#||✪Hey Nonnie Nonnie✪||
charlotte-liddel · 11 months
Did you gain some weight, Liddel? ¬‿¬
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"Going to slap the forth wall for a second here and let you know something important. Commentary directed at me about another version of me, especially the rare ones that don't share the same name public as me, are highly inaccurate and not appreciated."
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"Also intentional jokes about weight directed at women are in the poorest of tastes. It's the sort of shit that leads to women having issues with appearance and weight management when you impose standards on them that not all of them can so easily meet."
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"So to answer your joke, no I haven't but you certainly don't want to consider how heavy a star can actually be when she isn't bothering to use her magic to not break your planet by standing near it."
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grounded-sparrow · 10 months
//Tag Dumping
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inky-anemone · 2 years
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first? 
Romance Headcanon Meme
It depends on the person she likes, and the situations surrounding them. She's usually the one who is more than likely to make first move in expressing she's interested in someone, but also gauges the other.
She'd like for the person she's interested in to make the first move but she's also got a bitter reality she tells herself that she'll always have to be the one taking the risk, even if she knows it will end up in her being rejected. Past crushes have resulted in this way during her middle school and high school years.
So the truth of it is that she is very hesitant due to fear of rejection because of her appearance, physicality and more, but stubborn enough to be the one to be ready to take the first step.
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Why do you care about the US election? Aren’t you Australian?
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The US is (unfortunately) one of the most dominant government powers in the world. I don’t know how to explain to you that that affects people outside the US too.
Literally right now there is an ADHD medication shortage in the New Zealand and Australia because it’s a major US export here and we don’t make it ourselves (or at least not on the scale required).
We are still in negotiations and the US hasn’t budged an inch.
In 1975, the CIA interfered with our politics under the Ford administration and got one of the most progressive prime ministers we’ve ever had dismissed.
There are US military bases on Australian soil.
Australian soldiers have died for US “wars” and their pride and greed.
In 2017, Trump tweeted about how a deal made during the Obama administration to admit 1,250 refugees to the US (while we took in many more refugees from the US, which ironically would have helped with his whole “their taking our jobs” rhetoric bullshit) was “dumb” and openly mocked it throwing a hissy hit, saying Putin was much more pleasant to talk to than our prime minister. In the end 300 refugees were relocated. Less than a quarter of the people originally promised to be helped. Because the presidency changed. To an idiotic, broke, failed reality TV Star who’d rather tweet out political secrets than think for one second about anyone but himself.
It fucking matters to me who’s in the chair.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 4 months
Saw your tags saying Hannibal fanfiction is the best, I'm new to the fandom, do you have any recs? Love your blog btw!
Thank you Nonny and OOP you're in luck!
I just came across a cracking thread on Twitter t'other day where a bunch of us fannibals were recommending the fandom 'must reads!'
So here the list is so far:
Consenting to Dream (emungere) THE fic.
A Remedy for Love (emungere)
Blackbird (emungere)
Separately to a Wood (emungere)
Taken For Rubies (emungere)
Two Solitudes (emungere) S4
Faded Fantasy (phenobarbital)
Hyacinth House (bluesyturtle)
He Who Pours Out Vengeance (underground) S2 before S2
A Great and Gruesome Height (mokuyoubi) S4
The First Condition of Immortality is Death (onehandedbooks) S4
As Soft, as Wide as Air (blackknightsatellite) S4
The Shape of Me Will Always Be You (missdisoriental)
Shark Tank (xzombiexkittenx)
Bloodline (xzombiexkittenx)
Pi's Lullaby (t_pock)
Wolf And I (t_pock)
We Killed a Dragon Last Night (inameitlater) S4
A Cliff and the Wine Dark Sea (saintsavage) S4
One Way Out Of Many (hellotailor, nakamasmile)
Bright Hair About The Bone (missdisoriental)
Chimera of the Chapel (bleakmidwinter) S4
Eve of Dreams (Le Réveillon des Rêves) (inter_spem_et_metum) S4
Heart and Mouth (disenchanted)
Symbasis (tei)
Lagbrotna (cognomen)
Vorspiel (kareliasweet) S4
Omega Point (cognomen & whiskeyandspite)
Haarlem (spqr)
Heal Your Wolf(hound) Well (devotitonal_doldrums)
Falls the Shadow (littlesystem) my personal most-read fic!
The Fault in My Code (liaS0)
The Unquiet Grave (liaS0)
Flesh and Bone (pragmatichominid)
The Fisherman and the Beast From the Sea (pragmatichominid)
Attachment (pragmatichominid)
The Hole Is Still There (croik)
The Long Weekend (devereauxs_disease)
Each According to Its Kind (chaparral_crown)
Their Beaks Not Yet Turned Red (chaparral_crown)
The Lamb and His Monster (pterodactyl352)
Oddbodies (toffeecape)
This Dangerous Game (missdisoriental)
Page Six (thisbeautifuldrowning)
Bram Stoker's HANNIBAL (dbmars)
Falling Away with You (shotgun_sinner)
Two Slow Dancers, Last One’s Out (antiheroblake) MCD
Nowhere to Ascend but Down (yourminecraftboyfriend)
Overcoming (purefoysgirl)
Paragon (bloodywa2411)
Silence in Heaven (theglintoftherail)
The Mark of His Name (theglintoftherail)
The Mongoose and the Mouse (hiding now)
Between Here and There (deadratz)
Omiai (iesika)
Remember (that you are) to die (13empress) unfinished sadly
What the Water Gave Me (iesika) discontinued but so vivid it's worth reading anyway
And I would recommend looking at this twitter feed, which does nothing but recommend hannigram fics.
Bon appetit. 😈
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kaaaaaaarf · 5 months
Oh you like snape? You said you’re his wife
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edathetublady · 5 months
The Catherine Tate, David Tennant version of Much Ado About Nothing has been taken off youtube and I don't know how to cope.
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How am I supposed to sleep without those lovely idiots talking Shakespeare in the background?
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My top contenders for what to do now this is gone are scream and cry so if anybody can weigh in on whether I should scream or cry or scream and cry, I would be most grateful.
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This post is my first step of grief. I am in mourning now.
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pilferingapples · 9 days
I was just reading the "Enjolras and his lieutenants" chapter and I noticed that Enjolras used the informal you for both Courfeyrac and Jehan, but not for Feuilly. Would you happen to know the historical/language reasons as to why that is? I thought it may be because both are students and where I'm from, students use the informal you, even if they don't know each other. But Bossuet addressed Marius with the formal you when they first met, so I'm not sure if that really is the reason for that. Does it mean that canonically, they aren't as close as Enjolras is with the others or could there be another reason for it? Also, do you know why he still only adresses them by their last names, even though he's using the informal you?
Nonny you are asking me about one of the Great Questions of the Novel: what the heck is going on with Feuilly and the t/v distinctions?
I am not going to dive into the weeds of standard t/v use,but --along with all the usual applications, in canon era and especially the kind of social circles that Hugo knew best and is setting up for the Amis, " tu" seems to have been common for young men to use together (a) with friends from childhood (b) among certain groups of Romantics , Because Romantic Friendship (c) particularly relevant here , among certain republican groups, because of the implied equality of everyone using it. Cosette will reference this use later:
And obviously all of this only makes Enjolras vous-ing Feuilly weirder!
And complicating the theorizing, Enjolras does use Tu for Feuilly later on, during his big barricade speech:
 Écoute-moi, toi Feuilly, vaillant ouvrier, homme du peuple, hommes des peuples. Je te vénère.
I have no solid answer, only theories! Theory 1: Feuilly is, somehow, fairly new to the group in Lieutenants. Counterargument: then why is he already one of the Lieutenants? And in what seems to be a particularly Secret secret meeting with ONLY the Lieutenants in attendance?
Theory 2: Maybe Feuilly's much older than we generally estimate , enough to make the Tu seem less automatic? The later use of tu at the barricades seems to argue against that, but maybe that's a special " we're all fighting and about to die" level of intimacy, since Tu does seem to be in general use there? Counterargument: hugo refers to them all being Young so very, very often, and ok that seems to include Up To Maybe 35, but still. Feuilly's part of their age cohort by all other signs.
Theory 3, Not Very Satisfying but Realistic: Hugo's bein' weird. Hugo personally used Vous for almost everyone, unless they were either direct family or , to be blunt, someone he was having an affair with. He definitely used Vous in friendships most anyone else would have considered a definite Tu situation. Maybe Hugo had an idea about it that he didn't flesh out; maybe he just wrote that and didn't catch it in edits; maybe his handwriting there was just really especially awful and whoever did the Clean Copy that day * didn't transcribe it right and no one later down the line saw it as a typo. Mundane, unrelated to the narrative reasons.
Counterargument: none ,really, except it's kinda boring.:P
Theory X (silly fandom only theory) : Enjolras and Feuilly are trying to act like they are on more formal terms , for shenanigans reasons. Maybe they're working on their Cover for a Secret Mission. Maybe they're trying to hide the fact they've started dating.
As for the Last Name thing, it's just how some people , especially men, are? I don't know that it really needs more explanation, but by all means tell me if you've got a theory! Personally I've always liked " Everyone is named Jean (so they default to last names) XD
usually, but not always, Juliette Drouet
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
But like imagine tarzan!Bradley having the urge to taste his woman, because she is just right there all pretty and she is his and has to have her all way possible, and he just manhandles her on all fours in the bed so quickly that she doesn't have the time to process what is happening and by the next second she feels his tongue, I'm-
You were just finishing up your notes a second ago, and then you blinked. Now, you were ass up on your cot, your shorts wrapped around your ankles as Bradley rubbed his nose along your slit through your panties, inhaling your scent.
"Bradley!" You exclaimed, moving to sit up, but the man behind you held you firmly in place, nipping at one of your thighs and drawing a gasp from you. His hands smoothed over your thighs before ripping away your underwear with a low rumble from deep in his chest. Any protest on your lips died as he licked a strip up along your slit, a please hum escaping him as he dove back in for more.
"Taste good," he murmured against you, his hot breath sweeping over your now dripping pussy. You let out a loud moan as his lips latched on to your swollen clit, your hips pushing back into him as he ran his tongue over the engorged nub. Your fingers fisted the sheets as you glanced back at him, your juices smeared across the lower half of his face as he spread your lower lips with his fingers. The sight alone had you letting out a high pitched whine.
"Bradley," you gasped, his eyes glancing over at you. A smirk tugged on his lips before he leaned forward, pressing his tongue into your entrance.
It wasn't until later when Mav asked you for your notes that you remembered that you had, in fact, NOT been able to finish them, and the memory as to why had your cheeks warmer than the jungle afternoon.
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kitkatabasis · 21 days
''izutsumi is aroace'' She's a teenager.... she's 17
Yes, and the vast, *vast* majority of alloromantic, allosexual 17-year-olds have experienced sexual and romantic attraction by that age. For Izutsumi to say that she doesn’t experience attraction at age 17 means that it’s very likely she will never experience it, and thus that—were she in our modern world—she might identify as aro-ace (I use “might” because I have no idea if she would care enough to do the research to find the term, haha). It’s also significant that this isn’t because she’s a chimera—it’s demonstrated that the monster soul in her *is* allosexual, so it’s not as if the chimera transformation process affects the soul in a way that rids it of any present sex drive or anything.
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eddiesghxst · 6 months
just got back from japan
i have been to 19 countries and every time, i smell the insanely heavy smell of cigarette smoke (i think i sent an ask abt the time i was in germany last summer) and i love it
and how i love how warm it gets
but this time its cold in tokyo
thinking about smoking on the sidewalk in a european (or any) country with my husband, steve his sunglasses are on and he has that stupid smug smile and black coffee + a croissant. thinking about european windows open while he’s fucking into u slowly so you get that hot breeze but also people def hear u. going to cozy ramen spots in japan with him, non touristy places and tiny cafes. he’s fingering u in the first class seats AND the bathroom yummy bc i hate airplane food so much. literally handing u his black card and muttering “go crazy” in ur neck and then literally telling u to buy expensive necklaces so he can grasp it in his hands as he fucks u that night. the word “no” is NEVER uttered on a trip with u lol
went to the amalfi coast two summers ago and even tho it’s not really safe to be in the water by yourself where i was at, and even tho i have a huge fear of open water, i know steve would hold you like a baby on his open cock as he fucks into you, securing your safety as u both jump into the blue sea.
anyway i love travel
“go crazy” yeah i fucking did, thanks bestie.
husband steve that just takes such good care of you, never wants his baby to stress a day in your married life, smiles bigger whenever he sees you happy.
sitting outside a cafe and happily sipping on your coffee and steve’s just watching you behind his dark sunglasses, closed lipped smile spreading across his lips because you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever set his eyes on.
nudging your foot against his shin to get his attention, smiling as you lean forward to push his glasses up into his hair because, “i wanna see your eyes, pretty.” you run your hands through his hair before he’s catching your wrist and pressing a kiss on the inside, another one to your palm before gently tugging until you get the memo, leaning forward with soft puckered lips to share a coffee soaked kiss. sharing small i love you’s and being absolutely disgustingly in love.
night comes and you and steve spend it at a fancy restaurant, creamy pastas and endless glasses of wine that leave you both giggly and handsy— so so so handsy. handsy enough to have steve fucking into you on the staircase of your rented villa, he just couldn’t wait and his roaming hands were making your head spin.
it’s a risky spot to be having a rather heated sexcapade, but does that really matter when steve’s cock is nudging up against your walls so well that your toes curl in your sandals, legs tightening around his body as you let a few moans slip? the rough edge of the stair is digging into your lower back but, god you don’t care because steve smells like the sea and that expensive cologne be always wears that sends you into a fucking spiral.
“god, baby you feel so fucking good. gonna fuck a baby into you, you want that?” he grunts over the sinful noises of your sex. you whimper, manicured nails digging into his shoulders as you nod, lips brushing against his with each movement. your words are chopped and breathy when you respond, “y-yeah. give it to me, please? please, please, please. i want it, steve. want that so bad.”
steve’s hair is hanging in loose ringlets, tickling the tops of your warm cheeks and nose with each thrust and it sends chills up your spine when he smashes his lips against yours, rambling about how he can’t wait to have you full of him, showing the world just how much you love each other.
and well, it’s safe to say your child was definitely conceived on that trip.
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charlotte-liddel · 11 months
My apologies, I didn’t mean to come as weird. I saw the thread when someone may imply her as heavy, so that’s the main reason why I wanted to send this ask.
// Mun note on this answer. You're fine there Nonnie. I could tell you were trying to make the joke bit, but I also take my liberties in how Lottie reacts if you address her by default and not the one from the thread if you notice the name difference stuff.
I will often write her as more aggressive with her opinions, but the answer was done in good fun and hitting the fourth wall a bit for it. Just be careful with jokes like that in the future because some aren't as understanding.
This is also a good time for me to reiterate that if you're on anon you gotta make sure you directly name the verse name in question if you're making a commentary bit for a joke. Some of her specific verse versions will have differing ways they react to such comments.
Point and case example is Lottie will be fairly aggressive and point out topics of body positivity, where as the ToTK/BoTW version of her known as Nova would be a little insulted before preparing to chase an anon down with a zonai machine death trap.
Ultimately how I have my character answer is up to me, and Lottie has strong words about weight comments.
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emjee · 6 months
Extremely random question but I love to ask librarians this: what have u read recently that’s stuck out? Do u have any book recs for 2023?
And I, a librarian, love being asked this!! Here are my favorite books from this year:
Little Thieves by Margaret Owen - actually picked this one up because of an excellent rec post here on tumblr. It’s loosely based on The Goose Girl fairy tale so I pitch it as “it’s a beautiful day in fantasy Germany and you are a horrible goose girl.” The sequel also came out this year and is every bit as good.
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb - This one was actually my pick for Best Book of My Year at work. It’s incredible. An angel and a demon who are study partners leave their shtetl to go find a local girl who immigrated to America and hasn’t been heard from since. It’s gorgeous.
Ask a Historian by Greg Jenner - I love Greg Jenner and his podcast You’re Dead to Me and I listened to the audiobook of this one, which was wonderful.
If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio - the very very rare internet darling that I felt lived up to the hype. Insufferable theatre students at conservatory do a murder. Lots of Shakespeare.
The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan - Not only did he write a new Percy book, but it had the audacity to be good???
A Lady’s Guide to Scandal by Sophie Irwin - One of the best romance novels I read this year. I haven’t swooned that hard over a heterosexual pairing in a traditionally published book since I don’t know how long.
A Rome of One’s Own by Emma Southon - a history of Rome in 21 women. I love Emma Southon—she’s funny and rigorous and so insightful. And she makes me care about the Romans, who I generally hate.
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason by India Holton - I love the entire Dangerous Damsels series and this one was no exception. The balance of humor and deep emotion is my favorite thing about these books.
These are just the highlights of a long list—I also read a lot of children’s lit for work, lots more nonfiction, and things like scriptural commentary and saints’ biographies. Thank you for this question!
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kitweewoos · 10 days
Bruise/chain, buddie for the moodboard prompts
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The ground literally collapses from underneath them, crumbling and they're falling into an abyss that hurts. Eddie wakes first, his entire body aching, and when he looks around, he finds Buck hanging, thankfully, by his arm, a chain wrapped tight around his forearm. It must hurt, but he's grateful it wasn't his neck. All Eddie can think is to get Buck free, and then get them out of there before the air is gone, and they suffocate together. The bruises starting to blossom on Buck's skin hurt far more than any wound on Eddie's own body; he promises himself that he's absolutely going to get them home.
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boxofbonesfic · 3 months
"why am i even bothering to write and post anything at all?"
"ngl that makes me not want to post anymore lmfao"
Because you have people reading???? Like tf? I'm not trying to be rude, but while you are lamenting over racist people not reading your work (as are other writers that I follow) don't forget about the people who do engage, read, comment, send ask, gently requesting updates to stories because writers get pissed off if updates are demanded, and champion your writing. Some of us actively searched for black writers and stories.
I understand wanting a lot of engagements, I do, but I'm starting to feel shafted as a reader who is doing all the things these writers ask for and yet read these posts in which the writers threatened to quit writing fics because there's only 100 notes. Have you looked through the notes? Do you not see familiar usernames over and over again? So it's not many of us, and that is truly unfortunate, but the group is loyal. Stray words and so many others have already left.
Just like you're feeling unappreciated as a writer, I'm feeling unappreciated as a reader because yall (poc writers) essentially tell me there is nothing more that I can do to make you feel wanted enough to stay.
I'm sorry you feel like this, but the reality is that we're black. Whether in real life or digital, this is how the world treats us. We will have to work harder for less. It shouldn't be like this, but life aint been fair to us for centuries now. I do what you ask, so I ask that you focus on the small group of us that follow your writing through.
…i’m sorry that people sending me racist asks effects me? i’m human, too? i’m a person too? like i’m not made of stone, people being cruel to me does hurt me, it does leave lasting effects on my mental health? i didn’t threaten to quit writing, i talked about how that ask, combined with my ever decreasing engagement made me feel.
of course i look through my notes. conversely, do you see me responding to comments? asks? i’ve posted several times now about trying to commit to a more regular update schedule, about finishing my outstanding work. have you not seen any of that? i’m not leaving, but am i not allowed to speak on my experience? i’ve been back a week, and i’m already getting racist anons.
chastising me for being human and feeling a way when people are cruel to me is not how you get consistent updates, nor is it how you encourage me to stick it out. just because that’s the reality doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t make it easier as a black content creator. i’m trying to be here, to update consistently, to be the change i want to see, but it is fucking hard, it is painful, and i’m sorry that you don’t like hearing that. feel free to follow my library blog to avoid it, i only reblog updates and new work there.
we have a saying in Jamaica: “pressure bust pipe”. i’m sorry black authors have been dropping like flies, but we are people. how much are we supposed to take without saying anything? i really don’t know what else to say other than that i’m trying.
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something i love is how Steve Rogers canonically takes after his mother. both appearance wise and in terms of his ideals
too bad the mcu's powers that be didn't care to explore steve or bucky's backstories beyond catws, or else we could've gotten an actual appearance from Sarah, but that's ok future projects can fix this /copium
but anyways Steve is canonical Momma's Boy, I wish marvel would remember lol
now if only marvel could also remember that Bucky Barnes is a protector and steve's guardian angel with a shotgun (or i guess sniper rifle, during the war)
cuz if marvel did then they could be genius and retroactively give us flashbacks/scenes in the past that put Bucky back there with little Steve and show interactions between Bucky and Sarah and have Steve's mom thank him for looking out for her fighter of a son, and also retroactively include scenes of Bucky's family reacting to their kid choosing to pick up the disabled little bullied Irish kid and decide he must protect hehe
there's too much good shit there that sets up the true nature of Bucky and Steve's friendship, which i feel like marvel writers kinda forgot over the years and replaced it with caricature-ish flat understanding of both Bucky and Steve, so such scenes would be good to remind writers and the audience of why they've been caring about each other and give insight into their parents
Am I the only one who gets the vibe that, quite apart from wanting to unravel any plot-threads which undermine the specialness to Steve of the Token Female they bothered to put in the Cap movies... they don't want Steve to be a Mammy's Boy, cuz they see that as less acceptably manly and cool?
Like: Tony is allowed to obsess over what his dad thought of him, across multiple movies (and ditto what the Odinson boys thought of Odin's opinion of them) but mothers only matter if, and only while, they're being fridged?
Ditto with Bucky's mother too, now I think about it (at least his dad also gets zero mention or exposure). And it would be so sweet and easy to have flashbacks of kid Steve and Bucky -- it would even save them the hassle of having to pay for the adult stars, to film!
Also can you imagine kid-Bucky, already a worrier, asking Sarah what Steve's dad died of and finding out he died from having bad lungs and this just unlocking a whole new level of nightmares for him about Steve and his 'fuck you imma fight everyone in this dirty dank alleyway with bad air' attitude. 😩
I absolutely 100% headcanon Bucky and Sarah as having a whole unspoken language between them, as the only two people on earth who get Steve. I always imagined there would be a whole series of private memories -- moments of non-verbal communication between him and her -- which even Steve himself wasn't privy to.
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