The memory shines brightly, almost invitingly, asking to be taken even as its owner is currently indisposed, ironically stuck in the loop of death and rebirth (though right now he can't remember why, exactly, even if it doesn't stop him). Once touched, it sparkles with a variety of emotions: comfort, joy, relief, fear, desperation, pride and through it all, love.
And it starts in...
A giant room under the mountain, filled to the brim with things that might be cursed or blessed or just merchandise (so, both), most of which likely should be back in Celestial Realm instead of in Great Sage's posession. But that's neither here nor there.
"--I'm embarrased to admit it but you already might have done more for this world than I ever have!" Monkey King says and he means it too. Where his, uh, exploits were a little more personal, his student has protected the entire world more than once at this point!
Not that he looks it right now.
"Yeah, well, I'm kind of the one always getting the world in trouble to begin with, so..." The teen shrugs, looking down at the plate in his hands with a frown.
They were working hard on that confidence, but MK still backslides so often... It felt a little weird to deal with, but Monkey King doesn't plan to give up until his student sees just how he is so-
-in danger, MK is in danger and it hurts to move but the inked spear is about to hit him and Monkey King will be dead before he lets his successor get hurt in front of him so he does what he does best and he puts himself between the kid and the curse-
-the curse takes his shape now, though he can't see it, can only feel it in the ink-filled darkness.
"Nice hero speech, bud! But I know better." It mocks him with his own voice, twirling the circlet in its fingers-
-Azure snaps his fingers, columns of light appearing before them. Monkey King knows what that means and he looks back at where MK is because he is worried for him, because he doesn't want to leave him alone again but also because he doesn't want to be trapped-
-inside the scroll again and he knows he will be fine (immortality and all that) but something is wrong and it hurts-
-everything hurts and the city never felt as small as it does now, the walls closing in on him with every breath. Monkey King hasn't really thought of this place as a prison before but now he can't see it as anything else. He needs to get out, now. With the message and the note taken care of, he speeds off towards the edge of the city-
The memory shuts off with a blink.
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405blazeitt · 2 months
starting around 2nd grade or so, i came up with this fantasy world with fantasy animals that can all communicate with each other, and it gradually evolved folklore and a collection of gods that i never quite decided were real or not in-universe
a key figure in said folklore was the god of darkness and ice (and cold and death etc etc) who was stripped of her powers and sealed away by the other gods for being too destructive for a few centuries, gets released by her followers, and regains her powers by gaining the following of the daughter of the 2 most powerful gods, light and life (ie the manifestation of spring), who'd hidden her in a regular village because her physical form was the same species as that of the god of darkness n ice n stuff
i haven't actively worked on anything from this world in a good while, but it came back to me a few days ago and i had the thought that eventually the dark god has a conversation with the god of plague (who's actually the manifestation of entropy and much older than any of them thought) and realizes that she's not cold or darkness or whatever, she's not a destructive force or an absence, but a manifestation of the universe itself trying to reach equilibrium
so she starts to make peace with the other gods because she no longer sees them as competitors but as a part of herself, and she now knows that even without her intervention she'll outlast them and probably see other planets arise with their own gods and she'll outlast those too, until it's just her and entropy
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kaustic · 3 months
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heaven-dope · 4 months
realizing i could've given soleil the surname 'sun' (pronounced 'soon'). would've been pretty funny!
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gentlethorns · 7 months
i have always been and will always be utterly fucking insane. help
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