#⋆ 🐈‍⬛ ˒ ༉ long fics.
svholand · 2 months
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙛𝙪𝙣 𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙢?
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: nenhum! smut apenas nas rotas individuais, mas aqui é só fluff (ou algo parecido).
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: a vida em buenos aires como estudante de intercâmbio não era fácil, ao contrário do que muitos pensam. contudo, com os seus três amigos mais próximos, as coisas se tornavam mais leves. claro, aquele alguém especial entre eles também ajudava. depois de uma calourada, tudo fica bem mais claro para você. ( esteban x f!reader ou enzo x f!reader ou pipe x f!reader )
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 2.1 k.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: minha primeira fic aqui, então relevem qualquer coisa! se estiver bom, aceito elogios e se tiver ruim, aceito que finjam que está bomkkkkk optei por deixar o curso da leitora em aberto pra que vcs possam imaginar o curso que acharem melhor! também finjam que todo mundo é da mesma idade (ou, ao menos, com idades próximas) e eh isso! vou postar as rotas em breve, então tenham calma cmg
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era muito fácil dar close no instagram, postar as melhores fotos dos pontos turísticos de buenos aires e exibir o fato de estar fazendo intercâmbio ali. a realidade, depois de anos morando ali, estava longe de ser gloriosa.
quando não estava presa no campus, estudando ou atendendo as aulas, tentando manter uma média alta para que não cancelassem sua bolsa de estudos, você estava fazendo bicos para que pudesse se sustentar. fazer trabalhos e formatar para outros alunos em troca de dinheiro, passear com cachorros, cuidar de crianças... enfim, qualquer coisa que ajudasse com o aluguel do dormitório - que não era incluso na bolsa - e a alimentação no final do mês, porque você não era de berço de ouro como alguns ali.
além disso, também ganhava dinheiro pela monitoria do comitê que fazia parte. basicamente, ganhava uma merreca para recepcionar os alunos intercambistas e calouros como você, assim mantendo aquele problema longe da coordenação do curso e garantindo que tivesse um saldo quase positivo na conta do banco todo mês. o salário, no entanto, não era a única coisa positiva daquela monitoria.
enzo vogrincic, um estudante uruguaio de fotografia que, assim como você, também fazia de tudo por uma graninha, era uma das suas coisas preferidas da monitoria. se identificava tanto com o rapaz, porque haviam entrado juntos na faculdade e dependeram juntos daquela monitoria para intercambistas. agora, fazem parte dela, auxiliando os novatos assim como também foram auxiliados na época em que entraram.
inicialmente, tinha sido difícil se aproximar do homem. a beleza dele lhe soava intimidadora e a lista de admiradoras também. não que tivesse segundas intenções inicialmente, mas tinha medo de passar essa impressão... mas aquilo não impedia de admirar o uruguaio de longe, especialmente quando ele estava andando de bicicleta pelo campus entre uma aula e outra. isso até, um dia, ele mostrar que reconhecia a sua existência naquela monitoria e se aproximar. tornaram-se colegas e, quando juntos viraram monitores, se tornaram bons amigos.
enzo era centrado e dedicado, sempre andando por aí com uma câmera digital e novas ideias do que iria fotografar. quando não fotografava, estava pintando aquarelas que poderiam confundir qualquer um que olhasse, imaginando que o homem fosse do curso de pintura. se elogiasse o moreno em suas pinturas, ele apenas balançaria a cabeça, negando o talento. em dias mais falantes, vogrincic colocava a mão no peito e murmurava um "obrigado", com um sorriso leve no rosto.
porém, seria equívoco assumir que ele não tinha confiança em sua arte pela maneira que agia: era sempre o primeiro a tomar atitude ao se inscrever em exposições e o instagram pessoal parecia mais um instagram profissional de tanto que divulgava a própria arte. gostava de colaborar com outros amigos, dar a opinião dele e se impor, especialmente quando ninguém fazia e quando todo mundo tinha medo de se mostrar.
se tivesse que assumir, diria que enzo lhe ajudava a ser confiante. não tinha medo de errar na monitoria, pois sabia que ele estaria lá para ajudar. também não tinha medo de propor novos eventos e ideias, porque ele apoiaria ou então te ajudaria a pensar em algo ainda melhor. logo, enzo vogrincic era a sua confiança.
contudo, enzo não era a única pessoa da qual tinha se aproximado em buenos aires. não tinha uma vida social tão movimentada, mas outras amizades vieram com o tempo necessário que tomou para se desinibir e ter confiança no seu espanhol.
o primeiro amigo local veio quando teve um amistoso brasil x argentina. era o último lugar que esperava encontrar algum argentino legal, mas, para sua surpresa, pipe estava lá.
felipe otaño era estudante de educação física e apaixonado por futebol. quando chegou a hora de decidir qual carreira seguir, não teve dúvidas: queria inspirar a juventude com o amor que tinha pelo esporte. no mesmo ano que entrou pra faculdade, conseguiu um estágio como professor auxiliar de educação física simplesmente porque era extremamente carismático e divertido, além de apaixonado pela área.
quando chegou o dia do amistoso entre brasil x argentina, pipe estava de folga - felizmente -, o que permitiu que ele, depois das aulas, fosse para o bar mais próximo da faculdade com alguns amigos. estava vestindo sua melhor camiseta da argentina e um boné para trás, sentado em uma das mesas com a sua galera e os olhos fixos na tela grande da televisão. vez ou outra o olhar desviava para que pudesse pegar a garrafa de cerveja, mas logo voltava a olhar o jogo.
se viu obrigado a se levantar quando a cerveja da mesa acabou e, por estarem em um barzinho de quinta, tinham que se levantar para pedir a cerveja porque não havia garçom ali. estava na vez de felipe se levantar para buscar cervejas para a mesa, então ele foi. claro que ele não contava com o fato de você estar indo fazer a mesma coisa. claro que foi um completo acidente quando vocês acabaram tomando lugares próximos na fila do bar. claro que foi um acaso a conversa que iniciaram, falando sobre o jogo e se provocando.
"uma aposta então, bebita. se o brasil ganhar, minha mesa paga bebidas pra sua. se a argentina ganhar, vocês pagam." o rapaz de olhos claros disse, despertando um sorriso nos seus lábios.
o jogo empatou, ou seja, todo mundo teve que pagar sua própria conta. aquilo não impediu você e pipe de manter contato, sendo constantemente chamada de brazuca por ele. você, por sua vez, mantinha o boludo na ponta da língua como resposta.
pipe lhe ajudava a se divertir, a se descontrair. a vontade dele de descobrir mais, de experimentar e de rir lhe tirava da sua zona de conforto. assim, felipe otaño era sua diversão.
mas seria injusto falar de amizades e esquecer de esteban kukuriczka, um nome que tinha ouvido falar antes mesmo de ter a oportunidade de conhecer o argentino.
estudante de artes cênicas e integrante conhecido da companhia de teatro financiada pela faculdade, esteban já tinha até fã clube e era extremamente merecido. alguém tão apaixonado pelo o que fazia merecia ter fãs e, se te perguntassem, você diria que ele merecia ainda mais amor do que recebia.
em um final de semana entediante, você recebeu a mensagem de uma colega do grupo de intercambistas divulgando que ela estrearia em uma peça naquela noite. ela disse que separaria três lugares para quem do grupo tivesse interesse em ir e como uma grande amante das artes, você decidiu ir... e também para passar um pouco do tempo, já que seria um rolê 0800 e aquele tédio precisava ser matado.
na hora marcada, chegou no auditório da faculdade e se sentou no lugar reservado: praticamente perfeito em uma das fileiras mais próximas do palco. quando o ambiente começou a lotar, você sentiu que a generosidade da sua colega era enorme, porque tinha certeza que não deveria ter sido fácil pegar aqueles ingressos disponíveis. os lugares ficaram todos ocupados antes da peça começar e ainda teve gente em pé no fundo do auditório.
meninas levavam placas com o nome de um tal esteban sei-lá-o-quê (um nome desnecessariamente complicado, em sua opinião) como se fosse um ator famoso. você, achando graça, apenas balançou a cabeça em desdém e esperou a peça começar.
ao final da peça, você entendeu bem o motivo de todo aquele amor por esteban.
antes mesmo de anunciarem o nome dele no final da peça - junto com o resto dos atores - para que pudesse ser aplaudido, você já sabia que ele era o esteban, porque todos pareciam invisíveis perto dele naquele palco. a peça era uma versão moderna de édipo rei que tinha te deixado extremamente emocionada, um fato marcante do roteiro e também da atuação de esteban como édipo.
após a peça, a colega - que você acabou esquecendo de prestar atenção, justamente pela presença de esteban ser tão contagiante - lhe chamou para ir no camarim falar com ela e os outros atores. conheceu muita gente legal ali, mas ninguém era tão legal quanto kukuriczka.
você fez questão me mantê-lo em sua vida depois daquela noite porque o argentino era a personificação da calmaria. ele, alguém tão adorado, tinha tudo para ser um metido e não era. era humilde, ficava vermelho com seus elogios e preferia ficar com os amigos do que ceder ao ego e passar todo o tempo com as fãs.
ele sabia como manter o pé no chão e não se perder. sabia quando te dar um norte quando você sentia que nada daria certo e que a única solução era voltar pro brasil, pro colo da família. não era difícil concluir que esteban kukuriczka era sua calma.
mas aquele era o seu último ano em buenos aires. último ano para viver tudo o que queria viver e aproveitar tudo o que queria aproveitar. depois de tanto tempo se matando, trabalhando para conseguir se manter, deveria agora desligar um pouco a cabeça e focar em relaxar.
a oportunidade perfeita surgiu logo no começo do ano mesmo, com uma calourada feita para receber os novos estudantes da faculdade. você, como monitora do comitê de intercambistas, tinha que estar presente de qualquer jeito. se tinha que ir, então por que não se divertir?
com isso em mente, você vestiu um top e um short, além de tênis confortáveis; roupas que valorizavam o corpo, mas que também não te deixavam com cara de deslocada pois, afinal, era uma calourada. a maquiagem também era leve, nada muito doido que fosse derreter no inferninho que estava se enfiando.
depois de pronta, encontrou-se com alguns membros e monitores do comitê - enzo excluído, porque ele preferia morrer do que ir em uma calourada - e foram todos juntos para a festa. estava esperançosa de uma forma meio infantil, com aquela insegurança de que tudo podia acontecer e que não queria se preocupar com o depois. não que você fosse uma certinha, mas tinha dificuldades de se deixar levar pelo flow quando tinha tantas obrigações. tinha que manter um padrão de excelência para continuar ali porque, como intercambista, tinha que provar o seu espaço.
não te surpreendeu que, ao chegar na festa - que estava sendo realizada em uma boate próxima da faculdade -, estava lotado de gente. todo tipo de pessoas, da faculdade ou não, estavam ali. as músicas variavam entre reggaeton, pop e, quando algum brasileiro ameaçava, um funk pesado. todo mundo procurando uma noite de pegação, de dança ou, somente, pura diversão. você, no entanto, estava aberta para as possibilidades. que será, será.
depois de apresentar alguns intercambistas calouros para outros alunos e fazê-los se sentirem confortáveis naquele ambiente, finalmente se sentiu livre para focar em você. então, a primeira decisão foi seguir para o bar e pegar um copo de... bem, qualquer coisa que estavam servindo com álcool ali. era open bar e não podia reclamar; o gosto era forte, mas dava para o gasto. era o suficiente para criar coragem para que pudesse se soltar ainda mais.
ali, apoiada próximo ao bar, viu pipe na direita. o argentino estava jogando beer pong com alguns amigos e, pelo grande sorriso no rosto jovial dele, estava ganhando. focou a atenção um pouco nele, vendo como o rapaz se soltava quando estava se divertindo... não que ele não fosse naturalmente solto, claro. era quase como ver um animal em seu habitat natural: pura diversão.
quando desviou o olhar para a esquerda, surpreendeu-se ao ver esteban no canto, encostado na parede. por algum motivo, estava sozinho, sem fã clube ou amigos em volta. fitou o rapaz alto por um tempo, vendo que ele estava com um copo na mão - provavelmente da mesma bebida duvidosa que a sua -, mas, estranhamente, parecia completamente fora de lugar ali. o que alguém tão calmo fazia naquele ambiente?
antes que a visão pudesse percorrer por mais pessoas naquele ambiente, você sentiu o celular vibrar com força no bolso do short, por estar recebendo várias mensagens seguidas. curiosa, pegou o eletrônico na mão e se surpreendeu ao ver o nome na tela: enzo. não era do feitio do uruguaio mandar mensagem tarde, então não resistiu ao abrir o whatsapp para ver o que ele havia lhe mandado.
enzo: está se divertindo nessa festa? enzo: aposto que não. enzo: tenho uma coisa pra te mostrar. enzo: quer ver agora?
[enzo te enviou a localização]
um sorriso abriu em seus lábios. obviamente, enzo sempre era direto e também era a personificação da confiança.
ficou claro que tinha uma escolha para fazer. as possibilidades lhe deixavam animada e, de qualquer forma, imaginava que conseguiria fazer a sua noite valer a pena. assim, bebendo todo o conteúdo do copo de uma vez só, você decidiu...
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗔 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧 — enzo vogrincic. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗔 𝗙𝗨𝗡 — felipe otaño. (vem aí...) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗔 𝗖𝗔𝗟𝗠 — esteban kukuriczka. (vem aí...)
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kaeddehara · 5 months
okay but like full nelson with toji and geto(separately)?? yes or yes??
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lost-in-lamentation · 2 months
can u believe that because i can't open my og nb acc i all of a sudden need to write for every single character . is that really all it took
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taegularities · 1 year
hiiii, i’m new here so just a warning this is gonna be a long one 🙃 okay so i just wanted to say I FUCKING LOVE YOU RID!!!! I actually cannot stress it enough i have fallen in love with your writing, your art is so beautiful, and you know what makes it all a 100xs more enjoyable? your kind nature, YOU’RE SO KIND <33 i kinda scrolled through your account a bit after reading a few chapts of cmi and you’re the sweetest lil honey the way you take so much time to respond idk it’s so endearing to me mayn i’m in love w u 🙈.. i have fallen into a trap named rid and i fear you’ll never be rid of me (okah ahhh this is embarrassing, unfortunately my jokes don’t reach level kim seokjin butttt oh wells i tried :)
Anyways now that i’ve given you a lot of my attention (😅) let’s give some to cmi eh?! I’m currently on chapt 3? but first off CMI JK!!!!!! i’m sorry but he’s mine forever i adoreeee him. He’s a silly lil man but he knows when to be serious and he cares for her so much 🥺 right from the beginning girl chap 1 i’m telling you he’s her lovr boy from day 1 no one can change my mind.
And mccccc i acc love herrr, she has the vibes where she’s like ‘ugh i hate you🙄’ whilst her insides are totally squealing overwhelmed with butterflies, pls she’s so me in that sense. My lifestyle isn’t in anyway like hers but somehow someway i manage to relate to her she’s such a comfort to me i can’t explain it :( her inner monologue it’s like she just gets me, the over-thinker in us 🤧 so thanks for bringing her character to life :))
Also, i’d say i’m v good at reading characters, predicting stuff here and there but for the life of me Rid, i cannot read jk. he’s impossible. One minute i think oh he knows he’s in love the next i’m like ??? are his thoughts just as jumbled as hers? He’s just so ?:?/?/?/? Either way they break my heart and manage to piece it all back together in one.
and YOUR SMUT???? oh your smut is oh so delicious! like the ‘jk knitting his brows together and aggressively hmm-ing’ kind of delicious. YES. YES. YES. however.. i’m hoping for dom mc to come out. she was teased the teeniest tiniest bit in chap 3? and now i’m just a tad curious.
Also them talking about percy jackson and me currently reading percy jackson 🤭
AND all the star talk has me WEAK. i LOVE STARS, i love the sky, they’re such romantics, he’s such a romantic, a dreamer, he’s perfect god i’m such a sap
also really random but we have the same mbti Rid :) and then i got curious about who’s your bias bcs i have this thing where i believe you bias who reflects your personality most and we literally have the same biases and bias wrecker 😭taegikook will be the death of me 🙄😩
(okay so bcs i’m anon i stil want you to remember who it is everytime i post feedback so it’s Riaaaa. maybe i’ll add an emoji? 🐈‍⬛? yeah i’ll go with the 🐈‍⬛)
thank you for writing i’m excited to read the rest of the chapters i’ll be back with an update hehe and hopefully a better review and less waffling. love yaaa 🫂
- Ria🐈‍⬛
WELCOME THERE, RIA! please, i love your energy already, it's nice that you weren't too shy to reach out <3 and with a seokjin joke right away? cmon, that's so sweet 😭 i'm so happy you have been enjoying my blog, me AND my stories, like, what more do i want 🥺
YES YES, cmi!jk has my entire heart. i don't think i've ever felt so close to a character i wrote, so he just means a whole lot to me (and hopefully, to cmi readers as well) – he's silly, and he'll get sillier. reading him won't get easier either, and as you'll see, oc is gonna have a hard time doing so, too hahaha buuuut he's adorable and i love him :( same with our overthinking baby, oc :(((
AH YOU LIKE THE SMUT? lmfao i've been having a hard time with it, so it's good go know i'm not entirely failing and you're enjoying it :'D sub jk, yes? we'll see 😌
ahh yes, the star talk. you said you're new here so you're not used to it yet, but i love my stars and the sky (a little too much), so you'll find talk about it every now and then, in most of my fics 😭 honestly, i even tried to lessen that bit in cmi and replace it with flower stuff... there's a lot worse out there in my masterlist :')
your name and the 🐈‍⬛ emoji are so cute, babe !! drop by anytime 🥺 and i'll be waiting patiently hehehe i'm so happy they're comforting to you, and super excited to hear what you think of the rest 👁 enjoy it and welcome again, lovely 💕
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jjunieworld · 1 month
oh and to that anon who sent that roommate request trust i haven’t forgotten about you once i finish these other long ass wips i’m gonna get right to yours
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simplykenni · 1 year
About your tags: never feel any pressure to catch up on my stories. Read what makes you happy when it makes you happy ^^
Girls should always do as they wish 💜💜
Hush up (affectionate) ✋🏾
Reading these stories does make me happy but I also am a procrastinator. I'll get to them soon 😌
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cold-kitty · 3 months
The winner of this week's poll was... Yandere Murderer/Serial Killer!
Includes: murder (not darling), nsfw (not with darling), stalking, a little fluff, cameras
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Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer that had planned to kill you as his next victim.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who stalks you to figure out your routine to find when you're most vulnerable, but he ends up finding you cute.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who doesn't kill you right away just for his entertainment, he wants to figure out what makes you tick and use it against you. you're so cute when you're angry!
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who starts to see you as an actual person and not just someone for him to kill, which is a first.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who starts to really like you, who waits until you're not at home before installing discreet cameras in your house.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who watches you in his free time, every second of it.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who touches himself when you do, zooming in on your hand on your genitals.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who starts to leave you little gifts. your favorite candy bar? you suddenly have one. you like a certain animal? you have a new plushie. you wanna watch a movie? you suddenly have the DVD. he loves seeing your face light up every time you get a gift.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who feels enraged when someone picks on you. how fucking dare they! they should be hung on a meat hook like the animal they are!
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who feels his heart sink when he sees the look on your face when you find the body of the person, he wanted to comfort you. he would be more careful hiding the bodies now. there's also an onslaught of gifts the next day.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who finally, finally decides to take you. he makes sure he's gentle with you, he doesn't dare inject you with anything, he uses a simple cloth dipped in chloroform. he doesn't want to restrain you, but he's scared you'll run off.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who holds you until you wake up, rocking you gently.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who's genuinely so happy to have you now, even if you're scared or don't like him.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who showers you in gifts and love, who cuddles you while still respecting your personal space. he doesn't dare to force you into anything with him, he loves you too much.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who doesn't stop trying, who waits patiently for your love even if it hurts him.
Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer who stops killing people for you, he knows you don't like it and he doesn't like how scared it makes you.
If you end up falling for Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer, he immediately starts breaking down in happy tears. he's clinging to you, burying his head in your neck or chest, desperately kissing anything he can. he's so goddamn happy, he's waited so long for this.
If you don't end up falling for Yan!Murderer/Serial Killer, he'll just wait, he needs you to love him back.
How was this for my first fic? Feel free to ask for expansions of this idea, like darlings that act in a certain way. Mean, willing, scared, etc..
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tosomeonessomeone · 4 months
f*cking mine.
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words・ 5.8k /pairings・ Vampire Lee know x Afab!reader / genres・ thrilling?/ warnings・ intercourse, mentions of alcoholic drinks and drugs, minors DNI.
Hello lovely ones! At last, it has arrived ✨ I might have gotten a bit carried away with the plot and added some extra spice 😅, so if you’re underaged, you know the drill. 🐈‍⬛ anon, hope you enjoy it! Ps. yes.. I did a mood board for this fic.
YN and her friends eagerly embarked on their October adventure, seeking the thrill of Halloween in the heart of an eerie forest. Nestled among the trees stood their chosen sanctuary: a rustic cabin, beckoning with promises of mystery and excitement.
As the night deepened, laughter mingled with the rustle of leaves outside. After a lot of booze and a couple joints, truth or dare became their group game of choice, fueling the evening with daring challenges and revealing confessions. Amidst the flickering candlelight, an irresistible dare emerged from the shadows.
One of YN's friends, eyes glinting mischievously, proposed the ultimate challenge: to explore the forbidden path marked by a foreboding sign that declared, "road not taken." The warning was clear, but so was the allure of the unknown.
Despite the lingering doubt, YN felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, heightened by the warmth of intoxication.
As YN stepped cautiously along the winding trail, her friends' voices lingered in her mind, their laughter echoing through the dense foliage like a distant melody.
"I can't believe you're actually doing this, YN!" Ella’s voice chimed in her memory, tinged with a hint of disbelief.
"Yeah, this is like straight out of a horror movie," remarked Mia, her tone laced with excitement.
YN couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, her breath forming a misty cloud in the cool night air. "Well, what's life without a little adventure, right?"
"True that," came Hyo’s voice, her tone filled with encouragement. "Just don't get lost out there, okay? We don't need a real-life Blair Witch situation on our hands."
The mention of the infamous horror film elicited nervous laughter from YN, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. "Don't worry, I'll find my way back," she reassured them, her voice carrying a note of determination.
With determined steps, YN ventured into the darkness, guided by the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the dense canopy above. Each footfall echoed against the forest floor, mingling with the whispers of ancient trees and the flutter of unseen creatures.
The path stretched before her, winding deeper into the heart of the forest with every passing moment. Shadows danced on the edges of her vision, casting doubt and uncertainty upon her path. 
The forest enveloped her in its embrace, shrouding her senses in a cloak of mystery and wonder. Every rustle of leaves, every creak of branches, held the promise of adventure and danger intertwined.
As she ventured further along the winding trail, the night itself seemed to hold its breath, anticipation hanging heavy in the air. Yet, despite the whispers of caution that echoed in her mind, YN pressed on, driven by an insatiable thirst for discovery.
YN ventured deeper into the forest, her footsteps echoing against the tangled undergrowth, she stumbled upon another cabin, its weathered facade a stark contrast to the one she and her friends called home for the night. The sight of the aged structure sent a shiver down her spine, its timeworn exterior whispering tales of long-forgotten secrets and untold mysteries.
Pausing at the foot of the rickety stairs, YN couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity tugging at her senses. The door, oddly ajar, beckoned to her like a siren's call, promising a glimpse into the unknown depths of the past. For a moment, she hesitated, torn between the allure of exploration and the lingering sense of caution that gnawed at her conscience.
"Okay, YN, let's not get too carried away here," she murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is definitely starting to feel like something out of a horror movie."
As YN turned to leave, her heart skipped a beat as she was startled to find a man standing at the foot of the steps, his presence looming like a shadow against the fading light of dusk. In the dimness, his features were cast in obscurity, a silhouette shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
Frozen in place, YN's eyes traced the outline of the stranger's figure, noting the striking contrast of his dark hair against the pallor of his skin. His attire, adorned with chains that glinted in the fading light, spoke of a persona both enigmatic and alluring, drawing her gaze inexorably towards his face.
Caught off guard by his sudden appearance, YN struggled to find her voice amidst the silence that hung heavy between them. And as the stranger's gaze met hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine, he spoke, his voice a low murmur that echoed in the stillness of the forest.
"Can I help you?" His words, tinged with an air of mystery, hung in the air like a question waiting to be answered, his eyes searching hers for some semblance of recognition or understanding.
Summoning her courage, YN met the stranger's gaze with a steadiness born of determination. "I... I was just exploring," she replied, her voice trembling slightly with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. "I didn't mean to intrude."
As the words tumbled from her lips, YN found herself caught in the currents of a moment suspended in time, the air alive with the promise of possibility and the lingering scent of uncertainty. 
"Uhh..." YN hesitated, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I was dared to travel down the trail..." Her words faltered as she reached out to steady herself against the door frame, the weight of the man's scrutiny bearing down upon her.
As the man's gaze lingered on her, YN felt a flush of embarrassment color her cheeks, acutely aware of the disapproval etched into his features. His raised eyebrow spoke volumes, a silent accusation that hung heavy in the air between them.
"So you thought you could explore my house, huh?" The man's words cut through the silence like a knife, his tone laced with thinly veiled contempt.
YN mumbled her explanation, a quick shake of her head accompanied her apology. "No, just the trail. I apologize, I wasn’t going to enter,” she muttered, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and apprehension.
The man stood there, his gaze piercing through her, his silence hanging heavy in the air like a looming storm. Seconds passed like eternities as YN waited, her nerves on edge, her senses heightened to the slightest movement.
"You do realize that you’re lucky to come across me here. These woods are not a safe place for a young girl like you to be wandering all alone," he murmured, his words a somber reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.
YN swallowed hard, her throat dry with fear, her mind racing with a myriad of possibilities. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon her, the realization sinking in that she stood on the precipice of something far more sinister than she had ever imagined.
Then, with deliberate steps, the man began to approach her slowly, each footfall echoing ominously in the stillness of the night. YN's heart raced as she felt the weight of his presence bearing down upon her, making it difficult for her to even lift her gaze to meet his.
With each step backward, YN's heart pounded against her chest like a drumbeat of impending doom. The urge to flee surged within her, fueled by the primal instinct to escape the clutches of the unknown.
But fate, it seemed, had other plans.
As YN edged backward, her back hit the wall near the door, a momentary lapse that threatened to plunge her into the depths of uncertainty. Her pulse quickened, her breath caught in her throat, as she teetered on the brink of danger. The rough texture of the wall against her skin served as a stark reminder of the confined space, trapping her in the predator's den. 
He stopped just in front of her, his figure towering over her like a specter in the moonlight. His voice, soft yet laden with an undercurrent of warning, sent shivers down YN's spine.
Every fiber of her being screamed for escape as she stood pinned against the barrier, her senses heightened to the looming threat that loomed before her.
Her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, each one a desperate plea for escape, as she stood frozen in the shadow of his presence. The weight of his touch pressed against her, a tangible reminder of the darkness that lurked within the depths of the forest.
"These are my woods,” he leaned in, whispering close to her ears.
YN's voice trembled as she whispered, her words echoing in the stillness of the night. "Y-your woods?" she repeated, her disbelief palpable in the quiver of her tone.
The man's response sent a chill down her spine, his voice dripping with possessiveness and entitlement. "Yes, dear, my woods," he murmured, his words a chilling reminder of the power he held over the domain in which they stood. "This place belongs to me, and anyone who wanders in is fair game for me to play with."
YN's breath caught in her throat, the weight of his words sinking in like an anchor dragging her deeper into the abyss. The realization dawned on her with a sickening clarity: she was at the mercy of a predator, a wolf among sheep, lurking in the darkness of the forest.
In that moment, fear and defiance warred within her, each vying for dominance over her trembling form. 
"Would you like to know my name, darling?" His voice was a sinister whisper, laden with promises of power and submission. "I shall warn you, however, that once you say it, you will become subservient to my every whim and bound to serve me."
Her heart hammered against her chest as he spoke, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air like a dark cloud. YN's mind raced with uncertainty, torn between the allure of knowledge and the fear of what it might entail.
As he stepped back, giving her space to consider his offer, YN felt the weight of his gaze bearing down upon her. His challenge hung in the air like a dare, tempting her to take the plunge into the unknown.
"Are you brave enough to take on the challenge?" His words echoed in the stillness of the night, a test of her courage and resilience in the face of overwhelming darkness.
With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity coursing through her veins, YN summoned her courage and faced the man with the glowing red eyes. Despite the warning echoing in her mind, she couldn't resist the pull of the unknown, the tantalizing allure of discovering his name.
"I... I want to… know your name," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, her heart pounding with anticipation and fear.
With a sly smile curling his lips, the man leaned in closer, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. "My name is Lee Minho, but for a sweet thing like you, you can call me Minho," he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper that sent a shiver down YN's spine.
As the revelation of Minho's name hung in the air like a shroud of darkness, YN felt a momentary lull in the tension that gripped the forest. The weight of his identity settled upon her like a heavy cloak, its implications stretching far beyond the confines of the haunted woods.
In the stillness of the night, Minho regarded her with a knowing smile, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. Yet, amidst the shadows that danced around them, a spark of curiosity ignited within him.
"And what, may I ask, is your name, my dear?" Minho's voice carried a hint of amusement, his words tinged with a sense of intrigue.
YN hesitated for a moment, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon her. Yet, in the face of the unknown, she summoned her courage and met his gaze with determination.
"My name is YN," she replied, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her.
As the sound of her name echoed in the darkness, YN felt a sense of empowerment wash over her, a reminder of her own agency amidst the chaos that surrounded them.
In that moment, she knew that she had crossed a threshold from which there was no turning back. YN found herself inexplicably drawn to Minho, like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his presence. There was something about him that transcended the darkness surrounding him, something that spoke to the depths of her soul.
As she stood in his shadow, YN felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if she had known him in another life, in another time. His eyes held secrets untold, mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and despite the danger that lurked within their depths, she couldn't tear her gaze away.
With each moment that passed, the fear that once gripped her heart began to wane, replaced by a curious fascination that defied reason. There was an allure to Lee Minho, a darkness tempered by a glimmer of something more, something that called out to her in the depths of the night.
In his presence, YN felt a sense of belonging, a connection that transcended the boundaries of time and space. And as she stood on the precipice of the unknown, she knew that her fate was intertwined with his, bound by the threads of destiny that wove their way through the tapestry of their lives.
As YN's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and anticipation, she summoned the courage to voice the question that weighed heavily on her mind. "What are you going to do to me?" she asked, her words echoing in the stillness of the night, tinged with uncertainty.
Minho regarded her with an enigmatic smile, his gaze piercing through the shadows that enveloped them. There was a depth to his eyes, a wellspring of secrets and mysteries waiting to be unveiled.
"My dear YN," he began, his voice a melodic whisper that danced on the edge of the wind, "I am bound by the laws of this realm, as are you. What happens next is a journey that we must embark upon together, guided by the currents of fate."
His words held a cryptic resonance, a promise of truths yet to be revealed. YN felt a shiver run down her spine, the weight of his words settling upon her like a heavy cloak.
"In the heart of these woods, we will confront the shadows that linger within our souls," Minho continued, his voice a solemn declaration of intent. "But fear not, for I will be your guide, your protector, and your companion on this journey through the darkness."
As he spoke, YN's gaze lingered on Minho, a chill ran down her spine as she noticed something unsettling: his elongated canines, gleaming in the moonlight, betrayed his true nature—he was a vampire.
The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, sending shockwaves of fear coursing through her veins. Her heart pounded with a mixture of terror and disbelief as she struggled to comprehend the truth before her.
Finally, YN found her voice, her words trembling with uncertainty. "What... what are you?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, her eyes never leaving his.
Minho's smile widened, revealing his gleaming fangs in the moonlight. "I am what you fear most, my dear," he replied, his voice a velvet caress that sent shivers down YN's spine.
Fear and fascination warred within her, each vying for dominance over her trembling form. As Minho's gaze bore into YN's, his voice, smooth and velvety, pierced the silence like a dagger.
"Shall we have dinner?" he asked, his words laced with a subtle invitation that sent a chill down YN's spine.
Minho's question hung in the air, the weight of its implications echoing in the silence that enveloped them. YN's heart raced as she grappled with the surrealness of the moment, the reality of dining with a vampire sinking in like a heavy stone.
The invitation, so innocently posed yet laden with sinister undertones, sent a shiver down YN's spine. Her instincts screamed at her to refuse, to flee from the darkness that threatened to consume her.
With a trembling breath, YN met Lee Minho's gaze, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I suppose so," she replied, her words tinged with uncertainty, her heart pounding in her chest.
And as they ventured deeper into the heart of his cabin, YN knew that the dinner they shared would be more than just a meal—it would be a dance of shadows and light, a journey into the depths of the unknown, where danger and desire intertwined in a delicate balance.
As they reached the dinning room lit in the soft glow of moonlight and a couple candles, Minho gestured towards a rustic wooden table set with an array of fruits and delicacies. "Please, have a seat," he said, his tone inviting yet tinged with an air of mystery.
YN hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with a thousand questions and uncertainties. But something about Minho's demeanor reassured her, drawing her closer to the table with a sense of cautious curiosity.
As they sat at the rustic wooden table, YN couldn't shake the sense of surrealness that hung in the air like a thick fog. Minho's presence, though captivating, sent shivers down her spine, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath his charming facade.
Minho poured a glass of deep red wine, his movements graceful and deliberate. "Please, indulge yourself," he said, offering the glass to YN with a small, enigmatic smile.
YN hesitated for a moment, her fingers hovering over the glass, before finally accepting it with a nervous nod of thanks. As she took a sip, the rich, velvety taste flooded her senses, warming her from the inside out.
"So, YN," Minho began, his voice low and melodic, "tell me more about yourself. What secrets do you carry in that beautiful mind of yours?"
YN's heart raced as she searched for words, her thoughts a jumbled mess of fear and fascination. "I... I'm just a girl, really," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Nothing special."
As YN sat there, she couldn't shake the feeling of being nothing more than prey in the presence of a predator. His gaze, though captivating, held an intensity that sent a chill down her spine, a reminder of the darkness that lurked behind his charming facade.
Minho's eyes danced with amusement as he listened to YN's hesitant words, his lips curling into a small, knowing smile. "Just a girl, you say?" he mused, his voice a soft purr that sent shivers down her spine. "I find that hard to believe."
YN's heart raced as she met his gaze, her pulse quickening with each passing moment. She could feel the weight of his scrutiny, his eyes devouring her with a hunger that sent a thrill of fear and excitement coursing through her veins.
As they sat and dined in the flickering light of the moon, YN couldn't shake the feeling of being nothing more than a mere mortal in the presence of a creature far beyond her understanding. And as Minho's gaze lingered on her, she knew that she was merely a pawn in a game of shadows and light, a game where the stakes were higher than she could have ever imagined.
Minho got up at some point and walked closer, closing  the distance between them, YN's heart thundered in her chest, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the heat of his body leaning over hers. Trapped between him and the chair, she could feel the weight of his presence pressing in on her, suffocating her with its intensity.
With a gentle touch, Minho reached out, his fingers brushing against her cheek skin like a whisper of silk. YN's breath hitched at the contact, her senses ablaze with a mixture of fear and anticipation.
"Shh, my dear," Minho murmured, his voice a soft caress against her ear. "There's no need to be afraid."
As Minho's breath caressed YN's neck, she couldn't suppress the shiver that coursed through her body. His words, a whispered caress against her skin, sent a thrill of fear and excitement dancing along her spine.
“You smell viciously delicious," Minho murmured, his voice a low, seductive whisper that sent a shiver down YN's spine. "Makes me hot."
YN's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to find her voice, the intensity of the moment rendering her speechless. Her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, each one a tangled web of fear and desire.
"Wh-what do you mean?" YN stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with uncertainty.
Minho's eyes gleaming with a hunger that sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through YN's veins. "It means," he murmured, his voice dripping with temptation, "that you are unlike anything I've ever encountered before, you are special."
YN's eyebrows furrowed with confusion, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. "Wait.. what?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, her heart pounding in her chest.
Minho's lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes shining with an otherworldly light. "I'm simply showing you the truth, my dear," he replied, his voice a velvet whisper that sent shivers down YN's spine. "The truth of who you really are… mine… my mate”
The air crackled with tension as YN felt the heat of his gaze upon her, his proximity igniting a firestorm of emotions within her. She could feel the weight of his words hanging in the air, each syllable laden with a hunger that sent her heart racing.
In that moment, YN's senses were overwhelmed by the heady scent of danger and desire that surrounded her. His words, though filled with a darkness she could scarcely comprehend, held a seductive power that she found herself unable to resist.
As Minho's tongue traced a soft line along YN's neck, a tremor of sensation rippled through her body, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. His touch, though gentle, ignited a firestorm of desire within her, awakening a primal instinct she never knew existed.
YN's breath caught in her throat as Minho's lips kissing a sweet spot near her ear, his kiss sending waves of heat cascading through her. In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the intoxicating allure of the night and the enigmatic figure who held her captive with his touch.
"Your skin," he whispered, his voice a soft caress in the night air, "it sings to me. A melody of temptation and longing."
YN's pulse quickening with each word that fell from his lips. She felt herself drowning in the depths of his gaze, lost in a world where desire and danger danced in a tantalizing embrace.
"In the darkness," he continued, his voice low and melodic, "we are free. Free to explore the depths of our desires, to succumb to the pull of the night."
With a graceful step backward, Minho gently took YN's hand, his touch sending a surge of electricity coursing through her veins. In the dim light of his cabin, his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly allure, drawing her deeper into the shadows.
"Come," he murmured, his voice a soft echo in the night, "there is much to discover.".
With a silent nod, YN followed Minho into the darkness, her heart ablaze with the promise of adventure and discovery. For in the depths through the walls, she would find the truest expression of herself, and the secrets that lay hidden in the depths of her soul.
Minho's touch was gentle yet possessive as he guided her through the labyrinthine corridors, each twist and turn a step deeper into the heart of the unknown.
And as they reached his room, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, YN felt a surge of anticipation course through her veins. 
As she felt his grip tighten around her waist, YN's eyes widened, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and desire. The air crackled with tension as she met his gaze, her eyes searching for answers in the depths of his own.
As Minho's hand trailed from her side to her nape, she felt a shiver run down her spine. She knew that this kiss was going to be different, that it was going to be dangerous. And as his lips met hers in a slow burn kiss, she felt his fangs brush against her lower plump lip.
She knew that she should pull away, that she should resist the temptation that Minho offered. But she couldn't help herself. She was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
As his tongue slipped into her mouth, she tasted the danger and the passion that he offered. She knew that this was a kiss that could destroy her, that could leave her broken and shattered. 
And as the kiss finally ended, she knew that she was lost. Lost in the passion and the danger that Minho offered, lost in a world where pleasure and pain were one and the same. But she didn't care. She had tasted the forbidden fruit, and she knew that she would never be the same again.
As Minho's hand slid down to her back, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her. His touch was electric, sending shivers down her spine. And as his other hand played with the bare skin on her waist, she felt a warmth spreading through her body that she had never felt before.
As he kissed his way down to her neck, she felt her heart racing with anticipation. As his lips brushed against her neck, she felt a surge of desire wash over her. 
"Are you going to bite me?" she whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
Lee Minho's eyes held a glimmer of amusement, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Not unless you want me to," he murmured, his voice a soft caress against her skin.
With a trembling breath, YN met Minho's gaze with unwavering resolve, her heart ablaze with the thrill of the unknown. 
As Minho's lips brushed against her skin, YN's breath hitched in her throat, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and longing.
"I want to taste you fully," His voice was a soft murmur against her ear, his words sending a shiver down her spine, "before dragging my teeth on your beautiful neck and drinking your blood… marking you as mine"
As Minho slowly undressed her, YN felt a thrill of excitement run through her body. She slowly undressed him in return, she felt a sense of power and control wash over her. She knew that she had him in her grasp too, that she could make him do anything she wanted. 
As YN's naked body glowed under the moonlight, Minho couldn't help but let out an animalistic sound, like a predator who had found its prey. He was consumed with desire for her, and he kissed her with a passion and need that left her breathless.
YN surrendered to Minho completely, knowing that she was his to do with as he pleased. She felt his hands roaming over her body, exploring every curve and crevice, and she moaned with pleasure as he took her to new heights of ecstasy.
As Minho moved YN's body slowly towards his king-sized bed, she felt a shiver of excitement run through her. She knew that she was completely at his mercy, and she surrendered to him willingly.
He leaned her down onto her back, and as he kissed down her chest, she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her. He tasted her breasts, making her let out soft moans of pleasure, and she arched her back in response.
Minho's actions were possessive and dominant, and they sent a thrill of excitement through YN's body. She knew that she was completely under his control, and she loved every moment of it.
He whispered in her ear, "You belong to me, and only me. I'll never let anyone else touch you like this."
YN shivered with pleasure at his words, feeling a sense of safety and security in his possessiveness. She knew that he would always protect her, no matter what.
As YN laid on Minho's bed, her body aching with desire, he continued to explore her with his lips and tongue. He moved down her chest, taking one of her breasts into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue.
YN moaned softly, arching her back and offering herself up to him completely. She had never felt so alive, so desired, so wanted.
Minho continued to kiss and lick his way down her body, stopping only to tease her belly button with his tongue before moving further down.
He leaned in, kissing the inside of her thigh before moving to her center, where he began to explore her with his tongue, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
YN moaned louder, her body writhing with pleasure as Minho continued to pleasure her in ways she had never imagined possible. And as she reached the heights of ecstasy, she knew that she was his, completely and utterly, forever.
As Minho continued to kiss and lick his way up to YN's body, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dominance and ownership over her. 
"You're mine," he growled, his voice low and husky. "No one else can ever have you like this. You're my little plaything.”
YN moaned in response, her body trembling with desire as Minho continued to explore her with his lips and tongue. She had never felt so wanted, so desired, so owned.
As Minho locked YN in between his arms, he looked deeply into her eyes and asked her, "Whose are you?"
YN whimpered in response, feeling a sense of pleasure and submission at his possessive words. She looked up at him with desire-filled eyes and replied, "I'm yours, all yours. I belong to you completely."
Minho smiled, a look of satisfaction on his face. He knew that he had complete control over her, and that she would do anything he asked of her.
"Good girl," he said, his voice low and commanding. "You're mine now, and I'm going to make you feel so good."
And with that, he leaned down and captured her lips with his, kissing her deeply and passionately as they lost themselves in a world of pleasure and desire.
As Minho continued to kiss YN deeply, he let his hand travel down between her legs to find it wet. He chuckled as he felt how wet she already was, his fingers tracing up and down on her lower region.
"Already so wet for me?" he whispered in her ear, his voice dripping with desire.
YN whimpered and moaned in response, her body trembling with pleasure as he continued to pleasure her with his fingers. She had never felt so alive, so desired, so wanted.
As YN reached down for Minho's manhood, she couldn't help but gasp at how big and hard it felt in her hand. She stroked it slowly, feeling his body tense up with pleasure as he let out a groan.
YN smirked, feeling a sense of power and control as she continued to pleasure him with her hand. She knew that she was driving him wild with desire, and that he would do anything to make her feel good in return.
As YN lined up Minho's member above her wet folds, she bridged closer to him with her other hand on his back. He took the cue and slammed himself into her without warning or waiting for her to adjust, his lips whispering profanities to her.
"Too big for my new plaything, huh?" he taunted. "Wasn't ready for it, baby girl?" He promised her that his fangs would break into her skin later, making her cry out in fear and pleasure.
Her nails found their way to his back, scratching him as he pounded into her with increasing force. She was overwhelmed by the intensity of their passion, and she knew that she was completely at his mercy.
And as Minho continued to take her to new heights of pleasure and pain, YN surrendered completely to him, knowing that she was his forever, body and soul.
YN felt herself getting closer to orgasm, Minho sensed it and brought his face near her neck, kissing and licking it. Her walls clenched around him, and in the right moment, he bit her neck, his canines deep, drawing out her blood, savoring the taste of her blood and the pleasure that he was giving her.
She let out a deliciously moan alongside a groan of pain, the sensation of the pain and her orgasm taking her higher than the things she used with her friends earlier. 
Minho continued jamming into YN's feminine parts, he slammed harder and harder until he finally came, painting her walls white with his release.
YN cried out in pleasure as she felt him release inside her, her body trembling with the intensity of their passion. She knew that she had given herself completely to Minho, and that he had taken her to new heights of pleasure that she had never even dreamed of before.
“You taste so good, baby girl," he said, lapping his tongue over the fresh bite. YN felt completely under his spell, lost in a world of pleasure and desire where nothing else mattered except for the two of them and the love that they shared.
As they lathere, spent and breathless, YN felt a chill creeping into her bones, sending a shiver down her spine. Panic flickered in her eyes as she struggled to catch her breath, her mind racing with uncertainty.
Minho's arms wrapped around her, a reassuring presence in the darkness. "It will be quickly," he murmured, his voice a steady anchor in the turmoil that surrounded them.
Her heart pounding, YN's eyes widened in disbelief. "Quick what?!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with anger and fear, her breaths coming in short gasps.
"Your transformation," Lee Minho stated firmly, his tone unwavering. "You. Are. Mine. Now."
YN's throat tightened at his words, the weight of their implications settling over her like a suffocating blanket. She swallowed hard, her mouth dry with fear, her mind reeling with the enormity of what lay ahead.
In that moment, YN knew that she stood at the precipice of a journey that would irrevocably alter the course of her destiny. With a trembling nod, she silently acknowledged the truth of his words, bracing herself for the darkness that awaited her on the other side.
to be continued?
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reidsdaisies · 2 days
So a request:
You walk in on Spencer with a dildo in his ass(or vibrator or even just his own fingers), trying to get himself off and he’s never told you he wanted to be pegged or anything but you obviously have to go help the poor whiny man, he needs you. -🐈‍⬛
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༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; spencer reid x fem!reader ༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; nsfw - mention of masturbation (m), sub!spencer. ༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.6k ༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; if this is the same 🐈‍⬛ anon who requested the ‘promise me’ fic.. girly i am so fucking sorry 😭 i started it back in November and never finished it and i feel really bad about it. i’ll try to work on it but i don’t trust myself to make promises :/ i pray you’ve stuck around and i still hope you can enjoy this one, really sorry to leave you hanging for so long i forgot i even drafted this one!
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cm masterlist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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When you walked into you and Spencer’s shared apartment after driving back home from work, his converse lying on the shoe rack by the door, but the place being way too quiet, you knew something was up.
You dropped your things off in their usual place – coat on the hook by the door, shoes on the rack, purse discarded on the table – and made your way to your room.
As soon as you approached the room, you were surprised to hear moans coming from behind the door.
The moans were consistent, and you knew what he was doing in there, or at least you thought you knew what he was doing. But when you knocked once, calling his name gently before twisting the knob and opening the door, you were even more surprised to not find him with his hand wrapped around his cock, but instead in an even more compromising position, naked from the waist down, lying on the bed with your vibrator stuffed deep inside his hole.
He involuntarily moaned at you calling for him, scrambling to pull the toy out and turn it off.
“Y/N!” He shrieked, eyes wide, features clearly conveying just how guilty he felt. “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh, is that so?” You cocked your head to the side, skeptical of him, though you already knew that’s not the truth, it was exactly as it looked. You stepped further into the room, inching closer towards the bed.
“If it’s not what it looked like, then what were you doing?”
“I-I..” he choked, swallowing his words and huffing in defeat as he slumped against the bed, his hand falling limply to the side, the toy glistening. Your eyes darted to the nightstand, a bottle of lube, your lube, out and open. Poor baby was so eager to fuck himself that he couldn’t even close the damn bottle.
“Y-you what?” You mocked. You knew it was cold, you’ve always hated being mocked so why mock him? Maybe it was just something about how adorably weak his voice sounded as he tried to stall, or how absolutely wrecked he looked. He sounded pretty close to coming when you walked in, it’s possible you may have even ruined his orgasm.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about how.. I want you to fuck me.. but not like normal..” he admitted, looking down timidly at his lap, his cock still hard, leaking, and begging for release.
“You want it in the ass, am I correct?”
He nodded. You gave him that look, the look you give him when you need him to speak up.
“Y-yeah, that’s right. I want it in, uhm, I want you to.. in my..”
You beamed at his words, practically hopping over to him, jumping beside him on the bed.
“You could’ve just said so,”
Your demeanor changed, back to the partner he knew to be just as eager in bed as him, though much less shy around topics like this.
“There’s no reason to be so shy about this, honey. Did you think I’d be ashamed of this or turn you down?”
He hesitated slightly, eyes searching yours for any signal of revealing that you were attempting to deceive him. There were none, and you weren’t, so he shook his head.
“Then why wait to get caught in the act before telling me?”
“I was just worried about what you might think of me..”
You gave him a sympathetic pout, gently stroking a hand over his cheek.
“I promise I’d never think poorly of you for liking something like this,”
You paused for a moment, moving your hand down and trailing your fingers gently along the soft skin of his thigh, making him tense a bit.
“..do you still want my help?”
You giggled at the eagerness he displayed as he gave you his answer of “yes!”, and took hold of the toy, ready and willing to help him out.
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Spencer Reid smut taglist: @tw1npeaks @spencerssoup @hiireadstuff @thievin-stealing
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Let me know your thoughts about this in the comments or my inbox and like & reblog to support! Much love <33
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eulalielatibule · 8 months
The Purrfect Pair
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Black Cat!Hybrid!FemReader
Word Count: 1,600
Warnings: AU, Soulmates, power dynamics, pet play, reader has powers, mentions of grief, fluff, use of honorifics: Mistress and Kitten
Summary: The Scarlet Witch has arrived which means her familiar must finally reunite with her.
Author's Note: Ahhh I'm so excited for this! I did a ton of research for this fic and I really like it. I intend for it to be a series as I would love to explore how Wanda and her Kitten get along and what trouble they get into!
If you enjoy, please reblog and comment!
An empty void.
You were asleep one minute, the next something flickered inside your brain. You woke up and stretched out, a little yawn leaving you; you had no idea how many thousands of years you had been asleep. You shook your sleepiness off, your black furry ears twitching in excitement.
Wanda Maximoff.
That was the name that filled your head. That was the person who you were to find.
Your owner was finally here, the one and only Scarlet Witch.
Wanda exhaled, watching as her breath fogged up in the chilled mountain air. The tea cup she was holding kept her hands and the tip of her nose warm, and she sipped the sweet beverage with a hum.
After everything that happened in Westview, she had to get away from everything. Too much sadness has been filling her life, and now that she had the new status of being the Scarlet Witch? Well she had to learn how to deal with all the power and responsibility that held too.
It was a lot of stress, and what better place to deal with stress than a cottage in the mountains?
The woman had been spending her time finessing her powers and learning how to control it. She had help from Doctor Strange and Wong, the Sorcerer Supreme, which she was grateful for. She felt like she was finally getting a hang of herself. 
But there was a feeling she couldn't quite shake off.
There was something missing, a piece of her that she had to find.
Wanda was used to loss, having lost pretty much everyone important to her. This was different however. She didn't lose something, it was more like she had to reunite with someone.
As she was lost in thought, electricity filled the air. The witch broke out of her zone and looked up at the sky- it was still clear like normal- No sign of a storm. Goosebumps rose on her skin, and her red magic began sparking from her fingers unexpectedly.
What was happening?
As anxiety coursed through her, a bright light appeared a few feet in front of Wanda. Standing up, she watched with caution as the light dimmed away, revealing in its place a woman.
Everything about you was normal. You had on some comfortable clothes- a brown knitted sweater, jeans, boots. Your hair was styled out of your face and you had an excited smile on your face.
The thing that startled Wanda?
Your cat ears and long, fuzzy tail.
"Are you Wanda Maximoff?" Was the first thing out of your mouth.
"Depends- who are you?" Wanda asked, her hands twitching as her magic swirled around her fingers. You gave her your name and bowed, making Wanda quirk an eyebrow.
"I have been looking for you for so long, Mistress. I can't believe you're finally here."
"What the hell are you talking about?" The redhead dropped her hands now, but still stood on guard. This was very bizarre and she needed answers.
"You don't know who I am?" This time you were the one confused, your ears twitching and your head tilted slightly to one side. "Wanda, I'm your familiar."
"My– what? Can you please just explain what you're doing here? What do you mean, my 'familiar'?"
You approached the woman slowly. "You're the Scarlet Witch. Thousands of years ago I was bound to you as your companion for eternity. I was created to help you, guide you, and service you in whatever you need."
Wanda blinked slowly as she processed what you said. She knew that the myth of the Scarlet Witch was centuries of years old and that she had a lot of learning to do about it- well, herself- yet she had never heard of a familiar. But all her caution faded when she dove into your mind, searching for any kind of malicious intent.
All she found was your complete devotion and love for her.
It made something inside of the witch spark and she couldn't help but smile a bit. So this was why she was feeling so incomplete lately.
"Come here, sweetheart." Wanda spoke softly, a hand extended for you to take.
Her pet name for you made your belly flutter and your tail twitch happily. You happily took her hand and stepped closer, and Wanda gently cupped your face into her warm hands with a soft hum.
"Thank you for coming all this way to find me. Let me get you some tea and maybe a snack and you can tell me more about yourself?" Her thumbs caressed the apples of your cheeks as you gazed up at her with sparkly eyes. You simply nodded which made Wanda chuckle softly at how sweet you were.
She took your hand in one of hers, the other picking up her mug, and she led you inside her little cottage. You noticed how it was a little bare inside, only the necessities and a few cozy items. You couldn't help but frown at the thought of your mistress not having the very best of everything.
Wanda took you into the kitchen and took out another mug for you before pouring some tea into each mug.
"Don't worry about me, I don't mind being a bit minimalistic." Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment- how could you forget she could read minds??
"I– I'm sorry mistress, I hope I didn't offend." Your head tucked down. You heard Wanda's chuckle and then she was tilting your chin up to look her in the eyes.
"Don't apologize, kitten. I know that it isn't exactly homey in here. I never liked much clutter, but seeing that you'll be living here now I can conjure up some things for you."
"Live– I can live here? Really?" Your ears twitched as excitement came over you.
"Well of course, I can't let my little familiar live outside." She spoke with such conviction that you felt butterflies in your stomach. There was a little smirk on Wanda's lips and you knew that she knew how she was affecting you which just made you even more excited.
Soon Wanda was handing you a cup of chai and the two of you were sitting on her couch. "When you came here it was like you entered through a portal. I'm guessing you have powers too?" She asked as she set her tea on the table in front of her. You took a sip of the sweet liquid then nodded, licking your lips.
"I do, I'm not a witch though. I can teleport, shapeshift, I can also turn invisible. Not being human means I am also stronger than normal. And since I am bound to you, I can feel what you feel." You explained and Wanda quirked a brow.
"What can you shapeshift into?" You grinned and set your own cup down before closing your eyes, and a second later you were changed into a little black cat. Wanda giggled as you headbutted her hand, giving you little scritches behind your ear. You licked her hand before sitting back and changing into your human form again.
"I can also hide my ears and tail, but I don't like to do that unless I'll be around humans."
"I don't blame you, your ears and tail are very cute." Her words made you grin proudly, the two of you continued to chat and you finished your tea.
The rest of the day was filled with you helping Wanda around the cottage and outside. Thanks to your strength you chopped up maybe too much wood to build a fire. Not that Wanda minded- she loved how cute and eager to please you were. And you used your teleportation to pop into a market and get some food and other necessities.
Wanda was already loving having you around. Thanks to the bond the two of you had, you had an instant connection and it felt like you two had known each other all your lives. Plus living in the mountains often got lonely- and while she had gotten used to solitude, being a lone wolf wasn't something she wanted forever.
She wanted a forever partner, someone to share her life with. And maybe with you, she was getting a second chance at that.
"Mistress, may I lay with you?" Your sweet voice shook Wanda out of her thoughts. She smiled when she noticed you were done building the fire and she nodded, patting the cushion next to her.
"Yes, Kitten, come here." At her approval you quickly made your way over and laid on the couch next to her, your head in her lap. Her slim fingers ran over your hair, stroking it. She could hear soft purrs coming from you and it made her heart bloom with affection.
"I am so glad I found you today, Mistress. I've missed you." You spoke softly, a small pout on your lips. It was hard living without her for as long as you did, but it was all worth it to lay in her lap like you were now.
"I'm glad too, Kitten. I promise I'm here now, and you won't be lonely ever again." Her words were just as soft as yours as she leaned down to kiss your forehead. You closed your eyes, the excitement of the day wearing you out.
Wanda flicked her wrist, her powers grabbing a blanket from her- your- bedroom and laid it over the both of you.
Her own words echoed in her mind: You won't be lonely ever again. And Wanda couldn't help but think that maybe it was true for herself as well.
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shocymer · 2 months
Incognito mode
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"Your very first sweet and gentle boyfriend is surprisingly an expert when it comes to 'bed matters'"
Pairing : Yeosang x virgin! f!reader
Word counts : 4.1k
Contents & warnings : smut mdni! , office! AU, boyfriend!Yeosang, lowkey flirty Yeosang, a lot of fluff, virgin!reader, soft dom!Yeosang, nipple play, unprotected sex, multiple orgasm, fingering, oral (receiving & giving), squirting, cumshot, creampie.
a request fic from 🐈‍⬛ anonnie | masterlist | network : @newworldnet
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“Ma’am,” a male voice calling for you.
You could feel his fingertips moving, started from your upper arm to the shoulder. Those gentle touches kept running on you lightly, then it immediately stop before reached the end of your collar to the bare skin of your neck.
Startled by the touch. You, who’s lolled on your revolving chair with closed eyes for a good minutes, bound to open them abruptly. You could tell who he was, the way he’s holding his soft chuckles, the way his sweet smile greeted you the second you opened your eyes and of course those familiar deep with the hint of candy like tone when he’s calling for your name. If it’s not him, you sure be mad by his action.
“Oh, I deliver the files that you requested before.” He put a file folder with dark blue colors on your desk surface without a cue.
You fell silent for a mere seconds as you contemplated on it which laying down just like that. “What files?” You wondered. Throwing your gaze at him, demanded an explanation.
He placed his hand to the back of your chair instead. While the other one nudged your innocent pen holder on purpose, which spilled its contents all over your desk. Widened your eyes at the sudden mess, you shouted in whisper while gripping a good amount of fabrics from his suit, “what are you doing?!”
He didn’t answer you, remaining unbothered. Choosing to tidy up the mess he made certainly was his best move. He leaned closer, cutting the gap between both of your face. Until you grabbed the last pen on your desk. He held your hand to prevent you from doing so.
A cheeky smile emerged on his reddish lips. While he blown a soft whisper into your right ear, “I remind you ma’am, don’t forget to check the files.”
No, you couldn’t take this anymore. What he just did literally ticklish your entire body. Meanwhile your head going to combust at any moments. Just like a bunch of butterflies swarming inside your belly mixed up with the uncontrollable panic, afraid if others catches this flirty lovers right away.
You looked around, while putting your hand to cover his mouth, slightly pushed him further. Proceeded to gave an instant glare at him right after you could feel his smirk underneath your palm. He raised both hands in reflex, backed off so easily as if none of his actions affected you a moment ago. Last but not least, he won’t forget to throw those signature smile before left you in peace inside of your cubicle.
Really, sometimes you can’t grasp his train of thoughts. It’s quite differences of the Kang Yeosang you knew few weeks ago, the first time you admired him due to his calm and gentle demeanor, and the one who just invaded your work desk right now. How he's so well spoken to others plus the way he handled problems in every heated meeting was really attractive. But in the end, he’s just a ball of sunshine inside and such a teaser outside after he confessed his feelings towards you.
That day was kinda a weird occurrence, since he caught you standing still by the office pantry entrance at that time. Your mouth gape open in awe, when a ray of sunlight which you don’t even know how stream through the window pane, hitting on his sculpture like profile. Even though he just leaned on the edge of table while casually sipping his daily intake of caffeine.
His angel like gaze shift on you. The long and well curved lashes followed every blink of his eyes in disbelieved, after the word “beautiful” came out of your mouth under your sense. Putting the paper cup of his coffee aside, he stepped forward to your direction with both hands inside his suit pants pocket. You felt intimidated as you stepped back in response. He cornered you by the wall that only few inches away before he said, “wanna have a date? But If you interested of course.” And that’s the beginning of your love life with him.
A pink sticky notes fell out from the file folders once you open it. You reached it by the side of the chair wheels. His distinctive writing style was scribbled so well by that piece of paper.
Perhaps, are you free by the weekend? If so, I want to spend a whole day with you.
- Kang Yeosang
“Oh boy, you could send me a word of text instead Yeosangie.” You mumbled while holding your laughter, thinking how cute he was planning this gig, pretended to deliver some files as alibi. You just bit the tip of your thumb nail after you realized there’s three unread notifications belong to his name, popped out on your lock screen that was neglected ever since.
You were writing an answer on its note before intended to deliver those back to Yeosang, "yup, come over to my place at 9 on Saturday ⁠♡” Shaking your head, you felt so silly by both of your action. Well, he’s a man full of surprise indeed.
It’s Saturday morning as the promised date. Unfortunately you got a sudden call from the office, asking to work overtime by the good weekend. Your mood was definitely messed up as you just dressed prettily for your one and only boyfriend, but ended up going to work in those smoking hot looks instead.
You swiped through your phone while walking in a rush before pressed on his contact. It rang for more than a good minute even after you reach the front office entrance gate. The time elevator’s door was open, you bumped hard to someone. Now what? After sudden work call and your gorgeous lover is nowhere to reach, what next going to ruin your day. When you looked up it’s your boyfriend Yeosang staring at you. His disheveled morning hair with some strands poking through made you exploded in laughter.
He pointed at you with a surprised look as both going through the same miserable ‘supposed to be day off’ in the office. You could see, he also dialed up your number, wanting to inform you due to this sudden event. So that’s the reason why your call never reached him.
His hoarse voice, breaking through your laughter. “I thought I was the only one.”
You wiped a little tears at the corner of your eyes, “No, me too. Sadly, I’m looking forward to our date though.”
“We can still do that after work, right?” His smile was reassuring you, while his fingers brushing through the strands of his hair that started to look a little neat.
As soon as the ‘ding’ sound filled the space, Yeosang and you headed to your superior office, wanting to get over this quickly. There’s some troubles on the office website per-say, he couldn’t update the office log plus the multiple errors occurs on the website following behind. No one can handle it in this very weekend except both of you who’s obviously forced to agree and as part of the IT division.
When it's partly afternoon nearly to the evening, everything’s finally done. The office website running smoothly, your superior stopped yapping and handsome overtime labor pay will be in your pocket soon.
Yeosang tapped the back of your hand, “let’s get some coffee before we head back.”
You nodded and followed him towards the office pantry. To be truth, it’s not that bad working overtime only the two of you. First, you didn’t need to be worried if others might found out about your relationship. You don’t like the idea of became the office latest hot topics. And the last one, there’s specifically written on the employment contracts about love involvement between the co-workers. Who knew you would date one of them, moreover it’s Kang Yeosang above from all, which is your junior a year apart.
Both of your hands holding a cup of hot tea, while you occasionally stole glances at your dearest boyfriend. He leaned on in the exact same position as that day, sipping the very same of his favorite coffee brand. That truly recollecting your bashful memories.
Sometimes, enjoyed the time together in silence became a habit when there’s only both of you alone in one place. Everything you do with him is literally the first experience. You never in a serious relationship, resulting all of it ended in short term. The feeling of uncomfy creeping under your skin everytime you get close with a man. But Yeosang is an exception, he never invaded your personal space without permission and his unpredictable nature as well is weirdly made you comfortable to be around him.
You threw the empty paper cup into the trash bin before turned to Yeosang. “I’m done yeo, let’s go.”
The second you almost reach the pantry entrance, the lights flashed on and off then it turn into a complete darkness. The electricity went out without a warning. Great! Why today is the worst day of all. Now you’re stuck in this pantry and gave up just like that. Because no matter what you did, both of you can’t get out of there. Like first of all, who’s idea to build this damn automatic sensor door for office pantry?
Yeosang pull out his phone, trying to contact any services. But after multiple attempts, it got cut off due to lost signal. It became worsen that you just twisted your ankle in order to approached him while in this blackout state.
He immediately crouched down, taking off your left high heels carefully and massaging part of your ankle a bit. Just a second left you’re literally in the verge of tears. He noticed how your breath hitched due to overwhelming feeling as the result of stress.
“Shh baby, it’s okay.. I’m here.” He pressed another side of your ankle gently despite its tough looking fingers but is the opposite by the way he care for you like such fragile little thing. “Perhaps, this side is hurting too?”
You winced by the sudden pierced of pain, “Uh huh”
He grabbed an ice pack from the fridge in swift motion before wrapped it using his handkerchief. It feels a little bit better once those ice bundle placed on your swollen ankle. You couldn’t see him that well, but you can feel his delicate touches all over the lower part of your leg. Plus the way his fluffy hair fell loose following his head direction just distracted you from the pain. Your hand managed to reach a few strands of it, sometimes caressing and twirling them a little bit. And somehow it’s effectively calmed you down.
Fortunately, the blackout didn’t take too long. All of the lights came on in instant. He looked up at you only to make sure if you’re okay. “Let’s get out of here, before another blackout happen.”
He peeled his suit, then putting it on you to cover your thin beige blouse. His face was awfully too close while doing it. Your heartbeats rate can’t be compromised once his soft cheek slightly rubbed against your earlobe. Surprised, you kissed him on the cheek by accident the moment your face turned to him.
By far this was the most skinships you ever did with yeosang, since you didn’t comfortable yet to do anything related to it. The way your heart skip a beat, waiting for how he’ll reacted. But there’s a slightest irritation surfaced after seeing how normal his expression was as if nothings happen.
“Yeo..” You pulled the hem of his shirt.
He looked at you by his lashes, who’s still busy taking care of you. “Hmm? What’s wrong baby?”
“Uhm, you know..” You’re fidgeting, “is your offer still valid? Like.. spending the whole day with me thingy.”
“It still. Come on, let me carry you.” He crouched, offering his broad toned back for you.
You were unsure about the idea of carrying you all the way home. “What if people looking at us?”
“I don’t care, just hopped on me. You need to get rest soon.” His palm patted on his back as a sign for you to hurry.
You just changed into the most comfy clothes you have. Drinking your favorite warm chocolate milk while leaning over the headboard on your bed. On the other hand, Yeosang just finished prepping your sprained ankle by putting a small tower of pillows under. Also, an ice pack sitting nicely on it.
“If you need anything just call me, I’m right on your couch outside.”
Your fingers intertwined with his only a second before he turned his back, “don’t leave, stay here.” You plead.
“Are you.. sure?” Uncertain by your request, he was afraid if you might be uncomfortable.
The heat came up to your cheek, hardened the grip on his fingers. “Yeah, I mean it.”
He plopped down next to you. Kissing the top of your head just to ease your nervous state. You could find his eyes staring down at you full of affection. “Are you good baby?” His half whisper voice hold you in choke. A hint of rasp of his deep voice just tickled all over your sense.
Your vision blurred, only focused on his pair of reddish lips. Bead of sweats dripping by your forehead, you never felt this way before. The urge to be swallowed by him overflowing uncontrollably.
He closed the gap between you two, eyes alternately up and down from your bright eyes to those luscious looking lips of yours. His warm breath hitting on you, closer and closer after each seconds passed by. He cupped your right cheek after putting your hair behind, “can I kiss you?”
Shit. Squirming your legs after felt something under. Panties clinging to your folds, completely soaked. You nodded, maybe at this point you’ll obeyed every words that came out of those sexy lips. Down so bad for him, but your inexperience self don’t know how to engage first.
He devoured your lips slowly, wanting to taste every single bit of it. Placing your hands to cling behind his neck, before he wrapped your waist to pull you closer. To your surprise, kissing was never been this good before. It’s numbing on every sense of you every time he sucked the softest flesh of yours.
He parted from the kiss, flickering his soft gaze but full of desire into yours. He couldn’t hold back, just the same as you did. “Love, can I touch you more?”
No thoughts, head empty. You only need him at this very moment. “Y- yeah yeo..” He smiled, his fingertips trailed on every curves of your body with nothing left behind. The way it surfed on you, looks like searching for hidden treasure. A high pitched moan slipped by your mouth, only to be suppress by his wild kisses over and over.
Once again, the kisses parted only to peel your oversized hoodie. You wear nothing under it, made him groan on the sight. “Ah.. my beautiful lady.” He continued the kiss while his hand cupped your plump breast, sometimes twirling on your hardened nipple, made you gripping to the disheveled sheet under. Incoherent moan filled the room by the way he sucked the other one. His eyes on you all the time, wanting to see how its pleasured you.
You let out a sudden squeal when his index finger landed on your wet clothed cunt, rubbing it in circled motion. Thighs closed immediately while your hand struggling to ward off his wild finger. “Pehaps, you don’t want this darling?” His pierced gaze looking for your answer, but surely didn’t want you to say no.
This time lust was take over your mind, you definitely wanted it. Proceed to part the thighs slowly while covering half of your face, hiding your shy demeanor. Well by doing so, you just gave him permission.
“Such a good girl.” He caress the side of your cheek before pulled off those hot pants carefully without grazed your injured ankle. Showing your white laced panties on full display. Only a few light touches on your sensitive clit brought the shiver down to the spine, while his hand holding one of your thigh to keep it spread open. It’s wet wet, once he slid off your panties aside. The way your juice dripping down, made him gulping in instant.
He licked those bundle of nerves, flicking on it side to side mercilessly. Couldn’t hold back his mischievous smile, after he heard those incoherent moans out all the way of your throat. Fingers dipping in between his caramel locks, tightening its grip each second you’re almost hitting a wave of pleasure.
Hips bucking up along the gushes of honey like juices spilled out of your already glistening fold. He sat up, still busy palming it while you riding down the high. With the audacity licking it clean right in front of you.
Skin flushed red like the tinge of ripe peaches, chest rising up and down catching for some air, you looked him with half lidded eye. There’s a hint of satisfaction drawn on his face. Then just biting his lower lips probably thinking his next move.
To his surprise, you changed position into all four. Ignoring the pain on your lower leg, only to crawl towards his direction. “Babe!? what are you doing?” He held your chin up, preventing your delicate fingers that was unbuckling his belt. “I- just want to make you feel good too.” Averting his eyes, you don’t know how deep shade of red colored on your chubby cheek right now.
He sighed, “there’s another time for that. But today, just let me make you feel good. Okay?”
You felt guilty, it didn’t fair that only you who’s enjoyed this. You’re silence for a moment, battling in your own thoughts. Afraid if he’ll judge how passive you were in bed. Yeosang could sense the way your over thinking self kicked in.
“Love.. look.. look at me. Just show me what you got. Mkay?” He said, didn’t want to kill the mood for both of you.
Your face lit up. Continued to unbuttoned his pants suit then pulled the zipper down before letting his cock sprung free. You’re gasping in awe, like it’s your first time seeing a man’s dick up close. The tip is a little wet and whole of its part swollen, looks like it’s angry to you. You wrapped both of your hands to it, stroking it in clumsy way from the base to the tip. Mimicking how it’s done on a porn movie you had watched a week ago. His cock is getting harder in each stroke, made you curious how it feels like when you put it inside of your mouth. You braved yourself licked the tip of it, then followed Yeosang reaction that just shuddered by the feels.
Until you sucked it fully inside of your mouth and started bobbing your head up and down, trying to pump his hard member so well. For once and twice it felt right, but at the third one he hissed as you’re front teeth slightly brushed those thin skin.
He pulled it out and replacing it with his two fingers into your mouth. “Imagined it’s mine.” He said while moving his thick fingers in and out, parting your lips open. Right before your teeth almost brushed it, he gripped your chin, just stopping you from doing so. “Nu uh, no teeth allowed.” Then continued pumping his fingers for a good few times.
“Enough for the lesson, now tongue out.” He ordered you after removing them out.
You obediently did what was he said. Tongue wrapping on his throbbing cock which is slowly entered your mouth space. You’re sucking it just like sucked on his two digits before. Tongue all over his shaft while bobbing your head. His right hand guided you gently by grabbing your ponytail. The tears dwelled at the corner of your eyes as its tip hitting the back of your throat. Your moan muffled by his lengthy massive cock for solid five minutes, then he pulled out shooting all of its load on your chest.
You’re coughing that finally you had a chance to fill the air into your lungs. He’s worried that he might did it too hard. But you smiled instead, so glad that you could satisfy him. You thought it was all done but his cock stayed hard due to looking at how such hot mess you are right now.
Lips swollen covered with your drool, the tears traced on your cheek plus how his cum covered all over your chest. He gave a quick peck, but the taste of him and you mixed still linger on both of your lips.
He pushed you down onto your bed, “now it’s my turn.” Stroking his throbbing hard cock for a few times, he lined it to your sopping cunt. It hurts, even after all those foreplay beforehand. He leaned over to you, placing kisses down to your neck, hoping it’ll ease the pain.
“Yeo..” You mewl, just gripping on his tough bicep.
“Hm? take a deep breath and relax a little” He kisses your forehead while caressing on top of your head to calm you down.
“I.. knew.. but I’m afraid.” You could feel he entered you little by little.
He looked into your eyes, “Then, you wanted to stop?”
“Ahn- no.. I- I want you yeo.” You jolted as half of his length is already inside.
The looks on his eyes were pure concern, he literally stopped pushing. But your tight pussy keep swallowing him, wanting for some more. “Are you sure? We can do this another time.”
Shaking your head, you didn’t have a single thoughts to answer him back. Just want to make sure, he read through your expression before pushing it all the way. You flinched as few drops of tears rolling down. It’s full inside.
He stayed still for a good minutes and kissing you lips softly. The way he started to pump you in the slow pace, melting you down. The pain is slowly subsided as you try to match his motion. Both of your bodies collided full of passion. Every touches and kisses done with affection, just sending you to the cloud nine. Your head gone lightly as feather. You don’t even know what was out of your mouth, either it’s his name or some sort of gibberish due it’s pleasurable sensation.
Your moans and his groans take turns filled your dear bedroom. He thrusted his dick faster as he almost reach the climax. The way it’s pulsing inside, spilling its warm cum made you wailing. Your body is twitching due to it filled you belly so well. To the point it’s spilled over you pussy like a light flow of open tap water for a mere seconds.
Still catching on your breath, he whispered something to dare you. “I’ll show you what’s real good, love.”
He placed his three digits inside. Pumped you in such frantically pace that leaking his thick milk out of you on every thrust he make. While his other hand pushed your lower belly. “Yeo.. yeosang.. st- stop!” You tried to move his hand away but it didn’t bother him at all. He continued his work, ignoring all your desperate mewl.
It felt like a tight knot loosen up at once, you’re squirting hard. Bursting out your sweet juices mixed with his cum, wetting on your boyfriend’s half buttoned white shirt and some part of your bed covers. It won’t stop as Yeosang keep flicking on your clit, till your body spasm for a whole minute because of endless stimulation going on.
You’re panting hard that you just dumb fucked by him. Covering your face, you really hate on every possible look you showed right now. “Ahh, It’s embarrassing”
“What part of it is embarrassing?” He asked playfully that just lay down beside of you.
“Isn’t it.. disgusting? I peed over you” You rolled over, facing away from him.
He furrowed his eyebrow, while pulling you back to him. “Honestly it’s hot, love.” He remarked.
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is.”
“No, i-” Before you could finished your words, he silence you with a quick kiss.
“Listen, you’re incredibly hot in whatever state you are in. Even if you’re crawling, tumbling, or in bridge position. It doesn’t matter for me.” He poked your waist.
You giggled as it tickling you. His words is calmed you down, he truly love you no matter what you do. “Oh Yeo, I don’t know if you’re.. good in bed too. I didn’t know that side of you”
His ears is getting redder, the calmed and gentle Yeosang just back. He chuckled, “Then I’ll show my other side from now on, my love.”
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svholand · 2 months
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𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚: 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: smut, então menos de 18 anos: vaza! sexo vaginal, oral (f), dirty talk, fetiche em tirar fotos (?), degradation, se forçar dá pra ver um body worship, sexo no pelo (eh errado etc etc) e creampie.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: parte dois e última (da rota do enzo) dessa fic aqui.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 2.2 k.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: a primeira rota do amor doce da fic está completa e terminada! em breve (quando eu terminar de escreverkkkk) eu posto as outras! enfim espero que gostem 🖤
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enzo e sua confiança eram ótimos em chamar sua atenção, te deixar completamente ansiosa por mais. então, ao receber a mensagem, era praticamente impossível ignorar; a presença do uruguaio era forte mesmo quando ele estava longe.
não querendo perder muito tempo, respondeu a mensagem de enzo com apenas um estou indo e seguiu para a localização enviada por ele. felizmente, ao checar o endereço, era ali perto: dentro do campus da faculdade mesmo. como muitos alunos, assim como você, moravam nas dependências da faculdade, não era proibido sair e voltar a hora que bem entendessem. então, não era estranho que estivesse entrando no campus de madrugada.
contudo, era estranho estar seguindo na direção contrária dos dormitórios femininos. era ainda mais estranho ir em direção dos dormitórios masculinos. aquilo sim era estritamente proibido. mas, em uma noite como aquela, onde a concentração de pessoas estava mais na boate do que no campus, a segurança era relaxada e você conseguiu entrar calmamente no dormitório.
antes mesmo que pudesse mandar uma mensagem para vogrincic pedindo o número do quarto, ele mandou uma mensagem respondendo a sua pergunta mental. assim, bateu na porta três vezes, esperando ansiosamente no corredor. o sangue subia aos ouvidos, quase que tampando-os com a pura sensação de perigo, de que podia ser descoberta ali a qualquer momento. porém, antes mesmo que pudesse ter medo de estar ali, a porta foi aberta e a visão definitivamente não era ruim.
"você realmente veio." o uruguaio disse, com aquele sotaque acentuado. claro, aquilo era o que menos importava quando o homem estava sem camisa, apenas usando uma calça moletom. os cabelos longos - que pediam por um carinho, pessoalmente - estavam bagunçados, como se o rapaz estivesse na cama. você passou tempo demais o admirando, tempo que fora suficiente para que enzo abrisse um sorriso de canto, sem nenhuma dúvida na cabeça dele de que estava apreciando a visão. quando você conseguiu se recuperar, ele já tinha se afastado um pouco da entrada da porta, sinalizando para que entrasse.
tomou um breve tempo para olhar o quarto dele assim que entrou, observando as paredes cheias de desenhos e impressões de quadros famosos. era como uma galeria de arte, porém um pouco mais desorganizada. conseguia ver muito da personalidade de enzo ali; cada canto da parede decorado com artes autorais e outras coisas que o inspirava era típico dele.
"você recebe sem camisa todo mundo que vem no seu quarto?" conseguiu dizer quando se recuperou. ele deu uma risada nasalada enquanto fechava a porta do quarto e, para sua surpresa, trancava também.
"já quer saber de quem eu recebo no meu quarto, nena? apressadinha." a resposta zombeteira dele foi o suficiente para que um sorriso também aparecesse nos seus lábios. não importava quem ele tinha recebido naquele quarto antes, porque quem estava ali agora era você.
"não, eu quero saber de você." disse em um impulso, algo que talvez não teria saído tão facilmente dos seus lábios caso o álcool tomado anteriormente não estivesse em efeito. aquilo claramente surpreendeu o uruguaio, que deu um sorriso satisfeito, orgulhoso. sentia uma confiança emanar de você que o deixava doido por mais, mas ainda tinha algo para lhe mostrar.
enquanto você tomava liberdade para continuar observando as paredes lotadas de papéis, enzo pegou o caderno de desenhos que estava em cima da cama dele. apenas notou a presença do caderno quando lhe foi entregue pelo rapaz, que agora estava bem próximo de você. ele lhe entregava o caderno na página certa, aberto para que pudesse ver o que tinha desenhado. nada teria lhe preparado, no entanto, para o que viu.
"pera aí..." o sussurro saiu dos lábios de forma mecânica enquanto sua atenção era tomada pelo desenho. na folha de papel, você estava desenhada com as roupas de hoje, sorrindo e posando para uma foto tirada no espelho. lembrou-se que tinha tirado uma foto mais cedo e postado no close friends, mas que apagou quase que logo em seguida porque não tinha se sentido confiante; estava exibida demais, tentando demais parecer sexy. o peito estava curvado enquanto uma das mãos estava apoiada na pia, dando suporte para que, com a outra, você tirasse a foto.
somente com aquele desenho que você percebeu que enzo tinha visto a tal foto e que, aparentemente, tinha gostado tanto que achou interessante reproduzi-la em um desenho.
"gostou? achei melhor desenhar pra guardar esse momento pra mim." confessou o homem, com um sorriso no rosto. enquanto você mantinha o caderno próximo ao corpo, fixada no desenho, sentia o corpo masculino colando-se ao seu lado, mantendo os olhos fixos nas suas expressões. somente quando sentiu o corpo tão próximo assim que desviou o olhar para fitar o uruguaio.
"eu... eu..." as palavras sumiram da sua boca, como se a confiança tivesse ido embora em um simples momento. ele tinha te representado tão bem naquele desenho e, ao mesmo tempo, tinha te dado uma confiança que você não tinha, ainda mais ali, com o corpo dele tão próximo ao seu.
"eu te fiz uma pergunta." reforçou enzo. quando menos esperava, os lábios dele se colaram em seu pescoço, porém sem beijar ainda, apenas roçando-os levemente contra a pele, causando arrepios e anseios por todo o seu corpo. você engoliu em seco, respirando fundo para que conseguisse responder.
"gostei, mas não sou tão confiante assim quanto você me pintou." falou de uma só vez, quase tão rápido que tinha medo que ele não tivesse ouvido, porque não queria ter que repetir. sentiu o sorriso dele contra a sua pele, finalmente beijando-a com selares delicados.
"como não?" a voz dele estava com um tom falsamente surpreso. "tão linda assim..." agora, a voz tomava um tom mais meloso, propositalmente delicado enquanto o rumo dos beijos subiam em direção ao seu queixo. no entanto, enzo se afastou antes que pudesse chegar na boca, ostentando um sorriso maldoso nos próprios lábios.
quase em um impulso patético, você se aproximou do corpo alheio, tentando colar os lábios um no outro. em troca, o uruguaio se afastava levemente, sorrindo mais abertamente ao ver o quanto você queria se entregar naquele beijo; brincava com você sem dó.
a brincadeira parou apenas quando você, de saco cheio, jogou o caderno de desenhos em algum canto - que pouco importava naquele momento - e se aproximou do corpo alheio com pressa, juntando ambos lábios em um beijo quente. o homem sorria durante o beijo, um sorriso orgulhoso da sua coragem, orgulhoso de ter despertado sua confiança em tomar a atitude mais uma vez. você estava começando a entender que ele queria que você se sentisse confiante o suficiente para fazer tudo ali, que ele não te julgaria. a confirmação veio quando as mãos de enzo foram até a sua bunda, apertando-a com certa força para que os corpos se juntassem ainda mais, mantendo aquele beijo quente.
as mãos grandes percorreram o seu corpo, subindo até chegar no cropped que usava. em um movimento rápido, desejando que os lábios passassem menos tempo possível separados, enzo tirou o cropped do seu corpo. o sutiã foi embora logo em seguida, sendo tirado com maestria enquanto se beijavam e suas mãos tentavam não atrapalhar, mas, ao mesmo tempo, tentavam mapear cada pedaço do torso definido que tanto lhe excitava naquele momento.
suas mãos foram interrompidas quando o homem guiou o seu corpo até a cama, deitando-a ali. com enzo ainda em pé, observando-a se misturar entre os lençóis, sentia-se cada vez mais confiante; o olhar de desejo do uruguaio te fazia se sentir poderosa e no controle, apesar do controle estar claramente nas mãos dele.
em um movimento quase brusco, enzo puxou o seu short e a calcinha de uma vez só, com uma pressa repentina. vê-la deitada na cama dele quebrava qualquer resistência e autocontrole que ele tinha naquele momento. os olhos se direcionaram ao seu sexo, completamente molhado, mas claro que ele não era egoísta o suficiente - não naquele momento, ao menos - para não te dar um agrado. com um sorriso confiante nos lábios, ele subiu na cama de joelhos e se curvou entre suas pernas, apoiando-as em cima dos largos ombros dele. as mãos estavam nas suas coxas, segurando-as para que não fechasse as pernas enquanto ele fazia o que tanto queria: te admirar.
"o que eu vou fazer com você vai te deixar com vontade de gemer alto igual uma putinha..." o hálito quente contra sua buceta te fazia tremer de ansiedade. "mas se controla. tem gente nos outros quartos." ele te lembrou e você se deu conta de que existia outras pessoas no mundo além de vocês dois naquele momento. apenas assentiu com a cabeça, entregue demais para que pudesse formar uma frase consciente.
com aquele consentimento, enzo aproximou os lábios do seu íntimo com rapidez. os beijos eram distribuídos pelos lábios como forma de provocação, mas ele não demorou para usar a língua no clitóris, movendo-a de forma circular; um gemido baixo escapou dos lábios dele ao sentir seu gosto. você se contorcia, mordendo com força o lábio inferior para impedir que os gemidos fossem altos. as mãos masculinas te mantinha no lugar, sendo castigada pela língua treinada dele.
a sua mão destra desceu até os cabelos escuros de enzo, puxando-os com certa força e, ao mesmo tempo, puxando-o para mais perto da sua buceta, sedenta por mais. a mão canhota apertava o lençol da cama, tentando procurar algum autocontrole para resistir a tentação de gemer alto o nome do homem.
a língua dele oscilava entre castigar seu clitóris com lambidas frenéticas e provocar a sua entrada molhada com lambidas mais calmas, te fazendo provar do céu e do inferno ao mesmo tempo. era tão bom, mas você precisava de mais... e enzo sabia exatamente daquilo. quando ele soltou uma das suas coxas e introduziu dois dedos de uma só vez na sua entrada, você se debateu, tão satisfeita que chegava a ser demais agora.
o dedo estocava dentro de ti com rapidez enquanto a língua estava treinada no clitóris, obcecada por tirar mais e mais de você. e quando você não aguentou mais, se deixou levar; as costas arquearam com o orgasmo, os lábios se abriram em um gemido silencioso, preso na garganta. quando se recuperou do orgasmo, puxou enzo pelos cabelos para que ele pudesse ficar por cima do seu corpo, juntando ambos os lábios em um beijo molhado. ele sentia um tesão imensurável ao te ver ali, beijando-o e sentindo o seu próprio gosto na boca dele. somente aquele tesão o fez se separar de você, porque poderia ficar ali por horas.
"quero você sentando no meu pau pra me agradecer, vai." o tom era em forma de ordem e você, já desinibida, não demorou para atacar: esperou apenas que ele tirasse a própria calça e a cueca e se sentasse na cama para que você ficasse por cima, tomando o controle. levou uma das mãos até o pau duro dele e ficou levemente tentada a provocar, mas você já precisava dele dentro de si, não conseguia esperar. posicionou a cabecinha rosada em sua entrada e, aos poucos, foi descendo no pau dele.
você não teve muito tempo para se acostumar com aquele tamanho dentro de si, porque as mãos grandes de enzo já estavam na sua bunda, forçando-a para que se movimentasse para cima novamente só para que pudesse sentar com força em seguida. aquele movimento te fazia revirar os olhos e morder o ombro dele para que não acabasse soltando gemidos, mantendo-se confiante que ficaria quieta e se controlaria. quando se acostumou melhor com o tamanho, começou a se movimentar sozinha em um sobe e desce tortuoso, colocando seu próprio ritmo.
os gemidos dele em seu ouvido, roucos e desesperados, te deixava poderosa. queria mais e mais. aquela sede te fazia aumentar a velocidade dos movimentos e, por consequência, se aproximar cada vez mais de um segundo orgasmo. rebolava com gosto em um ritmo cada vez mais desregulado. ele aproveitava a posição para levar os lábios até um dos seus seios, lambendo e chupando o biquinho com vontade; quando sentiu que tinha dado bastante atenção para um, partiu para o outro seio, dando o mesmo tratamento para ele.
"mela meu pau ainda mais, vai... goza que eu te dou leitinho..." a voz ofegante e grossa de enzo foi o gatilho para que pudesse gozar pela segunda vez, contraindo as paredes da buceta contra ele. aquilo fora o suficiente para que ele também gozasse, se despejando dentro de você. ficaram ali, juntos e tentando recuperar o fôlego, presos em um abraço grudento pelo suor e pelos fluidos, mas extremamente aconchegante.
quando finalmente você conseguiu se recuperar, saiu do colo dele com delicadeza, porém já sentindo falta dele te preenchendo por completo. tomou a liberdade de deitar novamente na cama, respirando fundo. o olhar de enzo estava treinado em você, olhando-a dos pés a cabeça e, especialmente, para a sua buceta ainda melada, escorrendo com a porra dele.
"fica aí. você tá linda assim." ordenou o uruguaio enquanto se levantava, caminhando até a cômoda dele e pegando uma das câmeras que ele tinha. após ligar, voltou para a cama e escolheu um bom ângulo: focando no seu corpo por baixo, na direção das pernas. você, confiante depois de tudo que fizeram, abriu as pernas, mostrando mais para ele, dando a liberdade que ele precisava para que pudesse tirar algumas fotos até que estivesse satisfeito.
"tá toda exibida agora, né?" zombou, sorrindo orgulhoso. não estava criticando, porque era aquilo que ele queria: te ver poderosa, sem pudores. "então que tal posar mais para mim? de quatro, hm?" ofereceu a ideia. você sorriu, pronta para mais e sabendo que aquela noite seria bem longa.
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blkkizzat · 9 months
ꨄ︎『Cookin in the kitchen like a pot roast』ꨄ︎
☞ ꨄ︎『Masterlist』ꨄ
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Where my bad bitches? Fuck these niggas, give them trauma Coulda fixed his life but now that nigga need Iyanla
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FYI write for a female identifying perspective with no racial descriptors so all can enjoy but a lot of my fics are inspired by hip hop lyrics or culture so very much black coded. If I decide to write black reader exclusively I will call it out in the summary/heading somewhere. My works are tagged: #♋︎kizzatcookedthat & #♋︎kizzatcooks Kinktober: # ☾﹒✖☠𝘬𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘣𝘦𝘳
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CONTENT KEY ↴  fluff = ✿ | smut = ♡ | suggestive = ➹ | manga spoilers = ⌦ | AU = ☯︎ | canonverse = ∞ | drug/alcohol= ☻ | crack fic = ꩜ | black reader = 🐈‍⬛ | dark themes = ✟ STATUS KEY ↴  completed = ✔ | in-progress/continuation = ✎
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ৎ੭ Daddy & Baby - ♡∞ | ✔ ❛You get the best of both worlds from a Choji [Choso x Toji x Reader] polyship❜
ৎ੭ Sins of the Father - ♡☯︎✟ | ✔ ❛You really need to repent for tormenting Father Kento like this.❜
ৎ੭ Sneaky Link: 1 & 2 - ♡∞☻ | ✔ ❛When Yuji goes to sleep, Sukuna comes out to play.❜ ৎ੭ A Bumpy Ride - ♡☯︎꩜ | ✔ ❛A long miserable ride on vaycay? Why not cockwarm your bf Suguru?❜ ৎ੭ Lessons in Anatomy ✎ P1: Nerd!Geto - ♡☯︎☻꩜ | ✔ ❛Your nerdy bff Suguru teaches you how to study and squirt.❜
ৎ੭ Toji x TumblrSmutWriter!Reader - ♡∞ | ✔ ❛Your new bf Toji finds out his cute n' innocent gf has a filthy imagination.❜ ৎ੭ Do You Eat Pussy? - ♡∞☻ | ✔ ❛Asking a sexy stranger a wild question gets you a wild answer. [Toji x Reader]❜
ৎ੭ WFH!Nanami - ✿ ♡☯︎ | ✔ ❛You wont let your WFH husband miss his most important meeting of the day.❜
ৎ੭ YakuzaBoss!Toji - ♡☯︎☻🐈‍⬛| ✔ ❛Uh-oh! You're about to find out what happens when you ignore Yakuza!Boss Toji. ❜
For one/shots fics of JJK Men Fav Alt Fuck Kink see 'series' section above ꜛ Nuru Massage ft Choso - ♡∞ | ✔ Foot Jobs ft Geto - ♡∞ | ✔ For one shots/fics apart of Kinktober, see kizzatober m.list below ꜜ Ghostface!Choso - ♡☯︎☻✟ | ✎ (complete but epilogue/P3 coming) Werewolf!Toji - ♡☯︎☻ | ✔ Tricks or Treats: JJK Halloween Fluff Anthology - ✿➹∞꩜ | ✔
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< 1k words
ৎ੭ Kissing True Form Sukuna - ♡∞ | ✔ ❛How you gonna make this man jealous of is own hand like that.❜
ৎ੭  Intern!Reader - ♡☯︎ | ✔   ❛Being a legal intern for Nanami and Higaruma is tough business.❜
ৎ੭ Ab Riding Sukuna - ♡∞ ⌦ | ✔ ❛Being the personal fuckdoll of a four-armed evil monster isn't so bad if it's for a good cause.❜
ৎ੭ Objectifying Sukuna - ➹∞꩜ | ✔  ❛Dayum, Daddy what them thighs do?❜
ৎ੭ Broke&Kinky!Toji - ♡∞ | ✎ ❛No money? No problem! Best 'O' of your life for under ¥500.❜
ৎ੭ Do My Dance - ♡∞ | ✔ ❛If you throw it back this good, Toji might even pay your rent.❜
ৎ੭ Smoking with Choso  -  ✿ ➹∞ | ✔  ❛Your sweet bf deserves all the cuddles and indica blunts.❜
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ৎ੭ April Fools With Toji - ∞➹꩜ | ✔ ❛Toji can dish it but he can't take it.❜
ৎ੭ Why Toji Stays With You - ∞➹꩜ | ✔ ❛Toji has yet to figure out he can't play the player❜ ৎ੭ Pussy Talk - ∞➹꩜ | ✔ ❛Your kewchie is multilingual thanks to daddy Toji.❜ ৎ੭ JJK Men x Black!Reader Bonnet Headcanons - ✿☯︎➹🐈‍⬛ | ✔ ❛Daddies are showing us how much they love us and our bonnets.❜ ৎ੭ Cult Leader!Suguru - ∞➹🐈‍⬛ | ✔ ❛Suguru called the wrong b!tch a monkey, he finna learn today.❜
ৎ੭ Choso Coded - ➹∞ | ✔ ❛How down bad he is for you after a sip of kewchie.❜
ৎ੭ Toji Lies About Being Broke - ꩜∞| ✔ ❛Taking care of a grown ass man for so long pays off❜
ৎ੭ JJK Men Getting Through TSA ❛They should really just try to drive next time❜
For headcanons apart of Kinktober, see kizzatober m.list below Why you can't watch scary movies with JJK Men - ♡∞| ✔ Slutty JJK Men Halloween Costumes - ♡➹∞ | ✔
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Kizzatober '23 presents ↴  ৎ੭ m.list: Thrilling Ghouls & Smooth Criminals #☾﹒✖☠𝘬𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘣𝘦𝘳
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ৎ੭ The Nursery - (Yakuza!Toji x Reader) ♡☯︎☻ | ✎ WIP ❛Toji on his Joe Goldberg bullshit. Lactation kinks too.❜
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© ʙʟᴋᴋɪᴢᴢᴀᴛ 2023 & 2024. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ ꜰɪᴄꜱ, ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ, & ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪꜱᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.
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lovings4turn · 5 months
[ 🐈‍⬛ ] slide out the window — send me a prompt + a character / driver , and i'll write a mini fic based off of it
oscar piastri + cuddles after a loooong media day 🫶🏽
oh i absolutely adored this idea , thanks sm for sending it in lovely !!!
"god, 'm so tired."
oscar hadn't even bothered to change, still sporting his bright orange - no, sorry, papaya - mclaren shirt as he made his way over to where you were sat on the couch.
his feet dragged across the floor, and though he was smiling, you could tell he was absolutely exhausted. in the four years you'd known him, oscar had never been the most energetic person, and you could tell that the long media days that came with being a formula one driver were beginning to get to him.
with an understanding pout, you pulled back your blanket opened your arms, mumbling a c'mere. a small 'oof' escaped you as oscar flopped into your arms, all but collapsing on top of you as his head found its way into the crook of your neck.
"long day?" you asked, despite already knowing the answer.
you brought one hand up to his hair, gently running your fingers through the strands as the other drew shapes against the skin of his bicep.
"they're trying to kill me," oscar responded, his words muffled. "i haven't stopped since this morning."
"y'poor thing."
you were half teasing, but still felt a pang of sympathy for your boyfriend. you could imagine it was draining to do a day full of media, having to be full of energy and responsive at all times to avoid rumours of being 'rude' or 'boring'.
after a few moments of you holding him, oscar began to relax under your touch. he lifted his head, brown eyes swirling pools of honey as they scanned your features fondly. he pressed a soft, chaste kiss to your lips before returning his head to the crook of your neck, pressing another kiss to the skin he found there.
if you didn't know any better, you'd think oscar was trying to merge his body with your own, climb under your skin so he'd never be separated from you again.
but you knew your boyfriend far too well, and cuddles were the quickest way for him to bounce back from a drained social battery. you were more than happy to nurse him back to health, even if your arms eventually went numb underneath the weight of his body.
cuddling oscar was an honour you would cherish, and as his breathing evened out above you, you felt like the luckiest person on earth.
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𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝? 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞. | 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
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part one of do you feel my hand? it is there. | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve
pairing: minho x fem!reader (afab)
genre: veterinarian!minho (this includes a few of the skz members working in his clinic). client!reader. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. strangers to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. minho is reader's vet. reader's childhood cat suddenly gets diagnosed with cancer, and she has to make a big decision about what to do. this fanfic includes heavy topics like: pet euthanasia, extreme loss/grief, depression, the problems with pet healthcare, and more. there will be some humor/fluff placed throughout, and also smut somewhere along the way. :))
word count: 7.1k
summary: dr. lee minho is known throughout your area as the city's hottest veterinarian, and he's also the very man that's been taking good care of your two cats for the past three years. but one day, you're thrown down a dark path of heartache when the cat that you've grown up with - nyx - is diagnosed with an acute form of bone cancer. burdened with the hardest decision of your entire life, you come at a crossroads of what to do. and throughout it all, minho is the single most person who continually stays by your side.
a/n: i decided to split this fic up into like, 3-4 separate chapters, since i felt like having 20.k+ words for a single 'long oneshot' was kindaa excessive lmao 😂 anyways, i'm excited for the future of this little series and what it's gonna look like exploring the relationship between minho and y/n~ 😉 also, for anyone that noticed, YES- i changed my entire tumblr theme after like, 4 months of having it be rainbow haha, so you might not recognize me on your dash with my new look. but yeah, this is the 'new me' for the next few months... i was feeling super inspired to do a muted levanter theme, since it's one of my fav albums/songs from skz haha so here we are!! ☺️
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
The clinic was incredibly busy as you stepped through the front doors. Looking around the medium-sized waiting room, you noticed how almost every single seat was taken up by a patient. Because apparently, the hot place to be on a Thursday morning was Starry Skies Veterinary Clinic. 
 You clutched on a little tighter to the carrier at your side, which held your cat Nyx just inside the bassinet. She was an American Shorthair, with a coat as black as midnight and big, ocean-blue eyes. Your parents had gifted you Nyx as a surprise for your sixth birthday, since you had been begging them for a cat all year long. And instantly, the two of you were inseparable. Nyx had been with you for almost every stage of your life - including grade/middle school, high school, and all of university. She was so incredibly affectionate towards everyone, but especially you. She loved curling up alongside you after you’d spent a long, hard day at work and would just cuddle into your skin for hours. 
 Nyx was your stability in everything - she was one of your only friends, even when you were surrounded by other adults your same age at work. And at the ripe age of twenty-four, you couldn’t imagine what your life would be like if she ever left your side.
 But, you weren’t naive, or stupid. 
 And you knew that at some point, Nyx would have to move on from your world and onto a better, and brighter future. 
 Which is why you decided to adopt a female Bengal cat after you graduated from university. Taffy had a brilliant orange-and-brown coat with light green eyes. And because she was so much younger than Nyx, she had a lot more energy. But even still, the two cats got along quite well, despite their huge age gap. Taffy was the troublemaker out of the two and liked to get into mischief with all kinds of things. 
 You took great pride in both of them and the relationship that you had with your two kitties, which is why you regularly took them to the local veterinarian clinic for routine checkups. Usually, you visited every six months, just to make sure that Taffy and Nyx were in perfect health.
 And it’s not like you were complaining about the visits to Starry Skies Veterinary Clinic. It was a beautiful and spacious place, with a friendly bunch of staff and an even better doctor. 
 Doctor Lee Minho had been the continual talk of the town since he had moved into the area three years before, and soon after he set up his practice - which was just a short walk from your quaint apartment - you started going to him for your cat’s regular check-ups. Dr. Lee was incredibly professional with all of his clients, and he had a true knack for animals… but especially, cats. That’s what he prided himself on - knowing the ins and outs of the feisty little beings... since he had three of his own. Some even said that he was a cat himself since he had similar mannerisms to the felines. 
 It also helped that he was insanely handsome. 
 Like, drop-dead gorgeous. 
 You weren’t a fool - you noticed how, every time you visited the clinic, most of the clients were women. And almost every time that you sat in the waiting room, you’d overhear women talking amongst themselves… about how they had dressed up for the occasion, and how Dr. Lee was way too cute for his good. 
 For the most part, all of the comments passed over your head. 
 After all, he was just a veterinarian. He wasn’t anything special… 
 He just took amazing care of the animals that visited his clinic. 
 And he seemed to adore your two cats. 
 Perhaps he was kind of, sort of, attractive. 
 If a woman liked the silent, brooding, brown-haired types of guys- then yeah, he was fucking really hot. 
 But, you always tried to push those thoughts out of your mind each time they started to bubble up to the forefront of your mind. You didn’t want to ruin the professional doctor-client relationship that the two of you had been cultivating for over three years. He was an amazing veterinarian with a lot of skill and expertise, and you had a feeling that you taking advantage of your closeness with him, by forcing yourself onto him, would just turn him away. 
 After all, he was always professional and polite with you. Even if he seemed to give you a lot of smiles and laughs each time you had an appointment at the clinic. And even if he seemed overly affectionate with Nyx and Taffy. He was just doing his job, as that’s what was to be expected from a doctor like him. 
 And besides, a guy like him would never go for you. For starters, you had just recently found out that he was five years older than you, landing him at the mature age of twenty-nine. And older guys of that many years never went for you - never stooped that low. Plus, he was a successful doctor and a businessman with his clinic. Whereas you were a struggling woman who was fighting to make ends meet at her low-ranking corporate job. You sat in a small cubicle all day, typing away at a bright computer screen, and Dr. Lee sat in front of patients and animals, actually making a difference in others’ lives. 
 There was also the fact that you were borderline poor- since your job barely paid anything compared to the way that the economy was so expensive. You struggled to pay your bills monthly and lived from paycheck to paycheck. Meanwhile, Dr. Lee rolled up to the clinic in his dark-blue sports car and was always donned in all different kinds of designer dress shirts and slacks. 
 So, yeah, he’d never fall for you. Not in a million years. 
 “Y/N! Good to see you again!” You heard a bright voice call out to you, bringing you out of your daydreams of expensive cars and fancy clothes. 
 Your eyes flitted up to the person sitting behind the front check-in desk of the clinic. Chan, one of the two receptionists of the place, was looking up at you with a soft smile adorning his face. 
 “Oh- hi, Chan… I’m here for Nyx’s check-up.” You mimicked his smile, motioning with a tilt of your head to the carrier where Nyx was situated in. 
 You were on a first-name basis with the entire staff line of the clinic, as you had been visiting it for so many years. Everyone at the clinic was extremely nice, and all of the staff were Dr. Lee’s friends. Soon after you first visited the clinic, he told you about the story of how he had recruited some of his best friends to open the shop with him, and how the rest was history. Even still, you called everyone by their first name except for Dr. Lee - since you decided to keep it professional with him and always address him by his official title well into the beginning of your appointments at the clinic. 
 “Sure thing,” Chan began, tearing his gaze away from you and typing away at his computer. “I see here that Jisung jotted down your concerns for this visit’s file. Has anything changed since you called in a month ago?” 
 You moved your focus onto the carrier at your side, where you saw Nyx resting peacefully just inside it. She had long since gotten used to the clinic and was normally very calm whenever you visited the place. “Yeah, she’s been sleepier than usual, and like- she doesn’t want to eat the food that I’ve been giving her, even though I’ve changed the brand two times already.” 
 Chan’s eyes darted up to you, studying your face silently before they flitted over to the carrier that you had placed atop the counter at your side. “Okay, I’ll add all of that to the notes so that the doctor can take a look,” you noticed how his lips were pressed together in a grim line- like he didn’t like what you had just told him. “You can take a seat, and Yongbok will call you back when they’re ready for you guys.” 
 “Thanks, Chan,” you said, offering him a tiny, weak smile before you headed off to find one of the only available seats left in the waiting room. As soon as you got situated, you gingerly took Nyx out of her crate. She was warm and downy in your hands and purred quietly at the feel of you pressing her furry body against your chest. “It’s gonna be okay, girl, you’ll be alright…” You whispered to her, mouth nuzzling into her silky coat as you placed a gentle kiss against her head. 
 After you placed Nyx back in her crate, you spent the waiting time studying the people around you. Once again, it was mainly women’s faces that your eyes met as you scanned over the entire room. And there were all different types of pets everywhere, from dogs to cats to birds. 
 “Oh, and apparently, Jungmi’s friend saw him out on the streets late at night last week… like, all alone and stuff.” You heard the woman say beside you. She was sitting close to another woman, and their heads were bent at an angle as they gossiped together. “Some girl came out of this one cafe and was hanging all over him, but it didn't seem like he knew her that well.” 
 The other woman snorted lowly, “Well that bitch doesn’t matter, because I’m going to be sure to seduce him this time around. I mean, c’mon- who can resist this shirt?” At her insinuation, you realized that they were talking about Dr. Lee. 
 Even still, you felt the urge to peek over to your side and look at her attire, and when you did, you swallowed down the dryness in your throat. Because holy fuck- she looked like she was about to go to the club. Her shirt had a scoop neckline and was so low, more than half of her tits were hanging out of the loose fabric. It was tight and stretched over her bosom in an alluring kind of way, leaving little to the imagination. 
 Meanwhile, you were dressed in one of your old, baggy hoodies and a pair of loose-fitting denim jeans. Even though it was the beginning of spring, it was still quite chilly out early in the morning. And besides, you weren’t planning on going anywhere else after you visited the clinic, since you had taken the rest of the day off from work, so there was no use in dressing up. Not like you had any nice, sexy clothes like that to begin with, though. 
 In all actuality, you really couldn’t afford to take a day off of work. But, you felt like it was needed after the long week that you had had. After the long year you had had. 
 Suddenly feeling self-conscious while you sat next to Aphrodite herself, your fingers scrambled to yank down the arms of your hoodie as best as you could, trying to let the fabric swallow you up in your seat. 
 Just then, your name was called over the hustle and bustle of the waiting room, and you peered up to see a smiling Yongbok standing in the doorway that lead to the rest of the clinic - where the examining rooms were. 
 In a hurry, you scrambled to pick up your tote bag and hoisted Nyx in her carrier with one arm, following right behind the young vet tech as he lead you through the back rooms of the clinic. The hallway was buzzing with movement, as the other Tech’s, Seungmin and Hyunjin, helped vet assistant Changbin calm down a barking German Shepherd so that they could usher him onto a weighing station that was positioned in a corner of the hallway. Dr. Lee was nowhere to be found… yet. 
 “I haven’t seen you in a while,” Yongbok started, as he motioned to an examining room just off to the right side for you to walk in. You took a seat in the chair that was positioned next to the desk - where the doctor always sat. “Since Hyunjin is almost always the one who first greets you.” The younger man with light blonde hair and big, expressive eyes sighed in an exaggerated kind of way, which forced a quiet giggle out of you. 
 “He’s a good tech though… Taffy especially likes him, I think.” You started, your mind already trailing off to what your younger cat might be doing while being left home alone in your apartment. No doubt tearing into the bag of chips that you had accidentally left atop the kitchen counter. 
 “Mhm- how is she, by the way? I feel like you haven’t brought her in in a while,” Yongbok said, as he slipped on a pair of blue latex gloves. You dragged your eyes away from his form and instead concentrated on unzipping the carrier in your arms, slowly drawing out a lethargic Nyx. 
 “Taffy is good, just being her usual rambunctious self,” you laughed softly, shaking your head as the affection for your other cat took over your thoughts. “She’s definitely very different from my Nyx here, that’s for sure…” 
 Yongok wheeled his chair over to you then, gently taking your old cat from your hands and hoisting her up onto the examination table that was nearby. “I saw in the files that she’s been having problems with eating?” He started, voice growing serious as he began his study of your cat. 
 You nodded slowly, swallowing over the nervous lump that had begun to form in your throat as soon as he placed Nyx on the paper-lined table. You felt your heart beating wildly against your ribcage, and you watched in silence as Yongbok turned Nyx around to thoroughly examine her. “Yeah, and she hasn’t been wanting to play with Taffy either, even though she used to love to.” 
 “How long has this been going on?” 
 “About… four months now?” 
 Yongbok turned to you then, leveling you with a deep frown, “And you’re only bringing her in now?” His tone wasn’t accusatory, but was more on the perplexed side of things, as all of the staff at Starry Skies Veterinary Clinic knew how much you loved your cats and how you adored taking care of them. 
 You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, hating the way that he seemed to question why you hadn’t taken care of Nyx’s symptoms earlier. “I-I didn’t have the money for this appointment until just recently, so that’s why I'm only bringing her in now.” 
 Your gaze snagged on Yongbok’s face, and the way that it instantly melted at your confession... brows furrowing and mouth pressing into a velvety line. The entire clinic must’ve known about your financial situation by now - about how you could barely afford food for yourself, let alone the bills from the clinic - since more oftentimes than not, you’d ask for a grace period from paying for the visits. 
 “I’m sorry, Y/N. I wasn’t trying to insinuate that you’re in the wrong here,” he began, but his slight frown only seemed to deepen as he spoke the words, “It’s just that- these symptoms shouldn’t be ignored for that long.” 
 At that, your heart started beating frantically inside your chest. Your focus landed on Nyx, who was now resting atop the table, with her eyes closed peacefully. “W-What? What do you mean by that? Is something wrong-”
 Yongbok reached over then, giving your shoulder a delicate pat. “I can’t confirm anything myself, but I’m going to take Nyx back to the X-Ray rooms to examine her better. Then, I’ll give the data to Dr. Lee and he can examine the diagnosis.” He gingerly scooped up Nyx into his arms, pressing her against his chest. 
 “O-Okay, but-” You began, but were soon cut off by the way that Yongbok gave you a slight, reassuring smile. 
 “Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I’m sure Nyx is just fine.” Is the last thing he said, before he was quickly filing out of the room with your cat in his hold, leaving you all alone. 
 And as soon as he shut the door closed, you were a nervous wreck. Your knees bounced up and down, hands turning clammy and breath falling out in shaky gasps as your mind raced a mile a minute with countless thoughts. 
 Would Nyx be okay? 
 Was she sick? 
 What was so wrong with her? 
 The wait time to see the doctor usually wasn’t that long, but this time - this time, it felt different. 
 It felt like each minute stretched out before you in an endless cycle, sending you down a deep and deeper spiral of anguish as you tried to wrack your brain around the entire situation.
 When finally, there was a gentle knock on the door. 
 You had been holding your head in either of your hands, but upon hearing footsteps against the linoleum floors, you peered up to see Dr. Lee closing the door behind him. He was dressed in his usual garb - dress slacks, a simple white button-down, and his white doctor's coat. 
 Dr. Lee was silent, as he wheeled his chair over to you. And only then did you notice that Nyx was missing. That he wasn’t carrying her in his arms- like he usually did when he brought her back from the closed examination room. 
 And you knew the moment that he sat down, that something was wrong. 
 Because usually, when his eyes caught yours as he walked through the examining room’s door, his entire face would light up with one of those brilliant smiles that women gushed over. Usually, he’d be the first one to crack a stupid joke - whether it was something lame about the weather outside, or about the crazy animal that he just had an encounter with before seeing you. 
 But this time? 
 No, this time it was very different. 
 His proud shoulders were slumped low, cheekbones dark with shadows, and plump, red lips pressed together in a firm line. 
 He clenched and unclenched his jaw once, 
 three times.
 Then, and only then, did his eyes meet yours. 
 And they said all you needed to know. 
 Just by the way that his dark, chestnut-brown pupils danced with a myriad of emotions; apprehension, fear, compassion, but most of all… sadness. 
 “What is it?” 
 The words flowed from your lips before you even knew what you were asking, and almost immediately, you were sitting up a little straighter in your chair. 
 Spine going rigid, fists growing tight at your sides. 
 Something swam, cool and deep, inside of you.
 Chilling you to the bone, with tense unease.  
 In the depths of your mind, you felt the pinprick of ominous heartache prodding at the fleshy part of your soul. 
 The part that was weak and emotional and so very tender all of the time. 
 “I’m so sorry.” 
 Was the first thing Dr. Lee said. 
 You already felt the tears flowing, unbidden and unchecked, warming your suddenly freezing cheeks, at the sound of ‘sorry’ leaving his mouth. Because he had never said such a thing to you before. And you never, ever, wanted to hear it come from him again. 
 “What’s wrong?” You prodded again, limbs growing a little shaky in your anxiety. Breath hitching in your chest agonizingly, you could physically feel your heart pushing against your ribs. 
 Already seeping with hurt, even though you didn’t quite know what was wrong just yet. 
 Dr. Lee ran a rough hand up and down his face, sighing into his palm, shaking his head once. Then, his fingers were running through his black locks, tugging at the roots just a tiny bit. 
 Almost like, this crushed him just as much as it was about to pain you. 
 “It’s about Nyx.” 
 Swallowing over the huge lump forming in your throat proved very difficult at that moment, but somehow - by some miracle - you did it. 
 Your tongue felt heavy inside of your mouth- like it was made of hard metal. 
 For a few beats, you couldn’t manage to form the right words, but when you did, you already felt the stability seeping out of you. Like you were a hot air balloon that had been poked with a sharp needle, with the scalding air and sanity flooding from you in a single breath. 
 “I’m sorry, Miss. Y/N, I-”
 “Just fucking say it, Dr. Lee!” You suddenly exclaimed, voice straining from your quiet sobs. The fat tears rolled down either of your cheeks, leaving angry wet trails in their wake. 
 He was silent after that, gaze running up and down the length of you slowly. Like you were one of his animals that he assessed daily - like he was testing out your strength and resolve. 
 Then, his eyes snapped back up to meet yours, and they melted into two puddles of grief. 
 “It seems as though Nyx is suffering from an acute form of bone cancer.” 
 And just like, your heart completely stopped. 
 Each breath you took felt garbled and all wrong. 
 Your shaky legs and arms wobbled all around you.  
 The floor crumbled underneath your feet, 
 Breaking, cracking, shattering irrevocably. 
 And in that moment, you wished for nothing more but for it to open up completely, and swallow you whole. 
 Oh, fuck, please- 
 Just swallow me already. 
 Because anything, 
 Would be better than this newfound hell. 
 “No- no, you’re lying.” You said in a low, gravelly voice. You were clutching onto the arms of your chair, holding on for dear life. Like if you squeezed hard enough, you would be able to wake up and all of this would just fade away into a bad dream. 
 “Miss. Y/N, I’m so sorry but-” Dr. Lee started in a calm tone, but his face read everything but calm - as his brows wrinkled with concern and his brown eyes were alight with a certain kind of sadness. 
 “This is a bad dream, it has to be a bad dream,” you cut him off, violently shaking your head from side to side in your disbelief. If you just pinched yourself, maybe then you’d wake up from such a hell. So that’s exactly what you did. 
 Grabbing one of your arms, you frantically pinched at the skin there. 
 And again, 
 And again. 
 The tears blurred your vision so much that it was hard to see what was in front of you - hard to notice the angry red mark that started to bloom out across your flesh at your abuse. 
 Just then, two warm hands took hold of either of yours, fingers sliding between fingers, calloused palms squeezing your own.
 The dark-haired figure was kneeling in front of you then, still holding onto your hands. Your heart felt like it was breaking over and over just beneath your ribcage. With each breath that you took, a new piece of it shattered off to swim in the blood flowing through your veins. 
 “Those symptoms that Nyx has been having are all signs of an acute form of bone cancer, Miss. Y/N. And, they will get worse,” the man said, his low, familiar voice running across your ears and nudging at a tender, warm spot deep inside of you. 
 “B-But she’ll get better, right? You can heal her, right, doctor?” You asked, throat straining from all of the tears. Through your hazy vision, you clutched a little harder at his hands. 
 There was a pause of silence on his end after that, which only made you feel worse. 
 When he finally spoke again, it felt like your world merely crumbled further and further. “Yongbok told me about your… situation, and why you didn’t bring her in earlier. But, because of the wait time, the cancer has developed into an acute case. The only options for helping her at this stage are- amputation and chemotherapy.” 
 It felt like someone took a bucket of ice-cold water and doused your entire form as soon as his words registered in your mind. 
 Because if you hadn’t waited so long to get it checked out, 
 If you hadn’t put it off because you didn’t have the money, 
 If you didn’t have such a low-paying, shitty job,
 Then Nyx never would’ve gotten the cancer in the first place. 
 Instinctually, you ripped your hands out of Dr. Lee’s grasp. It was the first time you had ever had physical contact with him - and the feeling left you feeling both sick to your stomach and also sent anxious butterflies to erupt throughout your system. 
 “Oh fuck- it’s my fault,” you said in an incredulous tone, fingers digging into your scalp and tearing at your roots there. “If I hadn’t waited so long, she never would’ve gotten this and she wouldn’t be-”
 You felt a heavy hand land atop one of your shoulders, nimble fingers pressing into your skin just slightly. Enough to help ground you back to reality. “I know it’s difficult right now, but I promise it’s going to be okay. You just have to take a few deep breaths and-”
 “Where is she?” You asked in a low voice, having the sudden urge to hold your baby in your arms. Maybe, if she just felt you, she’d be healed… “Where is my Nyx, Dr. Lee?” 
 But you didn’t even wait for him to reply, as you tore away from his hold and hurried to the door, grabbing Nyx’s carrier on the way out. Faintly, you registered Dr. Lee calling out to you from behind, but you paid no mind to it and instead ran through the hallway just outside of the examination room.
 “Nyx!” You called out, tone turning desperate. You raced down the hallway, sneakers hitting the concrete at your feet. “Nyx!” The tears clouded your vision, so it was hard to see where you going. But even still, you glimpsed Hyunjin coming out from a room in the back of the clinic, with a black mass of fur laying in his arms. 
 You cried out in relief at the sight of her, and in an instant, you were running forward and scooping her up and into your grasp. Pressing your face into her warm body, you cuddled her close. 
 “Y/N-” Hyunjin began, sympathy heavy in his tone. You felt his eyes travel across your face as you looked down at your sickly cat, with fat tears falling down your cheeks and a rapidly-beating heart. 
 “Let’s go home, my sweet girl…” You whispered so that only Nyx could hear you. And you couldn’t help but notice how light she felt in your arms - she hadn’t had much of an appetite in the last few months, and it pained you so much to know that you hadn’t realized it until it was too late. 
 Then you were turning away from Hyunjin, not even giving him any attention, as you rushed through the hallway and pressed onwards to the front desk area. Faintly, you could hear people calling out your name from somewhere in the back of the clinic. 
 But you couldn’t concentrate on any of that. All you could think of was your beautiful cat, who was peacefully sleeping in your arms. “Just a little bit longer, Nyx, we’re almost home…” 
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 The rest of the week passed by in a blur of heartache and tears, as you battled with yourself and your mind to try and come to terms with what was happening. 
 With what you were going to lose. 
 It was hard to focus on anything else besides the impending doom that seemed to be right on your doorstep. You were slacking off at your work, which caused your boss to ream you out the next Monday morning. But you couldn’t help it - every time you tried to think about anything else besides Nyx, and losing her, the stormy feelings just came back tenfold. 
 You had found yourself holed up in your office’s bathroom stalls on more than one occasion already, and by the time it hit a week since you had visited the clinic, it felt like all of the tears had been completely drained from your body. 
 Every time you looked at her, you wanted to cry. You wanted to, but your body just wouldn't let you. So instead, you took to staying up late into the night and researching remedies to alleviate the pain of cancer - because truly, you hadn’t gotten a solid five hours of sleep since the diagnosis. 
 After two weeks, you had tried all of the solutions that you could find online - that ranged from implementing natural, whole foods into Nyx’s diet to rubbing lavender oil all over her limbs to try and soothe the pain from standing. Seeing her slowly start to deteriorate in front of your very eyes was possibly the worst part about it all - and how she’d whine and cry while walking around the house. Even Taffy could sense that something was wrong when her friend no longer had the energy to play with her anymore. 
 Throughout all of it, you avoided the phone calls. And they could be from only one ID - since you didn’t have any friends or family members who cared enough about you to call three times a day. Starry Skies Veterinary Clinic called you without fail, and they were adamant about getting in contact. No doubt Chan was on the other line the whole time, trying to talk some sense into you. 
 But you just couldn’t do it - couldn’t bring yourself to walk through those doors and face the dark road ahead that most-assuredly lead to death. Because you had already extensively researched the therapy for treating Nyx’s kind of cancer, and it was looking quite bleak. The procedures were so fucking expensive, it baffled you how anyone in their right mind could be able to afford such things. 
 Everything changed though, when on one Saturday night, you arrived home late from running errands and found Nyx sprawled out on your living room’s small, rickety couch. You scurried over to her side and shook her awake. But she wouldn’t open her eyes. And it seemed like she was hardly breathing. You called out to her again and again, startling Taffy of your presence. 
 When finally, Nyx awoke. After much pleading and crying, she opened her eyes lazily and stretched. 
 And so it was decided right then and there, that you’d go into the clinic that night. 
 You couldn’t afford to put it off any longer, and frankly, you had the feeling that Nyx couldn’t either. It was getting close to eight o’clock in the evening, and the clinic closed its doors for the weekend right at eight, so you made quick haste out of your dingy hell-hole-of-an-apartment. 
 When you arrived at Starry Skies Veterinary Clinic, the entire place was dark. You peeked through the windows and noticed the empty waiting room. “No, no- no…” You muttered to yourself, checking the time on your phone and reading that it was a little past eight. 
 You quickly looked around the street, noticing how most of the shops were already closed up for the weekend. Feeling the panic rising inside of you, you began to furiously knock on the glass door of the clinic. If someone was back there, maybe you could get ahold of Dr. Lee and- 
 “Miss. Y/N?” You heard a friendly, faint voice say from somewhere to your side. Turning around to the sound of it, you came face-to-face with Dr. Lee himself. He had his doctor’s coat off and was dressed in his usual work clothes of slacks and a dress shirt. “What are you-”
 You pressed your hands against your chest, trying to calm your heart that was painfully beating against your ribcage. “Dr. Lee- please, it’s… it’s Nyx.” 
 His brown eyes flashed across the length of your form, the fading sunset coloring his skin in an orange and pink kind of glow. “Come inside, it’s too cold out to be standing around like this.” He said, already moving to unlock the front door of the clinic. After all, it was early spring and the nights tended to grow on the cooler side of things once the sun dipped below the horizon.
 “Okay, thanks,” you whispered, following behind him as the two of you shifted through the clinic. Dr. Lee made his way over to a cluster of chairs in the corner of the waiting room.  
 “Please, sit.” He pointed to the nearest chair and waited for you to get situated before taking the seat just beside you. “So, tell me what’s going on.” 
 And suddenly, you realized the gravity of the situation. You realized that it was just the two of you - Dr. Lee and you - sitting inside the clinic, alone. There weren’t any other clients around, there wasn’t Chan or Jeongin, or Yongbok. And all at once, it felt rather… intimate. 
 You squirmed in your seat, your shaking hands beginning to play with the worn hemline of your oversized hoodie. Taking a deep breath, you gathered up all of your courage and leveled your gaze on the nearby front desk that was placed in the center of the large waiting room. “Well, I-I got home today from running some errands, and I found Nyx lying on my couch. But it didn’t seem like she was napping like she normally does… and she, she wouldn’t wake up. I kept trying and trying and-” Your words came out all rushed and garbled, as the tears began to crest over your eyes and you felt your cheeks heating with the flush of emotion. 
 “Hey- hey, it’s okay… don’t push yourself, yeah?” Dr. Lee’s smooth voice did something to the broken part inside of you - caused something to stir and yet settle at the same time. “That must’ve been a very scary experience for you, so it’s understandable that you would be shaken up about it.” 
 And just like that, the guilt piled on even higher. 
 Because Dr. Lee had always been incredibly nice to you and your cats. He had always been there for you guys, through the ups and downs of life, and you felt so horrible for ignoring the clinic’s calls. Because you knew that the team at Starry Skies Veterinary Clinic only wanted the very best for you and your cats… and especially, Dr. Lee. 
 “I’m so sorry for ignoring the clinic’s calls,” you suddenly blurted out, feeling the blush rise and pool in your ears at the feeling of Dr. Lee’s gaze landing on you - assessing your nervous state. Your thumbs continued to fiddle with the fabric at your waist, pulling and pulling. “I-I just didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t want to face the issue. But, I now realize how stupid that was- how stupid I’ve been about this whole thing-” 
 “Don’t ever say that again, Y/N. You’re not stupid, and Nyx having cancer isn’t your fault. This was something that was inevitable and nothing you could do was going to stop it.” Dr. Lee cut through your words. You tried to comprehend what he was saying, but instead, your brain was only repeating the same phrase over and over again. 
 He had used your name, without putting ‘miss’ before it. He had never done such a thing in the past. He had always kept things professional and addressed you by your proper title - just like you had done for him. 
 But all at once, you realized that perhaps you didn’t mind it at all. And perhaps, his dropping the honorifics wasn’t so bad. 
“Still, I’m sorry for not answering the calls,” you said, shaking your head slowly in defeat. You were desperately trying to battle the furious blush that was slinking up your neck at the way that he had said your name. It sounded so perfect and beautiful on his tongue, like- 
 “I was the one making all of those calls, and I can assure you that I didn’t take your silence to heart. I understand what you’re going through right now because I’ve experienced something similar in the past with one of my passed cats.” 
 At that, your eyes tore away from the front desk and landed on Dr. Lee. Your gazes locked, and inside his chestnut-brown eyes, you found so many different emotions there… compassion and gentleness. There was a certain kind of faded light there, as you stared at him. 
 “I… I didn’t know. I just assumed that it was Chan or Jisung…” 
 Dr. Lee shrugged his proud shoulders nonchalantly, like him calling you three times a day to try and work out a treatment plan for Nyx wasn’t that big of a deal. 
 When in actuality, 
 No one in your entire life had ever tried so frantically to get ahold of you. 
 And the fact that it was him- behind the phone, waiting for you to pick up, hearing your voicemail click on every time the dial failed… just made you feel even worse. 
“But that’s all in the past now, so don’t worry about it anymore,” Dr. Lee began, waving a hand in the air to seemingly try and clear your thoughts away. You watched in silence, then, as his hand slid away from his lap and hovered over yours. In a single beat, his fingers were threading through yours, palm against palm. And his hand was so incredibly warm and familiar. “Now, let’s instead focus on Nyx’s treatment, yeah? The sooner we can give her the help she needs, the better.” 
 For a few seconds, the thoughts of your dying childhood best friend had vanished from your mind and were instead replaced with the feeling of Dr. Lee’s hand holding yours and the way that his tongue formed your name, and the way he smelled - sitting so close to you - of warm chamomile and sweet cookies. 
 Immediately, at the mention of Nyx, you felt the tears prick at the corners of your eyes once more. “I-I don’t have the money.” 
 Silence filled the space around the two of you after that, and you felt Dr. Lee’s gaze studying your form, as you squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment. “You mean for her treatment?” 
 “Y-Yeah… I, I don’t make that much. I can barely afford her and Taffy’s regular bills as it is. But, having to pay for the cancer treatment on top of everything else? I-I just don’t think I can manage that.” 
 You felt Dr. Lee shift in his seat beside you, making your eyes spring open as you watched the pained expression cast over his entire face. It darkened his cheekbones, shooting a look of pity through his eyes. 
 “The treatment is really expensive, I’m afraid.” 
 The hiccups started then, as the tears traced down your cheeks faster. Your entire body shook with the cries, “This is why I didn’t want to come here again… I didn’t want to hear the news that nothing else could be done except- except that.” 
 It was like the fucking jumbo-sized elephant in the room… 
 The fact that- the only other solution to Nyx’s cancer would be to put her down. 
 To euthanize her. 
 Gone, forever. 
 Just like that. 
 And even though you weren’t naïve enough to think that your cat would live forever, saying goodbye to her in such a way just felt downright… cruel, after everything that the two of you had been through together. But... what other choice did you have? It's not like anyone else was going to pay for the expensive treatment, and your insurance sure as hell didn't cover pet fees. And on top of all that, you couldn't expect Dr. Lee to drop his prices exponentially just for your specific case. That'd just be downright cruel to his other customers that paid the exact amount. 
“I’m afraid you’re right,” Dr. Lee’s words cut through your stormy thoughts. A sharp pain coursed through your broken heart, as you were forced to come to terms with the problem at hand. “If you can’t afford the treatment, then the only other alternative is… euthanasia.”
 You found yourself clutching onto his hand desperately, squeezing his fingers to death between yours, as you peered up at him through glassy eyes. “P-Please… just… just tell me you’ll do it. Because I-I don’t think I can handle it if-” Your voice seized in your chest at the thought of some stranger doing such a thing to your precious Nyx. It was already going to be extremely hard for you, but the thought of some other vet doing it just ripped your heart in two even more. 
 “We offer ethical euthanasia here, so, of course, I’ll do it,” Dr. Lee clutched a little harder on your hand, and the way that his warm, slender digits felt against yours did something to calm a rattling part inside of you. “Do you feel my hand? It is there, Y/N. And it will continue to be there throughout this entire process.” 
 The breath caught in your throat, forming a large lump there, as your eyes widened his way. Because there it was again, him calling you by your first name… with no ‘miss’ in front of it. 
 “T-Thank you… so much. I seriously don’t know what I’d do right now if it wasn’t for you and this wonderful clinic and all of the amazing staff here…” Your voice trailed off, as you felt the warmth of a flush creeping up into your cheeks. 
 “Yeah, well, that’s what we’re here for… to give as much support as we can to our clients.” Dr. Lee’s tone came out soft and quiet, it ghosted over the shell of your ear like an angel’s sweet whisper. 
 “I like it.” 
 You heard Dr. Lee take in a sharp breath at your disjointed words, but before he could ask the meaning behind them, you were talking again. 
 “You calling me by my first name, I mean… I like it, a lot, Dr. Lee.” Your eyes found him in the dim lighting of the room, and for a split second, you could’ve sworn that you saw… something flash deep in those chestnut-brown pupils. 
 But then all at once, it vanished, and he was giving you an easy smile, pearly white teeth on display. And pink, rosebud lips tugging up- wait, why were you thinking about his mouth? 
“Me too,” he said in that delicate way of his, just as he squeezed your palm once more, “I really like it… Y/N.” 
To be continued...
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jjunieworld · 4 months
guys i tried to edit this fic THREE seperate times and each time tumblr glitched and took me out of it and deleted all my progress. i’m so close to becoming a tombstone.
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