#[Warrior] Boethra
tekehu · 1 year
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DAEDRIC PRINCES — BOETHIAH The Prince of Plots, the Dark Warrior, Deceiver of Nations, Queen of Shadows, Goddess of Destruction, Hunger, and Fount of Inspiration, He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases, Boethra to the Khajiit, is a Daedric Prince who rules over deceit, conspiracy, secret plots of murder, assassination, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority.
“I have need of a warrior. Only the most ruthless, cunning, and agile will do. You have gathered here night after night, sacrificing fools upon my shrine, and sparring aimlessly with yourselves.”
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ur-dra-azu-ra · 3 years
“You have teeth, so show them”, Boethra tells me. I didn’t expect her voice to be so soft. “You have claws, so use them.
“You are a Lion, so be a Lion.”
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A ramble on May’la Sugarfoot
Since you all love her so much, I’ll give you a little bit more information about my favorite kitty khajiit :>
I don’t have the brain right now to write all of it, but I’ll give you some little snippets!
May’la is from Khernarthi's Roost, and was born into a small moon-sugar farming family, the Sugarfoots
Because of her majority-white fur and soft pink skin, May'la often got horrible sunburns, and couldn't help her sisters with work in the field. She took up apprenticeship under the Mistral tavern's chef to learn how to cook, and to still help provide for her family
May'la grew more worldly through hearing travelers' stories when they came in for a meal from sea, and would oftentimes secretly slip an extra piece of bread or ladle of soup in exchange for particularly interesting tales. Her favorites were those of the Mages Guild, and though May'la could not read well at the time, she was already hooked on becoming a scholar of some sort.
May'la's mother, Dra'Tarrina, a dark tiger-striped senche-raht, is a former member of the Undaunted. She only chose to settle down after she was pregnant with her second child, retiring a decades-long reign as a notable arena fighter.
May'la, being constantly trapped in the house and generally being too curious for her own good, eventually found her mother's Boethiah shrine and Armor from her gladiator days. Though reluctant at first, Dra'Tarrina eventually entertained her youngest daughter's curiosity, and began telling her all that had been passed down to her in secret from her mother, about the khajiiti Boethra and why the Riddle'thar tried to cover her up.
May'la Sugarfoot is no warrior. In fact, she often cites her greatest battle to be one against the skeevers in the Mistral cellar- and the skeevers won. However, she took on a great deal of respect for Boethra from her mother, and began worshipping alongside her in secret.
I feel like I am rambling far too much here haha, so I'll leave this with just a few fun facts, and maybe share the rest of her story another time :> I don't want to take up too much time !
May'la is deathly afraid of Mudcrabs. Her mother always told her one snipped her tail as a newborn kit, and that's why her tail is so short. This never happened, May'la was just born with a stumpy tail.
May'la has a heart shaped marking on her right foot. She calls the two toes it touches her 'lucky beans.'
Because May'la is not a warrior and does not have any weapons of her own, she carved (very badly done) daedric runes into the handle of her favorite cheese knife, and lays it on her small shrine to Boethra every night. She doesn't know if Boethra blesses cheese knives, but she's trying her best to keep up tradition.
May'la has an alabaster Jerboa named Snickerdoodle that she bought from a vendor that intended for them to be eaten. Snickerdoodle lives in a spacious enclosure in her inn room, and she takes great care to read up on proper care and food.
May'la is a disaster sapphic. If you are a muscular woman and you compliment her she may combust on the spot.
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uesp · 5 years
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"I am alive because that one is dead. I exist because I have the will to do so. And I shall remain as long as there are signs of my handwork, such as the blood dripping from this blade."
--Boethiah's Proving
It is the Second of Sun's Dusk, commonly known as "Gauntlet". Today is the summoning day of Boethiah, Boethia, Boethra, Prince of Plots, the Dark Warrior, Deceiver of Nations, Queen of Shadows, Goddess of Destruction, who rules over deceit, conspiracy, secret plots of murder, assassination, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority. While Boethiah is one of the more dangerous Princes to contact, if you have business with the Prince, today would be the day.
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