#‘doctor did you know you have a pond in your TARDIS?’ ‘a p- it’s a pool!’ ‘pool.’ ‘that’s not import- wait. even. can you swim?’ ‘no.’
quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
even gets left behind on the tardis more often than they’d like because it turns out having a coughing fit during a highly dangerous outing because you got sneezed on three planets ago and have been sick with it the past three weeks is not. great.
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fly-flower-fanfics · 5 years
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Love And Sickness
Eleventh Doctor x Male Reader
Warnings: Sickness mentioned, like vomit.
*I got this idea from someone else’s oneshot, but can’t remember who. If it’s yours, please tell me so I can credit you or if you want me to take it down*
We've been parked in the same spot for what seemed to be about two weeks. The first week consisted of the newly regenerated Doctor avoiding me, re-exploring the TARDIS, and where he was. The second week consisted of him being sick. Not just I-have-a-headache sick. Like, coughing-throwing-up-fever sick. He couldn't keep anything down first couple days. About the fifth day, he was able to keep water down but hardly anything else. He couldn't sleep well either -- barely an hour a night. He hasn't showered for about a week, and he refused to change his clothing.
He needed help, but do you call when the Doctor is sick? A doctor? Or another Doctor... 
While the Doctor was currently resting in his bed, I raced to the main control panel and picked up the phone. How the hell do you reach a past Doctor? I sighed a little and shrugged. Time was weird, but the TARDIS was smart. Hopefully, she would be able to connect me through. It had to work. I couldn't just give up on the Doctor like that, even if he now didn't want anything to do with me.
I dialed a number and let the phone ring. I had my eyes shut, silently praying to the TARDIS that she could properly direct the call. 
"Hello?" My heart stopped a moment. My call went through. It actually worked and went through. "Hello? Is anyone there?" the tenth Doctor repeated. 
"Y-yeah. Yeah, Doctor, it's me," I replied, and I could practically see him frowning. 
"Y/N? But I just dropped you off at home yesterday. Are you alright? Do you need my help?" 
I smiled sadly and shook my head a little. "I need your help, Doctor, but I've not seen you in a little while. I'm calling you because...because you've regenerated." 
"I've...oh," he answered softly, and we fell silent for a little while. 
It wasn't like he was shocked that he'd regenerate. It happened, and he eventually knew it would at some point. It was just me calling him, actually reaching him, that I believed was what caused the silence. 
"You're sick," I started again, sucking in a breath. "Like really sick. You're throwing up, and you've got a fever, just like that time you caught that stomach bug ages ago, remember that?" I heard Ten laugh. God, I missed his laugh. 
"Yeah, I do. Quite sadly, in fact. How’d I even get that?" he replied, and I gave off a laugh. 
"I don’t know, but that just went away with tomato soup, bread, and tea. You can't keep anything down now. And I don't know what to do..." 
Tears built up in my eyes now, remembering the way he would've held me and set his chin on top of my head and reassure me, telling me it was all okay. 
"Sweetheart," the voice over the line came softly, like he was reading my thoughts. 
"I miss you, Doctor," I said softly, wrapping my free arm around myself and pretended it was him. 
"Oh, I miss you, too." I knew he was saying it to make me feel better; he would shortly see me again. I took a steadying breath and wiped my cheeks. "You know he's still me, don't you?" 
I gave a soft, sad smile. "I know, he's just...also not you at the same time. You know?" 
"Different face, different body, different personality, I know," he answered, a soft sigh following along with it. 
"I miss you," I repeated. "I know regenerating is nothing new for you, but damn, Doctor, I promise you it's for a good reason." He'd been shot trying to save the lives of Amy and Rory Pond. Good people that were rather strange. I had no doubt we'd run into them again and that saving them would be worth it. "And I'm proud of you," I whispered, dropping my voice, so he couldn't hear the sounds of my tears. 
I shut my eyes once again and tucked my lip between my teeth. My Doctor was gone. Well, not yet in his timeline, but in mine, he was. Replaced by this new one.
"Have you tried liquefying everything? Sounds like delayed regeneration sickness as well as some other kind of bug on top of that. If he, er, I'm able to drink, then have you tried it yet?" I shook my head and opened my eyes, tracing a button on the TARDIS's console. 
"Not yet. You're resting, and then I'm gonna try and give you some tea or milk or something. But I'm sure that'll work. You've been drinking well for three days now." I dried my eyes and took in a breath. "I should go now, Doctor," I said softly. 
"It's okay, sweetheart, you know that," he answered. 
"I know, but it doesn't lessen the hurt of losing you." 
He gave off a chuckle, but it was sort of sad. "You haven't lost me. And who knows? Maybe we'll run into each other once more. Our story isn't over, especially if you're still with me."
I smiled a bit and straightened up. "You're right, Doctor. If I can make you gay, I can make you like me again." 
This time, his laugh was hearty and loud. "Was always some sort of gay, mister. And I do like you. He will. Cuz I'm still in there, too. He's just scared. Give him time." 
"I will," I replied. "I'd best be off now. Especially since you're gonna come back for me shortly. You never did stay gone longer than two days." 
"You're right." 
"See ya," I said and hoped I would. 
"Til next time," he replied, and the line went dead.
I hung up the phone and was startled to see the Doctor leaning against the wall, looking like hell, but still glaring. "You called him." It wasn't a question, it was a statement and not a very happy one at that.
"You're sick, and I needed help to understand what to do." I walked down the steps and past him, heading towards the kitchen to grab milk and see if he could keep that down. If he could, I'd make some sort of milkshake. 
"Wait, could..." I stopped in my tracks and turned around, looking at the Doctor. He hardly spoke more then three sentences to me, other than asking me for water. I wanted him to need me for something else, so I hoped that this was it. I hoped he needed me for something else. 
As I met his eyes, I saw that the glare and anger was gone. All that was left was fear and sadness. "Please," he whispered, and my heart nearly broke at how broken he sounded. "Hold me... you haven't held me yet...please, hold me..." 
"Oh, my poor Doctor," I murmured softly and walked over to him, embracing him tightly. His head fell in the crook of my neck, and his arms held my body. He smelled like bile and acid, which was due to the fact that he hadn't showered, was sick, and refuse to change his clothing. He practically burst into tears, and my heart shattered at how broken he was. 
"I know I'm not him," he was trying to say, but I only shushed him and stroked his hair. 
"Have you seen yourself yet?" He barely shook his head, and I gave off a small smile. "You utterly adorable. Your moppy, floppy brown hair and your incredible green eyes." 
He pulled back from me, almost steadying himself on my shoulders. "But can you see me?" I couldn't tell if that was my Doctor talking or him. I cupped his cheeks and leaned his forehead on mine. 
"I needn't because you're still my Doctor," I whispered softly to him, rubbing my thumbs across his cheek bones. "C'mon now, we have to go get you showered and changed and see if we can get you drinking something that has more sustenance than water." 
His eyes seemed less sad at my words, but he didn't seem thoroughly convinced. I lead him down to the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat lid. He was still wearing the same clothing, and it tugged at my heart as I realized completely that my Doctor was gone. This was my Doctor now. I took a soft breath and settled my hands on his shoulders. 
"Can you undress? I'll run a bath for you, but I wanna go get you some milk, okay?" He just stayed rather mute, offering a weak shrug.
I left him there, hurrying to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of milk, making a strawberry milkshake, just in case he could keep it down. I went back and knocked on the bathroom door. The water wasn't running, and I knew I wasn't gone long enough to have had the tub be turned on and filled in the time that I was gone. I carefully knocked on the door once more, since I didn't get an answer the first time. 
"Doctor?" I waited a little longer before opening the door. He hadn't moved from the position I left him in. I set the glasses on the sink and knelt in front of him. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and I settled my hands on his knees. "Doctor, it's a change... you've regenerated before. You're probably just overthinking because you don't feel well, either. But you have to let me help you and you have to help me help you. I can't do it alone." I stood up and held out my hand. "C'mon, Doctor. Just like old times. Remember the last time you were ungodly sick? Stomach bug," I said softly, remembering that night and the conversation I had  just a few short minutes ago. "You let me help you then. Let me help you now."
It took a few moments of silence before the Doctor lifted his head and settled his hand in mine, which I brought up to my lips and kissed. "There's my Doctor. Now, let's undress you and run a bath, okay?" 
His lips twitched very slightly, almost into a smile, so I took that as a good sign. I filled the bath tub and put in some bubble bath cuz that always made me happy and plus, it would give the Doctor privacy since it didn't seem like he wanted to even get into the bath. After I got his jacket and shirt off, I managed to make him promise to take off his pants and get in the bath, and I'd wash his hair for him. 
I turned around and covered my eyes and waited until the splashing water subsided still again before turning back around. "Can you try this?" I asked, holding the glass of milk out to him. It was like taking care of a small child, just one that didn't like to talk much. He reached out a hand and took it, taking a small sip of it. He took one more before handing it back to me, and we waited. He didn't get sick right away, which was a good sign, but I didn't want to push it. 
I knelt next to the tub and rolled up my sleeves before taking a good look at the Doctor once again. His arms were wrapped around his knees, which were hugged to his chest. His hair was now a bit damp and starting to flatten out against his forehead. His eyes were dull, almost a bit lifeless. He was pale, paler than he should be. He was tall, lanky, with slender legs and fingers. 
I smiled a little bit and stroked his hair softly a little before wetting it then proceeding to wash it. I didn't bother to ask to wash his body: that was another day's challenge. At least he was washing off some of the dirt and grime, and his hair would be clean. I set the milk and milkshake on the floor next to the tub and stood up. 
"I'll be outside the door, waiting for you. Alright? Call me when you've finished, when you want to get out. I'll bring you a towel. Then I'll read to you or tell you a story, alright?" 
The Doctor rolled his shoulders a little and looked up and met my eyes for the first time in a while. "Alright," he answered softly. I smiled and kissed his forehead lightly. 
I closed the bathroom door behind me and sat down, leaning against it. I could hear him crying softly, and it hurt my heart. I started singing to him. Songs that gave me hope when I was upset. Songs that weren't necessarily the happiest beat, but had powerful words.
It didn't matter to be how the Doctor was or what he looked like. Deep down, he'd always be my Doctor, and I loved him all the same.
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isagrimorie · 5 years
The Doctor Who showrunner wars is still in full swing despite the three Doctor Who showrunners being friends IRL, and some things they’ve done and implemented can all boil down to preference.
I wanted to weigh in with my thoughts on this.
I like some things RTD did in his time in Doctor Who, I am very grateful to him for bringing the show back from the war but I also remember slowly getting disgruntled with his writing.
He is a drama writer, and one of the best; RTD has a way of turning a phrase that just fires up the imagination like:“Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-Have-Been-King with his army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres.”
He has also written and help re-write my favorite two-parter of Revival!Who Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, Midnight, Turn Left, and Children of Earth. The problem is as much as he loves both camp (sometimes the results can work, sometimes it doesn’t), RTD’s cynicism does leak through.
He tried to fight against those instincts in Doctor Who but you can see the strain show as he struggled to keep that cynicism away from the show.
There’s also the part where his frequent joke targets are middle aged women. And TBH, I was tired of Ten’s God Complex (“I am the final authority!”) and how the narrative rarely call him out on it. Unlike Nine, he started to believe his own press and the press of other people
I wasn’t keen on the way he joked about appearances of women above thirty, and tbh, I was tired of Ten’s God Complex (“I am the final authority.”) and how the narrative refused to call him out on it.
Ten believing his own press could have been interesting if the narrative didn’t think he was right. For example, The Water of Marscould have been interesting but I thought WoM resolved Ten’s Time Lord Victorious moment far too soon and easily.
I thought they could have explored more about the ‘Time Lord Victorious’ moment for at least another episode, or have The End of Time comment on it.
Apart from series 1, all of RTD’s series finales were heart-wrenching; each finale I ended up feeling like I was going twenty rounds against a meat grinder.
It was why I loved and will continue to love series 5 and how refreshingly happy the ending was.
No one was trapped in another dimension! No one had to single-handedly stop an apocalypse and have their family enslaved, or mind-wiped.
In the scheme of things, I think in certain aspects, Moffat’s storytelling style is more on line with my tastes. The fairytale seasons. Even Twelve becomes a fairytale Doctor, and I wager that his arc in series 8 is remembering the joy and becoming the fairytale Doctor again.
Another reason why I love series 5, coming directly from Ten’s Lonely God thing, was that a lot of people called out the Doctor on their God Complex and made their self-loathing a lot more text. I also loved the fairy tale aspect of his seasons.
But like with RTD not everything Moffat’s done is my favorite, there were some stories that had missteps, and one of those missteps was Moffat trying to out clever himself. Credit to him for swinging for the fences but he also started to spread himself too thin working on two shows, and the seams showed.
One of the criticisms about Moffat’s writing is character work, and he had no interest in the Companions’ families.
I’m in the middle. I have issues but also (especially after rewatching) I was more forgiving, as an example, in the end I didn’t care as much about the state of Amy’s parents.
No, that’s wrong, I did care.
I cared the first time I watched Angels Take Manhattan, I cared so much that when Amy and Rory disappeared I was so angry because all I could think about was Amy’s parents and Brian (Rory’s dad). I cared to the point that it was one of the reasons why I stopped watching.
On subsequent rewatches, I’ve reconciled with the idea that Companion families and family dynamics (the Companion’s parents) isn’t something Moffat was interested in. It took Chibnall to give Rory a dad (interesting that parent-child dynamic is really something Chibnall is drawn to).
Honestly, if family dynamics isn’t something he is interested in, that’s fair. Also, Amy’s parent’s weren’t a factor since series 6 and Amy’s parents might have well fallen back into the Crack for all we know.
Rewatching also helped me come to terms with some narrative choices I wasn’t fond of. Binge (re)watch tended to sand down any rough parts and I find rewatching can help me hold the shape of a story more.
Still, it took a while to realize Eleven acting big and bombastic was deliberate. Moffat needed Eleven to be big and loud, and full of himself so he can also go crashing down. It falls in line with what River describes the Doctor she knew: “Now my Doctor, I’ve seen whole armies turn and run away. And he’d just swagger off back to his Tardis and open the doors with a snap of his fingers.”
One of the things I wasn’t satisfied with Moffat’s writing (and there were plenty) was how series 6 dealt with child loss. Or, how s6 initially didn’t deal with child loss. The writing would eventually address it, and most prominently in The Wedding of River Song in a fantastically chilling scene between Amy and Kovarian.
But even then I felt it wasn’t enough. Emotional continuity during this time was very low.
This brings me to River. I loved her the moment she stepped on screen in Silence in the Library but my love for her character cooled because of series 6. My theory is Moffat wrote himself into a corner trying to out grand series 5.
For those taking notes at home, I watched Doctor Who sporadically during series 7 and then stopped watching at Angels Take Manhattan. I stopped watching until Day of the Doctor happened.
**DotD* reignited my love for Doctor Who! So much so that I went back and binged series 7.
I liked s7 well enough except for how Amy and Rory left, that still sticks in my craw. I would have been okay if the Ponds left at the end of the Power of Three. Unfortunately, for Revival!Who, there’s an expectation now that Leaving Stories should be hard and tragic, and breaks your heart. I don’t always need grand leaving stories.
TBH, with the exception of The Day of the Doctor, Series 7B is one of my least favorite Moffat seasons.
One of the many factors was the way the writers kept giving Matt Smith big speeches. The writers know he can do big speeches so they kept writing big speeches for him. It was their default.
Also, as one podcast speculated series 7B could have been where the writers realized (belatedly) that Smith was actually quite hunky. This and Moffat being too busy to manage the next half of the season because of The Day of the Doctor can explain the disaster that was the Time of the Doctor.
TotD remains as one of my least favorite Doctor Who episodes ever. (Well, not ever, there are some series 2 and 3 episodes that stand above it).
And then the Capaldi era.
This was the turn around where I started loving Moffat’s work again. It wasn’t easy to get to that point though, and like the previous series, there was a time I fell off the Doctor Who wagon because the first half of Capaldi’s season didn’t click with me.
I found him far too mean and unlikable which broke my heart since I loved Capaldi.
But a binge, again, sanded down all sins (well, notall) and now the difficult and prickly series 8 is something I really enjoy because knowing where Twelve ended up in his character journey helped.
This is why, I don’t mind getting spoiled about a show, as long I only get the broad strokes but not the details. I love finding out what his journey was and I don’t think I would have come back if I didn’t know where he ended up.
I think I saw snippets of Zygon Inversion speech on YouTube, and then I decided to give Husbands of River Song convinced me to finally watch all of Twelve’s run.
And now Twelve is my favorite Doctor.
Moffat’s writing didn’t magically become perfect (to me) but I loved the themes he chose to tackle for Twelve. Twelve is another PTSD!Doctor but unlike Nine, he had an opportunity to grow from that trauma. (And get fresh ones — thanks Time Lords!).
I love that Moffat used Twelve’s stories as a way to interrogate Ten’s stories culminating in Heaven Sent/Hell Bent.
IMO, Twelve’s relationship with Clara is similar to Rose and Donna. Twelve and Clara developed quite a co-dependent relationship by the time series 9 rolled around. They never quite achieved the height of smugness that was the first minutes of Impossible Planet nor have they ever been as obnoxious as Ten and Rose were in Tooth and Claw. Possibly because the Doctor’s older at this point and knows the perils, and similar to Donna because of how Donna kept Ten grounded. And, of course, because of the mindwipe argument that was definitely Moffat’s answer to the mindwiping of Donna, and as Moffat said in the War Games commentary, to the mindwipe of Zoe and Jamie.
And then we have Bill with Twelve, showing the very final form of the Twelfth Doctor. Twelve as a grown-up, feeling settled with himself, finally. He learned a lot of lessons and committed himself to stay in one place.
I love the relationship he built with Bill and while I do love, love, love Jodie Whittaker, I was sad to have only one season of Bill and Twelve. Especially since after Lie of the Land Missy’s story began to have more prominence over Bill’s.
(And there’s the whole Missy thing which tbh would make this a longer post than it already is!).
TLDR. Both showrunners aren’t perfect, sometimes their views don’t align with mine. I loved series 1 because it was my entry point into Doctor Who but there are also things about RTD’s run I wasn’t happy with. Same with Moffat there were things I adored and things that really didn’t sit well with me.
There were points during both showrunner’s time on the show I had to take time off.
Now with Chibnall, the same thread runs through: I like most of his stories in series 11 but it also isn’t perfect and has a lot of room for improvement.
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A to Z favourite TV show challenge! Or # to Z?
# - 30 Rock (Liz Lemmon! This is just all kinds of hilarity).
A - Ally McBeal (there's not enough of this on Tumblr btw. I loved it before I understood it - my brother watched and I followed. And then I watched again and I loved it more) / Arrow (so years ago I started watching this because of Tumblr. You guys were obsessed with Olicity and I was too even though I hadn't watched the show. So I watched it. Thank you for ruining my life btw) / Accidentally in Love (Asian Series, sup, @netflix - thanks for getting me addicted to Asian series - I liked them before but now it's just there and begging to be watched AND I CAN'T HELP MYSELF - YOU'VE ADDICTED MY MOTHER TOO).
B - Brooklyn Nine Nine (best thing to happen to me, thank you Tumblr - the nine nine fandom. Also started it a couple years ago and fell in love hard. This show makes me laugh no matter what and it's pure and I love it so much. It's really a show I needed because when I watch series I get really emotionally involved and certain shows leave me so stressed that I have to take a break and all I can watch is comedies for a few weeks. Or months. Depends on how big my heart break was. B99 always makes me laugh and feel lighter). / Buffy the Vampire Slayer (another one from my childhood, you know when you're too young to really understand but old enough to remember it? So yeah, my brother got me hooked at a young age and the addiction stuck. Because I've never been able to forget Buffy. And I've recently been rewatching it with my mother - she too is a bit addicted).
C - Charmed (Original series, not reboot - I haven't even watched the reboot. But yes, Charmed. I remember being up til 10PM on a Monday while I was in primary (middle) school just to watch it. Halliwell sisters are another drug I never could kick - Leo was one of my first ever crushes - my very first crush was Shahrukh Khan and if we're ever talking Bollywood movies he'll be all over that post).
D - Doctor Who (Okay! I only started watching from season 5, again cos NETFLIX - the Doctor and Amy Pond - man, just lock me up in the TARDIS and take me away already. ALSO one of the series that broke my heart enough that rendered me incapable of watching any other series except comedy).
E - Ek Hazaroon Mein Meri Behna Hai (Hindi series; my sister is one in a thousand - I assume it's the name because that sounds better in Hindi than one in a million or billion. There's something about Hindi series that sucks you in and tortures you until you're on the brick of exploding from suspense - the build up is both infuriating and renders you unable to tear your eyes away).
F - Friends ('Cause it's been there for me and how can I not? Again, childhood. Also. Heroes get remembered but legends never die. And I've watched every episode like a gazillion times and laugh just the same - I think even more 'cause I know what's gonna happen. I'm one of those people). / Fairy Tail (Anime. Magic. Friendship. Friendship. Friendship. It's one of those rare shows that has a lot of characters and manages to make you love each one of them. I found it after high school but I love it to bits).
G - Gilmore Girls (I remember the first time I watched this as a kid, Rory and Lorelei were sitting at Luke's diner and chatting about something and I though they were sisters. I was at my cousin's house and I just couldn't stop watching them. Loved it ever since. And it's strange how a randomly watching TV can just change your life - 'cause you know, I obsess) / Gossip Girl (at first, I'd watched it because Kristen Bell was the voice of Gossip Girl. And I needed anything related to anything Veronica Mars. And then I naturally loved it like everybody else. Also disappointed at who GG really was. So yeah.)
H - How I Met Your Mother (At first I really, really loved it, now though it's not so high on my favourite list but it does still make me laugh - cos Barney. The final episode was so disappointing). / Hannah Montana (because if I was 13 or 16 this would have made the list. And I still love the show. My heart swells everytime my bestie sings True Friend to me. I still love Hannah Montana music okay).
I - iZombie (Rob Thomas. He's the reason I tried it out. Liv is the reason I stayed. Also Ravi. And also Major. Okay, dude, characters and plot is right on point) / Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (Hindi series; what name do I give to this love? Its unnecessarily complicated but gosh those complications kept me on edge, staring at the screen, waiting for those idiots to realise the truth. Opposites attract. Hate to love to hate to love. They did it so well).
J - Joan of Arcadia (okay so I remember really loving this when I was younger - I haven't rewatched it as an adult but I feel like I'll still love it. I mean, come on, what if God was one of us?)
K - Kim Possible (Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me? Ultimate cartoon. Hands down. Second best is The Life and Times of Juniper Lee - she's basically the cartoon Buffy - the Chosen One - though it's hereditary instead of random? And also more fun and less heartache 'cause it's a cartoon).
L - Lucifer (Man, Lucifer. You got the guy telling everyone he's the devil and they think he's talking in metaphors? It's just hilarious to me. Detective. Romance. Snark. Supernatural. Also, Hello, Adult Tom Welling - can I even describe how excited I was to see him? Smallville, man).
M - Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (One of the few new cartoons that I watch and love. This is just so cute and the love square is just so cute and everything is just so cute. And like we need cute stuff in our lives. Frustrating cos how oblivious can one be but also why you so cute Marinette Dupain Chang and Adrian Agreste aka Ladybug and Cat Noir)/ Malcolm in the Middle (Childhood. Childhood. Childhood. I'm not the middle child but I relate).
N - Naruto (Anime. Okay, childhood yes, also teenagehood and adulthood. Guy's been with me through everything, believe it. This show just means so much to me and I'm thankful that I got to grow up with him. Thank you, Kishimoto).
O - One Day At a Time (THANK YOU, NETFLIX! This is just one of the greatest shows on right now. I love comedy. I didn't expect it to be so emotional too. But damn it gets you right in the feels. My brother claims I'm exactly like Elena and our nephew is like Alex. I honestly don't mind. Elena is badass and strong as hell.)
P - Psych (It's just awesome? It's clever, it's funny, Shawn and Gus. The dramatics in extremely serious situations will never not make grin like a mad woman. Also private investigation shows seem to a weakness of mine. ) / Parks and Recreation (okay I never thought I'd like a mockumentary kind of series but this happened and proved me wrong and I just love this show and it's characters). / Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara (Hindi Series; the pain of love is sweet and loveable. When your parents set you up with someone and you're like no way in hell and they're like okay but they you become best friends and fall in love and yeah. The name says it all, really). / Pinocchio (Asian series - one of the more complicated ones but I simply just loved these characters and actors to bits after watching it).
Q - Quantico (it's not really one of my favourites but I couldn't think of anything else and I do enjoy it. Priyanka Chopra has always been a fav since forever - Bollywood was life before I was even old enough to understand English - but it's because of this that I can understand Hindi without needing subtitles).
R - Rizzoli & Isles (who wouldn't love a show with two best friends kicking ass in the work place). / Revenge (I watched it cos I liked Emily from Everwood but the story was so intriguing and I just got addicted. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen). / Refresh Man (Asian series - officially my favourite Asian series of all time - again, thank you Netflix. Also ever since I've loved both Aaron Yan and Joanna Tseng and I'm on a mission to watch everything they've ever acted in - do you see my obsessing tenancies?).
S - Supergirl / Supernatural / Suits / Smallville (Okay! There's too many shows that start with an S. Smallville was my gateway into the superhero show - movie - comic obsession. And also I'm getting tired of commenting on everything).
T - The Good Place / The Office (US) / The Flash/ Teen Wolf (also too many with a T!)
U - Ugly Betty
V - Veronica Mars (of all time!! Man, again, random TV viewing = life changing TV show that sticks with you forever and Veronica Mars has definitely affected me way more than any other show. I couldn't get it out of my head ever since 2007! I waited for every Thursday just to watch it and naturally Thursday became my favourite day of the week - not Friday like normal scholars - nope. I think it's the way that it ended that contributed to my obsession - so much questions left unanswered and to a 12 year old girl the most important thing is of course that LoVe hadn't officially gotten back together. My mind wrote and rewrote endings and scenarios. Then I discovered fanfiction. And then I started writing. Veronica Mars made me a junkie but also helped me discover my passion. It's not just the show that makes it my #1 but the journey it's taken me on while it was on air and especially when it was off air. ALSO THE SHOW IS SIMPLY AMAZING EVEN WITHOUT ALL MY EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT - also one of the shows that I started watching and then my brother got hooked onto it).
W - What's Wrong With Secretary Kim? / Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo/ W: two worlds apart (all Asian series - OKAY, NETFLIX IS BLAMED FOR ALL OF THIS)
X - Is there anything but X-Men? I wouldn't really put the series on my favourite list but I do watch the X-Men cartoons and I have enjoyed it so imma let it be.
Y - Young Sheldon (Too smart for his own good Cooper.) / Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (Asian series - okay, this one can't be put on Netflix. It's the first Asian drama series I'd watched because of a manga that I loved).
Z - Zoey101 ('Cause there's nothing else I can think off and I enjoyed it when I was younger. I remember putting 101 after all of my usernames for everything).
So when I thought of this I thought I'd put one name for each alphabet but it didn't work out that way 'cause I obsess over everything.
I would love to get to know more about everyone's favourite shows. I'm tagging based on the Tumblr likes thing (also on my @marshmallowatheart account) and also urls I remember seeing often on the activity cos I wanted to tag as much people as possible. I'd have been cool if I could have went with the a - z for tagging but it's not working out like I wanted so next best. (Also if I didn't tag you and you wanna do it, please go for it, I'm really into this).
Anyone who wants to do this can and whoever doesn't want to it's cool! It takes time to think especially when you have to pick between things so if you want to, add as many as you like. You don't have to add comments on it if you don't want to, I just got carried away! And then got tired.
@poppy-in-the-woods @risssaar @stephaniecatlover @ihaveathingformeninwaistcoats @write-to-feel @mediocre-mee @jenilyn2000 @lalacristina18 @cainc3 @mrskissytaylor @anilcadz91 @elliebear75 @troublescout @hanitjemars @susanmichelin @cheshirecatstrut @firedragonmon
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Below are questions that I think belong in my FAQs tag. However, if you’re checking out this tag and don’t see an answer to whatever you have a question about, my ask and IMs are always open! : D
Is Amy related to the Doctor?
No. Amy has no relation to the Doctor. They’re both Time Lords, and she’s heard stories about him through her dad (when she was little), but that’s it!
Does your Jack have any children?
At the time of writing this, Captain Jack Harkness is a guest muse of mine. Whenever I feel able enough and want to make him a full muse on this blog, he’ll get his own about page just like every other muse of mine. And, to answer the question, yes, my Jack does have children. Specifically, he has a daughter, my OC Amy! : )
Who is Amy’s mum? Where did she go/is she dead?
Amy’s mum is an unknown Time Lady. Her mum is not The Master or the Doctor. Amy was named after her mum, but only her dad would know that ‘Amelia’ was actually just an alias for the elder woman. Where she went and what happened to her, again, only Jack would know, but he will never tell his daughter (as to her mother’s wishes). She is presumed dead.
Why aren’t Yaz, Ryan, and/or Graham in any of your threads with your 13th Doctor?
The simple answer to this is that Yaz, Ryan, and Graham aren’t muses that I write. And so, when I write a thread with my 13 meeting someone new, the trio may be mentioned or referenced but I won’t be writing them into my replies anywhere.
Of course, I’m always open and happy to write with people who do RP as these lovely people : P But this question is meant to stand in a situation where a new person (as in whoever I’m writing with) is meeting/interacting with 13. It’s the same thing for my 11 and the Ponds or Clara!
Why does Rachel/The Assassin hate the Doctor?
Basically, because they’re a butthurt baby xP Rachel/The Assassin doesn’t like how Gallifrey seemingly LOVES the Doctor, even though he really kinda sucks, almost killed them all, isn’t even really that smart, etc, etc. They're offended that, as Rassilon’s (bastard) child, the people don’t love them.
They also already kinda hated everyone on Gallifrey, so hating and killing someone they love sounds good to them!
Rachel/The Assassin can’t be Rasslion’s kid because of *insert thing here*! / Is Rachel/The Assassin really Rasslion’s bastard?
The short answer to this is that she was at least told she was Rassilon’s bastard through her mum when she was very little.  
Longer version is that I purposely leave her heritage open for a few reasons, the mains being in case it doesn’t work for any Rassilon RPers I may interact with, and because I’m not the most knowledgeable in Classic!Who. I’ve read up on the Tardis wiki about Rassilon and Gallifrey, but my memory is shit, so : P I take my own creative liberties with her considering she is my OC.
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rosencrypt · 7 years
I saw Doctor Who!
Some impressions below the cut.
- Within the first 5 minutes, Moffat has Bill insult fat people and complain about brainless models. Classy.
- Bill is super gay. As gay as can be without ever actually using words like ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ or in any way explicitly acknowledging it :P
- I initially had ‘lesbianism as a lure’ down, because it seemed as though the alien mimic was pretending to be a fellow lesbian (Heather) to capture Bill. Which is obviously kind of iffy. But then it turned out that what’s actually happening is that Heather, while possessed (?) by an alien spaceship, is using the alien technology to find Bill because she likes her! Which is nice. I wonder if things seeming malicious but actually either being friendly or just acting according to their nature (’it’s not evil just hungry’) is going to be a theme this series. So far it seems more likely to be the opposite, with apparently friendly things (Emojibots, the consent pyramid) being dangerous (then agian, the Emojibots ARE just acting according to programming...), but we’ll see.
- Bill, like Clara and Amy etc., seems like another companion who is A Mystery (tm) - she’s adopted, and appears to be her own mother. Who are her parents?? Where did she come from? Is she The Master??? The Doctor says the TARDIS and his memories of River and Susan compelled him to come back for her, so does that mean they’re related??? Is she Susan’s granddaughter???? Or daughter, if we’re contridicting Big Finish canon????? Yeah obviously not but the question of her parentage remains. I was concerned the Vault was going to be a red herring and the real reason the Doctor took his lecturing post was so he could monitor Bill, but if he’s been there 50 years that wouldn’t make sense unless there’s Weird Plot Shit going on. Actually, what’s the bet that the photo, the Doctor, and Bill are part of a stable time loop - the future Doctor will take the picture in the 90s and contact his earlier self to tell him to come to Bristol and wait for her? Maybe Bill got lost in the past at the same time the Vault appeared.
...you know what, I’m definitely overthinking this, and what actually happened was that he was imagining River and Susan chiding him to be nicer (which seems odd for River, for whom compassion is not a defining character trait, but who cares a lot about a select few friends and her family...NO, stop thinking that, not everyone has to be related), and the TARDIS took a liking to Bill, which clinched it. It is odd that she hasn’t confronted him about the photo yet, though. Clearly they’re setting up another episode down the line.
- I like the Vault thing, but it’s a bit close to the Cabinet of Souls from Class. It’s also another of Moffat’s arbitrarily long time skips. Not there’s anything inherently wrong with that, but he does seem fond of them.
- Speaking of recycled plot devices, it’s another alien spaceship that wants a pilot (or is it a passenger? The episode seems confused).
- Wait, if Heather wasn’t possessed until just before she started turning into water/oil and stalking Bill, why was she acting so obviously suspiciously before? That didn’t look like acting awkwardly because of a crush; all the signs indicated she was already alienificationified. This episode covers...what, a term and a half? Did Bill and Heather develop their relationship at all off-screen? We only see them exchange about 100 words. I appreciate that Heather can’t be too relatable if Moffat is going to use the twist that she’s not evil, but the result is that the revelation she has a crush on Bill seems completely random. Would it have killed him to have her be just a bit more emotional? Or show her going through Bill’s Facebook pictures or something?
- What species exactly uses time-travelling sentient oil in their spaceships?? Ships that are accurate enough to detect anyone anywhere in all of time and track them literally anywhere within seconds? And the Doctor isn’t interested in finding out who they are and what they’re doing? That seems like a writing cop-out.
- Lots of Rose parallels here (chips, every day the same, single mother, Doctor-has-been-alone-for-a-while-and-here’s-a-new-special-person thing, etc.). Which makes sense; after last series, which had possibly the most continuity-heavy opening episode ever, this one has been marketed as a new beginning and an ideal first episode for new viewers. All this stuff worked in 2006, so it’s worth a go in 2017. Bill‘s mother doesn’t compare to Jackie, though.
- The alien spaceship is a pond! Oh, how clever you are, Mr. Steven :P
- The spaceship/Doctor and Heather/Bill parallels are pushed too, but that’s such a common episode concept I’m not going to complain about it.
- Why does the Doctor care about intelligence and stuff now? That's a bit mean. I like that he invited Bill in because of her curiosity, but his insistence that she attend every day at 6pm no matter what and warning that he’d dismiss her if she ever got lower than a First seem a tad demanding. One of the classic appeals of Doctor Who is that a companion could be anyone, even YOU, and adding an academic requirement spoils that fantasy. For that reason, I’m going to say Rose (the episode) is a more successful starting episode, simply because although both characters are relatable (both have dead-end jobs, both want more than their provincial lives, both meet the Doctor due to incidental run-ins with aliens and become his friends because they have some character trait he’s impressed with), I find it easier to imagine that I could survive an Auton invasion than that I could get a First on every essay for like 9 months.
- The Doctor 'educating' a black woman has potentially unfortunate implications. In context it seems basically fine - she wants to study at the university, he’s a lecturer; it makes sense - but I hope the teacher/student thing doesn’t become a running theme. It’s uncomfortably reminiscent of the Four/Leela ‘I will educate you out of your savagery, bemoaning your martial skills and ruthlessness even while I rely on them for my own benefit’ situation. ofc with Leela the ‘savage’ thing did become a term of endearment and source of banter between friends pretty quickly, but I’d rather they avoided the Pygmalion idea altogether tbh.
- These Daleks are completely incompetent. Not that that’s new, but 4 shots at Nardole, all of which miss?
- Why are they new series Daleks if this is the Movellan war?
- Ah, so the Movellans are only here as window dressing. That’s a disappointment. It’s like the classic Daleks in Asylum, the Cybermen in series 8 and Gallifrey in series 9; Moffat loves sort of bringing things back, but not actually using them at all in any meaningful way. I hope the Tenth Planet Cybermen (I hesitate to call them ‘Mondasian’, since ALL classic Cybermen are Mondasian in origin) are the focus of their episode rather than being similarly discarded.
- How many other contemporary Doctor Who stories have been set in Bristol? I believe this is the first at Bristol University, but if he’s been there the last 50 years he’s had to be very careful not to cross himself on any other visits. This also raises the question of how if he’s been there since the 60s and lecturing as the Doctor people like Rose, UNIT, the Master, LINDA etc. haven’t found him before. Isn’t Time Lord telepathy meant to be pretty good at that kind of thing? Like Clara being at Coal Hill School, it’s a one-off continuity gag that serves no real purposes and invites a lot of unfortunate questions.
- Bill and Nardole are fun. I liked the cinematography. The Vault is a neat series arc setup. All in all, I’m cautiously optimistic.
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