#||mail: maulkiller||
mayxthexforce · 1 year
@mutatiio said
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The nickname– earned through his peers' harmless teasing after a mission that involved disguising Maulkie as Iridonian nobility, slipped out of Maul's lips with a fondness Maulkie was still getting used to and an ease that embarrassed him.
It's normal, Ezra and Sabine had reassured —or more like warned— him once when the youthful Zabrak hybrid had voiced his concerns about feeling embarrassment about certain things regarding Maul, which had made him feel guilty because– well, Maul was nice to him, but he was embarrassing at times. Parents are embarrassing.
Having a parent, someone who he was both related to by blood and who also chose him as family, was new. It was something Maulkie never considered himself capable of experiencing as anything more than an expectator of happy families, an outsider bearing witness to a moment of bonding that didn't involve him. But here he was now, with a father of his own.
A father who was not making any sense right now, if Maulkie was honest.
Maulkie looked at the holo-map that was projected in front of him. He reached up and moved it, observed it from different angles both because he could do so without being backhanded, one of the upsides of having a father instead of a sith master; and because space navigation was something he was still figuring out. After all, it would have been counterproductive for Vader to teach him how to navigate, given he was supposed to never set foot outside of the area of the Kamino cloning facility he was sometimes allowed to roam. No matter which way he turned the map, he couldn't figure out what it was that Maul was requesting of him.
"Pick a what?" he asked. "A planet?"
Those were the only things in the map it would make sense to choose from, unless Maul wanted him to choose a constellation. But what was Maulkie choosing a planet needed for? Were they going into hiding? If that was the case, the clone with only months of experience outside of his prison was the last person who should be asked about where to go, much less trusted to just pick a place to go.
"I don't know..." Maulkie didn't usually show doubtfulness, it was yet another thing that was reserved for a father's eyes. "I've never been to most of these places. I know nothing about them."
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
maulkie actually means everything to maul. genuinely. his existence changes maul in a way he didn’t think possible. while his need to get revenge against sidious is still very much a driving force for him, his need to keep maulkie safe is stronger. initially he thinks maulkie could be a key part of helping him take down sidious. now the thought of losing maulkie is more terrifying than the thought of facing sidious alone (he’s not dumb tho so he’s not gonna do that either). maulkie is the first person maul truly cares about since savage and he has no intentions of repeating the same mistakes he did with his brother. BUT ALSO. i think the relationship with maulkie is gonna fuck up his connection to the force bc he’s essentially (trying) to let go of his revenge needs for maulkie’s benefit. SO HIS LITTLE PRINCE MEANS EVERYTHING TO HIM.
quinlan,,, the first time maul lets his need for companionship win. for one night,, but it was worth it lol. he’s reaping the benefits of kilindi and komari coming before him bc while maul is good at living in denial about both situations, the need to have what he lost is still there. maul is so terrible at letting his guard down around anyone, but quinlan is so good at getting him to do it anyway. touching him without any intentions of hurting him. loving him and being devoted to him with no catch, no ulterior motives, just wanting the feelings to be reciprocated. i know we were joking about the power imbalance ships ndkfnjfknjgk but this is actually the first relationship he’s experienced without that imbalance. they’re equals and maul doesn’t (usually) feel the need to assert dominance like dear old daddy palps always taught him. 
i’ve rambled now but he loves his kids too. cal and galen are his little guys. they’re a big deal for him too bc they’re the first time he has the position to train how he was trained, to punish how he was punished but he can’t. he can’t put someone through the same things he was put through.
FERAL. maul thinks feral was born with the instructions to purposely piss him off everyday. but he loves him. would do anything for him. i love the relationship arcs they go through and feral ultimately being the voice of reason.
and finally maul respects rook which is saying a lot considering how he treats most of his… soldiers?? employees???? while he will direct her towards potential death should he need to, he would always prefer it if she didn’t die.
What does my Muse mean to yours?
I love this so much AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Maulkie loves Maul. He looks up to him both as an example that someone can walk away from Sidious and live, which gives him more hopes for the future than he ever thought he'd get to have, as a cautionary tale on what to avoid doing (don't go after Obi-Wan Kenobi, basically), and also as the father he never thought could want him considering he was created to kill him. He's learning so much from Maul and is really grateful.
Quinlan feels safe with Maul, which is a little ironic considering everyone is constantly telling him that Maul is incredibly dangerous. But Maul is the first person he's felt he's an equal to, Maul doesn't judge him for his 'crazy' thoughts or because he fell to the dark side and committed atrocities.
Cal and Galen both have different approaches to being mentored by Maul. Cal was used to the boogeyman-like tales about Darth Maul all through the clone wars and even before that, but then he meets Maul and it's... different, Maul is far from a good person, but he's trying to be a Master to Cal. As for Galen... well, he's used to his mentors being Vader, who was quite neglectful, distant and violent when it came to training him, and Proxy, who was supportive and his only comfort... when his primary directive wasn't making him try to kill Galen; but Maul is different from Vader, and Galen sees a lot of himself on Maul- like Maul is the adult version of the child taken away from his family by a Sith that Galen is.
Feral grew up in Maul's shadow, actually meeting him was something he never thought he'd get to do and it's... strange. He's not disappointed, far from it. It's actually a breath of fresh air to see that Maul is just some guy. Yes, he's powerful and he's different, but he's also just a mortal Zabrak just like him- one that Feral feels he can actually teach some things to, mostly about their culture and heritage.
Rook admires Maul. Ironically, he brought her hope that perhaps Mandalore could go back to its former glory. Perhaps the Death Watch was not the way, but Maul's lead was by far better than Vizsla's. Even if he had ulterior motives, he had actual goals and was ambitious and determined to reach them, not just wanting the throne because some ancestors of his used to sit on it. She also respects strength and Maul is the strongest person she's ever met, so it's easy to follow him.
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mayxthexforce · 1 month
🎶 maulkie and thunder
send me 🎶 and i'll arrange a playlist of 3-5 songs for our muses' relationship!
1. Lay Me Down by The Oh Hellos.
Fire and brimstone fell upon my ears As their throats of open graves recited fear Like the bullets of a gun they drove my tears And my feet to run the hell out of here See, I was born a restless, wayward child I could hear the whole world calling me outside Of the masses I routinely sat behind And Lord, I had to see with my own eyes Take me home I want to go Down the road that will take me To the living oak And Lord, I know That I'm a weathered stone But I owe it to my brothers to carry them home
2. In Hell by Japanese Breakfast.
With my luck you'll be dead within the year I've come to expect it There's nothing left to fear, at least there's that Face to face, and at my hands I snowed you in with hydrocodone Layer by layer, 'til you disappear Hell is finding someone to love And I can't have you Hell is finding someone to love And I can't see you again
3. You Are My Sunshine by The Phantoms.
Please don't take my sunshine away
Please don't take my sunshine away
Please don't take my sunshine away
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
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mayxthexforce · 1 month
🎶 maulkie and vader
send me 🎶 and i'll arrange a playlist of 3-5 songs for our muses' relationship!
1. The Devil Within by Digital Daggers.
I will keep quiet You won't even know I'm here You won't suspect a thing You won't see me in the mirror But I crept into your heart You can't make me disappear 'Til I make you I made myself at home In the cobwebs and the lies I'm learning all your tricks I can hurt you from inside I made myself a promise You would never see me cry 'Til I make you You'll never know what hit you
2. Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons.
I'll never be your chosen one I'll be home, safe and tucked away Well you can't tempt me if I don't see the day The pull on my flesh was just too strong Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie 'Cause when I open my body I breathe in a lie And I will not speak of your sins There was a way out for him The mirror shows not Your values are all shot
3. Can't Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo.
You can't, you can't catch me now I'm comin' like a storm into your town You can't, you can't catch me now I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down You can't, you can't catch me now I'm comin' like a storm into your town You can't, you can't catch me now I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down You can't, you can't catch me now I'm comin' like a storm into your town You can't, you can't catch me now You can't, you can't, you can't There's blood on the side of the mountain It's turning a new shade of red Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded Don't burn the way you'd expect Yeah, you thought that this was the end
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
@mutatiio said:
the younger was asleep, curled on the ground and close to the fire. the warmth alone was enough to have him passing out in mere seconds.
the elder - maulkie - sat across from maul, on the other side of the fire. maul wouldn't typically stop for a need as basic as sleep, but he's coming to learn that dealing with sleep deprived children is not worth the extra distance they would make.
it's been silent for some time now. not comfortable but also not uncomfortable. it just is. a mutual understanding of not wishing to disturb thunder. or perhaps simply having nothing to say to one another. the flicked of the flames, the soft noises thunder emits, the whisper of the wind... this scene is familiar to him, this feeling not.
"boy." his voice hushed, golden eyes flickering to the younger, making sure the volume has not bothered him. maulkie has been watching over thunder like a hawk. ensuring he had enough to eat, that he was warm (he was not. that was why maul lit a fire), protecting him for any threat. it's only natural that those habits remained. maul knows all too well of sidious' treatments. they may never go.
"sleep." not quite an order, but there's an insistence in his voice. "i will keep watch."
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Having someone else with them is... strange.
A lot about this whole situation is. Maulkiller was created for ONE thing, it is in his name, it couldn't have been made any clearer what his purpose in life was. And yet, now he sits in front of the man he should kill, the man who makes up over half his genetic material. He sits across from him with Thunder sleeping close by, because he chose to flee instead of obeying his masters like he was expected to.
For all the times he talked back to Vader just to contradict him when he even implied so, perhaps he was right, perhaps Maukie IS defective. But if it is his defectiveness that's keeping Thunder from growing up the way the others did, then Maulkie doesn't mind it so much.
He still doesn't know what to make of this whole situation.
Maul speaks to him and he looks up from where he's been staring at Thunder. Golden eyes stare up at equally golden ones. Exactly the same, with pupils that shift with the flicks of the light. Eyes Maulkie had only ever seen in his own reflection, until now.
"We could have kept going." he keeps his voice just as low, not wanting to disturb Thunder. But it's something that's been eating at him. From past experience, slowing someone down is not a way to ensure that they'll continue to protect you– quite the opposite, actually. "I could have carried him."
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mayxthexforce · 7 months
1 What's the lie your character says most often? / 49 Would they eat something they find gross to be polite? ( maulkie )
1 What's the lie your character says most often?
"As long as we stay together, we'll be fine." said to Thunder multiple times to reassure him.
49 Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
To be polite? No, but definitely has eaten some questionable things out of desperation. Food that's gone bad or wasn't properly prepared, things others threw away.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ? / salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? / poppy :   what comforts your muse ? ( THE SWEET BABY PRINCE, MAULKIE )
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?
It's not really that hard to earn his trust. Maulkie has a lot of confidence in himself and his powers and so can at times be a little naive, believing that others can't hurt him (depending on the person, of course). Once his trust is lost, however, it is quite an achievement to get it back. He's half Maul, half Starkiller. He's resentful. It would take time depending on what the transgression was.
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ?
While at the cloning facility, Maulkie wasn't really allowed to have anything of his own or any attachments with those that were tasked with taking care of him. So, when he finds something that he wants, he can be quite possessive. You'd have to get through his cold, dead body to take away his friends and any objects that he believes to have value.
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
He doesn't really know what comforts him. His life has been one long list of moments where he was uncomfortable/upset one after another, sometimes separated by moments where he wasn't quite well but he wasn't doing as bad as he could. He has yet to figure out what brings him comfort. So far, being alone and actually being able to walk away from situations is sort of comforting to him.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
1 How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have? (🥺) / 4 What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient? / 29 What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling? / 36 Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering? ( the bestest little prince )
Character Solidifying
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have? (🥺)
At first, Maulkie didn't really think of his father. He didn't have one. He was just a hybrid made from DNA samples of men he never got to meet, men his masters hated, so he tried not to think about them at all. But then Sidious and Vader decided they'd train him to get rid of Maul, and so he had no choice but to think about Maul because he was constantly being compared to him. Honestly, at first Maulkie hated being compared to Maul, and the only influence Maul had back then was the whole "when Maul was your age, he could already do [insert thing]" he would hear from Sidious. Then, when he finally got to meet Maul, he was a surprisingly positive influence on Maulkie's life, having taught him to write and read, and also showing him that a guardian could be someone that didn't threaten to kill you on a good day, and to chop your limbs off or turn you into a zombie on a bad one.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
Strict. Beyond strict. "You'll have limbs cut off and replaced by machinery and toxins pumped into you to turn you into a mindless husk if you mess up, or you'll get killed" levels of strict.
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
Naiveness. Maulkie was raised in an environment where people were just assholes, so he has no knowledge of the fact that sometimes people are assholes but will act nice because they want something out of him/want to catch him off guard.
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
No, Maulkie doesn't like suffering nor does he like seeing other people suffer. He's seen more than enough of that, he wants a break. That's why he tends to be very quick when he has to kill someone.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
@foundjarin said
reverse + ⚔️ for Maulkie
Send me   “ ⚔️ “   for my muse to defend yours from an attack. 
It was the first time he set foot in a city and, so far, he was having an awful time.
Then again, he was not supposed to be there. He was supposed to still be on the imperial shuttle meant to take him to whatever new location Vader decided would be best for him, and he was only conscious and out of his tank because the Emperor had given the scientists the order to remove his horns. Safety measures, they called it as they strapped him down to the examination table and started the process with no anesthesia because the Emperor liked to make it hurt, and just because he was too busy to be there and carve his horns out of his skull one by one himself, it didn't mean that the scientists were allowed to make the process bearable.
The pain was what gave him the strength to break free. The shuttle had ended up crashing as it was passing above the city, refueling. But he wasn't in it when it crashed. He'd already jumped off.
The fall would have killed him if it wasn't for the force. But he survived, and the Empire knew.
There was a bounty on his head almost as soon as he made it into the city. The description was being broadcast by every droid and device that possessed a speaker: an escaped experiment from an imperial laboratory shuttle, bipedal, about 5 feet tall, warm blooded, horned, with silver skin and black markings, and golden eyes. They didn't speak of him as if he was a boy barely old enough to hit puberty, because that would require them to consider him a person and he wasn't, he was merely imperial property that anyone with a blaster was being given a pass to use lethal force to capture.
He found out the lethal force part when multiple heads turned in his direction as he reached the main street, hoping to be able to hide among the crowd even if the blood sliding down the side of his head from his temple and just above his forehead where two horns used to be, and didn't hesitate to start shooting in his direction.
Running was the only option. After crash-landing and given how much he was bleeding, standing his ground and fighting was not viable. He had to get out of there before Vader got there, and he had to do so before any of those willing hunters injured him more. But his escape was messy, thoughtless; he didn't have anyone to teach him his way around a city, or a town, or any kind of settlement that wasn't the cloning facility where he'd been created. There was no losing his pursuers, every alleyway and street he entered, every business he used as a shortcut, resulted in more people after him.
A net ensnared him. He struggled, but all he achieved was for the net to tighten around him and delivered an electric shock that made him scream, but it didn't knock him out. He'd dealt with electricity enough times to have built a tolerance for it- never a tolerance for pain though, merely enough tolerance not to fall unconscious as it coursed through his nerves like a thousand tiny insects on fire biting directly into his nervous system.
He heard the approaching voices questioning how he was still conscious before one concluded "Doesn't matter." and there it was, the blaster's barrel, mocking him almost as much as the net as it tightened and forced his arms to stay pinned to his torso. Frustrated and scared, he screamed: a loud and angry sound that attempted to sound intimidating, but it's hard to sound intimidating when you have the voice of a child, so it came out as more of a shriek. Still loud, still angry, but it lacked the scary factor. He squeezed his arms shut, bracing himself for more pain, then the nothingness of death.
A blaster went off, once, twice, three times. Three bodies hit the ground and it was only after the third one did so that he dared open his eyes and look up. The sight before him wasn't that much more welcoming from a blaster's barrel, a man wearing armor and a completely expressionless helmet- it reminded him of the helmets worn by stormtroopers, but only because of the expressionlessness of the visor. His nostrils flared and he bared his teeth, what should have been a threatening snarl turned into a wince as the net rubbed against his injured head, coaxing more blood out.
He was going to die, just by a different hand than he previously thought.
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