j-suffix · 5 months
1月6日(土)は、1年を24等分した季節の節目「二十四節気」(にじゅうしせっき)の「小寒」(しょうかん)です。 冬至より一陽起るが故に陰気に逆らう故益々冷る也、「寒の入りで寒気がましてくる」の意味です。 この日から節分までの30日間を「寒の内」といいます。そして、寒が明けた翌日が「立春」です。
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tsubakicraft · 1 year
2度カラスに食われたキュウリには網を張りました。 寝室の外にはベランダがあるのですが、朝早くカラスがやってきて部屋の中を覗いています。たぶんヤツがキュウリの容疑者です。 インゲンの花が咲きました。 ダイコンもそれらしい葉っぱの形になってきました。残念ながら先週の大雨で半分が流されてしまいました。 ミニトマトが赤くなってきました。 たくさん植えているわけではありませんが、実がたくさんついているのでそこそこ収穫できそうです。
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ochafarm · 1 year
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婆ちゃんの残してくれた野菜畑に行ってきました! 今は父と母が管理しています! ここでは日々食べる野菜を作っていて、我が家の食卓に並びま〜す! あ!そうそう、ココは昨年イノシシに入られて、色々と食い尽くされた野菜畑です😅 今回は大根の収穫と、雑草を除去しました。 自分はここ最近、工場でのお茶作りや、パソコン仕事に追われているので、久々の野菜畑! 青空の下での作業はなかなか良いものですね! 気持ちが良いです😆✨ ===================== 🍵無農薬茶の杉本園 🏣428-0039 🏠静岡県島田市金谷猪土居3769-3 📞0547-45-2003 #大根 #ダイコン #農家 #農業 #農作業 #野菜畑 #家庭菜園 #農業日記 #農業インスタグラム #農スタグラム #農業は楽しい #農業好きな人と繋がりたい #農家さんと繋がりたい #農業してる人と繋がりたい (自然栽培お茶農家「無農薬茶の杉本園」) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFEBEzvUfo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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takumi-of-kude · 1 year
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よくランチを食べているカフェに飾ってある大根のサンタさん。 左が12/12 右が12/21(今日) クリスマスに向けていい感じにおじいちゃんのようにしわしわになってきました🤣 🎅 #サンタ #大根 #だいこん #ダイコン #あじさい #絶品ランチ #常連 (あじさいファーム) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmahpm8vvch/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kasa51 · 2 years
大根スクーター by kazu saito
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shoehorseconstant · 5 months
i have a kanji test tomorrow but i didn't study!!! クソ!!!
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greenpiece01 · 9 months
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deepforest-tetsuji · 1 year
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本日晴天ナリ 丸一日写活しました👍 途中、泥んこになったクルマに 水をぶっかけに自宅に戻ったのだが ふと、テールランプを見たら あーら大変! 中に水滴が付いてるじゃあーりませんか!(古 流石アメリカンクオリティ~と思いつつ ディーラーに🤙📱 帰って来た答えは、「アメ車ですから」 間違いない! なんだかサービスキャンペーン中との事で【リコール処理】オイラのクルマは該当外。しかし検査してみるので持ち込む事に。20分ライトを点けて放置 水滴が消えたら白 そのまま水滴が残ってたら黒 結果 黒! わーい無償交換だい 部費が来るまで2ヶ月待ち😂 #富山地鉄 #ダイコン電車 (真川大橋) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoR3QCzJsYf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oxymorayuri · 3 months
❞𝑊𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑦𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙.❝
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: Law/Ace/Doffy: pol | Kid: ダイコン
Headcanons » Law ✧ Ace ✧ Kid ✧ Doflamingo Wordcount » 1873 Info » Fem reader, mature/kinky things but also fluffy and cute
ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝐷. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑤
» When you read something to him: Usually you're with Law in his study, even when the two of you are doing separate things. He's mostly working on some plans or studying medical books while you're quietly reading a book on the sofa, simply enjoying each other's presence. Some days, however, you decide to read in the library. There is a big and cozy reading corner with lots of cushions and blankets, as it is always cold in the Polar Tang. The reason why you love reading there is because of the large bull's eye that reveals the secrets of the sea. Sometimes you sink into your thoughts and dream of the future as you gaze out into the blue, not even realizing how Law quietly sneaks under your blanket. Only when he takes you in his arms and presses you against him, you come back to yourself and drop your book. You talk briefly about the day so far, what you've done and then he lays his head on your lap. You brush his hair out of his face, he looks a little tired and has come to you to relax. You are his safe place, just as he is yours. You know immediately what to do and turn a few pages in another book.... "I assume we're having our little reading session again today, darling?" It's become like an unwritten rule for you, that when he lies down on your lap, you read to him and then take a nap together. Law looks at you with one eye open and grins, as you turn to the page where you left off last time. He likes the way you change your voice depending on what is happening in the story and after a while he is so relaxed that he falls asleep. When you hear his light snoring, you smile at him lovingly and put the bookmark on the current page before putting the book aside. You snuggle up to him and enjoy the peacefulness.
» Your fragrance: The perfume you wear and your own scent have a better effect on him than lavender and directly soothes his senses. You smell like home to him. When you are together with the others and you lean on his shoulder, he always tries to discreetly place a kiss on your head. Your hair always smells like fresh lemon, but rather light and refreshing. You don't like classy and expensive fragrances and prefer things to be natural and simple. Your scent is like aromatherapy for Law and that's a secret you'll never discover.
» Your hips: Law is pretty good at keeping his face under control, but when you're wearing a crop top and showing your hips, you can see the blush on his cheeks. He really has a fetish for your curves and your belly. He places a thousand kisses on your tender skin as he goes down further towards your private parts. His lips fly so softly over your skin that you can barely feel them. When he's on top of you he loves to grab you by the hips to pull you towards him. Skillful hands caress your sides, giving you goosebumps and making you arch your back because of all those tender touches. The squeezing sensation builds up in your lower middle and you literally beg him to release you. Law is someone who likes to try out lots of positions, preferably ones where he can grab you by the hips to guide you. While he is still on top of you, he pulls you towards him and turns so that he is now underneath you and you are sitting on his dick. You are visibly surprised by the sudden change of position and need a moment before you start riding him. However, Law doesn't give you a second, moves along your thigh to your hips and moves you up and down. The forthcoming penetration makes you see stars and after you both reach your peak, you let yourself fall exhausted onto his chest. He kisses your forehead tenderly and caresses your hips as you both calm your breathing.
𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝐷. 𝐴𝑐𝑒
» The wrinkles around your eyes when you laugh: Your laugh alone makes him turn around as soon as he hears it, but the little wrinkles on your face are another level. He also shows no shame and stares into your face lovingly. Of course, you don't miss his stares and his answer to why he's staring at you so intensely was simple: "Your wrinkles are so adorable when you laugh.". He then had to convince you that he finds them charming, as you don't exactly find your wrinkles cute. In your eyes, they're more of a sign that you're ageing. His reaction afterwards was almost funny, because now it was him who was offended. In his eyes, the wrinkles only mean what a cheerful person you are.
» Your skin: Your skin is so soft and gives off a warmth that he doesn't even have, even though he's pure heat himself. lol. If the guy doesn't feel your skin on his, he feels like he's hypothermic. Nevertheless, he would never get on your nerves, he rather keeps it to himself how much he longs for your skin. That means he'll take every chance he gets to touch you. You're cooking? He will of course help you by hugging you from behind, putting his hand over yours and you two stir together :D He loves it when you sunbathe. Not only is it a nice sight for him to ogle you while you sizzle in the sun, it's also the perfect opportunity to touch you intimately in public. (Ace is definitely the type to have sex in public. Nicely on the beach while the sun goes down *-*) He definitely has a lot sunscreen in stock, even if he doesn't need it for himself, but it gives him one more reason to feel your skin without being intrusive. He applies the cream very thoroughly and definitely every 2 hours. At first you thought he was very sweet and attentive because you couldn't reach all the spots, then you realized that he just wanted a opportunity to grope you… But you won't say anything against it because you enjoy how thoroughly he massages the suncream into your skin.
𝐸𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐾𝑖𝑑
» How you dance: No matter how full the pub is, his eyes are always on you and follow your rhythmical movements. His breathing slows down while your hips move seductively. You are a passionate woman but you dance just for yourself and simply enjoy the music as it moves through your body. Kid sometimes doesn't even notice when one of his crew members is talking to him… mostly it takes him a moment or two to react. He also finds it very satisfying to watch you reject other men. He feels proud. However, if someone touches you, he doesn't hesitate and intervenes aggressively. Just look and don't touch is the motto. You also like the way he gets angry and intervenes, so you happily snuggle up to him while you make a face at the other guy. Kid doesn't seem like it, but it takes a while before he forgives you for being such a hottie that other men keep coming crawling up to you. You enjoy it though, because it's almost cute how a tough guy like him pouts. However, he will forgive you... at the latest when you dance for him in your shared bedroom, in private ;)
» Your quick wit: Well, you do not only bark, you also bite. The Crew knows that and those who don't know you will find out soon enough! Kid never has to get involved when you're arguing with others. You're eloquent and if necessary you'll hit them! But don't worry, he's always keeping an eye on you and if you show him that you need his help, he won't hesitate and will happily take over the beating.
» Your relationship with his crew: Even if you are the captain's lover, it doesn't mean that you have automatically earned the respect of his crew... But it didn't take long for everyone to consider you one of them. For Heat, for example, you're like a little sister and you're probably the only one he's okay with when she cries (He hates crybabys, lol). The first person you really became friends with was Killer, and not just because Kid told him to look after you when he couldn't himself. It's actually because you both like spaghetti, while the others are already sick of it and you're an insane cook. The first time you cooked spaghetti, he liked it so much that he ate all the leftovers at night. This is especially important for Kid, because if his people don't love you, why should he?
𝐷𝑜𝑛𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑥𝑜𝑡𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑜
» Your appearance: Doflamingo is an obsessive narcissist. He may love you in his own twisted way but he always says he owns you. He proudly displays you by his side and that's why your looks are important. In Doffy's eyes, you wouldn't be his queen if you weren't the most beautiful woman in the world. People who disagree with him will lose their lives faster than they would like… Because how dare they think that a man like him doesn't have the most beautiful wife. Not because you are incredibly beautiful (which is definitely true) but because Donquixote Doflamingo will only have the most beautiful woman by his side. (Know the difference..)
» How you moan his name: Doffy loves to get the softest sounds out of you while he fucks you into madness. "Say my name, my angel." You look up at him hesitantly. You can't think straight as he hammers into you, his movements are vigorous but so skillful that it doesn't hurt. It just feels so good when his tip triggers your G spot. Since Doflamingo isn't even waiting for you, he casually wraps a hand around your slender neck, forcing you to keep your gaze upright. You feel so intimidated when you look into his eyes… When you are intimate with each other, you have the honor of looking into his eyes. His gaze burns itself into your brain and if you're honest, you feel powerless. When you finally let yourself be overtaken by all your feelings, you can't help but release them through your voice. You are incredibly turned on by the way his elegant hand slowly takes your breath away and you arch your back. "Oh Doffy…" With these two words, you let the last bit of air out of your lungs and let your head fall back. "Fufufufu… My beautiful angel, don't stop singing for me." You completely let go of your embarrassment and give yourself completely to him. Your sweet sounds have an electrifying effect on him, feelings are released in his body that he can't identify, he only knows that he won't leave you to anyone. Your voice belongs to him alone and he decides to let the whole castle hear how he ruins you.
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Hope you like it, I'm off to the land of dreams, good night :3
𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒚𝒖𝒓𝒊 ♡
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yaccham · 2 years
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今日のアーカイブはここで聴けます↓ http://www.fmu.co.jp/iitokodori.html 最後の最後にオチを作れた自分に褒めたい。 #うららfm #ダイコン爺さん (市川FM うらら ステーション) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-x6z7y7t1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gachacoins · 4 months
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24.02.14 ダイコン・ニンジン・チンゲンサイの収穫終了、ニンニク・タマネギに追肥 (by gasa-nouen)
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tsubakicraft · 1 year
台風一過。 昨日は車で出掛けたのですが、車が揺れる程の強い風と大量の雨でした。 家庭菜園のダイコンは少し雨で掘られて流されたようです。右側の空き地になっているのが流された部分。 ナスや唐辛子には花が咲きました。 ミニトマトもだいぶ実が大きくなってきました。赤くなるのを待つのみ。 台風が去って晴れてきたのでこれからグングン育つと思われます。
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ochafarm · 1 year
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婆ちゃんの残してくれた野菜畑に行ってきました! 今は父と母が管理しています! ここでは日々食べる野菜を作っていて、我が家の食卓に並びま〜す! あ!そうそう、ココは昨年イノシシに入られて、色々と食い尽くされた野菜畑です😅 今回は大根の収穫と、雑草を除去しました。 自分はここ最近、工場でのお茶作りや、パソコン仕事に追われているので、久々の野菜畑! 青空の下での作業はなかなか良いものですね! 気持ちが良いです😆✨ ===================== 🍵無農薬茶の杉本園 🏣428-0039 🏠静岡県島田市金谷猪土居3769-3 📞0547-45-2003 #大根 #ダイコン #農家 #農業 #農作業 #野菜畑 #家庭菜園 #農業日記 #農業インスタグラム #農スタグラム #農業は楽しい #農業好きな人と繋がりたい #農家さんと繋がりたい #農業してる人と繋がりたい (自然栽培お茶農家「無農薬茶の杉本園」) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFDc5IPwAJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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princess-cocoa · 4 months
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hide-koba · 1 year
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#PENTAX #PENTAXIAN #K3II #pentaxk3ii #55_300mm
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dadnews · 3 months
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菊池恭廣さん 野球グラブ? 珍ダイコン収穫 茨城・常陸太田の菊池さん [茨城新聞] 2024-02-18
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