#||headcanons: maulkiller||
mayxthexforce · 5 months
Headcanuary - Day 1
Prompt: Flowers.
Anakin Solo || Han Solo
They share this headcanon because, due to the fact that Leia is very fond of flowers, Han always made sure to teach their kid(s) how to take good care of her plants and also taught them to spot the ones that she likes the most, especially candlewicks due to how rare and difficult to find they became after the destruction of Alderaan. Anakin, who has always struggled with carrying the legacy of The Anakin, the hero of the Republic but also the man who he knew became Darth Vader, also became fond of candlewicks because he knows the way Leia connects them to her mother, and so he feels those connect him to the more peaceful side of his family.
Elodore Vane
Valahari, besides being known for making the fastest ships in the galaxy with the best engines to match, is also known for having some of the most beautiful gardens. One often called the most beautiful is the garden that belongs to the royal family. Because Elodore loves flowers, and because it gave her something to do and —later, after consummating her marriage with Harko— bond over with her son other than royal matters, she works hard in tending to her garden. She has flowers all year round because she's specifically divided the garden in sections of seasonal plants, so that no matter the season, there's always something blooming.
Koska Reeves
Koska doesn't like being gifted flowers. Not because she doesn't like them– actually, she does; but because she doesn't like when planets are ripped out of the ground to be turned into a bouquet, an expensive one at that because some can be really expensive. She thinks it's credits that go to waste on a gift that will shrivel up and die in a week, tops. She'd very much rather be gifted potted plants, but even then she isn't sure she can give them proper care given her hectic life and line of work that sends her to places that only few plants can thrive in.
Leia Organa
Leia's favorite flower is candlewicks. They're a plant native to Alderaan whose flowers have a natural glow to them, and she heavily associates them with her mother because Breha —having had pulmonodes since before Leia was born and often wearing dresses with low necklines as per Alderaan costume— had a visible glow within her chest that Leia believed to be a bouquet of candlewicks. To her, those flowers represent her mother and their bond. Breha knew this and on Leia's birthdays, they would both go to the royal gardens and planted a new candlewick plant.
Luke Skywalker
Lukw is forever baffled by the concept of house plants. Just, the fact that people choose to have and tend to plants that serve no purpose other than looking pretty– and not even all year! it completely blew his mind the first few times he was presented with it. He has a hard time figuring out how much water is enough for a plant, usually ends up overwatering them. But he LOVES making plants grow with the force. He's done that for Leia multiple times.
Maulkiller is allergic to pollen. Having spent most of his life in a laboratory in Kamino with the closest plant being light years away, he was never exposed to them and so, he's allergic to most flowers due to the pollen. It's not a deadly allergy, but it's not fun.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan can't keep a plant alive to save his life. Qui-Gon, on the other hand, had one hell of a green thumb. But no matter how hard he tried to get Obi-Wan into the routine of watering, fertilizing, clipping and just overall tending to the plants, it never stuck. Obi-Wan would often forget to water them for weeks at a time and only remember sporadically when he noticed the dirt was looking cracked-dry or the plant would start to shrivel up. He ended up almost killing a couple of Qui-Gon's plants (only didn't because Qui-Gon took over) and he still feels bad about it. But he just, couldn't really make himself care for the plants. After all, he grew up in Coruscant where very few people give a damn about flora.
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corruptedforce · 11 months
💪 Name 3 of your strengths.
🤩 Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
💓 What do you think your reputation in your rpc is?
Uncoventional Munday Asks -- > @vanillahub -- > Accepting!
💪 Name 3 of your strengths.
Well if you ever need an opinion, you can always count on me to be blunt. I'm passionate about everything I do. I like to think I'm caring. I may give people too many chances, but I check on people I care about frequently.
Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
I'm going to say this and this isn't just because my person and bestie, but @mayxthexforce. I have never met anyone who knows the most random Star Wars facts, in my life. My brother was the same way and she reminds me of him with it. But, there is no one who has more legends info in her brain, that I have ever met. She has all these characters, that I don't know who they are, but she tells me and they're so interesting. Plus, she is an amazing friend, but we have lore chat, regularly. I have my intricate Anakin lore and headcanons, and she can tell me everything about some randomm character that was in one scene. Even if she is still judging me for thinking she named Maulkiller.
💓 What do you think your reputation in your rpc is?
THAT DEPENDS ON WHO YOU ASK LOL. The people who take the time to know me and write with me, I think enjoy it and enjoy my talking to them. The people who made the choice to believe lies and be part of the ostracizing, I can't make people like me. Not everyone is going to like you. But, I have a solid group of people I love on this site, and love how I write Anakin.
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mayxthexforce · 5 months
Headcanuary - Day 16
Prompt: catalyst.
The last straw for Kycina and Talzin's relationship was the death of the Jedi who Talzin'd had imprisoned for years and who so happened to be Kycina's father. Kycina never forgave her mother for what she did to her father, nor did she forgive her for hiding the truth from her the whole time.
While Vader's growing hatred towards him was something Maulkiller had never been able to miss, the event that led to Maulkiller finally deciding to escape the Empire was the moment that hatred subsided. The moment Vader stopped trying to prove himself to be the one in charge, the moment he stopped CARING about if Maulkiller marched to his rhythm, that was the day Maulkiller realized his days were numbered if he stayed.
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Quinlan Vos
It was Obi-Wan's stubbornness that brought Quinlan back to the light. Even though he never agreed with Dooku and deeply resented him, Quinlan was far too disillusioned with the Republic and, after burning his bridges with Agen, Tholme and Aayla, he believed himself in too deep to find a way out of the mess he was pushed into- at least a way out other than death. But Obi-Wan refused to give up on him, and it was the constant refusal to let Quinlan martyr himself that led to Quinlan actually working to return to the light.
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mayxthexforce · 5 months
Headcanuary - Day 6
Prompt: Escape.
When he escaped the Empire, he did so by prying open the side of a ship and letting the pressure yank him out. He wasn't sure if he was going to survive the landing, but he didn't care. By that point, he already knew that sooner than later, Vader would execute him and would rather die on his own terms than be killed like a rabid beast.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
After his duel against Maul, Obi-Wan was so regretful of what he did that he almost left the order. First, he delayed his knighting ceremony as much as he could, until Yoda had to come along and tell him that they couldn't wait for him any longer and that the ceremony would take place that very day. Obi-Wan didn't want to be knighted for such an act of vengeful anger, so he almost left, but Anakin came in just as he was considering it, and he ended up staying for Anakin.
Tayala Akuna
Tayala attempted to escape the imperial facility she was held prisoner in, one time when other prisoners started a riot and a few decided to take that as a chance to make a run for it. However, she ended up returning to her cell because she realized that given the location, even if they made it out of the building, there was no making it out of the perimeter. If she learned one thing from being married to a Jedi fugitive, it was that each move had to be made carefully.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
maulkie actually means everything to maul. genuinely. his existence changes maul in a way he didn’t think possible. while his need to get revenge against sidious is still very much a driving force for him, his need to keep maulkie safe is stronger. initially he thinks maulkie could be a key part of helping him take down sidious. now the thought of losing maulkie is more terrifying than the thought of facing sidious alone (he’s not dumb tho so he’s not gonna do that either). maulkie is the first person maul truly cares about since savage and he has no intentions of repeating the same mistakes he did with his brother. BUT ALSO. i think the relationship with maulkie is gonna fuck up his connection to the force bc he’s essentially (trying) to let go of his revenge needs for maulkie’s benefit. SO HIS LITTLE PRINCE MEANS EVERYTHING TO HIM.
quinlan,,, the first time maul lets his need for companionship win. for one night,, but it was worth it lol. he’s reaping the benefits of kilindi and komari coming before him bc while maul is good at living in denial about both situations, the need to have what he lost is still there. maul is so terrible at letting his guard down around anyone, but quinlan is so good at getting him to do it anyway. touching him without any intentions of hurting him. loving him and being devoted to him with no catch, no ulterior motives, just wanting the feelings to be reciprocated. i know we were joking about the power imbalance ships ndkfnjfknjgk but this is actually the first relationship he’s experienced without that imbalance. they’re equals and maul doesn’t (usually) feel the need to assert dominance like dear old daddy palps always taught him. 
i’ve rambled now but he loves his kids too. cal and galen are his little guys. they’re a big deal for him too bc they’re the first time he has the position to train how he was trained, to punish how he was punished but he can’t. he can’t put someone through the same things he was put through.
FERAL. maul thinks feral was born with the instructions to purposely piss him off everyday. but he loves him. would do anything for him. i love the relationship arcs they go through and feral ultimately being the voice of reason.
and finally maul respects rook which is saying a lot considering how he treats most of his… soldiers?? employees???? while he will direct her towards potential death should he need to, he would always prefer it if she didn’t die.
What does my Muse mean to yours?
I love this so much AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Maulkie loves Maul. He looks up to him both as an example that someone can walk away from Sidious and live, which gives him more hopes for the future than he ever thought he'd get to have, as a cautionary tale on what to avoid doing (don't go after Obi-Wan Kenobi, basically), and also as the father he never thought could want him considering he was created to kill him. He's learning so much from Maul and is really grateful.
Quinlan feels safe with Maul, which is a little ironic considering everyone is constantly telling him that Maul is incredibly dangerous. But Maul is the first person he's felt he's an equal to, Maul doesn't judge him for his 'crazy' thoughts or because he fell to the dark side and committed atrocities.
Cal and Galen both have different approaches to being mentored by Maul. Cal was used to the boogeyman-like tales about Darth Maul all through the clone wars and even before that, but then he meets Maul and it's... different, Maul is far from a good person, but he's trying to be a Master to Cal. As for Galen... well, he's used to his mentors being Vader, who was quite neglectful, distant and violent when it came to training him, and Proxy, who was supportive and his only comfort... when his primary directive wasn't making him try to kill Galen; but Maul is different from Vader, and Galen sees a lot of himself on Maul- like Maul is the adult version of the child taken away from his family by a Sith that Galen is.
Feral grew up in Maul's shadow, actually meeting him was something he never thought he'd get to do and it's... strange. He's not disappointed, far from it. It's actually a breath of fresh air to see that Maul is just some guy. Yes, he's powerful and he's different, but he's also just a mortal Zabrak just like him- one that Feral feels he can actually teach some things to, mostly about their culture and heritage.
Rook admires Maul. Ironically, he brought her hope that perhaps Mandalore could go back to its former glory. Perhaps the Death Watch was not the way, but Maul's lead was by far better than Vizsla's. Even if he had ulterior motives, he had actual goals and was ambitious and determined to reach them, not just wanting the throne because some ancestors of his used to sit on it. She also respects strength and Maul is the strongest person she's ever met, so it's easy to follow him.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
Headcanon - Maulkiller
Maulkie collects things. No matter how old he is when he's finally free from the laboratory where he was created, he likes collecting things from the places he goes to: rocks, plants (he doesn't know how to take care of them but even when they wither and die, he enjoys looking at them), little trinkets, just things that have no value to anyone other than him. But those things remind him that he's not in the cloning facility anymore, it's something for him to focus on when he wakes up shaken by nightmares of that place, and something he gets to own that serves no purpose because everything else (his lightsabers, his clothes, the supplies he carries with him) are all meant to be functional and he wants something he can own just because, like a normal person.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
19 , 15 and 9 !
q’s for a multimuse! 
9. which of your muses tends to be the group “mom friend”?
Kelleran and Trace- mostly with Rafa cause Rafa is the ones that gets in trouble the most, and with Omega cause BABEY.
15. do any of your muses have trouble falling asleep / staying asleep?
Trouble falling asleep: Galen, Luke, Myles, Cal, Goran, Tahiri.
Trouble staying asleep: Leia, Bossk, Maulkiller, Cal, Tahiri, Sinjir, Nuru, Janek.
19. which of your muses has the funniest story from childhood? what is it?
Funny only to him. One time, when they were teenagers, Luke and his friends Biggs, Camie Fixer were racing with landspeeders near the sarlacc pit and Fixer, wanting to prove himself better than Biggs and Luke to show off to Camie —his crush— so he set up two ramps on each end of the pit and intended to jump over it while doing flips. He almost made it to the other side, but fell a couple feet short and ended up crashing into the sandy edge of the pit, where the Sarlacc felt him and started feeling around for him with its tentacles. Biggs went there with his own landspeeder to get Fixer, but the Sarlacc grabbed onto the speeder and was pulling them in when Luke grabbed Biggs' rifle and shot the tentacles from all the way across the pit, saving them.
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 . ( nsfw edition. )
PART 3 - Muses K to M
Part 1 (A to D) - Part 2 (E to I) - Part 4 (N to S) - Part 5 (T to V).
RULES: bold which option your prefer (or, in some cases, maybe just hates the least!) out of each of the following pairs
DISCLAIMER: THESE ONLY APPLY TO ADULT VERSES! DON'T BE WEIRD! DISCLAIMER 2: bold means it applies to the muse, crossed means it doesn't apply at all/muse has no preference.
★ Kaydel Ko Connix
submissive or dominant? Dominant leaning switch
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience? No preference
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake? Face sitting
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
★ Kilindi Matako
clothes on or clothes off?
submissive or dominant? Switch
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or and girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience? No preference
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback? No preference
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
★ Koska Reeves
clothes on or clothes off?
submissive or and dominant?
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or and intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience?
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback? No preference
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
★ Kycina
clothes on or clothes off?
submissive or dominant? Dominant leaning switch
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience?
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex? Face sitting
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
★ Leia Organa
clothes on or clothes off?
submissive or dominant? Dominant leaning switch
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or and large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience?
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex? Face sitting
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
clothes on or clothes off?
★ Luke Skywalker
submissive or dominant?
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience?
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex? Somnophilia
clothes on or clothes off?
★ Maulkiller
★ Medrit Vasur
submissive or dominant? switch.
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds? No preference
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks? No preference
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience? No preference
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
clothes on or clothes off?
★ Melee
submissive or dominant? switch .
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching? No preference
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex? He has two boyfriends
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie? Armor counts as a costume for this
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience?
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback? No preference
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex? Double penetration
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
clothes on or clothes off?
★ Mellichae
submissive or dominant? Submissive leaning switch.
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience? No preference
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
clothes on or clothes off?
★ Merrin
submissive or dominant? Dominant leaning switch .
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience? No preference
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
clothes on or clothes off?
★ Myles
submissive or dominant? switch .
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom?
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching?
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie?
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex? No preference
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience?
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom? Magick edging
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play? Magick play
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
clothes on or clothes off?
submissive or dominant? Dominant leaning switch
whips or chains?
handcuffs or shibari?
pillow princess or power bottom? Service top
voyeur or exhibitionist?
blindfolds or spreader bars?
butt plugs or vibrators?
edging or multiple rounds?
knots or ovipositor?
spanking or scratching? Squeezing
ball gag or muzzle?
strap on or double sided dildo?
one on one or group sex?
vanilla or kinky?
lengthy cocks or girthy cocks?
small boobs or large boobs?
ass or chests?
thighs or arms?
hot wax or knifeplay?
loud or quiet?
biting or sucking?
collars or piercings?
costumes or lingerie? Armors count as costumes
laughing & silliness during sex or intensity & power struggle during sex?
fucking a virgin or fucking someone with experience? No preference
face to face or from behind?
phone sex or sexting?
cumming inside or cumming outside?
being filled or bukkake?
dirty talk or degradation?
role play or porn on in the background?
public edging or filming in the bedroom?
condom or bareback?
lube or raw?
video call masturbation or sexy selfies?
blood play or breath play?
face fucking or anal sex?
leather or PVC?
morning sex or evening sex?
clothes on or clothes off?
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mayxthexforce · 7 months
1 What's the lie your character says most often? / 49 Would they eat something they find gross to be polite? ( maulkie )
1 What's the lie your character says most often?
"As long as we stay together, we'll be fine." said to Thunder multiple times to reassure him.
49 Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
To be polite? No, but definitely has eaten some questionable things out of desperation. Food that's gone bad or wasn't properly prepared, things others threw away.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ? / salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? / poppy :   what comforts your muse ? ( THE SWEET BABY PRINCE, MAULKIE )
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?
It's not really that hard to earn his trust. Maulkie has a lot of confidence in himself and his powers and so can at times be a little naive, believing that others can't hurt him (depending on the person, of course). Once his trust is lost, however, it is quite an achievement to get it back. He's half Maul, half Starkiller. He's resentful. It would take time depending on what the transgression was.
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ?
While at the cloning facility, Maulkie wasn't really allowed to have anything of his own or any attachments with those that were tasked with taking care of him. So, when he finds something that he wants, he can be quite possessive. You'd have to get through his cold, dead body to take away his friends and any objects that he believes to have value.
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
He doesn't really know what comforts him. His life has been one long list of moments where he was uncomfortable/upset one after another, sometimes separated by moments where he wasn't quite well but he wasn't doing as bad as he could. He has yet to figure out what brings him comfort. So far, being alone and actually being able to walk away from situations is sort of comforting to him.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
1 How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have? (🥺) / 4 What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient? / 29 What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling? / 36 Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering? ( the bestest little prince )
Character Solidifying
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have? (🥺)
At first, Maulkie didn't really think of his father. He didn't have one. He was just a hybrid made from DNA samples of men he never got to meet, men his masters hated, so he tried not to think about them at all. But then Sidious and Vader decided they'd train him to get rid of Maul, and so he had no choice but to think about Maul because he was constantly being compared to him. Honestly, at first Maulkie hated being compared to Maul, and the only influence Maul had back then was the whole "when Maul was your age, he could already do [insert thing]" he would hear from Sidious. Then, when he finally got to meet Maul, he was a surprisingly positive influence on Maulkie's life, having taught him to write and read, and also showing him that a guardian could be someone that didn't threaten to kill you on a good day, and to chop your limbs off or turn you into a zombie on a bad one.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
Strict. Beyond strict. "You'll have limbs cut off and replaced by machinery and toxins pumped into you to turn you into a mindless husk if you mess up, or you'll get killed" levels of strict.
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
Naiveness. Maulkie was raised in an environment where people were just assholes, so he has no knowledge of the fact that sometimes people are assholes but will act nice because they want something out of him/want to catch him off guard.
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
No, Maulkie doesn't like suffering nor does he like seeing other people suffer. He's seen more than enough of that, he wants a break. That's why he tends to be very quick when he has to kill someone.
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mayxthexforce · 3 months
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Hard to say. I gravitate towards obscure and tertiary characters because of the freedom that gives me to develop them beyond what we were given, but I also have some characters who have A LOT of lore (Obi-Wan, Luke, Leia, Han) because of how much information there is to pick from. I guess something else that most of my muses have in common is that they are, to different degrees, confident and passionate about whatever goals they have, no matter how different those goals might be or how different their alignments are. They might not be too sure about who they are as individuals, but they know where they stand, they know the role they play, and they're either embracing it or actively rejecting it.
is there anything you don’t like to write? There's a few. A big one is smut for the sake of smut and violence for the sake of violence, for both I need a certain amount of plotting and some kind of chemistry between the muses + understanding with the other mun of how things might go. Cheating plots are a huge no, I don't want my muses to cheat nor to get cheated on. Obviously incest, non-con, anything involving bathroom stuff in the bedroom. Also I don't enjoy writing one liners-single paragraph replies, the shortest I can give is 2 paragraphs without counting dialogue lines and even that is super rare.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? I love fleshing out dynamics that didn't exist in canon (e.g: Han and Dryden, Maulkiller and Maul, Myles and Din, Koska and Paz, Roan and Anakin, Nuru and Thrawn) or didn't get explored as much as they could have because they were more background dynamics (e.g: Quinlan and Agen, Sabé and Anakin, Garen and Obi-Wan, Medrit and Boba, Bossk and Jango, Elodore and Dooku). I also love writing the scenes in between, the things we didn't get to see but that could have led to how things went.
how do you come up with headcanons? I look at a character and focus on the gaps in the story. Be it a blank in the plot like what Sabé's family life was like for her to so quickly and happily leave them behind and never look back, or something small like what about hoi-broth makes Obi-Wan have such dire allergic reactions (it's the oxidized spices).
do you write in silence or do you play music? either with instrumental/repetitive music or with some random YouTube video (analog horror and AITA compilations are very useful for this lately) in the background. A personal favorite for writing or Under Giant Trees by Agnes Obel.
do you plan your replies or wing them? I plot them a bit. First, I figure out what my character would do and say in response to what my partner's reply said, if it's a longer reply I even do bullet points, and then I actually put it into words.
do you enjoy shipping? I love shipping. Romantic, platonic, familial. It's all awesome!
what’s your alias/name? Mica.
age?  23.
birthday? October 29th.
favorite color?  Green, red, purple.
favorite song?  Zombie by The Cranberries.
last movie you watched?  Diary of the Dead by George A Romero.
last show you watched?  The Simpsons.
last song you listened to? Ainsi Bas La Vida by Indila.
favorite food?  Rice and tuna with butter and cheese.
favorite season?  Spring.
do you have a tumblr best friend? I have a few. Tanya (corruptedforce), Vani (galaccias) and Luna (foundjarin) have been here since my humble beginnings. Break (mutatiio) is a more recent addition but I'm just as attached. Cato (monstarousmythos) isn't in this fandom but has put up with me through it and through so many other fandoms, and then there's Liz (nieithryn) and Viktor (@virulentmastermind) who I've been talking to a lot lately and really enjoy our conversations. Special mention to Dylan, who -while most of our interactions happen on discord- first interacted with me through Tumblr and I wouldn't be this deep into Star Wars roleplay if it wasn't for them being the first nice experience I had in this RPC.
TAGGED BY: Stolen from @nieithryn.
TAGGING: @galaccias, @corruptedforce, @d4gangera, @monstarousmythos, @mutatiio, @k4ssa, @tacticalvalor, @foundjarin.
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mayxthexforce · 9 months
galen - i love that you're not afraid to make him the strong badass that he is. someone tries to fight him unprompted?? boom!! dead. it's v hard to write v strong characters in the rpc bc everyone wanted to beat them. i have struggled a lot with people wanting to beat maul and them either completely ignoring that he's strong af or being unaware (somehow). but i love that you make sure that it's well-known. kilindi - the weirdest queen known across the galaxy. love her. love a good freak. again, love that you took a bare-bones character and gave them more while managing to keep them true to the content we've been given. kycina - the mother of all mothers. she's giving shmi a run for her money (don't tell anakin i said that). i love her strength and the way you show it/have headcanoned it. it takes so much strength to stand up to someone like talzin, but she did it. and she holds no resentment towards he sons for having to do it. maulkiller - the babiest baby to ever baby. i love, love, love that maulkie was raised to be a killer. created to be a killer - it's literally in his name. but he doesn't want to. not even because someone told him it was bad, but because he just doesn't want to. it's not in him. and i love how you show how he's struggled with that. like he doesn't want to do it, but he can and will if he needs to. and i hate having to see the outcome of that, but you portray it so well!! obi-wan - omg,, i don't know this guy at all,,,, love mr obi. love that you throw 'the most perfect jedi to ever jedi' in the trash where it belongs. this man!! is a mess!! i love how you show his struggles and his lack of purpose outside of other people. and i love the changes you've made to him too. the canon is great and all, but i enjoy the version we've made together much much more. adore your obi-wan so deeply and i'm happy to cling to him for the rest of forever. quinlan - this man literally created romance when he thought "but the devotion remained, repurposed." literally still crying scream throwing up. a line that i still think of to this very day. he's such an interesting guy. i like how daring he is. man is usually in over his head, but manages to work it out. rajeev - the problem causing child - through no fault of his own. i don't know rajeev super well yet, but i love him. and anakin loves him. we haven't written stuff with him enough yet for me to pinpoint it, but can EVERYTHING be an answer?? technically everything could be collectively,,, one thing. roan - MAN IS THE SWEETEST PERSON ALIVE. had anakin blushing and kicking his feet within moments. another one i don't know super well, but love because of you. and we haven't written much with him yet, BUT YOU MAKING HIM THE SWEETEST MAN ALIVE HAS TO BE NOTED. thunder - you somehow made him so adorable that maul instantly did the "if anything were to happen to thunder i would kill everybody in this room and then myself' meme.
(sorry it wouldn't let me send it all together)
what is ONE THING you like about the way i play my character?
Answering in this one so I don't end up writing you two novellas. I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY MUSES! I try not to be too self conscious about my writing but my muses list is either super popular characters everyone has an opinion on or obscure characters that would be OCs if it wasn't for the fact that some aspect of them exists in some form in either Legends or Canon. So that makes me question if I write them "right", but I write them the way I like to and I love that you appreciate it too.
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